Example #1
    def GetLocationsOrderedByProximity(self, maxSearchResults,
        """ Make a list of (EntityKeyName,DistanceMeters,GeoCell) sorted by DistanceMeters

            Limit the number of list entries to maxSearchResult and limit entries by
            MaxDistanceMeters. EntityKeyName and location (lattitude,longitude) are
            extracted from the supplied LocationAllEntityAttributeDic.
        entityDistanceMeters = []
        for entityKeyName in LocationAllEntityAttributeDic:
            attributeDic = LocationAllEntityAttributeDic[entityKeyName]
            longitudeStr = attributeDic['longitude']
            lattitudeStr = attributeDic['lattitude']
            locationPt = float(lattitudeStr), float(longitudeStr)
            locationGpPoint = GpPoint(locationPt[0], locationPt[1])
            locationGpGridPoint = GpGridPoint()
            locationGpGridPoint.InitFromGpPoint(locationGpPoint, 16)
            locationGpCell = locationGpGridPoint.ToLongString()
            distanceInMeters = self.distanceMeters(locationPt, centerPt)
            if distanceInMeters <= maxDistanceMeters:
                tup = entityKeyName, distanceInMeters, locationGpCell
        self.EntityDistanceMetersSorted = sorted(entityDistanceMeters,

        if len(self.EntityDistanceMetersSorted) > maxSearchResults:
            self.EntityDistanceMetersSorted = self.EntityDistanceMetersSorted[
Example #2
    def _GetGridCellsWithinRadius(self):
        """ Create a dictionary of {GpGridCell:(nCornerPointsInBound,inBoundPointsWeight)} for top GpGridCell

        The weight is a measure of the closeness of contained points to the center point"""
        stepSize = MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION - self.MaxSearchResolution + 1
        self.maxResolutionSearchDic = {}
        # Iterate through GridPoints the bounding box
        for latInt in range(self.SWCornerGridPoint.LattitudeInt,self.NWCornerGridPoint.LattitudeInt + stepSize,\
            for lonInt in range (self.SWCornerGridPoint.LongitudeInt,self.SECornerGridPoint.LongitudeInt + stepSize,
                # Construct a GpGridCell at each GridPoint
                originPoint = GpGridPoint()

                gridCell = GpGridCell()
                cellCornerPoints = gridCell.ListCornerPointsShort()
                nCornerPointsInBound = 0
                inBoundPointsWeight = 0.0
                for cell in cellCornerPoints:
                    if cell in self.gpGridPointsInBoundsDic:
                        nCornerPointsInBound += 1
                        inBoundPointsWeight += self.gpGridPointsInBoundsDic[cell]
                if nCornerPointsInBound > 0:
                    self.maxResolutionSearchDic[gridCell.ToShortString()] = \
 def ListChildCellsShort(self):
     """ Return a list of the 4 child cells in GpGridPointShortString format"""
     # Get the origin point of child cell that is co-located with the Origin Point
     parentResolution = self.Origin.Resolution
     if parentResolution == MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION:
         logging.debug("GpGridCell is at maximum resolution %d, so there are no child cells" %\
         return []
     childOriginGridPoint = GpGridPoint()
                                            self.Origin.Resolution +1)
     # Create a GpGridCell at the child origin
     swChildGridCell = GpGridCell()
     # The 4 corner points of the SW child GridCell are the origins of the 4 child cells
     return swChildGridCell.ListCornerPointsShort()
Example #4
 def _GetGridPointsWithinRadius(self):
     """ Create a dictionary of GpGridPoints within distanceMeters from a center point.
     Scan through the GridPoints in the bounding box region. Add all in-bound points to the dictionary.
     Associate a weight with each GridPoint that is inversely proportional to its distance from the
     center point.
     radiusMeters = self.SearchBoundaryMeters
     self.gpGridPointsInBoundsDic = {}
     stepSize = MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION - self.MaxSearchResolution + 1
     for latInt in range(self.SWCornerGridPoint.LattitudeInt,self.NWCornerGridPoint.LattitudeInt + stepSize, \
         for lonInt in range (self.SWCornerGridPoint.LongitudeInt,self.SECornerGridPoint.LongitudeInt + stepSize, \
             gridPoint = GpGridPoint()
             gpPoint = GpPoint(gridPoint.LattitudeFloat,gridPoint.LongitudeFloat)
             distanceMeters = GpMath.distance(self.CenterGpPoint,gpPoint)
             if distanceMeters <= radiusMeters:
                 weight = self._WeightGridPointByDistance(distanceMeters)
                 self.gpGridPointsInBoundsDic[gridPoint.ToShortString()] = weight
class GpGridCell():
    Origin = GpGridPoint()
    def InitFromGridPoint(self,gpGridPoint):

