Example #1
    def terminate(self, terminate_proxy = 0):

        if self.__debug and self.__verbose:
            print 'PyroProxy.terminate: %s terminating...' % self

        self.__stop = True

        ## if this proxy is used within PyroGrid,
        ## PyroHandler.terminate will clean up by:
        ##   1. unregister Pyro URI from nameserver
        ##   2. close remote python process
        ## therefore terminate_proxy should be 0

        if terminate_proxy:


            ## 1. unregister Pyro URI from nameserver and handler
            ## 2. leaves remote python process intact

            self.__pyro_proxy._pyro_stop = True

            if not PyroUtils.is_stopped(self.__uri, ns = self.__nshost):
                PyroUtils.unregister(self.__uri, ns = self.__nshost)

            if hasattr(self, '_handler'):
                self._handler.instance_uri = None

            while not self.__stopped:
Example #2
    def terminate(self):

        ## called from PyroProxy.terminate or on sys.exit (WatchDog call)

        if self.debug:
            print 'PyroHandler.terminate: %s terminating... ' % self

        ##--- call terminate only
        ## if the handler is already terminated (e.g. by hands)
        ## then function is not called on the exit

        topop = [atexit._exithandlers[i][0] == self.terminate
                 for i in range(len(atexit._exithandlers))]
        if True in topop:
            atexit._exithandlers.pop( topop.index(True) )

        ##--- unregister from the nameserver
        ## it will waits PyroUtils.default_timeout to let it
        ## finish self-unregistration

        if not self.instance_uri == None:
            PyroUtils.unregister(self.instance_uri, ns = self.nshost)

        ##--- shuts down remote process
        ## will leave interpreter alive if debug = True

        ## PyroHandler itself is an object instance managed
        ## by Pyro.core.Daemon, hence will be stopped by setting
        ## PyroHandler._pyro_stop to True

        self._pyro_stop = True