def test_classifier(self): device = 'cuda:0' if self._args.cuda else 'cpu' # Iterate over test dataset dataset = self._test_iterator # loss #loss_func = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(device) # progress bar test_bar = tqdm(desc='split=test', total=len(dataset), position=0) running_loss = 0.0 running_acc = 0.0 self._classifier.eval() test_bar.reset() for batch_index, batch_data in enumerate(dataset): # the validate routine is these 4 steps: # step 0. get data x_data, target_y = batch_data.text, batch_data.label # step 1. compute the output y_pred = self._classifier(x_data=x_data) y_pred = y_pred.squeeze() # step 2. compute the loss loss = loss_func(y_pred, target_y) loss_t = loss.item() running_loss += (loss_t - running_loss) / (batch_index + 1) # setp 3. compute the accuracy acc_t = compute_accuracy_multi(y_pred, running_acc += (acc_t - running_acc) / (batch_index + 1) # update bar test_bar.set_postfix(loss=running_loss, acc=running_acc) test_bar.update() return running_loss, running_acc
def train_one_epoch(self, epoch_index): # Iterate over training dataset self._dataset.set_split('train') self._train_ds = DataLoader(dataset=self._dataset, batch_size=self._args.batch_size, shuffle=True, drop_last=True) # loss #loss_func = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # progress bar train_bar = tqdm(desc='split=train', total=len(self._train_ds), position=0) running_loss = 0.0 running_acc = 0.0 self._classifier.train() train_bar.reset() device = 'cuda:0' if self._args.cuda else 'cpu' for batch_index, batch_data in enumerate(self._train_ds): # step 0. get data x_data, x_source_len, target_y = batch_data # setp 0.0 sort data by lens x_data, x_source_len, target_y = self.sort_by_len(x_data, x_source_len, target_y) # step 1. zero the gradients self._optimizer.zero_grad() # step 2. compute the output y_pred = self._classifier(, y_pred = y_pred.squeeze() # step 3. compute the loss loss = loss_func(y_pred, loss_t = loss.item() running_loss += (loss_t - running_loss) / (batch_index + 1) # step 4. use loss to produce gradients loss.backward() # step 5. use _ to take gradient step self._optimizer.step() # compute the accuracy acc_t = compute_accuracy_multi(y_pred, running_acc += (acc_t - running_acc) / (batch_index + 1) # update bar train_bar.set_postfix(loss=running_loss, acc=running_acc, epoch=epoch_index) train_bar.update() return running_loss, running_acc
def train_one_epoch(self, epoch): device = 'cuda:0' if self._args.cuda else 'cpu' # Iterate over training dataset dataset = self._train_iterator # loss # loss_func = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(device) # progress bar train_bar = tqdm(desc='split=train', total=len(dataset), position=0) running_loss = 0.0 running_acc = 0.0 self._classifier.train() train_bar.reset() for batch_index, batch_data in enumerate(dataset): # the training routine is these 6 steps: # step 0. get data x_data, target_y = batch_data.text, batch_data.label # step 1. zero the gradients self._optimizer.zero_grad() # step 2. compute the output y_pred = self._classifier(x_data=x_data) y_pred = y_pred.squeeze() # step 3. compute the loss loss = loss_func(y_pred, target_y) loss_t = loss.item() running_loss += (loss_t - running_loss) / (batch_index + 1) # step 4. use loss to produce gradients loss.backward() # step 5. use optimizer to take gradient step self._optimizer.step() # ----------------------------------------- # compute the accuracy acc_t = compute_accuracy_multi(y_pred, running_acc += (acc_t - running_acc) / (batch_index + 1) # update bar train_bar.set_postfix(loss=running_loss, acc=running_acc, epoch=epoch) train_bar.update() return running_loss, running_acc
def test_one_epoch(self): # Iterate over validate dataset self._dataset.set_split('test') self._test_ds = DataLoader(dataset=self._dataset, batch_size=self._args.batch_size, shuffle=True, drop_last=True) # loss loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # test bar test_bar = tqdm(desc='split=test', total=len(self._test_ds), position=0) running_loss = 0. running_acc = 0. self._classifier.eval() test_bar.reset() device = 'cuda:0' if self._args.cuda else 'cpu' for batch_index, batch_data in enumerate(self._test_ds): # data x_data, x_source_len, target_y = batch_data x_data, x_source_len, target_y = self.sort_by_len( x_data, x_source_len, target_y) # compute the output y_pred = self._classifier(, y_pred = y_pred.squeeze() # compute the loss loss = loss_func(y_pred, loss_t = loss.item() running_loss += (loss_t - running_loss) / (batch_index + 1) # compute the accuracy acc_t = compute_accuracy_multi(y_pred, running_acc += (acc_t - running_acc) / (batch_index + 1) test_bar.set_postfix(loss=running_loss, acc=running_acc) test_bar.update() #test_bar.refresh() # something may not update last position return running_loss, running_acc