Example #1
  def setInputDataQuery(self, metadata):
    """ Define the input data query needed

    retMetaKey = self._checkMetaKeys( metadata.keys() )
    if not retMetaKey['OK']:
      return retMetaKey

    if "ProdID" not in metadata:
      return self._reportError("Input metadata dictionary must contain at least a key 'ProdID' as reference")
    retDirs = self._checkFindDirectories( metadata )
    if not retDirs['OK']:
      return retDirs
    dirs = retDirs['Value'].values()
    for mdir in dirs[:self.maxFCFoldersToCheck]:
      LOG.notice("Directory: %s" % mdir)
      res = self.fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(mdir)
      if not res['OK']:
        return self._reportError("Error looking up the catalog for directory metadata")
      compatmeta = res['Value']

    if 'EvtType' in compatmeta:
      self.evttype = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['EvtType'], str, basestring )
      return self._reportError("EvtType is not in the metadata, it has to be!")

    if 'NumberOfEvents' in compatmeta:
      self.nbevts = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['NumberOfEvents'], int, None )

    self.basename = self.evttype
    LOG.notice("MetaData: %s" % compatmeta)
    LOG.notice("MetaData: %s" % metadata)
    if "Energy" in compatmeta:
      self.energycat = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta["Energy"], str, (int, long, basestring) )
    if self.energycat.count("tev"):
      self.energy = Decimal("1000.") * Decimal(self.energycat.split("tev")[0])
    elif self.energycat.count("gev"):
      self.energy = Decimal("1.") * Decimal(self.energycat.split("gev")[0])
      self.energy = Decimal("1.") * Decimal(self.energycat)
    gendata = False
    if 'Datatype' in compatmeta:
      self.datatype = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['Datatype'], str, basestring )
      if self.datatype == 'gen':
        gendata = True
    if "DetectorType" in compatmeta and not gendata:
      self.detector = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta["DetectorType"], str, basestring )
    self.inputBKSelection = metadata
    self.inputdataquery = True
    self.prodparameters['nbevts'] = self.nbevts 
    self.prodparameters["FCInputQuery"] = self.inputBKSelection

    return S_OK()
Example #2
  def setInputDataQuery(self, metadata):
    """ Define the input data query needed, also get from the data the meta info requested to build the path
    retMetaKey = self._checkMetaKeys( metadata.keys() )
    if not retMetaKey['OK']:
      return retMetaKey

    retDirs = self._checkFindDirectories( metadata )
    if not retDirs['OK']:
      return retDirs
    dirs = retDirs['Value'].values()
    for mdir in dirs:
      res = self.fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(mdir)
      if not res['OK']:
        return self._reportError("Error looking up the catalog for directory metadata")
      compatmeta = res['Value']
    if 'EvtType' in compatmeta:
      self.evttype = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['EvtType'], str, basestring )
      return self._reportError("EvtType is not in the metadata, it has to be!")

    if 'NumberOfEvents' in compatmeta:
      self.nbevts = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['NumberOfEvents'], int, None )
    if 'Energy' in compatmeta:
      self.energycat = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['Energy'], str, basestring )

    if 'Polarisation' in compatmeta:
      self.polarization = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta["Polarisation"], str, basestring )

    if 'MachineParams' in compatmeta:
      self.machineparams = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta["MachineParams"], str, basestring )

    gendata = False
    if 'Datatype' in compatmeta:
      self.datatype = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['Datatype'], str, basestring )
      if self.datatype == 'GEN':
        gendata = True

    if 'DetectorModel' in compatmeta and not gendata:
      self.detector = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta["DetectorModel"], str, basestring )

    self.basename = self.evttype+"_"+self.polarization
    self.energy = Decimal(self.energycat)  
    self.inputBKSelection = metadata
    self.prodparameters['nbevts'] = self.nbevts 
    self.prodparameters["FCInputQuery"] = self.inputBKSelection