    def InitFromCoordinates(self, lattitude, longitude, resolution):
        self.Origin.InitFromCoordinates( lattitude, longitude, resolution)

    def InitFromShortCellString(self, cellShortString, resolution):
        self.Origin = GpGridPoint()
        self.Origin.InitFromShortString(cellShortString, resolution)
    def ToLongString(self):
        """ Return a long string representation of this GridCell.

        The cell is identified by the long string representation of its origin."""
        return self.Origin.ToLongString()

    def ToShortString(self):
        """ Return a short string representation of this GridCell.

        The cell is identified by the short string representation of its origin along with
        its resolution."""
        return self.Origin.ToShortString()

    def ListCornerPointsShort(self):
        """Return a list of the four corner points for this cell in the short string format.

        The points are identified by their short string representation"""
        cellList= []
        nwPoint = self.Origin.GetAdjacentPoint('N')
        nePoint = nwPoint.GetAdjacentPoint('E')
        sePoint = nePoint.GetAdjacentPoint('S')
        return cellList

    def ListChildCellsShort(self):
        """ Return a list of the 4 child cells in GpGridPointShortString format"""
        # Get the origin point of child cell that is co-located with the Origin Point
        parentResolution = self.Origin.Resolution
        if parentResolution == MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION:
            logging.debug("GpGridCell is at maximum resolution %d, so there are no child cells" %\
            return []
        childOriginGridPoint = GpGridPoint()
                                               self.Origin.Resolution +1)
        # Create a GpGridCell at the child origin
        swChildGridCell = GpGridCell()
        # The 4 corner points of the SW child GridCell are the origins of the 4 child cells
        return swChildGridCell.ListCornerPointsShort()
Example #6
    def _GetBoundingBoxCells(self):
        """ Get three GpGridPoint corners of a Bounding Box for distanceMeters from a center point.

        The corner points are set to the MaxSearchResolution
        centerGpPoint = self.CenterGpPoint
        degreesOffset = GpMath.distanceMetersToDegrees(centerGpPoint, self.SearchBoundaryMeters)
        # Get bounding corner points
        swCornerF = GpPoint(centerGpPoint.lat - degreesOffset.lat, \
                           centerGpPoint.lon - degreesOffset.lon)
        self.SWCornerGridPoint = GpGridPoint()
        self.SWCornerGridPoint.InitFromGpPoint(swCornerF, self.MaxSearchResolution)

        nwCornerF = GpPoint(centerGpPoint.lat + degreesOffset.lat, \
                           centerGpPoint.lon - degreesOffset.lon)
        self.NWCornerGridPoint = GpGridPoint()

        seCornerF = GpPoint(centerGpPoint.lat - degreesOffset.lat, \
                           centerGpPoint.lon + degreesOffset.lon)
        self.SECornerGridPoint = GpGridPoint()
 def InitFromShortCellString(self, cellShortString, resolution):
     self.Origin = GpGridPoint()
     self.Origin.InitFromShortString(cellShortString, resolution)
Example #8
class GpSearch:
    """ This class supports a proximity search for locations within a radius from a center point.

        The result for the search computations is a list of GpGridCells to use in a search query.

