Example #1
def expandWildCards(filelist):

    l = GangaList()
    return l
Example #2
def expandWildCards(filelist):

    l = GangaList()
    return l
Example #3
def getDiracFiles():
    import os
    from GangaDirac.Lib.Files.DiracFile import DiracFile
    from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.GangaList.GangaList import GangaList
    filename = DiracFile.diracLFNBase().replace('/', '-') + '.lfns'
    logger.info('Creating list, this can take a while if you have a large number of SE files, please wait...')
    execute('dirac-dms-user-lfns &> /dev/null', shell=True, timeout=None)
    g = GangaList()
    with open(filename[1:], 'r') as lfnlist:
        g.extend((DiracFile(lfn='%s' % lfn.strip()) for lfn in lfnlist.readlines()))
    return addProxy(g)
Example #4
def getDiracFiles():
    import os
    from GangaDirac.Lib.Files.DiracFile import DiracFile
    from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.GangaList.GangaList import GangaList
    filename = DiracFile.diracLFNBase().replace('/', '-') + '.lfns'
        'Creating list, this can take a while if you have a large number of SE files, please wait...'
    execute('dirac-dms-user-lfns &> /dev/null', shell=True, timeout=None)
    g = GangaList()
    with open(filename[1:], 'r') as lfnlist:
            (DiracFile(lfn='%s' % lfn.strip()) for lfn in lfnlist.readlines()))
    return addProxy(g)
Example #5
class TestGangaList(GangaGPITestCase):
    def __init__(self):

        self.ganga_list = None

        self.plain1 = []
        self.plain2 = []

        self.proxied1 = []
        self.proxied2 = []

    def _makeRandomString(self):
        str_len = random.randint(3, 10)
        s = ''
        for _ in range(str_len):
            s += random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
        return s

    def _makeRandomTFile(self):
        name = self._makeRandomString()
        subdir = self._makeRandomString()
        return TFile(name=name, subdir=subdir)

    def setUp(self):
        self.ganga_list = GangaList()

        self.plain1 = [self._makeRandomTFile() for _ in range(15)]
        self.plain2 = [self._makeRandomTFile() for _ in range(10)]

        self.proxied1 = GangaList()
        self.proxied2 = GangaList()

        assert len(getProxyAttr(self.proxied1, '_list')) == len(
            self.plain1), 'Somthings wrong with construction 1'
        assert len(getProxyAttr(self.proxied2, '_list')) == len(
            self.plain2), 'Somthings wrong with construction 2'

    def testAllListMethodsExported(self):
        """Tests that all methods on list are exposed by GangaList"""
        def getmethods(_obj):
            # get all the method names for an object
            return dir(_obj)

        list_methods = getmethods([])
        gangalist_methods = getmethods(self.ganga_list)

        missing_methods = []
        for m in list_methods:
            if not m in gangalist_methods:

        if missing_methods:

        assert not missing_methods, \
            'Not all of lists methods are implemented: %s' % str(

    def testEq(self):
        """Tests the equality op that the rest of the tests rely on."""
        assert self.proxied1 == self.plain1, 'Proxied and non-proxied versions should be the same'

    def testNq(self):
        assert self.proxied1 != None
        assert not self.proxied1 != self.proxied1, 'Lists are the same'
        assert self.proxied1 != self.proxied2, 'Lists are different'
        assert self.plain1 != self.proxied2, 'Lists are different'

    def testNonZero(self):
        assert not GangaList(
        ), 'An empty GangaList should be false, just like a list'

    def testAdd(self):
        """Test __add__"""
        assert len(self.plain1 + self.plain2) == len(self.proxied1 +
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1 + self.proxied2)

    def testAddMixed(self):
        """Test __add__ with mixed lists and GangaLists"""
        assert len(self.plain1 + self.plain2) == len(self.proxied1 +
        assert len(self.plain2 + self.plain1) == len(self.plain2 +
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1 + self.plain2)

        assert len(self.plain2 + self.plain1) == len(self.plain2 +
        assert len(self.plain1 + self.plain2) == len(self.plain1 +
        assert isinstance(self.plain1 + self.proxied2, list)

    def testAddMixed2(self):

        self.plain1 = range(10)
        self.plain2 = range(10)

        assert isProxy(self.proxied2[-1]), 'Element access must get proxies'
        assert not isProxy(self.plain1[0]), 'Element access must not proxies'
        assert isProxy(
            (self.plain1 +
             self.proxied2)[-1]), 'File objects should remain proxies'
        assert not isProxy(
            (self.plain1 +
             self.proxied2)[0]), 'Objects in plain lists should be left alone'

        assert (self.plain1 + self.proxied2
                )[-1] == self.proxied2[-1], 'File objects should be equal'
        assert (self.plain1 + self.proxied2
                )[-1] is self.proxied2[-1], 'File objects should be identical'

    def testAddStr(self):
        """Makes sure that only lists can be added."""
            [] + ''
            assert False, 'Line above should throw a TypeError'
        except TypeError:

            self.proxied1 + ''
            assert False, 'Line above should throw a TypeError'
        except TypeError:

    def testContains(self):
        """Tests __contains__"""

        plist = [addProxy(x) for x in self.plain1]
        assert plist == self.proxied1

        for p in plist:
            assert isProxy(p)
            assert p in self.proxied1, 'Proxied list should contain each proxied object'

    def testDelItem(self):
        """Test __delitem__"""

        for p in [addProxy(x) for x in self.plain1[:]]:
            assert isProxy(p)
            del self.proxied1[self.proxied1.index(p)]

    def testGE(self):
        """Test __ge__"""

        assert (self.plain1 >= self.plain2) == (
            self.proxied1 >=
            self.proxied2), 'The lists should have the same ge'
        assert (self.plain2 >= self.plain1) == (
            self.proxied2 >=
            self.proxied1), 'The lists should have the same ge'

        assert (self.proxied1 >= self.proxied2) != (
            self.proxied2 >= self.proxied1), 'The gt should invert correctly'

    def testGetItem(self):
        """Test __getitem__"""

        for i in range(len(self.proxied1)):
            assert isProxy(self.proxied1[i])

    def testGetSlice(self):
        """Test __getslice__"""

        slices = [(0, 0), (0, len(self.plain1))]

        for s in slices:
            assert self.plain1[s[0]:s[1]] == self.proxied1[
                s[0]:s[1]], 'Slices %s should be the same' % str(s)

        t = self.plain1[:]
        assert t is not self.plain1, 'Slice should be a copy.'
        assert self.plain1[:] is not t

        t = self.proxied1[:]
        assert t is not self.proxied1, 'Slice should be a copy.'
        assert self.proxied1[:] is not t

    def testGT(self):
        """Test __gt__"""

        assert (self.plain1 > self.plain2) == (
            self.proxied1 > self.proxied2), 'The lists should have the same gt'
        assert (self.plain2 > self.plain1) == (
            self.proxied2 > self.proxied1), 'The lists should have the same gt'

        assert (self.proxied1 > self.proxied2) != (
            self.proxied2 > self.proxied1), 'The gt should invert correctly'

    def testIAdd(self):
        """Test __iadd__"""
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Must be Proxy'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied2), 'Must be Proxy'

        self.plain1 += self.plain2
        self.proxied1 += self.proxied2

        assert self.plain1 == self.proxied1, 'Addition should be the same'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Proxy must be added'

    def testIAddMixed(self):
        """Test __iadd__ where we mix lists and GangaLists"""
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Must be Proxy'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied2), 'Must be Proxy'

        self.plain1 += self.plain2
        self.proxied1 += self.plain2

        assert self.plain1 == self.proxied1, 'Addition should be the same'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Proxy must be added'
        assert isinstance(self.plain1, list), 'Must be list instance'

        self.plain2 += self.proxied1
        self.proxied2 += self.proxied1

        assert self.plain2 == self.proxied2, 'Addition should be the same'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied2), 'Proxy must be added'
        assert isinstance(self.plain2, list), 'Must be list instance'

    def testIAddSlice(self):
        """Test __iadd__ on slices"""

        s1 = self.plain1[3:7]
        s1 += self.plain2[2:5]

        s2 = self.proxied1[3:7]
        s2 += self.proxied2[2:5]

        assert s1 == s2, 'Addition should be the same'

        assert not isProxy(s1), 'Proxy Not Needed'
        assert isProxy(s2), 'Proxy Needed'

    def testIdentity(self):
        """Tests we obey list like identity relations."""

        t = self.plain1[4]
        assert self.plain1[4] is t

        t = self.proxied1[4]
        assert self.proxied1[4] is t

    def testIMul(self):
        """Test __imul__"""

        self.plain1 *= 5
        self.proxied1 *= 5

        assert self.plain1 == self.proxied1, 'Multiplication should be the same'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Proxy must be added'

    def testIMulSlice(self):
        """Test __imul__ on slices"""

        s1 = self.plain1[3:7]
        s1 *= 6

        s2 = self.proxied1[3:7]
        s2 *= 6

        assert s1 == s2, 'Addition should be the same'

    def testLE(self):
        """Test __le__"""

        assert (self.plain1 <= self.plain2) == (
            self.proxied1 <=
            self.proxied2), 'The lists should have the same le'
        assert (self.plain2 <= self.plain1) == (
            self.proxied2 <=
            self.proxied1), 'The lists should have the same le'

        assert (self.proxied1 <= self.proxied2) != (
            self.proxied2 <= self.proxied1), 'The le should invert correctly'

    def testLen(self):
        """Tests __len__"""
        assert len(self.plain1) == len(
            self.proxied1), 'Lengths should be the same'

    def testLT(self):
        """Test __lt__"""

        assert (self.plain1 < self.plain2) == (
            self.proxied1 < self.proxied2), 'The lists should have the same lt'
        assert (self.plain2 < self.plain1) == (
            self.proxied2 < self.proxied1), 'The lists should have the same lt'

        assert (self.proxied1 < self.proxied2) != (
            self.proxied2 < self.proxied1), 'The lt should invert correctly'

    def testMul(self):
        """Test __mul__"""
        assert len(self.plain1 * 7) == len(self.proxied1 * 7)
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1 * 9)

        for p in self.proxied1:
            assert isProxy(p)

    def testNE(self):
        """Test __ne__"""

        assert self.plain1 != self.plain2
        assert self.proxied1 != self.proxied2, 'Lists should be different'

        assert self.plain1[0:5] != self.plain1[2:7]
        assert self.proxied1[0:5] != self.proxied1[
            2:7], 'Lists should be different'

    def testRMul(self):
        """Test __rmul__"""

        t1 = 5 * self.plain1
        t2 = 5 * self.proxied1

        assert len(t1) == len(t2), 'Multiplication should be the same'

    def testReversed(self):
        """Test the __reversed__ feature (new in python 2.4)."""

