def getIDFValue():

    str = ''
    word = request.args.get('zbor')

    rows = IDFModel.query(IDFModel.word == word).fetch()

    if rows is not None and len(rows) > 0:
        str += 'IDF value for word %s is %f\n' % (word, rows[0].value)
        str += 'No IDF Value for word %s\n' % word

    return Response(str, mimetype='text/plain')
def insertDICTIDF_task():
    str = ''
    feedback = ''
        logging.debug('Trying to load the dictionary for idf..')
        fileToRead = open('dict_idf')
        dictIDF = Unpickler(fileToRead).load()

        logging.debug('Loaded the dictionary for idf!')

        logging.debug('Inserting words')
        counter = 0
        for word in dictIDF:
            key = ndb.Key('IDFModel', word)

            newPair = IDFModel(parent = key, word = word, value = dictIDF[word])

            counter += 1

            if counter % 1000:
                logging.debug('Inserted %d words' % counter)

        logging.debug('Wuhu! Inserted all the words.')
        str += 'Inserted %d words for IDF\n' % counter
    except Exception as inst:
        feedback += 'Exception type: %s\n' % type(inst)
        feedback += 'Exception message: %s\n' % inst.message


    str += feedback
    return Response(str, mimetype='text/plain')