    SearchBoundaryMeters = None
    MaxSearchCellCount = 10
    # Dictionary of {GpGridCellShortString : CellSearchData} at MaxSearchResolution
    maxResolutionSearchDic = {}
    MaxSearchResolution =  MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION
    FinalSearchResolution = MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION

    # Dictionary of {resolution: {cellStringShort: [nChildGridCellsInBound, cumulativeWeightForCell]}}
    AllLevelCellSearchDataDic = {}
    # Dictionary of {cellStringLong: [nChildGridCellsInBound, cumulativeWeightForCell]}
    SearchCellDic = {}
    # A list of tuples (priority, GpGridCellsLongString), where priority is 0 to len(SearchCellList) - 1.
    # This list is sent to Appengine in search parameters
    SearchCellList = []

    def __init__(self):
        self.maxResolutionSearchDic = {}
        self.SearchCellDic = {}
        self.AllLevelCellSearchDataDic = {}
        self.SearchCellList = []

    def ComputeSearchListForMilesProximity(self,centerGpPoint, distanceMiles):
        distanceMeters = GpMath.milesToMeters(distanceMiles)
        self.ComputeSearchListForMetersProximity(centerGpPoint, distanceMeters)

    def ComputeSearchListForMetersProximity(self,centerGpPoint, distanceMeters):
        """ Compute a list of GpGridCells to use in a proximity search query.

            The final list is contained in SearchCellList[]. The cells in the search list are ordered
            by closeness of contained GpPoints to the Center Point.
        self.SearchBoundaryMeters = distanceMeters
        self.CenterGpPoint = centerGpPoint

    def _GetBoundingBoxCells(self):
        """ Get three GpGridPoint corners of a Bounding Box for distanceMeters from a center point.

        The corner points are set to the MaxSearchResolution
        centerGpPoint = self.CenterGpPoint
        degreesOffset = GpMath.distanceMetersToDegrees(centerGpPoint, self.SearchBoundaryMeters)
        # Get bounding corner points
        swCornerF = GpPoint(centerGpPoint.lat - degreesOffset.lat, \
                           centerGpPoint.lon - degreesOffset.lon)
        self.SWCornerGridPoint = GpGridPoint()
        self.SWCornerGridPoint.InitFromGpPoint(swCornerF, self.MaxSearchResolution)

        nwCornerF = GpPoint(centerGpPoint.lat + degreesOffset.lat, \
                           centerGpPoint.lon - degreesOffset.lon)
        self.NWCornerGridPoint = GpGridPoint()

        seCornerF = GpPoint(centerGpPoint.lat - degreesOffset.lat, \
                           centerGpPoint.lon + degreesOffset.lon)
        self.SECornerGridPoint = GpGridPoint()

    def _LimitMaxSearchResolution(self):
        """ Limit the initial (maximum) search resolution so the number of GpGridPoints is < MAX_SEARCH_GP_GRID_POINTS.

        This limits the number of calculations to find the GpGridCell list for the search.
        latCount = self.NWCornerGridPoint.LattitudeInt - self.SWCornerGridPoint.LattitudeInt
        lonCount = self.SWCornerGridPoint.LongitudeInt - self.SECornerGridPoint.LongitudeInt
        resolutionDecrease = 0
        while latCount*lonCount > self.MAX_SEARCH_GP_GRID_POINTS:
            latCount  >>= 1
            lonCount  >>= 1
            resolutionDecrease += 1
            if resolutionDecrease > maxResolutionDecrease:
        self.MaxSearchResolution = MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION - resolutionDecrease

