def test_duplicate_with_ignored_and_pending(self): space = [ {'name': 'var_1', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain':(-3,1), 'dimensionality': 1}, {'name': 'var_2', 'type': 'discrete', 'domain': (0,1,2,3)}, {'name': 'var_3', 'type': 'categorical', 'domain': (0, 1)} ] design_space = Design_space(space) np.random.seed(666) number_points = 5 zipped_X = initial_design("random",design_space,number_points) pending_zipped_X = initial_design("random", design_space, number_points) ignored_zipped_X = initial_design("random", design_space, number_points) d = DuplicateManager(design_space, zipped_X, pending_zipped_X, ignored_zipped_X) duplicate_in_pending_state = np.atleast_2d(pending_zipped_X[0,:].copy()) assert d.is_zipped_x_duplicate(duplicate_in_pending_state) assert d.is_unzipped_x_duplicate(design_space.unzip_inputs(duplicate_in_pending_state)) duplicate_in_ignored_state = np.atleast_2d(ignored_zipped_X[0,:].copy()) assert d.is_zipped_x_duplicate(duplicate_in_ignored_state) assert d.is_unzipped_x_duplicate(design_space.unzip_inputs(duplicate_in_ignored_state))
def test_grid_design(self): init_points_count = 3 samples = initial_design('grid', self.design_space, init_points_count) self.assertEqual(len(samples), init_points_count) self.assert_samples_against_space(samples) init_points_count = 1000 samples = initial_design('grid', self.design_space, init_points_count) self.assertEqual(len(samples), init_points_count) self.assert_samples_against_space(samples)
def test_grid_design_with_multiple_continuous_variables(self):[ {'name': 'var_5', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain':(0,5), 'dimensionality': 2}, {'name': 'var_6', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain':(-5,5), 'dimensionality': 1} ]) self.design_space = Design_space( init_points_count = 10 samples = initial_design('grid', self.design_space, init_points_count) self.assertEqual(len(samples), 1) init_points_count = 100 samples = initial_design('grid', self.design_space, init_points_count) self.assertEqual(len(samples), 3**4)
def start(self): if self.Y is None: if "Y_init" in self.module and "X_init" in self.module: self.X = self.module["X_init"] self.Y = self.module["Y_init"] else: if "X_init" in self.module: self.X = self.module["X_init"] elif self.X is None: self.X = initial_design(self.initial_design_type,, self.initial_design_numdata) self.Y = self.run_initial( self.X) # FIXME: wait for all thest to finish assert len(self.X) == len(self.Y) print("Initial: {} points. Max exp num: {}.".format( len(self.X), self.max_exp)) opt = GPyOpt.methods.BayesianOptimization( f=None, domain=self.domain, constraints=self.constraints, cost_withGradients=None, model_type='GP', X=self.X, Y=self.Y, acquisition_type='EI', acquisition_optimizer_type='lbfgs', evaluator_type='local_penalization', batch_size=self.num_processes) self.init_opt(opt) first_batch_X = opt.suggest_next_locations() self.run_batch(first_batch_X) self.wait_and_run()
def test_duplicate(self): space = [ {'name': 'var_1', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain':(-3,1), 'dimensionality': 1}, {'name': 'var_2', 'type': 'discrete', 'domain': (0,1,2,3)}, {'name': 'var_3', 'type': 'categorical', 'domain': (0, 1)} ] design_space = Design_space(space) np.random.seed(666) number_points = 5 zipped_X = initial_design("random",design_space,number_points) d = DuplicateManager(design_space, zipped_X) duplicate = np.atleast_2d(zipped_X[0,:].copy()) assert d.is_zipped_x_duplicate(duplicate) assert d.is_unzipped_x_duplicate(design_space.unzip_inputs(duplicate)) non_duplicate = np.array([[-2.5, 2., 0.]]) for x in zipped_X: assert not np.all(non_duplicate==x) assert not d.is_zipped_x_duplicate(non_duplicate) assert not d.is_unzipped_x_duplicate(design_space.unzip_inputs(non_duplicate))
def suggest_sample(self, number_of_samples=1): """ Returns a suggested next point to evaluate. """ suggested_sample = initial_design('random', self.decision_context_space, 1) return suggested_sample
def _compute_final_evaluations(self, pending_zipped_X=None, ignored_zipped_X=None, re_use=False): """ Computes the location of the new evaluation (optimizes the acquisition in the standard case). :param pending_zipped_X: matrix of input configurations that are in a pending state (i.e., do not have an evaluation yet). :param ignored_zipped_X: matrix of input configurations that the user black-lists, i.e., those configurations will not be suggested again. :return: """ ## --- Update the context if any self.acquisition.optimizer.context_manager = ContextManager(, self.context, ) print("compute next evaluation") if self.sample_from_acq: print("suggest next location given THOMPSON SAMPLING") candidate_points = initial_design('latin',, 2000) aux_var = self.acquisition._compute_acq(candidate_points) else: if self.constraint is not None: aux_var = self.last_step_evaluator.compute_batch( duplicate_manager=None, re_use=re_use, constrained=True) else: aux_var = self.last_step_evaluator.compute_batch( duplicate_manager=None, re_use=re_use, constrained=False) return[0])
def test_random_design_with_bandit_only(self): space = [self.bandit_variable] self.design_space = Design_space(space) initial_points_count = 3 samples = initial_design('random', self.design_space, initial_points_count) self.assertEqual(len(samples), initial_points_count)
