Example #1
def _inference(K: np.ndarray, ga_approx: GaussianApproximation, cav_params: CavityParams, Z_tilde: float,
               y: List[Tuple[int, float]], yc: List[List[Tuple[int, int]]]) -> Tuple[Posterior, int, Dict]:
    Compute the posterior approximation
    :param K: prior covariance matrix
    :param ga_approx: Gaussian approximation of the batches
    :param cav_params: Cavity parameters of the posterior
    :param Z_tilde: Log marginal likelihood
    :param y: Direct observations as a list of tuples telling location index (row in X) and observation value.
    :param yc: Batch comparisons in a list of lists of tuples. Each batch is a list and tuples tell the comparisons (winner index, loser index)
    :return: A tuple consisting of the posterior approximation, log marginal likelihood and gradient dictionary
    log_marginal, post_params = _ep_marginal(K, ga_approx, Z_tilde,y,yc)
    tau_tilde_root = sqrtm_block(ga_approx.tau, y,yc)
    Sroot_tilde_K = np.dot(tau_tilde_root, K)
    aux_alpha , _ = dpotrs(post_params.L, np.dot(Sroot_tilde_K, ga_approx.v), lower=1)
    alpha = (ga_approx.v - np.dot(tau_tilde_root, aux_alpha))[:,None] #(K + Sigma^(\tilde))^(-1) /mu^(/tilde)
    LWi, _ = dtrtrs(post_params.L, tau_tilde_root, lower=1)

    Wi = np.dot(LWi.T,LWi)
    symmetrify(Wi) #(K + Sigma^(\tilde))^(-1)
    dL_dK = 0.5 * (tdot(alpha) - Wi)
    dL_dthetaL = 0
    return Posterior(woodbury_inv=np.asfortranarray(Wi), woodbury_vector=alpha, K=K), log_marginal, {'dL_dK':dL_dK, 'dL_dthetaL':dL_dthetaL, 'dL_dm':alpha}
Example #2
def compute_dl_dK(posterior, K, eta, theta, prior_mean = 0):
    tau, v = theta, eta

    tau_tilde_root = np.sqrt(tau)
    Sroot_tilde_K = tau_tilde_root[:,None] * K
    aux_alpha , _ = dpotrs(posterior.L, np.dot(Sroot_tilde_K, v), lower=1)
    alpha = (v - tau_tilde_root * aux_alpha)[:,None] #(K + Sigma^(\tilde))^(-1) /mu^(/tilde)
    LWi, _ = dtrtrs(posterior.L, np.diag(tau_tilde_root), lower=1)
    Wi = np.dot(LWi.T, LWi)
    symmetrify(Wi) #(K + Sigma^(\tilde))^(-1)

    dL_dK = 0.5 * (tdot(alpha) - Wi)
    return dL_dK
Example #3
def _inference(K, ga_approx, cav_params, likelihood, Z_tilde, Y_metadata=None):
    log_marginal, post_params = _ep_marginal(K, ga_approx, Z_tilde)

    tau_tilde_root = np.sqrt(ga_approx.tau)
    Sroot_tilde_K = tau_tilde_root[:,None] * K

    aux_alpha , _ = dpotrs(post_params.L, np.dot(Sroot_tilde_K, ga_approx.v), lower=1)
    alpha = (ga_approx.v - tau_tilde_root * aux_alpha)[:,None] #(K + Sigma^(\tilde))^(-1) /mu^(/tilde)
    LWi, _ = dtrtrs(post_params.L, np.diag(tau_tilde_root), lower=1)
    Wi = np.dot(LWi.T,LWi)
    symmetrify(Wi) #(K + Sigma^(\tilde))^(-1)

    dL_dK = 0.5 * (tdot(alpha) - Wi)
    dL_dthetaL = 0 #likelihood.ep_gradients(Y, cav_params.tau, cav_params.v, np.diag(dL_dK), Y_metadata=Y_metadata, quad_mode='gh')
    #temp2 = likelihood.ep_gradients(Y, cav_params.tau, cav_params.v, np.diag(dL_dK), Y_metadata=Y_metadata, quad_mode='naive')
    #temp = likelihood.exact_inference_gradients(np.diag(dL_dK), Y_metadata = Y_metadata)
    #print("exact: {}, approx: {}, Ztilde: {}, naive: {}".format(temp, dL_dthetaL, Z_tilde, temp2))
    return Posterior(woodbury_inv=Wi, woodbury_vector=alpha, K=K), log_marginal, {'dL_dK':dL_dK, 'dL_dthetaL':dL_dthetaL, 'dL_dm':alpha}
 def woodbury_inv(self):
     The inverse of the woodbury matrix, in the gaussian likelihood case it is defined as
     (K_{xx} + \Sigma_{xx})^{-1}
     \Sigma_{xx} := \texttt{Likelihood.variance / Approximate likelihood covariance}
     if self._woodbury_inv is None:
         if self._woodbury_chol is not None:
             self._woodbury_inv, _ = dpotri(self._woodbury_chol, lower=1)
         elif self._covariance is not None:
             B = np.atleast_3d(self._K) - np.atleast_3d(self._covariance)
             self._woodbury_inv = np.empty_like(B)
             for i in range(B.shape[-1]):
                 tmp, _ = dpotrs(self.K_chol, B[:, :, i])
                 self._woodbury_inv[:, :, i], _ = dpotrs(self.K_chol, tmp.T)
     return self._woodbury_inv
Example #5
def pdinv_inc(L_old, A_inc, A_inc2, Ai_old, *args):
    similar to pdinv, but uses old choleski decompositon to compute new
    as proposed in https://github.com/SheffieldML/GPy/issues/464#issuecomment-285500122

