Example #1
def do_reduction(subset, args, nrfuzzykey, location):
    seen = set()
    for i in subset:
        for j in subset[i]:
    singles = []
    for num in nrfuzzykey:
        if num not in seen:
    #if len(subset.keys()) == 0 and len(compatible.keys()) == 0: return
    families = get_subset_evidence(subset, nrfuzzykey, args)
    gpdlines = ""
    tablelines = ""
    for num in singles:
    # find gpds not in the graph...
    for fz in families:
        info = fz.get_info_string()
        gpdline = fz.get_genepred_line()
        #print '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'
        #print gpdline
        #print fz.get_info_string()
        #print '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'
        gpd = GenePredEntry(gpdline)
        if not gpd.is_valid():
            sys.stderr.write("WARNING: invalid genepred entry generated\n" +
                             gpdline + "\n" + fz.get_info_string() + "\n")
            gpd = sorted(
                fz.gpds, key=lambda x: x.get_exon_count(),
                reverse=True)[0]  #just grab one that has all the exons
            fz = FuzzyGenePred(gpd, juntol=args.junction_tolerance * 2)
            gpdline = fz.get_genepred_line()
            if not gpd.is_valid():
                sys.stderr.write("WARNING: still problem skilling\n")
        gpdlines += gpdline + "\n"
        if args.output_original_table:
            name = gpd.entry['name']
            for g in fz.gpds:
                tablelines += name + "\t" + g.entry['name'] + "\n"
        grng = gpd.get_bed()
        grng.direction = None
        if not location:
            location = grng
        location = location.merge(grng)
    locstring = ''
    if location: locstring = location.get_range_string()
    return [gpdlines, tablelines, locstring]
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="do join of gpd overlaps")
    parser.add_argument('-j', '--junction_tolerance', default=5, type=int)
    parser.add_argument('--threads', type=int, default=1)
    parser.add_argument('--left_outer_join', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    global of
    of = sys.stdout
    if args.output: of = open(args.output, 'w')

    #read the left into memory
    rightlines = []
    z = 0
    with open(args.gpd_right) as inf:
        for line in inf:
            z += 1
            if z % 100 == 0:
                sys.stderr.write("reading in " + str(z) + "    \r")
            fgpd = FuzzyGenePred(GPD(line.rstrip()),
    sys.stderr.write("finished reading in " + str(len(rightlines)) +
                     " gpd entries\n")
    i = 0
    if args.threads > 1:
        p = Pool(processes=args.threads)
    with open(args.gpd_left) as inf:
        for line in inf:
            i += 1
            fgpd1 = FuzzyGenePred(GPD(line.rstrip()),
            if args.threads > 1:
                              args=(rightlines, fgpd1, i, args),
                v = get_compatible(rightlines, fgpd1, i, args)
    if args.threads > 1:
def do_reduction(subset,args,nrfuzzykey,location):
    seen = set()
    for i in subset:
      for j in subset[i]:  seen.add(j)
    singles = []
    for num in nrfuzzykey:
      if num not in seen:
    #if len(subset.keys()) == 0 and len(compatible.keys()) == 0: return
    families = get_subset_evidence(subset,nrfuzzykey,args)
    gpdlines = ""
    tablelines = ""
    for num in singles:
    # find gpds not in the graph... 
    for fz in families:
      info = fz.get_info_string()
      gpdline = fz.get_genepred_line()
      #print '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'
      #print gpdline
      #print fz.get_info_string()
      #print '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'
      gpd = GenePredEntry(gpdline)
      if not gpd.is_valid(): 
        sys.stderr.write("WARNING: invalid genepred entry generated\n"+gpdline+"\n"+fz.get_info_string()+"\n")
        gpd = sorted(fz.gpds, key=lambda x: x.get_exon_count(), reverse=True)[0] #just grab one that has all the exons
        fz = FuzzyGenePred(gpd,juntol=args.junction_tolerance*2)
        gpdline = fz.get_genepred_line()
        if not gpd.is_valid():
          sys.stderr.write("WARNING: still problem skilling\n")
      gpdlines += gpdline+"\n"
      if args.output_original_table:
        name = gpd.entry['name']
        for g in fz.gpds:
      grng = gpd.get_bed()
      grng.direction = None
      if not location: 
        location = grng
      location = location.merge(grng)
    locstring = ''
    if location:  locstring = location.get_range_string()
    return [gpdlines, tablelines, locstring]
Example #4
def get_nr_fuzzy(nrlocuskey, args):
    global warning_count
    global glock
    nrfuzzykey = {}
    for num in nrlocuskey:
        # Create FuzzyGenePreds out of all of the GPDs
        # And reduce the sets of many gpds down to just a single fuzzy gpd representing each specific gpd.
        v = greedy_combine_down_fuzzies([
            FuzzyGenePred(x, juntol=args.junction_tolerance * 2)
            for x in nrlocuskey[num]
        if len(v) > 1:
            if args.verbose:
                sys.stderr.write("WARNING expected only 1 fuzzy genepred\n")
            warning_count += 1
        nrfuzzykey[num] = v[0]
    return nrfuzzykey
def do_prediction(compatible,args,nrfuzzykey,location):
    #if len(compatible.keys()) == 0: return None
    #all reads could be standing alone version
    families = []
    for num in nrfuzzykey:
      nrfuzzykey[num].params['proper_set'] = False #partial overlap is enough
    for i in compatible:
      for j in compatible[i]:
        #see if its already in there
        g1lines = set()
        for g1 in nrfuzzykey[i].gpds: g1lines.add(g1.get_line())
        repeat = False
        for g2 in nrfuzzykey[j].gpds:
          if g2.get_line() in g1lines:
            repeat = True
        if not repeat: continue
        together = nrfuzzykey[i].concat_fuzzy_gpd(nrfuzzykey[j])
        if together:
    # now we need to find any duplicate entries and combine them
    newfam = []
    beforefam = len(families)
    while len(families) > 0:
      fam = families.pop(0)
      remaining = []
      for i in range(0,len(families)):
        if fam.is_equal_fuzzy(families[i]):
          added = fam.add_fuzzy_gpd(families[i])
          if not added:
            sys.stderr.write("WARNING NOT SURE WHY NOT ADDED EQUAL\n")
          fam = added
        else: remaining.append(families[i])
      families = remaining
    families = newfam
    afterfam = len(families)

