def setUp(self):
        self.tolerance = 0.05  # Tolerance for difference between true and approximated gradients
        objective = GPyOpt.objective_examples.experiments1d.forrester()
        self.feasible_region =  GPyOpt.Design_space(space = [{'name': 'var_1', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': objective.bounds[0]}])
        n_inital_design = 10
        X = samples_multidimensional_uniform(objective.bounds,n_inital_design)
        Y = objective.f(X)
        self.X_test = samples_multidimensional_uniform(objective.bounds,n_inital_design)

        self.model = Mock()
        self.model.get_fmin.return_value = 0.0
        self.model.predict_withGradients.return_value = np.zeros(X.shape), np.zeros(Y.shape), np.zeros(X.shape), np.zeros(X.shape)
	def setUp(self):
		self.tolerance 	= 0.01  #Tolerance for difference between true and approximated gradients
		objective 		= GPyOpt.fmodels.experiments1d.forrester()   
		bounds    		= objective.bounds 
		input_dim 		= len(bounds)
		n_inital_design = 8
		X 				= samples_multidimensional_uniform(bounds,n_inital_design)
		Y 				= objective.f(X)
		self.X_test 	= samples_multidimensional_uniform(bounds,n_inital_design)
		self.model = GPy.models.GPRegression(X,Y)
		self.model.Gaussian_noise.constrain_fixed(1e-6, warning=False)
	def setUp(self):
		self.tolerance 	= 0.01  #Tolerance for difference between true and approximated gradients
		objective 		= GPyOpt.objective_examples.experiments1d.forrester()   
		self.feasible_region =  GPyOpt.Design_space(space = [{'name': 'var_1', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': objective.bounds[0]}])
		n_inital_design = 10
		X 				= samples_multidimensional_uniform(objective.bounds,n_inital_design)
		Y 				= objective.f(X)
		self.X_test 	= samples_multidimensional_uniform(objective.bounds,n_inital_design)
		self.model = GPyOpt.models.GPModel()
		self.model.model.Gaussian_noise.constrain_fixed(1e-6, warning=False)
    def setUp(self):
        self.tolerance = 0.01  # Tolerance for difference between true and approximated gradients
        objective = GPyOpt.fmodels.experiments1d.forrester()
        bounds = objective.bounds
        input_dim = len(bounds)
        n_inital_design = 8
        X = samples_multidimensional_uniform(bounds, n_inital_design)
        Y = objective.f(X)
        self.X_test = samples_multidimensional_uniform(bounds, n_inital_design)

        self.model = GPy.models.GPRegression(X, Y)
        self.model.optimize_restarts(10, verbose=False)
        self.model.Gaussian_noise.constrain_fixed(1e-6, warning=False)
    def setUp(self):
        self.tolerance = 0.05  #Tolerance for difference between true and approximated gradients
        objective = GPyOpt.objective_examples.experiments1d.forrester()
        self.feasible_region = GPyOpt.Design_space(
                'name': 'var_1',
                'type': 'continuous',
                'domain': objective.bounds[0]
        n_inital_design = 10
        X = samples_multidimensional_uniform(objective.bounds, n_inital_design)
        Y = objective.f(X)
        self.X_test = samples_multidimensional_uniform(objective.bounds,

        self.model = GPyOpt.models.GPModel()
        self.model._create_model(X, Y)
        self.model.model.optimize_restarts(10, verbose=False)
        self.model.model.Gaussian_noise.constrain_fixed(1e-6, warning=False)
    def setUp(self):

        # Override margin for error
        self.precision = 0.1

        # -- methods configuration

        model_type                  = 'GP'
        initial_design_numdata      = None
        initial_design_type         = 'random'
        acquisition_type            = 'EI'
        normalize_Y                 = True
        exact_feval                 = False
        acquisition_optimizer_type  = 'lbfgs'
        model_update_interval       = 1
        evaluator_type              = 'sequential'
        batch_size                  = 1
        num_cores                   = 1
        verbosity                   = False

