def load_person_from_vcard_file(): wildcards = '|'.join ([ '%s (*.vcf)|*.vcf' % _('vcf files'), '%s (*.VCF)|*.VCF' % _('VCF files'), '%s (*)|*' % _('all files'), '%s (*.*)|*.*' % _('all files (Windows)') ]) dlg = wx.FileDialog ( parent = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), message = _('Choose a vCard file:'), defaultDir = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().home_dir, 'gnumed'), wildcard = wildcards, style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ) result = dlg.ShowModal() fname = dlg.GetPath() dlg.DestroyLater() if result == wx.ID_CANCEL: return from import gmVCard dto = gmVCard.parse_vcard2dto(filename = fname) if dto is None: gmDispatcher.send(signal='statustext', msg=_('[%s] does not seem to contain a vCard.') % fname) return idents = dto.get_candidate_identities(can_create = True) if len(idents) == 1: ident = idents[0] if not set_active_patient(patient = ident): gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_info (_( 'Cannot activate patient:\n\n' '%s %s (%s)\n' '%s' ) % ( dto.firstnames, dto.lastnames, dto.gender, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(dto.dob, '%Y %b %d') ), _('Activating external patient') ) return dlg = cSelectPersonFromListDlg(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), -1) dlg.set_persons(persons = idents) result = dlg.ShowModal() ident = dlg.get_selected_person() dlg.DestroyLater() if result == wx.ID_CANCEL: return if not set_active_patient(patient = ident): gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_info (_( 'Cannot activate patient:\n\n' '%s %s (%s)\n' '%s' ) % ( dto.firstnames, dto.lastnames, dto.gender, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(dto.dob, '%Y %b %d') ), _('Activating external patient') )
def _check_birthday(patient=None): if patient['dob'] is None: return dbcfg = gmCfg.cCfgSQL() dob_distance = dbcfg.get2 ( option = 'patient_search.dob_warn_interval', workplace = gmPraxis.gmCurrentPraxisBranch().active_workplace, bias = 'user', default = '1 week' ) if not patient.dob_in_range(dob_distance, dob_distance): return now = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here() enc = gmI18N.get_encoding() msg = _('%(pat)s turns %(age)s on %(month)s %(day)s ! (today is %(month_now)s %(day_now)s)') % { 'pat': patient.get_description_gender(), 'age': patient.get_medical_age().strip('y'), 'month': patient.get_formatted_dob(format = '%B'), 'day': patient.get_formatted_dob(format = '%d'), 'month_now': gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(now, '%B', gmDateTime.acc_months), 'day_now': gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(now, '%d', gmDateTime.acc_days) } gmDispatcher.send(signal = 'statustext', msg = msg)
def _get_data_tooltip(self): if len(self._data) == 0: return '' date = self.GetData() # if match provider only provided completions # but not a full date with it if date is None: return '' now = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here() if date > now: intv = date - now template = _('%s\n (a %s in %s)') else: intv = now - date template = _('%s\n (a %s %s ago)') return template % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime( date, format='%B %d %Y -- %c', accuracy=gmDateTime.acc_days), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime( date, format='%A', accuracy=gmDateTime.acc_days), gmDateTime.format_interval(interval=intv, accuracy_wanted=gmDateTime.acc_days, verbose=True))
def format(self, with_patient=True): tt = '%s: %s%s\n' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( self._payload[self._idx['received_when']], format = '%A, %Y %b %d, %H:%M', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_minutes ), gmTools.bool2subst(self._payload[self._idx['is_virtual']], _('virtual message'), _('message')), gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['pk_inbox_message']], '', ' #%s ') ) tt += '%s: %s\n' % ( self._payload[self._idx['l10n_category']], self._payload[self._idx['l10n_type']] ) tt += '%s %s %s\n' % ( self._payload[self._idx['modified_by']], gmTools.u_arrow2right, gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['provider']], _('everyone')) ) tt += '\n%s%s%s\n\n' % ( gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, self._payload[self._idx['comment']], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote ) if with_patient and (self._payload[self._idx['pk_patient']] is not None): tt += _('Patient: %s, %s%s %s #%s\n' % ( self._payload[self._idx['lastnames']], self._payload[self._idx['firstnames']], gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['l10n_gender']], '', ' (%s)'), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['dob']], '%Y %b %d', none_str = ''), self._payload[self._idx['pk_patient']] )) if self._payload[self._idx['due_date']] is not None: if self._payload[self._idx['is_overdue']]: template = _('Due: %s (%s ago)\n') else: template = _('Due: %s (in %s)\n') tt += template % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['due_date']], '%Y %b %d'), gmDateTime.format_interval_medically(self._payload[self._idx['interval_due']]) ) if self._payload[self._idx['expiry_date']] is not None: if self._payload[self._idx['is_expired']]: template = _('Expired: %s\n') else: template = _('Expires: %s\n') tt += template % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['expiry_date']], '%Y %b %d') if self._payload[self._idx['data']] is not None: tt += self._payload[self._idx['data']][:150] if len(self._payload[self._idx['data']]) > 150: tt += gmTools.u_ellipsis return tt
def _refresh_dupe_warning(self): lname = self._PRW_lastname.GetValue().strip() if lname == '': self._LBL_person_exists.SetLabel('') return dob = self._PRW_dob.GetData() if dob is None: self._LBL_person_exists.SetLabel('') return fname = gmTools.none_if(self._PRW_firstnames.GetValue().strip()[:1], '') no_of_dupes = gmPerson.get_potential_person_dupes(lastnames = lname, firstnames = fname, dob = dob) if no_of_dupes == 0: lbl = '' elif no_of_dupes == 1: lbl = _('One "%s, %s (%s)" already exists !') % ( lname, gmTools.coalesce(fname, '?', '%s %%s. %s' % (gmTools.u_ellipsis, gmTools.u_ellipsis)), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(dob, '%Y %b %d', 'utf8') ) else: lbl = _('%s "%s, %s (%s)" already exist !') % ( no_of_dupes, lname, gmTools.coalesce(fname, '?', '%s %%s. %s' % (gmTools.u_ellipsis, gmTools.u_ellipsis)), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(dob, '%Y %b %d', 'utf8') ) self._LBL_person_exists.SetLabel(lbl)
def _get_data_tooltip(self): if len(self._data) == 0: return '' date = self.GetData() # if match provider only provided completions # but not a full date with it if date is None: return '' if isinstance(date, pyDT.datetime): date =, date.month, today = if date > today: intv = date - today return _('%s\n (a %s in %s)') % ( date.strftime(format='%B %d %Y -- %x'), date.strftime(format='%A'), gmDateTime.format_interval(interval=intv, accuracy_wanted=gmDateTime.acc_days, verbose=True)) if date < today: intv = today - date return _('%s\n (a %s %s ago)') % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(date, format='%B %d %Y -- %x'), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(date, format='%A'), gmDateTime.format_interval(interval=intv, accuracy_wanted=gmDateTime.acc_days, verbose=True)) return _('today (%s): %s') % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(date, format='%A'), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(date, format='%B %d %Y -- %x'))