def verbosity_plot_2D(self): ####plots print("generating plots") design_plot = initial_design('random',, 1000) # precision = [] # for i in range(20): # kg_f = -self.acquisition._compute_acq(design_plot) # precision.append(np.array(kg_f).reshape(-1)) # print("mean precision", np.mean(precision, axis=0), "std precision", np.std(precision, axis=0), "max precision", np.max(precision, axis=0), "min precision",np.min(precision, axis=0)) ac_f = self.expected_improvement(design_plot) Y, _ = self.objective.evaluate(design_plot) C, _ = self.constraint.evaluate(design_plot) pf = self.probability_feasibility_multi_gp(design_plot, self.model_c).reshape(-1, 1) mu_f = self.model.predict(design_plot)[0] bool_C = np.product(np.concatenate(C, axis=1) < 0, axis=1) func_val = Y * bool_C.reshape(-1, 1) # kg_f = -self.acquisition._compute_acq(design_plot) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2) axs[0, 0].set_title('True Function') axs[0, 0].scatter(design_plot[:, 0], design_plot[:, 1], c=np.array(func_val).reshape(-1)) axs[0, 0].scatter(self.X[:, 0], self.X[:, 1], color="red", label="sampled") #suggested_sample_value = self.objective.evaluate(self.suggested_sample) axs[0, 0].scatter(self.suggested_sample[:,0], self.suggested_sample[:,1], marker="x", color="red", label="suggested") axs[0, 0].legend() axs[0, 1].set_title('approximation Acqu Function') axs[0, 1].scatter(design_plot[:,0],design_plot[:,1], c=np.array(ac_f).reshape(-1)) axs[0, 1].legend() # axs[1, 0].set_title("KG") # axs[1, 0].scatter(design_plot[:,0],design_plot[:,1],c= np.array(kg_f).reshape(-1)) # axs[1, 0].legend() axs[1, 1].set_title("mu pf") axs[1, 1].scatter(design_plot[:,0],design_plot[:,1],c= np.array(mu_f).reshape(-1) * np.array(pf).reshape(-1)) axs[1, 1].legend() # axs[2, 1].set_title('approximation kg Function') # axs[2, 1].scatter(design_plot, np.array(kg_f).reshape(-1)) # axs[2, 1].legend() # import os # folder = "IMAGES" # subfolder = "new_branin" # cwd = os.getcwd() # print("cwd", cwd) # time_taken = time.time() # path = cwd + "/" + folder + "/" + subfolder + '/im_' +str(time_taken) +str(self.X.shape[0]) + '.pdf' # if os.path.isdir(cwd + "/" + folder + "/" + subfolder) == False: # os.makedirs(cwd + "/" + folder + "/" + subfolder) # plt.savefig(path)
def test_random_design_with_constraints(self): constraints = [{'name': 'const_1', 'constraint': 'x[:,0]**2 - 1'}] self.design_space = Design_space(, constraints=constraints) initial_points_count = 10 samples = initial_design('random', self.design_space, initial_points_count) self.assert_samples_against_space(samples) self.assertTrue((samples[:,0]**2 - 1 < 0).all())
def next_evaluation_params(self): """ Returns the next evaluation points requested by this optimiser """ if self.evaluated_init: x_new = self.optimiser._compute_next_evaluations() else: x_new = initial_design(self.optimiser.initial_design_type,, self._nb_init) return x_new
def create_initial_jobs(self): print("\nCreating initial jobs.\n") self.safe_query( "UPDATE job_runners SET current_task=\"Creating Initial Jobs\" WHERE id={0}" .format(self.runner_id)) space = gpo.Design_space(self.domain) X_init = initial_design('sobol', space, self.job_properties['initial_iterations']) for X in X_init: self.safe_query(self.insert_query_from_X(X, True))
def true_best_value(self): from scipy.optimize import minimize X = initial_design('random',, 1000) fval = self.func_val(X) anchor_point = np.array(X[np.argmin(fval)]).reshape(-1) anchor_point = anchor_point.reshape(1, -1) print("anchor_point",anchor_point) best_design = minimize(self.func_val, anchor_point, method='Nelder-Mead', tol=1e-8).x self.true_best_stats["true_best"].append(self.func_val(best_design)) self.true_best_stats["mean_gp"].append(self.model.posterior_mean(best_design)) self.true_best_stats["std gp"].append(self.model.posterior_variance(best_design, noise=False)) self.true_best_stats["pf"].append(self.probability_feasibility_multi_gp(best_design,self.model_c).reshape(-1,1)) mean = self.model_c.posterior_mean(best_design) var = self.model_c.posterior_variance(best_design, noise=False) residual_noise = self.model_c.posterior_variance(self.X[1], noise=False) self.true_best_stats["mu_pf"].append(mean) self.true_best_stats["var_pf"].append(var) self.true_best_stats["residual_noise"].append(residual_noise) if False: fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2) N = len(np.array(self.true_best_stats["std gp"]).reshape(-1)) GAP = np.array(np.abs(np.abs(self.true_best_stats["true_best"]).reshape(-1) - np.abs(self.true_best_stats["mean_gp"]).reshape(-1))).reshape(-1) print("GAP len", len(GAP)) print("N",N) axs[0, 0].set_title('GAP') axs[0, 0].plot(range(N),GAP) axs[0, 0].set_yscale("log") axs[0, 1].set_title('VAR') axs[0, 1].plot(range(N),np.array(self.true_best_stats["std gp"]).reshape(-1)) axs[0, 1].set_yscale("log") axs[1, 0].set_title("PF") axs[1, 0].plot(range(N),np.array(self.true_best_stats["pf"]).reshape(-1)) axs[1, 1].set_title("mu_PF") axs[1, 1].plot(range(N),np.abs(np.array(self.true_best_stats["mu_pf"]).reshape(-1))) axs[1, 1].set_yscale("log") axs[2, 1].set_title("std_PF") axs[2, 1].plot(range(N),np.sqrt(np.array(self.true_best_stats["var_pf"]).reshape(-1))) axs[2, 1].set_yscale("log") axs[2, 0].set_title("Irreducible noise") axs[2, 0].plot(range(N), np.sqrt(np.array(self.true_best_stats["residual_noise"]).reshape(-1))) axs[2, 0].set_yscale("log")
def _set_initial_values(self): if self.X is None: self.X = initial_design(self.initial_design_type, self.subspace, self.initial_design_numdata) self.Y, _ = self.objective.evaluate(self.map_to_original_space(x=self.X)) elif self.X is not None and self.Y is None: self.Y, _ = self.objective.evaluate(self.map_to_original_space(x=self.X)) # save initial values self.initial_X = deepcopy(self.X) if self.maximize: self.initial_Y = -deepcopy(self.Y) else: self.initial_Y = deepcopy(self.Y)
