def __init__(self, model, outcomes=["stairing", "staired"]): smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes=outcomes) rospy.wait_for_service(model.model_name + '_joint_cmd') self.send = rospy.wait_for_service(model.model_name + '_joint_cmd') self._model = model project_root = dirname(dirname(__file__)) fileZ = join(project_root, 'config/toeZ_all.pickle') fileY = join(project_root, 'config/toeY_all.pickle') self.runnerZ = GMMRunner.GMMRunner( fileZ) # make_toeZ([file1, file2], hills3, nb_states, "toe_IK") self.runnerY = GMMRunner.GMMRunner( fileY) # make_toeY([file1, file2], hills3, nb_states, "toe_IK") self.rate = rospy.Rate(10) self.msg = DesiredJoints() = rospy.Publisher("set_points", DesiredJoints, queue_size=1) self.count = 0 self.init_joint_angles = []
def get_gmm(file_name): font = {'family': 'normal', 'weight': 'bold', 'size': 30} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) nb_states = 10 runner = GMMRunner.GMMRunner(file_name) fig0, ax = plt.subplots(3,sharex=True) sIn = runner.get_sIn() tau = runner.get_tau() l = runner.get_length() motion = runner.get_motion() mu = runner.get_mu() sigma = runner.get_sigma() currF = runner.get_expData() # plot the forcing functions angles = get_data() for i in range(len(angles["Lhip"])): ax[0].plot(sIn, tau[1, i * l: (i + 1) * l].tolist(), color="b") ax[1].plot(sIn, tau[2, i * l: (i + 1) * l].tolist(), color="b") ax[2].plot(sIn, tau[3, i * l: (i + 1) * l].tolist(), color="b") ax[0].plot(sIn, currF[0].tolist(), color="y", linewidth=5) ax[1].plot(sIn, currF[1].tolist(), color="y", linewidth=5) ax[2].plot(sIn, currF[2].tolist(), color="y", linewidth=5) sigma0 = sigma[:, :2, :2] sigma1 = sigma[:, :3, :2] sigma2 = sigma[:, :4, :2] sigma1 = np.delete(sigma1, 1, axis=1) sigma2 = np.delete(sigma2, 1, axis=1) sigma2 = np.delete(sigma2, 1, axis=1) p = plot_gmm(Mu=np.array([mu[0,:], mu[1,:] ]), Sigma=sigma0, ax=ax[0]) p = plot_gmm(Mu=np.array([mu[0, :], mu[2, :]]), Sigma=sigma1, ax=ax[1]) p = plot_gmm(Mu=np.array([mu[0, :], mu[3, :]]), Sigma=sigma2, ax=ax[2]) fig0.suptitle('Forcing Function') ax[2].set_xlabel('S') ax[0].set_ylabel('F') ax[1].set_ylabel('F') ax[2].set_ylabel('F') # fig0.tight_layout(pad=1.0, h_pad=0.15, w_pad=None, rect=None) ax[0].set_title("Left Hip") ax[1].set_title("Left Knee") ax[2].set_title("Left Ankle")
matplotlib.rc('font', **font) nb_states = 10 files = data.files sides = data.sides frames = data.frames hills = utilities.get_index(frames, files, sides) pathsZ, pathsY = utilities.make_toe(files, hills, sides) trainer = GMMTrainer.GMMTrainer(demo=pathsZ, file_name="plotGMM", n_rf=12, dt=0.01) trainer.train() runner = GMMRunner.GMMRunner("plotGMM.pickle") fig0, ax0 = plt.subplots(1) sIn = runner.get_sIn() tau = runner.get_tau() l = runner.get_length() motion = runner.get_motion() currF = runner.get_expData()[0].tolist() # plot the forcing functions for i in range(len(files)): ax0.plot(sIn, tau[1, i * l:(i + 1) * l].tolist(), color="b") ax0.plot(sIn, currF, color="y", linewidth=5) p = plot_gmm(Mu=runner.get_mu()[:2, :],
ax.add_collection(p) return p nb_states = 15 files = data.files sides = data.sides frames = data.frames hills = utilities.get_index(frames, files, sides) pathsZ, pathsY = utilities.make_toe(files, hills, sides) trainerZ = GMMTrainer.GMMTrainer(pathsZ, "trainZ", 15, 0.01) trainerZ.train() runnerZ = GMMRunner.GMMRunner("trainZ.pickle") trainerY = GMMTrainer.GMMTrainer(pathsY, "trainY", 15, 0.01) trainerY.train() runnerY = GMMRunner.GMMRunner("trainY.pickle") sample_size = 10000 for p in pathsZ: if len(p) < sample_size: sample_size = len(p) fig0, ax0 = plt.subplots(1) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1) sIn = runnerZ.get_sIn()
ax.add_collection(p) return p nb_states = 15 files = data.files sides = data.sides frames = data.frames hills = utilities.get_index(frames, files, sides) pathsZ, pathsY = utilities.make_toe(files, hills, sides) # trainerZ1 = GMMTrainer.GMMTrainer(pathsZ, "trainZ", 15, 0.01) # trainerZ1.train() runnerZ1 = GMMRunner.GMMRunner("trainZ.pickle") # # trainerY1 = GMMTrainer.GMMTrainer(pathsY, "trainY", 15, 0.01) # trainerY1.train() runnerY1 = GMMRunner.GMMRunner("trainY.pickle") nb_states = 15 files = data.files[0:1] sides = data.sides[0:1] frames = data.frames hills = utilities.get_index(frames, files, sides) pathsZ, pathsY = utilities.make_toe(files, hills, sides) # trainerZ2 = GMMTrainer.GMMTrainer(pathsZ, "trainZ_single", 15, 0.01) # trainerZ2.train() runnerZ2 = GMMRunner.GMMRunner("trainZ_single.pickle")
pathsZ = make_toeZ(filesZ, hillsZ) pathsY = make_toeY(filesY, hillsY) #runner_toeZ = make_toeZ(filesZ, hillsZ, nb_states, "toeZ_all2") #runner_toeY = make_toeY(filesY, hillsY, nb_states, "toeY_all") # runnerY = GMMRunner.GMMRunner("toeY_all" + ".pickle") # runnerZ = GMMRunner.GMMRunner("toeZ_all1" + ".pickle") # # imitationY = # imitationZ = metricsZ = [] metricsY = [] for i in range(2,25): runnerZ = GMMRunner.GMMRunner("toeZ_all" + str(i) + ".pickle") imitationZ = pathZ, metric = calculate_imitation_metric_1(pathsZ, imitationZ) metricsZ.append( [i, metric]) for i in range(2,25): runnerY = GMMRunner.GMMRunner("toeY_all" + str(i) + ".pickle") imitationY = pathY, metric = calculate_imitation_metric_1(pathsY, imitationY) metricsY.append( [i, metric]) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(5, 3)) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True, figsize=(5, 3)) metricsY = np.array(metricsY)