Example #1
def get_bearings(arc, mat, delta, rot):
    Calculate the bearings from the matrix and delta value

    bearing_in = arc.get('BearingIn')
    bearing_out = arc.get('BearingOut')

    bearings = []

    for _i in range(0, 6):
        bearings.append(_GEO.FUNC[6][_i](mat.A[6][_i], delta, rot))

    _b = [_v % C.TWO_PI for _v in bearings[0:6] if Utils.to_float(_v)]

    if _b:

        #check to ensure all tangent start bearing values are identical
        if not Support.within_tolerance(_b):
            return None

        #default to calculated if different from supplied bearing
        if not Support.within_tolerance(_b[0], bearing_in):
            bearing_in = _b[0]

    if not bearing_in:
        return None

    _b_out = bearing_in + (delta * rot)

    if not Support.within_tolerance(_b_out, bearing_out):
        bearing_out = _b_out

    _row = mat.A[6]

    _rad = [_row[0], _row[1]]
    _tan = [bearing_in, bearing_out]
    _int = [_row[4], _row[5]]

    if not Utils.to_float(_rad[0]):
        _rad[0] = bearing_in - rot * (C.HALF_PI)

    if not Utils.to_float(_rad[1]):
        _rad[1] = _rad[0] + rot * delta

    if not Utils.to_float(_int[0]):
        _int[0] = _rad[0] + rot * (delta / 2.0)

    if not Utils.to_float(_int[1]):
        _int[1] = _rad[0] + rot * ((math.pi + delta) / 2.0)

    mat_bearings = {'Radius': _rad, 'Tangent': _tan, 'Internal': _int}

    return {
        'BearingIn': bearing_in,
        'BearingOut': bearing_out,
        'Bearings': mat_bearings
    def discretize_geometry(self):
        Discretizes the alignment geometry to a series of vector points

        interval = self.Object.Seg_Value
        interval_type = self.Object.Method
        geometry = self.geometry['geometry']
        points = [[self.geometry['meta']['Start']]]
        last_curve = None

        #discretize each arc in the geometry list,
        #store each point set as a sublist in the main points list
        for curve in geometry:

            if not curve:

            if curve['Type'] == 'arc':
                points.append(Arc.get_points(curve, interval, interval_type))

            #if curve['Type'] == 'line':
            #    points.append([curve['Start'], curve['End']])

            last_curve = curve

        #store the last point of the first geometry for the next iteration
        _prev = points[0][-1]
        result = points[0]

        if not (_prev and result):
            return None

        #iterate the point sets, adding them to the result set
        #and eliminating any duplicate points
        for item in points[1:]:

            if _prev.sub(item[0]).Length < 0.0001:

            _prev = item[-1]

        last_tangent = abs(self.geometry['meta']['Length'] -

        if not Support.within_tolerance(last_tangent):
            _vec = Support.vector_from_angle(
            last_point = result[-1]


        #print('\n<><><><><>\n', result)
        return result
    def validate_coordinates(self):
        Iterate the geometry, testing for incomplete / incorrect station / coordinate values
        Fix them where possible, error if values cannot be resolved

        #calculate distance bewteen curve start and end using
        #internal station and coordinate vectors

        _datum = self.geometry['meta']
        _geo_data = self.geometry['geometry']

        _prev_geo = {
            'End': _datum['Start'],
            'InternalStation': (0.0, 0.0),
            'StartStation': _datum['StartStation'],
            'Length': 0.0

        for _geo in _geo_data:

            if not _geo:
            #get the vector between the two gemetries and the station distance
            _vector = _geo['Start'].sub(_prev_geo['End'])
            _sta_len = abs(_geo['InternalStation'][0] -

            #calculate the difference between the vector length and station distance
            #in document units
            _delta = (_vector.Length - _sta_len) / Units.scale_factor()

            #if the stationing / coordinates are out of tolerance,
            #determine if the error is with the coordinate vector or station
            if not Support.within_tolerance(_delta):
                bearing_angle = Support.get_bearing(_vector)

                #if the coordinate vector bearing matches, fix the station
                if Support.within_tolerance(bearing_angle, _geo['BearingIn']):
                    _geo['InternalStation'] = (
                        _prev_geo['InternalStation'][1] + _vector.Length,

                    _geo['StartStation'] = _prev_geo['StartStation'] + \
                                           _prev_geo['Length'] / Units.scale_factor() + \
                                           _vector.Length / Units.scale_factor()

                #otherwise, fix the coordinate
                    _bearing_vector = Support.vector_from_angle(

                    _geo['Start'] = _prev_geo['End'].add(_bearing_vector)

            _prev_geo = _geo
Example #4
def get_parameters(line):
    Return a fully-defined line

