def valid(self): for bmp_version in AMTS_BMP_XSDs: xsd_filename = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().system_app_data_dir, 'resources', 'amts', AMTS_BMP_XSDs[bmp_version]) try: self.__xml_schema = lxml_etree.XMLSchema(file=xsd_filename) except lxml_etree.XMLSchemaParseError: _log.exception('cannot find [%s], trying local base dir', xsd_filename) # retry, maybe in dev tree xsd_filename = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().local_base_dir, 'resources', 'amts', AMTS_BMP_XSDs[bmp_version]) self.__xml_schema = lxml_etree.XMLSchema(file=xsd_filename) with open(self.__filename, encoding='iso-8859-1') as bmp_file: try: self.xml_doc = lxml_etree.parse(bmp_file) except lxml_etree.XMLSyntaxError: _log.exception('[%s] does not parse as XML', self.__filename) break validated = self.__xml_schema.validate(self.xml_doc) if validated: self.bmp_version = bmp_version _log.debug('[%s] validates as AMTS BMP v%s', self.__filename, self.bmp_version) # check for second/third file ! return True _log.debug('[%s] does not validate against [%s]', self.__filename, xsd_filename) _log.debug('[%s] does not validate as AMTS BMP', self.__filename) return False
def _print_files_by_shellscript(filenames=None, jobtype=None): paths = gmTools.gmPaths() local_script = os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, '..', 'external-tools', 'gm-print_doc') #candidates = [u'gm-print_doc', u'gm-print_doc.bat', local_script, u'gm-print_doc.bat'] candidates = [u'gm-print_doc', local_script, u'gm-print_doc.bat'] found, binary = gmShellAPI.find_first_binary(binaries = candidates) if not found: binary = r'gm-print_doc.bat' cmd_line = [ binary, jobtype ] cmd_line.extend(filenames) _log.debug('printing with %s', cmd_line) try: gm_print_doc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_line) except OSError: _log.debug('cannot run <gm_print_doc(.bat)>') return False gm_print_doc.communicate() if gm_print_doc.returncode != 0: _log.error('<gm_print_doc> returned [%s], failed to print', gm_print_doc.returncode) return False return True
def __init__(self, parent, frame): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1) self.frame = frame # get base directory for manuals from broker paths = gmTools.gmPaths(app_name='gnumed', wx=wx) candidates = [ os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, 'doc', 'user-manual'), '/usr/share/doc/gnumed/user-manual/', os.path.join(paths.system_app_data_dir, 'doc', 'user-manual') ] for self.docdir in candidates: if os.access(self.docdir, os.R_OK):'found Manual path [%s]', self.docdir) break = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) infobox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) n = wx.NewId() self.infoline = wx.TextCtrl(self, n, style=wx.TE_READONLY) self.infoline.SetBackgroundColour(wx.LIGHT_GREY) infobox.Add(self.infoline, 1, wx.GROW | wx.ALL), 0, wx.GROW) self.html = ManualHtmlWindow(self, -1) self.html.SetRelatedFrame(frame, "") self.html.SetRelatedStatusBar(0), 1, wx.GROW) self.SetSizer( self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.already_loaded = None
def download_data_pack_old(url, target_dir=None): if target_dir is None: target_dir = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix='gm-dl-') _log.debug('downloading [%s]', url) _log.debug('unpacking into [%s]', target_dir) gmTools.mkdir(directory=target_dir) # FIXME: rewrite to use urllib.urlretrieve() and paths = gmTools.gmPaths() local_script = os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, '..', 'external-tools', 'gm-download_data') candidates = [ u'gm-download_data', u'gm-download_data.bat', local_script, u'gm-download_data.bat' ] args = u' %s %s' % (url, target_dir) success = gmShellAPI.run_first_available_in_shell(binaries=candidates, args=args, blocking=True, run_last_one_anyway=True) if success: return True, target_dir _log.error('download failed') return False, None
def update_atc_reference_data(): dlg = wx.FileDialog(parent=None, message=_('Choose an ATC import config file'), defaultDir=gmTools.gmPaths().user_work_dir, defaultFile='', wildcard="%s (*.conf)|*.conf|%s (*)|*" % (_('config files'), _('all files')), style=wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) result = dlg.ShowModal() if result == wx.ID_CANCEL: return cfg_file = dlg.GetPath() dlg.DestroyLater() conn = gmAuthWidgets.get_dbowner_connection( procedure=_('importing ATC reference data')) if conn is None: return False wx.BeginBusyCursor() if gmATC.atc_import(cfg_fname=cfg_file, conn=conn): gmDispatcher.send(signal='statustext', msg=_('Successfully imported ATC reference data.')) else: gmDispatcher.send(signal='statustext', msg=_('Importing ATC reference data failed.'), beep=True) wx.EndBusyCursor() return True
def __init__(self): # while not strictly necessary it is good to fail early # this will tell us fairly safely whether XSane is properly installed self._stock_xsanerc = os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~', '.sane', 'xsane', 'xsane.rc')) try: open(self._stock_xsanerc, 'r').close() except IOError: msg = ('XSane not properly installed for this user:\n\n' ' [%s] not found\n\n' 'Start XSane once before using it with GNUmed.' ) % self._stock_xsanerc raise ImportError(msg) # make sure we've got a custom xsanerc for # the user to modify manually (therefore, in user_config_dir) self._gm_custom_xsanerc = os.path.join( gmTools.gmPaths().user_config_dir, 'gm-xsanerc.conf') try: open(self._gm_custom_xsanerc, 'r+b').close() except IOError:'creating [%s] from [%s]', self._gm_custom_xsanerc, self._stock_xsanerc) shutil.copyfile(self._stock_xsanerc, self._gm_custom_xsanerc) self.device_settings_file = None self.default_device = None
def load_person_from_vcard_file(): wildcards = '|'.join ([ '%s (*.vcf)|*.vcf' % _('vcf files'), '%s (*.VCF)|*.VCF' % _('VCF files'), '%s (*)|*' % _('all files'), '%s (*.*)|*.*' % _('all files (Windows)') ]) dlg = wx.FileDialog ( parent = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), message = _('Choose a vCard file:'), defaultDir = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().home_dir, 'gnumed'), wildcard = wildcards, style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ) result = dlg.ShowModal() fname = dlg.GetPath() dlg.DestroyLater() if result == wx.ID_CANCEL: return from import gmVCard dto = gmVCard.parse_vcard2dto(filename = fname) if dto is None: gmDispatcher.send(signal='statustext', msg=_('[%s] does not seem to contain a vCard.') % fname) return idents = dto.get_candidate_identities(can_create = True) if len(idents) == 1: ident = idents[0] if not set_active_patient(patient = ident): gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_info (_( 'Cannot activate patient:\n\n' '%s %s (%s)\n' '%s' ) % ( dto.firstnames, dto.lastnames, dto.gender, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(dto.dob, '%Y %b %d') ), _('Activating external patient') ) return dlg = cSelectPersonFromListDlg(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), -1) dlg.set_persons(persons = idents) result = dlg.ShowModal() ident = dlg.get_selected_person() dlg.DestroyLater() if result == wx.ID_CANCEL: return if not set_active_patient(patient = ident): gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_info (_( 'Cannot activate patient:\n\n' '%s %s (%s)\n' '%s' ) % ( dto.firstnames, dto.lastnames, dto.gender, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(dto.dob, '%Y %b %d') ), _('Activating external patient') )