    self.inputdataquery = True
    return S_OK()    
Example #3
    def setInputDataQuery(self, metadata):
        """ Define the input data query needed

        retMetaKey = self._checkMetaKeys(metadata.keys())
        if not retMetaKey['OK']:
            return retMetaKey

        if "ProdID" not in metadata:
            return self._reportError(
                "Input metadata dictionary must contain at least a key 'ProdID' as reference"

        retDirs = self._checkFindDirectories(metadata)
        if not retDirs['OK']:
            return retDirs
        dirs = retDirs['Value'].values()
        for mdir in dirs:
            gLogger.notice("Directory: %s" % mdir)
            res = self.fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(mdir)
            if not res['OK']:
                return self._reportError(
                    "Error looking up the catalog for directory metadata")
            compatmeta = res['Value']

        if 'EvtType' in compatmeta:
            self.evttype = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['EvtType'], str,
            return self._reportError(
                "EvtType is not in the metadata, it has to be!")

        if 'NumberOfEvents' in compatmeta:
            self.nbevts = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['NumberOfEvents'],
                                              int, None)

        self.basename = self.evttype
        gLogger.notice("MetaData: %s" % compatmeta)
        gLogger.notice("MetaData: %s" % metadata)
        if "Energy" in compatmeta:
            self.energycat = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta["Energy"], str,
                                                 (int, long, basestring))

        if self.energycat.count("tev"):
            self.energy = Decimal("1000.") * Decimal(
        elif self.energycat.count("gev"):
            self.energy = Decimal("1.") * Decimal(
            self.energy = Decimal("1.") * Decimal(self.energycat)
        gendata = False
        if 'Datatype' in compatmeta:
            self.datatype = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['Datatype'], str,
            if self.datatype == 'gen':
                gendata = True
        if "DetectorType" in compatmeta and not gendata:
            self.detector = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta["DetectorType"],
                                                str, basestring)
        self.inputBKSelection = metadata
        self.inputdataquery = True

        self.prodparameters['nbevts'] = self.nbevts
        self.prodparameters["FCInputQuery"] = self.inputBKSelection

        return S_OK()
    def setInputDataQuery( self, metadata ):
        """ Define the input data query needed, also get from the data the meta info requested to build the path

        for key,val in metadata.iteritems():
            print("[0] meta[%s] %s" % (key, val))

        retMetaKey = self._checkMetaKeys( metadata.keys(), extendFileMeta = True)
        if not retMetaKey['OK']:
            return retMetaKey

        # do i need this?
        tmp_metadata = {}
        # for kk in ['SoftwareTag', 'ILDConfig']:
        for kk in ['SoftwareTag', 'ILDConfig','ProcessID']:
            tmp_metadata.pop(kk, None) # why i was dropping ProdID?

        retDirs = self._checkFindDirectories( tmp_metadata )
        if not retDirs['OK']:
            return retDirs
        dirs = retDirs['Value'].values()

        compatmeta = {}

        print('dirs found: %d' % len(dirs))
        # for d in dirs:
        #     print '%s'%d
        dir_found = False
        if self.matchToInput:
            print('Will try to match dir with %s' % self.matchToInput)
        for mdir in dirs:
            if self.matchToInput:
                if self.matchToInput not in mdir:
            if 'ProdID' in metadata:
                val = '/' + str(metadata['ProdID']).zfill(8)
                if val not in mdir:

            dir_found = True
            print('[debug tino] Found mdir %s' % mdir)
            res = self.fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata( mdir )
            if not res['OK']:
                return self._reportError( "Error looking up the catalog for directory metadata: %s" % res['Message'] )
            compatmeta = res['Value'] # this reset compatmeta for each iteration (do we want this?)
            compatmeta.update( metadata )
            print('[tino debug] Updated compatmeta to: %s' % compatmeta)
        if not dir_found:
            if self.dryrun:
                print('We could not find our target dir: please try w/o dryrun (maybe target dir still not registered)')
                print('We could not find our target dir and this is not a dryrun: please check')
        print('self.fc.findFilesByMetadata( %s, "/ilc/prod/ilc" ) ' % metadata)
        # get all the files available, if any
        res = self.fc.findFilesByMetadata( metadata, '/ilc/prod/ilc' )
        # res = self.fc.findFilesByMetadata( metadata, '/ilc/user/c/calanchac/stdhep' )
        if not res['OK']:
            return self._reportError( "Could not find the files with this metadata" )