        from TFile import TFile as tF
        count = len(self.proxied1) - 1
        for i in self.proxied1.__reversed__():
            assert i is self.proxied1[count]
            assert isProxy(i)
            assert isType(i, tF)
            count -= 1

    def testSetItem(self):
        """Test __setitem__"""

        t = TFile(name='foo', subdir='cheese')
        test_index = 7
        self.plain1[test_index] = t
        assert self.plain1[test_index] is t

        self.proxied1[test_index] = t
        assert self.proxied1[test_index] is t
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1[test_index])

    def testSetSliceProxyList(self):

        self.plain1[3:7] = self.plain2[3:7]
        assert self.plain1[3:7] == self.plain2[
            3:7], 'The lists should be equal'
        assert self.plain1[3:7] is not self.plain2[
            3:7], 'The lists should be copies'
        self.plain1[4] = self.plain2[9]
        assert self.plain1[4] != self.plain2[4]

        tmp = self.plain1[2:9]
        assert self.plain1[2:9] is not tmp

        self.proxied1[3:7] = self.proxied2[3:7]
        assert self.proxied1[3:7] == self.proxied2[
            3:7], 'The lists should be equal'
        assert self.proxied1[3:7] is not self.proxied2[
            3:7], 'The lists should be copies'
        self.proxied1[4] = self.proxied2[9]
        assert self.proxied1[4] != self.proxied2[4]

        tmp = self.proxied1[2:9]
        assert self.proxied1[2:9] is not tmp

    def testAppend(self):

        t = addProxy(TFile(name='foo'))

        assert self.plain1[-1] == t
        assert self.plain1.pop() == t

        assert self.proxied1[-1] == t
        assert self.proxied1[-1] is t, 'Identity Test'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1[-1]), 'Make sure we get back a proxy'
        assert self.proxied1.pop() == t

    def testExtend(self):

        t1 = [self._makeRandomTFile() for _ in xrange(10)]


        assert self.plain1 == self.proxied1, 'Lists should be the same'

        t2 = self.proxied1[4:7]
        assert isProxy(t2)
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.GangaList.GangaList import GangaList as glist
        assert isType(t2, glist)
        assert self.plain1 == self.proxied1, 'Lists should be the same'

    def testIndex(self):

        t = addProxy(TFile(name='foo'))
        self.proxied1.insert(8, t)
        assert self.proxied1[8] == t
        assert self.proxied1.index(t) == 8

    def testInsert(self):

        t = addProxy(TFile(name='foo'))
        self.proxied1.insert(8, t)
        assert self.proxied1[8] == t

    def testPop(self):

        list_len = len(self.proxied1)

        t = self.proxied1[-1]
        r = self.proxied1.pop()
        assert t == r
        assert t is r
        assert len(self.proxied1) == list_len - 1
        assert t not in self.proxied1
        assert t._impl not in self.proxied1._impl

        t = self.proxied1[6]
        r = self.proxied1.pop(6)
        assert t == r
        assert t is r
        assert len(self.proxied1) == list_len - 2
        assert t not in self.proxied1
        assert t._impl not in self.proxied1._impl

    def testRemove(self):

        t = addProxy(TFile(name='bar'))
        self.proxied1.insert(7, t)
        list_len = len(self.proxied1)


        assert len(self.proxied1) == list_len - 1
        assert t not in self.proxied1
        assert t._impl not in self.proxied1._impl

    def testIter(self):

        from TFile import TFile as tF

        count = 0
        for f in self.proxied1:
            count += 1
            assert isProxy(f)
            assert isType(f, tF)

        assert count == len(self.proxied1), 'Must visit every member'

    def testCmp(self):

        assert cmp(self.proxied1,
                   self.proxied2) == cmp(self.plain1, self.plain2)

    def testHash(self):

            assert False, 'Lists are not hashable'
        except TypeError:
Example #6
class LHCbDataset(GangaDataset):

    '''Class for handling LHCb data sets (i.e. inputdata for LHCb jobs).

    Example Usage:
    ds = LHCbDataset(["lfn:/some/lfn.file","pfn:/some/pfn.file"])
    ds[0] # DiracFile("/some/lfn.file") - see DiracFile docs for usage
    ds[1] # PhysicalFile("/some/pfn.file")- see PhysicalFile docs for usage
    len(ds) # 2 (number of files)
    ds.getReplicas() # returns replicas for *all* files in the data set
    ds.replicate("CERN-USER") # replicate *all* LFNs to "CERN-USER" SE
    ds.getCatalog() # returns XML catalog slice
    ds.optionsString() # returns Gaudi-sytle options 
    schema = {}
    docstr = 'List of PhysicalFile and DiracFile objects'
    schema['files'] = GangaFileItem(defvalue=[], typelist=['str', 'Ganga.GPIDev.Adapters.IGangaFile.IGangaFile'], sequence=1, doc=docstr)
    docstr = 'Ancestor depth to be queried from the Bookkeeping'
    schema['depth'] = SimpleItem(defvalue=0, doc=docstr)
    docstr = 'Use contents of file rather than generating catalog.'
    schema['XMLCatalogueSlice'] = GangaFileItem(defvalue=None, doc=docstr)
    docstr = 'Specify the dataset persistency technology'
    schema['persistency'] = SimpleItem(
        defvalue=None, typelist=['str', 'type(None)'], doc=docstr)
    schema['treat_as_inputfiles'] = SimpleItem(defvalue=False, doc="Treat the inputdata as inputfiles, i.e. copy the inputdata to the WN")

    _schema = Schema(Version(3, 0), schema)
    _category = 'datasets'
    _name = "LHCbDataset"
    _exportmethods = ['getReplicas', '__len__', '__getitem__', 'replicate',
                      'hasLFNs', 'append', 'extend', 'getCatalog', 'optionsString',
                      'getLFNs', 'getFileNames', 'getFullFileNames',
                      'difference', 'isSubset', 'isSuperset', 'intersection',
                      'symmetricDifference', 'union', 'bkMetadata',
                      'isEmpty', 'hasPFNs', 'getPFNs']  # ,'pop']

    def __init__(self, files=None, persistency=None, depth=0, fromRef=False):
        super(LHCbDataset, self).__init__()
        if files is None:
            files = []
        self.files = GangaList()
        process_files = True
        if fromRef:
            process_files = False
        elif isinstance(files, GangaList):
            def isFileTest(_file):
                return isinstance(_file, IGangaFile)
            areFiles = all([isFileTest(f) for f in files._list])
            if areFiles:
                process_files = False
        elif isinstance(files, LHCbDataset):
            process_files = False

        if process_files:
            if isType(files, LHCbDataset):
                for this_file in files:
            elif isType(files, IGangaFile):
            elif isType(files, (list, tuple, GangaList)):
                new_list = []
                for this_file in files:
                    if type(this_file) is str:
                        new_file = string_datafile_shortcut_lhcb(this_file, None)
                    elif isType(this_file, IGangaFile):
                        new_file = stripProxy(this_file)
                        new_file = strToDataFile(this_file)
            elif type(files) is str:
                self.files.append(string_datafile_shortcut_lhcb(this_file, None), False)
                raise GangaException("Unknown object passed to LHCbDataset constructor!")


        logger.debug("Processed inputs, assigning files")

        # Feel free to turn this on again for debugging but it's potentially quite expensive
        #logger.debug( "Creating dataset with:\n%s" % self.files )
        logger.debug("Assigned files")

        self.persistency = persistency
        self.depth = depth
        logger.debug("Dataset Created")

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        '''Proivdes scripting (e.g. ds[2] returns the 3rd file) '''
        #this_file = self.files[i]
        # print type(this_file)
        # return this_file
        # return this_file
        # return this_file
        if type(i) == type(slice(0)):
            ds = LHCbDataset(files=self.files[i])
            ds.depth = self.depth
            #ds.XMLCatalogueSlice = self.XMLCatalogueSlice
            return ds
            return self.files[i]

    def getReplicas(self):
        'Returns the replicas for all files in the dataset.'
        lfns = self.getLFNs()
        cmd = 'getReplicas(%s)' % str(lfns)
        result = get_result(cmd, 'LFC query error. Could not get replicas.')
        return result['Successful']

    def hasLFNs(self):
        'Returns True is the dataset has LFNs and False otherwise.'
        for f in self.files:
            if isDiracFile(f):
                return True
        return False

    def hasPFNs(self):
        'Returns True is the dataset has PFNs and False otherwise.'
        for f in self.files:
            if not isDiracFile(f):
                return True
        return False

    def replicate(self, destSE=''):
        '''Replicate all LFNs to destSE.  For a list of valid SE\'s, type

        if not destSE:
            from GangaDirac.Lib.Files.DiracFile import DiracFile
        if not self.hasLFNs():
            raise GangaException('Cannot replicate dataset w/ no LFNs.')

        retry_files = []

        for f in self.files:
            if not isDiracFile(f):
                result = f.replicate( destSE=destSE )
            except Exception as err:
                msg = 'Replication error for file %s (will retry in a bit).' % f.lfn
                logger.warning("Error: %s" % str(err))

        for f in retry_files:
                result = f.replicate( destSE=destSE )
            except Exception as err:
                msg = '2nd replication attempt failed for file %s. (will not retry)' % f.lfn

    def extend(self, files, unique=False):
        '''Extend the dataset. If unique, then only add files which are not
        already in the dataset.'''
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Base import ReadOnlyObjectError

        if self._parent is not None and self._parent._readonly():
            raise ReadOnlyObjectError('object Job#%s  is read-only and attribute "%s/inputdata" cannot be modified now' % (self._parent.id, getName(self)))

        _external_files = []

        if type(files) is str or isType(files, IGangaFile):
            _external_files = [files]
        elif type(files) in [list, tuple]:
            _external_files = files
        elif isType(files, LHCbDataset):
            _external_files = files.files
            if not hasattr(files, "__getitem__") or not hasattr(files, '__iter__'):
                _external_files = [files]

