Example #1
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        Prepare the RTHandler for the master job so that applications to be submitted
            app (GaudiExec): This application is only expected to handle GaudiExec Applications here
            appmasterconfig (unknown): Output passed from the application master configuration call

        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(
            app, appmasterconfig)

        if isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, LocalFile):
            app.jobScriptArchive = None

        generateJobScripts(app, appendJobScripts=True)

        scriptArchive = os.path.join(app.jobScriptArchive.localDir,


        if app.getMetadata:
            logger.info("Adding options to make the summary.xml")
                    "\nfrom Gaudi.Configuration import *\nfrom Configurables import LHCbApp\nLHCbApp().XMLSummary='summary.xml'"

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox),
Example #2
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        Prepare the RTHandler for the master job so that applications to be submitted
            app (GaudiExec): This application is only expected to handle GaudiExec Applications here
            appmasterconfig (unknown): Output passed from the application master configuration call

        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig)

        if not isinstance(app.uploadedInput, DiracFile):
            assert isinstance(app.uploadedInput, DiracFile), "Failed to upload needed file, aborting submit. Tried to upload to: %s\nIf your Ganga installation is not at CERN your username may be trying to create a non-existent LFN. Try setting the 'DIRAC' configuration 'DiracLFNBase' to your grid user path.\n" % DiracFile.diracLFNBase()
        rep_data = app.uploadedInput.getReplicas()
        assert rep_data != {}, "Failed to find a replica, aborting submit"

        if isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, (DiracFile, LocalFile)):
            app.jobScriptArchive = None


        assert isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, DiracFile), "Failed to upload needed file, aborting submit"
        rep_data = app.jobScriptArchive.getReplicas()
        assert rep_data != {}, "Failed to find a replica, aborting submit"

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox), outputbox=unique(outputsandbox))
Example #3
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        Prepare the RTHandler for the master job so that applications to be submitted
            app (GaudiExec): This application is only expected to handle GaudiExec Applications here
            appmasterconfig (unknown): Output passed from the application master configuration call

        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig)

        if not isinstance(app.uploadedInput, DiracFile):
            assert isinstance(app.uploadedInput, DiracFile), "Failed to upload needed file, aborting submit"
        rep_data = app.uploadedInput.getReplicas()
        assert rep_data != {}, "Failed to find a replica, aborting submit"

        if isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, (DiracFile, LocalFile)):
            app.jobScriptArchive = None


        assert isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, DiracFile), "Failed to upload needed file, aborting submit"
        rep_data = app.jobScriptArchive.getReplicas()
        assert rep_data != {}, "Failed to find a replica, aborting submit"

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox), outputbox=unique(outputsandbox))
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        Prepare the RTHandler for the master job so that applications to be submitted
            app (GaudiExec): This application is only expected to handle GaudiExec Applications here
            appmasterconfig (unknown): Output passed from the application master configuration call

        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig)

        # If we are getting the metadata we need to make sure the summary.xml is added to the output sandbox if not there already.
        if app.getMetadata and not 'summary.xml' in outputsandbox:
            outputsandbox += ['summary.xml']

        if not isinstance(app.uploadedInput, DiracFile):
            assert isinstance(app.uploadedInput, DiracFile), "Failed to upload needed file, aborting submit. Tried to upload to: %s\nIf your Ganga installation is not at CERN your username may be trying to create a non-existent LFN. Try setting the 'DIRAC' configuration 'DiracLFNBase' to your grid user path.\n" % DiracFile.diracLFNBase()
        rep_data = app.uploadedInput.getReplicas()
        assert rep_data != {}, "Failed to find a replica, aborting submit"

        if isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, (DiracFile, LocalFile)):
            app.jobScriptArchive = None


        assert isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, DiracFile), "Failed to upload needed file, aborting submit"
        rep_data = app.jobScriptArchive.getReplicas()
        assert rep_data != {}, "Failed to find a replica, aborting submit"

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox), outputbox=unique(outputsandbox))
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig, ['inputsandbox'])

        # add summary.xml
        outputsandbox += ['summary.xml', '__parsedxmlsummary__']

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox),
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig, ['inputsandbox'])

        # add summary.xml
        outputsandbox += ['summary.xml', '__parsedxmlsummary__']

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox),
 def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
     This function prepares the application of a master job during submit. A priori we aren't doing anything with this in Im3ShapeApp but until this is understood I'd rather not remove it
         app (IApplication): This is the application given in the master job
         appasterconfig (tuple): This is the configuration which is to prepare the app in the master job # TODO check type and this interface
     inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig)
     return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox), outputbox=unique(outputsandbox))
Example #8
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        Prepare the RTHandler for the master job so that applications to be submitted
            app (GaudiExec): This application is only expected to handle GaudiExec Applications here
            appmasterconfig (unknown): Output passed from the application master configuration call

        cred_req = app.getJobObject().backend.credential_requirements

        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig)

