def send_file(conn, filename, flog): #将文件打包压缩 mylog(1, flog, "进入文件发送函数...") filename = filename.replace(".dat",".tar.gz") t ="/tmp/"+filename, "w:gz") filename = filename.replace(".tar.gz",".dat") t.add("/tmp/"+filename) t.close() mylog(1, flog, "文件打包完成...") filename = filename.replace(".dat",".tar.gz") s_filename = filename.encode("UTF-8") #向client端发送文件头,包括压缩包名称和大小 #msg = 'OK' #conn.sendall(msg.encode('utf-8')) fhead = struct.pack('<128s11I', s_filename, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, os.stat("/tmp/"+filename).st_size, 0, 0) conn.send(fhead) mylog(1, flog, "发送压缩包名称和大小...") #向client端发送压缩包 t = open("/tmp/" + filename, 'rb') while 1: filedata = if not filedata: break conn.sendall(filedata) t.close() mylog(1, flog, "向client端发送压缩包...") os.remove("/tmp/"+filename) filename = filename.replace(".tar.gz",".dat") os.remove("/tmp/"+filename) mylog(1, flog, "清除本地缓存...")
def startthread(f, myxmldoc): # Called by handleconnection when a new thread is needed. # Note: lockpool is already acquired when this function is called. mylog(3, f, "DEBUG:Starting new client processor thread.") t = Thread(target=threadworker, args=(f, myxmldoc)) t.setDaemon(1) t.start()
def __init__(self, pidfile,logfile,stdin='/dev/null', stdout='/dev/null', stderr='/dev/null'): self.stdin = stdin self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.pidfile = pidfile #self.Fparamfilename = paramfilename self.flog = logfile mylog(1,self.flog,"DEBUG:CREATE BaseDaemon.....") mylog(1,self.flog,"DEBUG:PIDFile="+pidfile)
def socketmain(paramfilename, flog): strusername = getpass.getuser() #f = open("/tmp/huangzb-pyserver-"+strusername+".log", "w") #probe something about os,mpi,etc. mylog(1, flog, '\n\nSTART LISTENER......................\n\n') myxmldoc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(paramfilename) listener(flog, myxmldoc) while 1: mylog(3, flog, 'Idle.... %s\n' % time.ctime(time.time())) time.sleep(100)
def handleconnection(clientsock, f, myxmldoc): """Handle an incoming client connection.""" lockpool.acquire() mylog(3, f, "DEBUG:Received new client connection.") try: if len(waitinglist) == 0 and (activeCount() - 1) >= MAXTHREADS: # Too many connections. Just close it and exit. clientsock.close() return if len(waitinglist) == 0: startthread(f, myxmldoc) queue.append(clientsock) sem.release() finally: lockpool.release()
def my_socket(flog): cli, db, fs = pyMongo.get_cli_db_fs() mylog(1, flog, '\n\n数据库链接完毕......................\n\n') print(" 数据库链接完毕") s = socket.socket() host = socket.gethostname() port = 9999 s.bind((host, port)) s.listen(5) mylog(1, flog, '\n\n服务正在启动......................\n\n') print("服务正在启动...") while True: sock, addr = s.accept() # 接收一个新连接 t1 = threading.Thread(target=conn_thread, kwargs={"conn": sock, "addr": addr, "cli": cli, "db": db, "fs": fs, "flog":flog}) t1.start()
def conn_thread(conn, addr, cli, db, fs, flog): # TCP服务器端处理逻辑 print('Accept new connection from %s:%s.' % addr) # 接受新的连接请求 mylog(1, flog, 'Accept new connection from %s:%s.' % addr) msg = conn.recv(1024) req = eval(msg.decode('utf-8')) # 将客户端的请求信息转换为字典类型 mylog(1, flog, req) print(req) handle_req(conn, req, cli, db, fs, flog) mylog(1, flog, "本次请求处理完毕,正在断开连接...") print("本次请求处理完毕,正在断开连接...") conn.close() mylog(1, flog, "连接已关闭...\n") print("连接已关闭...\n")