def _refresh_dupe_warning(self): lname = self._PRW_lastname.GetValue().strip() if lname == '': self._LBL_person_exists.SetLabel('') return dob = self._PRW_dob.GetData() if dob is None: self._LBL_person_exists.SetLabel('') return #fname = gmTools.none_if(self._PRW_firstnames.GetValue().strip()[:1], '') fname = gmTools.none_if(self._PRW_firstnames.GetValue().strip(), '') no_of_dupes = gmPerson.get_potential_person_dupes(lastnames=lname, firstnames=fname, dob=dob) if no_of_dupes == 0: lbl = '' elif no_of_dupes == 1: lbl = _('A (one) "%s, %s (%s)" already exists.') % ( lname, gmTools.coalesce( fname, '?', '%s %%s%s %s' % (gmTools.u_ellipsis, gmTools.u_ellipsis, gmTools.u_ellipsis)), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(dob, '%Y %b %d', 'utf8')) else: lbl = _('%s "%s, %s (%s)" already exist.') % ( no_of_dupes, lname, gmTools.coalesce( fname, '?', '%s %%s%s %s' % (gmTools.u_ellipsis, gmTools.u_ellipsis, gmTools.u_ellipsis)), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(dob, '%Y %b %d', 'utf8')) self._LBL_person_exists.SetLabel(lbl)
def _check_birthday(patient=None): if patient['dob'] is None: return dbcfg = gmCfg.cCfgSQL() dob_distance = dbcfg.get2 ( option = 'patient_search.dob_warn_interval', workplace = gmPraxis.gmCurrentPraxisBranch().active_workplace, bias = 'user', default = '1 week' ) if not patient.dob_in_range(dob_distance, dob_distance): return now = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here() msg = _('%(pat)s turns %(age)s on %(month)s %(day)s ! (today is %(month_now)s %(day_now)s)') % { 'pat': patient.get_description_gender(), 'age': patient.get_medical_age(at_date = patient.birthday_this_year).strip('y'), 'month': patient.get_formatted_dob(format = '%B'), 'day': patient.get_formatted_dob(format = '%d'), 'month_now': gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(now, '%B', gmDateTime.acc_months), 'day_now': gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(now, '%d', gmDateTime.acc_days) } gmDispatcher.send(signal = 'statustext', msg = msg)
def __refresh_meds(self, patient=None): emr = patient.get_emr() list_items = [] data_items = [] first_red = False # smoking ever, details = emr.smoking_status if ever is True: if details['quit_when'] is None: first_red = True list_items.append ( _('active tobacco use (%s)') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(details['last_confirmed'], '%Y %b') ) data_items.append (_(u'Last confirmed: %s%s') % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(details['last_confirmed'], '%Y %b %d'), gmTools.coalesce(details['comment'], u'', u'\n\n%s') )) # list by brand or substance: intakes = emr.get_current_substance_intakes(include_inactive = False, include_unapproved = True, order_by = u'substance') multi_brands_already_seen = [] for intake in intakes: brand = intake.containing_drug if brand is None or len(brand['pk_components']) == 1: list_items.append(_('%s %s %s%s') % ( intake['substance'], intake['amount'], intake['unit'], gmTools.coalesce ( intake['schedule'], u'', u': %s' ) )) data_items.append(intake) else: if intake['brand'] in multi_brands_already_seen: continue multi_brands_already_seen.append(intake['brand']) list_items.append(_('%s %s%s') % ( intake['brand'], brand['preparation'], gmTools.coalesce ( intake['schedule'], u'', u': %s' ) )) data_items.append(intake) self._LCTRL_meds.set_string_items(items = list_items) self._LCTRL_meds.set_data(data = data_items) if first_red: self._LCTRL_meds.SetItemTextColour(0, wx.NamedColour('RED'))
def format(self, with_patient=True): tt = '%s: %s%s\n' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['received_when']], format='%A, %Y %b %d, %H:%M', accuracy=gmDateTime.acc_minutes), gmTools.bool2subst(self._payload[self._idx['is_virtual']], _('virtual message'), _('message')), gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['pk_inbox_message']], '', ' #%s ')) tt += '%s: %s\n' % (self._payload[self._idx['l10n_category']], self._payload[self._idx['l10n_type']]) tt += '%s %s %s\n' % ( self._payload[self._idx['modified_by']], gmTools.u_arrow2right, gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['provider']], _('everyone'))) tt += '\n%s%s%s\n\n' % (gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, self._payload[self._idx['comment']], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote) if with_patient and (self._payload[self._idx['pk_patient']] is not None): tt += _( 'Patient: %s, %s%s %s #%s\n' % (self._payload[self._idx['lastnames']], self._payload[self._idx['firstnames']], gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['l10n_gender']], '', ' (%s)'), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime( self._payload[self._idx['dob']], '%Y %b %d', none_str=''), self._payload[self._idx['pk_patient']])) if self._payload[self._idx['due_date']] is not None: if self._payload[self._idx['is_overdue']]: template = _('Due: %s (%s ago)\n') else: template = _('Due: %s (in %s)\n') tt += template % (gmDateTime.pydt_strftime( self._payload[self._idx['due_date']], '%Y %b %d'), gmDateTime.format_interval_medically( self._payload[self._idx['interval_due']])) if self._payload[self._idx['expiry_date']] is not None: if self._payload[self._idx['is_expired']]: template = _('Expired: %s\n') else: template = _('Expires: %s\n') tt += template % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime( self._payload[self._idx['expiry_date']], '%Y %b %d') if self._payload[self._idx['data']] is not None: tt += self._payload[self._idx['data']][:150] if len(self._payload[self._idx['data']]) > 150: tt += gmTools.u_ellipsis return tt
def __update_allergies(self, **kwargs): show_red = True emr = self.curr_pat.get_emr() state = emr.allergy_state # state in tooltip if state['last_confirmed'] is None: confirmed = _('never') else: confirmed = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(state['last_confirmed'], '%Y %b %d') tt = (state.state_string + (90 * u' '))[:90] + u'\n' tt += _('last confirmed %s\n') % confirmed tt += gmTools.coalesce(state['comment'], u'', _('Comment (%s): %%s') % state['modified_by']) tt += u'\n' # allergies display = [] for allergy in emr.get_allergies(): # in field: "true" allergies only, not intolerances if allergy['type'] == u'allergy': display.append(allergy['descriptor'][:10].strip() + gmTools.u_ellipsis) # in tooltip if allergy['definite']: certainty = _('definite') else: certainty = _('suspected') reaction = gmTools.coalesce(allergy['reaction'], _('reaction not recorded')) if len(reaction) > 50: reaction = reaction[:50] + gmTools.u_ellipsis tt += u'%s (%s, %s): %s\n' % ( allergy['descriptor'], allergy['l10n_type'], certainty, reaction ) if len(display) == 0: display = state.state_symbol if display == gmTools.u_diameter: show_red = False else: display = ','.join(display) if state['last_confirmed'] is not None: display += gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(state['last_confirmed'], ' (%Y %b)') if show_red: self._LBL_allergies.SetForegroundColour('red') self._TCTRL_allergies.SetForegroundColour('red') else: self._LBL_allergies.SetForegroundColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT)) self._TCTRL_allergies.SetForegroundColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT)) self._TCTRL_allergies.SetValue(display) self._TCTRL_allergies.SetToolTipString(tt)