def __run_file_describer(filename=None): base_name = 'gm-describe_file' paths = gmTools.gmPaths() local_script = os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, '..', 'external-tools', base_name) candidates = [ base_name, local_script ] #, base_name + u'.bat' found, binary = gmShellAPI.find_first_binary(binaries = candidates) if not found: _log.error('cannot find <%s(.bat)>', base_name) return (False, _('<%s(.bat)> not found') % base_name) cmd_line = [binary, filename] _log.debug('describing: %s', cmd_line) try: proc_result = ( args = cmd_line, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, #timeout = timeout, encoding = 'utf8' ) except (subprocess.TimeoutExpired, FileNotFoundError): _log.exception('there was a problem running external process') return (False, _('problem with <%s>') % binary)'exit code [%s]', proc_result.returncode) if proc_result.returncode != 0: _log.error('[%s] failed', binary) _log.error('STDERR:\n%s', proc_result.stderr) _log.error('STDOUT:\n%s', proc_result.stdout) return (False, _('problem with <%s>') % binary) return (True, proc_result.stdout)
def _print_files_by_shellscript(filenames=None, jobtype=None, verbose=False): paths = gmTools.gmPaths() local_script = os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, '..', 'external-tools', 'gm-print_doc') candidates = ['gm-print_doc', local_script, 'gm-print_doc.bat'] found, binary = gmShellAPI.find_first_binary(binaries=candidates) if not found: binary = r'gm-print_doc.bat' cmd_line = [binary, jobtype] cmd_line.extend(filenames) success, returncode, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line=cmd_line, verbose=verbose) if not success: _log.debug( 'gm-print_doc(.bat) arguments: "DOCUMENT_TYPE LIST-OF-FILES-TO-PRINT"' ) _log.debug( 'gm-print_doc(.bat): call printing app, perhaps based on DOCUMENT_TYPE, and pass in LIST-OF-FILES-TO-PRINT' ) _log.debug('gm-print_doc(.bat): return 0 on success') _log.debug( 'gm-print_doc(.bat): DOCUMENT_TYPE - can be used to decide which way to process a particular print job (Example: medication_list)' ) _log.debug( 'gm-print_doc(.bat): LIST-OF-FILES-TO-PRINT - can be of any mimetype so the script needs to be able to process them, typically PDF though' ) return False return True
def __run_file_describer(filename=None): base_name = 'gm-describe_file' paths = gmTools.gmPaths() local_script = os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, '..', 'external-tools', base_name) candidates = [base_name, local_script] #, base_name + '.bat' found, binary = gmShellAPI.find_first_binary(binaries=candidates) if not found: _log.error('cannot find <%s(.bat)>', base_name) return (False, _('<%s(.bat)> not found') % base_name) cmd_line = [binary, filename] _log.debug('describing: %s', cmd_line) try: proc_result = args=cmd_line, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, #timeout = timeout, encoding='utf8', errors='backslashreplace') except (subprocess.TimeoutExpired, FileNotFoundError): _log.exception('there was a problem running external process') return (False, _('problem with <%s>') % binary)'exit code [%s]', proc_result.returncode) if proc_result.returncode != 0: _log.error('[%s] failed', binary) _log.error('STDERR:\n%s', proc_result.stderr) _log.error('STDOUT:\n%s', proc_result.stdout) return (False, _('problem with <%s>') % binary) return (True, proc_result.stdout)
def _on_export_button_pressed(self, event): if is None: return engine_abbrev = gmForms.form_engine_abbrevs[self._CH_engine.GetSelection()] wildcards = [] try: wildcards.append('%s (%s)|%s' % ( gmForms.form_engine_names[engine_abbrev], gmForms.form_engine_template_wildcards[engine_abbrev], gmForms.form_engine_template_wildcards[engine_abbrev] )) except KeyError: pass wildcards.append("%s (*)|*" % _('all files')) wildcards.append("%s (*.*)|*.*" % _('all files (Windows)')) dlg = wx.FileDialog ( parent = self, message = _('Enter a filename to save the template to'), defaultDir = gmTools.gmPaths().user_work_dir, defaultFile = '', wildcard = '|'.join(wildcards), style = wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT ) result = dlg.ShowModal() if result != wx.ID_CANCEL: fname = dlg.GetPath() = fname) dlg.DestroyLater() event.Skip()
def _on_load_button_pressed(self, event): engine_abbrev = gmForms.form_engine_abbrevs[self._CH_engine.GetSelection()] wildcards = [] try: wildcards.append('%s (%s)|%s' % ( gmForms.form_engine_names[engine_abbrev], gmForms.form_engine_template_wildcards[engine_abbrev], gmForms.form_engine_template_wildcards[engine_abbrev] )) except KeyError: pass wildcards.append("%s (*)|*" % _('all files')) wildcards.append("%s (*.*)|*.*" % _('all files (Windows)')) dlg = wx.FileDialog ( parent = self, message = _('Choose a form template file'), defaultDir = gmTools.gmPaths().user_work_dir, defaultFile = '', wildcard = '|'.join(wildcards), style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ) result = dlg.ShowModal() if result != wx.ID_CANCEL: self._TCTRL_filename.SetValue(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.DestroyLater() event.Skip()
def __init__(self, parent, frame): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1) self.frame = frame # get base directory for manuals from broker paths = gmTools.gmPaths(app_name = u'gnumed', wx = wx) candidates = [ os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, 'doc', 'user-manual'), '/usr/share/doc/gnumed/user-manual/', os.path.join(paths.system_app_data_dir, 'doc', 'user-manual') ] for self.docdir in candidates: if os.access(self.docdir, os.R_OK):'found Manual path [%s]', self.docdir) break = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) infobox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) n = wx.NewId() self.infoline = wx.TextCtrl(self, n, style=wx.TE_READONLY) self.infoline.SetBackgroundColour(wx.LIGHT_GREY) infobox.Add(self.infoline, 1, wx.GROW|wx.ALL), 0, wx.GROW) self.html = ManualHtmlWindow(self, -1) self.html.SetRelatedFrame(frame, "") self.html.SetRelatedStatusBar(0), 1, wx.GROW) self.SetSizer( self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.already_loaded = None
