Example #1
 def _compute(self):
     self.k = self.label2nf(self.nflabel)
     self._modulus = self.label2ideal(self.k, self.modlabel)
     self.G = RayClassGroup(self.k, self._modulus)
     self.H = self.G.dual_group()
     #self.number = lmfdb_label2hecke(self.numlabel)
     # make this canonical
     self.modlabel = self.ideal2label(self._modulus)
     self.credit = "Pari, SageMath"
     self.codelangs = ('pari', 'sage')
     self.parity = None
     logger.debug('###### WebHeckeComputed')
Example #2
 def _compute(self):
     self.k = self.label2nf(self.nflabel)
     self._modulus = self.label2ideal(self.k, self.modlabel)
     self.G = RayClassGroup(self.k, self._modulus)
     self.H = self.G.dual_group()
     #self.number = lmfdb_label2hecke(self.numlabel)
     # make this canonical
     self.modlabel = self.ideal2label(self._modulus)
     self.credit = "Pari, SageMath"
     self.codelangs = ('pari', 'sage')
     self.parity = None
     logger.debug('###### WebHeckeComputed')
Example #3
class WebHecke(WebCharObject):
    """ FIXME design issue: should underlying group elements be represented
        by tuples or by representative ideals ?
        for computations tuples are much better, this is also more compact.
    def _compute(self):
        self.k = self.label2nf(self.nflabel)
        self._modulus = self.label2ideal(self.k, self.modlabel)
        self.G = RayClassGroup(self.k, self._modulus)
        self.H = self.G.dual_group()
        #self.number = lmfdb_label2hecke(self.numlabel)
        # make this canonical
        self.modlabel = self.ideal2label(self._modulus)
        self.credit = "Pari, SageMath"
        self.codelangs = ('pari', 'sage')
        self.parity = None
        logger.debug('###### WebHeckeComputed')

    def generators(self):
        """ use representative ideals """
        return self.textuple( map(self.ideal2tex, self.G.gen_ideals() ), tag=False )

    """ labeling conventions are put here """

    def char2tex(c, val='\cdot',tag=True):
        """ c is a Hecke character """
        number = ','.join(map(str,c.exponents()))
        s = r'\chi_{%s}(%s)'%(number,val)
        if tag:
            return r'\(%s\)'%s
            return s

    def _char_desc(self, c, modlabel=None, prim=None):
        """ c is a Hecke character of modulus self.modulus
            unless modlabel is specified
        if modlabel == None:
            modlabel = self.modlabel
        numlabel = self.number2label( c.exponents() )
        if prim == None:
            prim = c.is_primitive()
        return (modlabel, numlabel, self.char2tex(c), prim ) 

    def ideal2tex(ideal):
        a,b = ideal.gens_two()
        return "\(\langle %s, %s\\rangle\)"%(a._latex_(), b._latex_())
    def ideal2label(ideal):
        labeling convention for ideal f:
        use two elements representation f = (n,b)
        with n = f cap Z an integer
         and b an algebraic element sum b_i a^i
        label f as n.b1+b2*a^2+...bn*a^n
        (dot between n and b, a is the field generator, use '+' and )
        a,b = ideal.gens_two()
        s = '+'.join( '%sa%i'%(b,i) for i,b in enumerate(b.polynomial().list())
                                      if b != 0 ) 
        return "%s.%s"%(a,s.replace('+-','-').replace('/','o'))

    def label2ideal(k,label):
        """ k = underlying number field """
        if label.count('.'):
            n, b = label.split(".")
            n, b = label, '0'
        a = k.gen()
        # FIXME: dangerous
        n, b = evalpolelt(n,a,'a'), evalpolelt(b,a,'a')
        n, b = k(n), k(b)
        return k.ideal( (n,b) )

    underlying group contains ideal classes, but are represented
    as exponent tuples on cyclic components (not canonical, but
    more compact)
    #group2tex = ideal2tex
    #group2label = ideal2label
    #label2group = label2ideal
    def group2tex(x, tag=True):
        if not isinstance(x, tuple):
            x = x.exponents()
        #s =  '\cdot '.join('g_{%i}^{%i}'%(i,e) for i,e in enumerate(x) if e>0)
        s = []
        for i,e in enumerate(x):
            if e > 0:
                if e==1:
        s =  '\cdot '.join(s)
        if s == '': s = '1'
        if tag: s = '\(%s\)'%s
        return s

    def group2label(self,x):
        return self.number2label(x.exponents())

    def label2group(self,x):
        """ x is either an element of k or a tuple of ints or an ideal """
        if x.count('.'):
            x = self.label2ideal(self.k,x)
        elif x.count('a'):
            a = self.k.gen()
            x = evalpolelt(x,a,'a')
        elif x.count(','):
            x = tuple(map(int,x.split(',')))
        return self.G(x)

    def number2label(number):
        return '.'.join(map(str,number))

    def label2number(label):
        return map(int,label.split('.'))