def __update_lab(self): if not self.curr_pat.connected: self._LBL_lab.SetLabel(u'') return tests2show = [] rr = self.curr_pat.emr.get_most_recent_results(loinc = gmLOINC.LOINC_rr_quantity, no_of_results = 1) if rr is None: tests2show.append(_(u'RR ?')) else: #tests2show.append(_(u'%s%s') % (rr['unified_val'], rr['val_unit'])) tests2show.append(rr['unified_val']) hr = self.curr_pat.emr.get_most_recent_results(loinc = gmLOINC.LOINC_heart_rate_quantity, no_of_results = 1) if hr is not None: tests2show.append(u'%s %s' % (hr['abbrev_tt'], hr['unified_val'])) bmi = self.curr_pat.emr.bmi if bmi.numeric_value is not None: tests2show.append(_(u'BMI %s') % bmi.numeric_value.quantize(decimal.Decimal('1.'))) else: weight = self.curr_pat.emr.get_most_recent_results(loinc = gmLOINC.LOINC_weight, no_of_results = 1) if weight is None: tests2show.append(_(u'BMI ?')) else: tests2show.append(u'%s%s' % (weight['unified_val'], weight['val_unit'])) gfr_or_crea = self.curr_pat.emr.best_gfr_or_crea if gfr_or_crea is None: tests2show.append(_(u'GFR ?')) else: try: tests2show.append(_(u'GFR %s') % gfr_or_crea.numeric_value.quantize(decimal.Decimal('1.'))) except AttributeError: tests2show.append(u'%s %s' % (gfr_or_crea['abbrev_tt'], gfr_or_crea['unified_val'])) edc = self.curr_pat.emr.EDC if edc is not None: if self.curr_pat.emr.EDC_is_fishy: tests2show.append(_(u'?EDC %s') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(edc, '%Y-%b-%d', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days)) else: tests2show.append(_(u'EDC %s') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(edc, '%Y-%b-%d', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days)) inr = self.curr_pat.emr.get_most_recent_results(loinc = gmLOINC.LOINC_inr_quantity, no_of_results = 1) if inr is not None: tests2show.append(u'%s %s' % (hr['abbrev_tt'], hr['unified_val'])) # include panel if configured, only show if exist if self.__lab_panel is not None: for result in self.__lab_panel.get_most_recent_results(pk_patient = self.curr_pat.ID, order_by = u'unified_abbrev', group_by_meta_type = True): tests2show.append(u'%s %s' % (result['abbrev_tt'], result['unified_val'])) self._LBL_lab.SetLabel(u'; '.join(tests2show))
def __update_lab(self): if not self.curr_pat.connected: self._LBL_lab.SetLabel(u'') return tests2show = [] rr = self.curr_pat.emr.get_most_recent_results(loinc = gmLOINC.LOINC_rr_quantity, no_of_results = 1) if rr is None: tests2show.append(_(u'RR ?')) else: #tests2show.append(_(u'%s%s') % (rr['unified_val'], rr['val_unit'])) tests2show.append(rr['unified_val']) hr = self.curr_pat.emr.get_most_recent_results(loinc = gmLOINC.LOINC_heart_rate_quantity, no_of_results = 1) if hr is not None: tests2show.append(u'%s %s' % (hr['abbrev_tt'], hr['unified_val'])) bmi = self.curr_pat.emr.bmi if bmi.numeric_value is not None: tests2show.append(_(u'BMI %s') % bmi.numeric_value.quantize(decimal.Decimal('1.'))) else: weight = self.curr_pat.emr.get_most_recent_results(loinc = gmLOINC.LOINC_weight, no_of_results = 1) if weight is None: tests2show.append(_(u'BMI ?')) else: tests2show.append(u'%s%s' % (weight['unified_val'], weight['val_unit'])) gfr_or_crea = self.curr_pat.emr.best_gfr_or_crea if gfr_or_crea is None: tests2show.append(_(u'GFR ?')) else: try: tests2show.append(_(u'GFR %s') % gfr_or_crea.numeric_value.quantize(decimal.Decimal('1.'))) except AttributeError: tests2show.append(u'%s %s' % (gfr_or_crea['abbrev_tt'], gfr_or_crea['unified_val'])) edc = self.curr_pat.emr.EDC if edc is not None: if self.curr_pat.emr.EDC_is_fishy: tests2show.append(_(u'?EDC %s') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(edc, '%Y-%b-%d', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days)) else: tests2show.append(_(u'EDC %s') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(edc, '%Y-%b-%d', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days)) inr = self.curr_pat.emr.get_most_recent_results(loinc = gmLOINC.LOINC_inr_quantity, no_of_results = 1) if inr is not None: tests2show.append(u'%s %s' % (inr['abbrev_tt'], inr['unified_val'])) # include panel if configured, only show if exist if self.__lab_panel is not None: for result in self.__lab_panel.get_most_recent_results(pk_patient = self.curr_pat.ID, order_by = u'unified_abbrev', group_by_meta_type = True): tests2show.append(u'%s %s' % (result['abbrev_tt'], result['unified_val'])) self._LBL_lab.SetLabel(u'; '.join(tests2show))
def _display_clinical_reminders(): pat = gmPerson.gmCurrentPatient() if not pat.connected: return # reminders for msg in pat.overdue_messages: if msg['expiry_date'] is None: exp = '' else: exp = _(' - expires %s') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime( msg['expiry_date'], '%Y %b %d', accuracy=gmDateTime.acc_days) txt = _('Due for %s (since %s%s):\n' '%s' '%s' '\n' 'Patient: %s\n' 'Reminder by: %s') % ( gmDateTime.format_interval_medically(msg['interval_due']), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(msg['due_date'], '%Y %b %d', accuracy=gmDateTime.acc_days), exp, gmTools.coalesce(msg['comment'], '', '\n%s\n'), gmTools.coalesce(msg['data'], '', '\n%s\n'), pat.description_gender, msg['modified_by']) gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_warning(aTitle=_('Clinical reminder'), aMessage=txt) # dynamic hints hints2aggregate = [] emr = pat.emr hint_dlg = cDynamicHintDlg(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), -1) # single-hint popups for hint in emr.dynamic_hints: if hint['popup_type'] == 0: continue if hint['popup_type'] == 2: hints2aggregate.append(hint) continue hint_dlg.hint = hint if hint_dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_APPLY: hint.suppress(rationale=hint_dlg.rationale.strip(), pk_encounter=emr.current_encounter['pk_encounter']) hint_dlg.DestroyLater() # aggregate popup if len(hints2aggregate) > 0: hints_dlg = cDynamicHintListDlg(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), -1) hints_dlg.pk_encounter = emr.current_encounter['pk_encounter'] hints_dlg.hints = hints2aggregate hints_dlg.ShowModal() hints_dlg.DestroyLater() return