        # If we are getting the metadata we need to make sure the summary.xml is added to the output sandbox if not there already.
        if app.getMetadata and not 'summary.xml' in outputsandbox:
            outputsandbox += ['summary.xml']

        # Check a previously uploaded input is there in case of a job copy
        if isinstance(app.uploadedInput, DiracFile):
            if app.uploadedInput.getReplicas() == {}:
                app.uploadedInput = None
                logger.info("Previously uploaded cmake target missing from Dirac. Uploading it again.")

        if not isinstance(app.uploadedInput, DiracFile):
                assert isinstance(app.uploadedInput, DiracFile)
            except AssertionError:
                raise ApplicationPrepareError("Failed to upload needed file, aborting submit. Tried to upload to: %s\nIf your Ganga installation is not at CERN your username may be trying to create a non-existent LFN. Try setting the 'DIRAC' configuration 'DiracLFNBase' to your grid user path.\n" % DiracFile.diracLFNBase(cred_req))
        rep_data = app.uploadedInput.getReplicas()
            assert rep_data != {}
        except AssertionError:
            raise ApplicationPrepareError("Failed to find a replica of uploaded file, aborting submit")

        if isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, (DiracFile, LocalFile)):
            app.jobScriptArchive = None


            assert isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, DiracFile)
        except AssertionError:
            raise ApplicationPrepareError("Failed to upload needed file, aborting submit")
        rep_data = app.jobScriptArchive.getReplicas()
            assert rep_data != {}
        except AssertionError:
            raise ApplicationPrepareError("Failed to find a replica, aborting submit")

        #Create a replica of the job and scripts files

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox), outputbox=unique(outputsandbox))
Example #9
 def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
     This function prepares the application of a master job during submit. A priori we aren't doing anything with this in Im3ShapeApp but until this is understood I'd rather not remove it
         app (IApplication): This is the application given in the master job
         appasterconfig (tuple): This is the configuration which is to prepare the app in the master job # TODO check type and this interface
     inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig)
     return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox),
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):

        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig, ["inputsandbox"])

        # add summary.xml
        outputsandbox += ["summary.xml", "__parsedxmlsummary__"]

        logger.debug("Master Prepare LHCbGaudiDiracRunTimeHandler")

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox), outputbox=unique(outputsandbox))
Example #11
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig)
        if type(app.exe) == File:
            input_dir = app.getJobObject().getInputWorkspace().getPath()
            exefile = os.path.join(input_dir, os.path.basename(app.exe.name))
            if not os.path.exists(exefile):
                msg = 'Executable: "%s" must exist!' % str(exefile)
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)

            os.system('chmod +x %s' % exefile)
        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox),
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        Prepare the RTHandler for the master job so that applications to be submitted
            app (GaudiRun): This application is only expected to handle GaudiRun Applications here
            appmasterconfig (unknown): Output passed from the application master configuration call


        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig)
        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox), outputbox=unique(outputsandbox))
Example #13
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(
            app, appmasterconfig)
        if type(app.exe) == File:
            input_dir = app.getJobObject().getInputWorkspace().getPath()
            exefile = os.path.join(input_dir, os.path.basename(app.exe.name))
            if not os.path.exists(exefile):
                msg = 'Executable: "%s" must exist!' % str(exefile)
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)

            os.system('chmod +x %s' % exefile)
        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox),
Example #14
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):

        logger.debug("Master Prepare")
        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(
            app, appmasterconfig, ['inputsandbox'])

        # add summary.xml
        outputsandbox += ['summary.xml', '__parsedxmlsummary__']

        logger.debug("Master Prepare LHCbGaudiDiracRunTimeHandler")

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox),
Example #15
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(
            app, appmasterconfig)
        if type(app.exe) == File:
            exefile = os.path.join(get_share_path(app),
            if not os.path.exists(exefile):
                msg = 'Executable must exist!'
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)

            os.system('chmod +x %s' % exefile)
        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox),
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(
            app, appmasterconfig)
        # check file is set OK
        if not app.script.name:
            msg = 'Root.script.name must be set.'
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(msg)

        sharedir_scriptpath = os.path.join(get_share_path(app),

        if not os.path.exists(sharedir_scriptpath):
            msg = 'Script must exist!'
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(msg)