    _coord_truth = [not line.get('Start') is None, not line.get('End') is None]
    _param_truth = [
        not line.get('BearingIn') is None, not line.get('Length') is None

    #both coordinates defined
    _case_one = all(_coord_truth)

    #only one coordinate defined, plus both length and bearing
    _case_two = any(_coord_truth) and not all(_coord_truth) and all(

    if _case_one:

        line_vec = line['End'].sub(line['Start'])
        _bearing = Support.get_bearing(line_vec)
        _length = line_vec.Length

        #test for missing parameters, preserving the existing ones
        if line.get('BearingIn'):
            if Support.within_tolerance(line['BearingIn'], _bearing):
                _bearing = line['BearingIn']

        line['BearingIn'] = line['BearingOut'] = _bearing

        if line.get('Length'):
            if Support.within_tolerance(line['Length'], _length):
                _length = line['Length']

        line['Length'] = _length

    elif _case_two:

        _vec = Support.vector_from_angle(line['BearingIn']).multiply(

        if line.get('Start'):
            line['End'] = line['Start'].add(_vec)
            line['Start'] = line['End'].add(_vec)

        print('Unable to calculate line parametters')

    result = None

    if _case_one or _case_two:
        result = {**{'Type': 'line'}, **line}

    return result
Example #5
def run_test(arc, comp, excludes):

    import copy
    dct = copy.deepcopy(arc)

    if excludes:
        for _exclude in excludes:
            dct[_exclude] = None

    result = convert_units(get_parameters(convert_units(dct)), True)

    print('----------- Comparison errors: ------------- \n')
    print('Exclusions: ', excludes)

    for _k, _v in comp.items():

        _w = result[_k]
        _x = _v

        if isinstance(_v, App.Vector):
            _x = _v.Length
            _w = _w.Length

        if not Support.within_tolerance(_x, _w):
            print('Mismatch on %s: %f (%f)' % (_k, _w, _x))

    return result
    def validate_alignment(self):
        Ensure the alignment geometry is continuous.
        Any discontinuities (gaps between end / start coordinates)
        must be filled by a completely defined line

        _prev_coord = self.geometry['meta']['Start']
        _geo_list = []

        for _geo in self.geometry['geometry']:

            if not _geo:

            _coord = _geo['Start']

            if not Support.within_tolerance(_coord.Length, _prev_coord.Length):

                #build the line using the provided parameters and add it
                        'Start': App.Vector(_prev_coord),
                        'End': App.Vector(_coord),
                        'BearingIn': _geo['BearingIn'],
                        'BearingOut': _geo['BearingOut'],

            _prev_coord = _geo['End']

        self.geometry['geometry'] = _geo_list
Example #7
def get_lengths(arc, mat):
    Get needed parameters for arc calculation
    from the user-defined arc and the calculated vector matrix

    #[0,1] = Radius; [2, 3] = Tangent, [4] = Middle, [5] = Chord
    lengths = mat.diagonal().A[0]

    params = [

    for _i in range(0, 2):

        #get two consecutive elements, saving only if they're valid
        _s = [_v for _v in lengths[_i * 2:(_i + 1) * 2] if _v]

        #skip the rest if not defined, we'll use the user values
        if not _s:

        #if both were calculated and they aren't the same, quit
        if all(_s) and not Support.within_tolerance(_s):
            return None

        if _s[0] and Support.within_tolerance(_s[0], params[_i]):

        params[_i] = _s[0]

    #test middle and chord, if no user-defined value or out-of-tolerance, use calculated
    for _i in range(4, 6):

        if lengths[_i] and Support.within_tolerance(lengths[_i],
                                                    params[_i - 2]):

        params[_i - 2] = lengths[_i]

    return {'Radius': params[0], 'Tangent': params[1], 'Chord': params[3]}
Example #8
def get_scalar_matrix(vecs):
    Calculate the square matrix of scalars
    for the provided vectors
    #ensure list is a list of lists (not vectors)
    #and create the matrix
    mat_list = [list(_v) if _v else [0, 0, 0] for _v in vecs]
    rot_list = [0.0] * 7

    #get rotation direction for vector bearings
    for _i in range(0, 6):
        rot_list[_i] = Support.get_rotation(C.UP, vecs[_i])


    mat = numpy.matrix(mat_list)
    result = mat * mat.T

    #abort for non-square matrices
    if result.shape[0] != result.shape[1] != 6:
        return None

    #calculate the magnitudes first (minus the UP vector)
    for _i in range(0, 6):
        result.A[_i][_i] = math.sqrt(result.A[_i][_i])

    #calculate the delta for the lower left side
    for _i in range(0, 7):
        _d1 = result.A[_i][_i]

        for _j in range(0, _i):
            _denom = _d1 * result.A[_j][_j]
            _n = result.A[_i][_j]