def _print_files_by_shellscript(filenames=None, jobtype=None): paths = gmTools.gmPaths() local_script = os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, '..', 'external-tools', 'gm-print_doc') #candidates = [u'gm-print_doc', u'gm-print_doc.bat', local_script, u'gm-print_doc.bat'] candidates = ['gm-print_doc', local_script, 'gm-print_doc.bat'] found, binary = gmShellAPI.find_first_binary(binaries=candidates) if not found: binary = r'gm-print_doc.bat' cmd_line = [binary, jobtype] cmd_line.extend(filenames) _log.debug('printing with %s', cmd_line) try: gm_print_doc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_line) except OSError: _log.debug('cannot run <gm_print_doc(.bat)>') return False gm_print_doc.communicate() if gm_print_doc.returncode != 0: _log.error('<gm_print_doc> returned [%s], failed to print', gm_print_doc.returncode) return False return True
def _on_save_results_button_pressed(self, event): event.Skip() user_query = self._TCTRL_query.GetValue().strip().strip(';') if user_query == '': return pat = None curr_pat = gmPerson.gmCurrentPatient() if curr_pat.connected: pat = curr_pat.ID success, hint, cols, rows = gmDataMining.run_report_query( query=user_query, limit=None, pk_identity=pat) if not success: return if len(rows) == 0: return dlg = wx.FileDialog( parent=self, message=_("Save SQL report query results as CSV in..."), defaultDir=gmTools.gmPaths().user_work_dir, defaultFile='gm-query_results.csv', wildcard='%s (*.csv)|*.csv|%s (*)|*' % (_("CSV files"), _("all files")), style=wx.FD_SAVE) choice = dlg.ShowModal() csv_name = dlg.GetPath() dlg.DestroyLater() if choice != wx.ID_OK: return csv_file =, mode='wt', encoding='utf8') csv_file.write( '#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' ) csv_file.write('# GNUmed SQL report results\n') csv_file.write('#\n') csv_file.write('# Report: "%s"\n' % self._PRW_report_name.GetValue().strip()) csv_file.write('#\n') csv_file.write('# SQL:\n') for line in user_query.split('\n'): csv_file.write('# %s\n' % line) csv_file.write('#\n') csv_file.write('# ID of active patient: %s\n' % pat) csv_file.write('#\n') csv_file.write('# hits found: %s\n' % len(rows)) csv_file.write( '#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' ) csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file) csv_writer.writerow(cols) for row in rows: csv_writer.writerow(row) csv_file.close()
def download_data_pack_old(url, target_dir=None): if target_dir is None: target_dir = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = 'gm-dl-') _log.debug('downloading [%s]', url) _log.debug('unpacking into [%s]', target_dir) gmTools.mkdir(directory = target_dir) # FIXME: rewrite to use urllib.urlretrieve() and paths = gmTools.gmPaths() local_script = os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, '..', 'external-tools', 'gm-download_data') candidates = [u'gm-download_data', u'gm-download_data.bat', local_script, u'gm-download_data.bat'] args = u' %s %s' % (url, target_dir) success = gmShellAPI.run_first_available_in_shell ( binaries = candidates, args = args, blocking = True, run_last_one_anyway = True ) if success: return True, target_dir _log.error('download failed') return False, None
def __init_ui(self): msg = ('\n' + _('Number of entries to save: %s') + '\n\n' + _('Patient: %s') + '\n') % ( self.__item_count, self.__patient['description_gender'] ) self._LBL_header.Label = msg self._LBL_directory.Label = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().home_dir, 'gnumed', self.__patient.subdir_name) + os.sep self.__update_ui_state()
def _on_burn_items_button_pressed(self, event): event.Skip() found, external_cmd = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary('gm-burn_doc') if not found: return False items = self._LCTRL_items.get_selected_item_data(only_one=False) if len(items) == 0: items = self._LCTRL_items.get_item_data() base_dir = None dlg = wx.DirDialog( self, message=_( 'If you wish to include an existing directory select it here:' ), defaultPath=os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().home_dir, 'gnumed'), style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST) choice = dlg.ShowModal() path2include = dlg.GetPath() if choice == wx.ID_OK: if not gmTools.dir_is_empty(path2include): base_dir = path2include export_dir = gmPerson.gmCurrentPatient().export_area.export( base_dir=base_dir, items=items, with_metadata=True) if export_dir is None: return False cmd = u'%s %s' % (external_cmd, export_dir) if == 'nt': blocking = True else: blocking = False success = gmShellAPI.run_command_in_shell(command=cmd, blocking=blocking) if not success: gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_error( aMessage=_('Error burning documents to CD/DVD.'), aTitle=_('Burning documents')) return False self.save_soap_note(soap=_('Burned onto CD/DVD:\n - %s') % u'\n - '.join([i['description'] for i in items])) browse_index = gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_question( title=title, question=_('Browse patient data pack ?'), cancel_button=False) if browse_index: gmNetworkTools.open_url_in_browser( url=u'file://%s' % os.path.join(export_dir, u'index.html')) return True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): wx.StaticBitmap.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) paths = gmTools.gmPaths(app_name = 'gnumed', wx = wx) self.__fallback_pic_name = os.path.join(paths.system_app_data_dir, 'bitmaps', 'empty-face-in-bust.png') self.__desired_width = 50 self.__desired_height = 54 self.__pat = gmPerson.gmCurrentPatient() self.__init_ui() self.__register_events()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): wx.StaticBitmap.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) paths = gmTools.gmPaths(app_name = u'gnumed', wx = wx) self.__fallback_pic_name = os.path.join(paths.system_app_data_dir, 'bitmaps', 'empty-face-in-bust.png') self.__desired_width = 50 self.__desired_height = 54 self.__pat = gmPerson.gmCurrentPatient() self.__init_ui() self.__register_events()
def _validate_timeline_file(self, tl_filename): xsd_name = 'timeline.xsd' xsd_paths = [ os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().system_app_data_dir, 'resources', 'timeline', xsd_name), # maybe in dev tree os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().local_base_dir, 'resources', 'timeline', xsd_name) ] xml_schema = None for xsd_filename in xsd_paths: _log.debug('XSD: %s', xsd_filename) if not os.path.exists(xsd_filename): _log.warning('not found') continue try: xml_schema = lxml_etree.XMLSchema(file=xsd_filename) break except lxml_etree.XMLSchemaParseError: _log.exception('cannot parse') if xml_schema is None: _log.error('no XSD found') return False with open(tl_filename, encoding='utf-8') as tl_file: try: xml_doc = lxml_etree.parse(tl_file) except lxml_etree.XMLSyntaxError: _log.exception('[%s] does not parse as XML', tl_filename) return False if xml_schema.validate(xml_doc): _log.debug('[%s] seems valid', tl_filename) return True _log.warning('[%s] does not validate against [%s]', tl_filename, xsd_filename) for entry in xml_schema.error_log: _log.debug(entry) return False