def __refresh_documents(self, patient=None): list_items = [] list_data = [] # export area items item_count = len(patient.export_area.items) if item_count == 1: list_items.append(_('Export area: 1 item')) list_data.append('') if item_count > 1: list_items.append(_('Export area: %s items') % item_count) list_data.append('') doc_folder = patient.get_document_folder() # unsigned docs first docs = doc_folder.get_unsigned_documents() no_of_unsigned = len(docs) for doc in docs: list_items.append('%s %s (%s)' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(doc['clin_when'], format = '%m/%Y', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_months), doc['l10n_type'], gmTools.u_writing_hand )) list_data.append(doc) # other, signed docs second docs = doc_folder.get_documents(order_by = 'ORDER BY clin_when DESC', exclude_unsigned = True) for doc in docs[:5]: list_items.append('%s %s' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(doc['clin_when'], format = '%m/%Y', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_months), doc['l10n_type'] )) list_data.append(doc) if len(docs) > 5: list_items.append(_('%s %s more not shown %s') % ( gmTools.u_ellipsis, len(docs) - 5, gmTools.u_ellipsis )) list_data.append('') self._LCTRL_documents.set_string_items(items = list_items) self._LCTRL_documents.set_data(data = list_data) if no_of_unsigned > 0: start_idx = 0 if item_count > 0: start_idx = 1 end_idx = no_of_unsigned + start_idx for idx in range(start_idx, end_idx): self._LCTRL_documents.SetItemTextColour(idx, wx.Colour('RED'))
def get_useful_filename(self, patient=None, make_unique=False, directory=None, include_gnumed_tag=True, date_before_type=False, name_first=True): patient_part = '' if patient is not None: if name_first: patient_part = '%s-' % patient.subdir_name else: patient_part = '-%s' % patient.subdir_name # preserve original filename extension if available suffix = '.dat' if self._payload[self._idx['filename']] is not None: tmp, suffix = os.path.splitext ( gmTools.fname_sanitize(self._payload[self._idx['filename']]).lower() ) if suffix == '': suffix = '.dat' if include_gnumed_tag: fname_template = 'gm_doc-part_%s-%%s' % self._payload[self._idx['seq_idx']] else: fname_template = '%%s-part_%s' % self._payload[self._idx['seq_idx']] if date_before_type: date_type_part = '%s-%s' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['date_generated']], '%Y-%m-%d', 'utf-8', gmDateTime.acc_days), self._payload[self._idx['l10n_type']].replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_'), ) else: date_type_part = '%s-%s' % ( self._payload[self._idx['l10n_type']].replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_'), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['date_generated']], '%Y-%m-%d', 'utf-8', gmDateTime.acc_days) ) if name_first: date_type_name_part = patient_part + date_type_part else: date_type_name_part = date_type_part + patient_part fname = fname_template % date_type_name_part if make_unique: fname = gmTools.get_unique_filename ( prefix = '%s-' % gmTools.fname_sanitize(fname), suffix = suffix, tmp_dir = directory ) else: fname = gmTools.fname_sanitize(os.path.join(gmTools.coalesce(directory, gmTools.gmPaths().tmp_dir), fname + suffix)) return fname
def load_person_from_xml_linuxmednews_via_clipboard(): fname = gmGuiHelpers.clipboard2file() if fname in [None, False]: gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_info ( info = _('No patient in clipboard.'), title = _('Activating external patient') ) return from import gmLinuxMedNewsXML dto = gmLinuxMedNewsXML.parse_xml_linuxmednews(filename = fname) if dto is None: gmDispatcher.send(signal='statustext', msg=_('Clipboard does not seem to contain LinuxMedNews XML.')) return idents = dto.get_candidate_identities(can_create = True) if len(idents) == 1: ident = idents[0] if not set_active_patient(patient = ident): gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_info (_( 'Cannot activate patient:\n\n' '%s %s (%s)\n' '%s' ) % ( dto.firstnames, dto.lastnames, dto.gender, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(dto.dob, '%Y %b %d') ), _('Activating external patient') ) return dlg = cSelectPersonFromListDlg(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), -1) dlg.set_persons(persons = idents) result = dlg.ShowModal() ident = dlg.get_selected_person() dlg.DestroyLater() if result == wx.ID_CANCEL: return None if not set_active_patient(patient = ident): gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_info (_( 'Cannot activate patient:\n\n' '%s %s (%s)\n' '%s' ) % ( dto.firstnames, dto.lastnames, dto.gender, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(dto.dob, '%Y %b %d') ), _('Activating external patient') )
def is_valid_timestamp(self, empty_is_valid=True): if len(self._data) > 0: self.display_as_valid(True) return True if self.GetValue().strip() == '': if empty_is_valid: self.display_as_valid(True) return True else: self.display_as_valid(False) return False # skip showing calendar on '*' from here if self.GetValue().strip() == '*': self.display_as_valid(False) return False # try to auto-snap to first match self._set_data_to_first_match() if len(self._data) == 0: self.display_as_valid(False) return False date = self.GetData() self.SetValue(gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(date, format = '%Y-%m-%d', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days))#, none_str = u'') self.display_as_valid(True) return True
def _worker__export_doc_parts(self, docs=None, cookie=None): # this is used as the worker thread payload _log.debug('cookie [%s]', cookie) conn = gmPG2.get_connection( readonly=True, connection_name=threading.current_thread().name, pooled=False) parts_list = [] for soap_doc in docs: parts = if len(parts) == 0: continue parts_counter = '' if len(parts) > 1: parts_counter = _(' [part 1 of %s]') % len(parts) part = parts[0] fname = part.save_to_file(conn=conn) if fname is None: continue tt_header = _('Created: %s%s') % (gmDateTime.pydt_strftime( part['date_generated'], '%Y %b %d'), parts_counter) tt_footer = gmTools.coalesce(part['doc_comment'], '').strip() parts_list.append([fname, part, tt_header, tt_footer]) conn.close() _log.debug('worker finished') return (cookie, parts_list)
def _get_data_tooltip(self): if len(self._data) == 0: return '' date = self.GetData() # if match provider only provided completions # but not a full date with it if date is None: return '' ts = date.timestamp now = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here() if ts > now: intv = ts - now template = _('%s\n %s\n in %s') else: intv = now - ts template = _('%s\n%s\n%s ago') txt = template % ( date.format_accurately(self.display_accuracy), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( ts, format = '%A, %B-%d %Y (%c)', ), gmDateTime.format_interval ( interval = intv, accuracy_wanted = gmDateTime.acc_days, verbose = True ) ) return txt
