def __init__(self, opts, directory, massPoints, datacardPatterns, rootfilePatterns, clsType): self.opts = opts self.datacardDirectory = directory self.massPoints = massPoints self.datacardPatterns = datacardPatterns self.rootfilePatterns = rootfilePatterns self.clsType = clsType.clone() self.jobsCreated = False self.datacards = {} self.rootfiles = {} self.scripts = [] self.configuration = {} if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise Exception("Datacard directory '%s' does not exist" % directory) # this is a dictionary dumped to configuration.json self.configuration = { "masspoints": massPoints, "datacards": datacardPatterns, "rootfiles": rootfilePatterns, "codeVersion": git.getCommitId(), "clsType":, } clsConfig = self.clsType.getConfiguration(self.configuration) if clsConfig != None: self.configuration["clsConfig"] = clsConfig for mass in self.massPoints: for dc in datacardPatterns: fname = None if "%s" in dc: fname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, dc % mass) else: fname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, dc) if not os.path.isfile(fname): raise Exception("Datacard file '%s' does not exist!" % fname) aux.addToDictList(self.datacards, mass, fname) for rf in rootfilePatterns: if rf != None: rfname = None if "%s" in rf: rfname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf % mass) else: rfname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf) if not os.path.isfile(rfname): raise Exception( "ROOT file (for shapes) '%s' does not exist!" % rfname) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname)
def __init__(self, opts, directory, massPoints, datacardPatterns, rootfilePatterns, clsType): self.opts = opts self.datacardDirectory = directory self.massPoints = massPoints self.datacardPatterns = datacardPatterns self.rootfilePatterns = rootfilePatterns self.clsType = clsType.clone() self.jobsCreated = False self.datacards = {} self.rootfiles = {} self.scripts = [] self.configuration = {} if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise Exception("Datacard directory '%s' does not exist" % directory) # this is a dictionary dumped to configuration.json self.configuration = { "masspoints": massPoints, "datacards": datacardPatterns, "rootfiles": rootfilePatterns, "codeVersion": git.getCommitId(), "clsType":, } clsConfig = self.clsType.getConfiguration(self.configuration) if clsConfig != None: self.configuration["clsConfig"] = clsConfig for mass in self.massPoints: for dc in datacardPatterns: fname = None if "%s" in dc: fname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, dc % mass) else: fname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, dc) if not os.path.isfile(fname): raise Exception("Datacard file '%s' does not exist!" % fname) aux.addToDictList(self.datacards, mass, fname) for rf in rootfilePatterns: if rf != None: rfname = None if "%s" in rf: rfname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf % mass) else: rfname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf) if not os.path.isfile(rfname): raise Exception("ROOT file (for shapes) '%s' does not exist!" % rfname) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname)
def addConfigInfo(of, dataset, addLuminosity=True, dataVersion=None, additionalText={}): d = of.mkdir("configInfo") # configinfo histogram configinfo = ROOT.TH1F("configinfo", "configinfo", 3, 0, 3) axis = configinfo.GetXaxis() def setValue(bin, name, value): axis.SetBinLabel(bin, name) configinfo.SetBinContent(bin, value) setValue(1, "control", 1) setValue(2, "energy", float(dataset.getEnergy())) if dataset.isData(): if addLuminosity: setValue(3, "luminosity", dataset.getLuminosity()) elif dataset.isMC(): setValue(3, "crossSection", 1.0) configinfo.Write() configinfo.Delete() # dataVersion ds = dataset while hasattr(ds, "datasets"): ds = ds.datasets[0] if dataVersion is None: dataVersion = ds.dataVersion dv = ROOT.TNamed("dataVersion", dataVersion) dv.Write() dv.Delete() # codeVersion codeVersion = ROOT.TNamed("codeVersion", git.getCommitId()) codeVersion.Write() codeVersion.Delete() for name, content in additionalText.iteritems(): txt = ROOT.TNamed(name, content) txt.Write() txt.Delete()
def run(self, proof=False, proofWorkers=None): outputDir = self._outputPrefix + "_" + time.strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S") if self._outputPostfix != "": outputDir += "_" + self._outputPostfix # Create output directory os.mkdir(outputDir) multicrabCfg = os.path.join(outputDir, "multicrab.cfg") f = open(multicrabCfg, "w") for dset in self._datasets: f.write("[%s]\n\n" % dset.getName()) f.close() # Copy/merge lumi files lumifiles = set([d.getLumiFile() for d in self._datasets]) lumidata = {} for fname in lumifiles: if not os.path.exists(fname): continue f = open(fname) data = json.load(f) f.close() for k in data.keys(): if k in lumidata: raise Exception( "Luminosity JSON file %s has a dataset for which the luminosity has already been loaded; please check the luminosity JSON files\n%s" % (fname, k, "\n".join(lumifiles))) lumidata.update(data) if len(lumidata) > 0: f = open(os.path.join(outputDir, "lumi.json"), "w") json.dump(lumidata, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2) f.close() # Add run range in a json file, if runMin and runMax in pset rrdata = {} for aname, analyzerIE in self._analyzers.iteritems(): ana = analyzerIE.getAnalyzer() if hasattr(ana, "__call__"): for dset in self._datasets: if dset.getDataVersion().isData(): ana = ana(dset.getDataVersion()) if ana.__getattr__("runMax") > 0: rrdata[aname] = "%s-%s" % (ana.__getattr__( "runMin"), ana.