        # stop conditions
        max_iter                    = 5
        max_time                    = 999
        eps                         = 1e-8

        self.methods_configs = [
                    {   'name': 'output_normalization',
                        'model_type'                 : model_type,
                        'initial_design_numdata'     : initial_design_numdata,
                        'initial_design_type'        : initial_design_type,
                        'acquisition_type'           : acquisition_type,
                        'normalize_Y'                : False,
                        'exact_feval'                : exact_feval,
                        'acquisition_optimizer_type' : acquisition_optimizer_type,
                        'model_update_interval'      : model_update_interval,
                        'verbosity'                  : verbosity,
                        'evaluator_type'             : evaluator_type,
                        'batch_size'                 : batch_size,
                        'num_cores'                  : num_cores,
                        'max_iter'                   : max_iter,
                        'max_time'                   : max_time,
                        'eps'                        : eps
                    {   'name': 'noiseless_evauations',
                        'model_type'                 : model_type,
                        'initial_design_numdata'     : initial_design_numdata,
                        'initial_design_type'        : initial_design_type,
                        'acquisition_type'           : acquisition_type,
                        'normalize_Y'                : normalize_Y,
                        'exact_feval'                : True,
                        'acquisition_optimizer_type' : acquisition_optimizer_type,
                        'model_update_interval'      : model_update_interval,
                        'verbosity'                  : verbosity,
                        'evaluator_type'             : evaluator_type,
                        'batch_size'                 : batch_size,
                        'num_cores'                  : num_cores,
                        'max_iter'                   : max_iter,
                        'max_time'                   : max_time,
                        'eps'                        : eps
                    {   'name': 'update_intervals',
                        'model_type'                 : model_type,
                        'initial_design_numdata'     : initial_design_numdata,
                        'initial_design_type'        : initial_design_type,
                        'acquisition_type'           : acquisition_type,
                        'normalize_Y'                : normalize_Y,
                        'exact_feval'                : exact_feval,
                        'acquisition_optimizer_type' : acquisition_optimizer_type,
                        'model_update_interval'      : 2,
                        'verbosity'                  : verbosity,
                        'evaluator_type'             : evaluator_type,
                        'batch_size'                 : batch_size,
                        'num_cores'                  : num_cores,
                        'max_iter'                   : max_iter,
                        'max_time'                   : max_time,
                        'eps'                        : eps
                    # {   'name': 'max_iterations',
                    #     'model_type'                 : model_type,
                    #     'initial_design_numdata'     : initial_design_numdata,
                    #     'initial_design_type'        : initial_design_type,
                    #     'acquisition_type'           : acquisition_type,
                    #     'normalize_Y'                : normalize_Y,
                    #     'exact_feval'                : exact_feval,
                    #     'acquisition_optimizer_type' : acquisition_optimizer_type,
                    #     'model_update_interval'      : model_update_interval,
                    #     'verbosity'                  : verbosity,
                    #     'evaluator_type'             : evaluator_type,
                    #     'batch_size'                 : batch_size,
                    #     'num_cores'                  : num_cores,
                    #     'max_iter'                   : 10,
                    #     'max_time'                   : max_time,
                    #     'eps'                        : eps
                    #     },

        # -- Problem setup
        n_inital_design = 5
        input_dim = 5
        f_bounds = (-5,5)
        self.f_inits = samples_multidimensional_uniform([f_bounds]*input_dim,n_inital_design)
        self.f_inits = self.f_inits.reshape(input_dim, self.f_inits.shape[-1])

        self.problem_config = {
            'objective': GPyOpt.objective_examples.experimentsNd.gSobol(np.ones(input_dim)).f,
            'domain': [{'name': 'var_1', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': f_bounds, 'dimensionality': input_dim}],
            'constraints': None,
            'cost_withGradients': None}
    def setUp(self):

        # -- This file was used to generate the test files
        self.outpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'test_files')
        self.is_unittest = True  # Test files were generated with this line = False

        # -- methods configuration

        model_type                  = 'GP' 
        initial_design_numdata      = None
        initial_design_type         = 'random' 
        acquisition_type            = 'EI'
        normalize_Y                 = True 
        exact_feval                 = False
        acquisition_optimizer_type  = 'lbfgs' 
        model_update_interval       = 1 
        evaluator_type              = 'sequential' 
        batch_size                  = 1
        num_cores                   = 1
        verbosity                   = False 

        # stop conditions
        max_iter                    = 5
        max_time                    = 999
        eps                         = 1e-8