def convert_file(filename=None, target_mime=None, target_filename=None, target_extension=None, verbose=False): """Convert file from one format into another. target_mime: a mime type """ assert (target_mime is not None), '<target_mime> must not be None' assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None' assert (filename != target_filename), '<target_filename> must be different from <filename>' source_mime = guess_mimetype(filename = filename) if source_mime.lower() == target_mime.lower(): _log.debug('source file [%s] already target mime type [%s]', filename, target_mime) if target_filename is None: return filename shutil.copyfile(filename, target_filename) return target_filename converted_ext = guess_ext_by_mimetype(target_mime) if converted_ext is None: if target_filename is not None: tmp, converted_ext = os.path.splitext(target_filename) if converted_ext is None: converted_ext = target_extension # can still stay None converted_fname = gmTools.get_unique_filename(suffix = converted_ext) _log.debug('attempting conversion: [%s] -> [<%s>:%s]', filename, target_mime, gmTools.coalesce(target_filename, converted_fname)) script_name = 'gm-convert_file' paths = gmTools.gmPaths() local_script = os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, '..', 'external-tools', script_name) candidates = [ script_name, local_script ] #, script_name + u'.bat' found, binary = gmShellAPI.find_first_binary(binaries = candidates) if not found: # try anyway binary = script_name# + r'.bat' _log.debug('<%s> API: SOURCEFILE TARGET_MIMETYPE TARGET_EXTENSION TARGET_FILENAME' % binary) cmd_line = [ binary, filename, target_mime, converted_ext.lstrip('.'), converted_fname ] success, returncode, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = cmd_line, verbose = True) if not success: _log.error('conversion failed') return None if target_filename is None: return converted_fname shutil.copyfile(converted_fname, target_filename) return target_filename
def get_installed_plugins(plugin_dir=''): """Looks for installed plugins in the filesystem. The first directory in sys.path which contains a wxpython/gui/ is considered the one -- because that's where the import will get it from. """ _log.debug('searching installed plugins') search_path = None candidates = sys.path[:] candidates.append(gmTools.gmPaths().local_base_dir) for candidate in candidates: candidate = os.path.join(candidate, 'Gnumed', 'wxpython', plugin_dir) _log.debug(candidate) if os.path.exists(candidate): search_path = candidate break _log.debug('not found') if search_path is None: _log.error('unable to find any directory matching [%s]', os.path.join('${CANDIDATE}', 'Gnumed', 'wxpython', plugin_dir)) _log.error('candidates: %s', str(candidates)) # read from config file'trying to read list of installed plugins from config files') plugins = _cfg.get ( group = 'client', option = 'installed plugins', source_order = [ ('system', 'extend'), ('user', 'extend'), ('workbase', 'extend'), ('explicit', 'extend') ] ) if plugins is None: _log.debug('no plugins found in config files') return [] _log.debug("plugins found: %s" % str(plugins)) return plugins"scanning plugin directory [%s]" % search_path) files = glob.glob(os.path.join(search_path, 'gm*.py')) plugins = [] for f in files: path, fname = os.path.split(f) mod_name, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) plugins.append(mod_name) _log.debug("plugins found: %s" % str(plugins)) return plugins
def get_useful_filename(self, patient=None, make_unique=False, directory=None, include_gnumed_tag=True, date_before_type=False, name_first=True): patient_part = '' if patient is not None: if name_first: patient_part = '%s-' % patient.subdir_name else: patient_part = '-%s' % patient.subdir_name # preserve original filename extension if available suffix = '.dat' if self._payload[self._idx['filename']] is not None: tmp, suffix = os.path.splitext ( gmTools.fname_sanitize(self._payload[self._idx['filename']]).lower() ) if suffix == '': suffix = '.dat' if include_gnumed_tag: fname_template = 'gm_doc-part_%s-%%s' % self._payload[self._idx['seq_idx']] else: fname_template = '%%s-part_%s' % self._payload[self._idx['seq_idx']] if date_before_type: date_type_part = '%s-%s' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['date_generated']], '%Y-%m-%d', 'utf-8', gmDateTime.acc_days), self._payload[self._idx['l10n_type']].replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_'), ) else: date_type_part = '%s-%s' % ( self._payload[self._idx['l10n_type']].replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_'), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['date_generated']], '%Y-%m-%d', 'utf-8', gmDateTime.acc_days) ) if name_first: date_type_name_part = patient_part + date_type_part else: date_type_name_part = date_type_part + patient_part fname = fname_template % date_type_name_part if make_unique: fname = gmTools.get_unique_filename ( prefix = '%s-' % gmTools.fname_sanitize(fname), suffix = suffix, tmp_dir = directory ) else: fname = gmTools.fname_sanitize(os.path.join(gmTools.coalesce(directory, gmTools.gmPaths().tmp_dir), fname + suffix)) return fname
def get_installed_plugins(plugin_dir=''): """Looks for installed plugins in the filesystem. The first directory in sys.path which contains a wxpython/gui/ is considered the one -- because that's where the import will get it from. """ _log.debug('searching installed plugins') search_path = None candidates = sys.path[:] candidates.append(gmTools.gmPaths().local_base_dir) for candidate in candidates: candidate = os.path.join(candidate, 'Gnumed', 'wxpython', plugin_dir) _log.debug(candidate) if os.path.exists(candidate): search_path = candidate break _log.debug('not found') if search_path is None: _log.error( 'unable to find any directory matching [%s]', os.path.join('${CANDIDATE}', 'Gnumed', 'wxpython', plugin_dir)) _log.error('candidates: %s', str(candidates)) # read from config file'trying to read list of installed plugins from config files') plugins = _cfg.get(group='client', option='installed plugins', source_order=[('system', 'extend'), ('user', 'extend'), ('workbase', 'extend'), ('explicit', 'extend')]) if plugins is None: _log.debug('no plugins found in config files') return [] _log.debug("plugins found: %s" % str(plugins)) return plugins"scanning plugin directory [%s]" % search_path) files = glob.glob(os.path.join(search_path, 'gm*.py')) plugins = [] for f in files: path, fname = os.path.split(f) mod_name, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) plugins.append(mod_name) _log.debug("plugins found: %s" % str(plugins)) return plugins