def format(self): txt = u'%s [#%s]\n' % ( gmTools.bool2subst(self._payload[self._idx['is_active']], _('Suppressed active dynamic hint'), _('Suppressed inactive dynamic hint')), self._payload[self._idx['pk_suppressed_hint']] ) txt += u'\n' txt += u'%s\n\n' % self._payload[self._idx['title']] txt += _('Suppressed by: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['suppressed_by']] txt += _('Suppressed at: %s\n') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['suppressed_when']], '%Y %b %d') txt += _('Hint #: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['pk_hint']] txt += _('Patient #: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['pk_identity']] txt += _('MD5 (currently): %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['md5_hint']] txt += _('MD5 (at suppression): %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['md5_suppressed']] txt += _('Source: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['source']] txt += _('Language: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['lang']] txt += u'\n' txt += u'%s\n' % gmTools.wrap(self._payload[self._idx['hint']], width = 50, initial_indent = u' ', subsequent_indent = u' ') txt += u'\n' if self._payload[self._idx['recommendation']] is not None: txt += u'\n' txt += u'%s\n' % gmTools.wrap(self._payload[self._idx['recommendation']], width = 50, initial_indent = u' ', subsequent_indent = u' ') txt += u'\n' txt += u'%s\n' % gmTools.wrap ( gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['url']], u''), width = 50, initial_indent = u' ', subsequent_indent = u' ' ) txt += u'\n' txt += u'%s\n' % gmTools.wrap(self._payload[self._idx['query']], width = 50, initial_indent = u' ', subsequent_indent = u' ') return txt
def set_dtos(self, dtos=None): self._LCTRL_persons.DeleteAllItems() pos = len(dtos) + 1 if pos == 1: return False for rec in dtos: row_num = self._LCTRL_persons.InsertItem(pos, label = rec['source']) dto = rec['dto'] self._LCTRL_persons.SetItem(index = row_num, column = 1, label = dto.lastnames) self._LCTRL_persons.SetItem(index = row_num, column = 2, label = dto.firstnames) if dto.dob is None: self._LCTRL_persons.SetItem(index = row_num, column = 3, label = '') else: if dto.dob_is_estimated: self._LCTRL_persons.SetItem(index = row_num, column = 3, label = gmTools.u_almost_equal_to + gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(dto.dob, '%Y %b %d')) else: self._LCTRL_persons.SetItem(index = row_num, column = 3, label = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(dto.dob, '%Y %b %d')) self._LCTRL_persons.SetItem(index = row_num, column = 4, label = gmTools.coalesce(dto.gender, '')) for col in range(len(self.__cols)): self._LCTRL_persons.SetColumnWidth(col, wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE) self._BTN_select.Enable(False) self._LCTRL_persons.SetFocus() self._LCTRL_persons.Select(0) self._LCTRL_persons.set_data(data=dtos)
def get_useful_filename(self, patient=None, make_unique=False, directory=None): patient_part = '' if patient is not None: patient_part = '-%s-' % patient['dirname'] # preserve original filename extension if available suffix = '.dat' if self._payload[self._idx['filename']] is not None: tmp, suffix = os.path.splitext( self._payload[self._idx['filename']]) suffix = suffix.strip().replace(' ', '-') if suffix == u'': suffix = '.dat' fname = 'gm_doc-part_%s-%s-%s-%s-' % ( self._payload[self._idx['seq_idx']], patient_part, self._payload[self._idx['l10n_type']].replace(' ', '_'), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime( self._payload[self._idx['date_generated']], '%Y-%m-%d', 'utf-8', gmDateTime.acc_days) #,gmTools.coalesce(self.__curr_node_data['ext_ref'], '', '-%s').replace(' ', '_') ) if make_unique: fname = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix='%s-' % fname, suffix=suffix, tmp_dir=directory) else: fname = os.path.join(gmTools.coalesce(directory, u''), fname + suffix) return fname
def _get_data_tooltip(self): if len(self._data) == 0: return '' date = self.GetData() # if match provider only provided completions # but not a full date with it if date is None: return '' ts = date.timestamp now = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here() if ts > now: intv = ts - now template = _('%s\n %s\n in %s') else: intv = now - ts template = _('%s\n%s\n%s ago') txt = template % (date.format_accurately(self.display_accuracy), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime( ts, format='%A, %B-%d %Y (%c)', ), gmDateTime.format_interval( interval=intv, accuracy_wanted=gmDateTime.acc_days, verbose=True)) return txt
def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment at start of phrases.""" matches = gmDateTime.str2pydt_matches(str2parse = aFragment.strip()) if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) items = [] for match in matches: if match['data'] is None: items.append ({ 'data': None, 'field_label': match['label'], 'list_label': match['label'] }) continue data = match['data'].replace ( hour = 11, minute = 11, second = 11, microsecond = 111111 ) list_label = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( data, format = '%A, %d. %B %Y (%x)', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days ) items.append ({ 'data': data, 'field_label': match['label'], 'list_label': list_label }) return (True, items)
def format_single_line(self): part_count = len(self._payload[self._idx['seq_idx_list']]) if part_count == 0: parts = _('no parts') elif part_count == 1: parts = _('1 part') else: parts = _('%s parts') % part_count detail = '' if self._payload[self._idx['ext_ref']] is not None: detail = self._payload[self._idx['ext_ref']] if self._payload[self._idx['unit']] is not None: template = _('%s of %s') if detail == '': detail = _('%s of %s') % ( self._payload[self._idx['unit']], self._payload[self._idx['organization']] ) else: detail += (' @ ' + template % ( self._payload[self._idx['unit']], self._payload[self._idx['organization']] )) if detail != '': detail = ' (%s)' % detail return '%s %s (%s):%s%s' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['clin_when']], '%Y %b %d', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days), self._payload[self._idx['l10n_type']], parts, gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['comment']], '', ' "%s"'), detail )
def format_single_line(self): part_count = len(self._payload[self._idx['seq_idx_list']]) if part_count == 0: parts = _('no parts') elif part_count == 1: parts = _('1 part') else: parts = _('%s parts') % part_count detail = '' if self._payload[self._idx['ext_ref']] is not None: detail = self._payload[self._idx['ext_ref']] if self._payload[self._idx['unit']] is not None: template = _('%s of %s') if detail == '': detail = _('%s of %s') % ( self._payload[self._idx['unit']], self._payload[self._idx['organization']]) else: detail += (' @ ' + template % (self._payload[self._idx['unit']], self._payload[self._idx['organization']])) if detail != '': detail = ' (%s)' % detail return '%s %s (%s):%s%s' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['clin_when']], '%Y %b %d', accuracy=gmDateTime.acc_days), self._payload[self._idx['l10n_type']], parts, gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['comment']], '', ' "%s"'), detail)
