def __init__(self, settings, parent_textEdit): sys.excepthook = exception_handler self.settings = settings self.parent_textEdit = parent_textEdit = [] self.categories = [] self.filenames = [] self.annotations = [] self.search_indices = [] self.search_index = 0 self.get_codes_categories() cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("select id, name from source where mediapath is Null") result = cur.fetchall() for row in result: self.filenames.append({'id': row[0], 'name': row[1]}) cur.execute("select anid, fid, pos0, pos1, memo, owner, date from annotation where owner=?", [self.settings['codername'], ]) result = cur.fetchall() for row in result: self.annotations.append({'anid': row[0], 'fid': row[1], 'pos0': row[2], 'pos1': row[3], 'memo': row[4], 'owner': row[5], 'date': row[6]}) QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self) self.ui = Ui_Dialog_codes() self.ui.setupUi(self) newfont = QtGui.QFont(settings['font'], settings['fontsize'], QtGui.QFont.Normal) self.setFont(newfont) treefont = QtGui.QFont(settings['font'], settings['treefontsize'], QtGui.QFont.Normal) self.ui.treeWidget.setFont(treefont) self.ui.label_coder.setText("Coder: " + settings['codername']) self.ui.label_file.setText("File: Not selected") self.ui.textEdit.setPlainText("") self.ui.textEdit.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.ui.textEdit.setToolTip("") self.ui.textEdit.setMouseTracking(True) self.ui.textEdit.setReadOnly(True) self.eventFilterTT = ToolTip_EventFilter() self.ui.textEdit.installEventFilter(self.eventFilterTT) self.ui.textEdit.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.ui.textEdit.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.textEdit_menu) self.ui.textEdit.cursorPositionChanged.connect(self.coded_in_text) self.ui.pushButton_view_file.clicked.connect(self.view_file) self.ui.pushButton_auto_code.clicked.connect(self.auto_code) #self.ui.checkBox_show_coders.stateChanged.connect(self.view_file) self.ui.lineEdit_search.textEdited.connect(self.search_for_text) self.ui.pushButton_search_results.setEnabled(False) self.ui.pushButton_search_results.pressed.connect(self.move_to_next_search_text) self.ui.treeWidget.setDragEnabled(True) self.ui.treeWidget.setAcceptDrops(True) self.ui.treeWidget.setDragDropMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.InternalMove) self.ui.treeWidget.viewport().installEventFilter(self) self.ui.treeWidget.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.ui.treeWidget.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.tree_menu) self.ui.treeWidget.itemClicked.connect(self.fill_code_label) self.ui.splitter.setSizes([150, 400]) self.fill_tree()
class DialogCodeText(QtWidgets.QDialog): ''' Code management. Add, delete codes. Mark and unmark text. Add memos and colors to codes. Trialled using setHtml for documents, but on marking text Html formattin was replaced, also on unmarking text, the unmark was not immediately cleared (needed to reload the file) ''' NAME_COLUMN = 0 ID_COLUMN = 1 MEMO_COLUMN = 2 settings = None parent_textEdit = None codes = [] categories = [] filenames = [] filename = {} # contains filename and file id returned from SelectFile sourceText = None code_text = [] annotations = [] search_indices = [] search_index = 0 eventFilter = None def __init__(self, settings, parent_textEdit): sys.excepthook = exception_handler self.settings = settings self.parent_textEdit = parent_textEdit = [] self.categories = [] self.filenames = [] self.annotations = [] self.search_indices = [] self.search_index = 0 self.get_codes_categories() cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("select id, name from source where mediapath is Null") result = cur.fetchall() for row in result: self.filenames.append({'id': row[0], 'name': row[1]}) cur.execute("select anid, fid, pos0, pos1, memo, owner, date from annotation where owner=?", [self.settings['codername'], ]) result = cur.fetchall() for row in result: self.annotations.append({'anid': row[0], 'fid': row[1], 'pos0': row[2], 'pos1': row[3], 'memo': row[4], 'owner': row[5], 'date': row[6]}) QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self) self.ui = Ui_Dialog_codes() self.ui.setupUi(self) newfont = QtGui.QFont(settings['font'], settings['fontsize'], QtGui.QFont.Normal) self.setFont(newfont) treefont = QtGui.QFont(settings['font'], settings['treefontsize'], QtGui.QFont.Normal) self.ui.treeWidget.setFont(treefont) self.ui.label_coder.setText("Coder: " + settings['codername']) self.ui.label_file.setText("File: Not selected") self.ui.textEdit.setPlainText("") self.ui.textEdit.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.ui.textEdit.setToolTip("") self.ui.textEdit.setMouseTracking(True) self.ui.textEdit.setReadOnly(True) self.eventFilterTT = ToolTip_EventFilter() self.ui.textEdit.installEventFilter(self.eventFilterTT) self.ui.textEdit.