def _print_files_by_shellscript(filenames=None, jobtype=None, verbose=False): paths = gmTools.gmPaths() local_script = os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, '..', 'external-tools', 'gm-print_doc') #candidates = [u'gm-print_doc', u'gm-print_doc.bat', local_script, u'gm-print_doc.bat'] candidates = ['gm-print_doc', local_script, 'gm-print_doc.bat'] found, binary = gmShellAPI.find_first_binary(binaries = candidates) if not found: binary = r'gm-print_doc.bat' cmd_line = [binary, jobtype] cmd_line.extend(filenames) success, returncode, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = cmd_line, verbose = verbose) if not success: return False return True
def __init__(self): cGelbeListeWindowsInterface.__init__(self)'%s (WINE extension)', cGelbeListeWindowsInterface.version) # FIXME: if -CLOSETOTRAY is used GNUmed cannot detect the end of MMI self.path_to_binary = r'wine "C:\Programme\MMI PHARMINDEX\glwin.exe"' self.args = r'"-PRESCRIPTIONFILE %s -KEEPBACKGROUND"' paths = gmTools.gmPaths() self.default_csv_filename = os.path.join(paths.home_dir, '.wine', 'drive_c', 'windows', 'temp', 'mmi2gm.csv') self.default_csv_filename_arg = r'c:\windows\temp\mmi2gm.csv' self.interactions_filename = os.path.join(paths.home_dir, '.wine', 'drive_c', 'windows', 'temp', 'gm2mmi.bdt') self.data_date_filename = os.path.join(paths.home_dir, '.wine', 'drive_c', 'Programme', 'MMI PHARMINDEX', 'datadate.txt')
def _on_select_directory_button_pressed(self, event): event.Skip() curr_path = self._LBL_directory.Label.rstrip(os.sep).rstrip('/') if not os.path.isdir(curr_path): curr_path = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().home_dir, 'gnumed') msg = _('Select directory where to save the archive or files.') dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, message = msg, defaultPath = curr_path, style = wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE)# | wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST) choice = dlg.ShowModal() selected_path = dlg.GetPath().rstrip(os.sep).rstrip('/') dlg.DestroyLater() if choice != wx.ID_OK: return self._LBL_directory.Label = selected_path + os.sep self.__update_ui_state()
def setup_hook_dir(): _old_path = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().home_dir, '.gnumed', 'scripts') if os.path.isdir(_old_path): print('obsolete: [%s], use [%s]' %(_old_path, HOOK_SCRIPT_DIR)) _log.debug('obsolete: %s', _old_path) _log.debug('known hooks:') for hook in known_hooks: _log.debug(hook) gmTools.mkdir(HOOK_SCRIPT_DIR) gmTools.create_directory_description_file(directory = HOOK_SCRIPT_DIR, readme = README_hook_dir) # create hook script example/template example_name = os.path.join(HOOK_SCRIPT_DIR, HOOK_SCRIPT_NAME + '.example') example = open(example_name, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8') example.write(HOOK_SCRIPT_EXAMPLE) example.close() os.chmod(example_name, 384)
def __init__(self): cDrugDataSourceInterface.__init__(self) self.__imported_drugs = [] self.__gm2fd_filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'gm2freediams-', suffix = r'.xml') _log.debug('GNUmed -> FreeDiams "exchange-in" file: %s', self.__gm2fd_filename) self.__fd2gm_filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'freediams2gm-', suffix = r'.xml') _log.debug('GNUmed <-> FreeDiams "exchange-out"/"prescription" file: %s', self.__fd2gm_filename) # this file can be modified by the user as needed (therefore in user_config_dir): self.__fd4gm_config_file = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().user_config_dir, 'freediams4gm.conf') _log.debug('FreeDiams config file for GNUmed use: %s', self.__fd4gm_config_file) self.path_to_binary = None self.__detect_binary()
def _print_files_by_shellscript(filenames=None, jobtype=None, verbose=False): paths = gmTools.gmPaths() local_script = os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, '..', 'external-tools', 'gm-print_doc') candidates = ['gm-print_doc', local_script, 'gm-print_doc.bat'] found, binary = gmShellAPI.find_first_binary(binaries=candidates) if not found: binary = r'gm-print_doc.bat' cmd_line = [binary, jobtype] cmd_line.extend(filenames) success, returncode, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line=cmd_line, verbose=verbose) if not success: return False return True
def __init__(self): cDrugDataSourceInterface.__init__(self) self.__imported_drugs = [] self.__gm2fd_filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'gm2freediams-', suffix = r'.xml') _log.debug('GNUmed -> FreeDiams "exchange-in" file: %s', self.__gm2fd_filename) self.__fd2gm_filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'freediams2gm-', suffix = r'.xml') _log.debug('GNUmed <-> FreeDiams "exchange-out"/"prescription" file: %s', self.__fd2gm_filename) paths = gmTools.gmPaths() # this file can be modified by the user as needed: self.__fd4gm_config_file = os.path.join(paths.home_dir, '.gnumed', 'freediams4gm.conf') _log.debug('FreeDiams config file for GNUmed use: %s', self.__fd4gm_config_file) self.path_to_binary = None self.__detect_binary()
def __init_ui(self): self._LBL_dir_is_empty.Label = '' self._LBL_subdirectory.Label = '' if self.__burn2cd: self._LBL_existing_data.Hide() self._BTN_browse_directory.Disable() self._RBTN_include_data.Hide() self._RBTN_remove_data.Hide() self._CHBOX_include_directory.Show() self._CHBOX_use_subdirectory.Hide() self._LBL_subdirectory.Hide() self._CHBOX_generate_metadata.Hide() lines = [ _('Preparing patient media for burning onto CD / DVD'), '' ] found, external_cmd = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary( 'gm-burn_doc') if not found: lines.append(_('Script <gm-burn_doc(.bat)> not found.')) lines.append('') lines.append( _('Cannot attempt to burn patient media onto CD/DVD.')) self._BTN_save.Disable() else: lines.append( _('Patient: %s') % self.__patient['description_gender']) lines.append('') lines.append( _('Number of items to export onto CD/DVD: %s\n') % self.__item_count) self._LBL_header.Label = '\n'.join(lines) return lines = [ _('Preparing patient media for saving to disk (USB, harddrive).'), '', _('Patient: %s') % self.__patient['description_gender'], '', _('Number of items to export to disk: %s\n') % self.__item_count ] self._LBL_header.Label = '\n'.join(lines) self._LBL_directory.Label = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().home_dir, 'gnumed') self.__refresh_dir_is_empty()
