def Plot2dHistograms(datasetsMgr, dsetName, histoName, index): msg = "%s%s (%s)%s" % (ShellStyles.SuccessStyle(), histoName, dsetName, ShellStyles.NormalStyle()) aux.PrintFlushed(msg, index == 1) # Custom Filtering of datasets dsetsMgr = datasetsMgr.deepCopy() if opts.verbose: dsetsMgr.PrintInfo() # Get Histogram name and its kwargs saveName = histoName.rsplit("/")[-1] + "_" + dsetName.split( "_")[0] + dsetName.split("_")[-1] kwargs_ = GetHistoKwargs(saveName, opts) for i, d in enumerate(dsetsMgr.getAllDatasetNames(), 0): if d == dsetName: continue else: # Remove dataset from manager but do NOT close the file! dsetsMgr.remove(d, close=False) # Sanity check nDatasets = len(dsetsMgr.getAllDatasets()) if nDatasets > 1: raise Exception( "More than 1 datasets detected in the dataset manager! Can only support 1 dataset. Please use the -i option to choose exactly 1 dataset'" ) # Get the reference histo and the list of histos to compare datasets0 = dsetsMgr.getAllDatasets()[0].getName() histoList = [getHisto(dsetsMgr, datasets0, histoName)] # Create the 2d plot Verbose("Creating the 2d plot", True) if opts.normalizeToLumi: p = plots.MCPlot(dsetsMgr, histoName, normalizeToLumi=opts.intLumi, saveFormats=[]) elif opts.normalizeByCrossSection: p = plots.MCPlot(dsetsMgr, histoName, normalizeByCrossSection=True, saveFormats=[], **{}) elif opts.normalizeToOne: p = plots.MCPlot(dsetsMgr, histoName, normalizeToOne=True, saveFormats=[], **{}) else: raise Exception( "One of the options --normalizeToOne, --normalizeByCrossSection, --normalizeToLumi must be enabled (set to \"True\")." ) Verbose("Setting universal histo styles", True) p.histoMgr.setHistoDrawStyleAll("COLZ") #p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendStyleAll("L") Verbose("Customising histograms", True) p.histoMgr.forEachHisto( lambda h: h.getRootHisto().GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3)) #fixme Verbose("Setting plot styles to histograms", True) for index, h in enumerate(p.histoMgr.getHistos()): plots._plotStyles[p.histoMgr.getHistos() [index].getDataset().getName()].apply( p.histoMgr.getHistos()[index].getRootHisto()) Verbose("Drawing the plot", True) plots.drawPlot(p, saveName, **kwargs_) #the "**" unpacks the kwargs_ dictionary # Add fit line for shrinking cone? const = 0.0 coeff = 0.0 step = 1 xmin = 0 xmax = 0 if "GenP_VisEt_Vs" in histoName: const = 5.0 #3.5 coeff = 1.0 step = 100 xmin = 0 xmax = 30 if "GenP_PtLdg_Vs" in histoName: const = 2.5 #2.0 coeff = 1.0 step = 100 xmin = 0 xmax = 30 if "VtxIso_Vs_RelIso" in histoName: const = -0.5 coeff = 0.3 #0.4 step = 100 xmin = 0 xmax = 0 #3 if "GenP_VisEt_Vs" in histoName or "GenP_PtLdg_Vs" in histoName: gr = getCustomTGraph(histoName, const, coeff, xmin, xmax, step) gr.SetLineWidth(3) gr.Draw("L same") Verbose("Removing the legend", True) p.removeLegend() Verbose("Adding text on canvas", True) histograms.addText(0.22, 0.89, plots._legendLabels[datasets0], 18) #histograms.addText(0.5, 0.89, plots._legendLabels[datasets0], 18) Verbose("Saving the canvas", True) aux.SavePlot(p, opts.saveDir, saveName, opts.saveFormats, opts.url) return