        # just in case they extend w/ self
        _to_remove = []
        for this_file in _external_files:
            if hasattr(this_file, 'subfiles'):
                if len(this_file.subfiles) > 0:
                    _external_files = makeGangaListByRef(this_file.subfiles)
            if type(this_file) is str:
                _external_files.append(string_datafile_shortcut_lhcb(this_file, None))

        for _this_file in _to_remove:

        for this_f in _external_files:
            _file = getDataFile(this_f)
            if _file is None:
                _file = this_f
            myName = _file.namePattern
            from GangaDirac.Lib.Files.DiracFile import DiracFile
            if isType(_file, DiracFile):
                myName = _file.lfn
            if unique and myName in self.getFileNames():

    def removeFile(self, input_file):
            raise GangaException('Dataset has no file named %s' % input_file.namePattern)

    def getLFNs(self):
        'Returns a list of all LFNs (by name) stored in the dataset.'
        lfns = []
        if not self:
            return lfns
        for f in self.files:
            if isDiracFile(f):
                subfiles = f.getSubFiles()
                if len(subfiles) == 0:
                    for file in subfiles:

        #logger.debug( "Returning LFNS:\n%s" % str(lfns) )
        logger.debug("Returning #%s LFNS" % str(len(lfns)))
        return lfns

    def getPFNs(self):
        'Returns a list of all PFNs (by name) stored in the dataset.'
        pfns = []
        if not self:
            return pfns
        for f in self.files:
            if isPFN(f):
        return pfns

    def getFullFileNames(self):
        'Returns all file names w/ PFN or LFN prepended.'
        names = []
        from GangaDirac.Lib.Files.DiracFile import DiracFile
        for f in self.files:
            if isType(f, DiracFile):
                names.append('LFN:%s' % f.lfn)
                    names.append('PFN:%s' % f.namePattern)
                    logger.warning("Cannot determine filename for: %s " % f)
                    raise GangaException("Cannot Get File Name")
        return names

    def getCatalog(self, site=''):
        '''Generates an XML catalog from the dataset (returns the XML string).
        Note: site defaults to config.LHCb.LocalSite
        Note: If the XMLCatalogueSlice attribute is set, then it returns
              what is written there.'''
        if hasattr(self.XMLCatalogueSlice, 'name'):
            if self.XMLCatalogueSlice.name:
                f = open(self.XMLCatalogueSlice.name)
                xml_catalog = f.read()
                return xml_catalog
        if not site:
            site = getConfig('LHCb')['LocalSite']
        lfns = self.getLFNs()
        depth = self.depth
        tmp_xml = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.xml')
        cmd = 'getLHCbInputDataCatalog(%s,%d,"%s","%s")' \
              % (str(lfns), depth, site, tmp_xml.name)
        result = get_result(cmd, 'LFN->PFN error. XML catalog error.')
        xml_catalog = tmp_xml.read()
        return xml_catalog

    def optionsString(self, file=None):
        'Returns the Gaudi-style options string for the dataset (if a filename' \
            ' is given, the file is created and output is written there).'
        if not self or len(self) == 0:
            return ''
        snew = ''
        if self.persistency == 'ROOT':
            snew = '\n#new method\nfrom GaudiConf import IOExtension\nIOExtension(\"%s\").inputFiles([' % self.persistency
        elif self.persistency == 'POOL':
            snew = '\ntry:\n    #new method\n    from GaudiConf import IOExtension\n    IOExtension(\"%s\").inputFiles([' % self.persistency
        elif self.persistency == None:
            snew = '\ntry:\n    #new method\n    from GaudiConf import IOExtension\n    IOExtension().inputFiles(['
                "Unknown LHCbDataset persistency technology... reverting to None")
            snew = '\ntry:\n    #new method\n    from GaudiConf import IOExtension\n    IOExtension().inputFiles(['

        sold = '\nexcept ImportError:\n    #Use previous method\n    from Gaudi.Configuration import EventSelector\n    EventSelector().Input=['
        sdatasetsnew = ''
        sdatasetsold = ''

        dtype_str_default = getConfig('LHCb')['datatype_string_default']
        dtype_str_patterns = getConfig('LHCb')['datatype_string_patterns']
        for f in self.files:
            dtype_str = dtype_str_default
            for this_str in dtype_str_patterns:
                matched = False
                for pat in dtype_str_patterns[this_str]:
                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(f.namePattern, pat):
                        dtype_str = this_str
                        matched = True
                if matched:
            sdatasetsnew += '\n        '
            sdatasetsold += '\n        '
            if isDiracFile(f):
                sdatasetsnew += """ \"LFN:%s\",""" % f.lfn
                sdatasetsold += """ \"DATAFILE='LFN:%s' %s\",""" % (f.lfn, dtype_str)
                sdatasetsnew += """ \"PFN:%s\",""" % f.namePattern
                sdatasetsold += """ \"DATAFILE='PFN:%s' %s\",""" % (f.namePattern, dtype_str)
        if sdatasetsold.endswith(","):
            if self.persistency == 'ROOT':
                sdatasetsnew = sdatasetsnew[:-1] + """\n], clear=True)"""
                sdatasetsnew = sdatasetsnew[:-1] + """\n    ], clear=True)"""
            sdatasetsold = sdatasetsold[:-1]
            sdatasetsold += """\n    ]"""
            f = open(file, 'w')
            if self.persistency == 'ROOT':
            if self.persistency == 'ROOT':
                return snew + sdatasetsnew
                return snew + sdatasetsnew + sold + sdatasetsold

    def _checkOtherFiles(self, other ):
        if isType(other, GangaList) or isType(other, []):
            other_files = LHCbDataset(other).getFullFileNames()
        elif isType(other, LHCbDataset):
            other_files = other.getFullFileNames()
            raise GangaException("Unknown type for difference")
        return other_files

    def difference(self, other):
        '''Returns a new data set w/ files in this that are not in other.'''
        other_files = self._checkOtherFiles(other)
        files = set(self.getFullFileNames()).difference(other_files)
        data = LHCbDataset()
        data.depth = self.depth
        return data

    def isSubset(self, other):
        '''Is every file in this data set in other?'''
        other_files = self._checkOtherFiles(other)
        return set(self.getFileNames()).issubset(other_files)

    def isSuperset(self, other):
        '''Is every file in other in this data set?'''
        other_files = self._checkOtherFiles(other)
        return set(self.getFileNames()).issuperset(other_files)

    def symmetricDifference(self, other):
        '''Returns a new data set w/ files in either this or other but not
        other_files = other._checkOtherFiles(other)
        files = set(self.getFullFileNames()).symmetric_difference(other_files)
        data = LHCbDataset()
        data.depth = self.depth
        return data

    def intersection(self, other):
        '''Returns a new data set w/ files common to this and other.'''
        other_files = other._checkOtherFiles(other)
        files = set(self.getFullFileNames()).intersection(other_files)
        data = LHCbDataset()
        data.depth = self.depth
        return data

    def union(self, other):
        '''Returns a new data set w/ files from this and other.'''
        other_files = self._checkOtherFiles(other)
        files = set(self.getFullFileNames()).union(other_files)
        data = LHCbDataset()
        data.depth = self.depth
        return data

    def bkMetadata(self):
        'Returns the bookkeeping metadata for all LFNs. '
        logger.info("Using BKQuery(bkpath).getDatasetMetadata() with bkpath=the bookkeeping path, will yeild more metadata such as 'TCK' info...")
        cmd = 'bkMetaData(%s)' % self.getLFNs()
        b = get_result(cmd, 'Error removing replica. Replica rm error.')
        return b
Example #7
class TestGangaList(unittest.TestCase):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TestGangaList, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.plain1 = []
        self.plain2 = []

        self.proxied1 = []
        self.proxied2 = []

        self.ganga_list = GangaList()

    def _makeRandomString():
        str_len = random.randint(3, 10)
        s = ''
        for _ in range(str_len):
            s += random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
        return s

    def _makeRandomTFile():
        name = TestGangaList._makeRandomString()
        subdir = TestGangaList._makeRandomString()
        return TFile(name=name, subdir=subdir)

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestGangaList, self).setUp()

        self.plain1 = [self._makeRandomTFile() for _ in range(15)]
        self.plain2 = [self._makeRandomTFile() for _ in range(10)]

        self.proxied1 = GangaList()
        self.proxied2 = GangaList()

        t = TFile()
        real_t = stripProxy(t)
        new_proxy_t = addProxy(real_t)
        #hopefully_t = stripProxy(new_proxy_t)
        #assert real_t is hopefully_t
        assert t is new_proxy_t

        self.assertEqual(len(getProxyAttr(self.proxied1, '_list')),
                         "Something's wrong with construction")
        self.assertEqual(len(getProxyAttr(self.proxied2, '_list')),
                         "Something's wrong with construction")

    def testAllListMethodsExported(self):
        """Tests that all methods on list are exposed by GangaList"""
        def getmethods(_obj):
            # get all the method names for an object
            return dir(_obj)

        list_methods = getmethods([])
        gangalist_methods = getmethods(self.ganga_list)

        missing_methods = []
        for m in list_methods:
            if not m in gangalist_methods:

        if missing_methods:

            'Not all of lists methods are implemented: %s' % missing_methods)

    def testEq(self):
        """Tests the equality op that the rest of the tests rely on."""
            self.proxied1, self.plain1,
            'Proxied and non-proxied versions should be the same')

    def testNq(self):
        self.assertIsNotNone(self.proxied1, None)
        self.assertFalse(self.proxied1 != self.proxied1, 'Lists are the same')
        self.assertNotEqual(self.proxied1, self.proxied2,
                            'Lists are different')
        self.assertNotEqual(self.plain1, self.proxied2, 'Lists are different')

    def testNonZero(self):
            'An empty GangaList should be false, just like a list')

    def testAdd(self):
        """Test __add__"""
        self.assertEqual(self.plain1 + self.plain2,
                         self.proxied1 + self.proxied2)
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1 + self.proxied2))

    def testAddMixed(self):
        """Test __add__ with mixed lists and GangaLists"""
        self.assertEqual((self.plain1 + self.plain2),
                         (self.proxied1 + self.plain2))
        self.assertEqual((self.plain2 + self.plain1),
                         (self.plain2 + self.proxied1))
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1 + self.plain2))

        self.assertEqual((self.plain2 + self.plain1),
                         (self.plain2 + self.proxied1))
        self.assertEqual((self.plain1 + self.plain2),
                         (self.plain1 + self.proxied2))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.plain1 + self.proxied2, list))

    def testAddMixed2(self):

        self.plain1 = range(10)
        self.plain2 = range(10)

