class TestGoFishTable(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.table = GoFishTable(2) # assume two players def test_initial_state(self): self.assertEqual(len(, 38) # 38 cards left in deck after dealing self.assertEqual(len(self.table.players[0].hand), 7) # each player has seven cards self.assertEqual(len(self.table.players[1].hand), 7) def test_get_winner(self): self.table.players[1].score = 1 self.assertEqual(self.table.get_winner(), 1) def test_get_winner_with_cards(self): self.table.players[0].hand = [Card(13, "Diamonds"), Card(13, "Clubs"), Card(13, "Hearts")] self.table.players[0].score = 2 self.table.players[1].score = 1 self.assertEqual(self.table.get_winner(), 0) def test_no_winner(self): self.table.players[0].hand = [Card(13, "Diamonds"), Card(13, "Clubs"), Card(13, "Hearts")] self.table.players[1].hand = [Card(13, "Spades")] self.assertEqual(self.table.winner(), False) def test_winner(self): self.table.players[1].hand = [] self.assertEqual(self.table.winner(), True)
def __init__(self): #constants: sizes, colors, etc. self.w = 1200 self.h = 800 self.card_w = int(72 / 1.5) self.card_h = int(96 / 1.5) self.turn_button_dim = (65, 15) self.card_spacing = self.card_h self.deck_x = 500 self.deck_y = 300 self.hand_area_x = 0 self.hand_area_y = 640 self.message_x = 400 self.message_y = 750 self.score_x = 0 self.score_y = 0 self.selected_player = (0, 20) self.turn_label = (0, 40) self.turn_button = (0, 60) self.color_background = (51, 204, 66) self.color_draw = (0, 0, 255) self.color_next = (255, 0, 0) #general set up PygameHelper.__init__(self, size=(self.w, self.h), fill=((255, 255, 255)), title='Go Fish') pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_background, (0, 0, self.w, self.h)) self.label_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 18) self.message_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20) #load card images self.clubs = [] = [] self.hearts = [] self.spades = [] for i in range(1, 14): self.clubs.append(pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('images/C%s.png' % i), (self.card_w, self.card_h)))'images/D%s.png' % i), (self.card_w, self.card_h))) self.hearts.append(pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('images/H%s.png' % i), (self.card_w, self.card_h))) self.spades.append(pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('images/S%s.png' % i), (self.card_w, self.card_h))) self.jokers = [pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('images/Z0.png'), (self.card_w, self.card_h)), pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('images/Z1.png'), (self.card_w, self.card_h))] #set up cards, etc. self.IS_AI_TURN = False self.TURN_IS_DONE = False self.table = GoFishTable(4) #set up 'playing area' self.hand_locs = [] self.draw_all()
class GoFishGUI(PygameHelper): def __init__(self): #constants: sizes, colors, etc. self.w = 1200 self.h = 800 self.card_w = int(72 / 1.5) self.card_h = int(96 / 1.5) self.turn_button_dim = (65, 15) self.card_spacing = self.card_h self.deck_x = 500 self.deck_y = 300 self.hand_area_x = 0 self.hand_area_y = 640 self.message_x = 400 self.message_y = 750 self.score_x = 0 self.score_y = 0 self.selected_player = (0, 20) self.turn_label = (0, 40) self.turn_button = (0, 60) self.color_background = (51, 204, 66) self.color_draw = (0, 0, 255) self.color_next = (255, 0, 0) #general set up PygameHelper.__init__(self, size=(self.w, self.h), fill=((255, 255, 255)), title='Go Fish') pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_background, (0, 0, self.w, self.h)) self.label_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 18) self.message_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20) #load card images self.clubs = [] = [] self.hearts = [] self.spades = [] for i in range(1, 14): self.clubs.append(pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('images/C%s.png' % i), (self.card_w, self.card_h)))'images/D%s.png' % i), (self.card_w, self.card_h))) self.hearts.append(pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('images/H%s.png' % i), (self.card_w, self.card_h))) self.spades.append(pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('images/S%s.png' % i), (self.card_w, self.card_h))) self.jokers = [pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('images/Z0.png'), (self.card_w, self.card_h)), pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('images/Z1.png'), (self.card_w, self.card_h))] #set up cards, etc. self.IS_AI_TURN = False self.TURN_IS_DONE = False self.table = GoFishTable(4) #set up 'playing area' self.hand_locs = [] self.draw_all() #Screen drawing methods def draw_all(self): self.draw_deck() self.draw_hand_area() self.draw_hand() self.draw_score() self.draw_selected_player() self.draw_turn_label() self.draw_turn_button() def draw_score(self): score_text = _('Scores: ') for player in self.table.players: score_text += _('%s: %s ') % (player, player.score) pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_background, (self.score_x, self.score_y, self.w, 15)) self.screen.blit(self.message_font.render(score_text, 1, (0, 0, 