def PlotHisto(datasetsMgr, h): Verbose("Plotting histogram %s" % (h), True) dsetsMgr = datasetsMgr.deepCopy() # Create the plot with selected normalization kwargs = {} hList = getHistoList(dsetsMgr, h) if opts.normalizeToOne: p = plots.ComparisonManyPlot(hList[0], hList[1:], saveFormats=[], **kwargs) # For-loop: All histograms in manager normValue = 1.0 for hist in p.histoMgr.getHistos(): # print "hist.getRootHisto().GetName() = ", hist.getRootHisto().GetName() # print "histo.getRootHistos().GetBinContent(1) = ", hist.getRootHisto().GetBinContent(1) normValue = hist.getRootHisto().GetBinContent(1) hist.getRootHisto().Scale(1.0 / normValue) # Normalise wrt bin #1 #p.histoMgr.forEachHisto(lambda h: h.getRootHisto().Scale(1.0/normValue) ) else: p = plots.ComparisonManyPlot(hList[0], hList[1:], saveFormats=[], **kwargs) #p = plots.PlotSameBase(dsetsMgr, h, saveFormats=[], **kwargs) # Set default styles (Called by default in MCPlot) p._setLegendStyles() p._setLegendLabels() p._setPlotStyles() # Customise legend for d in dsetsMgr.getAllDatasetNames(): if "SingleNeutrino" in d: p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendStyle(d, "F") else: p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendStyle(d, "L") p.histoMgr.setHistoDrawStyle(d, "HIST9") # Create legend if 0: p.setLegend( histograms.createLegend( 0.18, 0.86 - 0.04 * len(dsetsMgr.getAllDatasetNames()), 0.42, 0.92)) else: p.setLegend( histograms.createLegend( 0.58, 0.86 - 0.04 * len(dsetsMgr.getAllDatasetNames()), 0.92, 0.92)) # Draw a customised plot kwargs = GetHistoKwargs(h, opts) plots.drawPlot(p, h, **kwargs) # Remove legend? if kwargs["removeLegend"]: p.removeLegend() # Save in all formats chosen by user aux.SavePlot(p, opts.saveDir, h, opts.saveFormats, opts.url) return
def PlotRateVsEff(datasetsMgr, effHistoList, rateHistoList, signal, bkg, sPU, bPU): # Definitions tgraphs = [] legDict = {} aux.PrintFlushed("Plotting ROC (%s-%s)" % (bkg, signal), False) #count==0) # Get Histogram name and its kwargs if "ditau" in effHistoList[0].lower(): if "TT_" in signal or "GluGlu" in signal: pass else: return saveName = "RateVsEff_DiTau_%s_PU%s_MBPU%s" % (signal.split("_")[0], sPU, bPU) else: saveName = "RateVsEff_SingleTau_%s_PU%s_MBPU%s" % ( signal.split("_")[0], sPU, bPU) kwargs_ = GetHistoKwargs(saveName, opts) for i in range(0, len(effHistoList)): if (i == 0): g1 = convert2RateVsEffTGraph(datasetsMgr, effHistoList[i], rateHistoList[i], signal, bkg) g1.SetName("Calo") elif (i == 1): g2 = convert2RateVsEffTGraph(datasetsMgr, effHistoList[i], rateHistoList[i], signal, bkg) g2.SetName("CaloIso") # Create the Rate Vs Efficiency TGraphs p = plots.ComparisonManyPlot(g1, [g2], saveFormats=[]) algos = getAlgos() # Set individual styles for index, h in enumerate(p.histoMgr.getHistos()): hName = h.getName() legDict[hName] = algos[index] #styles.getCaloLegend(index) p.histoMgr.forHisto(hName, styles.getTauAlgoStyle( h.getName())) #styles.getCaloStyle(index)) p.histoMgr.setHistoDrawStyle(h.getName(), "LX") # "X" = Do not draw error bars p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendStyle(h.getName(), "L") #LP # Set legend labels p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendLabelMany(legDict) # Draw and save the plot saveName = saveName.replace("RateVsEff_", "") plots.drawPlot(p, saveName, **kwargs_) #the "**" unpacks the kwargs_ dictionary # Draw Error bands if opts.errorBands: #for i, g in enumerate([g0, g1, g2, g3, g4]): for i, g in enumerate([g1, g2, g3]): shapes, min, max = DrawErrorBand(g) for shape in shapes: shape.SetFillColor( p.histoMgr.getHistos()[i].getRootHisto().GetFillColor()) shape.SetFillStyle(3002) shape.Draw("f same") ROOT.gPad.RedrawAxis() histograms.addPileupText("PU=%s" % (bPU)) histograms.addText(0.55, 0.48, plots._legendLabels[signal], 18) # Save the plots in custom list of saveFormats aux.SavePlot(p, opts.saveDir, saveName, opts.saveFormats, True) return