                        'Element access must get proxies')
                         'Element access must not proxies')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy((self.plain1 + self.proxied2)[-1]),
                        'File objects should remain proxies')
        self.assertFalse(isProxy((self.plain1 + self.proxied2)[0]),
                         'Objects in plain lists should be left alone')

        self.assertEqual((self.plain1 + self.proxied2)[-1], self.proxied2[-1],
                         'File objects should be equal')
        self.assertIs((self.plain1 + self.proxied2)[-1], self.proxied2[-1],
                      'File objects should be identical')

    def testAddStr(self):
        """Makes sure that only lists can be added."""
            [] + ''
            assert False, 'Line above should throw a TypeError'
        except TypeError:

            self.proxied1 + ''
            assert False, 'Line above should throw a TypeError'
        except TypeError:

    def testContains(self):
        """Tests __contains__"""

        plist = [addProxy(x) for x in self.plain1]
        self.assertEqual(plist, self.proxied1)

        for p in plist:
            self.assertIn(p, self.proxied1,
                          'Proxied list should contain each proxied object')

    def testDelItem(self):
        """Test __delitem__"""

        for p in [addProxy(x) for x in self.plain1[:]]:
            del self.proxied1[self.proxied1.index(p)]

    def testGE(self):
        """Test __ge__"""

        self.assertEqual((self.plain1 >= self.plain2),
                         (self.proxied1 >= self.proxied2),
                         'The lists should have the same ge')
        self.assertEqual((self.plain2 >= self.plain1),
                         (self.proxied2 >= self.proxied1),
                         'The lists should have the same ge')

        self.assertNotEqual((self.proxied1 >= self.proxied2),
                            (self.proxied2 >= self.proxied1),
                            'The gt should invert correctly')

    def testGetItem(self):
        """Test __getitem__"""

        for i in range(len(self.proxied1)):

    def testGetSlice(self):
        """Test __getslice__"""

        slices = [(0, 0), (0, len(self.plain1))]

        for s in slices:
            self.assertEqual(self.plain1[s[0]:s[1]], self.proxied1[s[0]:s[1]],
                             'Slices {0} should be the same'.format(s))

        t = self.plain1[:]
        self.assertIsNot(t, self.plain1, 'Slice should be a copy.')
        self.assertIsNot(self.plain1[:], t)

        t = self.proxied1[:]
        self.assertIsNot(t, self.proxied1, 'Slice should be a copy.')
        self.assertIsNot(self.proxied1[:], t)

    def testGT(self):
        """Test __gt__"""

        self.assertEqual((self.plain1 > self.plain2),
                         (self.proxied1 > self.proxied2),
                         'The lists should have the same gt')
        self.assertEqual((self.plain2 > self.plain1),
                         (self.proxied2 > self.proxied1),
                         'The lists should have the same gt')

        self.assertNotEqual((self.proxied1 > self.proxied2),
                            (self.proxied2 > self.proxied1),
                            'The gt should invert correctly')

    def testIAdd(self):
        """Test __iadd__"""
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Must be Proxy')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied2), 'Must be Proxy')

        self.plain1 += self.plain2
        self.proxied1 += self.proxied2

        self.assertEqual(self.plain1, self.proxied1,
                         'Addition should be the same')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Proxy must be added')

    def testIAddMixed(self):
        """Test __iadd__ where we mix lists and GangaLists"""
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Must be Proxy')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied2), 'Must be Proxy')

        self.plain1 += self.plain2
        self.proxied1 += self.plain2

        self.assertEqual(self.plain1, self.proxied1,
                         'Addition should be the same')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Proxy must be added')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.plain1, list), 'Must be list instance')

        self.plain2 += self.proxied1
        self.proxied2 += self.proxied1

        self.assertEqual(self.plain2, self.proxied2,
                         'Addition should be the same')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied2), 'Proxy must be added')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.plain2, list), 'Must be list instance')

    def testIAddSlice(self):
        """Test __iadd__ on slices"""

        s1 = self.plain1[3:7]
        s1 += self.plain2[2:5]

        s2 = self.proxied1[3:7]
        s2 += self.proxied2[2:5]

        self.assertEqual(s1, s2, 'Addition should be the same')

        self.assertFalse(isProxy(s1), 'Proxy Not Needed')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(s2), 'Proxy Needed')

    def testIdentity(self):
        """Tests we obey list like identity relations."""

        t = self.plain1[4]
        self.assertIs(self.plain1[4], t)

        t = self.proxied1[4]
        self.assertIs(self.proxied1[4], t)

    def testIMul(self):
        """Test __imul__"""

        self.plain1 *= 5
        self.proxied1 *= 5

        self.assertEqual(self.plain1, self.proxied1,
                         'Multiplication should be the same')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Proxy must be added')

    def testIMulSlice(self):
        """Test __imul__ on slices"""

        s1 = self.plain1[3:7]
        s1 *= 6

        s2 = self.proxied1[3:7]
        s2 *= 6

        self.assertEqual(s1, s2, 'Addition should be the same')

    def testLE(self):
        """Test __le__"""

        self.assertEqual(self.plain1 <= self.plain2,
                         self.proxied1 <= self.proxied2,
                         'The lists should have the same le')
        self.assertEqual(self.plain2 <= self.plain1,
                         self.proxied2 <= self.proxied1,
                         'The lists should have the same le')

        self.assertNotEqual(self.proxied1 <= self.proxied2,
                            self.proxied2 <= self.proxied1,
                            'The le should invert correctly')

    def testLen(self):
        """Tests __len__"""
        self.assertEqual(len(self.plain1), len(self.proxied1),
                         'Lengths should be the same')

    def testLT(self):
        """Test __lt__"""

        self.assertEqual(self.plain1 < self.plain2,
                         self.proxied1 < self.proxied2,
                         'The lists should have the same lt')
        self.assertEqual(self.plain2 < self.plain1,
                         self.proxied2 < self.proxied1,
                         'The lists should have the same lt')

        self.assertNotEqual(self.proxied1 < self.proxied2,
                            self.proxied2 < self.proxied1,
                            'The lt should invert correctly')

    def testMul(self):
        """Test __mul__"""
        self.assertEqual((self.plain1 * 7), (self.proxied1 * 7))
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1 * 9))

        for p in self.proxied1:

    def testNE(self):
        """Test __ne__"""

        self.assertNotEqual(self.plain1, self.plain2)
        self.assertNotEqual(self.proxied1, self.proxied2,
                            'Lists should be different')

        self.assertNotEqual(self.plain1[0:5], self.plain1[2:7])
        self.assertNotEqual(self.proxied1[0:5], self.proxied1[2:7],
                            'Lists should be different')

    def testRMul(self):
        """Test __rmul__"""

        t1 = 5 * self.plain1
        t2 = 5 * self.proxied1

        self.assertEqual(t1, t2, 'Multiplication should be the same')

    def testReversed(self):
        """Test the __reversed__ feature (new in python 2.4)."""

        count = len(self.proxied1) - 1
        for i in self.proxied1.__reversed__():
            self.assertIs(i, self.proxied1[count])
            self.assertTrue(isType(i, TFile))
            count -= 1

    def testSetItem(self):
        """Test __setitem__"""

        t = TFile(name='foo', subdir='cheese')
        test_index = 7
        self.plain1[test_index] = t
        self.assertIs(self.plain1[test_index], t)

        self.proxied1[test_index] = t
        self.assertIs(self.proxied1[test_index], t)

    def testSetSliceProxyList(self):

        self.plain1[3:7] = self.plain2[3:7]
        self.assertEqual(self.plain1[3:7], self.plain2[3:7],
                         'The lists should be equal')
        self.assertIsNot(self.plain1[3:7], self.plain2[3:7],
                         'The lists should be copies')
        self.plain1[4] = self.plain2[9]
        self.assertNotEqual(self.plain1[4], self.plain2[4])

        tmp = self.plain1[2:9]
        self.assertIsNot(self.plain1[2:9], tmp)

        self.proxied1[3:7] = self.proxied2[3:7]
        self.assertEqual(self.proxied1[3:7], self.proxied2[3:7],
                         'The lists should be equal')
        self.assertIsNot(self.proxied1[3:7], self.proxied2[3:7],
                         'The lists should be copies')
        self.proxied1[4] = self.proxied2[9]
        self.assertNotEqual(self.proxied1[4], self.proxied2[4])

        tmp = self.proxied1[2:9]
        self.assertIsNot(self.proxied1[2:9], tmp)

    def testAppend(self):

        t = TFile(name='foo')

        self.assertEqual(self.plain1[-1], t)
        self.assertEqual(self.plain1.pop(), t)

        self.assertEqual(self.proxied1[-1], t)
        self.assertIs(self.proxied1[-1], t, 'Identity Test')
                        'Make sure we get back a proxy')
        self.assertEqual(self.proxied1.pop(), t)

    def testExtend(self):

        t1 = [self._makeRandomTFile() for _ in xrange(10)]


        self.assertEqual(self.plain1, self.proxied1,
                         'Lists should be the same')

        t2 = self.proxied1[4:7]
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.GangaList.GangaList import GangaList as glist
        self.assertTrue(isType(t2, glist))
        self.assertEqual(self.plain1, self.proxied1,
                         'Lists should be the same')

    def testIndex(self):

        t = TFile(name='foo')
        self.proxied1.insert(8, t)
        self.assertEqual(self.proxied1[8], t)
        self.assertEqual(self.proxied1.index(t), 8)

    def testInsert(self):

        t = TFile(name='foo')
        self.proxied1.insert(8, t)
        self.assertEqual(self.proxied1[8], t)

    def testPop(self):

        list_len = len(self.proxied1)

        t = self.proxied1[-1]
        r = self.proxied1.pop()
        self.assertEqual(t, r)
        self.assertIs(t, r)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.proxied1), list_len - 1)
        self.assertNotIn(t, self.proxied1)
        self.assertNotIn(t._impl, self.proxied1._impl)

        t = self.proxied1[6]
        r = self.proxied1.pop(6)
        self.assertEqual(t, r)
        self.assertIs(t, r)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.proxied1), list_len - 2)
        self.assertNotIn(t, self.proxied1)
        self.assertNotIn(t._impl, self.proxied1._impl)