def threadworker(f, myxmldoc): global waitinglist, lockpool, busylist mylog(3, f, "DEBUG:starting....threadworker.....") time.sleep(1) # Simulate expensive startup name = currentThread().getName() try: lockpool.acquire() try: waitinglist[name] = 1 finally: lockpool.release() processclients(f, myxmldoc) finally: # Clean up if the thread is dying for some reason. # Can't lock here -- we may already hold the lock, but it's OK print("** WARNING** Thread %s died" % name) if name in waitinglist: del waitinglist[name] if name in busylist: del busylist[name] # Start a replacement thread. startthread()
def start(self): """ Start the daemon """ # Check for a pidfile to see if the daemon already runs print("DEBUG:Running the daemon......") mylog(1,self.flog,"DEBUG:CHECK for a pidfile to see if the daemon already runs") try: pf = open(self.pidfile,'r') pid = int( pf.close() except IOError: pid = None if pid: message = "DEBUG:pidfile %s already exist. Daemon already running?\n" sys.stderr.write(message % self.pidfile) mylog(1,self.flog,message % self.pidfile) sys.exit(1) # Start the daemon mylog(1,self.flog,"DEBUG:Start the daemon......self.daemonize()") self.daemonize()
def daemonize(self): """ do the UNIX double-fork magic, see Stevens' "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" for details (ISBN 0201563177) """ try: pid = os.fork() mylog(1,self.flog,"DEBUG:CREATE the child process by os.fork()...PID=%d" % pid) if pid > 0: # exit first parent sys.exit(0) mylog(1,self.flog,"DEBUG:EXIT first parent process.") except OSError as e: sys.stderr.write("fork #1 failed: %d (%s)\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) mylog(1,self.flog,"DEBUG:fork #1 failed: %d (%s)\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) mylog(1,self.flog,"DEBUG:Child Process......PID=%d" % pid) mylog(1,self.flog,'DEBUG:GETCWD()=%s\n'%os.getcwd())#返回当前工作目录 mylog(1,self.flog,'DEBUG:PWD=%s\n'%os.environ['PWD'])#显示整个路径名? mylog(1,self.flog,'DEBUG:PATH=%s\n'%sys.argv[0]) mylog(1,self.flog,'DEBUG:%s\n'%os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]) mylog(1,self.flog,'DEBUG:%d\n'%os.getcwd().find(os.environ['PWD'])) #if (os.getcwd().find(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0])<0): # sys.stderr.write('Running Directory is not in the script Directory!!\n!!PLEASE CHECK!!\n\n') #self.Fparamfilename=os.getcwd()+"/"+self.Fparamfilename # decouple from parent environment os.chdir("/") os.setsid() os.umask(0) # do second fork try: pid = os.fork() mylog(1,self.flog,"DEBUG:CREATE the child process by os.fork()...PID=%d" % pid) if pid > 0: # exit from second parent sys.exit(0) mylog(1,self.flog,"DEBUG:EXIT second parent process.") except OSError as e: sys.stderr.write("fork #2 failed: %d (%s)\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) # redirect standard file descriptors sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() si = open(self.stdin, 'r') so = open(self.stdout, 'a+') se = open(self.stderr, 'a+') os.dup2(si.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) # write pidfile atexit.register(self.delpid) pid = str(os.getpid()) open(self.pidfile,'w+').write("%s\n" % pid)
import sys, time from daemon1 import Daemon from Huangzblog1 import mylog from Agent2 import * class MyDaemon(Daemon): def run(self): f = open('/tmp/test2.log', "w") my_socket(f) if __name__ == "__main__": f = open('/tmp/test.log', "w") mylog(1, f, "DEBUG: log is build") daemon = MyDaemon('/tmp/', f) if len(sys.argv) == 2: if 'start' == sys.argv[1]: daemon.start() elif 'stop' == sys.argv[1]: daemon.stop() elif 'restart' == sys.argv[1]: daemon.restart() else: print("Unknown command") sys.exit(2) sys.exit(0) else: print("usage: %s start|stop|restart" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(2)