        self.methods_configs = [ 
                    {   'name': 'EI',
                        'model_type'                 : model_type, 
                        'initial_design_numdata'     : initial_design_numdata,
                        'initial_design_type'        : initial_design_type, 
                        'acquisition_type'           : 'EI', 
                        'normalize_Y'                : normalize_Y, 
                        'exact_feval'                : exact_feval,
                        'acquisition_optimizer_type' : acquisition_optimizer_type, 
                        'model_update_interval'      : model_update_interval, 
                        'verbosity'                  : verbosity, 
                        'evaluator_type'             : evaluator_type, 
                        'batch_size'                 : batch_size,
                        'num_cores'                  : num_cores,
                        'max_iter'                   : max_iter,
                        'max_time'                   : max_time,
                        'eps'                        : eps
                    {   'name': 'MPI',
                        'model_type'                 : model_type, 
                        'initial_design_numdata'     : initial_design_numdata,
                        'initial_design_type'        : initial_design_type, 
                        'acquisition_type'           : 'MPI', 
                        'normalize_Y'                : normalize_Y, 
                        'exact_feval'                : exact_feval,
                        'acquisition_optimizer_type' : acquisition_optimizer_type, 
                        'model_update_interval'      : model_update_interval, 
                        'verbosity'                  : verbosity, 
                        'evaluator_type'             : evaluator_type, 
                        'batch_size'                 : batch_size,
                        'num_cores'                  : num_cores,
                        'max_iter'                   : max_iter,
                        'max_time'                   : max_time,
                        'eps'                        : eps
                    {   'name': 'LCB',
                        'model_type'                 : model_type, 
                        'initial_design_numdata'     : initial_design_numdata,
                        'initial_design_type'        : initial_design_type, 
                        'acquisition_type'           : 'LCB', 
                        'normalize_Y'                : normalize_Y, 
                        'exact_feval'                : exact_feval,
                        'acquisition_optimizer_type' : acquisition_optimizer_type, 
                        'model_update_interval'      : model_update_interval, 
                        'verbosity'                  : verbosity, 
                        'evaluator_type'             : evaluator_type, 
                        'batch_size'                 : batch_size,
                        'num_cores'                  : num_cores,
                        'max_iter'                   : max_iter,
                        'max_time'                   : max_time,
                        'eps'                        : eps                        

        # -- Problem setup
        n_inital_design = 5
        input_dim = 5
        f_bounds = (-5,5)
        self.f_inits = samples_multidimensional_uniform([f_bounds]*input_dim,n_inital_design)
        self.f_inits = self.f_inits.reshape(1, input_dim, self.f_inits.shape[-1])

        self.problem_config = {
            'objective': GPyOpt.objective_examples.experimentsNd.gSobol(np.ones(input_dim)).f,
            'domain': [{'name': 'var_1', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': f_bounds, 'dimensionality': input_dim}],
            'constrains': None,
            'cost_withGradients': None}
Example #8
	def setUp(self):

		# -- This file was used to generate the test files
		self.outpath = './test_files'
		self.is_unittest = True	# test files were generated with this line =True

		# -- methods configuration
		max_iter 				= 25
		eps 					= 1e-8

		# acquisition type (testing here)
		acquisition_name 		= 'EI'
		acquisition_par			= 0.0

		# acquisition optimization type
		acqu_optimize_method 	= 'fast_random'
		acqu_optimize_restarts 	= 25
		true_gradients			= True

		# batch type
		n_inbatch 				= 1
		batch_method			= 'predictive'
		n_procs					= 1

		# type of inital design
		numdata_initial_design 	= 3
		type_initial_design		= 'random' 

		# model type
		kernel 					= None
		model_optimize_interval	= 1 
		model_optimize_restarts = 2 
		sparseGP				= False 	
		num_inducing			= None 

		# likelihood type
		normalize				= False
		exact_feval				= True 
		verbosity				= False 

		self.methods_configs = [
					{ 'name': 'stop_condition',
					'acquisition_par': acquisition_par,
					'true_gradients': true_gradients,
					'batch_method': batch_method,
					'numdata_initial_design': numdata_initial_design,
					'type_initial_design': type_initial_design,
					'kernel': kernel,
					'model_optimize_interval': model_optimize_interval,
					'model_optimize_restarts': model_optimize_restarts,
					'sparseGP': sparseGP,
					'num_inducing': num_inducing,
					'normalize': normalize,
					'exact_feval': exact_feval,
					'eps': 0.001,
					{ 'name': 'Y_normalization',
					'acquisition_par': acquisition_par,
					'true_gradients': true_gradients,
					'batch_method': batch_method,
					'numdata_initial_design': numdata_initial_design,
					'type_initial_design': type_initial_design,
					'kernel': kernel,
					'model_optimize_interval': model_optimize_interval,
					'model_optimize_restarts': model_optimize_restarts,
					'sparseGP': sparseGP,
					'num_inducing': num_inducing,
					'normalize': True,
					'exact_feval': exact_feval,
					'eps': eps,
				  	{ 'name': 'noisy_evaluations',
					'acquisition_par': acquisition_par,
					'true_gradients': true_gradients,
					'batch_method': batch_method,
					'numdata_initial_design': numdata_initial_design,
					'type_initial_design': type_initial_design,
					'kernel': kernel,
					'model_optimize_interval': model_optimize_interval,
					'model_optimize_restarts': model_optimize_restarts,
					'sparseGP': sparseGP,
					'num_inducing': num_inducing,
					'normalize': True,
					'exact_feval': False,
					'eps': eps,
					{ 'name': 'latin_design',
					'acquisition_par': acquisition_par,
					'true_gradients': true_gradients,
					'batch_method': batch_method,
					'numdata_initial_design': 20,
					'type_initial_design': 'latin',
					'kernel': kernel,
					'model_optimize_interval': model_optimize_interval,
					'model_optimize_restarts': model_optimize_restarts,
					'sparseGP': sparseGP,
					'num_inducing': num_inducing,
					'normalize': normalize,
					'exact_feval': exact_feval,
					'eps': eps,