__getattr__("runMax")) break if len(rrdata) > 0: f = open(os.path.join(outputDir, "runrange.json"), "w") json.dump(rrdata, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2) f.close() # Setup proof if asked _proof = None if proof: opt = "" if proofWorkers is not None: opt = "workers=%d" % proofWorkers _proof = ROOT.TProof.Open(opt) _proof.Exec("gSystem->Load(\"\");") # Init timing counters realTimeTotal = 0 cpuTimeTotal = 0 readMbytesTotal = 0 callsTotal = 0 # Process over datasets ndset = 0 for dset in self._datasets: # Get data PU distributions from data # This is done every time for a dataset since memory management is simpler to handle # if all the histograms in memory are deleted after reading a dataset is finished hPUs = self._getDataPUhistos() # Initialize ndset += 1 inputList = ROOT.TList() nanalyzers = 0 anames = [] usePUweights = False useTopPtCorrection = False nAllEventsPUWeighted = 0.0 for aname, analyzerIE in self._analyzers.iteritems(): if analyzerIE.runForDataset_(dset.getName()): nanalyzers += 1 analyzer = analyzerIE.getAnalyzer() if hasattr(analyzer, "__call__"): analyzer = analyzer(dset.getDataVersion()) if analyzer is None: raise Exception( "Analyzer %s was specified as a function, but returned None" % aname) if not isinstance(analyzer, Analyzer): raise Exception( "Analyzer %s was specified as a function, but returned object of %s instead of Analyzer" % (aname, analyzer.__class__.__name__)) inputList.Add( ROOT.TNamed( "analyzer_" + aname, analyzer.className_() + ":" + analyzer.config_())) # ttbar status for top pt corrections ttbarStatus = "0" useTopPtCorrection = analyzer.exists( "useTopPtWeights") and analyzer.__getattr__( "useTopPtWeights") useTopPtCorrection = useTopPtCorrection and dset.getName( ).startswith("TT") if useTopPtCorrection: ttbarStatus = "1" inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("isttbar", ttbarStatus)) # Pileup reweighting (puAllEvents, puStatus) = self._parsePUweighting( dset, analyzer, aname, hPUs, inputList) nAllEventsPUWeighted += puAllEvents usePUweights = puStatus # Sum skim counters (from ttree) hSkimCounterSum = self._getSkimCounterSum( dset.getFileNames()) inputList.Add(hSkimCounterSum) # Add name anames.append(aname) if nanalyzers == 0: print "Skipping %s, no analyzers" % dset.getName() continue print "*** Processing dataset (%d/%d): %s" % ( ndset, len(self._datasets), dset.getName()) if dset.getDataVersion().isData(): lumivalue = "--- not available in lumi.json (or lumi.json not available) ---" if dset.getName() in lumidata.keys(): lumivalue = lumidata[dset.getName()] print " Luminosity: %s fb-1" % lumivalue print " Using pileup weights:", usePUweights if useTopPtCorrection: print " Using top pt weights: True" resDir = os.path.join(outputDir, dset.getName(), "res") resFileName = os.path.join(resDir, "histograms-%s.root" % dset.getName()) os.makedirs(resDir) tchain = ROOT.TChain("Events") for f in dset.getFileNames(): tchain.Add(f) tchain.SetCacheLearnEntries(1000) tchain.SetCacheSize( 10000000 ) # Set cache size to 10 MB (somehow it is not automatically set contrary to ROOT docs) tselector = ROOT.SelectorImpl() # FIXME: TChain.GetEntries() is needed only to give a time # estimate for the analysis. If this turns out to be slow, # we could store the number of events along the file names # (whatever is the method for that) inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("entries", str(tchain.GetEntries()))) if dset.getDataVersion().isMC(): inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("isMC", "1")) else: inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("isMC", "0")) inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("options", self._options.serialize_())) inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("printStatus", "1")) if _proof is not None: tchain.SetProof(True) inputList.Add( ROOT.TNamed("PROOF_OUTPUTFILE_LOCATION", resFileName)) else: inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("OUTPUTFILE_LOCATION", resFileName)) tselector.SetInputList(inputList) readBytesStart = ROOT.TFile.GetFileBytesRead() readCallsStart = ROOT.TFile.GetFileReadCalls() timeStart = time.time() clockStart = time.clock() if self._maxEvents > 0: tchain.SetCacheEntryRange(0, self._maxEvents) tchain.Process(tselector, "", self._maxEvents) else: tchain.Process(tselector) if _debugMemoryConsumption: print " MEMDBG: TChain cache statistics:" tchain.PrintCacheStats() # Obtain Nall events for top pt corrections NAllEventsTopPt = 0 if useTopPtCorrection: for inname in dset.getFileNames(): fIN = ROOT.TFile.Open(inname) h = fIN.Get("configInfo/topPtWeightAllEvents") if h != None: binNumber = 2 # nominal if hasattr(analyzer, "topPtSystematicVariation"): variation = getattr(analyzer, "topPtSystematicVariation") if variation == "minus": binNumber = 0 # FIXME: The bin is to be added to the ttrees #elif variation == "plus": #binNumber = 3 #if not h.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel().endsWith("Plus"): #raise Exception("This should not happen") if binNumber > 0: NAllEventsTopPt += h.GetBinContent(binNumber) else: raise Exception( "Warning: Could not obtain N(AllEvents) for top pt reweighting" ) ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles().Remove(fIN) fIN.Close() # Write configInfo fIN = ROOT.TFile.Open(dset.getFileNames()[0]) cinfo = fIN.Get("configInfo/configinfo") tf = ROOT.TFile.Open(resFileName, "UPDATE") configInfo = tf.Get("configInfo") if configInfo == None: configInfo = tf.mkdir("configInfo") dv = ROOT.TNamed("dataVersion", str(dset.getDataVersion())) dv.Write() dv.Delete() cv = ROOT.TNamed("codeVersionAnalysis", git.getCommitId()) cv.Write() cv.Delete() if not cinfo == None: # Add more information to configInfo n = cinfo.GetNbinsX() cinfo.SetBins(n + 3, 0, n + 3) cinfo.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(n + 1, "isData") cinfo.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(n + 2, "isPileupReweighted") cinfo.