    def testRemove(self):

        t = TFile(name='bar')
        self.proxied1.insert(7, t)
        list_len = len(self.proxied1)


        self.assertEqual(len(self.proxied1), list_len - 1)
        self.assertNotIn(t, self.proxied1)
        self.assertNotIn(t._impl, self.proxied1._impl)

    def testIter(self):

        count = 0
        for f in self.proxied1:
            count += 1
            self.assertTrue(isType(f, TFile))

        self.assertEqual(count, len(self.proxied1), 'Must visit every member')

    def testCmp(self):

        self.assertEqual(cmp(self.proxied1, self.proxied2),
                         cmp(self.plain1, self.plain2))

    def testHash(self):

            assert False, 'Lists are not hashable'
        except TypeError:
Example #8
class TestGangaList(GangaGPITestCase):

    def __init__(self):

        self.ganga_list = None

        self.plain1 = []
        self.plain2 = []

        self.proxied1 = []
        self.proxied2 = []

    def _makeRandomString(self):
        str_len = random.randint(3, 10)
        s = ''
        for _ in range(str_len):
            s += random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
        return s

    def _makeRandomTFile(self):
        name = self._makeRandomString()
        subdir = self._makeRandomString()
        return TFile(name=name, subdir=subdir)

    def setUp(self):
        self.ganga_list = GangaList()

        self.plain1 = [self._makeRandomTFile() for _ in range(15)]
        self.plain2 = [self._makeRandomTFile() for _ in range(10)]

        self.proxied1 = GangaList()
        self.proxied2 = GangaList()

        assert len(getProxyAttr(self.proxied1, '_list')) == len(
            self.plain1), 'Somthings wrong with construction'
        assert len(getProxyAttr(self.proxied2, '_list')) == len(
            self.plain2), 'Somthings wrong with construction'

    def testAllListMethodsExported(self):
        """Tests that all methods on list are exposed by GangaList"""

        def getmethods(_obj):
            # get all the method names for an object
            return dir(_obj)

        list_methods = getmethods([])
        gangalist_methods = getmethods(self.ganga_list)

        missing_methods = []
        for m in list_methods:
            if not m in gangalist_methods:

        if missing_methods:

        assert not missing_methods, \
            'Not all of lists methods are implemented: %s' % str(

    def testEq(self):
        """Tests the equality op that the rest of the tests rely on."""
        assert self.proxied1 == self.plain1, 'Proxied and non-proxied versions should be the same'

    def testNq(self):
        assert self.proxied1 != None
        assert not self.proxied1 != self.proxied1, 'Lists are the same'
        assert self.proxied1 != self.proxied2, 'Lists are different'
        assert self.plain1 != self.proxied2, 'Lists are different'

    def testNonZero(self):
        assert not GangaList(
        ), 'An empty GangaList should be false, just like a list'

    def testAdd(self):
        """Test __add__"""
        assert (self.plain1 + self.plain2) == (self.proxied1 + self.proxied2)
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1 + self.proxied2)

    def testAddMixed(self):
        """Test __add__ with mixed lists and GangaLists"""
        assert (self.plain1 + self.plain2) == (self.proxied1 + self.plain2)
        assert (self.plain2 + self.plain1) == (self.plain2 + self.proxied1)
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1 + self.plain2)

        assert (self.plain2 + self.plain1) == (self.plain2 + self.proxied1)
        assert (self.plain1 + self.plain2) == (self.plain1 + self.proxied2)
        assert isinstance(self.plain1 + self.proxied2, list)

    def testAddMixed2(self):

        self.plain1 = range(10)
        self.plain2 = range(10)

        assert isProxy(self.proxied2[-1]), 'Element access must get proxies'
        assert not isProxy(self.plain1[0]), 'Element access must not proxies'
        assert isProxy(
            (self.plain1 + self.proxied2)[-1]), 'File objects should remain proxies'
        assert not isProxy(
            (self.plain1 + self.proxied2)[0]), 'Objects in plain lists should be left alone'

        assert (
            self.plain1 + self.proxied2)[-1] == self.proxied2[-1], 'File objects should be equal'
        assert (
            self.plain1 + self.proxied2)[-1] is self.proxied2[-1], 'File objects should be identical'

    def testAddStr(self):
        """Makes sure that only lists can be added."""
            [] + ''
            assert False, 'Line above should throw a TypeError'
        except TypeError:

            self.proxied1 + ''
            assert False, 'Line above should throw a TypeError'
        except TypeError:

    def testContains(self):
        """Tests __contains__"""

        plist = [addProxy(x) for x in self.plain1]
        assert plist == self.proxied1

        for p in plist:
            assert isProxy(p)
            assert p in self.proxied1, 'Proxied list should contain each proxied object'

    def testDelItem(self):
        """Test __delitem__"""

        for p in [addProxy(x) for x in self.plain1[:]]:
            assert isProxy(p)
            del self.proxied1[self.proxied1.index(p)]

    def testGE(self):
        """Test __ge__"""

        assert (self.plain1 >= self.plain2) == (
            self.proxied1 >= self.proxied2), 'The lists should have the same ge'
        assert (self.plain2 >= self.plain1) == (
            self.proxied2 >= self.proxied1), 'The lists should have the same ge'

        assert (self.proxied1 >= self.proxied2) != (
            self.proxied2 >= self.proxied1), 'The gt should invert correctly'

    def testGetItem(self):
        """Test __getitem__"""

        for i in range(len(self.proxied1)):
            assert isProxy(self.proxied1[i])

    def testGetSlice(self):
        """Test __getslice__"""

        slices = [(0, 0), (0, len(self.plain1))]

        for s in slices:
            assert self.plain1[s[0]:s[1]] == self.proxied1[
                s[0]:s[1]], 'Slices %s should be the same' % str(s)

        t = self.plain1[:]
        assert t is not self.plain1, 'Slice should be a copy.'
        assert self.plain1[:] is not t

        t = self.proxied1[:]
        assert t is not self.proxied1, 'Slice should be a copy.'
        assert self.proxied1[:] is not t

    def testGT(self):
        """Test __gt__"""

        assert (self.plain1 > self.plain2) == (
            self.proxied1 > self.proxied2), 'The lists should have the same gt'
        assert (self.plain2 > self.plain1) == (
            self.proxied2 > self.proxied1), 'The lists should have the same gt'

        assert (self.proxied1 > self.proxied2) != (
            self.proxied2 > self.proxied1), 'The gt should invert correctly'

    def testIAdd(self):
        """Test __iadd__"""
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Must be Proxy'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied2), 'Must be Proxy'

        self.plain1 += self.plain2
        self.proxied1 += self.proxied2

        assert self.plain1 == self.proxied1, 'Addition should be the same'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Proxy must be added'

    def testIAddMixed(self):
        """Test __iadd__ where we mix lists and GangaLists"""
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Must be Proxy'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied2), 'Must be Proxy'

        self.plain1 += self.plain2
        self.proxied1 += self.plain2

        assert self.plain1 == self.proxied1, 'Addition should be the same'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Proxy must be added'
        assert isinstance(self.plain1, list), 'Must be list instance'

        self.plain2 += self.proxied1
        self.proxied2 += self.proxied1

        assert self.plain2 == self.proxied2, 'Addition should be the same'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied2), 'Proxy must be added'
        assert isinstance(self.plain2, list), 'Must be list instance'

    def testIAddSlice(self):
        """Test __iadd__ on slices"""

        s1 = self.plain1[3:7]
        s1 += self.plain2[2:5]

        s2 = self.proxied1[3:7]
        s2 += self.proxied2[2:5]

        assert s1 == s2, 'Addition should be the same'

        assert not isProxy(s1), 'Proxy Not Needed'
        assert isProxy(s2), 'Proxy Needed'

    def testIdentity(self):
        """Tests we obey list like identity relations."""

        t = self.plain1[4]
        assert self.plain1[4] is t

        t = self.proxied1[4]
        assert self.proxied1[4] is t

    def testIMul(self):
        """Test __imul__"""

        self.plain1 *= 5
        self.proxied1 *= 5

        assert self.plain1 == self.proxied1, 'Multiplication should be the same'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Proxy must be added'

    def testIMulSlice(self):
        """Test __imul__ on slices"""

        s1 = self.plain1[3:7]
        s1 *= 6

        s2 = self.proxied1[3:7]
        s2 *= 6

        assert s1 == s2, 'Addition should be the same'

    def testLE(self):
        """Test __le__"""

        assert (self.plain1 <= self.plain2) == (
            self.proxied1 <= self.proxied2), 'The lists should have the same le'
        assert (self.plain2 <= self.plain1) == (
            self.proxied2 <= self.proxied1), 'The lists should have the same le'

        assert (self.proxied1 <= self.proxied2) != (
            self.proxied2 <= self.proxied1), 'The le should invert correctly'

    def testLen(self):
        """Tests __len__"""
        assert len(self.plain1) == len(
            self.proxied1), 'Lengths should be the same'

    def testLT(self):
        """Test __lt__"""

        assert (self.plain1 < self.plain2) == (
            self.proxied1 < self.proxied2), 'The lists should have the same lt'
        assert (self.plain2 < self.plain1) == (
            self.proxied2 < self.proxied1), 'The lists should have the same lt'

        assert (self.proxied1 < self.proxied2) != (
            self.proxied2 < self.proxied1), 'The lt should invert correctly'

    def testMul(self):
        """Test __mul__"""
        assert (self.plain1 * 7) == (self.proxied1 * 7)
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1 * 9)

        for p in self.proxied1:
            assert isProxy(p)

    def testNE(self):
        """Test __ne__"""

        assert self.plain1 != self.plain2
        assert self.proxied1 != self.proxied2, 'Lists should be different'

        assert self.plain1[0:5] != self.plain1[2:7]
        assert self.proxied1[0:5] != self.proxied1[
            2:7], 'Lists should be different'

    def testRMul(self):
        """Test __rmul__"""

        t1 = 5 * self.plain1
        t2 = 5 * self.proxied1

        assert t1 == t2, 'Multiplication should be the same'

    def testReversed(self):
        """Test the __reversed__ feature (new in python 2.4)."""

