Example #1
def standard_plot(fit):
    Replicate some of the GPy plotting functionality to produce time-series plot by cluster
    but adding other features such as colouring etc.

    fit - a Mixture of Hierarchical Gaussian Process model
    hFig - a handle to the figure

    # Init some local vars
    organ = fit.name[:-2]
    strain = fit.name[-2:]
    xTest = np.arange(config.XLIM[0], config.XLIM[1], 0.05)[:, None]
    # Work out how many subplots we need
    #Ntotal = np.sum(fit.phi_hat > 0.99) # no. of clusters
    Ntotal = fit.K # TODO: double check difference between above cmd and this
    Nx = np.floor(np.sqrt(Ntotal))
    Ny = int(np.ceil(Ntotal/Nx))
    Nx = int(Nx)
    hFig = plt.figure(figsize=(11.69, 8.27))  
    # Loop through all clusters
    for i, mu, var in zip(range(fit.K), *fit.predict_components(xTest)):
        bWant = np.argmax(fit.phi, axis=1) == i # the indices that I want 
        N = np.sum(bWant)
        if N > 0:
            hAx = hFig.add_subplot(Nx, Ny, i+1)
            # Plot observed data points
            hAx.plot(fit.X, fit.Y[bWant, :].T, marker='.', c=config.COL[organ], 
                     mec=config.COL[organ], lw=0, alpha=0.1)
            # Plot GP: edgecol = mean line col; fillcol = CI col
            gpplot(xTest.flatten(), mu.flatten(), mu-2.*np.sqrt(np.diag(var)), 
                   mu+2.*np.sqrt(np.diag(var)), edgecol=config.COL[organ], 
                   fillcol=config.COL['Shade'], ax=hAx, alpha=0.1)
            # Label plot, same limits etc.
            hAx.axhline(y=0, color=config.COL['Zero'], linestyle='--', 
            name = "{}_{}_{:02d}".format(organ[:2], strain, (i+1))
            hAx.set_title("{} (N={})".format(name, N), fontsize=9)    
    # Align all subplots
    align_subplots(Nx, Ny, xlim=config.XLIM, ylim=config.YLIM) 
    return hFig
Example #2
def plot_fit(model, plot_limits=None, which_data_rows='all',
        which_data_ycols='all', fixed_inputs=[],
        levels=20, samples=0, fignum=None, ax=None, resolution=None,
        linecol='darkBlue',fillcol='lightBlue', Y_metadata=None, data_symbol='kx'):
    Plot the posterior of the GP.
      - In one dimension, the function is plotted with a shaded region identifying two standard deviations.
      - In two dimsensions, a contour-plot shows the mean predicted function
      - In higher dimensions, use fixed_inputs to plot the GP  with some of the inputs fixed.

    Can plot only part of the data and part of the posterior functions
    using which_data_rowsm which_data_ycols.

    :param plot_limits: The limits of the plot. If 1D [xmin,xmax], if 2D [[xmin,ymin],[xmax,ymax]]. Defaluts to data limits
    :type plot_limits: np.array
    :param which_data_rows: which of the training data to plot (default all)
    :type which_data_rows: 'all' or a slice object to slice model.X, model.Y
    :param which_data_ycols: when the data has several columns (independant outputs), only plot these
    :type which_data_rows: 'all' or a list of integers
    :param fixed_inputs: a list of tuple [(i,v), (i,v)...], specifying that input index i should be set to value v.
    :type fixed_inputs: a list of tuples
    :param resolution: the number of intervals to sample the GP on. Defaults to 200 in 1D and 50 (a 50x50 grid) in 2D
    :type resolution: int
    :param levels: number of levels to plot in a contour plot.
    :type levels: int
    :param samples: the number of a posteriori samples to plot
    :type samples: int
    :param fignum: figure to plot on.
    :type fignum: figure number
    :param ax: axes to plot on.
    :type ax: axes handle
    :type output: integer (first output is 0)
    :param linecol: color of line to plot.
    :type linecol:
    :param fillcol: color of fill
    :param levels: for 2D plotting, the number of contour levels to use is ax is None, create a new figure
    #deal with optional arguments
    if which_data_rows == 'all':
        which_data_rows = slice(None)
    if which_data_ycols == 'all':
        which_data_ycols = np.arange(model.output_dim)
    #if len(which_data_ycols)==0:
        #raise ValueError('No data selected for plotting')
    if ax is None:
        fig = pb.figure(num=fignum)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    if hasattr(model, 'has_uncertain_inputs') and model.has_uncertain_inputs():
        X = model.X.mean
        X_variance = model.X.variance
        X = model.X
    Y = model.Y

    if hasattr(model, 'Z'): Z = model.Z

    #work out what the inputs are for plotting (1D or 2D)
    fixed_dims = np.array([i for i,v in fixed_inputs])
    free_dims = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(model.input_dim),fixed_dims)
    plots = {}
    #one dimensional plotting
    if len(free_dims) == 1:

        #define the frame on which to plot
        Xnew, xmin, xmax = x_frame1D(X[:,free_dims], plot_limits=plot_limits, resolution=resolution or 200)
        Xgrid = np.empty((Xnew.shape[0],model.input_dim))
        Xgrid[:,free_dims] = Xnew
        for i,v in fixed_inputs:
            Xgrid[:,i] = v

        #make a prediction on the frame and plot it
        m, v = model.predict(Xgrid)
        lower = m - 2*np.sqrt(v)
        upper = m + 2*np.sqrt(v)

        for d in which_data_ycols:
            plots['gpplot'] = gpplot(Xnew, m[:, d], lower[:, d], upper[:, d], ax=ax, edgecol=linecol, fillcol=fillcol)
            plots['dataplot'] = ax.plot(X[which_data_rows,free_dims], Y[which_data_rows, d], data_symbol, mew=1.5)

        #optionally plot some samples
        if samples: #NOTE not tested with fixed_inputs
            Ysim = model.posterior_samples(Xgrid, samples)
            for yi in Ysim.T:
                plots['posterior_samples'] = ax.plot(Xnew, yi[:,None], Tango.colorsHex['darkBlue'], linewidth=0.25)
                #ax.plot(Xnew, yi[:,None], marker='x', linestyle='--',color=Tango.colorsHex['darkBlue']) #TODO apply this line for discrete outputs.

        #add error bars for uncertain (if input uncertainty is being modelled)
        if hasattr(model,"has_uncertain_inputs") and model.has_uncertain_inputs():
            plots['xerrorbar'] = ax.errorbar(X[which_data_rows, free_dims].flatten(), Y[which_data_rows, which_data_ycols].flatten(),
                        xerr=2 * np.sqrt(X_variance[which_data_rows, free_dims].flatten()),
                        ecolor='k', fmt=None, elinewidth=.5, alpha=.5)

        #set the limits of the plot to some sensible values
        ymin, ymax = min(np.append(Y[which_data_rows, which_data_ycols].flatten(), lower)), max(np.append(Y[which_data_rows, which_data_ycols].flatten(), upper))
        ymin, ymax = ymin - 0.1 * (ymax - ymin), ymax + 0.1 * (ymax - ymin)
        ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
        ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

    #2D plotting
    elif len(free_dims) == 2:

        #define the frame for plotting on
        resolution = resolution or 50
        Xnew, _, _, xmin, xmax = x_frame2D(X[:,free_dims], plot_limits, resolution)
        Xgrid = np.empty((Xnew.shape[0],model.input_dim))
        Xgrid[:,free_dims] = Xnew
        for i,v in fixed_inputs:
            Xgrid[:,i] = v
        x, y = np.linspace(xmin[0], xmax[0], resolution), np.linspace(xmin[1], xmax[1], resolution)

        #predict on the frame and plot
        if plot_raw:
            m, _ = model.predict(Xgrid)
            if isinstance(model,GPCoregionalizedRegression) or isinstance(model,SparseGPCoregionalizedRegression):
                meta = {'output_index': Xgrid[:,-1:].astype(np.int)}
                meta = None
            m, v = model.predict(Xgrid, full_cov=False, Y_metadata=meta)
        for d in which_data_ycols:
            m_d = m[:,d].reshape(resolution, resolution).T
            plots['contour'] = ax.contour(x, y, m_d, levels, vmin=m.min(), vmax=m.max(), cmap=pb.cm.jet)
            if not plot_raw: plots['dataplot'] = ax.scatter(X[which_data_rows, free_dims[0]], X[which_data_rows, free_dims[1]], 40, Y[which_data_rows, d], cmap=pb.cm.jet, vmin=m.min(), vmax=m.max(), linewidth=0.)

        #set the limits of the plot to some sensible values
        ax.set_xlim(xmin[0], xmax[0])
        ax.set_ylim(xmin[1], xmax[1])

        if samples:
            warnings.warn("Samples are rather difficult to plot for 2D inputs...")