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(n + 3, "isTopPtReweighted") # Add "isData" column if not dset.getDataVersion().isMC(): cinfo.SetBinContent(n + 1, cinfo.GetBinContent(1)) # Add "isPileupReweighted" column if usePUweights: cinfo.SetBinContent(n + 2, nAllEventsPUWeighted / nanalyzers) # Add "isTopPtReweighted" column if useTopPtCorrection: cinfo.SetBinContent(n + 3, NAllEventsTopPt) # Write cinfo.Write() ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles().Remove(fIN) fIN.Close() # Memory management configInfo.Delete() ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles().Remove(tf) tf.Close() for item in inputList: if isinstance(item, ROOT.TObject): item.Delete() inputList = None if hSkimCounterSum != None: hSkimCounterSum.Delete() if _debugMemoryConsumption: print " MEMDBG: gDirectory", ROOT.gDirectory.GetList( ).GetSize() print " MEMDBG: list ", ROOT.gROOT.GetList().GetSize() print " MEMDBG: globals ", ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfGlobals( ).GetSize() #for item in ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfGlobals(): #print item.GetName() print " MEMDBG: files", ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles( ).GetSize() #for item in ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles(): # print " %d items"%item.GetList().GetSize() print " MEMDBG: specials ", ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfSpecials( ).GetSize() for item in ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfSpecials(): print " " + item.GetName() #gDirectory.GetList().Delete(); #gROOT.GetList().Delete(); #gROOT.GetListOfGlobals().Delete(); #TIter next(gROOT.GetList()); #while (TObject* o = dynamic_cast<TObject*>(next())) { #o.Delete(); #} # Performance and information timeStop = time.time() clockStop = time.clock() readCallsStop = ROOT.TFile.GetFileReadCalls() readBytesStop = ROOT.TFile.GetFileBytesRead() calls = "" if _proof is not None: tchain.SetProof(False) queryResult = _proof.GetQueryResult() cpuTime = queryResult.GetUsedCPU() readMbytes = queryResult.GetBytes() / 1024 / 1024 else: cpuTime = clockStop - clockStart readMbytes = float(readBytesStop - readBytesStart) / 1024 / 1024 calls = " (%d calls)" % (readCallsStop - readCallsStart) realTime = timeStop - timeStart print " Real time %.2f, CPU time %.2f (%.1f %%), read %.2f MB%s, read speed %.2f MB/s" % ( realTime, cpuTime, cpuTime / realTime * 100, readMbytes, calls, readMbytes / realTime) print realTimeTotal += realTime cpuTimeTotal += cpuTime readMbytesTotal += readMbytes print if len(self._datasets) > 1: print " Total: Real time %.2f, CPU time %.2f (%.1f %%), read %.2f MB, read speed %.2f MB/s" % ( realTimeTotal, cpuTimeTotal, cpuTimeTotal / realTimeTotal * 100, readMbytesTotal, readMbytesTotal / realTimeTotal) print " Results are in", outputDir return outputDir
def run(self, proof=False, proofWorkers=None): outputDir = self._outputPrefix+"_"+time.strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S") if self._outputPostfix != "": outputDir += "_"+self._outputPostfix # Create output directory os.mkdir(outputDir) self.Print("Created output directory %s" % (sh_Note + outputDir + sh_Normal), True) multicrabCfg = os.path.join(outputDir, "multicrab.cfg") f = open(multicrabCfg, "w") # For-loop: All datasets to be ran for dset in self._datasets: f.write("[%s]\n\n" % dset.getName()) f.close() # Copy/merge lumi files lumifiles = set([d.getLumiFile() for d in self._datasets]) lumidata = {} for fname in lumifiles: if not os.path.exists(fname): continue f = open(fname) data = json.load(f) f.close() for k in data.keys(): if k in lumidata: msg = "Luminosity JSON file %s has a dataset (%s) for which the luminosity has already been loaded. " % (fname, k) msg += "Please check the luminosity JSON files:\n%s" % ("\n".join(lumifiles)) raise Exception(sh_Error + msg + sh_Normal) lumidata.update(data) if len(lumidata) > 0: # Add run range in a json file, if runMin and runMax in pset rrdata = {} for aname, analyzerIE in self._analyzers.iteritems(): ana = analyzerIE.getAnalyzer() if hasattr(ana, "__call__"): for dset in self._datasets: if dset.getDataVersion().isData(): ana = ana(dset.getDataVersion()) if ana.__getattr__("runMax") > 0: rrdata[aname] = "%s-%s"%(ana.__getattr__("runMin"),ana.__getattr__("runMax")) #lumidata[aname] = ana.__getattr__("lumi") break if len(rrdata) > 0: f = open(os.path.join(outputDir, "runrange.json"), "w") json.dump(rrdata, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2) f.close() # Create the luminosity JSON file f = open(os.path.join(outputDir, "lumi.json"), "w") json.dump(lumidata, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2) self.Verbose("Created luminosity json file %s" % (sh_Note + + sh_Normal), True) f.close() # Setup proof if asked _proof = None if proof: opt = "" if proofWorkers is not None: opt = "workers=%d"%proofWorkers _proof = ROOT.TProof.Open(opt) _proof.Exec("gSystem->Load(\"\");") # Init timing counters realTimeTotal = 0 cpuTimeTotal = 0 readMbytesTotal = 0 callsTotal = 0 # Print the datasets that will be run on! self.Print("Will process %d datasets in total:" % (len(self._datasets) ), True) for i, d in enumerate(self._datasets, 1): self.Print("%d) %s" % (i, sh_Note + d.getName() + sh_Normal), i==0) # Process over datasets ndset = 0 for i, dset in enumerate(self._datasets, 1): hPUs = self._getDataPUhistos() # Initialize ndset += 1 inputList = ROOT.TList() nanalyzers = 0 anames = [] usePUweights = False useTopPtCorrection = False nAllEventsPUWeighted = 0.0 for aname, analyzerIE in self._analyzers.iteritems(): if analyzerIE.runForDataset_(dset.getName()): nanalyzers += 1 analyzer = analyzerIE.getAnalyzer() if hasattr(analyzer, "__call__"): analyzer = analyzer(dset.getDataVersion()) if analyzer is None: raise Exception("Analyzer %s was specified as a function, but returned None" % aname) if not isinstance(analyzer, Analyzer): raise Exception("Analyzer %s was specified as a function, but returned object of %s instead of Analyzer" % (aname, analyzer.__class__.__name__)) inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("analyzer_"+aname, analyzer.className_()+":"+analyzer.config_())) # ttbar status for top pt corrections ttbarStatus = "0" useTopPtCorrection = analyzer.exists("useTopPtWeights") and analyzer.