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): lines = [] lines.append('%s%s: %s [#%s]' % ( self._payload[self._idx['l10n_type']], gmTools.bool2subst ( self._payload[self._idx['definite']], ' (%s)' % _('definite'), ' (%s)' % _('indefinite'), '' ), self._payload[self._idx['descriptor']], self._payload[self._idx['pk_allergy']] )) if self._payload[self._idx['reaction']] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Reaction:') + ' ' + self._payload[self._idx['reaction']]) if self._payload[self._idx['date']] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Noted:') + ' ' + gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['date']], '%Y %b %d')) if self._payload[self._idx['allergene']] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Allergene:') + ' ' + self._payload[self._idx['allergene']]) if self._payload[self._idx['substance']] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Substance:') + ' ' + self._payload[self._idx['substance']]) if self._payload[self._idx['substance_code']] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Code:') + ' ' + self._payload[self._idx['substance_code']]) if self._payload[self._idx['atc_code']] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('ATC:') + ' ' + self._payload[self._idx['atc_code']]) lines.append(' ' + _('Specific to:') + ' ' + gmTools.bool2subst ( self._payload[self._idx['generic_specific']], _('this substance only'), _('drug class'), _('unknown') )) if self._payload[self._idx['generics']] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Generics:') + ' ' + self._payload[self._idx['generics']]) return lines
def _picklist_item2display_string(self, item=None): data = item['data'] if data is not None: return gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(data, format='%Y-%m-%d', accuracy=gmDateTime.acc_days) return item['field_label']
def get_EDC(self, lmp=None, nullipara=True): result = cClinicalResult(_('unknown EDC')) result.formula_name = u'EDC (Mittendorf 1990)' result.formula_source = u'Mittendorf, R. et al., "The length of uncomplicated human gestation," OB/GYN, Vol. 75, No., 6 June, 1990, pp. 907-932.' if lmp is None: result.message = _('EDC: unknown LMP') return result result.variables['LMP'] = lmp result.variables['nullipara'] = nullipara if nullipara: result.variables['parity_offset'] = 15 # days else: result.variables['parity_offset'] = 10 # days now = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here() if lmp > now: result.warnings.append(_(u'LMP in the future')) if self.__patient is None: result.warnings.append(_(u'cannot run sanity checks, no patient')) else: if self.__patient['dob'] is None: result.warnings.append(_(u'cannot run sanity checks, no DOB')) else: years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds = gmDateTime.calculate_apparent_age( start=self.__patient['dob']) # 5 years -- Myth ? # if years < 10: result.warnings.append( _(u'patient less than 10 years old')) if self.__patient['gender'] in [None, u'm']: result.warnings.append( _(u'atypical gender for pregnancy: %s') % self.__patient.gender_string) if self.__patient['deceased'] is not None: result.warnings.append(_(u'patient already passed away')) if lmp.month > 3: edc_month = lmp.month - 3 edc_year = lmp.year + 1 else: edc_month = lmp.month + 9 edc_year = lmp.year result.numeric_value = gmDateTime.pydt_replace( dt=lmp, year=edc_year, month=edc_month, strict=False) + pydt.timedelta( days=result.variables['parity_offset']) result.message = _('EDC: %s') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime( result.numeric_value, format='%Y %b %d') result.date_valid = now _log.debug(u'%s' % result) return result
def __pick_from_calendar(self): dlg = cCalendarDatePickerDlg(self) # FIXME: show below parent dlg.CentreOnScreen() decision = dlg.ShowModal() date = dlg.Destroy() if decision != wx.ID_OK: return if date is None: return if not date.IsValid(): return date = gmDateTime.wxDate2py_dt(wxDate = date).replace ( hour = 11, minute = 11, second = 11, microsecond = 111111 ) val = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(date, format = '%Y-%m-%d', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days) self.SetText(value = val, data = date, suppress_smarts = True)
def __pick_from_calendar(self): dlg = cCalendarDatePickerDlg(self) # FIXME: show below parent dlg.CentreOnScreen() decision = dlg.ShowModal() date = dlg.DestroyLater() if decision != wx.ID_OK: return if date is None: return if not date.IsValid(): return date = gmDateTime.wxDate2py_dt(wxDate = date).replace ( hour = 11, minute = 11, second = 11, microsecond = 111111 ) val = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(date, format = '%Y-%m-%d', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days) self.SetText(value = val, data = date, suppress_smarts = True)
def _get_revision_history(self, query, args, title): rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries=[{ 'cmd': query, 'args': args }], get_col_idx=True) lines = [] if rows == 0: lines.append('%s (no versions)' % title) else: lines.append('%s (%s versions)' % (title, rows[0]['row_version'] + 1)) headers = [ 'rev %s (%s)' % (r['row_version'], pydt_strftime(r['audit__action_when'], format='%Y %b %d %H:%M', none_str='live row')) for r in rows ] lines.extend( dicts2table(rows, left_margin=1, eol=None, keys2ignore=[ 'audit__action_when', 'row_version', 'pk_audit' ], show_only_changes=True, headers=headers, date_format='%Y %b %d %H:%M', equality_value=u_left_arrow)) return lines
def format(self): txt = '%s [#%s]\n' % ( gmTools.bool2subst(self._payload[self._idx['is_active']], _('Suppressed active dynamic hint'), _('Suppressed inactive dynamic hint')), self._payload[self._idx['pk_suppressed_hint']] ) txt += '\n' txt += '%s\n\n' % self._payload[self._idx['title']] txt += _('Suppressed by: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['suppressed_by']] txt += _('Suppressed at: %s\n') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['suppressed_when']], '%Y %b %d') txt += _('Hint #: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['pk_hint']] txt += _('Patient #: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['pk_identity']] txt += _('MD5 (currently): %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['md5_hint']] txt += _('MD5 (at suppression): %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['md5_suppressed']] txt += _('Source: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['source']] txt += _('Language: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['lang']] txt += '\n' txt += '%s\n' % gmTools.wrap(self._payload[self._idx['hint']], width = 50, initial_indent = ' ', subsequent_indent = ' ') txt += '\n' if self._payload[self._idx['recommendation']] is not None: txt += '\n' txt += '%s\n' % gmTools.wrap(self._payload[self._idx['recommendation']], width = 50, initial_indent = ' ', subsequent_indent = ' ') txt += '\n' txt += '%s\n' % gmTools.wrap ( gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['url']], ''), width = 50, initial_indent = ' ', subsequent_indent = ' ' ) txt += '\n' txt += '%s\n' % gmTools.wrap(self._payload[self._idx['query']], width = 50, initial_indent = ' ', subsequent_indent = ' ') return txt