        if len( res['Value'] ):
            my_lfn = res['Value'][0]
            # #Get the meta data of the first one as it should be enough is the registration was 
            # # done right

            res = self.fc.getFileUserMetadata( my_lfn )
            if not res['OK']:
                return self._reportError( 'Failed to get file metadata, cannot build filename: %s' % res['Message'] )
            compatmeta.update( res['Value'] )
            print('[tino debug] Updated compatmeta to: %s' % compatmeta)

            for key,val in self.compatmeta.iteritems():
                print("my_lfn %s compatmeta[%s] %s" % (my_lfn, key, val))

            if not self.dryrun:
                self._reportError( "No files matching the metadata: Metadata is wrong or files are not under "
                                   "/ilc/prod/ilc directory" )

        if not len(compatmeta):
            print('ERROR, compatmeta is empty: this is expected when dryrun = True')

        # print 'compatmeta contains ProcessID? (%s) See below:'%compatmeta
        # pprint.pprint(self.compatmeta)

        self.log.verbose( "Using %s to build path" % str( compatmeta ) )
        if 'EvtClass' in compatmeta and not self.evtclass:
            self.evtclass = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['EvtClass'], str, basestring )

        if 'EvtType' in compatmeta and not self.evttype:
            self.evttype = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['EvtType'], str, basestring )
        elif 'GenProcessType' in compatmeta and not self.evttype:
            self.evttype = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['GenProcessType'], str, basestring )
        elif not self.evttype:
            return self._reportError( "Neither EvtType nor GenProcessType are "
                                      "in the metadata: if you dont set app "
                                      "evttype with setEvtType at least one "
                                      "should be." )

        if 'GenProcessName' in compatmeta:
            self.genprocname = compatmeta['GenProcessName']
        # APS: No longer possible to use these fields at this point
        # if not self.genprocname:
        #     return self._reportError( "GenProcessName is missing! It should appear in the basename")
        # if 'GenProcessID' in compatmeta:
        #     self.processID = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['GenProcessID'], int, (int, long) )
        # elif 'ProcessID' in compatmeta:
        #     self.processID = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['ProcessID'], int, (int, long) )
        # else:
        #     return self._reportError( "Cannot find ProcessID, it's mandatory for path definition" )

        if 'Energy' in compatmeta:
            self.energycat = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['Energy'], str, (int, long, basestring) )

        if 'MachineParams' in compatmeta:
            self.machineparams = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['MachineParams'], str, basestring )
        if not self.machineparams:
            return self._reportError( "MachineParams should part of the metadata" )
        gendata = False
        if 'Datatype' in compatmeta:
            self.datatype = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['Datatype'], str, basestring )
            if self.datatype.lower() == 'gen':
                gendata = True

        if 'DetectorModel' in compatmeta and not gendata:
            self.detector = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['DetectorModel'], str, basestring )

        self.compatmeta = compatmeta
        self.basename = ''
        if not self.energycat:# FIXME
            print("Printing metadata before exit:")
            pprint.pprint( self.compatmeta )
            return self._reportError("ERROR::ILDProductionJobOpt2017.py: self.energycat is null")

        self.energy = Decimal( self.energycat )    
        self.inputBKSelection = metadata
        self.prodparameters["FCInputQuery"] = self.inputBKSelection

        self.inputdataquery = True
        return S_OK()        
Example #5
    def setInputDataQuery(self, metadata):
        """ Define the input data query needed, also get from the data the meta info requested to build the path
        retMetaKey = self._checkMetaKeys(metadata.keys())
        if not retMetaKey['OK']:
            return retMetaKey

        retDirs = self._checkFindDirectories(metadata)
        if not retDirs['OK']:
            return retDirs
        dirs = retDirs['Value'].values()
        for mdir in dirs:
            res = self.fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(mdir)
            if not res['OK']:
                return self._reportError(
                    "Error looking up the catalog for directory metadata")
            compatmeta = res['Value']

        if 'EvtType' in compatmeta:
            self.evttype = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['EvtType'], str,
            return self._reportError(
                "EvtType is not in the metadata, it has to be!")