__getattr__("useTopPtWeights") #useTopPtCorrection = useTopPtCorrection and dset.getName().startswith("TT") useTopPtCorrection = useTopPtCorrection and self.isTTbarDataset(dset) if useTopPtCorrection: ttbarStatus = "1" inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("isttbar", ttbarStatus)) # intermediate H+ status for reweighting the NoNeutral samples intermediateStatus = "0" if dset.getName().find("IntermediateMassNoNeutral") > 0: intermediateStatus = "1" inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("isIntermediateNoNeutral", intermediateStatus)) # Pileup reweighting self.Verbose("Getting pileup reweighting weights", True) (puAllEvents, puStatus) = self._parsePUweighting(dset, analyzer, aname, hPUs, inputList) nAllEventsPUWeighted += puAllEvents usePUweights = puStatus # Sum skim counters (from ttree) hSkimCounterSum = self._getSkimCounterSum(dset.getFileNames()) inputList.Add(hSkimCounterSum) # Add name anames.append(aname) if nanalyzers == 0: self.Print("Skipping %s, no analyzers" % dset.getName(), True) continue self.Print("Processing dataset (%d/%d)" % (ndset, len(self._datasets) )) align= "{:<23} {:<1} {:<60}" info = {} info["Dataset"] = dset.getName() if dset.getDataVersion().isData(): lumivalue = "--- not available in lumi.json (or lumi.json not available) ---" if dset.getName() in lumidata.keys(): lumivalue = lumidata[dset.getName()] info["Luminosity"] = str(lumivalue) + " fb-1" info["UsePUweights"] = usePUweights info["UseTopPtCorrection"] = useTopPtCorrection for key in info: self.Print(align.format(key, ":", info[key]), False) # Create dir for dataset ROOTT files resDir = os.path.join(outputDir, dset.getName(), "res") resFileName = os.path.join(resDir, "histograms-%s.root"%dset.getName()) os.makedirs(resDir) tchain = ROOT.TChain("Events") # For-loop: All file names for dataset for f in dset.getFileNames(): tchain.Add(f) tchain.SetCacheLearnEntries(1000); tchain.SetCacheSize(10000000) # Set cache size to 10 MB (somehow it is not automatically set contrary to ROOT docs) tselector = ROOT.SelectorImpl() # FIXME: TChain.GetEntries() is needed only to give a time # estimate for the analysis. If this turns out to be slow, # we could store the number of events along the file names # (whatever is the method for that) inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("entries", str(tchain.GetEntries()))) if dset.getDataVersion().isMC(): inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("isMC", "1")) else: inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("isMC", "0")) inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("options", self._options.serialize_())) inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("printStatus", "1")) if _proof is not None: tchain.SetProof(True) inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("PROOF_OUTPUTFILE_LOCATION", resFileName)) else: inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("OUTPUTFILE_LOCATION", resFileName)) tselector.SetInputList(inputList) readBytesStart = ROOT.TFile.GetFileBytesRead() readCallsStart = ROOT.TFile.GetFileReadCalls() timeStart = time.time() clockStart = time.clock() # Determine how many events to run on for given dataset if len(self._maxEvents.keys()) > 0: key = "" for k in self._maxEvents.keys(): if k.lower() == "all": key = k break maxEv_re = re.compile(k) match = if match: key = k break if key == "": tchain.Process(tselector) else: maxEvts = self._maxEvents[key] if maxEvts == -1: tchain.Process(tselector) else: tchain.SetCacheEntryRange(0, self._maxEvents[key]) tchain.Process(tselector, "", self._maxEvents[key]) else: tchain.Process(tselector) if _debugMemoryConsumption: print " MEMDBG: TChain cache statistics:" tchain.PrintCacheStats() # Obtain Nall events for top pt corrections NAllEventsTopPt = 0 if useTopPtCorrection: for inname in dset.getFileNames(): fIN = ROOT.TFile.Open(inname) h = fIN.Get("configInfo/topPtWeightAllEvents") if h != None: binNumber = 2 # nominal if hasattr(analyzer, "topPtSystematicVariation"): variation = getattr(analyzer, "topPtSystematicVariation") if variation == "minus": binNumber = 0 # FIXME: The bin is to be added to the ttrees #elif variation == "plus": #binNumber = 3 #if not h.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel().endsWith("Plus"): #raise Exception("This should not happen") if binNumber > 0: NAllEventsTopPt += h.GetBinContent(binNumber) else: raise Exception("Warning: Could not obtain N(AllEvents) for top pt reweighting") ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles().Remove(fIN) fIN.Close() # Write configInfo fIN = ROOT.TFile.Open(dset.getFileNames()[0]) cinfo = fIN.Get("configInfo/configinfo") tf = ROOT.TFile.Open(resFileName, "UPDATE") configInfo = tf.Get("configInfo") if configInfo == None: configInfo = tf.mkdir("configInfo") dv = ROOT.TNamed("dataVersion", str(dset.getDataVersion())) dv.Write() dv.Delete() cv = ROOT.TNamed("codeVersionAnalysis", git.getCommitId()) cv.Write() cv.Delete() if not cinfo == None: # Add more information to configInfo n = cinfo.GetNbinsX() cinfo.SetBins(n+3, 0, n+3) cinfo.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(n+1, "isData") cinfo.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(n+2, "isPileupReweighted") cinfo.