def get_useful_filename(self, patient=None, make_unique=False, directory=None): patient_part = "" if patient is not None: patient_part = "-%s-" % patient["dirname"] # preserve original filename extension if available suffix = ".dat" if self._payload[self._idx["filename"]] is not None: tmp, suffix = os.path.splitext(self._payload[self._idx["filename"]]) suffix = suffix.strip().replace(" ", "-") if suffix == u"": suffix = ".dat" fname = "gm-doc_part-%s-%s-%s--pg_%s" % ( patient_part, self._payload[self._idx["l10n_type"]].replace(" ", "_"), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime( self._payload[self._idx["date_generated"]], "%Y-%b-%d", "utf-8", gmDateTime.acc_days ), self._payload[self._idx["seq_idx"]], # ,gmTools.coalesce(self.__curr_node_data['ext_ref'], '', '-%s').replace(' ', '_') ) if make_unique: fname = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix="%s-" % fname, suffix=suffix, tmp_dir=directory) else: fname = os.path.join(gmTools.coalesce(directory, u""), fname + suffix) return fname
def is_valid_timestamp(self, allow_empty=True): if len(self._data) > 0: self.display_as_valid(True) return True if self.GetValue().strip() == u'': if allow_empty: self.display_as_valid(True) return True else: self.display_as_valid(False) return False # skip showing calendar on '*' from here if self.GetValue().strip() == u'*': self.display_as_valid(False) return False # try to auto-snap to first match self._set_data_to_first_match() if len(self._data) == 0: self.display_as_valid(False) return False date = self.GetData() self.SetValue(gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(date, format = '%Y-%m-%d', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days))#, none_str = u'') self.display_as_valid(True) return True
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): lines = [] lines.append(u'%s%s: %s [#%s]' % ( self._payload[self._idx['l10n_type']], gmTools.bool2subst ( self._payload[self._idx['definite']], u' (%s)' % _('definite'), u' (%s)' % _('indefinite'), u'' ), self._payload[self._idx['descriptor']], self._payload[self._idx['pk_allergy']] )) if self._payload[self._idx['reaction']] is not None: lines.append(u' ' + _('Reaction:') + u' ' + self._payload[self._idx['reaction']]) if self._payload[self._idx['date']] is not None: lines.append(u' ' + _('Noted:') + u' ' + gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['date']], '%Y %b %d')) if self._payload[self._idx['allergene']] is not None: lines.append(u' ' + _('Allergene:') + u' ' + self._payload[self._idx['allergene']]) if self._payload[self._idx['substance']] is not None: lines.append(u' ' + _('Substance:') + u' ' + self._payload[self._idx['substance']]) if self._payload[self._idx['substance_code']] is not None: lines.append(u' ' + _('Code:') + u' ' + self._payload[self._idx['substance_code']]) if self._payload[self._idx['atc_code']] is not None: lines.append(u' ' + _('ATC:') + u' ' + self._payload[self._idx['atc_code']]) lines.append(u' ' + _('Specific to:') + u' ' + gmTools.bool2subst ( self._payload[self._idx['generic_specific']], _('this substance only'), _('drug class'), _('unknown') )) if self._payload[self._idx['generics']] is not None: lines.append(u' ' + _('Generics:') + u' ' + self._payload[self._idx['generics']]) return lines
def refresh_summary(self): self._TCTRL_episode_summary.SetValue('') self._PRW_episode_codes.SetText('', self._PRW_episode_codes.list2data_dict([])) self._LBL_summary.SetLabel(_('Episode synopsis')) # new problem ? if self.problem is None: return # issue-level problem ? if self.problem['type'] == 'issue': return # episode-level problem caption = _('Synopsis (%s)') % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( self.problem['modified_when'], format = '%B %Y', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days ) ) self._LBL_summary.SetLabel(caption) if self.problem['summary'] is not None: self._TCTRL_episode_summary.SetValue(self.problem['summary'].strip()) val, data = self._PRW_episode_codes.generic_linked_codes2item_dict(self.problem.generic_codes) self._PRW_episode_codes.SetText(val, data)
def get_invoice_id(pk_patient=None): return 'GM%s / %s' % ( pk_patient, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( gmDateTime.pydt_now_here(), '%Y-%m-%d / %H%M%S' ) )
def __pick_from_weekday(self, weekday): self.is_valid_timestamp(empty_is_valid=True) target_date = gmDateTime.get_date_of_weekday_in_week_of_date( weekday, val = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(target_date, format='%Y-%m-%d', accuracy=gmDateTime.acc_days) self.SetText(value=val, data=target_date, suppress_smarts=True)
def _format_patient_identification(self): tmp = u'%s %s %s' % ( gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['lastnames']], u'', u'last=%s'), gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['firstnames']], u'', u'first=%s'), gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['gender']], u'', u'gender=%s') ) if self._payload[self._idx['dob']] is not None: tmp += u' dob=%s' % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['dob']], '%Y %b %d') return tmp
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): lines = [] lines.append('%s (%s)' % ( self.state_string, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self['last_confirmed'], '%Y %b %d', none_str = '?') )) if self._payload[self._idx['comment']] is not None: lines.append(' %s' % self._payload[self._idx['comment']]) return lines
def format(self): txt = '%s (%s %s%s) [#%s]\n' % ( gmTools.bool2subst( self._payload[self._idx['pk_bill']] is None, _('Open item'), _('Billed item'), ), self._payload[self._idx['catalog_short']], self._payload[self._idx['catalog_version']], gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['catalog_language']], '', ' - %s'), self._payload[self._idx['pk_bill_item']] ) txt += ' %s: %s\n' % ( self._payload[self._idx['billable_code']], self._payload[self._idx['billable_description']] ) txt += gmTools.coalesce ( self._payload[self._idx['billable_comment']], '', ' (%s)\n', ) txt += gmTools.coalesce ( self._payload[self._idx['item_detail']], '', _(' Details: %s\n'), ) txt += '\n' txt += _(' %s of units: %s\n') % ( gmTools.u_numero, self._payload[self._idx['unit_count']] ) txt += _(' Amount per unit: %(curr)s%(val_p_unit)s (%(cat_curr)s%(cat_val)s per catalog)\n') % { 'curr': self._payload[self._idx['currency']], 'val_p_unit': self._payload[self._idx['net_amount_per_unit']], 'cat_curr': self._payload[self._idx['billable_currency']], 'cat_val': self._payload[self._idx['billable_amount']] } txt += _(' Amount multiplier: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['amount_multiplier']] txt += _(' VAT would be: %(perc_vat)s%% %(equals)s %(curr)s%(vat)s\n') % { 'perc_vat': self._payload[self._idx['vat_multiplier']] * 100, 'equals': gmTools.u_corresponds_to, 'curr': self._payload[self._idx['currency']], 'vat': self._payload[self._idx['vat']] } txt += '\n' txt += _(' Charge date: %s') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( self._payload[self._idx['date_to_bill']], '%Y %b %d', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days ) bill = self.bill if bill is not None: txt += _('\n On bill: %s') % bill['invoice_id'] return txt
