def highlight_file(path): file_content = read_file(path) return highlight( file_content, JavaLexer(), HtmlFormatter(linenos=True, anchorlinenos=True, lineanchors="foo"))
def highlight_code(self, search_count, rank, targetpath): html_snippets = [] matched_line_numbers = self.matched_line_number() if matched_line_numbers: snippet_cluster_lns = self.compute_lines_to_highlight( self.adjacent_line_numbers()) snippets = [] ##################### Data provision ###################### pure_snippets_for_data_requirement = [] ## #snippet_cluster_lns ##lines_to_be_highlighted #self.file_content_lines ##entire code for snippet_cluster_ln in snippet_cluster_lns: snippet = [] for n in snippet_cluster_ln: snippet.append(self.file_content_lines[n]) pure_snippets_for_data_requirement.append( self.file_content_lines[n]) start_line = min(snippet_cluster_ln) # end_line = max(snippet_cluster_ln) highlight_lines = map(lambda x: x - start_line + 1, self.matching_line_numbers) snippets.append( ("\n".join(snippet), start_line, highlight_lines)) # #Data provision_ Defect4J (모든) 각 쿼리별 랭킹순으로 하이라이트 라인번호 + 전체코드 파일 final_str = "\n".join(self.file_content_lines) original_project_list = [ 'knutwalker_google-closure-compiler', 'google_closure-compiler', 'weitzj_closure-compiler', 'jfree_jfreechart-fse', 'jfree_jfreechart', 'apache_commons-math', 'apache_commons-lang', 'mockito_mockito', 'bryceguo_mockito' ] if not self.file_path.split( '/' )[6] in original_project_list: #Check the duplicate projects. purepath = targetpath[:-4] if not os.path.exists(purepath): os.makedirs(purepath) testcode_path = purepath + '_result_testcode' if not os.path.exists(testcode_path): os.makedirs(testcode_path) if self.file_path.split( '/')[-1] == '': # 결과 파일이 인 것들 걸러내기 pass else: final_path = purepath + "/" + str(rank) + '_' + str( "||".join(self.file_path.split('/')[6:])) write_file(final_path, str(final_str)) write_file(final_path + "_", str(snippet_cluster_lns)) print "*****************************", final_path, "is Done.." # 여기서 test code 또한 찾아서 셋트로 돌려줘보자. # >> 각각 결과코드에 해당하는 프로젝트 경로를 새로 다 뒤져서 현재 결과파일 앞뒤로 test 키워드 들어있는 파일들을 찾아본다. # >> 테스트 파일 찾았으면 복붙 result_file_name = self.file_path.split('/')[-1] result_pure_file_name = ( (self.file_path.split('/')[-1]).split('.') )[0] #pure name of the java file (e.g., -> ABC) stopwords = ['A', 'a', 'test'] javafiles = java_files_from_dir('/'.join( self.file_path.split('/')[:7])) for javafile in javafiles: if result_pure_file_name in stopwords: continue name_of_javafile = javafile.split('/')[-1].split( '.')[0] if 'test' in name_of_javafile and result_pure_file_name in name_of_javafile: #해당 결과파일의 이름과 'test' 라는 키워드가 들어가있는 파일이면 (e.g., or content = read_file(javafile) testcode_path = testcode_path + '/' + str( rank) + '_' + str('||'.join( javafile.split('/')[6:])) write_file(testcode_path, content) write_file('/Users/Falcon/Desktop/count.txt', testcode_path) write_file('/Users/Falcon/Desktop/count.txt', javafile) write_file('/Users/Falcon/Desktop/count.txt', '**********************') html_snippets = [ highlight(snippet[0], JavaLexer(), LatexFormatter(linenos=True, linenostart=snippet[1])) for snippet in snippets ] self.code_snippets = [ GitSearchItemSnippet(self.hl_snippet(snippet[0], snippet[1]), snippet[1]) for snippet in snippets ] if not html_snippets: html_snippets.append( highlight(self.file_content, JavaLexer(), HtmlFormatter(linenos=True, anchorlinenos=True))) self.code_snippets.append( GitSearchItemSnippet(self.hl_snippet(self.file_content, 0), 0)) return "".join(html_snippets)