        from TFile import TFile as tF
        count = len(self.proxied1) - 1
        for i in self.proxied1.__reversed__():
            assert i is self.proxied1[count]
            assert isProxy(i)
            assert isType(i, tF)
            count -= 1

    def testSetItem(self):
        """Test __setitem__"""

        t = TFile(name='foo', subdir='cheese')
        test_index = 7
        self.plain1[test_index] = t
        assert self.plain1[test_index] is t

        self.proxied1[test_index] = t
        assert self.proxied1[test_index] is t
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1[test_index])

    def testSetSliceProxyList(self):

        self.plain1[3:7] = self.plain2[3:7]
        assert self.plain1[3:7] == self.plain2[
            3:7], 'The lists should be equal'
        assert self.plain1[3:7] is not self.plain2[
            3:7], 'The lists should be copies'
        self.plain1[4] = self.plain2[9]
        assert self.plain1[4] != self.plain2[4]

        tmp = self.plain1[2:9]
        assert self.plain1[2:9] is not tmp

        self.proxied1[3:7] = self.proxied2[3:7]
        assert self.proxied1[3:7] == self.proxied2[
            3:7], 'The lists should be equal'
        assert self.proxied1[3:7] is not self.proxied2[
            3:7], 'The lists should be copies'
        self.proxied1[4] = self.proxied2[9]
        assert self.proxied1[4] != self.proxied2[4]

        tmp = self.proxied1[2:9]
        assert self.proxied1[2:9] is not tmp

    def testAppend(self):

        t = addProxy(TFile(name='foo'))

        assert self.plain1[-1] == t
        assert self.plain1.pop() == t

        assert self.proxied1[-1] == t
        assert self.proxied1[-1] is t, 'Identity Test'
        assert isProxy(self.proxied1[-1]), 'Make sure we get back a proxy'
        assert self.proxied1.pop() == t

    def testExtend(self):

        t1 = [self._makeRandomTFile() for _ in xrange(10)]


        assert self.plain1 == self.proxied1, 'Lists should be the same'

        t2 = self.proxied1[4:7]
        assert isProxy(t2)
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.GangaList.GangaList import GangaList as glist
        assert isType(t2, glist)
        assert self.plain1 == self.proxied1, 'Lists should be the same'

    def testIndex(self):

        t = addProxy(TFile(name='foo'))
        self.proxied1.insert(8, t)
        assert self.proxied1[8] == t
        assert self.proxied1.index(t) == 8

    def testInsert(self):

        t = addProxy(TFile(name='foo'))
        self.proxied1.insert(8, t)
        assert self.proxied1[8] == t

    def testPop(self):

        list_len = len(self.proxied1)

        t = self.proxied1[-1]
        r = self.proxied1.pop()
        assert t == r
        assert t is r
        assert len(self.proxied1) == list_len - 1
        assert t not in self.proxied1
        assert t._impl not in self.proxied1._impl

        t = self.proxied1[6]
        r = self.proxied1.pop(6)
        assert t == r
        assert t is r
        assert len(self.proxied1) == list_len - 2
        assert t not in self.proxied1
        assert t._impl not in self.proxied1._impl

    def testRemove(self):

        t = addProxy(TFile(name='bar'))
        self.proxied1.insert(7, t)
        list_len = len(self.proxied1)


        assert len(self.proxied1) == list_len - 1
        assert t not in self.proxied1
        assert t._impl not in self.proxied1._impl

    def testIter(self):

        from TFile import TFile as tF

        count = 0
        for f in self.proxied1:
            count += 1
            assert isProxy(f)
            assert isType(f, tF)

        assert count == len(self.proxied1), 'Must visit every member'

    def testCmp(self):

        assert cmp(self.proxied1, self.proxied2) == cmp(
            self.plain1, self.plain2)

    def testHash(self):

            assert False, 'Lists are not hashable'
        except TypeError:
Example #9
class TestGangaList(unittest.TestCase):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TestGangaList, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.plain1 = []
        self.plain2 = []

        self.proxied1 = []
        self.proxied2 = []

        self.ganga_list = GangaList()

    def _makeRandomString():
        str_len = random.randint(3, 10)
        s = ''
        for _ in range(str_len):
            s += random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
        return s

    def _makeRandomTFile():
        name = TestGangaList._makeRandomString()
        subdir = TestGangaList._makeRandomString()
        return TFile(name=name, subdir=subdir)

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestGangaList, self).setUp()

        self.plain1 = [self._makeRandomTFile() for _ in range(15)]
        self.plain2 = [self._makeRandomTFile() for _ in range(10)]

        self.proxied1 = GangaList()
        self.proxied2 = GangaList()

        t = TFile()
        real_t = stripProxy(t)
        new_proxy_t = addProxy(real_t)
        #hopefully_t = stripProxy(new_proxy_t)
        #assert real_t is hopefully_t
        assert t is new_proxy_t

        self.assertEqual(len(getProxyAttr(self.proxied1, '_list')), len(self.plain1), "Something's wrong with construction")
        self.assertEqual(len(getProxyAttr(self.proxied2, '_list')), len(self.plain2), "Something's wrong with construction")

    def testAllListMethodsExported(self):
        """Tests that all methods on list are exposed by GangaList"""

        def getmethods(_obj):
            # get all the method names for an object
            return dir(_obj)

        list_methods = getmethods([])
        gangalist_methods = getmethods(self.ganga_list)

        missing_methods = []
        for m in list_methods:
            if not m in gangalist_methods:

        if missing_methods:

        self.assertFalse(missing_methods, 'Not all of lists methods are implemented: %s' % missing_methods)

    def testEq(self):
        """Tests the equality op that the rest of the tests rely on."""
        self.assertEqual(self.proxied1, self.plain1, 'Proxied and non-proxied versions should be the same')

    def testNq(self):
        self.assertIsNotNone(self.proxied1, None)
        self.assertFalse(self.proxied1 != self.proxied1, 'Lists are the same')
        self.assertNotEqual(self.proxied1, self.proxied2, 'Lists are different')
        self.assertNotEqual(self.plain1, self.proxied2, 'Lists are different')

    def testNonZero(self):
        self.assertFalse(GangaList(), 'An empty GangaList should be false, just like a list')

    def testAdd(self):
        """Test __add__"""
        self.assertEqual(self.plain1 + self.plain2, self.proxied1 + self.proxied2)
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1 + self.proxied2))

    def testAddMixed(self):
        """Test __add__ with mixed lists and GangaLists"""
        self.assertEqual((self.plain1 + self.plain2), (self.proxied1 + self.plain2))
        self.assertEqual((self.plain2 + self.plain1), (self.plain2 + self.proxied1))
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1 + self.plain2))

        self.assertEqual((self.plain2 + self.plain1), (self.plain2 + self.proxied1))
        self.assertEqual((self.plain1 + self.plain2), (self.plain1 + self.proxied2))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.plain1 + self.proxied2, list))

    def testAddMixed2(self):

        self.plain1 = range(10)
        self.plain2 = range(10)

        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied2[-1]), 'Element access must get proxies')
        self.assertFalse(isProxy(self.plain1[0]), 'Element access must not proxies')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy((self.plain1 + self.proxied2)[-1]), 'File objects should remain proxies')
        self.assertFalse(isProxy((self.plain1 + self.proxied2)[0]), 'Objects in plain lists should be left alone')

        self.assertEqual((self.plain1 + self.proxied2)[-1], self.proxied2[-1], 'File objects should be equal')
        self.assertIs((self.plain1 + self.proxied2)[-1], self.proxied2[-1], 'File objects should be identical')

    def testAddStr(self):
        """Makes sure that only lists can be added."""
            [] + ''
            assert False, 'Line above should throw a TypeError'
        except TypeError:

            self.proxied1 + ''
            assert False, 'Line above should throw a TypeError'
        except TypeError:

    def testContains(self):
        """Tests __contains__"""

        plist = [addProxy(x) for x in self.plain1]
        self.assertEqual(plist, self.proxied1)

        for p in plist:
            self.assertIn(p, self.proxied1, 'Proxied list should contain each proxied object')

    def testDelItem(self):
        """Test __delitem__"""

        for p in [addProxy(x) for x in self.plain1[:]]:
            del self.proxied1[self.proxied1.index(p)]

    def testGE(self):
        """Test __ge__"""

        self.assertEqual((self.plain1 >= self.plain2), (self.proxied1 >= self.proxied2), 'The lists should have the same ge')
        self.assertEqual((self.plain2 >= self.plain1), (self.proxied2 >= self.proxied1), 'The lists should have the same ge')

        self.assertNotEqual((self.proxied1 >= self.proxied2), (self.proxied2 >= self.proxied1), 'The gt should invert correctly')

    def testGetItem(self):
        """Test __getitem__"""

        for i in range(len(self.proxied1)):

    def testGetSlice(self):
        """Test __getslice__"""

        slices = [(0, 0), (0, len(self.plain1))]

        for s in slices:
            self.assertEqual(self.plain1[s[0]:s[1]], self.proxied1[s[0]:s[1]], 'Slices {0} should be the same'.format(s))

        t = self.plain1[:]
        self.assertIsNot(t, self.plain1, 'Slice should be a copy.')
        self.assertIsNot(self.plain1[:], t)

        t = self.proxied1[:]
        self.assertIsNot(t, self.proxied1, 'Slice should be a copy.')
        self.assertIsNot(self.proxied1[:], t)

    def testGT(self):
        """Test __gt__"""

        self.assertEqual((self.plain1 > self.plain2), (self.proxied1 > self.proxied2), 'The lists should have the same gt')
        self.assertEqual((self.plain2 > self.plain1), (self.proxied2 > self.proxied1), 'The lists should have the same gt')

        self.assertNotEqual((self.proxied1 > self.proxied2), (self.proxied2 > self.proxied1), 'The gt should invert correctly')

    def testIAdd(self):
        """Test __iadd__"""
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Must be Proxy')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied2), 'Must be Proxy')

        self.plain1 += self.plain2
        self.proxied1 += self.proxied2

        self.assertEqual(self.plain1, self.proxied1, 'Addition should be the same')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Proxy must be added')

    def testIAddMixed(self):
        """Test __iadd__ where we mix lists and GangaLists"""
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Must be Proxy')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied2), 'Must be Proxy')

        self.plain1 += self.plain2
        self.proxied1 += self.plain2

        self.assertEqual(self.plain1, self.proxied1, 'Addition should be the same')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Proxy must be added')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.plain1, list), 'Must be list instance')

        self.plain2 += self.proxied1
        self.proxied2 += self.proxied1

        self.assertEqual(self.plain2, self.proxied2, 'Addition should be the same')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied2), 'Proxy must be added')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.plain2, list), 'Must be list instance')

    def testIAddSlice(self):
        """Test __iadd__ on slices"""

        s1 = self.plain1[3:7]
        s1 += self.plain2[2:5]

        s2 = self.proxied1[3:7]
        s2 += self.proxied2[2:5]

        self.assertEqual(s1, s2, 'Addition should be the same')

        self.assertFalse(isProxy(s1), 'Proxy Not Needed')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(s2), 'Proxy Needed')

    def testIdentity(self):
        """Tests we obey list like identity relations."""

