Example #1
def enableInternalServices():
    activates the internal services previously disabled due to expired credentials
    global servicesEnabled

    if servicesEnabled:
        log.error("Cannot (re)enable services, they're already running")
        from Ganga.Core.exceptions import GangaException
        raise GangaException("Cannot (re)enable services")

    # startup the registries
    from Ganga.Runtime import Repository_runtime

    # make sure all required credentials are valid
    invalid_afs = [afsToken for afsToken in credential_store.get_all_matching_type(AfsToken) if not afsToken.is_valid()]

    if invalid_afs:
        log.error('No valid AFS token was found. Please re-authorise before reactivating this session.')

    log.debug("Enabling the internal services")
    # re-enable the monitoring loop as it's been explicityly requested here

    servicesEnabled = True
    log.info('Internal services reactivated successfuly')
Example #2
def enableInternalServices():
    activates the internal services previously disabled due to expired credentials
    global servicesEnabled

    if servicesEnabled:
        log.error("Cannot (re)enable services, they're already running")
        from Ganga.Core.exceptions import GangaException
        raise GangaException("Cannot (re)enable services")

    # startup the registries
    from Ganga.Runtime import Repository_runtime

    # make sure all required credentials are valid
    invalid_afs = [
        for afsToken in credential_store.get_all_matching_type(AfsToken)
        if not afsToken.is_valid()

    if invalid_afs:
            'No valid AFS token was found. Please re-authorise before reactivating this session.'

    log.debug("Enabling the internal services")
    # re-enable the monitoring loop as it's been explicityly requested here

    servicesEnabled = True
    log.info('Internal services reactivated successfuly')
Example #3
    def __init__(self, registry_slice):
        GangaThread.__init__(self, name="JobRegistry_Monitor")
        log.debug("Constructing JobRegistry_Monitor")
        self.registry_slice = registry_slice
        self.__sleepCounter = 0.0
        self.__updateTimeStamp = time.time()
        self.progressCallback = lambda x: None
        self.callbackHookDict = {}
        self.clientCallbackDict = {}
        self.alive = True
        self.enabled = False
        # run the monitoring loop continuosly (steps=-1) or just a specified
        # number of steps(>0)
        self.steps = -1
        self.activeBackends = {}
        self.updateJobStatus = None
        self.errors = {}

        self.updateDict_ts = SynchronisedObject(UpdateDict())

        # Create the default backend update method and add to callback hook.

        # Add credential checking to monitoring loop
        for afsToken in credential_store.get_all_matching_type(AfsToken()):
            log.debug("Setting callback hook for %s" % afsToken.location)
            self.setCallbackHook(self.makeCredCheckJobInsertor(afsToken), {}, True, timeout=config['creds_poll_rate'])

        # Add low disk-space checking to monitoring loop
        log.debug("Setting callback hook for disk space checking")
        self.setCallbackHook(self.diskSpaceCheckJobInsertor, {}, True, timeout=config['diskspace_poll_rate'])

        # synch objects
        # main loop mutex
        self.__mainLoopCond = threading.Condition()
        # cleanup synch
        self.__cleanUpEvent = threading.Event()
        # asynch mon loop running synch
        self.__monStepsTerminatedEvent = threading.Event()
        # event to signal the break of job lists iterators
        self.stopIter = threading.Event()

        self._runningNow = False