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.ui.textEdit.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.textEdit_menu) self.ui.textEdit.cursorPositionChanged.connect(self.coded_in_text) self.ui.pushButton_view_file.clicked.connect(self.view_file) self.ui.pushButton_auto_code.clicked.connect(self.auto_code) #self.ui.checkBox_show_coders.stateChanged.connect(self.view_file) self.ui.lineEdit_search.textEdited.connect(self.search_for_text) self.ui.pushButton_search_results.setEnabled(False) self.ui.pushButton_search_results.pressed.connect(self.move_to_next_search_text) self.ui.treeWidget.setDragEnabled(True) self.ui.treeWidget.setAcceptDrops(True) self.ui.treeWidget.setDragDropMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.InternalMove) self.ui.treeWidget.viewport().installEventFilter(self) self.ui.treeWidget.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.ui.treeWidget.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.tree_menu) self.ui.treeWidget.itemClicked.connect(self.fill_code_label) self.ui.splitter.setSizes([150, 400]) self.fill_tree() def fill_code_label(self): """ Fill code label with currently selected item's code name. """ current = self.ui.treeWidget.currentItem() if current.text(1)[0:3] == 'cat': self.ui.label_code.setText(_("NO CODE SELECTED")) return self.ui.label_code.setText("Code: " + current.text(0)) def fill_tree(self): """ Fill tree widget, top level items are main categories and unlinked codes. """ cats = deepcopy(self.categories) codes = deepcopy( self.ui.treeWidget.clear() self.ui.treeWidget.setColumnCount(3) self.ui.treeWidget.setHeaderLabels([_("Name"), _("Id"), _("Memo")]) self.ui.treeWidget.setColumnHidden(1, True) self.ui.treeWidget.header().setSectionResizeMode(QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.ui.treeWidget.header().setStretchLastSection(False) # add top level categories remove_list = [] for c in cats: if c['supercatid'] is None: memo = "" if c['memo'] != "": memo = _("Memo") top_item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem([c['name'], 'catid:' + str(c['catid']), memo]) top_item.setIcon(0, QtGui.QIcon("GUI/icon_cat.png")) top_item.setToolTip(0, c['owner'] + "\n" + c['date']) self.ui.treeWidget.addTopLevelItem(top_item) remove_list.append(c) for item in remove_list: #try: cats.remove(item) #except Exception as e: # logger.debug(e, item) ''' add child categories. look at each unmatched category, iterate through tree to add as child, then remove matched categories from the list ''' count = 0 while len(cats) > 0 or count < 10000: remove_list = [] #logger.debug("Cats: " + str(cats)) for c in cats: it = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItemIterator(self.ui.treeWidget) item = it.value() while item: # while there is an item in the list if item.text(1) == 'catid:' + str(c['supercatid']): memo = "" if c['memo'] != "": memo = _("Memo") child = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem([c['name'], 'catid:' + str(c['catid']), memo]) child.setIcon(0, QtGui.QIcon("GUI/icon_cat.png")) child.setToolTip(0, c['owner'] + "\n" + c['date']) item.addChild(child) remove_list.append(c) it += 1 item = it.value() for item in remove_list: cats.remove(item) count += 1 # add unlinked codes as top level items remove_items = [] for c in codes: if c['catid'] is None: memo = "" if c['memo'] != "": memo = _("Memo") top_item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem([c['name'], 'cid:' + str(c['cid']), memo]) top_item.setIcon(0, QtGui.QIcon("GUI/icon_code.png")) top_item.setToolTip(0, c['owner'] + "\n" + c['date']) top_item.setBackground(0, QBrush(QtGui.QColor(c['color']), Qt.SolidPattern)) top_item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) self.ui.treeWidget.addTopLevelItem(top_item) remove_items.append(c) for item in remove_items: codes.remove(item) # add codes as children for c in codes: it = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItemIterator(self.ui.treeWidget) item = it.value() while item: if item.text(1) == 'catid:' + str(c['catid']): memo = "" if c['memo'] != "": memo = _("Memo") child = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem([c['name'], 'cid:' + str(c['cid']), memo]) child.setBackground(0, QBrush(QtGui.QColor(c['color']), Qt.SolidPattern)) child.setIcon(0, QtGui.QIcon("GUI/icon_code.png")) child.setToolTip(0, c['owner'] + "\n" + c['date']) child.