def example_initial_design(): func = GPyOpt.objective_examples.experimentsNd.alpine1(input_dim=2) mixed_domain = [{ 'name': 'var1_2', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': (-10, 10), 'dimensionality': 1 }, { 'name': 'var5', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': (-1, 5) }] space = GPyOpt.Design_space(mixed_domain) data_init = 500 ### --- Grid design X = initial_design('grid', space, data_init) plt.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Grid design') ### --- Random initial design X = initial_design('random', space, data_init) plt.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Random design') ### --- Latin design X = initial_design('latin', space, data_init) plt.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Latin design') ### --- Sobol design X = initial_design('sobol', space, data_init) plt.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Sobol design') pass
def step(self): """ Runs Bayesian Optimization every loop """ if self.Y.shape[0] < self.initial_design_numdata: self.suggested_sample = initial_design('random',, 1) else: self.suggested_sample = self._compute_next_evaluations() self.X = np.vstack((self.X, self.suggested_sample)) # --- Update current evaluation time and function evaluations self.num_acquisitions += 1 if self.verbosity: print("num acquisition: {}".format(self.num_acquisitions)) return np.array(self.suggested_sample[0, :])
def test_nonrandom_designs_with_constrains(self): constraints = [{'name': 'const_1', 'constraint': 'x[:,0]**2 - 1'}] self.design_space = Design_space(, constraints=constraints) initial_points_count = 10 with self.assertRaises(InvalidConfigError): initial_design('grid', self.design_space, initial_points_count) with self.assertRaises(InvalidConfigError): initial_design('latin', self.design_space, initial_points_count) with self.assertRaises(InvalidConfigError): initial_design('sobol', self.design_space, initial_points_count)
def test_nonrandom_designs_with_constrains(self): constraints = [{'name': 'const_1', 'constrain': 'x[:,0]**2 - 1'}] self.design_space = Design_space(, constraints=constraints) initial_points_count = 10 with self.assertRaises(InvalidConfigError): initial_design('grid', self.design_space, initial_points_count) with self.assertRaises(InvalidConfigError): initial_design('latin', self.design_space, initial_points_count) with self.assertRaises(InvalidConfigError): initial_design('sobol', self.design_space, initial_points_count)
def init(self, max_iter=0, context=None, verbosity=False): """ Runs Bayesian Optimization :param verbosity: flag to print the optimization results after each iteration (default, False). :param context: fixes specified variables to a particular context (values) for the optimization run (default, None). """ # --- Save the options to print and save the results self.max_iter = max_iter self.verbosity = verbosity self.context = context # --- Initialize iterations and running time self.time_zero = time.time() self.cum_time = 0 self.num_acquisitions = 0 self.suggested_sample = initial_design('random',, 1) self.X = self.suggested_sample self.Y_new = self.Y return np.array(self.suggested_sample[0, :])
def _init_design_chooser(self): """ Initializes the choice of X and Y based on the selected initial design and number of points selected. """ # If objective function was not provided, we require some initial sample data if self.f is None and (self.X is None or self.Y is None): raise InvalidConfigError( "Initial data for both X and Y is required when objective function is not provided") # Case 1: if self.X is None: self.X = initial_design( self.initial_design_type,, self.initial_design_numdata) self.Y, _ = self.objective.evaluate(self.X) # Case 2 elif self.X is not None and self.Y is None: self.Y, _ = self.objective.evaluate(self.X)
def test_random_design(self): init_points_count = 10 samples = initial_design('random', self.design_space, init_points_count) self.assertEqual(len(samples), init_points_count) self.assert_samples_against_space(samples)
def optimize(self, f=None, df=None, f_df=None, duplicate_manager=None, f_aux=None): """ Optimizes the input function. :param f: function to optimize. :param df: gradient of the function to optimize. :param f_df: returns both the function to optimize and its gradient. """ self.f = f self.df = df self.f_df = f_df ## --- Update the optimizer, in case context has beee passed. self.optimizer = choose_optimizer( self.optimizer_name, self.context_manager.noncontext_bounds) ## --- Selecting the anchor points and removing duplicates X_init = initial_design(random_design_type,, self.n_starting) fX_init = f(X_init) scores = fX_init.flatten() anchor_points = X_init[ np.argsort(scores)[:min(len(scores), self.n_anchor)], :] anchor_points_values = np.sort( scores)[0:min(len(scores), self.n_anchor)] ## -- Select the anchor points (with context) x_min_anchor = np.atleast_2d(anchor_points[0]) fx_min_anchor = anchor_points_values[0] x_min = np.atleast_2d(anchor_points[0]) fx_min = anchor_points_values[0] print('anchor points') print(anchor_points) print(anchor_points_values) parallel = True if parallel: n_cores = 4 pool = Pool(n_cores) i = 0 while i < self.n_anchor: points_to_optimize = anchor_points[i:i + 4, :] optimized_points = self._parallel_optimization_wrapper, points_to_optimize) x_aux, fx_aux = min(optimized_points, key=lambda t: t[1]) if fx_aux < fx_min + 1e-2: x_min = x_aux fx_min = fx_aux if i > 0: break else: fx_aux = f(np.atleast_2d(x_aux)) if fx_aux < fx_min + 1e-2: x_min = x_aux fx_min = fx_aux if i > 0: break i += 4 else: optimized_points = [ apply_optimizer(self.optimizer, a, f=f, df=None, f_df=f_df, duplicate_manager=duplicate_manager, context_manager=self.context_manager, for a in anchor_points ] x_min, fx_min = min(optimized_points, key=lambda t: t[1]) print('min and min value before bo') print(x_min) print(fx_min) if fx_min_anchor < fx_min + 1e-3: try: aux_objective = GPyOpt2.core.task.SingleObjective(f) aux_model = GPyOpt2.models.GPModel_MCMC() aux_acq_opt = GPyOpt.optimization.AcquisitionOptimizer( optimizer='lbfgs', aux_acquisition = GPyOpt2.acquisitions.AcquisitionEI_MCMC( aux_model,, optimizer=aux_acq_opt) aux_evaluator = GPyOpt2.core.evaluators.Sequential( aux_acquisition) bo = GPyOpt2.core.BO(aux_model,, aux_objective, aux_acquisition, aux_evaluator, X_init, fX_init) bo.run_optimization(max_iter=75) x_min, fx_min = bo.get_results() x_min = np.atleast_2d(x_min) print('min and min value after bo') print(x_min) print(fx_min) except: pass return x_min, fx_min
def get_samples(self, n_samples, log_p_function, burn_in_steps=50): samples = initial_design('latin',, n_samples) samples_log = np.array([[i] for i in range(n_samples)]) return samples, samples_log
def verbosity_plot_2D_constrained(self): ####plots print("generating plots") design_plot = initial_design('random',, 1000) # precision = [] # for i in range(20): # kg_f = -self.acquisition._compute_acq(design_plot) # precision.append(np.array(kg_f).reshape(-1)) # print("mean precision", np.mean(precision, axis=0), "std precision", np.std(precision, axis=0), "max precision", np.max(precision, axis=0), "min precision",np.min(precision, axis=0)) # self.acquisition._gradient_sanity_check_2D(f=self.acquisition._compute_acq, grad_f = self.acquisition.acquisition_Gradients, x_value = self.suggested_sample, delta=1e-4) Y, _ = self.objective.evaluate(design_plot) Y = np.concatenate(Y, axis=1) C, _ = self.constraint.evaluate(design_plot) pf = self.probability_feasibility_multi_gp(design_plot, self.model_c).reshape( -1, 1) mu_f = self.model.posterior_mean(design_plot) bool_C = np.product(np.concatenate(C, axis=1) < 0, axis=1) bool_C = np.array(bool_C, dtype=bool) func_val = Y[bool_C] mu_predicted_best = self.model.posterior_mean(self.suggested_sample) # mu_predicted_final_best = self.model.posterior_mean(self.suggested_final_evaluation) feasable_mu_index = np.array(pf > 0.51, dtype=bool).reshape(-1) # HVI = self.acquisition._compute_acq(design_plot[feasable_mu_index ]) # kg_f = -self.acquisition._compute_acq(design_plot) # HVI_optimiser = self.acquisition._compute_acq(self.suggested_sample) # print("optimiser best", HVI_optimiser, "discretisation best", np.max(np.array(HVI).reshape(-1))) # print("x", design_plot[np.argmax(np.array(HVI).reshape(-1))]) # x_suggested_discretisation = design_plot[np.argmax(np.array(HVI).reshape(-1))] # print("ac with grad info optimised", self.acquisition._compute_acq_withGradients(self.suggested_sample), "ac info optimised",self.acquisition._compute_acq(self.suggested_sample)) # print("best discretisation ac", self.acquisition._compute_acq(x_suggested_discretisation )) # print("best discretisation ac with gradients", self.acquisition._compute_acq_withGradients(x_suggested_discretisation)) # print("mu predicted best opt", mu_predicted_best[0], mu_predicted_best[1]) # print("mu predicted best discretisation", mu_f[0][np.argmax(np.array(HVI).reshape(-1))], mu_f[1][np.argmax(np.array(HVI).reshape(-1))]) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2) axs[0, 0].set_title('True PF Function') axs[0, 0].scatter(func_val[:, 0], func_val[:, 1]) axs[0, 1].set_title("HVI") axs[0, 1].scatter(mu_f[0], mu_f[1], color="green") # , c=np.array(HVI).reshape(-1)) axs[0, 1].scatter(mu_f[0][feasable_mu_index], mu_f[1][feasable_mu_index], color="blue") #, c=np.array(HVI).reshape(-1)) axs[0, 1].scatter(mu_predicted_best[0], mu_predicted_best[1], color="red", label="optimiser best") # axs[0, 1].scatter(mu_predicted_final_best[0], mu_predicted_final_best[1], color="red", label="optimiser final best") #axs[0, 1].scatter(mu_f[0][np.argmax(np.array(HVI).reshape(-1))], mu_f[1][np.argmax(np.array(HVI).reshape(-1))], color="red",label="discretisation best") axs[0, 1].legend() axs[1, 0].set_title('Opportunity Cost') axs[1, 0].plot(range(len(self.Opportunity_Cost["Hypervolume"])), self.Opportunity_Cost["Hypervolume"]) axs[1, 0].set_yscale("log") axs[1, 0].legend() Y_reccomended, _ = self.objective.evaluate(self.suggested_sample) # Y_reccomended = np.concatenate(Y_reccomended, axis=1) axs[1, 1].set_title('True PF Function with sampled points') axs[1, 1].scatter(func_val[:, 0], func_val[:, 1]) axs[1, 1].scatter(Y_reccomended[0], Y_reccomended[1], color="red", label="sampled") axs[1, 1].scatter(self.Y[0], self.Y[1], color="green") # import os # folder = "IMAGES" # subfolder = "new_branin" # cwd = os.getcwd() # print("cwd", cwd) # time_taken = time.time() # path = cwd + "/" + folder + "/" + subfolder + '/im_' +str(time_taken) +str(self.X.shape[0]) + '.pdf' # if os.path.isdir(cwd + "/" + folder + "/" + subfolder) == False: # os.makedirs(cwd + "/" + folder + "/" + subfolder) # plt.savefig(path)