def handle_req(conn, req, cli, db, fs, flog): # 处理前端请求 mylog(1, flog, '\n处理客户端请求。。。') if req['type'] == 'list_all_shapes': # 前端向后台发送请求,获取最外层目录 mylog(1, flog, '\nlist_all_shapes') response = { "type": "list_all_shapes", "all_shapenames": list_all_shapes(cli, db, fs, flog) } mylog(1, flog, response) filename = req['clientfilename'] send_j_response(conn,response,filename, flog) mylog(1, flog, '\nlist_all_shapes 执行完毕') elif req['type'] == 'list_doc_tree': # 前端向后台发送请求,获取指定内层目录 doc_tree = list_doc_tree(req['doc_tree_name'], cli, db, fs, flog) doc_tree = eval(doc_tree) filename = req['clientfilename'] send_j_response(conn, doc_tree, filename, flog) elif req['type'] == 'log_in': # 前端向后台发送请求,请求登录 response = { "type": "log_in", "error_message": check_user(req['user_name'], req['user_password'], cli, db, fs, flog), "user_name": req['user_name'], "user_authority": get_user_authority(req['user_name'], cli, db, fs, flog) } send_j_response(conn, response, flog) elif req['type'] == 'modify': # 前端向后端发送修改用户信息请求 response = { "type": "modify", "error_message": modify_user(req['user_name'], req['user_password'], req['user_authority'], cli, db, fs, flog) } send_j_response(conn, response, flog) elif req['type'] == 'list_all_users': # 前端要求列出所有用户 response = { "type": "list_all_users", "users_num": count_users(cli, db, fs, flog), "all_users": get_user_list(cli, db, fs, flog) } send_j_response(conn, response, flog) elif req['type'] == 'add_user': # 前端要求添加用户 response = { "type": "add_user", "error_message": add_user(req['user_name'], req['user_password'], req['user_authority'], cli, db, fs, flog) } send_j_response(conn, response, flog) elif req['type'] == 'delete_user': # 前端要求删除用户 response = { "type": "delete_user", "error_message": del_user(req['user_name'], cli, db, fs, flog) } send_j_response(conn, response, flog) elif req['type'] == 'download_file': # 前端向后台发送请求,获得指定文件 new_filename = name_switch(req['file_name']['which_file']) send_file(conn, find_file(new_filename, req['file_name'],req['clientfilename'], cli, db, fs, flog), flog) # if req['ack'] == 1: # file = find_file(new_filename, req['file_name']) # print(conn.send(file)) # else: # file_length, file_authority = get_file_information(new_filename, req['file_name']) # response = { # "type": "download_file", # "file_length": file_length, # "file_authority": file_authority, # "file_name": req['file_name']['which_file'] # } # send_j_response(conn, response) else: print('Wrong request!')
def send_j_response(conn, res, filename, flog): # 向前台发送json压缩包 #将json写入文件 #filename = 'req_ALEX_20170708142032_list_all_shapes.json' mylog(1, flog, "进入json发送函数") mylog(1, flog, filename) fp = open("/tmp/"+filename, 'w') fp.write(json.dumps(res)) fp.close() mylog(1, flog, "将json写入文件...") filename = filename.replace(".json",".tar.gz") t ="/tmp/"+filename, "w:gz") filename = filename.replace(".tar.gz",".json") t.add("/tmp/"+filename) t.close() filename = filename.replace(".json",".tar.gz") s_filename = filename.encode("UTF-8") #向client端发送文件头,包括压缩包名称和大小 # msg = 'OK' #conn.sendall(msg.encode('utf-8')) fhead = struct.pack('<128s11I', s_filename, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, os.stat("/tmp/"+filename).st_size, 0, 0) conn.send(fhead) mylog(1, flog, "向client端发送文件头,包括压缩包名称和大小...") #向client端发送压缩包 t = open("/tmp/"+filename, 'rb') while 1: filedata = if not filedata: break conn.sendall(filedata) t.close() mylog(1, flog, "向client端发送压缩包...") os.remove("/tmp/"+filename) filename = filename.replace(".tar.gz",".json") os.remove("/tmp/"+filename) mylog(1, flog, "清除本地缓存...")
