def check_table_specific(year): """ Verify if the table already exists on the database.\n Also it checks if the table already has information about the "year". """ tableCharacteristics = """ "id_rede" INT, "id_estacao" INT, "id_gas" VARCHAR(255), "date" timestamp, "value" FLOAT""" check = check_table(DB_NAME, TABLENAME, tableCharacteristics, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port, delete=False) if check == True: sql = """select count(id_estacao) from "%s" where EXTRACT(year from date) = %s """ % ( TABLENAME, year) resp = sqlExecute(DB_NAME, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port, sql, True) if resp['success']: if resp['data'][0][0] == 0: return None else: msg = """The database already have the year {0}.\n Use this command: DELETE from "tablename" where EXTRACT(year from date) = {0}.""".format( year) log_logs_file(msg) return msg return "Check the Logs"
def save_APA_Data(year=None): """ To a specific year, save all the data from all stations to the Database named "APA_EMEP_DATA".\n The data is all saved on the same table, "<TABLENAME>".\n The data is retrieve from """ if year is None: sql = "drop table {}".format(global_settings.APA_TABLE_NAME) sqlExecute(DB_NAME, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port, sql, False) inputs_information = extract_all_information() gas_info = pd.read_excel(global_settings.PATH_EXCEL_GAS) gas_names = gas_info['Gas'].tolist() str_estacoes = "" tableCharacteristics = """ "id_rede" INT, "id_estacao" INT, "id_gas" VARCHAR(255), "date" timestamp, "value" FLOAT""" count_download_excels = 0 information = { 'gas_info': gas_info, 'gas_names': gas_names, 'str_estacoes': "", } # for index, row in estacoes_info.iterrows(): for input_info in inputs_information: if year is None: years = extract_year_for_station(input_info[0], input_info[1]) for year in years: count_download_excels += 1 extract_and_saved_excel(input_info[0], input_info[1], year, information, tableCharacteristics) else: count_download_excels += 1 extract_and_saved_excel(input_info[0], input_info[1], year, information, tableCharacteristics) if year is None: year = "todos os anos possíveis" if len(str_estacoes.split(", ")) != count_download_excels: log_logs_file("Sucesso ano {}".format(year)) return "Sucesso ano {}".format(year) log_logs_file( "Não foi possível atualizar os dados do ano {}.".format(year)) return "Não foi possível atualizar os dados do ano {}.".format(year)
def copy_excel_database(directory, fileName, Database, tableName, tableCharacteristics, functionInsert, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port, sheet_name=None, matrix=False, delete=True, create=True, information={}, cv=False): """ Copy the data from the excel to a table in the database Steps: - Verify if the table exists - Open the Excel - Create the sql statements to upload the data - Execute the sql statements """ if check_table(Database, tableName, tableCharacteristics, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port, delete, create): path = directory + fileName if cv: if sheet_name is not None: dataframe = pd.read_csv(path, sheet_name=sheet_name) else: dataframe = pd.read_csv(path) else: if sheet_name is not None: dataframe = pd.read_excel(path, sheet_name=sheet_name) else: dataframe = pd.read_excel(path) if matrix: dataframe = dataframe.to_numpy() sql = functionInsert(tableName, dataframe, fileName, information) if sql != '': resp = sqlExecute(Database, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port, sql, False) if not resp['success']: log_logs_file('Error: {}'.format(resp['data'])) return resp else: log_logs_file("Sql statement is empty") return None
def createView(Database, db_user, db_passwrod, db_host, db_port, foreignOptions): """ Create a view that connects two or more tables """ tableName = foreignOptions[0]['table'] from_args = '"%s"' % (tableName) select_args = '' columnNames = {} foreignTables = [] for opts in foreignOptions: f_Name = opts['f_table'] foreignTables.append(f_Name) aux = columnNamesOfTable(Database, f_Name, db_user, db_passwrod, db_host, db_port) aux.remove(opts['f_col']) columnNames[f_Name] = aux from_args += ' INNER JOIN "{1}" ON "{0}"."{2}" = "{1}"."{3}"'.format( tableName, f_Name, opts['col'], opts['f_col']) aux = columnNamesOfTable(Database, foreignOptions[0]['table'], db_user, db_passwrod, db_host, db_port) for key in columnNames: f_keys = foreignkeyTable(Database, key, db_user, db_passwrod, db_host, db_port) for f_key in f_keys: if f_key['f_table'] in foreignTables: columnNames[key].remove(f_key['col']) for val in columnNames[key]: select_args += '"%s"."%s",' % (key, val) for val in aux: select_args += '"%s"."%s",' % (tableName, val) sql = """CREATE VIEW %s_view as SELECT %s FROM %s """ % ( tableName, select_args[:-1], from_args) # print(sql) rec = sqlExecute(Database, db_user, db_passwrod, db_host, db_port, sql, False) if rec['success']: return "%s_view" % (tableName) return tableName
