Example #1
def initLegJoints(startingJoint):
    tmpTF = identityTF()
    joints = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    for j in range(0, 5):
        joints[j] = Joint(startingJoint + j, tmpTF, tmpTF)
    joints[5] = Joint("F", tmpTF, tmpTF)  # Foot
    return joints
Example #2
def initSpineJoints(startingJoint):
    tmpTF = identityTF()
    joints = [0, 0, 0]
    joints[0] = Joint(startingJoint, tmpTF, tmpTF)
    joints[1] = Joint("Dummy", tmpTF, tmpTF)
    joints[2] = Joint(startingJoint + 1, tmpTF, tmpTF)
    return joints
Example #3
    def reorientateRearLegTargets(self, legTargetsPrior=None):
        # Helper transforms
        BinW_T = identityTF()  # Base (without orientation) in World
        WinB_T = identityTF()  # World in Base (without orientation)

        # Set position vectors
        for r in range(0, 3):
            BinW_T[r, 3] = self.spine.tfSpineBaseInRobotBase[r, 3]
            WinB_T[r, 3] = -self.spine.tfSpineBaseInRobotBase[r, 3]

        # Rotate about spine base, in world coords
        BinW_T_Rotated = deepcopy(BinW_T)

        if (legTargetsPrior):
            # Using "prior" targets - Currently used only in Gaits->loadTargetsStep()
            # Apply yaw amount to targets which are starting from "prior" position
            applyYawPitchRoll(BinW_T_Rotated, self.spine.angles[0], 0, 0)
            legTargetsPrior[2] = BinW_T_Rotated * WinB_T * legTargetsPrior[2]
            legTargetsPrior[3] = BinW_T_Rotated * WinB_T * legTargetsPrior[3]
            # Update targets
            self.legTargets = deepcopy(legTargetsPrior)
            # Using normal targets - Used in all other cases
            # Apply yaw amount equal to difference of front spine joint angle
            # from previous call (otherwise rear legs will end up spinning)
            a = self.spine.angles[
                0] - self.spine.prevAnglesForRearLegReorientation[0]
            if abs(a) > 0.01:  # Avoid drift
                applyYawPitchRoll(BinW_T_Rotated, a, 0, 0)
                    2] = BinW_T_Rotated * WinB_T * self.legTargets[2]
                    3] = BinW_T_Rotated * WinB_T * self.legTargets[3]
                # Update previous
                self.spine.prevAnglesForRearLegReorientation = deepcopy(
Example #4
def initSpine():
    tfSpineBaseInRobotBase = identityTF()

    # TODO: Get this translation accurate e.g. at location of IMU
    tfSpineBaseInRobotBase *= np.matrix([[1, 0, 0, -50], [0, 1, 0, 0],
                                         [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    # -45 around Y (to get from world to robot spine)
    s = math.sin(-math.pi / 4)
    c = math.cos(-math.pi / 4)
    tfSpineBaseInRobotBase *= np.matrix([[c, 0, s, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0],
                                         [-s, 0, c, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    spineAngles = [0, 0, 0]
    spine = Spine("B", initSpineJoints(21), spineAngles,
    return spine
Example #5
    def __init__(self):
        self.spine = initSpine()
        self.legs = initLegs()

        # Link lengths "a-1" (last value is the foot offset)
        self.a = [0, 29.05, 76.919, 72.96, 45.032, 33.596]

        # Offsets for natural "home" position
        self.spineAngleOffsets = [0, 0, -45]
        self.legAngleOffsets = [0, -34, 67.5, -33.5, 0]

        # Servo adjustments - To be used when sending commands to servos
        # Spine - Direction
        # Joint 2 needs its direction inverted
        self.spineServoDirections = [1, 1, -1]
        # Spine - Offset
        # Joint 2: 0=-45+45
        self.spineServoOffsets = [0, 0, 45]
        # Legs - Direction
        # Left side: Joint 2 needs its direction inverted
        self.leftLegServoDirections = [1, -1, 1, 1, 1]
        # Right side: All joints except for 1 and 5 are mirrors of left side
        self.rightLegServoDirections = [1, 1, -1, -1, 1]
        # Legs - Offsets
        # Joint 2: -45=-34-11, Joint 3: 90=67.5+22.5, Joint 4: -45=-33.5-11.5
        #self.legServoOffsets = [0, -11, 22.5, -11.5, 0]
        self.legServoOffsets = [0, -11, 22.5, -11.5, 0]

        # Targeting
        self.baseTarget = None
        self.baseTargetHome = None
        self.baseTargetSpeed = None
        n = 4
        self.legTargets = [None] * n
        self.legTargetsHome = [None] * n
        self.legTargetSpeeds = [None] * n
        self.selectedLeg = 0

        # Dummy targets, because of moveBase()->runLegIK()
        for i in range(0, len(self.legs)):
            self.legTargets[i] = identityTF()

        # Base in world
        self.tfSpineBaseInWorld = identityTF()

        # Base target in world
        self.baseTargetHome = deepcopy(self.tfSpineBaseInWorld)
        self.baseTarget = deepcopy(self.baseTargetHome)
        self.baseTargetSpeed = [0, 0, 0]

        self.spine.angles = deepcopy(self.spineAngleOffsets)
        self.spine.prevAnglesForRearLegReorientation = deepcopy(


        for i, leg in enumerate(self.legs):
            leg.angles = deepcopy(self.legAngleOffsets)

        # Leg targets: Foot in world
        for i, leg in enumerate(self.legs):
            self.legTargetsHome[i] = deepcopy(leg.joints[5].tfJointInWorld)
            applyYawPitchRoll(self.legTargetsHome[i], 0, 0, 0)
            self.legTargetSpeeds[i] = [0, 0, 0]
        self.legTargets = deepcopy(self.legTargetsHome)