def __get_session_xsanerc(self): # create an xsanerc for this session session_xsanerc = gmTools.get_unique_filename ( prefix = 'gm-session_xsanerc-', suffix = '.conf' ) _log.debug('GNUmed -> XSane session xsanerc: %s', session_xsanerc) # our closest bet, might contain umlauts enc = gmI18N.get_encoding() fread =, mode = "rt", encoding = enc) fwrite =, mode = "wt", encoding = enc) paths = gmTools.gmPaths() val_dict = { 'tmp-path': paths.tmp_dir, 'working-directory': paths.tmp_dir, 'filename': '<--force-filename>', 'filetype': cXSaneScanner._FILETYPE, 'skip-existing-numbers': '1', 'filename-counter-step': '1', 'filename-counter-len': '3' } for idx, line in enumerate(fread): line = line.replace('\n', '') line = line.replace('\r', '') if idx % 2 == 0: # even lines are keys curr_key = line.strip('"') fwrite.write('"%s"\n' % curr_key) else: # odd lines are corresponding values try: value = val_dict[curr_key] _log.debug('replaced [%s] with [%s]', curr_key, val_dict[curr_key]) except KeyError: value = line fwrite.write('%s\n' % value) fwrite.flush() fwrite.close() fread.close() return session_xsanerc
def __init__(self): cDrugDataSourceInterface.__init__(self)'%s (native Windows)', cGelbeListeWindowsInterface.version) self.path_to_binary = r'C:\Programme\MMI PHARMINDEX\glwin.exe' self.args = r'-KEEPBACKGROUND -PRESCRIPTIONFILE %s -CLOSETOTRAY' paths = gmTools.gmPaths() self.default_csv_filename = os.path.join(paths.tmp_dir, 'rezept.txt') self.default_csv_filename_arg = paths.tmp_dir self.interactions_filename = os.path.join(paths.tmp_dir, 'gm2mmi.bdt') self.data_date_filename = r'C:\Programme\MMI PHARMINDEX\datadate.txt' self.__data_date = None self.__online_update_date = None
def convert_file(filename=None, target_mime=None, target_filename=None, target_extension=None): """Convert file from one format into another. target_mime: a mime type """ source_mime = guess_mimetype(filename = filename) if source_mime.lower() == target_mime.lower(): _log.debug('source file [%s] already target mime type [%s]', filename, target_mime) shutil.copyfile(filename, target_filename) return True if target_extension is None: tmp, target_extension = os.path.splitext(target_filename) base_name = 'gm-convert_file' paths = gmTools.gmPaths() local_script = os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, '..', 'external-tools', base_name) candidates = [ base_name, local_script ] #, base_name + u'.bat' found, binary = gmShellAPI.find_first_binary(binaries = candidates) if not found: binary = base_name# + r'.bat' cmd_line = [ binary, filename, target_mime, target_extension.strip('.'), target_filename ] _log.debug('converting: %s', cmd_line) try: gm_convert = subprocess.Popen(cmd_line) except OSError: _log.debug('cannot run <%s(.bat)>', base_name) return False gm_convert.communicate() if gm_convert.returncode != 0: _log.error('<%s(.bat)> returned [%s], failed to convert', base_name, gm_convert.returncode) return False return True
def _on_save_button_pressed(self, event): if self.__tl_file is None: return dlg = wx.FileDialog( parent=self, message=_("Save timeline as images (SVG, PNG) under..."), defaultDir=gmTools.gmPaths().user_work_dir, defaultFile='timeline.svg', wildcard='%s (*.svg)|*.svg' % _('SVG files'), style=wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) choice = dlg.ShowModal() fname = dlg.GetPath() dlg.DestroyLater() if choice != wx.ID_OK: return False self._PNL_timeline.export_as_svg(filename=fname) self._PNL_timeline.export_as_png( filename=gmTools.fname_stem_with_path(fname) + '.png')
def __run_file_describer(filename=None): base_name = 'gm-describe_file' paths = gmTools.gmPaths() local_script = os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, '..', 'external-tools', base_name) candidates = [ base_name, local_script ] #, base_name + u'.bat' found, binary = gmShellAPI.find_first_binary(binaries = candidates) if not found: #binary = base_name# + r'.bat' _log.debug('cannot find <%s(.bat)>', base_name) return (False, _('<%s(.bat)> not found') % base_name) desc_fname = gmTools.get_unique_filename() cmd_line = [ binary, filename, desc_fname ] _log.debug('describing: %s', cmd_line) try: gm_describe = subprocess.Popen(cmd_line) except OSError: _log.debug('cannot run <%s>', binary) return (False, _('problem with <%s>') % binary) gm_describe.communicate() if gm_describe.returncode != 0: _log.error('<%s> returned [%s], failed to convert', binary, gm_describe.returncode) return (False, _('problem with <%s>') % binary) try: desc_file =, mode = 'rt', encoding = 'utf8', errors = 'replace') except IOError: _log.exception('cannot open [%s]', desc_fname) return (False, _('problem with <%s>') % binary) desc = ''.join(desc_file) desc_file.close() return (True, desc)
def create_zip_archive_from_dir(source_dir, archive_name=None, comment=None, overwrite=True, verbose=False): source_dir = os.path.abspath(source_dir) if not os.path.isdir(source_dir): _log.error('<source_dir> does not exist or is not a directory: %s', source_dir) return False for cmd in ['7z', '7z.exe']: found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd) if found: break if not found: _log.warning('no 7z binary found') return None if archive_name is None: # do not assume we can write to "sourcedir/../" archive_path = gmTools.gmPaths().tmp_dir # but do take archive name from source_dir tmp, archive_fname = os.path.split(source_dir.rstrip(os.sep) + '.zip') archive_name = os.path.join(archive_path, archive_fname) # remove any existing archives so they don't get *updated* # rather than newly created if overwrite: if not gmTools.remove_file(archive_name, force = True): _log.error('cannot remove existing archive [%s]', archive_name) return False # 7z does not support ZIP comments so create # a text file holding the comment ... if comment is not None: comment_filename = os.path.abspath(archive_name) + '.comment.txt' if gmTools.remove_file(comment_filename, force = True): with open(comment_filename, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8', errors = 'replace') as comment_file: comment_file.write(comment) else: _log.error('cannot remove existing archive comment file [%s]', comment_filename) comment = None # compress args = [ binary, 'a', # create archive '-sas', # be smart about archive name extension '-bd', # no progress indicator '-mx9', # best available zip compression ratio '-mcu=on', # UTF8 filenames '-l', # store content of links, not links '-scsUTF-8', # console charset '-tzip' # force ZIP format ] if verbose: args.append('-bb3') args.append('-bt') else: args.append('-bb1') args.append(archive_name) args.append(source_dir) if comment is not None: args.append(comment_filename) success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose) if comment is not None: gmTools.remove_file(comment_filename) if success: return archive_name return None