def get_gasValues(id_estacao, id_gas, resolution, date): """ Return a html table that contains all the values for a specific station with a specific gas at a specific temporal resolution, using date as reference """ sql = sql_GasValues(id_estacao, id_gas, resolution, date) html = "" resp = sqlExecute(DB_NAME, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port, sql, True) if resp['success']: html, data_array = makeHtmlTable(resp['data']) return HttpResponse(content_type='text/json', content=json.dumps({ "htmlTable": html, "data_array": data_array, }))
def datumCode(name, Database, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port): """ Get the EPSG Datum Code for a specific name from the epsg database """ sql = """e.coord_ref_sys_code from epsg_coordinatereferencesystem as e INNER JOIN spatial_ref_sys as s ON e.coord_ref_sys_code=s.srid WHERE e.coord_ref_sys_name='%s'""" % ( name) rec = sqlExecute(Database, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port, sql, True) if rec['success']: data = rec['data'][0][0] return {'success': True, 'data': data} return rec
def get_ListGas(id_estacao): """ Return all the gas that the station has information """ table_gas_info = global_settings.GAS_INFORMATION_TABLE sql = '''SELECT DISTINCT id_gas, "Nome" FROM "{0}" inner join "{1}" on id_gas = "ID_APA" WHERE id_estacao = {2}'''.format( TABLENAME, table_gas_info, id_estacao) resp = sqlExecute(DB_NAME, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port, sql, True) listGas = [] if resp['success']: for id_gas in resp['data']: listGas.append({'Name': id_gas[1], 'Id': id_gas[0]}) return HttpResponse(content_type='text/json', content=json.dumps({ "listGas": listGas, }))
def createMappingTable(data, tableName, coordenatePoints, excelColumns, excelForeignCols, datum_code, tableView, Database, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port): """ Create the rule to later be more easier and quickly to upload the excle with the configorations to the database """ my_data = {} my_data["tableView"] = tableView my_data["coordenatePoints"] = False my_data["coordenateInfo"] = {} my_data["variables"] = {} if coordenatePoints: aux_json = {} my_data["coordenatePoints"] = True name = data["nameCoord"] if name == "": name = "location" aux_json["colName"] = name aux_json["latName"] = data["latName"] aux_json["longName"] = data['longName'] aux_json["latDegDec"] = data['latDegDec'] aux_json["longDegDec"] = data['longDegDec'] aux_json["datum"] = datum_code my_data["coordenateInfo"] = aux_json for name in excelColumns: if name == data['latName'] or name == data['longName']: continue dataType = data[name] if dataType == 'None': if name in excelForeignCols.keys(): dataType = excelForeignCols[name]['type'] my_data["variables"][name] = dataType sql = """INSERT INTO mapping_json(tableName, JSON) VALUES ('%s', '%s')""" % ( tableName, json.dumps(my_data)) resp_sql = sqlExecute(Database, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port, sql, False) return resp_sql
def update_bbox_geoserver(workspace, datastore, tableName, location_col_name, database, db_user, db_pass, db_host, db_port): headers_xml = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8'} headers_json_content = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} headers_json_accept = {'accept': 'application/json'} r = requests.get('{0}/workspaces/{1}/datastores/{2}/featuretypes/{3}'\ .format(gs_rest_url, workspace, datastore, tableName), auth=HTTPBasicAuth(user, pwd), headers=headers_json_accept ) if r.status_code == 200: json_content = r.json() sql = '''SELECT ST_Extent("{0}"::geometry) as a from "{1}"'''.format( location_col_name, tableName) rec = sqlExecute(database, db_user, db_pass, db_host, db_port, sql, True) if rec['success']: bbox = rec['data'][0][0] bbox = bbox.split('BOX(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',') mins = bbox[0].split(' ') maxs = bbox[1].split(' ') json_content['featureType']['nativeBoundingBox']['minx'] = mins[0] json_content['featureType']['nativeBoundingBox']['miny'] = mins[1] json_content['featureType']['nativeBoundingBox']['maxx'] = maxs[0] json_content['featureType']['nativeBoundingBox']['maxy'] = maxs[1] json_content['featureType']['latLonBoundingBox']['minx'] = mins[0] json_content['featureType']['latLonBoundingBox']['miny'] = mins[1] json_content['featureType']['latLonBoundingBox']['maxx'] = maxs[0] json_content['featureType']['latLonBoundingBox']['maxy'] = maxs[1] r = requests.put('{0}/workspaces/{1}/datastores/{2}/featuretypes/{3}'\ .format(gs_rest_url, workspace, datastore, tableName), auth=HTTPBasicAuth(user, pwd), json=json_content, headers=headers_json_content ) print(r.text, r.status_code)