    :rval Ai: the inverse of A
    :rtype Ai: np.ndarray
    :rval L: the Cholesky decomposition of A
    :rtype L: np.ndarray
    :rval Li: the Cholesky decomposition of Ai
    :rtype Li: np.ndarray (set to None for now, because not needed)
    :rval logdet: the log of the determinant of A
    :rtype logdet: float64
    # A_inc = A_inc.reshape(-1)
    u = dtrtrs(L_old, A_inc, lower=1)[0]
    v = np.sqrt(A_inc2 - np.sum(u * u)).reshape(1)
    z = np.zeros((A_inc.shape[0], 1))
    L = np.asfortranarray(np.block([[L_old, z], [u, v]]))
    logdet = 2. * np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))

    # _Ai, _ = dpotri(L, lower=1)  # consider also incrementally updating this

    # incrementally update the inverse
    alpha = Ai_old.dot(A_inc).reshape((-1, 1))
    # print('alpha', alpha)
    gamma = alpha.dot(alpha.T)
    # print('gamma', gamma)
    beta = 1 / (A_inc2 - alpha.T.dot(A_inc)).reshape(-1)
    beta_alpha = -beta * alpha
    # print('beta', beta)
    Ai = np.block([[Ai_old + beta * gamma, beta_alpha], [beta_alpha.T, beta]])
    # print(Ai -_Ai)


    return Ai, L, None, logdet  # could also return Li as in pdinv, but we don't need this right now
Example #6
    def inference(self, kern, X, Z, likelihood, Y, Y_metadata=None, Lm=None, dL_dKmm=None, fixed_covs_kerns=None, **kw):

        _, output_dim = Y.shape
        uncertain_inputs = isinstance(X, VariationalPosterior)

        #see whether we've got a different noise variance for each datum
        beta = 1./np.fmax(likelihood.gaussian_variance(Y_metadata), 1e-6)
        # VVT_factor is a matrix such that tdot(VVT_factor) = VVT...this is for efficiency!
        #self.YYTfactor = self.get_YYTfactor(Y)
        #VVT_factor = self.get_VVTfactor(self.YYTfactor, beta)
        het_noise = beta.size > 1

        if het_noise:
            raise(NotImplementedError("Heteroscedastic noise not implemented, should be possible though, feel free to try implementing it :)"))

        if beta.ndim == 1:
            beta = beta[:, None]

        # do the inference:
        num_inducing = Z.shape[0]
        num_data = Y.shape[0]
        # kernel computations, using BGPLVM notation

        Kmm = kern.K(Z).copy()
        diag.add(Kmm, self.const_jitter)
        if Lm is None:
            Lm = jitchol(Kmm)

        # The rather complex computations of A, and the psi stats
        if uncertain_inputs:
            psi0 = kern.psi0(Z, X)
            psi1 = kern.psi1(Z, X)
            if het_noise:
                psi2_beta = np.sum([kern.psi2(Z,X[i:i+1,:]) * beta_i for i,beta_i in enumerate(beta)],0)
                psi2_beta = kern.psi2(Z,X) * beta
            LmInv = dtrtri(Lm)
            A = LmInv.dot(psi2_beta.dot(LmInv.T))
            psi0 = kern.Kdiag(X)
            psi1 = kern.K(X, Z)
            if het_noise:
                tmp = psi1 * (np.sqrt(beta))
                tmp = psi1 * (np.sqrt(beta))
            tmp, _ = dtrtrs(Lm, tmp.T, lower=1)
            A = tdot(tmp)

        # factor B
        B = np.eye(num_inducing) + A
        LB = jitchol(B)
        # back substutue C into psi1Vf
        #tmp, _ = dtrtrs(Lm, psi1.T.dot(VVT_factor), lower=1, trans=0)
        #_LBi_Lmi_psi1Vf, _ = dtrtrs(LB, tmp, lower=1, trans=0)
        #tmp, _ = dtrtrs(LB, _LBi_Lmi_psi1Vf, lower=1, trans=1)
        #Cpsi1Vf, _ = dtrtrs(Lm, tmp, lower=1, trans=1)