def create_encrypted_zip_archive_from_dir(source_dir, comment=None, overwrite=True, passphrase=None, verbose=False): """Use 7z to create an encrypted ZIP archive of a directory. <source_dir> will be included into the archive <comment> included as a file containing the comment <overwrite> remove existing archive before creation, avoiding *updating* of those, and thereby including unintended data <passphrase> minimum length of 5 The resulting zip archive will always be named "" for confidentiality reasons. If callers want another name they will have to shutil.move() the zip file themselves. This archive will be compressed and AES256 encrypted with the given passphrase. Therefore, the result will not decrypt with earlier versions of unzip software. On Windows, 7z oder WinZip are needed. The zip format does not support header encryption thereby allowing attackers to gain knowledge of patient details by observing the names of files and directories inside the encrypted archive. To reduce that attack surface, GNUmed will create _another_ zip archive inside "", which eventually wraps up the patient data as "". That archive is not compressed and not encrypted, and can thus be unpacked with any old unzipper. Note that GNUmed does NOT remember the passphrase for you. You will have to take care of that yourself, and possibly also safely hand over the passphrase to any receivers of the zip archive. """ if len(passphrase) < 5: _log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits') return None gmLog2.add_word2hide(passphrase) source_dir = os.path.abspath(source_dir) if not os.path.isdir(source_dir): _log.error('<source_dir> does not exist or is not a directory: %s', source_dir) return False for cmd in ['7z', '7z.exe']: found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd) if found: break if not found: _log.warning('no 7z binary found') return None sandbox_dir = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir() archive_path_inner = os.path.join(sandbox_dir, 'data') if not gmTools.mkdir(archive_path_inner): _log.error('cannot create scratch space for inner achive: %s', archive_path_inner) archive_fname_inner = '' archive_name_inner = os.path.join(archive_path_inner, archive_fname_inner) archive_path_outer = gmTools.gmPaths().tmp_dir archive_fname_outer = '' archive_name_outer = os.path.join(archive_path_outer, archive_fname_outer) # remove existing archives so they don't get *updated* rather than newly created if overwrite: if not gmTools.remove_file(archive_name_inner, force = True): _log.error('cannot remove existing archive [%s]', archive_name_inner) return False if not gmTools.remove_file(archive_name_outer, force = True): _log.error('cannot remove existing archive [%s]', archive_name_outer) return False # 7z does not support ZIP comments so create a text file holding the comment if comment is not None: tmp, fname = os.path.split(source_dir.rstrip(os.sep)) comment_filename = os.path.join(sandbox_dir, '000-%s-comment.txt' % fname) with open(comment_filename, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8', errors = 'replace') as comment_file: comment_file.write(comment) # create inner (data) archive: uncompressed, unencrypted, similar to a tar archive args = [ binary, 'a', # create archive '-sas', # be smart about archive name extension '-bd', # no progress indicator '-mx0', # no compression (only store files) '-mcu=on', # UTF8 filenames '-l', # store content of links, not links '-scsUTF-8', # console charset '-tzip' # force ZIP format ] if verbose: args.append('-bb3') args.append('-bt') else: args.append('-bb1') args.append(archive_name_inner) args.append(source_dir) if comment is not None: args.append(comment_filename) success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose) if not success: _log.error('cannot create inner archive') return None # create "decompress instructions" file instructions_filename = os.path.join(archive_path_inner, '000-on_Windows-open_with-WinZip_or_7z_tools') open(instructions_filename, mode = 'wt').close() # create outer (wrapper) archive: compressed, encrypted args = [ binary, 'a', # create archive '-sas', # be smart about archive name extension '-bd', # no progress indicator '-mx9', # best available zip compression ratio '-mcu=on', # UTF8 filenames '-l', # store content of links, not links '-scsUTF-8', # console charset '-tzip', # force ZIP format '-mem=AES256', # force useful encryption '-p%s' % passphrase # set passphrase ] if verbose: args.append('-bb3') args.append('-bt') else: args.append('-bb1') args.append(archive_name_outer) args.append(archive_path_inner) success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose) if success: return archive_name_outer _log.error('cannot create outer archive') return None
#============================================================ # main #------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.exit() if sys.argv[1] != 'test': sys.exit() from Gnumed.pycommon import gmLog2 gmDateTime.init() gmTools.gmPaths() #------------------------------------------------------- def test_import_HL7(filename): # would normally be set by external configuration: from import gmPraxis gmPraxis.gmCurrentPraxisBranch(branch = gmPraxis.get_praxis_branches()[0]) if not import_hl7_file(filename): print "error with", filename #------------------------------------------------------- def test_xml_extract(): hl7 = extract_HL7_from_XML_CDATA(sys.argv[2], u'.//Message') print "HL7:", hl7 #result, PID_fnames = split_hl7_file(hl7) #print "result:", result #print "per-PID MSH files:"'identity: %s', identity) filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename ( prefix = u'gm_exp-%s-' % identity.dirname, suffix = u'.xdt', tmp_dir = path )'file: %s', filename) identity.export_as_gdt ( filename = filename, encoding = u'utf8' #encoding = u'iso-8859-15' ) #============================================================ # main #------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.exit() if sys.argv[1] != "test": sys.exit() path = None if len(sys.argv) > 2: path = sys.argv[2] paths = gmTools.gmPaths(app_name = u'gnumed') export_patients_as_xdt(base_path = path)