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox),
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(
            app, appmasterconfig)
        # check file is set OK
        if not app.script.name:
            msg = 'Root.script.name must be set.'
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)

        sharedir_scriptpath = os.path.join(get_share_path(app),

        if not os.path.exists(sharedir_scriptpath):
            msg = 'Script must exist!'
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox),
Example #18
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        Prepare the RTHandler for the master job so that applications to be submitted
            app (GaudiExec): This application is only expected to handle GaudiExec Applications here
            appmasterconfig (unknown): Output passed from the application master configuration call

        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig)

        if isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, LocalFile):
            app.jobScriptArchive = None

        generateJobScripts(app, appendJobScripts=True)

        scriptArchive = os.path.join(app.jobScriptArchive.localDir, app.jobScriptArchive.namePattern)

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox), outputbox=unique(outputsandbox))
Example #19
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        Prepare the RTHandler for the master job so that applications to be submitted
            app (GaudiExec): This application is only expected to handle GaudiExec Applications here
            appmasterconfig (unknown): Output passed from the application master configuration call

        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig)

        if isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, LocalFile):
            app.jobScriptArchive = None

        generateJobScripts(app, appendJobScripts=True)

        scriptArchive = os.path.join(app.jobScriptArchive.localDir, app.jobScriptArchive.namePattern)

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox), outputbox=unique(outputsandbox))
Example #20
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        Prepare the RTHandler for the master job so that applications to be submitted
            app (GaudiExec): This application is only expected to handle GaudiExec Applications here
            appmasterconfig (unknown): Output passed from the application master configuration call

        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig)

        if isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, LocalFile):
            app.jobScriptArchive = None

        generateJobScripts(app, appendJobScripts=True)

        scriptArchive = os.path.join(app.jobScriptArchive.localDir, app.jobScriptArchive.namePattern)


        if app.getMetadata:
            logger.info("Adding options to make the summary.xml")
            inputsandbox.append(FileBuffer('summary.py', "\nfrom Gaudi.Configuration import *\nfrom Configurables import LHCbApp\nLHCbApp().XMLSummary='summary.xml'"))

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox), outputbox=unique(outputsandbox))
Example #21
 def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
     inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig, ['inputsandbox'])
     return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox),
Example #22
 def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
     inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(
         app, appmasterconfig, ['inputsandbox'])
     return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox),
Example #23
    def master_prepare(self, app, appmasterconfig):
        Prepare the RTHandler for the master job so that applications to be submitted
            app (GaudiExec): This application is only expected to handle GaudiExec Applications here
            appmasterconfig (unknown): Output passed from the application master configuration call

        cred_req = app.getJobObject().backend.credential_requirements

        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = master_sandbox_prepare(
            app, appmasterconfig)

        # If we are getting the metadata we need to make sure the summary.xml is added to the output sandbox if not there already.
        if app.getMetadata and not 'summary.xml' in outputsandbox:
            outputsandbox += ['summary.xml']

        # Check a previously uploaded input is there in case of a job copy
        if isinstance(app.uploadedInput, DiracFile):
            if app.uploadedInput.getReplicas() == {}:
                app.uploadedInput = None
                    "Previously uploaded cmake target missing from Dirac. Uploading it again."

        if not isinstance(app.uploadedInput, DiracFile):
                assert isinstance(app.uploadedInput, DiracFile)
            except AssertionError:
                raise ApplicationPrepareError(
                    "Failed to upload needed file, aborting submit. Tried to upload to: %s\nIf your Ganga installation is not at CERN your username may be trying to create a non-existent LFN. Try setting the 'DIRAC' configuration 'DiracLFNBase' to your grid user path.\n"
                    % DiracFile.diracLFNBase(cred_req))

        rep_data = app.uploadedInput.getReplicas()
            assert rep_data != {}
        except AssertionError:
            raise ApplicationPrepareError(
                "Failed to find a replica of uploaded file, aborting submit")

        if isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, (DiracFile, LocalFile)):
            app.jobScriptArchive = None


            assert isinstance(app.jobScriptArchive, DiracFile)
        except AssertionError:
            raise ApplicationPrepareError(
                "Failed to upload needed file, aborting submit")
        rep_data = app.jobScriptArchive.getReplicas()
            assert rep_data != {}
        except AssertionError:
            raise ApplicationPrepareError(
                "Failed to find a replica, aborting submit")

        #Create a replica of the job and scripts files

        return StandardJobConfig(inputbox=unique(inputsandbox),