    def _GetGridPointsWithinRadius(self):
        """ Create a dictionary of GpGridPoints within distanceMeters from a center point.
        Scan through the GridPoints in the bounding box region. Add all in-bound points to the dictionary.
        Associate a weight with each GridPoint that is inversely proportional to its distance from the
        center point.
        radiusMeters = self.SearchBoundaryMeters
        self.gpGridPointsInBoundsDic = {}
        stepSize = MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION - self.MaxSearchResolution + 1
        for latInt in range(self.SWCornerGridPoint.LattitudeInt,self.NWCornerGridPoint.LattitudeInt + stepSize, \
            for lonInt in range (self.SWCornerGridPoint.LongitudeInt,self.SECornerGridPoint.LongitudeInt + stepSize, \
                gridPoint = GpGridPoint()
                gpPoint = GpPoint(gridPoint.LattitudeFloat,gridPoint.LongitudeFloat)
                distanceMeters = GpMath.distance(self.CenterGpPoint,gpPoint)
                if distanceMeters <= radiusMeters:
                    weight = self._WeightGridPointByDistance(distanceMeters)
                    self.gpGridPointsInBoundsDic[gridPoint.ToShortString()] = weight

    def _WeightGridPointByDistance(self,distanceMeters):
        """ Create a GridPoint weight that is inversely proportional to its distance from the center point.

            This allows GridCells containing GridPoints close to the center point to be searched at a higher
            priority for a proximity query.
        radiusMeters = self.SearchBoundaryMeters
        if distanceMeters > radiusMeters:
            weight = 0.0
        elif distanceMeters == 0.0:
            weight = MAXIMUM_GRID_POINT_WEIGHT
            weight = float(radiusMeters) / distanceMeters
            if weight > MAXIMUM_GRID_POINT_WEIGHT:
                weight = MAXIMUM_GRID_POINT_WEIGHT
        return weight

    def _GetGridCellsWithinRadius(self):
        """ Create a dictionary of {GpGridCell:(nCornerPointsInBound,inBoundPointsWeight)} for top GpGridCell

        The weight is a measure of the closeness of contained points to the center point"""
        stepSize = MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION - self.MaxSearchResolution + 1
        self.maxResolutionSearchDic = {}
        # Iterate through GridPoints the bounding box
        for latInt in range(self.SWCornerGridPoint.LattitudeInt,self.NWCornerGridPoint.LattitudeInt + stepSize,\
            for lonInt in range (self.SWCornerGridPoint.LongitudeInt,self.SECornerGridPoint.LongitudeInt + stepSize,
                # Construct a GpGridCell at each GridPoint
                originPoint = GpGridPoint()

                gridCell = GpGridCell()
                cellCornerPoints = gridCell.ListCornerPointsShort()
                nCornerPointsInBound = 0
                inBoundPointsWeight = 0.0
                for cell in cellCornerPoints:
                    if cell in self.gpGridPointsInBoundsDic:
                        nCornerPointsInBound += 1
                        inBoundPointsWeight += self.gpGridPointsInBoundsDic[cell]
                if nCornerPointsInBound > 0:
                    self.maxResolutionSearchDic[gridCell.ToShortString()] = \

    def _ReduceSearchCells(self):
        """ Successively reduce the resolution until the number of GpGrid cells in bound is <= MaxSearchCellCount

        Add GpGridSells at each resolution to a dictionary called AllLevelCellSearchDataDic
        AllLevelCellSearchDataDic - contains {resolution: {GpGridCellShortString: [nChildCellsInBound,PerCentInBound]}
        # Initialize the search data dictionary
        self.AllLevelCellSearchDataDic= {self.MaxSearchResolution : self.maxResolutionSearchDic}

        nSearchCells = len(self.maxResolutionSearchDic)
        searchLevelDic = self.maxResolutionSearchDic

        currentSearchResolution = self.MaxSearchResolution
        self.FinalSearchResolution = currentSearchResolution

        while nSearchCells > self.MaxSearchCellCount:
            if currentSearchResolution == MINIMUM_RESOLUTION:
            # Build a parent search dictionary (at next lower level of resolution)
            parentSearchLevelDic = {}
            for gridCellShortStr in searchLevelDic:
                parentCell = GetParentShortGridCellString(gridCellShortStr,currentSearchResolution)
                childCellData = searchLevelDic[gridCellShortStr]