def PlotTurnOns(datasetsMgr, histoList, signal, PU, saveName=None): # Get Histogram name and its kwargs myRegex = "(?:TurnOn)(.*)" m =, histoList[0]) threshold = if saveName == None: #saveName = "TurnOns_%sGeV_%s" % (threshold, signal) saveName = "TurnOns_%s_%s" % (threshold, signal) kwargs = GetHistoKwargs(saveName, opts) hList = [] legDict = {} algos = getAlgos() if "_all" in saveName: algos = [ "Inclusive", "1-prong", "3-prong", "#geq 1 #pi^{0}'s", "0 #pi^{0}'s" ] # For-loop: All tau algorithms for l, hName in enumerate(histoList, 0): algo = hName.split("_")[0] msg = "Turn-on for \"%s\" algorithm (%s)" % (algo, signal) aux.PrintFlushed(msg, False) #aux.Print(msg, True) h = datasetsMgr.getDataset(signal).getDatasetRootHisto( hName).getHistogram() h.SetName(hName) legDict[hName] = algos[l] hList.append(h) # Create the rate histograms p = plots.ComparisonManyPlot(hList[0], hList[1:], saveFormats=[]) # Set legend labels for i, h in enumerate(p.histoMgr.getHistos(), 0): hName = h.getName() algo = h.getName().split("_")[0] if algo == "DiTau": algo = hName.split("_")[-1] if "_all" in saveName: p.histoMgr.forHisto(hName, styles.getCaloStyle(i)) else: p.histoMgr.forHisto(hName, styles.getTauAlgoStyle(algo)) p.histoMgr.setHistoDrawStyle(hName, "AP") p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendStyle(hName, "P") # Set legend labels p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendLabelMany(legDict) # Draw and save the plot saveName = saveName.replace("TurnOns_", "") plots.drawPlot(p, saveName, **kwargs) # Add additional canvas text histograms.addPileupText("PU=%s" % (PU)) histograms.addText(0.22, 0.86, plots._legendLabels[signal], 17) # Save the plots in custom list of saveFormats aux.SavePlot(p, opts.saveDir, saveName, opts.saveFormats, True) return
def PlotEfficiency(datasetsMgr, histoList, signal, PU, taus): # Get Histogram name and its kwargs saveName = "Efficiency_%s_%s" % (taus, signal) #saveName = "Efficiency_%s_PU%s" % (taus, PU) # "Rate_" here incuded to apply customisations with kwargs. Drop later kwargs = GetHistoKwargs(saveName, opts) hList = [] legDict = {} algos = getAlgos() # For-loop: All tau algorithms count = -1 for i, hName in enumerate(histoList, 0): algo = hName.split("_")[0] if algo == "DiTau": if "TT_" in signal or "GluGlu" in signal: pass else: return algo = hName.split("_")[-1] count += 1 aux.PrintFlushed("Plotting efficiency (%s-%s-%s)" % (algo, taus, signal), False) #count==0) h = datasetsMgr.getDataset(signal).getDatasetRootHisto( hName).getHistogram() h.SetName(hName) legDict[hName] = algos[i] hList.append(h) # Create the rate histograms p = plots.ComparisonManyPlot(hList[0], hList[1:], saveFormats=[]) # Set legend labels for h in p.histoMgr.getHistos(): hName = h.getName() algo = h.getName().split("_")[0] if algo == "DiTau": algo = hName.split("_")[-1] p.histoMgr.forHisto(hName, styles.getTauAlgoStyle(algo)) p.histoMgr.setHistoDrawStyle(hName, "HIST") p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendStyle(hName, "L") # Set legend labels p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendLabelMany(legDict) # Draw and save the plot saveName = saveName.replace( "Efficiency_", "") # drop "Efficiency_" only AFTER getting histo kwargs #saveName = "%s_%s_%s" % (taus, algo, signal) # drop "Efficiency_" only AFTER getting histo kwargs plots.drawPlot(p, saveName, **kwargs) # Add additional canvas text histograms.addPileupText("PU=%s" % (PU)) histograms.addText(0.66, 0.86, plots._legendLabels[signal], 17) # Save the plots in custom list of saveFormats aux.SavePlot(p, opts.saveDir, saveName, opts.saveFormats, True) #print return
def PlotHisto(datasetsMgr, h): dsetsMgr = datasetsMgr.deepCopy() if "_eff" in h.lower(): dsetsMgr.remove("SingleNeutrino_L1TPU140", close=False) dsetsMgr.remove("SingleNeutrino_L1TPU200", close=False) opts.normalizeToOne = False elif "_deltargenp" in h.lower(): dsetsMgr.remove("SingleNeutrino_L1TPU140", close=False) dsetsMgr.remove("SingleNeutrino_L1TPU200", close=False) elif "_resolution" in h.lower(): dsetsMgr.remove("SingleNeutrino_L1TPU140", close=False) dsetsMgr.remove("SingleNeutrino_L1TPU200", close=False) elif "_rate" in h.lower(): opts.normalizeToOne = False for d in dsetsMgr.getAllDatasetNames(): if "SingleNeutrino" in d: continue else: dsetsMgr.remove(d, close=False) else: pass # Create the plot with selected normalization ("normalizeToOne", "normalizeByCrossSection", "normalizeToLumi") kwargs = {} hList = getHistoList(dsetsMgr, h) if opts.normalizeToOne: if 1: p = plots.ComparisonManyPlot(hList[0], hList[1:], saveFormats=[], **kwargs) norm = True for hist in p.histoMgr.getHistos(): if hist.getRootHisto().Integral() == 0: norm = False break if (norm): p.histoMgr.forEachHisto(lambda h: h.getRootHisto().Scale( 1.0 / h.getRootHisto().Integral())) else: # p = plots.MCPlot(dsetsMgr, h, normalizeToOne=True, saveFormats=[], **kwargs) p = plots.PlotSameBase(dsetsMgr, h, normalizeToOne=True, saveFormats=[], **kwargs) else: if 1: p = plots.ComparisonManyPlot(hList[0], hList[1:], saveFormats=[], **kwargs) #FIXME else: # p = plots.MCPlot(dsetsMgr, h, normalizeToLumi=opts.intLumi, saveFormats=[], **kwargs) p = plots.PlotSameBase(dsetsMgr, h, saveFormats=[], **kwargs) # Set default styles (Called by default in MCPlot) p._setLegendStyles() p._setLegendLabels() p._setPlotStyles() # Customise legend for d in dsetsMgr.getAllDatasetNames(): if "SingleNeutrino" in d: p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendStyle(d, "F") else: p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendStyle(d, "L") p.histoMgr.setHistoDrawStyle(d, "HIST9") #p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendStyle(d, "P") #"L" #p.histoMgr.setHistoDrawStyle(d, "AP") # Create legend if 0: p.setLegend( histograms.createLegend( 0.18, 0.86 - 0.04 * len(dsetsMgr.getAllDatasetNames()), 0.42, 0.92)) else: p.setLegend( histograms.createLegend( 0.58, 0.86 - 0.04 * len(dsetsMgr.getAllDatasetNames()), 0.92, 0.92)) # Draw a customised plot kwargs = GetHistoKwargs(h, opts) plots.drawPlot(p, h, **kwargs) # Remove legend? if kwargs["removeLegend"]: p.removeLegend() # Save in all formats chosen by user aux.SavePlot(p, opts.saveDir, h, opts.saveFormats, opts.url) return