        if 'NumberOfEvents' in compatmeta:
            self.nbevts = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['NumberOfEvents'],
                                              int, None)

        if 'Energy' in compatmeta:
            self.energycat = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['Energy'], str,

        if 'Polarisation' in compatmeta:
            self.polarization = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta["Polarisation"],
                                                    str, basestring)

        if 'MachineParams' in compatmeta:
            self.machineparams = JobHelpers.getValue(
                compatmeta["MachineParams"], str, basestring)

        gendata = False
        if 'Datatype' in compatmeta:
            self.datatype = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['Datatype'], str,
            if self.datatype == 'GEN':
                gendata = True

        if 'DetectorModel' in compatmeta and not gendata:
            self.detector = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta["DetectorModel"],
                                                str, basestring)

        self.basename = self.evttype + "_" + self.polarization

        self.energy = Decimal(self.energycat)

        self.inputBKSelection = metadata
        self.prodparameters['nbevts'] = self.nbevts
        self.prodparameters["FCInputQuery"] = self.inputBKSelection

        self.inputdataquery = True
        return S_OK()
    def setInputDataQuery(self, metadata):
        """ Define the input data query needed, also get from the data the meta info requested to build the path

        for key, val in metadata.iteritems():
            print "[0] meta[%s] %s" % (key, val)

        retMetaKey = self._checkMetaKeys(metadata.keys(), extendFileMeta=True)
        if not retMetaKey['OK']:
            return retMetaKey

        # do i need this?
        tmp_metadata = {}
        # for kk in ['SoftwareTag', 'ILDConfig']:
        for kk in ['SoftwareTag', 'ILDConfig', 'ProcessID']:
            tmp_metadata.pop(kk, None)  # why i was dropping ProdID?

        retDirs = self._checkFindDirectories(tmp_metadata)
        if not retDirs['OK']:
            return retDirs
        dirs = retDirs['Value'].values()

        compatmeta = {}

        print 'dirs found: %d' % len(dirs)
        # for d in dirs:
        #     print '%s'%d
        dir_found = False
        if self.matchToInput:
            print 'Will try to match dir with %s' % self.matchToInput
        for mdir in dirs:
            if self.matchToInput:
                if self.matchToInput not in mdir:
            if 'ProdID' in metadata:
                val = '/' + str(metadata['ProdID']).zfill(8)
                if val not in mdir:

            dir_found = True
            print '[debug tino] Found mdir %s' % mdir
            res = self.fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(mdir)
            if not res['OK']:
                return self._reportError(
                    "Error looking up the catalog for directory metadata: %s" %
            compatmeta = res[
                'Value']  # this reset compatmeta for each iteration (do we want this?)
            print '[tino debug] Updated compatmeta to: %s' % compatmeta

        if not dir_found:
            if self.dryrun:
                print 'We could not find our target dir: please try w/o dryrun (maybe target dir still not registered)'
                print 'We could not find our target dir and this is not a dryrun: please check'

        print 'self.fc.findFilesByMetadata( %s, "/ilc/prod/ilc" ) ' % metadata
        # get all the files available, if any
        res = self.fc.findFilesByMetadata(metadata, '/ilc/prod/ilc')
        # res = self.fc.findFilesByMetadata( metadata, '/ilc/user/c/calanchac/stdhep' )
        if not res['OK']:
            return self._reportError(
                "Could not find the files with this metadata")

