def child_ls_merge(child_ls, child_d, types):
    merge alleles_names of children to list (ex. [01:03, 08, 01, 08] -> [01:03, 08])
    @param child_ls: _child_ list
    @param child_d: _child_ dictionary
    @param types: A/B/C/DR/DB
    @return: merged list
    lst = Als()
    for child in child_ls:
        if any(child_d[child][types]):
            # lst = child_d[_child_][alleles_names].merge(lst)
            lst = lst.merge(child_d[child][types])
    return lst
def list_to_dict(family_ids, family_als, als_names):
    convert family data from list to dict
    :param family_ids: alleles_names of family members (F, M, 1, 2...)
    :param family_als: alleles_names data of family
    :param als_names: alleles_names alleles_names (A, B, C, DR, DQ)
    :return: dict with data about the family
    fam_dict = {}
    for i in range(len(family_ids)):
        fam_member = family_ids[i]
        fam_dict[fam_member] = {}
        for j in range(len(family_als[0])):
            als_data = Als()
            fam_dict[fam_member][als_names[j]] = als_data
    return fam_dict
def is_valid(fam_d, al_types, par_num):
    validation tests of alleles_names data
    return: 0 if valid. string with error description otherwise.
    for types in al_types:
        for key in fam_d:
            for single_al in fam_d[key][types]:
                if single_al == "" or single_al == " ":
                elif ":" in single_al:
                    parts = single_al.split(":")
                    for part in parts:
                        if not (part.isnumeric() or part.isupper()
                                or part == ''):
                            return "There is an allele which contains an invalid character. " \
                                   "(It must contain numbers or uppercase only)."
                    if not (single_al.isnumeric() or single_al.isupper()):
                        return "There is an allele which contains an invalid character. " \
                               "(It must contain numbers or uppercase only)."
    if len(fam_d) < 2:
        return "Missing data about the family (less than two people)."
    if len(fam_d) == 2 and par_num == 2:
        return "Missing data about the family - there are no children."
    for types in al_types:
        lst = Als()
        for key in fam_d:  # F, M, 1, 2...
            if any(fam_d[key][types]):  # not empty
                # lst = fam_d[key][alleles_names].merge(lst)
                lst = lst.merge(fam_d[key][types])
        if len(lst) > 4:
            return "Too many alleles_names in the family."
    if par_num == 2:
        for types in al_types:
            fm_als = fam_d['F'][types] + fam_d['M'][types]
            for key in fam_d:
                if key != 'F' and key != 'M' and len(fm_als) == 4 and all(
                    in_fm = fam_d[key][types].sub_lst(fm_als)
                    if not in_fm:
                        return "There is an allele in a _child_ that does not exist in the parents."

    return 0
def data_pc_22(al_p, al_c, j, fm_in, fm_out, types):
    match, ind_c = al_p.match_par(al_c)
    if match == 1:  # 1 pair same, 1 pair different
        ind_p = al_p.index_a(al_c[ind_c])
        al_p[ind_p] = high_res(
            al_c[ind_c])  # emb chromo with high res between par and _child_
        al_p2 = Als()
        al_p2.append(al_p[1 - ind_p])
        al_p.remove_a(al_p2[0])  # remove from par different allele
        al_c.remove_a(al_p[0])  # remove from _child_ same allele
        c2_inpar = fm_out[j][types] if fm_out[
            j] else None  # the second chromo in cur par
        c2_outpar = fm_in[1 - j][types] if fm_in[
            1 -
            j] else None  # the second chromo in other par (that _child_ inheritance)
        # try
        checker = fm_out[1 - j][types] if fm_out[
            1 - j] else None  # avoid case of incorrect deletion
        if c2_inpar and c2_outpar:
                al_p, al_p2, c2_inpar, c2_outpar,
                checker)  # add or remove allele to the connected chromo
def div_4als(spec_d):
    divide 4 alleles_names to 2 groups, with keep the logic of inheritance from parents
    for example : 01+02, 02+03, 03+04 --> [01, 03] [02, 04]
    @param spec_d: dict with data of children alleles_names
    @return: 2 groups
    gr0 = Als()
    gr1 = Als()
    is_ex, homoz = exist_homoz_d(spec_d)
    if is_ex:  # there is homozygous
        for als in spec_d.values():
            for al in als:
                if al not in gr0 and al not in gr1:  # al not in groups. add to group that small than 2 als
                    if len(gr0) < 2:
                    elif len(gr1) < 2:
            if len(gr0) == len(gr1) == 2:  # the groups are full
    else:  # no homozygous
        "after" is a list help to make more running if at first the als didnt embed
        for exa: first run: gr0[01], gr1[02]. als = [03, 04], so cant emb
                 second run: g0[01, 03], gr1[02] so can emb als
        after = []
        i = 0
        for child, als in spec_d.items():
            if i == 0:
                gr0, gr1 = div_2als(gr0, gr1, als, after)
            i += 1
        if len(after) > 0:
            gr0, gr1 = div_2als(gr0, gr1, after[0], [])
    return gr0, gr1
Example #6
def emb_wp(chF, chM, child_d, al_types):
    embed children to parents chromosomes, in case that parents exist
    @param chF: father chromosome
    @param chM: mother chromosome
    @param child_d: dict of _child_
    @param al_types: alleles_names alleles_names (A, B ...)
    @return: list with the embedding of the _child_
    i = 0
    m_before = False
    flag = 0
    first = True  # TODO: why define as True but after as 0/1?
    emb_FM = [0, 0]  # emb_FM signs which chromo of parents the _child_ emb. if chF2, chM1: [2,1]
    pars = [chF, chM]
    if not ( empty_dict(chM.ch1) or empty_dict(chM.ch2) ):  # if M full and F empty, begin with M
        pars = [chM, chF]
        m_before = True  # sign the opposite list. in the end of code - flip it
    for par in pars:
        was_emb = False
        if empty_dict(par.ch1) and empty_dict(par.ch2):
            emb_FM[i] = 1  # emb (random) in first chromo
            was_emb = True  # TODO: something here looks strange (not used)
        elif not (empty_dict(par.ch1) or empty_dict(par.ch2)):  # 2 chrom of par are full
            d1 = par.ch1
            d2 = par.ch2
            for types in al_types:
                if not was_emb and len(d1[types]) == len(d2[types]) == 1 and not \
                        equal_al(d1[types][0], d2[types][0]):  # not embedded, par has singles and not homozygous
                    par_pair = Als()
                    par_pair.extend([d1[types][0], d2[types][0]])
                    match, m_par = child_d[types].match_par(par_pair)
                    if len(child_d[types]) == 2 and match == 1:
                        emb_FM[i] = m_par + 1
                        was_emb = True
                        del_al = child_d[types][0] if child_d[types][0] in par_pair else child_d[types][1]  # TODO: this the reason for creating copied dict
                        del child_d[types][child_d[types].index_a(del_al)]  # remove the emb allele
                    elif len(child_d[types]) == 1:  # _child_ has 1 option to this allele (the first allele was embedded)
                        ind = par_pair.index_a(child_d[types][0])
                        if ind != -1:
                            emb_FM[i] = ind + 1
                            was_emb = True
            if not was_emb and flag != 1 and first == 0:
                flag = 1
                i = i - 1
                pars.append(par)  # add to more one running on this parents, to success the emb