def retrieveDatumNames(Database, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port): """ Get all the EPSG Datum Names from the epsg database """ sql = """SELECT e.coord_ref_sys_name from epsg_coordinatereferencesystem as e INNER JOIN spatial_ref_sys as s ON e.coord_ref_sys_code=s.srid""" rec = sqlExecute(Database, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port, sql, True) if rec['success']: data = [] for aux in rec['data']: if aux[0] != None: data.append(aux[0]) data = sorted(data) return {'success': True, 'data': data} else: return rec
def getMappingTable(database, user, password, host, port, tableName): """ Get the map to convert the excel to a new entry on a specific table """ sql = """SELECT json FROM mapping_json WHERE tableName = '%s'""" % ( tableName) rec = sqlExecute(database, user, password, host, port, sql, True) if rec['success']: if len(rec['data']) < 1: return { 'success': False, 'error': "There is no entry with the table_name = %s or this entry doesn't have the value on the column JSON" % (tableName) } return {'success': True, 'data': rec['data'][0][0]} return rec
def searchTablesByDatabase(database, user, password, host, port, mapping_json=False): """ Get the list of tables from : - the database if mapping_json == False - the table named mapping_json, otherwise """ if mapping_json: sql = """SELECT tableName FROM mapping_json""" else: sql = """SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' and table_type='BASE TABLE'""" rec = sqlExecute(database, user, password, host, port, sql, True) if rec['success']: data = [] if mapping_json: for aux in rec['data']: data.append(aux[0]) else: for aux in rec['data']: if not ('spatial_ref_sys' in aux[0] or 'mapping_json' in aux[0]): data.append(aux[0]) data = sorted(data) return {'success': True, 'data': data} else: return rec
def create_table_excel_general(tableName, columns, data_df, keys, data, coordenatePoints, datum_code, foreignData, Database, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port): """ Create a table according to the form and format of the excel """ timeDimesionAttr = '' #Creating table as per requirement sql = '''CREATE TABLE "%s"( ''' % (tableName) for name in columns: dataType = data[name] if name == data['latName'] or name == data['longName']: continue # Compare the information of selecting data keys with the information from choosing a foreign key if dataType == 'None': if name in foreignData.keys(): dataType = foreignData[name]['type'] else: return [ None, None, None, "The column %s doesn't have a data type" % (name) ] else: if name in foreignData.keys(): if dataType != foreignData[name]['type']: return [ None, None, None, "The data type of the column %s you choose is different from the foreign table" % (name) ] if 'timestamp' in dataType.lower(): timeDimesionAttr = name sql += """ "%s" %s""" % (name, dataType) if name == data['table2primaryKey']: sql += ' PRIMARY KEY' sql += ',' keys[name] = name if coordenatePoints: name = data['nameCoord'] if name == '': name = 'location' if 'coord' in foreignData.keys(): if foreignData['coord']['type'] != 'geography(POINT)': return [ None, None, None, "The data type of the column coord should be GEOGRAPHY(POINT) but it is a foreign key to a foreign column with different data type" ] sql += """ "%s" geography(POINT)""" % (name) if 'coord' == data['table2primaryKey']: sql += ' PRIMARY KEY' sql += "," keys['coord'] = name foreignOptions = [] for name in foreignData: auxname = name if auxname == 'coord': auxname = data['nameCoord'] if auxname == '': auxname = 'location' sql += """ FOREIGN KEY ("%s") REFERENCES %s (%s),""" % ( auxname, foreignData[name]['table'], foreignData[name]['column']) foreignOptions.append({ 'f_col': foreignData[name]['column'], 'col': auxname, 'f_table': foreignData[name]['table'], 'table': tableName }) sql = sql[:len(sql) - 1] + ')' resp_sql = sqlExecute(Database, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port, sql, False) return [resp_sql, foreignOptions, timeDimesionAttr, '']