0)), (self.score_x, self.score_y)) def draw_selected_player(self): if self.table.other_player: sel = _('Selected Opponent: %s') % self.table.players[self.table.other_player] else: sel = _('Selected Opponent: None') pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_background, (self.selected_player[0], self.selected_player[1], self.w, 15)) self.screen.blit(self.message_font.render(sel, 1, (0, 0, 0)), (self.selected_player[0], self.selected_player[1])) def draw_message(self, message): pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_background, (0, self.message_y, self.w, 15)) self.screen.blit(self.message_font.render(message, 1, (0, 0, 0)), (self.message_x, self.message_y)) def draw_turn_button(self): pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_next, (self.turn_button[0], self.turn_button[1], self.turn_button_dim[0], self.turn_button_dim[1])) self.screen.blit(self.message_font.render(_('Next Turn'), 1, (0, 0, 0)), (self.turn_button[0] + 2, self.turn_button[1] + 2)) def draw_turn_label(self): text = _("It is %s's turn.") % self.table.players[self.table.current_player] pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_background, (self.turn_label[0], self.turn_label[1], self.w, 15)) self.screen.blit(self.message_font.render(text, 1, (0, 0, 0)), (self.turn_label[0], self.turn_label[1])) def draw_deck_label(self): pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_background, (self.w / 2 - 100, self.h / 2 + 1, 50, 10)) self.screen.blit(self.label_font.render(_('Deck: %r') % len(, 1, (0, 0, 0)), (self.deck_x, self.deck_y + self.card_spacing)) def draw_deck(self): pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_draw , (self.deck_x, self.deck_y, self.card_w, self.card_h)) self.draw_deck_label() def draw_card(self, x, y, card): if card.suit == _('Clubs'): self.screen.blit(self.clubs[card.value - 1], (x, y)) elif card.suit == _('Diamonds'): self.screen.blit([card.value - 1], (x, y)) elif card.suit == _('Hearts'): self.screen.blit(self.hearts[card.value - 1], (x, y)) elif card.suit == _('Spades'): self.screen.blit(self.spades[card.value - 1], (x, y)) else: self.screen.blit(self.jokers[0], (x, y)) self.draw_deck_label() def draw_hand(self): self.hand_locs = [] self.draw_hand_area() for i, c in enumerate(self.table.players[0].hand): self.draw_card(i + i * self.card_spacing, self.hand_area_y, c) self.hand_locs.append((i + i * self.card_spacing, self.hand_area_y)) def draw_hand_area(self): pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_background, (self.hand_area_x, self.hand_area_y, self.w, self.hand_area_y)) pygame.draw.line(self.screen, (0,0,0), (self.hand_area_x, self.hand_area_y), (self.w, self.hand_area_y)) #click checking def click_is_in(self, xr, yr, pos): return pos[0] >= xr[0] and pos[0] <= xr[1] and pos[1] >= yr[0] and pos[1] <= yr[1] def check_draw_click(self): if len( == 0: self.draw_message(_('No more cards to draw!')) def click_is_in_hand(self, pos): print for p in self.table.players: print _('%s: %s') % (p, p.hand) print message = '' temp = None for i, loc in enumerate(self.hand_locs): if self.click_is_in((loc[0], loc[0] + self.card_w), (loc[1], loc[1] + self.card_w), pos): temp = self.table.players[0].hand[i] if temp: if not self.table.other_player: message = _('Choose a player to take a card from!') else: message = self.table.play_turn(temp.value) self.TURN_IS_DONE = True self.IS_AI_TURN = True #redraw stuff self.draw_all() self.draw_message(message) #general pygame stuff def mouseUp(self, button, pos): if not self.table.winner(): if button == 1: self.draw_all() if self.click_is_in((self.turn_button[0], self.turn_button[0] + self.turn_button_dim[0]) , (self.turn_button[1], self.turn_button[1] + self.turn_button_dim[1]), pos) and self.TURN_IS_DONE: self.draw_turn_label() if self.IS_AI_TURN: #an AI player's turn msg = self.table.play_turn() #no args for AI player self.draw_message(msg) self.TURN_IS_DONE = True if self.table.current_player == 0: self.IS_AI_TURN = False else: self.TURN_IS_DONE = False #Human player's turn elif not self.TURN_IS_DONE: if self.click_is_in((self.deck_x, self.deck_x + self.card_w), (self.deck_y, self.deck_y + self.card_h), pos): #check if drawing a card self.check_draw_click() elif pos[1] >= self.hand_area_y and len(self.table.players[0].hand) > 0 and self.table.current_player == 0: #check if clicking card in hand self.click_is_in_hand(pos) else: self.draw_message(_('The turn is over! Please press the next button.')) else: winner = self.table.players[self.table.get_winner()] self.draw_message(_('%s is the winner with %s matches!') % (winner, winner.score)) def update(self): pass def keyUp(self, key): if key >= 49 and key <= 57: #key pressed is 1 - 9 delta = key - 48 if len(self.table.players) - 1 < delta: self.draw_message(_("You don't have that many opponents!")) else: self.table.other_player = delta self.draw_all() self.draw_message(_('You have selected opponent %s') % self.table.players[delta]) def mouseMotion(self, buttons, pos, rel): pass def draw(self): pass
def setUp(self): self.table = GoFishTable(2) # assume two players