def verbosity_plot_2D_unconstrained(self): ####plots print("generating plots") design_plot = initial_design('random',, 10000) # precision = [] # for i in range(20): # kg_f = -self.acquisition._compute_acq(design_plot) # precision.append(np.array(kg_f).reshape(-1)) # print("mean precision", np.mean(precision, axis=0), "std precision", np.std(precision, axis=0), "max precision", np.max(precision, axis=0), "min precision",np.min(precision, axis=0)) func_val, _ = self.objective.evaluate(design_plot) func_val = np.concatenate(func_val, axis=1) mu_f = self.model.posterior_mean(design_plot) var_f = self.model.posterior_variance(design_plot, noise=False) mu_predicted_best = self.model.posterior_mean(self.suggested_sample) HVI = self.acquisition._compute_acq(design_plot) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2) axs[0, 0].set_title('True PF Function') axs[0, 0].scatter(func_val[:, 0], func_val[:, 1]) print("self.suggested_sample", self.suggested_sample) axs[0, 1].set_title("GP(X)") axs[0, 1].scatter( design_plot[:, 0], design_plot[:, 1], c=np.array(mu_f).reshape(-1)) #,c= np.array(HVI).reshape(-1)) axs[0, 1].scatter(self.suggested_sample[:, 0], self.suggested_sample[:, 1], color="magenta") axs[0, 1].legend() print("self.suggested_sample", self.suggested_sample) axs[1, 0].set_title("Var[GP(X)]") axs[1, 0].scatter( design_plot[:, 0], design_plot[:, 1], c=np.array(var_f).reshape(-1)) #,c= np.array(HVI).reshape(-1)) axs[1, 0].scatter(self.suggested_sample[:, 0], self.suggested_sample[:, 1], color="magenta") axs[1, 0].legend() axs[1, 1].set_title("acq(X)") axs[1, 1].scatter( design_plot[:, 0], design_plot[:, 1], c=np.array(HVI).reshape(-1)) #,c= np.array(HVI).reshape(-1)) axs[1, 1].scatter(self.suggested_sample[:, 0], self.suggested_sample[:, 1], color="magenta") axs[1, 1].legend() # axs[1, 1].set_title("mu pf") # axs[1, 1].scatter(design_plot[:,0],design_plot[:,1],c= np.array(mu_f).reshape(-1) * np.array(pf).reshape(-1)) # axs[1, 1].legend() # # axs[1, 0].set_title('Opportunity Cost') # axs[1, 0].plot(range(len(self.Opportunity_Cost)), self.Opportunity_Cost) # axs[1, 0].set_yscale("log") # axs[1, 0].legend() # axs[1, 1].set_title('True PF Function with sampled points') # axs[1, 1].scatter(func_val[:, 0], func_val[:, 1]) # axs[1, 1].scatter(self.Y[0],self.Y[1], color="red", label="sampled") # import os # folder = "IMAGES" # subfolder = "new_branin" # cwd = os.getcwd() # print("cwd", cwd) # time_taken = time.time() # path = cwd + "/" + folder + "/" + subfolder + '/im_' +str(time_taken) +str(self.X.shape[0]) + '.pdf' # if os.path.isdir(cwd + "/" + folder + "/" + subfolder) == False: # os.makedirs(cwd + "/" + folder + "/" + subfolder) # plt.savefig(path)
def get(self, num_anchor=5, duplicate_manager=None, unique=False, context_manager=None): ## --- We use the context handler to remove duplicates only over the non-context variables if context_manager and not # print("In AnchorPointsGenerator: ") # print(" space.config_space_expanded : ", # print(" context_manager.nocontext_index_obj: ", context_manager.noncontext_bounds) space_configuration_without_context = [[idx] for idx in context_manager.nocontext_index_obj ] space = Design_space(space_configuration_without_context, add_context = lambda x: context_manager._expand_vector(x) else: space = add_context = lambda x: x ## --- Generate initial design X = initial_design(self.design_type, space, self.num_samples) if unique: sorted_design = sorted(list({tuple(x) for x in X})) X = space.unzip_inputs(np.vstack(sorted_design)) else: X = space.unzip_inputs(X) ## --- Add context variables X = add_context(X) if duplicate_manager: is_duplicate = duplicate_manager.is_unzipped_x_duplicate else: # In absence of duplicate manager, we never detect duplicates is_duplicate = lambda _: False non_duplicate_anchor_point_indexes = [ index for index, x in enumerate(X) if not is_duplicate(x) ] if not non_duplicate_anchor_point_indexes: raise FullyExploredOptimizationDomainError( "No anchor points could be generated ({} used samples, {} requested anchor points)." .format(self.num_samples, num_anchor)) if len(non_duplicate_anchor_point_indexes) < num_anchor: # Since logging has not been setup yet, I do not know how to express warnings...I am using standard print for now. print("Warning: expecting {} anchor points, only {} available.". format(num_anchor, len(non_duplicate_anchor_point_indexes))) X = X[non_duplicate_anchor_point_indexes, :] scores = self.get_anchor_point_scores(X) anchor_points = X[np.argsort(scores)[:min(len(scores), num_anchor)], :] return anchor_points
def _marginal_acq_with_gradient(self, X, utility_params_samples): """ """ marginal_acqX = np.zeros((X.shape[0], len(utility_params_samples))) marginal_dacq_dX = np.zeros( (X.shape[0], X.shape[1], len(utility_params_samples))) n_h = 1 # Number of GP hyperparameters samples. # gp_hyperparameters_samples = self.model.get_hyperparameters_samples(n_h) n_z = len(self.Z_samples_obj) #2 # Number of samples of Z. Z_samples = self.Z_samples_obj #np.random.normal(size=n_z) Z_samples_c = self.Z_samples_const for h in range(n_h): # self.model.set_hyperparameters(h) varX = self.model.posterior_variance(X, noise=True) dvar_dX = self.model.posterior_variance_gradient(X) varX_c = self.model_c.posterior_variance(X, noise=True) dvar_c_dX = self.model_c.posterior_variance_gradient(X) for i in range(0, len(X)): x = np.atleast_2d(X[i]) self.model.partial_precomputation_for_covariance(x) self.model.partial_precomputation_for_covariance_gradient(x) self.model_c.partial_precomputation_for_covariance(x) self.model_c.partial_precomputation_for_covariance_gradient(x) for l in range(0, len(utility_params_samples)): # Precompute aux1 and aux2 for computational efficiency. aux = np.multiply(np.square(utility_params_samples[l]), np.reciprocal(varX[:, i])) aux2 = np.multiply(np.square(utility_params_samples[l]), np.square(np.reciprocal(varX[:, i]))) aux_c = np.reciprocal(varX_c[:, i]) aux2_c = np.square(np.reciprocal(varX_c[:, i])) for z in range(len(Z_samples)): # inner function of maKG acquisition function. def inner_func(X_inner): X_inner = np.atleast_2d(X_inner) muX_inner = self.model.posterior_mean(X_inner) cov = self.model.posterior_covariance_between_points_partially_precomputed( X_inner, x)[:, :, 