        #add inducing inputs (if a sparse model is used)
        if hasattr(model,"Z"):
            #Zu = model.Z[:,free_dims] * model._Xscale[:,free_dims] + model._Xoffset[:,free_dims]
            Zu = Z[:,free_dims]
            plots['inducing_inputs'] = ax.plot(Zu[:,free_dims[0]], Zu[:,free_dims[1]], 'wo')

        raise NotImplementedError, "Cannot define a frame with more than two input dimensions"
    return plots
Example #3
def sausage_plot(layer, Xnew, ax):
    mu, var = layer.predict(Xnew)
    gpplot(Xnew, mu, mu + 2 * np.sqrt(var), mu - 2 * np.sqrt(var), ax=ax)
gp_std = np.std(gp_curves, axis=0)
wgp_mean = np.mean(wgp_curves, axis=0)
wgp_std = np.std(wgp_curves, axis=0)
#svm_mean = np.mean(svm_curves, axis=0)
#svm_std = np.std(svm_curves, axis=0)
x_plot = np.array(range(1, data.shape[0] / FOLDS))

gp_random_mean = np.mean(gp_random_curves, axis=0)
gp_random_std = np.std(gp_random_curves, axis=0)

from GPy.plotting.matplot_dep.base_plots import gpplot

fig, axarr = plt.subplots(1,1)
gpplot(x_plot, gp_mean, (gp_mean - (2*gp_std)),
       (gp_mean + (2*gp_std)), ax=axarr)
gpplot(x_plot, wgp_mean, (wgp_mean - (2*wgp_std)),
       (wgp_mean + (2*wgp_std)), ax=axarr,
gpplot(x_plot, gp_random_mean, (gp_random_mean - (2*gp_random_std)),
       (gp_random_mean + (2*gp_random_std)), ax=axarr,
#gpplot(x_plot, svm_mean, (svm_mean - (2*svm_std)),
#       (svm_mean + (2*svm_std)), ax=axarr,
#       edgecol='DarkGreen',
#       fillcol='LightGreen')

#print gp_curves
#print wgp_curves
Example #5
def plot_fit(model,
    Plot the posterior of the GP.
      - In one dimension, the function is plotted with a shaded region identifying two standard deviations.
      - In two dimsensions, a contour-plot shows the mean predicted function
      - In higher dimensions, use fixed_inputs to plot the GP  with some of the inputs fixed.

    Can plot only part of the data and part of the posterior functions
    using which_data_rowsm which_data_ycols.

    :param plot_limits: The limits of the plot. If 1D [xmin,xmax], if 2D [[xmin,ymin],[xmax,ymax]]. Defaluts to data limits
    :type plot_limits: np.array
    :param which_data_rows: which of the training data to plot (default all)
    :type which_data_rows: 'all' or a slice object to slice model.X, model.Y
    :param which_data_ycols: when the data has several columns (independant outputs), only plot these
    :type which_data_rows: 'all' or a list of integers
    :param fixed_inputs: a list of tuple [(i,v), (i,v)...], specifying that input index i should be set to value v.
    :type fixed_inputs: a list of tuples
    :param resolution: the number of intervals to sample the GP on. Defaults to 200 in 1D and 50 (a 50x50 grid) in 2D
    :type resolution: int
    :param levels: number of levels to plot in a contour plot.
    :type levels: int
    :param samples: the number of a posteriori samples to plot
    :type samples: int
    :param fignum: figure to plot on.
    :type fignum: figure number
    :param ax: axes to plot on.
    :type ax: axes handle
    :type output: integer (first output is 0)
    :param linecol: color of line to plot.
    :type linecol:
    :param fillcol: color of fill
    :param levels: for 2D plotting, the number of contour levels to use is ax is None, create a new figure
    #deal with optional arguments
    if which_data_rows == 'all':
        which_data_rows = slice(None)
    if which_data_ycols == 'all':
        which_data_ycols = np.arange(model.output_dim)
    #if len(which_data_ycols)==0:
    #raise ValueError('No data selected for plotting')
    if ax is None:
        fig = pb.figure(num=fignum)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    if hasattr(model, 'has_uncertain_inputs') and model.has_uncertain_inputs():
        X = model.X.mean
        X_variance = model.X.variance
        X = model.X
    Y = model.Y

    if hasattr(model, 'Z'): Z = model.Z

    #work out what the inputs are for plotting (1D or 2D)
    fixed_dims = np.array([i for i, v in fixed_inputs])
    free_dims = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(model.input_dim), fixed_dims)
    plots = {}
    #one dimensional plotting
    if len(free_dims) == 1:

        #define the frame on which to plot
        Xnew, xmin, xmax = x_frame1D(X[:, free_dims],
                                     resolution=resolution or 200)
        Xgrid = np.empty((Xnew.shape[0], model.input_dim))
        Xgrid[:, free_dims] = Xnew
        for i, v in fixed_inputs:
            Xgrid[:, i] = v

        #make a prediction on the frame and plot it
        m, v = model.predict(Xgrid)
        lower = m - 2 * np.sqrt(v)
        upper = m + 2 * np.sqrt(v)

        for d in which_data_ycols:
            plots['gpplot'] = gpplot(Xnew,
                                     m[:, d],
                                     lower[:, d],
                                     upper[:, d],
            plots['dataplot'] = ax.plot(X[which_data_rows, free_dims],
                                        Y[which_data_rows, d],

        #optionally plot some samples
        if samples:  #NOTE not tested with fixed_inputs
            Ysim = model.posterior_samples(Xgrid, samples)
            for yi in Ysim.T:
                plots['posterior_samples'] = ax.plot(
                    yi[:, None],
                #ax.plot(Xnew, yi[:,None], marker='x', linestyle='--',color=Tango.colorsHex['darkBlue']) #TODO apply this line for discrete outputs.

        #add error bars for uncertain (if input uncertainty is being modelled)
        if hasattr(model,
                   "has_uncertain_inputs") and model.has_uncertain_inputs():
            plots['xerrorbar'] = ax.errorbar(
                X[which_data_rows, free_dims].flatten(),
                Y[which_data_rows, which_data_ycols].flatten(),
                xerr=2 *
                np.sqrt(X_variance[which_data_rows, free_dims].flatten()),

        #set the limits of the plot to some sensible values
        ymin, ymax = min(
            np.append(Y[which_data_rows, which_data_ycols].flatten(),
                      lower)), max(
                              Y[which_data_rows, which_data_ycols].flatten(),
        ymin, ymax = ymin - 0.1 * (ymax - ymin), ymax + 0.1 * (ymax - ymin)
        ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
        ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

    #2D plotting
    elif len(free_dims) == 2:

        #define the frame for plotting on
        resolution = resolution or 50
        Xnew, _, _, xmin, xmax = x_frame2D(X[:, free_dims], plot_limits,
        Xgrid = np.empty((Xnew.shape[0], model.input_dim))
        Xgrid[:, free_dims] = Xnew
        for i, v in fixed_inputs:
            Xgrid[:, i] = v
        x, y = np.linspace(xmin[0], xmax[0],
                           resolution), np.linspace(xmin[1], xmax[1],

        #predict on the frame and plot
        if plot_raw:
            m, _ = model.predict(Xgrid)
            if isinstance(model, GPCoregionalizedRegression) or isinstance(
                    model, SparseGPCoregionalizedRegression):
                meta = {'output_index': Xgrid[:, -1:].astype(np.int)}
                meta = None
            m, v = model.predict(Xgrid, full_cov=False, Y_metadata=meta)
        for d in which_data_ycols:
            m_d = m[:, d].reshape(resolution, resolution).T
            plots['contour'] = ax.contour(x,
            if not plot_raw:
                plots['dataplot'] = ax.scatter(X[which_data_rows,
                                               Y[which_data_rows, d],

        #set the limits of the plot to some sensible values
        ax.set_xlim(xmin[0], xmax[0])
        ax.set_ylim(xmin[1], xmax[1])

        if samples:
                "Samples are rather difficult to plot for 2D inputs...")

        #add inducing inputs (if a sparse model is used)
        if hasattr(model, "Z"):
            #Zu = model.Z[:,free_dims] * model._Xscale[:,free_dims] + model._Xoffset[:,free_dims]
            Zu = Z[:, free_dims]
            plots['inducing_inputs'] = ax.plot(Zu[:, free_dims[0]],
                                               Zu[:, free_dims[1]], 'wo')

        raise NotImplementedError, "Cannot define a frame with more than two input dimensions"
    return plots
Example #6
def sausage_plot(layer, Xnew, ax):
    mu, var = layer.predict(Xnew)
    gpplot(Xnew, mu, mu + 2*np.sqrt(var), mu - 2*np.sqrt(var), ax=ax)