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) item.addChild(child) c['catid'] = -1 # make unmatchable it += 1 item = it.value() self.ui.treeWidget.expandAll() def get_codes_categories(self): """ Called from init, delete category/code. """ self.categories = [] cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("select name, catid, owner, date, memo, supercatid from code_cat") result = cur.fetchall() for row in result: self.categories.append({'name': row[0], 'catid': row[1], 'owner': row[2], 'date': row[3], 'memo': row[4], 'supercatid': row[5]}) = [] cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("select name, memo, owner, date, cid, catid, color from code_name") result = cur.fetchall() for row in result:{'name': row[0], 'memo': row[1], 'owner': row[2], 'date': row[3], 'cid': row[4], 'catid': row[5], 'color': row[6]}) def search_for_text(self): """ On text changed in lineEdit_search, find indices of matching text. Only where text is two or more characters long. Resets current search_index. """ if len(self.search_indices) == 0: self.ui.pushButton_search_results.setEnabled(False) self.search_indices = [] self.search_index = -1 text = self.ui.lineEdit_search.text() self.ui.pushButton_search_results.setText("0 / 0") if len(text) < 2 or len(self.ui.textEdit.toPlainText()) == 0: return self.search_indices = [match.start() for match in re.finditer(re.escape(text), self.sourceText)] if len(self.search_indices) > 0: self.ui.pushButton_search_results.setEnabled(True) self.ui.pushButton_search_results.setText("0 / " + str(len(self.search_indices))) def move_to_next_search_text(self): """ Push button pressed to move to next search text position. """ self.search_index += 1 if self.search_index == len(self.search_indices): self.search_index = 0 cur = self.ui.textEdit.textCursor() cur.setPosition(self.search_indices[self.search_index]) cur.setPosition(cur.position() + len(self.ui.lineEdit_search.text()), QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) self.ui.textEdit.setTextCursor(cur) self.ui.pushButton_search_results.setText(str(self.search_index + 1) + " / " + str(len(self.search_indices))) def textEdit_menu(self, position): """ Context menu for textEdit. Mark, unmark, annotate, copy. """ menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() ActionItemMark = menu.addAction(_("Mark")) ActionItemUnmark = menu.addAction(_("Unmark")) ActionItemAnnotate = menu.addAction(_("Annotate")) ActionItemCopy = menu.addAction(_("Copy to clipboard")) action = menu.exec_(self.ui.textEdit.mapToGlobal(position)) if action == ActionItemCopy: self.copy_selected_text_to_clipboard() if action == ActionItemMark: self.mark() cursor = self.ui.textEdit.cursorForPosition(position) if action == ActionItemUnmark: self.unmark(cursor.position()) if action == ActionItemAnnotate: self.annotate(cursor.position()) def copy_selected_text_to_clipboard(self): """ Copy text to clipboard for external use. For example adding text to another document. """ selectedText = self.ui.textEdit.textCursor().selectedText() cb = QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard() cb.clear(mode=cb.Clipboard) cb.setText(selectedText, mode=cb.Clipboard) def tree_menu(self, position): """ Context menu for treewidget items. Add, rename, memo, move or delete code or category. Change code color. """ menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() selected = self.ui.treeWidget.currentItem() #logger.debug("Selected parent: " + selected.parent()) #index = self.ui.treeWidget.currentIndex() ActionItemAddCode = menu.addAction(_("Add a new code")) ActionItemAddCategory = menu.addAction(_("Add a new category")) ActionItemRename = menu.addAction(_("Rename")) ActionItemEditMemo = menu.addAction(_("View or edit memo")) ActionItemDelete = menu.addAction(_("Delete")) if selected is not None and selected.text(1)[0:3] == 'cid': ActionItemChangeColor = menu.addAction(_("Change code color")) action = menu.exec_(self.ui.treeWidget.mapToGlobal(position)) if selected is not None and selected.text(1)[0:3] == 'cid' and action == ActionItemChangeColor: self.change_code_color(selected) if action == ActionItemAddCategory: self.add_category() if action == ActionItemAddCode: self.add_code() if selected is not None and action == ActionItemRename: self.rename_category_or_code(selected) if selected is not None and action == ActionItemEditMemo: self.add_edit_memo(selected) if selected is not None and action == ActionItemDelete: self.delete_category_or_code(selected) return def eventFilter(self, object, event): """ Using this event filter to identfiy treeWidgetItem drop events. QEvent::Drop 63 A drag and drop operation is completed (QDropEvent). """ if object is self.ui.treeWidget.viewport(): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Drop: item = self.ui.treeWidget.currentItem() parent = self.ui.treeWidget.itemAt(event.pos()) self.item_moved_update_data(item, parent) self.get_codes_categories() self.fill_tree() return False def item_moved_update_data(self, item, parent): """ Called from drop event in treeWidget view port. identify code or category to move. Also merge codes if one code is dropped on another code. """ # find the category in the list if item.text(1)[0:3] == 'cat': found = -1 for i in range(0, len(self.categories)): if self.categories[i]['catid'] == int(item.text(1)[6:]): found = i if found == -1: return if parent is None: self.categories[found]['supercatid'] = None else: if parent.text(1).split(':')[0] == 'cid': # parent is code (leaf) cannot add child return supercatid = int(parent.text(1).split(':')[1]) if supercatid == self.categories[found]['catid']: # something went wrong return self.categories[found]['supercatid'] = supercatid cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("update code_cat set supercatid=? where catid=?", [self.categories[found]['supercatid'], self.categories[found]['catid']]) self.settings['conn'].commit() # find the code in the list if item.text(1)[0:3] == 'cid': found = -1 for i in range(0, len( if[i]['cid'] == int(item.text(1)[4:]): found = i if found == -1: return if parent is None:[found]['catid'] = None else: if parent.text(1).split(':')[0] == 'cid': # parent is code (leaf) cannot add child, but can merge self.merge_codes([found], parent) return catid = int(parent.text(1).split(':')[1])[found]['catid'] = catid cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("update code_name set catid=? where cid=?", [[found]['catid'],[found]['cid']]) self.settings['conn'].commit() def merge_codes(self, item, parent): """ Merge code or category with another code or category. Called by item_moved_update_data when a code is moved onto another code. """ msg = _("Merge code: ") + item['name'] + _(" into code: ") + parent.text(0) reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(None, _('Merge codes'), msg, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No: return cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() old_cid = item['cid'] new_cid = int(parent.text(1).split(':')[1]) try: cur.execute("update code_text set cid=? where cid=?", [new_cid, old_cid]) cur.execute("update code_image set cid=? where cid=?", [new_cid, old_cid]) cur.execute("update code_av set cid=? where cid=?", [new_cid, old_cid]) self.settings['conn'].commit() except Exception as e: e = str(e) msg = _("Cannot merge codes, unmark overlapping text first. ") + e QtWidgets.QInformationDialog(None, _("Cannot merge"), msg) return cur.execute("delete from code_name where cid=?", [old_cid, ]) self.settings['conn'].commit() msg = msg.replace("\n", " ") self.parent_textEdit.append(msg) # update filter for tooltip self.eventFilterTT.setCodes(self.code_text, def add_code(self): """ Use add_item dialog to get new code text. Add_code_name dialog checks for duplicate code name. A random color is selected for the code. New code is added to data and database. """ ui = DialogAddItemName(, _("Add new code")) ui.exec_() newCodeText = ui.get_new_name() if newCodeText is None: return code_color = colors[randint(0, len(colors) - 1)] item = {'name': newCodeText, 'memo': "", 'owner': self.settings['codername'], 'date':"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),'catid': None, 'color': code_color} cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("insert into code_name (name,memo,owner,date,catid,color) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)" , (item['name'], item['memo'], item['owner'], item['date'], item['catid'], item['color'])) self.settings['conn'].commit() cur.execute("select last_insert_rowid()") cid = cur.fetchone()[0] item['cid'] = cid top_item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem([item['name'], 'cid:' + str(item['cid']), ""]) top_item.setIcon(0, QtGui.QIcon("GUI/icon_code.png")) color = item['color'] top_item.setBackground(0, QBrush(QtGui.QColor(color), Qt.SolidPattern)) self.ui.treeWidget.addTopLevelItem(top_item) self.ui.treeWidget.setCurrentItem(top_item) self.parent_textEdit.append(_("New code: ") + item['name']) def add_category(self): """ When button pressed, add a new category. Note: the addItem dialog does the checking for duplicate category names Add the new category as a top level item. """ ui = DialogAddItemName(self.categories, _("Category")) ui.exec_() newCatText = ui.get_new_name() if newCatText is None: return item = {'name': newCatText, 'cid': None, 'memo': "", 'owner': self.settings['codername'], 'date':"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("insert into code_cat (name, memo, owner, date, supercatid) values(?,?,?,?,?)" , (item['name'], item['memo'], item['owner'], item['date'], None)) self.settings['conn'].commit() cur.execute("select last_insert_rowid()") catid = cur.fetchone()[0] item['catid'] = catid