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(n+3, "isTopPtReweighted") # Add "isData" column if not dset.getDataVersion().isMC(): cinfo.SetBinContent(n+1, cinfo.GetBinContent(1)) # Add "isPileupReweighted" column if usePUweights: cinfo.SetBinContent(n+2, nAllEventsPUWeighted / nanalyzers) # Add "isTopPtReweighted" column if useTopPtCorrection: cinfo.SetBinContent(n+3, NAllEventsTopPt) # Write cinfo.Write() ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles().Remove(fIN); fIN.Close() # Memory management configInfo.Delete() ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles().Remove(tf); tf.Close() for item in inputList: if isinstance(item, ROOT.TObject): item.Delete() inputList = None if hSkimCounterSum != None: hSkimCounterSum.Delete() if _debugMemoryConsumption: print " MEMDBG: gDirectory", ROOT.gDirectory.GetList().GetSize() print " MEMDBG: list ", ROOT.gROOT.GetList().GetSize() print " MEMDBG: globals ", ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfGlobals().GetSize() #for item in ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfGlobals(): #print item.GetName() print " MEMDBG: files", ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles().GetSize() #for item in ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles(): # print " %d items"%item.GetList().GetSize() print " MEMDBG: specials ", ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfSpecials().GetSize() for item in ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfSpecials(): print " "+item.GetName() #gDirectory.GetList().Delete(); #gROOT.GetList().Delete(); #gROOT.GetListOfGlobals().Delete(); #TIter next(gROOT.GetList()); #while (TObject* o = dynamic_cast<TObject*>(next())) { #o.Delete(); #} # Performance and information timeStop = time.time() clockStop = time.clock() readCallsStop = ROOT.TFile.GetFileReadCalls() readBytesStop = ROOT.TFile.GetFileBytesRead() calls = "" if _proof is not None: tchain.SetProof(False) queryResult = _proof.GetQueryResult() cpuTime = queryResult.GetUsedCPU() readMbytes = queryResult.GetBytes()/1024/1024 else: cpuTime = clockStop-clockStart readMbytes = float(readBytesStop-readBytesStart)/1024/1024 calls = " (%d calls)" % (readCallsStop-readCallsStart) realTime = timeStop-timeStart # Print usage stats in user-friendly formatting self.PrintStats(readCallsStop, readCallsStart, cpuTime, realTime, readMbytes) # Time accumulation realTimeTotal += realTime cpuTimeTotal += cpuTime readMbytesTotal += readMbytes # Total time stats self.PrintStatsTotal(readMbytes, cpuTimeTotal, realTimeTotal, readMbytesTotal) # Inform user of location of results self.Print("Results are in %s" % (sh_Success + outputDir + sh_Normal), True) return outputDir
def run(self, proof=False, proofWorkers=None): outputDir = self._outputPrefix + "_" + time.strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S") if self._outputPostfix != "": outputDir += "_" + self._outputPostfix # Create output directory os.mkdir(outputDir) self.Print( "Created output directory %s" % (sh_Note + outputDir + sh_Normal), True) multicrabCfg = os.path.join(outputDir, "multicrab.cfg") f = open(multicrabCfg, "w") # For-loop: All datasets to be ran for dset in self._datasets: f.write("[%s]\n\n" % dset.getName()) f.close() # Copy/merge lumi files lumifiles = set([d.getLumiFile() for d in self._datasets]) lumidata = {} for fname in lumifiles: if not os.path.exists(fname): continue f = open(fname) data = json.load(f) f.close() for k in data.keys(): if k in lumidata: msg = "Luminosity JSON file %s has a dataset (%s) for which the luminosity has already been loaded. " % ( fname, k) msg += "Please check the luminosity JSON files:\n%s" % ( "\n".join(lumifiles)) raise Exception(sh_Error + msg + sh_Normal) lumidata.update(data) if len(lumidata) > 0: # Add run range in a json file, if runMin and runMax in pset rrdata = {} for aname, analyzerIE in self._analyzers.iteritems(): ana = analyzerIE.getAnalyzer() if hasattr(ana, "__call__"): for dset in self._datasets: if dset.getDataVersion().isData(): ana = ana(dset.getDataVersion()) if ana.__getattr__("runMax") > 0: rrdata[aname] = "%s-%s" % (ana.__getattr__( "runMin"), ana.__getattr__("runMax")) #lumidata[aname] = ana.__getattr__("lumi") break if len(rrdata) > 0: f = open(os.path.join(outputDir, "runrange.json"), "w") json.dump(rrdata, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2) f.close() # Create the luminosity JSON file f = open(os.path.join(outputDir, "lumi.json"), "w") json.dump(lumidata, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2) self.Verbose( "Created luminosity json file %s" % (sh_Note + + sh_Normal), True) f.close() # Setup proof if asked _proof = None if proof: opt = "" if proofWorkers is not None: opt = "workers=%d" % proofWorkers _proof = ROOT.TProof.Open(opt) _proof.Exec("gSystem->Load(\"\");") # Init timing counters realTimeTotal = 0 cpuTimeTotal = 0 readMbytesTotal = 0 callsTotal = 0 # Print the datasets that will be run on! self.Print( "Will process %d datasets in total:" % (len(self._datasets)), True) for i, d in enumerate(self._datasets, 1): self.Print("%d) %s" % (i, sh_Note + d.getName() + sh_Normal), i == 0) # Process over datasets ndset = 0 for i, dset in enumerate(self._datasets, 1): hPUs = self._getDataPUhistos() # Initialize ndset += 1 inputList = ROOT.TList() nanalyzers = 0 anames = [] usePUweights = False useTopPtCorrection = False nAllEventsPUWeighted = 0.0 for aname, analyzerIE in self._analyzers.iteritems(): if analyzerIE.runForDataset_(dset.getName()): nanalyzers += 1 analyzer = analyzerIE.getAnalyzer() if hasattr(analyzer, "__call__"): analyzer = analyzer(dset.getDataVersion()) if analyzer is None: raise Exception( "Analyzer %s was specified as a function, but returned None" % aname) if not isinstance(analyzer, Analyzer): raise Exception( "Analyzer %s was specified as a function, but returned object of %s instead of Analyzer" % (aname, analyzer.__class__.__name__)) inputList.Add( ROOT.TNamed( "analyzer_" + aname, analyzer.className_() + ":" + analyzer.config_())) # ttbar status for top pt corrections ttbarStatus = "0" useTopPtCorrection = analyzer.exists( "useTopPtWeights") and analyzer.