def processclients(f, myxmldoc): global sem, queue, waitinglist, busylist, lockpool name = currentThread().getName() while 1: sem.acquire() lockpool.acquire() try: clientsock = queue.pop(0) del waitinglist[name] busylist[name] = 1 finally: lockpool.release() try: mylog( 1, f, "\n\nSTART TO DEAL WITH THE Request from Clients........\n\n") mylog( 3, f, "processclients;[%s] Got connection from %s \n" % (name, clientsock.getpeername())) data = clientsock.recv(2048) mylog( 3, f, "\nprocessclients;data=" + data + " data.find(ASKING)=%d\n" % data.find("ASKING")) if (data.find("ASKING") >= 0): clientsock.sendall("GREETI") data = clientsock.recv(1024) mylog(3, f, "processclients;data=%s" % data) while ((len(data) > 0) and (data.find("OVER") == -1)): handle_req(clientsock, data) else: mylog( 3, f, "\nprocessclients;data=" + data + " len(data)=%d" % len(data)) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: traceback.print_exc() info = sys.exc_info() mylog(1, f, "[0][1]=%s." % (info[0], info[1])) # Close the connection try: clientsock.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: traceback.print_exc() lockpool.acquire() try: del busylist[name] waitinglist[name] = 1 finally: lockpool.release()
def ReceiveFileOfUploadedFileFromClient_Fu1fle(clientsock, f): mylog(3, f, "\n\nReceiveFileOfUploadedFileFromClient:START....") FBUFSIZE = 1024 SBUFSIZE = 1024 FILEINFO_SIZE = struct.calcsize('<128s32sI8s') fhead = clientsock.recv(FILEINFO_SIZE) mylog(3, f, "\n\nReceiveFileOfUploadedFileFromClient:recv fhead....") srvfilepath, temp1, filesize, temp2 = struct.unpack('<128s32sI8s', fhead) mylog( 3, f, "ReceiveFileOfUploadedFileFromClient:unpack filesize..srvfilepath=%s...." % srvfilepath) srvfilepath = srvfilepath.strip("\00") if (os.path.isdir(srvfilepath)): clientsock.sendall('OK') FILEINFO_SIZE = struct.calcsize('<128s32sI8s') fhead = clientsock.recv(FILEINFO_SIZE) # mylog(3,f,"FU1FLE,receiving fhead.....") mylog(3, f, "ReceiveFileOfUploadedFileFromClient: recv fhead") filename, temp1, filesize, temp2 = struct.unpack('<128s32sI8s', fhead) mylog( 3, f, "ReceiveFileOfUploadedFileFromClient:unpack...filename=%s" % filename) # filename = srvfilepath+string.join(random.sample(['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','L','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t'], 8)).replace(" ","")+"_"+filename.strip('\00') filename = srvfilepath + filename.strip('\00') mylog( 3, f, "ReceiveFileOfUploadedFileFromClient:full file path and name=%s" % filename) fp = open(filename, 'wb') restsize = filesize # mylog(3,f,"ReceiveFileOfUploadedFileFromClient:Upload File To Cluster...filesize=%d"%filesize) while 1: if restsize > SBUFSIZE: filedata = clientsock.recv(SBUFSIZE) else: filedata = clientsock.recv(restsize) if not filedata: break fp.write(filedata) restsize = restsize - len(filedata) if restsize == 0: break fp.flush() fp.close() mylog(3, f, 'ReceiveFileOfUploadedFileFromClient:all data over...OK\n\n') time.sleep(0.1) clientsock.sendall("OK") mylog(3, f, "ReceiveFileOfUploadedFileFromClient:send OK to client") mylog(3, f, 'ReceiveFileOfUploadedFileFromClient:END.\n\n') return filename else: clientsock.sendall('ERROR') mylog(3, f, "ReceiveFileOfUploadedFileFromClient:send ERROR to client\n\n") pass
def SendServerFileToClient_Fd1fle(clientsock, f): fullfilename = "" filename = "" mylog(3, f, "\n\nSendServerFileToClient:START....") FILEINFO_SIZE = struct.calcsize('<128s32sI8s') fhead = clientsock.recv(FILEINFO_SIZE) ####谁告诉的文件头? mylog(3, f, "SendServerFileToClient,receiving fhead.....") filename, temp1, filesize, temp2 = struct.unpack('<128s32sI8s', fhead) mylog( 3, f, "SendServerFileToClient:Unpack filename=%s,filesize=%d..........." % (filename, filesize)) fullfilename = filename.decode("utf-16") filename = filename.strip("\00") # print "FD1FLE,",filename if (os.path.isfile(filename)): ####这判断又是干嘛的??? try: fileStats = os.stat(filename) except: info = sys.exc_info() mylog( 3, f, "[0][1]=%s..." % (info[0], info[1])) clientsock.sendall('OK') mylog(3, f, "SendServerFileToClient:send OK to client") fullfilename = filename filename = filename.encode("UTF-8") FILEINFO_SIZE = struct.calcsize('<128s32sI8s') fhead = struct.pack('<128s11I', filename, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, os.stat(fullfilename).st_size, 0, 0) clientsock.send(fhead) mylog(3, f, "SendServerFileToClient,sending fhead.....") fp = open(fullfilename, 'rb') while 1: filedata = if not filedata: break clientsock.sendall(filedata) fp.close() mylog(3, f, 'SendServerFileToClient:Send all data over......OK') clientsock.sendall("OK") mylog(3, f, "SendServerFileToClient:send OK to client") mylog(3, f, "SendServerFileToClient:END.....\n\n") return fullfilename else: clientsock.sendall('ERROR') mylog(3, f, "SendServerFileToClient:send ERROR to client\n\n") pass