        t = self.plain1[4]
        self.assertIs(self.plain1[4], t)

        t = self.proxied1[4]
        self.assertIs(self.proxied1[4], t)

    def testIMul(self):
        """Test __imul__"""

        self.plain1 *= 5
        self.proxied1 *= 5

        self.assertEqual(self.plain1, self.proxied1, 'Multiplication should be the same')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1), 'Proxy must be added')

    def testIMulSlice(self):
        """Test __imul__ on slices"""

        s1 = self.plain1[3:7]
        s1 *= 6

        s2 = self.proxied1[3:7]
        s2 *= 6

        self.assertEqual(s1, s2, 'Addition should be the same')

    def testLE(self):
        """Test __le__"""

        self.assertEqual(self.plain1 <= self.plain2, self.proxied1 <= self.proxied2, 'The lists should have the same le')
        self.assertEqual(self.plain2 <= self.plain1, self.proxied2 <= self.proxied1, 'The lists should have the same le')

        self.assertNotEqual(self.proxied1 <= self.proxied2, self.proxied2 <= self.proxied1, 'The le should invert correctly')

    def testLen(self):
        """Tests __len__"""
        self.assertEqual(len(self.plain1), len(self.proxied1), 'Lengths should be the same')

    def testLT(self):
        """Test __lt__"""

        self.assertEqual(self.plain1 < self.plain2, self.proxied1 < self.proxied2, 'The lists should have the same lt')
        self.assertEqual(self.plain2 < self.plain1, self.proxied2 < self.proxied1, 'The lists should have the same lt')

        self.assertNotEqual(self.proxied1 < self.proxied2, self.proxied2 < self.proxied1, 'The lt should invert correctly')

    def testMul(self):
        """Test __mul__"""
        self.assertEqual((self.plain1 * 7), (self.proxied1 * 7))
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1 * 9))

        for p in self.proxied1:

    def testNE(self):
        """Test __ne__"""

        self.assertNotEqual(self.plain1, self.plain2)
        self.assertNotEqual(self.proxied1, self.proxied2, 'Lists should be different')

        self.assertNotEqual(self.plain1[0:5], self.plain1[2:7])
        self.assertNotEqual(self.proxied1[0:5], self.proxied1[2:7], 'Lists should be different')

    def testRMul(self):
        """Test __rmul__"""

        t1 = 5 * self.plain1
        t2 = 5 * self.proxied1

        self.assertEqual(t1, t2, 'Multiplication should be the same')

    def testReversed(self):
        """Test the __reversed__ feature (new in python 2.4)."""

        count = len(self.proxied1) - 1
        for i in self.proxied1.__reversed__():
            self.assertIs(i, self.proxied1[count])
            self.assertTrue(isType(i, TFile))
            count -= 1

    def testSetItem(self):
        """Test __setitem__"""

        t = TFile(name='foo', subdir='cheese')
        test_index = 7
        self.plain1[test_index] = t
        self.assertIs(self.plain1[test_index], t)

        self.proxied1[test_index] = t
        self.assertIs(self.proxied1[test_index], t)

    def testSetSliceProxyList(self):

        self.plain1[3:7] = self.plain2[3:7]
        self.assertEqual(self.plain1[3:7], self.plain2[3:7], 'The lists should be equal')
        self.assertIsNot(self.plain1[3:7], self.plain2[3:7], 'The lists should be copies')
        self.plain1[4] = self.plain2[9]
        self.assertNotEqual(self.plain1[4], self.plain2[4])

        tmp = self.plain1[2:9]
        self.assertIsNot(self.plain1[2:9], tmp)

        self.proxied1[3:7] = self.proxied2[3:7]
        self.assertEqual(self.proxied1[3:7], self.proxied2[3:7], 'The lists should be equal')
        self.assertIsNot(self.proxied1[3:7], self.proxied2[3:7], 'The lists should be copies')
        self.proxied1[4] = self.proxied2[9]
        self.assertNotEqual(self.proxied1[4], self.proxied2[4])

        tmp = self.proxied1[2:9]
        self.assertIsNot(self.proxied1[2:9], tmp)

    def testAppend(self):

        t = TFile(name='foo')

        self.assertEqual(self.plain1[-1], t)
        self.assertEqual(self.plain1.pop(), t)

        self.assertEqual(self.proxied1[-1], t)
        self.assertIs(self.proxied1[-1], t, 'Identity Test')
        self.assertTrue(isProxy(self.proxied1[-1]), 'Make sure we get back a proxy')
        self.assertEqual(self.proxied1.pop(), t)

    def testExtend(self):

        t1 = [self._makeRandomTFile() for _ in xrange(10)]


        self.assertEqual(self.plain1, self.proxied1, 'Lists should be the same')

        t2 = self.proxied1[4:7]
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.GangaList.GangaList import GangaList as glist
        self.assertTrue(isType(t2, glist))
        self.assertEqual(self.plain1, self.proxied1, 'Lists should be the same')

    def testIndex(self):

        t = TFile(name='foo')
        self.proxied1.insert(8, t)
        self.assertEqual(self.proxied1[8], t)
        self.assertEqual(self.proxied1.index(t), 8)

    def testInsert(self):

        t = TFile(name='foo')
        self.proxied1.insert(8, t)
        self.assertEqual(self.proxied1[8], t)

    def testPop(self):

        list_len = len(self.proxied1)

        t = self.proxied1[-1]
        r = self.proxied1.pop()
        self.assertEqual(t, r)
        self.assertIs(t, r)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.proxied1), list_len - 1)
        self.assertNotIn(t, self.proxied1)
        self.assertNotIn(t._impl, self.proxied1._impl)

        t = self.proxied1[6]
        r = self.proxied1.pop(6)
        self.assertEqual(t, r)
        self.assertIs(t, r)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.proxied1), list_len - 2)
        self.assertNotIn(t, self.proxied1)
        self.assertNotIn(t._impl, self.proxied1._impl)

    def testRemove(self):

        t = TFile(name='bar')
        self.proxied1.insert(7, t)
        list_len = len(self.proxied1)


        self.assertEqual(len(self.proxied1), list_len - 1)
        self.assertNotIn(t, self.proxied1)
        self.assertNotIn(t._impl, self.proxied1._impl)

    def testIter(self):

        count = 0
        for f in self.proxied1:
            count += 1
            self.assertTrue(isType(f, TFile))

        self.assertEqual(count, len(self.proxied1), 'Must visit every member')

    def testCmp(self):

        self.assertEqual(cmp(self.proxied1, self.proxied2), cmp(self.plain1, self.plain2))

    def testHash(self):

            assert False, 'Lists are not hashable'
        except TypeError:
Example #10
class LHCbDataset(GangaDataset):
    '''Class for handling LHCb data sets (i.e. inputdata for LHCb jobs).

    Example Usage:
    ds = LHCbDataset(["lfn:/some/lfn.file","pfn:/some/pfn.file"])
    ds[0] # DiracFile("/some/lfn.file") - see DiracFile docs for usage
    ds[1] # PhysicalFile("/some/pfn.file")- see PhysicalFile docs for usage
    len(ds) # 2 (number of files)
    ds.getReplicas() # returns replicas for *all* files in the data set
    ds.replicate("CERN-USER") # replicate *all* LFNs to "CERN-USER" SE
    ds.getCatalog() # returns XML catalog slice
    ds.optionsString() # returns Gaudi-sytle options 
    schema = {}
    docstr = 'List of PhysicalFile and DiracFile objects'
    schema['files'] = GangaFileItem(
        typelist=['str', 'Ganga.GPIDev.Adapters.IGangaFile.IGangaFile'],
    docstr = 'Ancestor depth to be queried from the Bookkeeping'
    schema['depth'] = SimpleItem(defvalue=0, doc=docstr)
    docstr = 'Use contents of file rather than generating catalog.'
    schema['XMLCatalogueSlice'] = GangaFileItem(defvalue=None, doc=docstr)
    docstr = 'Specify the dataset persistency technology'
    schema['persistency'] = SimpleItem(defvalue=None,
                                       typelist=['str', 'type(None)'],
    schema['treat_as_inputfiles'] = SimpleItem(
        "Treat the inputdata as inputfiles, i.e. copy the inputdata to the WN")

    _schema = Schema(Version(3, 0), schema)
    _category = 'datasets'
    _name = "LHCbDataset"
    _exportmethods = [
        'getReplicas', '__len__', '__getitem__', 'replicate', 'hasLFNs',
        'append', 'extend', 'getCatalog', 'optionsString', 'getLFNs',
        'getFileNames', 'getFullFileNames', 'difference', 'isSubset',
        'isSuperset', 'intersection', 'symmetricDifference', 'union',
        'bkMetadata', 'isEmpty', 'hasPFNs', 'getPFNs'
    ]  # ,'pop']

    def __init__(self, files=None, persistency=None, depth=0, fromRef=False):
        super(LHCbDataset, self).__init__()
        if files is None:
            files = []
        self.files = GangaList()
        process_files = True
        if fromRef:
            process_files = False
        elif isinstance(files, GangaList):

            def isFileTest(_file):
                return isinstance(_file, IGangaFile)

            areFiles = all([isFileTest(f) for f in files._list])
            if areFiles:
                process_files = False
        elif isinstance(files, LHCbDataset):
            process_files = False

        if process_files:
            if isType(files, LHCbDataset):
                for this_file in files:
            elif isType(files, IGangaFile):
            elif isType(files, (list, tuple, GangaList)):
                new_list = []
                for this_file in files:
                    if type(this_file) is str:
                        new_file = string_datafile_shortcut_lhcb(
                            this_file, None)
                    elif isType(this_file, IGangaFile):
                        new_file = stripProxy(this_file)
                        new_file = strToDataFile(this_file)
            elif type(files) is str:
                self.files.append(string_datafile_shortcut_lhcb(files, None),
                raise GangaException(
                    "Unknown object passed to LHCbDataset constructor!")