self.categories.append(item) # update widget top_item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem([item['name'], 'catid:' + str(item['catid']), ""]) top_item.setIcon(0, QtGui.QIcon("GUI/icon_cat.png")) self.ui.treeWidget.addTopLevelItem(top_item) self.parent_textEdit.append(_("New category: ") + item['name']) def delete_category_or_code(self, selected): """ Determine if selected item is a code or category before deletion. """ if selected.text(1)[0:3] == 'cat': self.delete_category(selected) return # avoid error as selected is now None if selected.text(1)[0:3] == 'cid': self.delete_code(selected) def delete_code(self, selected): """ Find code, remove from database, refresh and code data and fill treeWidget. """ # find the code in the list, check to delete found = -1 for i in range(0, len( if[i]['cid'] == int(selected.text(1)[4:]): found = i if found == -1: return code_ =[found] ui = DialogConfirmDelete(_("Code: ") + selected.text(0)) ok = ui.exec_() if not ok: return cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("delete from code_name where cid=?", [code_['cid'], ]) cur.execute("delete from code_text where cid=?", [code_['cid'], ]) cur.execute("delete from code_image where cid=?", [code_['cid'], ]) cur.execute("delete from code_av where cid=?", [code_['cid'], ]) self.settings['conn'].commit() selected = None self.get_codes_categories() self.fill_tree() self.parent_textEdit.append(_("Code deleted: ") + code_['name'] + "\n") # update filter for tooltip self.eventFilterTT.setCodes(self.code_text, def delete_category(self, selected): """ Find category, remove from database, refresh categories and code data and fill treeWidget. """ found = -1 for i in range(0, len(self.categories)): if self.categories[i]['catid'] == int(selected.text(1)[6:]): found = i if found == -1: return category = self.categories[found] ui = DialogConfirmDelete(_("Category: ") + selected.text(0)) ok = ui.exec_() if not ok: return cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("update code_name set catid=null where catid=?", [category['catid'], ]) cur.execute("update code_cat set supercatid=null where catid = ?", [category['catid'], ]) cur.execute("delete from code_cat where catid = ?", [category['catid'], ]) self.settings['conn'].commit() selected = None self.get_codes_categories() self.fill_tree() self.parent_textEdit.append(_("Category deleted: ") + category['name']) def add_edit_memo(self, selected): """ View and edit a memo for a category or code. """ if selected.text(1)[0:3] == 'cid': # find the code in the list found = -1 for i in range(0, len( if[i]['cid'] == int(selected.text(1)[4:]): found = i if found == -1: return ui = DialogMemo(self.settings, _("Memo for Code: ") +[found]['name'],[found]['memo']) ui.exec_() memo = ui.memo if memo !=[found]['memo']:[found]['memo'] = memo cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("update code_name set memo=? where cid=?", (memo,[found]['cid'])) self.settings['conn'].commit() if memo == "": selected.setData(2, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, "") else: selected.setData(2, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, _("Memo")) self.parent_textEdit.append(_("Memo for code: ") +[found]['name']) if selected.text(1)[0:3] == 'cat': # find the category in the list found = -1 for i in range(0, len(self.categories)): if self.categories[i]['catid'] == int(selected.text(1)[6:]): found = i if found == -1: return ui = DialogMemo(self.settings, _("Memo for Category: ") + self.categories[found]['name'], self.categories[found]['memo']) ui.exec_() memo = ui.memo if memo != self.categories[found]['memo']: self.categories[found]['memo'] = memo cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("update code_cat set memo=? where catid=?", (memo, self.categories[found]['catid'])) self.settings['conn'].commit() if memo == "": selected.setData(2, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, "") else: selected.setData(2, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, _("Memo")) self.parent_textEdit.append(_("Memo for category: ") + self.categories[found]['name']) def rename_category_or_code(self, selected): """ Rename a code or category. Check that the code or category name is not currently in use. """ if selected.text(1)[0:3] == 'cid': new_name, ok = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText(self, _("Rename code"), _("New code name:"), QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal, selected.text(0)) if not ok or new_name == '': return # check that no other code has this text for c in if c['name'] == new_name: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(None, _("Name in use"), new_name + _(" is already in use, choose another name."), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) return # find the code in the list found = -1 for i in range(0, len( if[i]['cid'] == int(selected.text(1)[4:]): found = i if found == -1: return # update codes list and database cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("update code_name set name=? where cid=?", (new_name,[found]['cid'])) self.settings['conn'].commit() old_name =[found]['name'][found]['name'] = new_name selected.setData(0, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, new_name) self.parent_textEdit.append(_("Code renamed from: ") + old_name + _(" to: ") + new_name) # update filter for tooltip self.eventFilterTT.setCodes(self.code_text, return if selected.text(1)[0:3] == 'cat': new_name, ok = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText(self, _("Rename category"), _("New category name:"), QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal, selected.text(0)) if not ok or new_name == '': return # check that no other category has this text for c in self.categories: if c['name'] == new_name: msg = _("This code name is already in use.") QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(None, _("Duplicate code name"), msg, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) return # find the category in the list found = -1 for i in range(0, len(self.categories)): if self.categories[i]['catid'] == int(selected.text(1)[6:]): found = i if found == -1: return # update category list and database cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("update code_cat set name=? where catid=?", (new_name, self.categories[found]['catid'])) self.settings['conn'].commit() old_name = self.categories[found]['name'] self.categories[found]['name'] = new_name selected.setData(0, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, new_name) self.parent_textEdit.append(_("Category renamed from: ") + old_name + _(" to: ") + new_name) def change_code_color(self, selected): """ Change the colour of the currently selected code. """ cid = int(selected.text(1)[4:]) found = -1 for i in range(0, len( if[i]['cid'] == cid: found = i if found == -1: return ui = DialogColorSelect([found]['color']) ok = ui.exec_() if not ok: return new_color = ui.get_color() if new_color is None: return selected.setBackground(0, QBrush(QtGui.QColor(new_color), Qt.SolidPattern)) #update codes list, database and color markings[found]['color'] = new_color cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("update code_name set color=? where cid=?", ([found]['color'],[found]['cid'])) self.settings['conn'].commit() self.highlight() def view_file(self): """ When view file button is pressed a dialog of filenames is presented to the user. The selected file is then displayed for coding. """ ui = DialogSelectFile(self.filenames, "Select file to view", "single") ok = ui.exec_() sql_values = [] if ok: # filename is dictionary with id and name self.filename = ui.get_selected() cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("select name, id, fulltext, memo, owner, date from source where id=?", [self.filename['id']]) file_result = cur.fetchone() sql_values.append(int(file_result[1])) self.sourceText = file_result[2] self.ui.label_file.setText("File " + str(file_result[1]) + " : " + file_result[0]) # get code text for this file and for this coder, or all coders self.code_text = [] codingsql = "select cid, fid, seltext, pos0, pos1, owner, date, memo from code_text" codingsql += " where fid=? " if not self.ui.checkBox_show_coders.isChecked(): codingsql += " and owner=? " sql_values.append(self.settings['codername']) cur.execute(codingsql, sql_values) code_results = cur.fetchall() for row in code_results: self.code_text.append({'cid': row[0], 'fid': row[1], 'seltext': row[2], 'pos0': row[3], 'pos1':row[4], 'owner': row[5], 'date': row[6], 'memo': row[7]}) self.ui.textEdit.setPlainText(self.sourceText) # update filter for tooltip self.eventFilterTT.setCodes(self.code_text, # clear search indices and lineEdit self.ui.lineEdit_search.setText("") self.search_indices = [] self.search_index = 0 # redo formatting self.unlight() self.highlight() else: self.ui.textEdit.clear() def unlight(self): """ Remove all text highlighting from current file. """ if self.sourceText is None: return cursor = self.ui.textEdit.textCursor() cursor.setPosition(0, QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) cursor.setPosition(len(self.sourceText) - 1, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.setCharFormat(QtGui.QTextCharFormat()) def highlight(self): """ Apply text highlighting to current file. If no colour has been assigned to a code, those coded text fragments are coloured gray. Each code text item contains: fid, date, pos0, pos1, seltext, cid, status, memo, name, owner. """ if self.sourceText is None: return fmt = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() cursor = self.ui.textEdit.textCursor() # add coding highlights for item in self.code_text: cursor.setPosition(int(item['pos0']), QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) cursor.setPosition(int(item['pos1']), QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) color = "#F8E0E0" # default light red for fcode in if fcode['cid'] == item['cid']: color = fcode['color'] fmt.setBackground(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(color))) # highlight codes with memos - these are italicised if item['memo'] is not None and item['memo'] != "": fmt.setFontItalic(True) else: fmt.setFontItalic(False) fmt.