__getattr__( "useTopPtWeights") #useTopPtCorrection = useTopPtCorrection and dset.getName().startswith("TT") useTopPtCorrection = useTopPtCorrection and self.isTTbarDataset( dset) if useTopPtCorrection: ttbarStatus = "1" inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("isttbar", ttbarStatus)) # intermediate H+ status for reweighting the NoNeutral samples intermediateStatus = "0" if dset.getName().find("IntermediateMassNoNeutral") > 0: intermediateStatus = "1" inputList.Add( ROOT.TNamed("isIntermediateNoNeutral", intermediateStatus)) # Pileup reweighting self.Verbose("Getting pileup reweighting weights", True) (puAllEvents, puStatus) = self._parsePUweighting( dset, analyzer, aname, hPUs, inputList) nAllEventsPUWeighted += puAllEvents usePUweights = puStatus # Sum skim counters (from ttree) hSkimCounterSum = self._getSkimCounterSum( dset.getFileNames()) inputList.Add(hSkimCounterSum) # Add name anames.append(aname) if nanalyzers == 0: self.Print("Skipping %s, no analyzers" % dset.getName(), True) continue self.Print("Processing dataset (%d/%d)" % (ndset, len(self._datasets))) align = "{:<23} {:<1} {:<60}" info = {} info["Dataset"] = dset.getName() if dset.getDataVersion().isData(): lumivalue = "--- not available in lumi.json (or lumi.json not available) ---" if dset.getName() in lumidata.keys(): lumivalue = lumidata[dset.getName()] info["Luminosity"] = str(lumivalue) + " fb-1" info["UsePUweights"] = usePUweights info["UseTopPtCorrection"] = useTopPtCorrection for key in info: self.Print(align.format(key, ":", info[key]), False) # Create dir for dataset ROOTT files resDir = os.path.join(outputDir, dset.getName(), "res") resFileName = os.path.join(resDir, "histograms-%s.root" % dset.getName()) os.makedirs(resDir) tchain = ROOT.TChain("Events") # For-loop: All file names for dataset for f in dset.getFileNames(): tchain.Add(f) tchain.SetCacheLearnEntries(1000) tchain.SetCacheSize( 10000000 ) # Set cache size to 10 MB (somehow it is not automatically set contrary to ROOT docs) tselector = ROOT.SelectorImpl() # FIXME: TChain.GetEntries() is needed only to give a time # estimate for the analysis. If this turns out to be slow, # we could store the number of events along the file names # (whatever is the method for that) inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("entries", str(tchain.GetEntries()))) if dset.getDataVersion().isMC(): inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("isMC", "1")) else: inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("isMC", "0")) inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("options", self._options.serialize_())) inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("printStatus", "1")) if _proof is not None: tchain.SetProof(True) inputList.Add( ROOT.TNamed("PROOF_OUTPUTFILE_LOCATION", resFileName)) else: inputList.Add(ROOT.TNamed("OUTPUTFILE_LOCATION", resFileName)) tselector.SetInputList(inputList) readBytesStart = ROOT.TFile.GetFileBytesRead() readCallsStart = ROOT.TFile.GetFileReadCalls() timeStart = time.time() clockStart = time.clock() # Determine how many events to run on for given dataset if len(self._maxEvents.keys()) > 0: key = "" for k in self._maxEvents.keys(): if k.lower() == "all": key = k break maxEv_re = re.compile(k) match = if match: key = k break if key == "": tchain.Process(tselector) else: maxEvts = self._maxEvents[key] if maxEvts == -1: tchain.Process(tselector) else: tchain.SetCacheEntryRange(0, self._maxEvents[key]) tchain.Process(tselector, "", self._maxEvents[key]) else: tchain.Process(tselector) if _debugMemoryConsumption: print " MEMDBG: TChain cache statistics:" tchain.PrintCacheStats() # Obtain Nall events for top pt corrections NAllEventsTopPt = 0 if useTopPtCorrection: for inname in dset.getFileNames(): fIN = ROOT.TFile.Open(inname) h = fIN.Get("configInfo/topPtWeightAllEvents") if h != None: binNumber = 2 # nominal if hasattr(analyzer, "topPtSystematicVariation"): variation = getattr(analyzer, "topPtSystematicVariation") if variation == "minus": binNumber = 0 # FIXME: The bin is to be added to the ttrees #elif variation == "plus": #binNumber = 3 #if not h.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel().endsWith("Plus"): #raise Exception("This should not happen") if binNumber > 0: NAllEventsTopPt += h.GetBinContent(binNumber) else: raise Exception( "Warning: Could not obtain N(AllEvents) for top pt reweighting" ) ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles().Remove(fIN) fIN.Close() # Write configInfo fIN = ROOT.TFile.Open(dset.getFileNames()[0]) cinfo = fIN.Get("configInfo/configinfo") tf = ROOT.TFile.Open(resFileName, "UPDATE") configInfo = tf.Get("configInfo") if configInfo == None: configInfo = tf.mkdir("configInfo") dv = ROOT.TNamed("dataVersion", str(dset.getDataVersion())) dv.Write() dv.Delete() cv = ROOT.TNamed("codeVersionAnalysis", git.getCommitId()) cv.Write() cv.Delete() if not cinfo == None: # Add more information to configInfo n = cinfo.GetNbinsX() cinfo.SetBins(n + 3, 0, n + 3) cinfo.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(n + 1, "isData") cinfo.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(n + 2, "isPileupReweighted") cinfo.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(n + 3, "isTopPtReweighted") # Add "isData" column if not dset.getDataVersion().isMC(): cinfo.SetBinContent(n + 1, cinfo.GetBinContent(1)) # Add "isPileupReweighted" column if usePUweights: cinfo.SetBinContent(n + 2, nAllEventsPUWeighted / nanalyzers) # Add "isTopPtReweighted" column if useTopPtCorrection: cinfo.SetBinContent(n + 3, NAllEventsTopPt) # Write cinfo.Write() ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles().Remove(fIN) fIN.Close() # Memory management configInfo.Delete() ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles().Remove(tf) tf.Close() for item in inputList: if isinstance(item, ROOT.TObject): item.Delete() inputList = None if hSkimCounterSum != None: hSkimCounterSum.Delete() if _debugMemoryConsumption: print " MEMDBG: gDirectory", ROOT.gDirectory.GetList( ).GetSize() print " MEMDBG: list ", ROOT.gROOT.GetList().GetSize() print " MEMDBG: globals ", ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfGlobals( ).GetSize() #for item in ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfGlobals(): #print item.GetName() print " MEMDBG: files", ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles( ).GetSize() #for item in ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles(): # print " %d items"%item.GetList().GetSize() print " MEMDBG: specials ", ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfSpecials( ).GetSize() for item in ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfSpecials(): print " " + item.GetName() #gDirectory.GetList().Delete(); #gROOT.GetList().Delete(); #gROOT.GetListOfGlobals().Delete(); #TIter next(gROOT.GetList()); #while (TObject* o = dynamic_cast<TObject*>(next())) { #o.Delete(); #} # Performance and information timeStop = time.time() clockStop = time.clock() readCallsStop = ROOT.TFile.GetFileReadCalls() readBytesStop = ROOT.TFile.GetFileBytesRead() calls = "" if _proof is not None: tchain.SetProof(False) queryResult = _proof.GetQueryResult() cpuTime = queryResult.GetUsedCPU() readMbytes = queryResult.GetBytes() / 1024 / 1024 else: cpuTime = clockStop - clockStart readMbytes = float(readBytesStop - readBytesStart) / 1024 / 1024 calls = " (%d calls)" % (readCallsStop - readCallsStart) realTime = timeStop - timeStart # Print usage stats in user-friendly formatting self.PrintStats(readCallsStop, readCallsStart, cpuTime, realTime, readMbytes) # Time accumulation realTimeTotal += realTime cpuTimeTotal += cpuTime readMbytesTotal += readMbytes # Total time stats self.PrintStatsTotal(readMbytes, cpuTimeTotal, realTimeTotal, readMbytesTotal) # Inform user of location of results self.Print("Results are in %s" % (sh_Success + outputDir + sh_Normal), True) return outputDir
def __init__(self, opts, directory, massPoints, datacardPatterns, rootfilePatterns, clsType): self.opts = opts self.datacardDirectory = directory self.massPoints = massPoints self.datacardPatterns = datacardPatterns self.rootfilePatterns = rootfilePatterns self.clsType = clsType.clone() self.jobsCreated = False self.datacards = {} self.rootfiles = {} self.scripts = [] self.configuration = {} if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise Exception("Datacard directory '%s' does not exist" % directory) # this is a dictionary dumped to configuration.json self.configuration = { "masspoints": massPoints, "datacards": datacardPatterns, "rootfiles": rootfilePatterns, "codeVersion": git.getCommitId(), "clsType":, } clsConfig = self.clsType.getConfiguration(self.configuration) if clsConfig != None: self.configuration["clsConfig"] = clsConfig for mass in self.massPoints: for dc in datacardPatterns: fname = None if "%s" in dc: fname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, dc % mass) else: fname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, dc) if not os.path.isfile(fname): raise Exception("Datacard file '%s' does not exist!" % fname) aux.addToDictList(self.datacards, mass, fname) for rf in rootfilePatterns: if rf != None: rfname = None if "%s" in rf: rfname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf % mass) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname) else: rfname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname) # if root files are not found, try with 1pr and 3pr extensions in the name if not os.path.isfile(rfname): rf_1pr = rf.replace(".root","_1pr.root") rf_3pr = rf.replace(".root","_3pr.root") rfname_1pr = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf_1pr % mass) rfname_3pr = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf_3pr % mass) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname_1pr) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname_3pr) if not os.path.isfile(rfname_1pr) or not os.path.isfile(rfname_3pr): # if still not found, raise exception/warning # raise Exception("ROOT file (for shapes) '%s' does not exist!" % rfname) print("\033[91mWarning: ROOT file (for shapes) '%s' does not exist!\033[00m" % rfname)
def __init__(self, opts, directory, massPoints, datacardPatterns, rootfilePatterns, clsType): ''' Constructor \param directory Datacard directory \param massPoints List of mass points to calculate the limit \param datacardPatterns List of datacard patterns to include in the limit calculation \param rootfilePatterns List of shape ROOT file patterns to include in the limit calculation \param clsType Object defining the CLs flavour (either LEPType or LHCType). ''' self.opts = opts self.datacardDirectory = directory self.massPoints = massPoints self.datacardPatterns = datacardPatterns self.rootfilePatterns = rootfilePatterns self.clsType = clsType.clone() self.jobsCreated = False self.datacards = {} self.rootfiles = {} self.scripts = [] self.configuration = {} if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise Exception("Datacard directory '%s' does not exist" % directory) # this is a dictionary dumped to configuration.json self.configuration = { "masspoints": massPoints, "datacards": datacardPatterns, "rootfiles": rootfilePatterns, "codeVersion": git.getCommitId(), "clsType":, } clsConfig = self.clsType.getConfiguration(self.configuration) if clsConfig != None: self.configuration["clsConfig"] = clsConfig for mass in self.massPoints: for dc in datacardPatterns: fname = None if "%s" in dc: fname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, dc % mass) else: fname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, dc) if not os.path.isfile(fname): raise Exception("Datacard file '%s' does not exist!" % fname) aux.addToDictList(self.datacards, mass, fname) for rf in rootfilePatterns: if rf != None: rfname = None if "%s" in rf: rfname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf % mass) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname) else: rfname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname) # if root files are not found, try with 1pr and 3pr extensions in the name if not os.path.isfile(rfname): # 1+2 b-jets # rf_1pr = rf.replace(".root","_2bjets.root") # rf_3pr = rf.replace(".root","_1bjet.root") # 0+1 b-jets # rf_1pr = rf.replace(".root","_1bjets.root") # rf_3pr = rf.replace(".root","_0bjets.root") rf_1pr = rf.replace(".root", "_0bjet.root") rf_3pr = rf.replace(".root", "_1bjet.root") rf_extra = rf.replace(".root", "_2bjets.root") rfname_1pr = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf_1pr % mass) rfname_3pr = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf_3pr % mass) rfname_extra = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf_extra % mass) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname_1pr) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname_3pr) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname_extra) if not os.path.isfile( rfname_1pr) or not os.path.isfile( rfname_3pr) or not os.path.isfile( rfname_extra): # if still not found, raise exception/warning # raise Exception("ROOT file (for shapes) '%s' does not exist!" % rfname) print( "\033[91mWarning: ROOT file (for shapes) '%s' does not exist!\033[00m" % rfname)
def __init__(self, opts, directory, massPoints, datacardPatterns, rootfilePatterns, clsType): ''' Constructor \param directory Datacard directory \param massPoints List of mass points to calculate the limit \param datacardPatterns List of datacard patterns to include in the limit calculation \param rootfilePatterns List of shape ROOT file patterns to include in the limit calculation \param clsType Object defining the CLs flavour (either LEPType or LHCType). ''' self.opts = opts self.datacardDirectory = directory self.massPoints = massPoints self.datacardPatterns = datacardPatterns self.rootfilePatterns = rootfilePatterns self.clsType = clsType.clone() self.jobsCreated = False self.datacards = {} self.rootfiles = {} self.scripts = [] self.configuration = {} if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise Exception("Datacard directory '%s' does not exist" % directory) # this is a dictionary dumped to configuration.json self.configuration = { "masspoints": massPoints, "datacards": datacardPatterns, "rootfiles": rootfilePatterns, "codeVersion": git.getCommitId(), "clsType":, } clsConfig = self.clsType.getConfiguration(self.configuration) if clsConfig != None: self.configuration["clsConfig"] = clsConfig for mass in self.massPoints: for dc in datacardPatterns: fname = None if "%s" in dc: fname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, dc % mass) else: fname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, dc) if not os.path.isfile(fname): raise Exception("Datacard file '%s' does not exist!" % fname) aux.addToDictList(self.datacards, mass, fname) for rf in rootfilePatterns: if rf != None: rfname = None if "%s" in rf: rfname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf % mass) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname) else: rfname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname) # if root files are not found, try with category A/B/C extensions in the name if not os.path.isfile(rfname): rf_a = rf.replace(".root","_a.root") rf_b = rf.replace(".root","_b.root") rf_c = rf.replace(".root","_c.root") rfname_a = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf_a % mass) rfname_b = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf_b % mass) rfname_c = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf_c % mass) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname_a) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname_b) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname_c) if not os.path.isfile(rfname_a) or not os.path.isfile(rfname_b) or not os.path.isfile(rfname_c): # if still not found, raise exception/warning # raise Exception("ROOT file (for shapes) '%s' does not exist!" % rfname) print("\033[91mWarning: ROOT file (for shapes) '%s' does not exist!\033[00m" % rfname)
def __init__(self, opts, directory, massPoints, datacardPatterns, rootfilePatterns, clsType): self.opts = opts self.datacardDirectory = directory self.massPoints = massPoints self.datacardPatterns = datacardPatterns self.rootfilePatterns = rootfilePatterns self.clsType = clsType.clone() self.jobsCreated = False self.datacards = {} self.rootfiles = {} self.scripts = [] self.configuration = {} if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise Exception("Datacard directory '%s' does not exist" % directory) # this is a dictionary dumped to configuration.json self.configuration = { "masspoints": massPoints, "datacards": datacardPatterns, "rootfiles": rootfilePatterns, "codeVersion": git.getCommitId(), "clsType":, } clsConfig = self.clsType.getConfiguration(self.configuration) if clsConfig != None: self.configuration["clsConfig"] = clsConfig for mass in self.massPoints: for dc in datacardPatterns: fname = None if "%s" in dc: fname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, dc % mass) else: fname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, dc) if not os.path.isfile(fname): raise Exception("Datacard file '%s' does not exist!" % fname) aux.addToDictList(self.datacards, mass, fname) for rf in rootfilePatterns: if rf != None: rfname = None if "%s" in rf: rfname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf % mass) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname) else: rfname = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname) # if root files are not found, try with 1pr and 3pr extensions in the name if not os.path.isfile(rfname): rf_1pr = rf.replace(".root", "_1pr.root") rf_3pr = rf.replace(".root", "_3pr.root") rfname_1pr = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf_1pr % mass) rfname_3pr = os.path.join(self.datacardDirectory, rf_3pr % mass) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname_1pr) aux.addToDictList(self.rootfiles, mass, rfname_3pr) if not os.path.isfile( rfname_1pr) or not os.path.isfile(rfname_3pr): # if still not found, raise exception/warning # raise Exception("ROOT file (for shapes) '%s' does not exist!" % rfname) print( "\033[91mWarning: ROOT file (for shapes) '%s' does not exist!\033[00m" % rfname)