def format(self, include_receiver=True, include_doc=True): txt = '%s [#%s]\n' % (gmTools.bool2subst( (self._payload[self._idx['close_date']] is None), _('Open bill'), _('Closed bill')), self._payload[self._idx['pk_bill']]) txt += _(' Invoice ID: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['invoice_id']] if self._payload[self._idx['close_date']] is not None: txt += _(' Closed: %s\n') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime( self._payload[self._idx['close_date']], '%Y %b %d', accuracy=gmDateTime.acc_days) if self._payload[self._idx['comment']] is not None: txt += _(' Comment: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['comment']] txt += _(' Bill value: %(curr)s%(val)s\n') % { 'curr': self._payload[self._idx['currency']], 'val': self._payload[self._idx['total_amount']] } if self._payload[self._idx['apply_vat']] is None: txt += _(' VAT: undecided\n') elif self._payload[self._idx['apply_vat']] is True: txt += _(' VAT: %(perc_vat)s%% %(equals)s %(curr)s%(vat)s\n') % { 'perc_vat': self._payload[self._idx['percent_vat']], 'equals': gmTools.u_corresponds_to, 'curr': self._payload[self._idx['currency']], 'vat': self._payload[self._idx['total_vat']] } txt += _(' Value + VAT: %(curr)s%(val)s\n') % { 'curr': self._payload[self._idx['currency']], 'val': self._payload[self._idx['total_amount_with_vat']] } else: txt += _(' VAT: does not apply\n') if self._payload[self._idx['pk_bill_items']] is None: txt += _(' Items billed: 0\n') else: txt += _(' Items billed: %s\n') % len( self._payload[self._idx['pk_bill_items']]) if include_doc: txt += _(' Invoice: %s\n') % (gmTools.bool2subst( self._payload[self._idx['pk_doc']] is None, _('not available'), '#%s' % self._payload[self._idx['pk_doc']])) txt += _(' Patient: #%s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['pk_patient']] if include_receiver: txt += gmTools.coalesce( self._payload[self._idx['pk_receiver_identity']], '', _(' Receiver: #%s\n')) if self._payload[self._idx['pk_receiver_address']] is not None: txt += '\n '.join( gmDemographicRecord.get_patient_address( pk_patient_address=self._payload[ self._idx['pk_receiver_address']]).format()) return txt
def refresh(lctrl): lctrl.secondary_sort_column = 0 soap = emr.get_clin_narrative(soap_cats=soap_cats) lctrl.set_string_items([[ gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(s['date'], '%Y %m %d'), s['modified_by'], gmSoapDefs.soap_cat2l10n[s['soap_cat']], s['narrative'], s['episode'], s['health_issue'] ] for s in soap]) lctrl.set_data(soap)
def _on_lose_focus(self, event): # no valid date yet ? if len(self._data) == 0: self._set_data_to_first_match() date = self.GetData() if date is not None: self.SetValue(gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(date, format = '%Y-%m-%d', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days)) # let the base class do its thing super(cDateInputPhraseWheel, self)._on_lose_focus(event)
def format(self, single_line=False): if single_line: return self.format_single_line() part_count = len(self._payload[self._idx['seq_idx_list']]) if part_count == 0: parts = _('no parts') elif part_count == 1: parts = _('1 part') else: parts = _('%s parts') % part_count org = '' if self._payload[self._idx['unit']] is not None: if self._payload[self._idx['unit_is_receiver']]: org = _(' Receiver: %s @ %s\n') % ( self._payload[self._idx['unit']], self._payload[self._idx['organization']] ) else: org = _(' Sender: %s @ %s\n') % ( self._payload[self._idx['unit']], self._payload[self._idx['organization']] ) stay = '' if self._payload[self._idx['pk_hospital_stay']] is not None: stay = _('Hospital stay') + ': %s\n' % self.hospital_stay.format ( left_margin = 0, include_procedures = False, include_docs = False, include_episode = False ) txt = _( '%s (%s) #%s\n' ' Created: %s\n' ' Episode: %s\n' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' ) % ( self._payload[self._idx['l10n_type']], parts, self._payload[self._idx['pk_doc']], gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['clin_when']], format = '%Y %b %d', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days), self._payload[self._idx['episode']], gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['health_issue']], '', _(' Health issue: %s\n')), gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['ext_ref']], '', _(' External reference: %s\n')), org, stay, gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['comment']], '', ' %s') ) return txt
def get_EDC(self, lmp=None, nullipara=True): result = cClinicalResult(_('unknown EDC')) result.formula_name = 'EDC (Mittendorf 1990)' result.formula_source = 'Mittendorf, R. et al., "The length of uncomplicated human gestation," OB/GYN, Vol. 75, No., 6 June, 1990, pp. 907-932.' if lmp is None: result.message = _('EDC: unknown LMP') return result result.variables['LMP'] = lmp result.variables['nullipara'] = nullipara if nullipara: result.variables['parity_offset'] = 15 # days else: result.variables['parity_offset'] = 10 # days now = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here() if lmp > now: result.warnings.append(_('LMP in the future')) if self.__patient is None: result.warnings.append(_('cannot run sanity checks, no patient')) else: if self.__patient['dob'] is None: result.warnings.append(_('cannot run sanity checks, no DOB')) else: years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds = gmDateTime.calculate_apparent_age(start = self.__patient['dob']) # 5 years -- Myth ? # if years < 10: result.warnings.append(_('patient less than 10 years old')) if self.__patient['gender'] in [None, 'm']: result.warnings.append(_('atypical gender for pregnancy: %s') % self.__patient.gender_string) if self.__patient['deceased'] is not None: result.warnings.append(_('patient already passed away')) if lmp.month > 3: edc_month = lmp.month - 3 edc_year = lmp.year + 1 else: edc_month = lmp.month + 9 edc_year = lmp.year result.numeric_value = gmDateTime.pydt_replace(dt = lmp, year = edc_year, month = edc_month, strict = False) + pydt.timedelta(days = result.variables['parity_offset']) result.message = _('EDC: %s') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( result.numeric_value, format = '%Y %b %d' ) result.date_valid = now _log.debug('%s' % result) return result
def refresh(lctrl): epis = emr.get_episodes(order_by = 'description') items = [ [ e['description'], gmTools.bool2subst(e['episode_open'], _('ongoing'), _('closed'), '<unknown>'), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(e.best_guess_clinical_start_date, '%Y %b %d'), gmTools.coalesce(e['health_issue'], '') ] for e in epis ] lctrl.set_string_items(items = items) lctrl.set_data(data = epis)
def refresh(lctrl): intakes = patient.emr.abused_substances items = [] for i in intakes: items.append ([ i['substance'], i.harmful_use_type_string, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(i['last_checked_when'], '%b %Y', none_str = '') ]) lctrl.set_string_items(items) lctrl.set_data(intakes)
def refresh(lctrl): lctrl.secondary_sort_column = 0 soap = emr.get_clin_narrative(soap_cats = soap_cats) lctrl.set_string_items ([ [ gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(s['date'], '%Y %m %d'), s['modified_by'], gmSoapDefs.soap_cat2l10n[s['soap_cat']], s['narrative'], s['episode'], s['health_issue'] ] for s in soap ]) lctrl.set_data(soap)