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Normal) cursor.setCharFormat(fmt) # add annotation marks - these are in bold for note in self.annotations: if len(self.filename.keys()) > 0: # will be zero if using autocode and no file is loaded if note['fid'] == self.filename['id']: cursor.setPosition(int(note['pos0']), QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) cursor.setPosition(int(note['pos1']), QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) formatB = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() formatB.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold) cursor.mergeCharFormat(formatB) def mark(self): """ Mark selected text in file with currently selected code. Need to check for multiple same codes at same pos0 and pos1. """ if self.filename == {}: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(None, _('Warning'), _("No file was selected"), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) return item = self.ui.treeWidget.currentItem() if item is None: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(None, _('Warning'), _("No code was selected"), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) return if item.text(1).split(':')[0] == 'catid': # must be a code return cid = int(item.text(1).split(':')[1]) selectedText = self.ui.textEdit.textCursor().selectedText() pos0 = self.ui.textEdit.textCursor().selectionStart() pos1 = self.ui.textEdit.textCursor().selectionEnd() # add the coded section to code text, add to database and update GUI coded = {'cid': cid, 'fid': int(self.filename['id']), 'seltext': selectedText, 'pos0': pos0, 'pos1': pos1, 'owner': self.settings['codername'], 'memo': "", 'date':"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} self.code_text.append(coded) self.highlight() cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() # check for an existing duplicated marking first cur.execute("select * from code_text where cid = ? and fid=? and pos0=? and pos1=? and owner=?", (coded['cid'], coded['fid'], coded['pos0'], coded['pos1'], coded['owner'])) result = cur.fetchall() if len(result) > 0: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(None, _("Already Coded"), _("This segment has already been coded with this code by ") + coded['owner'], QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) return #TODO should not get sqlite3.IntegrityError: #TODO UNIQUE constraint failed: code_text.cid, code_text.fid, code_text.pos0, code_text.pos1 try: cur.execute("insert into code_text (cid,fid,seltext,pos0,pos1,owner,\ memo,date) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (coded['cid'], coded['fid'], coded['seltext'], coded['pos0'], coded['pos1'], coded['owner'], coded['memo'], coded['date'])) self.settings['conn'].commit() except Exception as e: logger.debug(str(e)) # update filter for tooltip self.eventFilterTT.setCodes(self.code_text, def coded_in_text(self): """ When coded text is clicked on, the code name is displayed in the label above the text edit widget. """ labelText = _("Coded: ") self.ui.label_coded.setText(labelText) pos = self.ui.textEdit.textCursor().position() for item in self.code_text: if item['pos0'] <= pos and item['pos1'] >= pos: # logger.debug("Code name for selected pos0:" + str(item['pos0'])+" pos1:"+str(item['pos1']) for code in if code['cid'] == item['cid']: labelText = _("Coded: ") + code['name'] self.ui.label_coded.setText(labelText) def unmark(self, location): """ Remove code marking by this coder from selected text in current file. """ if self.filename == {}: return unmarked = None for item in self.code_text: if location >= item['pos0'] and location <= item['pos1'] and item['owner'] == self.settings['codername']: unmarked = item if unmarked is None: return # delete from db, remove from coding and update highlights cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("delete from code_text where cid=? and pos0=? and pos1=? and owner=?", (unmarked['cid'], unmarked['pos0'], unmarked['pos1'], self.settings['codername'])) self.settings['conn'].commit() if