        # data fit and derivative of L w.r.t. Kmm
        #delit = tdot(_LBi_Lmi_psi1Vf)

        # Expose YYT to get additional covariates in (YYT + Kgg):
        tmp, _ = dtrtrs(Lm, psi1.T, lower=1, trans=0)
        _LBi_Lmi_psi1, _ = dtrtrs(LB, tmp, lower=1, trans=0)
        tmp, _ = dtrtrs(LB, _LBi_Lmi_psi1, lower=1, trans=1)
        Cpsi1, _ = dtrtrs(Lm, tmp, lower=1, trans=1)

        # TODO: cache this:
        # Compute fixed covariates covariance:
        if fixed_covs_kerns is not None:
            K_fixed = 0
            for name, [cov, k] in fixed_covs_kerns.iteritems():
                K_fixed += k.K(cov)

            #trYYT = self.get_trYYT(Y)
            YYT_covs = (tdot(Y) + K_fixed)
            data_term = beta**2 * YYT_covs
            trYYT_covs = np.trace(YYT_covs)
            data_term = beta**2 * tdot(Y)
            trYYT_covs = self.get_trYYT(Y)

        #trYYT = self.get_trYYT(Y)
        delit = mdot(_LBi_Lmi_psi1, data_term, _LBi_Lmi_psi1.T)
        data_fit = np.trace(delit)

        DBi_plus_BiPBi = backsub_both_sides(LB, output_dim * np.eye(num_inducing) + delit)
        if dL_dKmm is None:
            delit = -0.5 * DBi_plus_BiPBi
            delit += -0.5 * B * output_dim
            delit += output_dim * np.eye(num_inducing)
            # Compute dL_dKmm
            dL_dKmm = backsub_both_sides(Lm, delit)

        # derivatives of L w.r.t. psi
        dL_dpsi0, dL_dpsi1, dL_dpsi2 = _compute_dL_dpsi(num_inducing, num_data, output_dim, beta, Lm,
            data_term, Cpsi1, DBi_plus_BiPBi,
            psi1, het_noise, uncertain_inputs)

        # log marginal likelihood
        log_marginal = _compute_log_marginal_likelihood(likelihood, num_data, output_dim, beta, het_noise,
            psi0, A, LB, trYYT_covs, data_fit, Y)

        if self.save_per_dim:
            self.saved_vals = [psi0, A, LB, _LBi_Lmi_psi1, beta]

        # No heteroscedastics, so no _LBi_Lmi_psi1Vf:
        # For the interested reader, try implementing the heteroscedastic version, it should be possible
        _LBi_Lmi_psi1Vf = None # Is just here for documentation, so you can see, what it was.

        #noise derivatives
        dL_dR = _compute_dL_dR(likelihood,
            het_noise, uncertain_inputs, LB,
            _LBi_Lmi_psi1Vf, DBi_plus_BiPBi, Lm, A,
            psi0, psi1, beta,
            data_fit, num_data, output_dim, trYYT_covs, Y, None)

        dL_dthetaL = likelihood.exact_inference_gradients(dL_dR,Y_metadata)

        #put the gradients in the right places
        if uncertain_inputs:
            grad_dict = {'dL_dKmm': dL_dKmm,
            grad_dict = {'dL_dKmm': dL_dKmm,

        if fixed_covs_kerns is not None:
            # For now, we do not take the gradients, we can compute them,
            # but the maximum likelihood solution is to switch off the additional covariates....
            dL_dcovs = beta * np.eye(K_fixed.shape[0]) - beta**2*tdot(_LBi_Lmi_psi1.T)
            grad_dict['dL_dcovs'] = -.5 * dL_dcovs

        #get sufficient things for posterior prediction
        #TODO: do we really want to do this in  the loop?
        if 1:
            woodbury_vector = (beta*Cpsi1).dot(Y)
            import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
            psi1V = np.dot(Y.T*beta, psi1).T
            tmp, _ = dtrtrs(Lm, psi1V, lower=1, trans=0)
            tmp, _ = dpotrs(LB, tmp, lower=1)
            woodbury_vector, _ = dtrtrs(Lm, tmp, lower=1, trans=1)
        Bi, _ = dpotri(LB, lower=1)
        Bi = -dpotri(LB, lower=1)[0]
        diag.add(Bi, 1)

        woodbury_inv = backsub_both_sides(Lm, Bi)

        #construct a posterior object
        post = Posterior(woodbury_inv=woodbury_inv, woodbury_vector=woodbury_vector, K=Kmm, mean=None, cov=None, K_chol=Lm)
        return post, log_marginal, grad_dict