def __init__( self, parent, id, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL, isDialog=0, client_version=u"*** unknown ***", ): """Create login panel. isDialog: if this panel is the main panel of a dialog, the panel will resize the dialog automatically to display everything neatly if isDialog is set to True """ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style) self.parent = parent # True if dialog was cancelled by user # if the dialog is closed manually, login should be cancelled self.cancelled = True # True if this panel is displayed within a dialog (will resize the dialog automatically then) self.isDialog = isDialog self.topsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # find bitmap paths = gmTools.gmPaths(app_name=u"gnumed", wx=wx) bitmap = os.path.join(paths.system_app_data_dir, "bitmaps", "gnumedlogo.png") try: png = wx.Image(bitmap, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).ConvertToBitmap() bmp = wx.StaticBitmap(self, -1, png, wx.Point(10, 10), wx.Size(png.GetWidth(), png.GetHeight())) self.topsizer.Add( bmp, proportion=0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALL, border=10 ) except: self.topsizer.Add( wx.StaticText(self, -1, label=_("Cannot find image") + bitmap, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTRE), proportion=0, flag=wx.GROW | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, border=10, ) paramsbox_caption = _('Workplace "%s" (version %s)') % ( gmPraxis.gmCurrentPraxisBranch().active_workplace, client_version, ) # FIXME: why doesn't this align in the centre ? self.paramsbox = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, paramsbox_caption, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL) self.paramsboxsizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.paramsbox, wx.VERTICAL) self.paramsbox.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(35, 35, 142)) self.paramsbox.SetFont(wx.Font(pointSize=12, family=wx.SWISS, style=wx.NORMAL, weight=wx.BOLD, underline=False)) self.pboxgrid = wx.FlexGridSizer(5, 2, 5, 5) self.pboxgrid.AddGrowableCol(1) # PROFILE COMBO label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Log into"), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0) label.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(35, 35, 142)) self.pboxgrid.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) self.__backend_profiles = self.__get_backend_profiles() self._CBOX_profile = wx.ComboBox( self, -1, self.__backend_profiles.keys()[0], wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.Size(550, -1), choices=self.__backend_profiles.keys(), style=wx.CB_READONLY, ) self.pboxgrid.Add(self._CBOX_profile, 0, wx.GROW | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) # USER NAME COMBO label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Username"), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0) label.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(35, 35, 142)) self.pboxgrid.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) self.__previously_used_accounts = self.__get_previously_used_accounts() self._CBOX_user = wx.ComboBox( self, -1, self.__previously_used_accounts[0], wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(150, -1), self.__previously_used_accounts, wx.CB_DROPDOWN, ) self.pboxgrid.Add(self._CBOX_user, 0, wx.GROW | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) # PASSWORD TEXT ENTRY label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Password"), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0) label.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(35, 35, 142)) self.pboxgrid.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) self.pwdentry = wx.TextCtrl(self, 1, "", wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(80, -1), wx.TE_PASSWORD) # set focus on password entry self.pwdentry.SetFocus() self.pboxgrid.Add(self.pwdentry, 0, wx.GROW | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) # --debug checkbox label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Options"), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0) label.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(35, 35, 142)) self.pboxgrid.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) self._CHBOX_debug = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("&Debug mode")) self._CHBOX_debug.SetToolTipString(_("Check this to run GNUmed client in debugging mode.")) self.pboxgrid.Add(self._CHBOX_debug, 0, wx.GROW | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) # --slave checkbox label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "", wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0) label.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(35, 35, 142)) self.pboxgrid.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) self._CHBOX_slave = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Enable &remote control")) self._CHBOX_slave.SetToolTipString(_("Check this to run GNUmed client in slave mode for remote control.")) self.pboxgrid.Add(self._CHBOX_slave, 0, wx.GROW | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # new button code inserted rterry 06Sept02 # button order re-arraged to make it consistant with usual dialog format # in most operating systems ie btns ok and cancel are standard and # in that order # ie Order is now help, ok and cancel # The order of creation is the tab order # login-ok button automatically is the default when tabbing (or <enter>) # from password # this eliminates the heavy border when you use the default # ?is the default word needed for any other reason? # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.button_gridsizer = wx.GridSizer(1, 3, 0, 0) # --------------------- # 3:create login ok button # --------------------- ID_BUTTON_LOGIN = wx.NewId() button_login_ok = wx.Button(self, ID_BUTTON_LOGIN, _("&Ok"), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0) button_login_ok.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_("Proceed with login."))) button_login_ok.SetDefault() # --------------------- # 3:create cancel button # --------------------- ID_BUTTON_CANCEL = wx.NewId() button_cancel = wx.Button(self, ID_BUTTON_CANCEL, _("&Cancel"), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0) button_cancel.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_("Cancel Login."))) # --------------------- # 2:create Help button # --------------------- ID_BUTTON_HELP = wx.NewId() button_help = wx.Button(self, ID_BUTTON_HELP, _("&Help"), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0) button_help.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_("Help for login screen"))) # ---------------------------- # Add buttons to the gridsizer # ---------------------------- self.button_gridsizer.Add(button_help, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) self.button_gridsizer.Add(button_login_ok, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) self.button_gridsizer.Add(button_cancel, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) self.paramsboxsizer.Add(self.pboxgrid, 1, wx.GROW | wx.ALL, 10) self.topsizer.Add(self.paramsboxsizer, 1, wx.GROW | wx.ALL, 10) self.topsizer.Add(self.button_gridsizer, 0, wx.GROW | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) self.__load_state() self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.SetSizer(self.topsizer) self.topsizer.Fit(self) if self.isDialog: self.topsizer.SetSizeHints(parent) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, ID_BUTTON_HELP, self.OnHelp) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, ID_BUTTON_LOGIN, self.__on_login_button_pressed) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, ID_BUTTON_CANCEL, self.OnCancel)