                if parentCell in parentSearchLevelDic:
                    parentCellData = parentSearchLevelDic[parentCell]
                    # Accumulate proximity weights from child cells
                    if childCellData.nChildCellsInBounds > 0:
                        parentCellData.nChildCellsInBounds += 1
                    # Accumulate proximity weights from child cells
                    parentCellData.ProximityWeight += childCellData.ProximityWeight

                    if childCellData.nChildCellsInBounds > 0:
                        parentSearchLevelDic[parentCell] = CellSearchData(1, childCellData.ProximityWeight)
                        parentSearchLevelDic[parentCell] = CellSearchData(0, 0.0)

            nSearchCells = len(parentSearchLevelDic)
            searchLevelDic = parentSearchLevelDic
            currentSearchResolution -= 1
            self.AllLevelCellSearchDataDic[currentSearchResolution] =  parentSearchLevelDic
            self.FinalSearchResolution = currentSearchResolution

        # Create dictionary at final search resolution of {GpCellLongString: CellSearchData}
        self.FinalLevelLongStringSearchDic = {}
        finalLevelDic = self.AllLevelCellSearchDataDic[self.FinalSearchResolution]
        for cell in finalLevelDic:
            cellLong =  GpGridCellShortToLongString(cell,self.FinalSearchResolution)
            self.FinalLevelLongStringSearchDic[cellLong] = finalLevelDic[cell]

    def _SplitSearchCellsToReduceSearchArea(self):
        """ Find GpGridCells in the search list that can be split into higher resolution cells.

        If any GpGridCells in the search list have only 1 child cell that is in bounds, then replace the
        parent cell with the in-bounds child cell. Iterate up the resolution chain until a cell with more
        than one in-bounds child cell is found or the top of the tree is reached.
        # Do a deep copy to save the single level results
        self.MultipleLevelSearchDic = {}
        for cell in self.FinalLevelLongStringSearchDic:
            self.MultipleLevelSearchDic[cell] = self.FinalLevelLongStringSearchDic[cell]
        hasSingleInBoundsChildCells = True
        while hasSingleInBoundsChildCells:
            hasSingleInBoundsChildCells = False
            for cell in self.MultipleLevelSearchDic:
                resolution = GetGridPointResolution(cell)
                # Check to see if top of search tree has been reached
                if resolution ==  self.MaxSearchResolution:
                searchData =  self.MultipleLevelSearchDic[cell]
                if searchData.nChildCellsInBounds == 1:
                    hasSingleInBoundsChildCells = True


    def _SplitCell(self,GpCellLongString):
        # Delete the cell entry from the dictionary
        del self.MultipleLevelSearchDic[GpCellLongString]
        # Get the 4 child cells
        ResolutionAndGpCellShort = GpGridCellLongToShortString(GpCellLongString)
        parentCell = GpGridCell()
        childCellList = parentCell.ListChildCellsShort()
        childResolution = ResolutionAndGpCellShort[0] + 1
        # Get the search data dictionary at the resolution of the child cells
        childLevelSearchDic = self.AllLevelCellSearchDataDic[childResolution]
        # Check for the cell entry in the All Level Search Data Dic
        for cell in childCellList:
            if cell in childLevelSearchDic:
                cellData = childLevelSearchDic[cell]
                if cellData.nChildCellsInBounds > 0:
                    # Add this cell to the Multiple Level Search Dictionary
                    longCellString = GpGridCellShortToLongString(cell, childResolution)
                    self.MultipleLevelSearchDic[longCellString] = cellData

    def _PrioritizeCellSearchList(self):
        """ Create a list of search geoCells in order of priority based on proximity weights."""

        CellAndWeight = []
        for cell in self.MultipleLevelSearchDic:
            cellSearchData = self.MultipleLevelSearchDic[cell]
            cellAndWeight = cell, cellSearchData.ProximityWeight
        sortTuple = SortTupleList(1,True)
        CellAndWeightSorted = sortTuple.doSort(CellAndWeight)
        order = 0
        for cell in CellAndWeightSorted:
            orderAndCell = order,cell[0]
            order += 1