        logger.debug("Processed inputs, assigning files")

        # Feel free to turn this on again for debugging but it's potentially quite expensive
        #logger.debug( "Creating dataset with:\n%s" % self.files )

        logger.debug("Assigned files")

        self.persistency = persistency
        self.depth = depth
        logger.debug("Dataset Created")

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        '''Proivdes scripting (e.g. ds[2] returns the 3rd file) '''
        #this_file = self.files[i]
        # print type(this_file)
        # return this_file
        # return this_file
        # return this_file
        if type(i) == type(slice(0)):
            ds = LHCbDataset(files=self.files[i])
            ds.depth = self.depth
            #ds.XMLCatalogueSlice = self.XMLCatalogueSlice
            return ds
            return self.files[i]

    def getReplicas(self):
        'Returns the replicas for all files in the dataset.'
        lfns = self.getLFNs()
        cmd = 'getReplicas(%s)' % str(lfns)
        result = get_result(cmd, 'LFC query error. Could not get replicas.')
        return result['Successful']

    def hasLFNs(self):
        'Returns True is the dataset has LFNs and False otherwise.'
        for f in self.files:
            if isDiracFile(f):
                return True
        return False

    def hasPFNs(self):
        'Returns True is the dataset has PFNs and False otherwise.'
        for f in self.files:
            if not isDiracFile(f):
                return True
        return False

    def replicate(self, destSE=''):
        '''Replicate all LFNs to destSE.  For a list of valid SE\'s, type

        if not destSE:
            from GangaDirac.Lib.Files.DiracFile import DiracFile
        if not self.hasLFNs():
            raise GangaException('Cannot replicate dataset w/ no LFNs.')

        retry_files = []

        for f in self.files:
            if not isDiracFile(f):
                result = f.replicate(destSE=destSE)
            except Exception as err:
                msg = 'Replication error for file %s (will retry in a bit).' % f.lfn
                logger.warning("Error: %s" % str(err))

        for f in retry_files:
                result = f.replicate(destSE=destSE)
            except Exception as err:
                msg = '2nd replication attempt failed for file %s. (will not retry)' % f.lfn

    def extend(self, files, unique=False):
        '''Extend the dataset. If unique, then only add files which are not
        already in the dataset.'''
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Base import ReadOnlyObjectError

        if self._parent is not None and self._parent._readonly():
            raise ReadOnlyObjectError(
                'object Job#%s  is read-only and attribute "%s/inputdata" cannot be modified now'
                % (self._parent.id, getName(self)))

        _external_files = []

        if type(files) is str or isType(files, IGangaFile):
            _external_files = [files]
        elif type(files) in [list, tuple]:
            _external_files = files
        elif isType(files, LHCbDataset):
            _external_files = files.files
            if not hasattr(files, "__getitem__") or not hasattr(
                    files, '__iter__'):
                _external_files = [files]

        # just in case they extend w/ self
        _to_remove = []
        for this_file in _external_files:
            if hasattr(this_file, 'subfiles'):
                if len(this_file.subfiles) > 0:
                    _external_files = makeGangaListByRef(this_file.subfiles)
            if type(this_file) is str:
                    string_datafile_shortcut_lhcb(this_file, None))

        for _this_file in _to_remove:

        for this_f in _external_files:
            _file = getDataFile(this_f)
            if _file is None:
                _file = this_f
            myName = _file.namePattern
            from GangaDirac.Lib.Files.DiracFile import DiracFile
            if isType(_file, DiracFile):
                myName = _file.lfn
            if unique and myName in self.getFileNames():

    def removeFile(self, input_file):
            raise GangaException('Dataset has no file named %s' %

    def getLFNs(self):
        'Returns a list of all LFNs (by name) stored in the dataset.'
        lfns = []
        if not self:
            return lfns
        for f in self.files:
            if isDiracFile(f):
                subfiles = f.getSubFiles()
                if len(subfiles) == 0:
                    for file in subfiles:

        #logger.debug( "Returning LFNS:\n%s" % str(lfns) )
        logger.debug("Returning #%s LFNS" % str(len(lfns)))
        return lfns

    def getPFNs(self):
        'Returns a list of all PFNs (by name) stored in the dataset.'
        pfns = []
        if not self:
            return pfns
        for f in self.files:
            if isPFN(f):
        return pfns

    def getFullFileNames(self):
        'Returns all file names w/ PFN or LFN prepended.'
        names = []
        from GangaDirac.Lib.Files.DiracFile import DiracFile
        for f in self.files:
            if isType(f, DiracFile):
                names.append('LFN:%s' % f.lfn)
                    names.append('PFN:%s' % f.namePattern)
                    logger.warning("Cannot determine filename for: %s " % f)
                    raise GangaException("Cannot Get File Name")
        return names

    def getCatalog(self, site=''):
        '''Generates an XML catalog from the dataset (returns the XML string).
        Note: site defaults to config.LHCb.LocalSite
        Note: If the XMLCatalogueSlice attribute is set, then it returns
              what is written there.'''
        if hasattr(self.XMLCatalogueSlice, 'name'):
            if self.XMLCatalogueSlice.name:
                f = open(self.XMLCatalogueSlice.name)
                xml_catalog = f.read()
                return xml_catalog
        if not site:
            site = getConfig('LHCb')['LocalSite']
        lfns = self.getLFNs()
        depth = self.depth
        tmp_xml = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.xml')
        cmd = 'getLHCbInputDataCatalog(%s,%d,"%s","%s")' \
              % (str(lfns), depth, site, tmp_xml.name)
        result = get_result(cmd, 'LFN->PFN error. XML catalog error.')
        xml_catalog = tmp_xml.read()
        return xml_catalog

    def optionsString(self, file=None):
        'Returns the Gaudi-style options string for the dataset (if a filename' \
            ' is given, the file is created and output is written there).'
        if not self or len(self) == 0:
            return ''
        snew = ''
        if self.persistency == 'ROOT':
            snew = '\n#new method\nfrom GaudiConf import IOExtension\nIOExtension(\"%s\").inputFiles([' % self.persistency
        elif self.persistency == 'POOL':
            snew = '\ntry:\n    #new method\n    from GaudiConf import IOExtension\n    IOExtension(\"%s\").inputFiles([' % self.persistency
        elif self.persistency == None:
            snew = '\ntry:\n    #new method\n    from GaudiConf import IOExtension\n    IOExtension().inputFiles(['
                "Unknown LHCbDataset persistency technology... reverting to None"
            snew = '\ntry:\n    #new method\n    from GaudiConf import IOExtension\n    IOExtension().inputFiles(['

        sold = '\nexcept ImportError:\n    #Use previous method\n    from Gaudi.Configuration import EventSelector\n    EventSelector().Input=['
        sdatasetsnew = ''
        sdatasetsold = ''

        dtype_str_default = getConfig('LHCb')['datatype_string_default']
        dtype_str_patterns = getConfig('LHCb')['datatype_string_patterns']
        for f in self.files:
            dtype_str = dtype_str_default
            for this_str in dtype_str_patterns:
                matched = False
                for pat in dtype_str_patterns[this_str]:
                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(f.namePattern, pat):
                        dtype_str = this_str
                        matched = True
                if matched:
            sdatasetsnew += '\n        '
            sdatasetsold += '\n        '
            if isDiracFile(f):
                sdatasetsnew += """ \"LFN:%s\",""" % f.lfn
                sdatasetsold += """ \"DATAFILE='LFN:%s' %s\",""" % (f.lfn,
                sdatasetsnew += """ \"%s\",""" % f.accessURL()[0]
                sdatasetsold += """ \"DATAFILE='%s' %s\",""" % (
                    f.accessURL()[0], dtype_str)
        if sdatasetsold.endswith(","):
            if self.persistency == 'ROOT':
                sdatasetsnew = sdatasetsnew[:-1] + """\n], clear=True)"""
                sdatasetsnew = sdatasetsnew[:-1] + """\n    ], clear=True)"""
            sdatasetsold = sdatasetsold[:-1]
            sdatasetsold += """\n    ]"""
        if (file):
            f = open(file, 'w')
            if self.persistency == 'ROOT':
            if self.persistency == 'ROOT':
                return snew + sdatasetsnew
                return snew + sdatasetsnew + sold + sdatasetsold

    def _checkOtherFiles(self, other):
        if isType(other, GangaList) or isType(other, []):
            other_files = LHCbDataset(other).getFullFileNames()
        elif isType(other, LHCbDataset):
            other_files = other.getFullFileNames()
            raise GangaException("Unknown type for difference")
        return other_files

    def difference(self, other):
        '''Returns a new data set w/ files in this that are not in other.'''
        other_files = self._checkOtherFiles(other)
        files = set(self.getFullFileNames()).difference(other_files)
        data = LHCbDataset()
        data.depth = self.depth
        return data

    def isSubset(self, other):
        '''Is every file in this data set in other?'''
        other_files = self._checkOtherFiles(other)
        return set(self.getFileNames()).issubset(other_files)

    def isSuperset(self, other):
        '''Is every file in other in this data set?'''
        other_files = self._checkOtherFiles(other)
        return set(self.getFileNames()).issuperset(other_files)

    def symmetricDifference(self, other):
        '''Returns a new data set w/ files in either this or other but not
        other_files = other._checkOtherFiles(other)
        files = set(self.getFullFileNames()).symmetric_difference(other_files)
        data = LHCbDataset()
        data.depth = self.depth
        return data

    def intersection(self, other):
        '''Returns a new data set w/ files common to this and other.'''
        other_files = other._checkOtherFiles(other)
        files = set(self.getFullFileNames()).intersection(other_files)
        data = LHCbDataset()
        data.depth = self.depth
        return data

    def union(self, other):
        '''Returns a new data set w/ files from this and other.'''
        other_files = self._checkOtherFiles(other)
        files = set(self.getFullFileNames()).union(other_files)
        data = LHCbDataset()
        data.depth = self.depth
        return data

    def bkMetadata(self):
        'Returns the bookkeeping metadata for all LFNs. '
            "Using BKQuery(bkpath).getDatasetMetadata() with bkpath=the bookkeeping path, will yeild more metadata such as 'TCK' info..."
        cmd = 'bkMetaData(%s)' % self.getLFNs()
        b = get_result(cmd, 'Error removing replica. Replica rm error.')
        return b