		# -- Problem setup
		f_bound_dim = (-5.,5.)
		f_dim = 5
		n_inital_design = 5
		self.f_obj = GPyOpt.fmodels.experimentsNd.gSobol(np.ones(f_dim)).f
		self.f_bounds = [f_bound_dim]*f_dim
		self.f_inits = samples_multidimensional_uniform(self.f_bounds,n_inital_design)
		self.f_inits = self.f_inits.reshape(1, f_dim, self.f_inits.shape[-1])
    def setUp(self):
        # -- methods configuration

        model_type                  = 'GP'
        initial_design_numdata      = None
        initial_design_type         = 'random'
        acquisition_type            = 'EI'
        normalize_Y                 = True
        exact_feval                 = True
        acquisition_optimizer_type  = 'lbfgs'
        model_update_interval       = 1
        evaluator_type              = 'sequential'
        batch_size                  = 1
        num_cores                   = 1
        verbosity                   = False

        # stop conditions
        max_iter                    = 5
        max_time                    = 999
        eps                         = 1e-8

        self.methods_configs = [
                    {   'name': 'lbfgs',
                        'model_type'                 : model_type,
                        'initial_design_numdata'     : initial_design_numdata,
                        'initial_design_type'        : initial_design_type,
                        'acquisition_type'           : acquisition_type,
                        'normalize_Y'                : normalize_Y,
                        'exact_feval'                : exact_feval,
                        'acquisition_optimizer_type' : 'lbfgs',
                        'model_update_interval'      : model_update_interval,
                        'verbosity'                  : verbosity,
                        'evaluator_type'             : evaluator_type,
                        'batch_size'                 : batch_size,
                        'num_cores'                  : num_cores,
                        'max_iter'                   : max_iter,
                        'max_time'                   : max_time,
                        'eps'                        : eps
                    # {   'name': 'DIRECT',
                    #     'model_type'                 : model_type,
                    #     'initial_design_numdata'     : initial_design_numdata,
                    #     'initial_design_type'        : initial_design_type,
                    #     'acquisition_type'           : acquisition_type,
                    #     'normalize_Y'                : normalize_Y,
                    #     'exact_feval'                : exact_feval,
                    #     'acquisition_optimizer_type' : 'DIRECT',
                    #     'model_update_interval'      : model_update_interval,
                    #     'verbosity'                  : verbosity,
                    #     'evaluator_type'             : evaluator_type,
                    #     'batch_size'                 : batch_size,
                    #     'num_cores'                  : num_cores,
                    #     'max_iter'                   : 1,
                    #     'max_time'                   : max_time,
                    #     'eps'                        : eps
                    #     },
                    # {   'name': 'CMA',
                    #     'model_type'                 : model_type,
                    #     'initial_design_numdata'     : initial_design_numdata,
                    #     'initial_design_type'        : initial_design_type,
                    #     'acquisition_type'           : acquisition_type,
                    #     'normalize_Y'                : normalize_Y,
                    #     'exact_feval'                : exact_feval,
                    #     'acquisition_optimizer_type' : 'CMA',
                    #     'model_update_interval'      : model_update_interval,
                    #     'verbosity'                  : verbosity,
                    #     'evaluator_type'             : evaluator_type,
                    #     'batch_size'                 : batch_size,
                    #     'num_cores'                  : num_cores,
                    #     'max_iter'                   : max_iter,
                    #     'max_time'                   : max_time,
                    #     'eps'                        : eps
                    #     }

        # -- Problem setup

        n_inital_design = 5
        input_dim = 5
        f_bounds = (-5,5)
        self.f_inits = samples_multidimensional_uniform([f_bounds]*input_dim,n_inital_design)
        self.f_inits = self.f_inits.reshape(input_dim, self.f_inits.shape[-1])

        self.problem_config = {
            'objective': GPyOpt.objective_examples.experimentsNd.gSobol(np.ones(input_dim)).f,
            'domain': [{'name': 'var_1', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': f_bounds, 'dimensionality': input_dim}],
            'constraints': None,
            'cost_withGradients': None}