        if len(res['Value']):
            my_lfn = res['Value'][0]
            # #Get the meta data of the first one as it should be enough is the registration was
            # # done right

            res = self.fc.getFileUserMetadata(my_lfn)
            if not res['OK']:
                return self._reportError(
                    'Failed to get file metadata, cannot build filename: %s' %
            print '[tino debug] Updated compatmeta to: %s' % compatmeta

            for key, val in self.compatmeta.iteritems():
                print "my_lfn %s compatmeta[%s] %s" % (my_lfn, key, val)

            if not self.dryrun:
                print res
                    "No files matching the metadata: Metadata is wrong or files are not under "
                    "/ilc/prod/ilc directory")

        if not len(compatmeta):
            print 'ERROR, compatmeta is empty: this is expected when dryrun = True'

        # print 'compatmeta contains ProcessID? (%s) See below:'%compatmeta
        # pprint.pprint(self.compatmeta)

        self.log.verbose("Using %s to build path" % str(compatmeta))
        if 'EvtClass' in compatmeta and not self.evtclass:
            self.evtclass = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['EvtClass'], str,

        if 'EvtType' in compatmeta and not self.evttype:
            self.evttype = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['EvtType'], str,
        elif 'GenProcessType' in compatmeta and not self.evttype:
            self.evttype = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['GenProcessType'],
                                               str, basestring)
        elif not self.evttype:
            return self._reportError("Neither EvtType nor GenProcessType are "
                                     "in the metadata: if you dont set app "
                                     "evttype with setEvtType at least one "
                                     "should be.")

        if 'GenProcessName' in compatmeta:
            self.genprocname = compatmeta['GenProcessName']
        # APS: No longer possible to use these fields at this point
        # if not self.genprocname:
        #     return self._reportError( "GenProcessName is missing! It should appear in the basename")
        # if 'GenProcessID' in compatmeta:
        #     self.processID = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['GenProcessID'], int, (int, long) )
        # elif 'ProcessID' in compatmeta:
        #     self.processID = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['ProcessID'], int, (int, long) )
        # else:
        #     return self._reportError( "Cannot find ProcessID, it's mandatory for path definition" )

        if 'Energy' in compatmeta:
            self.energycat = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['Energy'], str,
                                                 (int, long, basestring))

        if 'MachineParams' in compatmeta:
            self.machineparams = JobHelpers.getValue(
                compatmeta['MachineParams'], str, basestring)
        if not self.machineparams:
            return self._reportError(
                "MachineParams should part of the metadata")
        gendata = False
        if 'Datatype' in compatmeta:
            self.datatype = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['Datatype'], str,
            if self.datatype.lower() == 'gen':
                gendata = True

        if 'DetectorModel' in compatmeta and not gendata:
            self.detector = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['DetectorModel'],
                                                str, basestring)

        self.compatmeta = compatmeta
        self.basename = ''
        if not self.energycat:  # FIXME
            print "Printing metadata before exit:"
            return self._reportError(
                "ERROR::ILDProductionJobOpt2017.py: self.energycat is null")

        self.energy = Decimal(self.energycat)

        self.inputBKSelection = metadata
        self.prodparameters["FCInputQuery"] = self.inputBKSelection

        self.inputdataquery = True
        return S_OK()
Example #7
 def test_getValue_string_none(self):
     value = ["someString", "someOther"]
     ret = JobHelpers.getValue(value, str, basestring)
     self.assertIsInstance(ret, basestring)
     self.assertEqual(ret, value[0])
Example #8
 def test_getValue_int_none(self):
     value = "2"
     ret = JobHelpers.getValue(value, int, None)
     self.assertIsInstance(ret, int)
     self.assertEqual(ret, int(value))
Example #9
 def test_getValue_list_int(self):
     value = ["2", 3]
     ret = JobHelpers.getValue(value, int, int)
     self.assertIsInstance(ret, int)
     self.assertEqual(ret, int(value[0]))