            _angle = None

            if not (any([math.isnan(_v)
                         for _v in [_denom, _n]]) or _denom == 0.0):
                _angle = math.acos(_n / _denom)

            #compute the arc central angle for all but the last row
            if _angle:
                if _i < 6:
                    _angle = _GEO.FUNC[_i][_j](_angle)
                    _angle *= rot_list[_j]

                    if _angle < 0.0:
                        _angle += C.TWO_PI

            result.A[_i][_j] = _angle

    #lower left half contains angles, diagonal contains scalars
    return result
Example #9
def get_rotation(arc, vecs):
    Determine the dirction of rotation
    v1 = [_v for _v in vecs[0:3] if _v and _v != App.Vector()]
    v2 = [_v for _v in vecs[3:] if _v and _v != App.Vector()]

    if not (v1 and v2):
        return {'Direction': arc.get('Direction')}

    return {'Direction': Support.get_rotation(v1[0], v2[1])}
Example #10
def get_missing_parameters(arc, new_arc):
    Calculate any missing parameters from the original arc
    using the values from the new arc.

    These include:
     - Chord
     - Middle Ordinate
     - Tangent
     - Length
     - External distance

    #by this point, missing radius / delta is a problem
    if new_arc.get('Radius') is None or new_arc.get('Delta') is None:
        return None

    #pre-calculate values and fill in remaining parameters
    radius = new_arc['Radius']
    delta = new_arc['Delta']
    half_delta = delta / 2.0

    new_arc['Length'] = radius * delta
    new_arc['External'] = radius * ((1.0 / math.cos(half_delta)) - 1.0)
    new_arc['MiddleOrdinate'] = radius * (1.0 - math.cos(half_delta))

    if not new_arc.get('Tangent'):
        new_arc['Tangent'] = radius * math.tan(half_delta)

    if not new_arc.get('Chord'):
        new_arc['Chord'] = 2.0 * radius * math.sin(half_delta)

    #quality-check - ensure everything is defined and default to existing where within tolerance
    _keys = ['Chord', 'MiddleOrdinate', 'Tangent', 'Length', 'External']

    existing_vals = [arc.get(_k) for _k in _keys]
    new_vals = [new_arc.get(_k) for _k in _keys]

    vals = {}

    for _i, _v in enumerate(_keys):

        vals[_v] = existing_vals[_i]

        #if values are close enough, then keep existing
        if Support.within_tolerance(vals[_v], new_vals[_i]):

        #out of tolerance or existing is None - use the calculated value
        vals[_v] = new_vals[_i]

    return vals
    def validate_stationing(self):
        Iterate the geometry, calculating the internal start station based on the actual station
        and storing it in an 'InternalStation' parameter tuple for the start and end of the curve

        prev_station = self.geometry['meta'].get('StartStation')
        prev_coord = self.geometry['meta'].get('Start')

        if not prev_coord or not prev_station:
            print('Unable to validate alignment stationing')

        for _geo in self.geometry['geometry']:

            if not _geo:

            _geo['InternalStation'] = None
            geo_station = _geo.get('StartStation')
            geo_coord = _geo['Start']

            #if no station is provided, try to infer it from the start coordinate
            #and the previous station
            if geo_station is None:
                geo_station = prev_station

                if not geo_coord:
                    geo_coord = prev_coord

                delta = geo_coord.sub(prev_coord).Length

                if not Support.within_tolerance(delta):
                    geo_station += delta / Units.scale_factor()

                _geo['StartStation'] = geo_station

            prev_coord = _geo['End']
            prev_station = _geo[
                'StartStation'] + _geo['Length'] / Units.scale_factor()

            int_sta = self._get_internal_station(geo_station)

            _geo['InternalStation'] = (int_sta, int_sta + _geo['Length'])
Example #12
def get_coordinates(arc, points):
    Fill in any missing coordinates using arc parameters

    vectors = {}

    for _k, _v in arc['Bearings'].items():
        vectors[_k] = [Support.vector_from_angle(_x) for _x in _v]

    _start = points[0]
    _end = points[1]
    _center = points[2]
    _pi = points[3]

    _vr = vectors['Radius'][0].multiply(arc['Radius'])
    _vt = vectors['Tangent'][0].multiply(arc['Tangent'])
    _vc = vectors['Internal'][1].multiply(arc['Chord'])

    if not _start:

        if _pi:
            _start = _pi.sub(_vt)

        elif _center:
            _start = _center.add(_vr)

        elif _end:
            _start = _end.sub(_vc)

    if not _start:
        return None

    if not _pi:
        _pi = _start.add(_vt)

    if not _center:
        _center = _start.sub(_vr)

    if not _end:
        _end = _start.add(_vc)

    return {'Start': _start, 'Center': _center, 'End': _end, 'PI': _pi}
    def validate_bearings(self):
        Validate the bearings between geometry, ensuring they are equal

        geo_data = self.geometry['geometry']

        if len(geo_data) < 2:
            return True

        if geo_data[0] is None:
            return False

        prev_bearing = geo_data[0]['BearingOut']

        for _geo in geo_data[1:]:

            if not _geo:

            _b = _geo.get('BearingIn')

            if _b is None:
                    'Invalid bearings ({0:.4f}, {1:.4f}) at curve {2}'.format(
                        prev_bearing, _b, _geo))
                return False

            if not Support.within_tolerance(_b, prev_bearing):
                    'Bearing mismatch ({0:.4f}, {1:.4f}) at curve {2}'.format(
                        prev_bearing, _b, _geo))
                return False

            prev_bearing = _geo.get('BearingOut')

        return True
 def test_vector_from_angle(self):
         'Supprt.vector_from_angle() fails non-float test'
Example #15
def get_parameters(arc):

    #Vector order:
    #Radius in / out, Tangent in / out, Middle, and Chord
    points = [

    point_count = len([_v for _v in points if _v])

    #define the curve start at the origin if none is provided
    if point_count == 0:
        points[0] = App.Vector()

    vecs = [
        Support.safe_sub(arc.get('Start'), arc.get('Center'), True),
        Support.safe_sub(arc.get('End'), arc.get('Center'), True),
        Support.safe_sub(arc.get('PI'), arc.get('Start'), True),
        Support.safe_sub(arc.get('End'), arc.get('PI'), True),
        Support.safe_sub(arc.get('PI'), arc.get('Center'), True),
        Support.safe_sub(arc.get('End'), arc.get('Start'), True)

    result = {'Type': 'arc'}

    mat = get_scalar_matrix(vecs)
    _p = get_lengths(arc, mat)

    if not _p:
            'Invalid curve definition: cannot determine radius / tangent lengths'
        return None

    _p = get_delta(arc, mat)

    if not _p:
        print('Invalid curve definition: cannot determine central angle')
        return None

    _p = get_rotation(arc, vecs)

    if not _p:
        print('Invalid curve definition: cannot determine curve direction')
        return None

    _p = get_bearings(arc, mat, result['Delta'], result['Direction'])

    if not _p:
        print('Invalid curve definition: cannot determine curve bearings')
        return None

    _p = get_missing_parameters(result, result)

    if not _p:
        print('Invalid curve definition: cannot calculate all parameters')
        return None

    _p = get_coordinates(result, points)

    if not _p:
        print('Invalid curve definition: cannot calculate coordinates')
        return None


    #get rid of the Bearings dict since we're done using it

    #merge the result with the original dict to preserve other values
    return {**arc, **result}
    def validate_datum(self):
        Ensure the datum is valid, assuming 0+00 / (0,0,0) for station and coordinate
        where none is suplpied and it cannot be inferred fromt the starting geometry
        _datum = self.geometry['meta']
        _geo = self.geometry['geometry'][0]

        if not _geo or not _datum:
            print('Unable to validate alignment datum')

        _datum_truth = [
            not _datum.get('StartStation') is None,
            not _datum.get('Start') is None

        _geo_truth = [
            not _geo.get('StartStation') is None, not _geo.get('Start') is None

        #CASE 0
        #both defined?  nothing to do
        if all(_datum_truth):

        _geo_station = 0
        _geo_start = App.Vector()

        if _geo_truth[0]:
            _geo_station = _geo['StartStation']

        if _geo_truth[1]:
            _geo_start = _geo['Start']

        #CASE 1
        #no datum defined?  use initial geometry or zero defaults
        if not any(_datum_truth):

            _datum['StartStation'] = _geo_station
            _datum['Start'] = _geo_start

        #CASE 2
        #station defined?
        #if the geometry has a station and coordinate, project the start coordinate
        if _datum['StartStation']:

            _datum['Start'] = _geo_start

            #assume geometry start if no geometry station
            if not _geo_truth[0]:

            #scale the distance to the system units
            delta = _geo_station - _datum['StartStation']

            #cutoff if error is below tolerance
            if not Support.within_tolerance(delta):
                delta *= Units.scale_factor()
                delta = 0.0

            #assume geometry start if station delta is zero
            if delta:

                #calcualte the start based on station delta
                _datum['Start'] = _datum['Start'].sub(


        #CASE 3
        #datum start coordinate is defined
        #if the geometry has station and coordinate, project the start station
        _datum['StartStation'] = _geo_station

        #assume geometry station if no geometry start
        if _geo_truth[1]:

            #scale the length to the document units
            delta = _geo_start.sub(
                _datum['Start']).Length / Units.scale_factor()

            _datum['StartStation'] -= delta