    def label2nf(label):
        return WebNumberField(label).K()
        # FIXME: replace by calls to WebNF
        #x = var('x')
        #pol = evalpolelt(label,x,'x')
        #return NumberField(pol,'a')

    def groupelts(self):
        return map(self.group2tex, self.Gelts())

    def Gelts(self):
        res = []
        c = 1
        for x in self.G.iter_exponents():
            c += 1
            if c > self.maxcols:
                self.coltruncate = True
        return res
Example #4
 def chargroup(self, mod):
     return RayClassGroup(self.k, mod).dual_group()
Example #5
class WebHecke(WebCharObject):
    """ FIXME design issue: should underlying group elements be represented
        by tuples or by representative ideals ?
        for computations tuples are much better, this is also more compact.
    def _compute(self):
        self.k = self.label2nf(self.nflabel)
        self._modulus = self.label2ideal(self.k, self.modlabel)
        self.G = RayClassGroup(self.k, self._modulus)
        self.H = self.G.dual_group()
        #self.number = lmfdb_label2hecke(self.numlabel)
        # make this canonical
        self.modlabel = self.ideal2label(self._modulus)
        self.credit = "Pari, SageMath"
        self.codelangs = ('pari', 'sage')
        self.parity = None
        logger.debug('###### WebHeckeComputed')

    def generators(self):
        """ use representative ideals """
        return self.textuple(map(self.ideal2tex, self.G.gen_ideals()),

    """ labeling conventions are put here """

    def char2tex(c, val='\cdot', tag=True):
        """ c is a Hecke character """
        number = ','.join(map(str, c.exponents()))
        s = r'\chi_{%s}(%s)' % (number, val)
        if tag:
            return r'\(%s\)' % s
            return s

    def _char_desc(self, c, modlabel=None, prim=None):
        """ c is a Hecke character of modulus self.modulus
            unless modlabel is specified
        if modlabel == None:
            modlabel = self.modlabel
        numlabel = self.number2label(c.exponents())
        if prim == None:
            prim = c.is_primitive()
        return (modlabel, numlabel, self.char2tex(c), prim)

    def ideal2tex(ideal):
        a, b = ideal.gens_two()
        return "\(\langle %s, %s\\rangle\)" % (a._latex_(), b._latex_())

    def ideal2label(ideal):
        labeling convention for ideal f:
        use two elements representation f = (n,b)
        with n = f cap Z an integer
         and b an algebraic element sum b_i a^i
        label f as n.b1+b2*a^2+...bn*a^n
        (dot between n and b, a is the field generator, use '+' and )
        a, b = ideal.gens_two()
        s = '+'.join('%sa%i' % (b, i)
                     for i, b in enumerate(b.polynomial().list()) if b != 0)
        return "%s.%s" % (a, s.replace('+-', '-').replace('/', 'o'))

    def label2ideal(k, label):
        """ k = underlying number field """
        if label.count('.'):
            n, b = label.split(".")
            n, b = label, '0'
        a = k.gen()
        # FIXME: dangerous
        n, b = evalpolelt(n, a, 'a'), evalpolelt(b, a, 'a')
        n, b = k(n), k(b)
        return k.ideal((n, b))

    underlying group contains ideal classes, but are represented
    as exponent tuples on cyclic components (not canonical, but
    more compact)
    #group2tex = ideal2tex
    #group2label = ideal2label
    #label2group = label2ideal
    def group2tex(x, tag=True):
        if not isinstance(x, tuple):
            x = x.exponents()
        #s =  '\cdot '.join('g_{%i}^{%i}'%(i,e) for i,e in enumerate(x) if e>0)
        s = []
        for i, e in enumerate(x):
            if e > 0:
                if e == 1:
                    s.append('g_{%i}' % i)
                    s.append('g_{%i}^{%i}' % (i, e))
        s = '\cdot '.join(s)
        if s == '': s = '1'
        if tag: s = '\(%s\)' % s
        return s

    def group2label(self, x):
        return self.number2label(x.exponents())

    def label2group(self, x):
        """ x is either an element of k or a tuple of ints or an ideal """
        if x.count('.'):
            x = self.label2ideal(self.k, x)
        elif x.count('a'):
            a = self.k.gen()
            x = evalpolelt(x, a, 'a')
        elif x.count(','):
            x = tuple(map(int, x.split(',')))
        return self.G(x)

    def number2label(number):
        return '.'.join(map(str, number))

    def label2number(label):
        return map(int, label.split('.'))

    def label2nf(label):
        return WebNumberField(label).K()
        # FIXME: replace by calls to WebNF
        #x = var('x')
        #pol = evalpolelt(label,x,'x')
        #return NumberField(pol,'a')

    def groupelts(self):
        return map(self.group2tex, self.Gelts())

    def Gelts(self):
        res = []
        c = 1
        for x in self.G.iter_exponents():
            c += 1
            if c > self.maxcols:
                self.coltruncate = True
        return res