    # Replace the family with a set where we haven't used the same gpd line twice
    # This may damage the fuzzy object
    for i in range(0,len(families)):
      gset = set()
      for g in families[i].gpds:  
      families[i].gpds  = [GenePredEntry(x) for x in gset]
    #  sys.stderr.write("\n\ncahnged from "+str(beforefam)+"\t"+str(afterfam)+"\n\n")
    gpdlines = ""
    tablelines = ""
    # find gpds not in the graph... 
    for fz in families:
      info = fz.get_info_string()
      gpdline = fz.get_genepred_line()
      #print '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'
      #print gpdline
      #print fz.get_info_string()
      #print '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'
      gpd = GenePredEntry(gpdline)
      if not gpd.is_valid(): 
        sys.stderr.write("WARNING: invalid genepred entry generated\n"+gpdline+"\n"+fz.get_info_string()+"\n")
        gpd = sorted(fz.gpds, key=lambda x: x.get_exon_count(), reverse=True)[0] #just grab one that has all the exons
        fz = FuzzyGenePred(gpd,juntol=args.junction_tolerance*2)
        gpdline = fz.get_genepred_line()
        if not gpd.is_valid():
          sys.stderr.write("WARNING: still problem skilling\n")
      gpdlines += gpdline+"\n"
      if args.output_original_table:
        name = gpd.entry['name']
        for g in fz.gpds:
      grng = gpd.get_bed()
      grng.direction = None
      if not location: 
        location = grng
      location = location.merge(grng)
    locstring = ''
    if location:  locstring = location.get_range_string()
    return [gpdlines, tablelines, locstring]
Example #6
def do_prediction(compatible, args, nrfuzzykey, location):
    #if len(compatible.keys()) == 0: return None
    #all reads could be standing alone version
    families = []
    for num in nrfuzzykey:
            'proper_set'] = False  #partial overlap is enough
    for i in compatible:
        for j in compatible[i]:
            #see if its already in there
            g1lines = set()
            for g1 in nrfuzzykey[i].gpds:
            repeat = False
            for g2 in nrfuzzykey[j].gpds:
                if g2.get_line() in g1lines:
                    repeat = True
            if not repeat: continue
            together = nrfuzzykey[i].concat_fuzzy_gpd(nrfuzzykey[j])
            if together:
    # now we need to find any duplicate entries and combine them
    newfam = []
    beforefam = len(families)
    while len(families) > 0:
        fam = families.pop(0)
        remaining = []
        for i in range(0, len(families)):
            if fam.is_equal_fuzzy(families[i]):
                added = fam.add_fuzzy_gpd(families[i])
                if not added:
                    sys.stderr.write("WARNING NOT SURE WHY NOT ADDED EQUAL\n")
                fam = added
        families = remaining
    families = newfam
    afterfam = len(families)

    # Replace the family with a set where we haven't used the same gpd line twice
    # This may damage the fuzzy object
    for i in range(0, len(families)):
        gset = set()
        for g in families[i].gpds:
        families[i].gpds = [GenePredEntry(x) for x in gset]
    #  sys.stderr.write("\n\ncahnged from "+str(beforefam)+"\t"+str(afterfam)+"\n\n")
    gpdlines = ""
    tablelines = ""
    # find gpds not in the graph...
    for fz in families:
        info = fz.get_info_string()
        gpdline = fz.get_genepred_line()
        #print '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'
        #print gpdline
        #print fz.get_info_string()
        #print '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'
        gpd = GenePredEntry(gpdline)
        if not gpd.is_valid():
            sys.stderr.write("WARNING: invalid genepred entry generated\n" +
                             gpdline + "\n" + fz.get_info_string() + "\n")
            gpd = sorted(
                fz.gpds, key=lambda x: x.get_exon_count(),
                reverse=True)[0]  #just grab one that has all the exons
            fz = FuzzyGenePred(gpd, juntol=args.junction_tolerance * 2)
            gpdline = fz.get_genepred_line()
            if not gpd.is_valid():
                sys.stderr.write("WARNING: still problem skilling\n")
        gpdlines += gpdline + "\n"
        if args.output_original_table:
            name = gpd.entry['name']
            for g in fz.gpds:
                tablelines += name + "\t" + g.entry['name'] + "\n"
        grng = gpd.get_bed()
        grng.direction = None
        if not location:
            location = grng
        location = location.merge(grng)
    locstring = ''
    if location: locstring = location.get_range_string()
    return [gpdlines, tablelines, locstring]