Example #1
def test_hardcoded(num_tests=200, verbose=False):
    print("     TESTING HARDCODED      ")
    classifier = HardCodedClassifier()
    tester = ClassifierTesterIris(classifier)
    tester.test(num_tests, verbose)
shell = Shell(iris.data, iris.target, classifier)


num_correct = 0
for predicted, target in zip(shell.predictions, shell.targets_test):
    if predicted == target:
        num_correct += 1

accuracy = num_correct / len(shell.targets_test)

print(f"Accuracy of GaussianNB Model: {round(accuracy * 100)}%")

""" Test HardCodedClassifier """
hardcoded_classifier = HardCodedClassifier()
new_shell = Shell(iris.data, iris.target, hardcoded_classifier)


""" Calculate accuracy """
num_correct = 0
for predicted, target in zip(new_shell.predictions, new_shell.targets_test):
    if predicted == target:
        num_correct += 1

accuracy = num_correct / len(new_shell.targets_test)

print(f"Accuracy of Hard-Coded Model: {round(accuracy * 100)}%")
Example #3

classifier = GaussianNB()
classifier.fit(X_train, Y_train)

print("Predicted --------  Real")
countCorrect = 0
for xt, yt in zip(classifier.predict(X_test), Y_test):
    print(xt, "---------", yt)
    if xt == yt:
        countCorrect += 1

print("Naive Bayes Gaussian Accuracy: ",
      100 * round(countCorrect / len(Y_test), 2), "%")

mClassifier = HardCodedClassifier()

model = mClassifier.fit(X_train, Y_train)

predicted = model.predict(X_test)

countCorrect = 0
print("Predicted ------  Real")
for xt, yt in zip(predicted, Y_test):
    if xt == 0:
        xt = "setosa"

    print(xt, "---------", yt)

    if xt == yt:
        countCorrect += 1
Example #4
def get_multiple_classifiers(is_regressor_data):
    # The classifiers dictionary will have a key with its name as a string
    # and the value will be the classifier class
    classifiers = dict()

    # Gets the classifiers the user wants to compare
    print("Which algorithms would you like to test?")
        "(Enter an algorithm one at a time, pressing enter after each addition)"
    response = ""

    # If the data set is regressor data, only displays algorithms that can handle it.
    if is_regressor_data:
        while response != "done" and response != "Done":
            print("1 - Hard Coded Nearest Neighbor Classifier")
            print("2 - scikit-learn Nearest Neighbor Regressor")
            print("3 - Hard Coded Classifier")
            print("Type \"done\" when completed.")
            response = input("> ")
            if response == '1':
                k = get_k('K')
                    "Hard Coded Nearest Neighbor Classifier with a K of " +
                    str(k)] = kNNClassifier(k)
            elif response == '2':
                k = get_k('K')
                classifiers["sci-learn Nearest Neighbor Regressor with a K of "
                            + str(k)] = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=k)
            elif response == '3':
                classifiers["Hard Coded Classifier"] = HardCodedClassifier()
            elif response != "Done" and response != "done":
                print("Not a valid response.")

        while response != "done" and response != "Done":
            print("1 - scikit-learn Gaussian")
            print("2 - Hard Coded Nearest Neighbor Classifier")
            print("3 - scikit-learn Nearest Neighbor Classifier")
            print("4 - Decision Tree Classifier")
            print("5 - Hard Coded Nerual Network Classifier")
            print("6 - scikit-learn Neural Network Classifier")
            print("7 - scikit-learn Bagging Classifier")
            print("8 - scikit-learn Random Forest Classifier")
            print("9 - scikit-learn Ada Boost Classifier")
            print("10 - Hard Coded Classifier")
            print("Type \"done\" when completed.")
            response = input("> ")
            if response == '1':
                classifiers["scikit-learn Gaussian"] = GaussianNB()
            elif response == '2':
                k = get_k('K')
                    "Hard Coded Nearest Neighbor Classifier with a K of " +
                    str(k)] = kNNClassifier(k)
            elif response == '3':
                k = get_k('K')
                classifiers["sci-learn Nearest Neighbor Classifier with a K of " + str(k)] = \
            elif response == '4':
                    "Decision Tree Classifier"] = DecisionTreeClassifier()
            elif response == '5':
                    "Hard Coded Neural Network Classifier"] = NeuralNetworkCalssifier(
            elif response == '6':
                    "scikit-learn Neural Network Classifier"] = MLPClassifier(
            elif response == '7':
                sample = set_sample()
                features = set_features()
                k = get_k('k')
                classifiers["scikit-learn Bagging Classifier sample=" +
                            str(sample) + " feature=" + str(features) + " k=" +
                            str(k)] = BaggingClassifier(
            elif response == '8':
                k = get_k('n')
                classifiers["scikit-learn Random Forest Classifier n=" +
                            str(k)] = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=k)
            elif response == '9':
                k = get_k('n')
                classifiers["scikit-learn Ada Boost Classifier n=" +
                            str(k)] = AdaBoostClassifier(n_estimators=k)
            elif response == '10':
                classifiers["Hard Coded Classifier"] = HardCodedClassifier()
            elif response != "Done" and response != "done":
                print("Not a valid response.")