unmarked in self.code_text: self.code_text.remove(unmarked) # update filter for tooltip and update code colours self.eventFilterTT.setCodes(self.code_text, self.unlight() self.highlight() def annotate(self, location): """ Add view, or remove an annotation for selected text. Annotation positions are displayed as bold text. """ if self.filename == {}: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(None, _('Warning'), _("No file was selected")) return pos0 = self.ui.textEdit.textCursor().selectionStart() pos1 = self.ui.textEdit.textCursor().selectionEnd() text_length = len(self.ui.textEdit.toPlainText()) if pos0 >= text_length or pos1 >= text_length: return item = None details = "" annotation = "" # find existing annotation at this position for this file for note in self.annotations: if location >= note['pos0'] and location <= note['pos1'] and note['fid'] == self.filename['id']: item = note # use existing annotation details = item['owner'] + " " + item['date'] # exit method if no text selected and there is not annotation at this position if pos0 == pos1 and item is None: return # add new item to annotations, add to database and update GUI if item is None: item = {'fid': int(self.filename['id']), 'pos0': pos0, 'pos1': pos1, 'memo': str(annotation), 'owner': self.settings['codername'], 'date':"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 'anid': -1} ui = DialogMemo(self.settings, _("Annotation: ") + details, item['memo']) ui.exec_() item['memo'] = ui.memo if item['memo'] != "": cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("insert into annotation (fid,pos0, pos1,memo,owner,date) \ values(?,?,?,?,?,?)" ,(item['fid'], item['pos0'], item['pos1'], item['memo'], item['owner'], item['date'])) self.settings['conn'].commit() cur.execute("select last_insert_rowid()") anid = cur.fetchone()[0] item['anid'] = anid self.annotations.append(item) self.highlight() self.parent_textEdit.append(_("Annotation added at position: ") \ + str(item['pos0']) + "-" + str(item['pos1']) + _(" for: ") + self.filename['name']) # if blank delete the annotation if item['memo'] == "": cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("delete from annotation where pos0 = ?", (item['pos0'], )) self.settings['conn'].commit() for note in self.annotations: if note['pos0'] == item['pos0'] and note['fid'] == item['fid']: self.annotations.remove(note) self.parent_textEdit.append(_("Annotation removed from position ") \ + str(item['pos0']) + _(" for: ") + self.filename['name']) self.unlight() self.highlight() def auto_code(self): """ Autocode text in one file or all files with currently selected code. """ item = self.ui.treeWidget.currentItem() if item is None: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(None, _('Warning'), _("No code was selected"), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) return if item.text(1)[0:3] == 'cat': return cid = int(item.text(1).split(':')[1]) # Input dialog too narrow, so code below dialog = QtWidgets.QInputDialog(None) dialog.setWindowTitle(_("Automatic coding")) dialog.setInputMode(QtWidgets.QInputDialog.TextInput) dialog.setLabelText(_("Autocode files with the current code for this text:") +"\n" + item.text(0)) dialog.resize(200, 20) ok = dialog.exec_() if not ok: return findText = str(dialog.textValue()) if findText == "" or findText is None: return ui = DialogSelectFile(self.filenames, _("Select file to view"), "many") ok = ui.exec_() if not ok: return files = ui.get_selected() if len(files) == 0: return filenames = "" for f in files: filenames += f['name'] + " " cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("select name, id, fulltext, memo, owner, date from source where id=? and mediapath is Null", [f['id']]) currentfile = cur.fetchone() text = currentfile[2] textStarts = [match.start() for match in re.finditer(re.escape(findText), text)] # add new items to database for startPos in textStarts: item = {'cid': cid, 'fid': int(f['id']), 'seltext': str(findText), 'pos0': startPos, 'pos1': startPos + len(findText), 'owner': self.settings['codername'], 'memo': "", 'date':"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("insert into code_text (cid,fid,seltext,pos0,pos1,\ owner,memo,date) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" , (item['cid'], item['fid'], item['seltext'], item['pos0'], item['pos1'], item['owner'], item['memo'], item['date'])) self.settings['conn'].commit() # if this is the currently open file update the code text list and GUI if f['id'] == self.filename['id']: self.code_text.append(item) self.highlight() self.parent_textEdit.append(_("Automatic coding in files: ") + filenames \ + _(". with text: ") + findText) # update filter for tooltip self.eventFilterTT.setCodes(self.code_text,