0] a = np.matmul(utility_params_samples[l], muX_inner) # a = support[t]*muX_inner b = np.sqrt(np.matmul(aux, np.square(cov))) func_val = np.reshape(a + b * Z_samples[z], (len(X_inner), 1)) grad_c = gradients( x_new=x, model=self.model_c, Z=Z_samples_c[z], aux=aux_c, X_inner=X_inner ) # , test_samples = initial_design('random',, 1000)) Fz = grad_c.compute_probability_feasibility_multi_gp( x=X_inner, l=0) func_val_constrained = func_val * Fz return -func_val_constrained # inner function of maKG acquisition function with its gradient. def inner_func_with_gradient(X_inner): X_inner = np.atleast_2d(X_inner) muX_inner = self.model.posterior_mean(X_inner) dmu_dX_inner = self.model.posterior_mean_gradient( X_inner) cov = self.model.posterior_covariance_between_points_partially_precomputed( X_inner, x)[:, :, 0] dcov_dX_inner = self.model.posterior_covariance_gradient_partially_precomputed( X_inner, x) a = np.matmul(utility_params_samples[l], muX_inner) # a = support[t]*muX_inner da_dX_inner = np.tensordot( utility_params_samples[l], dmu_dX_inner, axes=1) b = np.sqrt(np.matmul(aux, np.square(cov))) for k in range(X_inner.shape[1]): dcov_dX_inner[:, :, k] = np.multiply( cov, dcov_dX_inner[:, :, k]) db_dX_inner = np.tensordot(aux, dcov_dX_inner, axes=1) db_dX_inner = np.multiply(np.reciprocal(b), db_dX_inner.T).T func_val = np.reshape(a + b * Z_samples[z], (len(X_inner), 1)) func_gradient = np.reshape( da_dX_inner + db_dX_inner * Z_samples[z], X_inner.shape) grad_c = gradients(x_new=x, model=self.model_c, Z=Z_samples_c[z], aux=aux_c, X_inner=X_inner, precompute_grad=True) Fz, grad_Fz = grad_c.compute_probability_feasibility_multi_gp( x=X_inner, l=0, gradient_flag=True) func_val_constrained = func_val * Fz func_gradient_constrained = np.array( func_val).reshape(-1) * grad_Fz.reshape( -1) + Fz.reshape( -1) * func_gradient.reshape(-1) return -func_val_constrained, -func_gradient_constrained x_opt, opt_val = self.optimizer.optimize_inner_func( f=inner_func, f_df=inner_func_with_gradient) marginal_acqX[i, l] -= opt_val x_opt = np.atleast_2d(x_opt) #mu x opt calculations muX_inner = self.model.posterior_mean(x_opt) cov = self.model.posterior_covariance_between_points_partially_precomputed( x_opt, x)[:, :, 0] a = np.matmul(utility_params_samples[l], muX_inner) b = np.sqrt(np.matmul(aux, np.square(cov))) mu_xopt = np.reshape(a + b * Z_samples[z], (len(x_opt), 1)) #grad x opt calculations cov_opt = self.model.posterior_covariance_between_points_partially_precomputed( x_opt, x)[:, 0, 0] dcov_opt_dx = self.model.posterior_covariance_gradient( x, x_opt)[:, 0, :] b = np.sqrt(, np.square(cov_opt))) grad_mu_xopt = 0.5 * Z_samples[z] * np.reciprocal( b) * np.matmul( aux2, (2 * np.multiply(varX[:, i] * cov_opt, dcov_opt_dx.T) - np.multiply(np.square(cov_opt), dvar_dX[:, i, :].T)).T) grad_c = gradients(x_new=x, model=self.model_c, Z=Z_samples_c[z], xopt=x_opt, aux=aux_c, aux2=aux2_c, varX=varX_c[:, i], dvar_dX=dvar_c_dX[:, i, :], test_samples=initial_design( 'random',, 1000)) Fz_xopt, grad_Fz_xopt = grad_c.compute_probability_feasibility_multi_gp_xopt( xopt=x_opt, gradient_flag=True) grad_f_val_xopt = np.array(mu_xopt).reshape( -1) * np.array(grad_Fz_xopt).reshape( -1) + np.array(Fz_xopt).reshape(-1) * np.array( grad_mu_xopt).reshape(-1) marginal_dacq_dX[i, :, l] = grad_f_val_xopt # grad_f_val marginal_acqX = marginal_acqX / (n_h * n_z) marginal_dacq_dX = marginal_dacq_dX / (n_h * n_z) return marginal_acqX, marginal_dacq_dX
def run_optimization(self, max_iter=1, max_time=np.inf, eps=1e-8, context=None, verbosity=False, evaluations_file=None): """ Runs Bayesian Optimization for a number 'max_iter' of iterations (after the initial exploration data) :param max_iter: exploration horizon, or number of acquisitions. If nothing is provided optimizes the current acquisition. :param max_time: maximum exploration horizon in seconds. :param eps: minimum distance between two consecutive x's to keep running the model. :param context: fixes specified variables to a particular context (values) for the optimization run (default, None). :param verbosity: flag to print the optimization results after each iteration (default, False). :param evaluations_file: filename of the file where the evaluated points and corresponding evaluations are saved (default, None). """ self.verbosity = verbosity if self.objective is None: raise InvalidConfigError( "Cannot run the optimization loop without the objective function" ) # --- Save the options to print and save the results self.verbosity = verbosity self.evaluations_file = evaluations_file self.context = context # --- Setting up stop conditions self.eps = eps if (max_iter is None) and (max_time is None): self.max_iter = 0 self.max_time = np.inf elif (max_iter is None) and (max_time is not None): self.max_iter = np.inf self.max_time = max_time elif (max_iter is not None) and (max_time is None): self.max_iter = max_iter self.max_time = np.inf else: self.max_iter = max_iter self.max_time = max_time # print("------------------------TRAINING HYPERS----------------------") # self._get_hyperparameters() # --- Initial function evaluation and model fitting if self.X is not None and self.Y is None: self.Y, cost_values = self.objective.evaluate(self.X) if self.constraint is not None: self.C, cost_values = self.constraint.evaluate(self.X) if self.cost.cost_type == 'evaluation_time': self.cost.update_cost_model(self.X, cost_values) #self.model.updateModel(self.X,self.Y) # --- Initialize iterations and running time self.time_zero = time.time() self.cum_time = 0 self.num_acquisitions = 0 self.suggested_sample = self.X self.Y_new = self.Y self.Opportunity_Cost = [] value_so_far = [] # --- Initialize time cost of the evaluations print("-----------------------MAIN LOOP STARTS----------------------") Opportunity_Cost = [] self.true_best_stats = { "true_best": [], "mean_gp": [], "std gp": [], "pf": [], "mu_pf": [], "var_pf": [], "residual_noise": [] } while (self.max_iter > self.num_acquisitions): self._update_model() if self.constraint is None: self.Opportunity_Cost_caller_unconstrained() else: self.Opportunity_Cost_caller_constrained() print("maKG optimizer") start = time.time() self.suggested_sample = self._compute_next_evaluations() finish = time.time() print("time optimisation point X", finish - start) if verbosity: ####plots design_plot = initial_design('random',, 1000) ac_f = self.expected_improvement(design_plot) Y, _ = self.objective.evaluate(design_plot) C, _ = self.constraint.evaluate(design_plot) pf = self.probability_feasibility_multi_gp( design_plot, self.model_c).reshape(-1, 1) mu_f = self.model.predict(design_plot)[0] bool_C = np.product(np.concatenate(C, axis=1) < 0, axis=1) func_val = Y * bool_C.reshape(-1, 1) print("self.suggested_sample", self.suggested_sample) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2) axs[0, 0].set_title('True Function') axs[0, 0].scatter(design_plot[:, 0], design_plot[:, 1], c=np.array(func_val).reshape(-1)) axs[0, 0].scatter(self.X[:, 0], self.X[:, 1], color="red", label="sampled") axs[0, 0].scatter(self.suggested_sample[:, 0], self.suggested_sample[:, 1], marker="x", color="red", label="suggested") axs[0, 1].set_title('approximation Acqu Function') axs[0, 1].scatter(design_plot[:, 0], design_plot[:, 1], c=np.array(ac_f).reshape(-1)) axs[1, 0].set_title("convergence") axs[1, 0].plot(range(len(self.Opportunity_Cost)), np.array(self.Opportunity_Cost).reshape(-1)) axs[1, 0].set_yscale("log") axs[1, 1].set_title("mu") axs[1, 1].scatter(design_plot[:, 0], design_plot[:, 1], c=np.array(mu_f).reshape(-1) * np.array(pf).reshape(-1)) self.X = np.vstack((self.X, self.suggested_sample)) # --- Evaluate *f* in X, augment Y and update cost function (if needed) self.evaluate_objective() print("X", self.X, "Y", self.Y, "C", self.C, "OC", self.Opportunity_Cost) # --- Update current evaluation time and function evaluations self.cum_time = time.time() - self.time_zero self.num_acquisitions += 1 return self.X, self.Y, self.C, self.Opportunity_Cost
def _dropout_random(self, embedded_idx): return initial_design( 'random', get_subspace(, subspace_idx=embedded_idx), 1)[0]
'name': 'tau_0', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': scaled_parameter_bounds['tau_0'] }, { 'name': 'nu', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': scaled_parameter_bounds['nu'] }, ] domain = [ item for item in full_domain if item['name'] not in fixed_parameters.keys() ] space = gpo.Design_space(domain) X_init = initial_design('sobol', space, n_initial_points) def value_from_X(X, param_name): names = [item['name'] for item in domain] if param_name in names: return X[names.index(param_name)] else: return fixed_parameters[param_name] queries = [] for X in X_init: query = "INSERT INTO jobs (job_name, is_initial, fish_group, machine_assigned, start_time, completed_time, objective_function,\ delta_0, alpha_tau, alpha_d, beta, A_0, t_s_0, discriminability, flicker_frequency, tau_0, nu) VALUES \ (\"{job_name}\", TRUE, \"{fish_group}\", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, \
def run_optimization(self, max_iter = 1, max_time = np.inf, eps = 1e-8, context = None, verbosity=False, evaluations_file = None): """ Runs Bayesian Optimization for a number 'max_iter' of iterations (after the initial exploration data) :param max_iter: exploration horizon, or number of acquisitions. If nothing is provided optimizes the current acquisition. :param max_time: maximum exploration horizon in seconds. :param eps: minimum distance between two consecutive x's to keep running the model. :param context: fixes specified variables to a particular context (values) for the optimization run (default, None). :param verbosity: flag to print the optimization results after each iteration (default, False). :param evaluations_file: filename of the file where the evaluated points and corresponding evaluations are saved (default, None). """ if self.objective is None: raise InvalidConfigError("Cannot run the optimization loop without the objective function") # --- Save the options to print and save the results self.verbosity = verbosity self.evaluations_file = evaluations_file self.context = context # --- Setting up stop conditions self.eps = eps if (max_iter is None) and (max_time is None): self.max_iter = 0 self.max_time = np.inf elif (max_iter is None) and (max_time is not None): self.max_iter = np.inf self.max_time = max_time elif (max_iter is not None) and (max_time is None): self.max_iter = max_iter self.max_time = np.inf else: self.max_iter = max_iter self.max_time = max_time # --- Initial function evaluation and model fitting if self.X is not None and self.Y is None: self.Y, cost_values = self.objective.evaluate(self.X) self.C, cost_values = self.constraint.evaluate(self.X) if self.cost.cost_type == 'evaluation_time': self.cost.update_cost_model(self.X, cost_values) #self.model.updateModel(self.X,self.Y) # --- Initialize iterations and running time self.time_zero = time.time() self.cum_time = 0 self.num_acquisitions = 0 self.suggested_sample = self.X self.Y_new = self.Y self.Opportunity_Cost = [] value_so_far = [] # --- Initialize time cost of the evaluations print("MAIN LOOP STARTS") Opportunity_Cost = [] while (self.max_iter > self.num_acquisitions ): # self._update_model() print("maKG optimizer") start = time.time() self.suggested_sample = initial_design('random',, 1) finish = time.time() print("time optimisation point X", finish - start) if verbosity: self.verbosity_plot_2D() print("self.Opportunity_Cost",self.Opportunity_Cost) self.X = np.vstack((self.X,self.suggested_sample)) # --- Evaluate *f* in X, augment Y and update cost function (if needed) self.evaluate_objective() # --- Update current evaluation time and function evaluations self.cum_time = time.time() - self.time_zero self.num_acquisitions += 1 print("optimize_final_evaluation") self.optimize_final_evaluation() print("self.X, self.Y, self.C , self.Opportunity_Cost",self.X, self.Y, self.C , self.Opportunity_Cost) return self.X, self.Y, self.C , self.Opportunity_Cost