        else:  # 1 chrom full, one empty, (in this case we can embed only in the empty chrom, if the the full contradictory (if the full compatible we can't know certainly))
            full_d = par.ch1 if not empty_dict(par.ch1) else par.ch2
            full_ind = 0 if not empty_dict(par.ch1) else 1
            for types in al_types:
                if not was_emb and not child_d[types].sub_lst(full_d[types]):
                    emb_FM[i] = 2 - full_ind
                    was_emb = True
        first = 1
        i += 1
    if m_before:  # indexes opposite
    if flag == 1:  # and emb_FM[0] != 0:

    return emb_FM
 def __init__(self, al_types):
     self.ch1 = {}
     self.ch2 = {}
     for al in al_types:
         self.ch1[al] = Als()
         self.ch2[al] = Als()
def add_data_child(child, chF, chM, emb_FM, al_types, d_chi):
    f_in, f_out, m_in, m_out = common_chr(
        chF, chM, emb_FM)  # f_in/m_in = chromos the _child_ inheritance
    fm_in = [f_in, m_in]
    fm_out = [f_out, m_out]
    # if who_fuller(f_in, m_in) == 2:
    #     fm_in, fm_out = [m_in, f_in], [m_out, f_out]
    j = 0  # j = which iteration in pars loop
    for chr_par in fm_in:
        if not chr_par:  # TODO: Im not sure it could be True (maybe yes..)
            j += 1
        for types in al_types:
            al_c = d_chi[child][types]
            al_p = fm_in[j][types]
            if al_c.is_empty_a():
            if al_p.is_empty_a():
                if len(al_c) == 2 and al_c[0] == al_c[1]:
                chr_par[types] = copy.deepcopy(
                    al_c)  # emb data from _child_ to par
            elif len(al_c) == len(al_p) == 1:  # par and _child_ has 1 chromo
                if al_c != al_p:
                    return None, None
                al_p[0] = high_res(
                    al_p[0], al_c[0]
                )  # emb chromo with high res between par and _child_
            elif len(al_c) == 2 and len(al_p) == 1:  # _child_ has 2, par has 1
                # e.g. par: 01 , _child_: 01:08+02 ; so- par: 01:08, _child_: 02
                if al_p[0] in al_c:
                    al_p[0] = high_res(al_p[0], al_c[al_c.index_a(al_p[0])])
                    return None, None
            elif len(al_c) == len(al_p) == 2:  # par and _child_ has 2 chromos
                data_pc_22(al_p, al_c, j, fm_in, fm_out, types)
            elif len(al_c) == 1 and len(al_p) == 2:
                if al_c[0] not in al_p:
                    return None, None
                if equal_al(al_p[0], al_p[1]) and al_p[0] != al_p[1]:
                    if len(al_c[0]) == 2 and equal_al(
                            al_p[0], al_c[0]
                    ):  # e.g 01:02, 01:03  # TODO: it's not a good example! because they aren't equal
                ind_p = al_p.index_a(al_c[0])
                al_p[ind_p] = high_res(
                    al_p[ind_p], al_c[0]
                )  # high res  # TODO: why not chr_par[alleles_names] = ... ?
                al_p2 = Als()
                al_p2.append(al_p[1 - ind_p])
                c2_inpar = fm_out[j][types] if fm_out[
                    j] else None  # the second chromo in cur par
                c2_outpar = fm_in[1 - j][types] if fm_in[
                    1 -
                    j] else None  # the second chromo in other par (that _child_ inheritance)
                # try
                checker = fm_out[1 - j][types] if fm_out[
                    1 - j] else None  # avoid case of incorrect deletion
                if c2_inpar and c2_outpar:
                        al_p, al_p2, c2_inpar, c2_outpar, checker
                    )  # add or remove allele to the connected chromo

        j += 1
    return chF, chM