    # Returns a map of classifiers with their name as they key and the classifier as the value
    return classifiers
Example #5
def get_classifier(is_regressor_data):
    # Prompts the user for their desired algorithm
    print("Which algorithm would you like to use?")
    # Only returns classifier data that can handle regressors if were using regressor data
    if is_regressor_data:
        while True:
            print("1 - Hard Coded Nearest Neighbor Classifier")
            print("2 - scikit-learn Nearest Neighbor Regressor")
            print("3 - Hard Coded Classifier")
            algorithm_response = input("> ")

            if algorithm_response == '1':
                k = get_k('k')
                return kNNClassifier(
                ), "Hard Coded Nearest Neighbor Classifier with a K of " + str(
            elif algorithm_response == '2':
                k = get_k('k')
                return KNeighborsRegressor(
                ), "sci-learn Nearest Neighbor Regressor with a K of " + str(k)
            elif algorithm_response == '3':
                return HardCodedClassifier(), "Hard Coded Classifier"
                print("Not a valid response.")
        while True:
            print("1 - scikit-learn Gaussian")
            print("2 - Hard Coded Nearest Neighbor Classifier")
            print("3 - scikit-learn Nearest Neighbor Classifier")
            print("4 - Decision Tree Classifier")
            print("5 - Hard Coded Neural Network Classifier")
            print("6 - scikit-learn Neural Network Classifier")
            print("7 - scikit-learn Bagging Classifier")
            print("8 - scikit-learn Random Forest Classifier")
            print("9 - scikit-learn Ada Boost Classifier")
            print("10 - Hard Coded Classifier")
            algorithm_response = input("> ")

            if algorithm_response == '1':
                return GaussianNB(), "Gaussian"
            elif algorithm_response == '2':
                k = get_k('K')
                return kNNClassifier(
                ), "Hard Coded Nearest Neighbor Classifier with a K of " + str(
            elif algorithm_response == '3':
                k = get_k('K')
                return KNeighborsClassifier(
                ), "sci-learn Nearest Neighbor Classifier with a K of " + str(
            elif algorithm_response == '4':
                return DecisionTreeClassifier(), "Decision Tree Classifier"
            elif algorithm_response == '5':
                return NeuralNetworkCalssifier(
                ), "Hard Coded Neural Network Classifier"
            elif algorithm_response == '6':
                return MLPClassifier(
                ), "scikit-learn Neural Network Classifier"
            elif algorithm_response == '7':
                sample = set_sample()
                feature = set_features()
                k = get_k('k')
                return BaggingClassifier(KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k), max_samples=sample, max_features=feature),\
                       "scikit-learn Bagging Classifier sample=" + str(sample) + " feature=" + str(feature) + " k=" + str(k)
            elif algorithm_response == '8':
                k = get_k('n')
                return RandomForestClassifier(
                ), "scikit-learn Random Forest Classifier n=" + str(k)
            elif algorithm_response == '9':
                k = get_k('n')
                return AdaBoostClassifier(
                ), "scikit-learn Ada Boost Classifier n=" + str(k)
            elif algorithm_response == '10':
                return HardCodedClassifier(), "Hard Coded Classifier"
                print("Not a valid response.")
Example #6
target_predicted = model.predict(data_test)

missed = 0
j = 0

for i in target_predicted:
    if i != target_test[j]:
        missed += 1
    j += 1

accuracy = int(((target_test.size - missed) / target_test.size) * 100)

print("Gaussian Accuracy = ", accuracy, "%\n")

classifier2 = HardCodedClassifier()
model2 = classifier2.fit(data_train, target_train)

target_predicted2 = model2.predict(data_test)

missed = 0

for i in range(len(target_predicted2)):
    if target_predicted2[i] != target_test[i]:
        missed += 1

accuracy2 = int(((target_test.size - missed) / target_test.size) * 100)

print("My Accuracy = ", accuracy2, "%\n")

Example #7
gausswrong = 0
for x in xrange(len(gausstargets_predicted)):
    if gausstargets_predicted[x] != test_target[x]:
        gausswrong = gausswrong + 1


print("gauss accuracy")
print((len(test_target) - gausswrong) / float(len(test_target)))

classifier = HardCodedClassifier()
model = classifier.fit(train_data, train_target)
targets_predicted = model.predict(test_data)

wrong = 0
for x in xrange(len(targets_predicted)):
    if targets_predicted[x] != test_target[x]:
        wrong = wrong + 1


print((len(test_target) - wrong) / float(len(test_target)))