def suggest_sample(self, number_of_samples=1): """ Returns a suggested next point to evaluate. """ utility_parameter_sample = self.utility.sample_parameter( number_of_samples=1) model_sample = self.model.get_copy_of_model_sample() X_evaluated = np.copy(model_sample.X) Y_evaluated = np.copy(model_sample.Y) self.X_aux = np.copy(X_evaluated) self.Y_aux = np.copy(Y_evaluated) def objective_func_sample(d): X_new = np.vstack( [np.append(d, theta) for theta in self.scenario_support]) Y_new = model_sample.posterior_samples_f(X_new, size=1, full_cov=True) self.X_aux = np.vstack((self.X_aux, X_new)) self.Y_aux = np.vstack((self.Y_aux, Y_new)) model_sample.set_XY(self.X_aux, self.Y_aux) val = 0. for w in range(self.scenario_support_cardinality): val += self.scenario_prob_dist[w] * self.utility.eval_func( Y_new[w, 0], utility_parameter_sample) return -val d0 = initial_design('random', self.decision_space, 1) try: #argmax = self.decision_space_optimizer.optimize(d0, objective_func_sample, maxfevals=200)[0] argmax = apply_optimizer( self.decision_space_optimizer, d0, f=objective_func_sample, context_manager=self.decision_space_context_manager, space=self.decision_space, maxfevals=200)[0] except: argmax = d0 aux_grid = np.vstack( [np.append(argmax, theta) for theta in self.scenario_support]) self.model.set_hyperparameters(0) var = self.model.posterior_variance(aux_grid) for h in range(1, self.number_of_gp_hyps_samples): self.model.set_hyperparameters(h) var += self.model.posterior_variance(aux_grid) var = var[:, 0] index = np.argmax(var) suggested_sample = np.append(argmax, self.scenario_support[index]) use_suggested_sample = True i = 0 min_distance = np.infty while use_suggested_sample and i < X_evaluated.shape[0]: distance_to_evaluated_point = euclidean(X_evaluated[i, :], suggested_sample) if distance_to_evaluated_point < min_distance: min_distance = distance_to_evaluated_point if distance_to_evaluated_point < 1e-1 / np.sqrt( X_evaluated.shape[1]): use_suggested_sample = False i += 1 print('Minimum distance to previously evaluated point is: {}'.format( min_distance)) if not use_suggested_sample: print( 'Suggested point is to close to previously evaluated point; swithching to max expected value sampling policy.' ) def expectation_objective_func(d): d = np.atleast_2d(d) func_val = 0. cross_product_grid = np.vstack( [np.append(d, theta) for theta in self.scenario_support]) for h in range(self.number_of_gp_hyps_samples): self.model.set_hyperparameters(h) mean, var = self.model.predict_noiseless( cross_product_grid) for w in range(self.scenario_support_cardinality): expectation_utility = self.expectation_utility.eval_func( mean[w, 0], var[w, 0], utility_parameter_sample) func_val += self.scenario_prob_dist[ w] * expectation_utility func_val /= self.number_of_gp_hyps_samples func_val = func_val[:, 0] return -func_val #argmax = self.decision_space_optimizer.optimize(d0, expectation_objective_func)[0] argmax = apply_optimizer( self.decision_space_optimizer, d0, f=expectation_objective_func, context_manager=self.decision_space_context_manager, space=self.decision_space)[0] aux_grid = np.vstack( [np.append(argmax, theta) for theta in self.scenario_support]) self.model.set_hyperparameters(0) var = self.model.posterior_variance(aux_grid) for h in range(1, self.number_of_gp_hyps_samples): self.model.set_hyperparameters(h) var += self.model.posterior_variance(aux_grid) var = var[:, 0] index = np.argmax(var) suggested_sample = np.append(argmax, self.scenario_support[index]) use_suggested_sample = True i = 0 min_distance = np.infty while use_suggested_sample and i < X_evaluated.shape[0]: distance_to_evaluated_point = euclidean( X_evaluated[i, :], suggested_sample) if distance_to_evaluated_point < min_distance: min_distance = distance_to_evaluated_point if distance_to_evaluated_point < 1e-2 / np.sqrt( X_evaluated.shape[1]): use_suggested_sample = False i += 1 print( 'Minimum distance to previously evaluated point is: {}'.format( min_distance)) if not use_suggested_sample: print( 'Suggested point is to close to previously evaluated point; swithching to max variance sampling policy.' ) def posterior_variance(x): self.model.set_hyperparameters(0) var = self.model.posterior_variance(x) for h in range(1, self.number_of_gp_hyps_samples): self.model.set_hyperparameters(h) var += self.model.posterior_variance(x) var = var[:, 0] return -var x0 = initial_design('random', self.decision_context_space, 1) #suggested_sample = self.decision_context_space_optimizer.optimize(x0, posterior_variance)[0] suggested_sample = apply_optimizer( self.decision_context_space_optimizer, x0, f=posterior_variance, context_manager=self.decision_context_space_context_manager, space=self.decision_context_space)[0] suggested_sample = np.atleast_2d(suggested_sample) return suggested_sample