Example #1
def set_trace():
    # put this function right before the exception occurs to debug. Press "c"
    # to resume the program;
    from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
Example #2
def calc_BGW(image_fn,
             bands=np.arange(6) + 1,

    assert min(bands) > 0, 'Bands specified must be above 0 (1 indexed)'

    # TM reflectance tasseled cap coefficients
    refW = np.array([0.0315, 0.2021, 0.3102, 0.1954, -0.6806, -0.6109])
    refG = np.array([-0.1603, -0.2189, -0.4934, 0.7940, -0.0002, -0.1446])
    refB = np.array([0.2043, 0.4158, 0.5524, 0.5741, 0.3124, 0.2330])

    bgw = ['TC brightness', 'TC greenness', 'TC wetness']

    # Open input image
    image_ds = gdal.Open(image_fn, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

    n_band = bands.size + 3

    image = np.zeros((image_ds.RasterYSize, image_ds.RasterXSize, n_band),

    for i, b in enumerate(bands):
        image[:, :, i] = image_ds.GetRasterBand(b).ReadAsArray()

    test = image[2500:3000, 2500:3000, :]

    from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb

    image[:, :, bands.size] = np.tensordot(image, refB, axis=(2, 0))
    image[:, :, bands.size + 1] = np.tensordot(image, refG, axis=(2, 0))
    image[:, :, bands.size + 2] = np.tensordot(image, refW, axis=(2, 0))

    from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb

    # Init BGW
    #     BGW = np.zeros((image_ds.RasterYSize, image_ds.RasterXSize, 3),
    #         dtype=gdal_array.GDALTypeCodeToNumericTypeCode(
    #             image_ds.GetRasterBand(1).DataType))
    #     # Init mask
    #     mask = np.ones((image_ds.RasterYSize, image_ds.RasterXSize), dtype=np.uint8)
    #     # Loop through bands calculating BGW
    #     for i, b in enumerate(bands):
    #         # Open band
    #         band = image_ds.GetRasterBand(b).ReadAsArray()
    #         # Calculate BGW
    #         BGW[:, :, 0] = BGW[:, :, 0] + band * refB[i]
    #         BGW[:, :, 1] = BGW[:, :, 1] + band * refG[i]
    #         BGW[:, :, 2] = BGW[:, :, 2] + band * refW[i]
    #         # Update mask
    #         mask = np.logical_and(mask == 1, band != ndv).astype(np.uint8)

    # Apply mask
    masked = (mask == 0)
    for b in range(BGW.shape[2]):
        BGW[mask == 0, b] = ndv

    # Setup for output
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(fformat)

    out_ds = driver.Create(output, image_ds.RasterXSize, image_ds.RasterYSize,

    for b in range(BGW.shape[2]):
        out_ds.GetRasterBand(b + 1).WriteArray(BGW[:, :, b])
        out_ds.GetRasterBand(b + 1).SetNoDataValue(ndv)
        out_ds.GetRasterBand(b + 1).SetDescription(bgw[b])


    out_ds = None
Example #3
from hiveio import par_init  # noqa
import fblearner.flow.projects.dper.flow_types as T
import fblearner.flow.projects.dper.utils.assemble as assemble_utils
import fblearner.flow.projects.dper.utils.data as data_utils
import fblearner.flow.projects.dper.utils.visualize as vis_utils
import fblearner.flow.projects.dper.workflows.ads_config as default_config

import fblearner.flow.projects.dper.ifbpy.compute_meta as compute_meta
from fblearner.flow.projects.dper.ifbpy.execution import test_model_locally
import fblearner.flow.projects.dper.utils.visualize as vis_utils
import fblearner.flow.projects.dper.utils.perf_estimator_execution as perf_estimator_execution

import json
from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
ipdb = Pdb()

# In[ ]:

# when testing a particular flow, load model options from json file, and pass it to model_options
# local_prod_jason_file="/home/dongli/fbsource/fbcode/caffe2/caffe2/net_config/33252482/prod_model.json"
# with open(local_prod_jason_file, 'r') as f:
#     prod_model_options = sparse_nn.MODEL_OPTIONS.decode(json.loads(f.read()))
# print(prod_model_options)

# In[ ]:

preproc_options = default_config.DEFAULT_PREPROC_OPTIONS

# when testing a particular flow, load model options from json file
# load model preproc options from json file
Example #4
def synthesize(
        nm_cont=False  # If False, force binary state of the noise mask (by thresholding at 0.5)
        hp_f0coef=0.5  # factor of f0 for the cut-off of the high-pass filter (def. 0.5*f0)
        antipreechohwindur=0.001  # [s] Use to damp the signal at the beginning of the signal AND at the end of it
    # Following options are for post-processing the features, after the generation/transformation and thus before waveform synthesis
        pp_f0_rmsteps=False  # Removes steps in the f0 curve
    # (see sigproc.resampling.f0s_rmsteps(.) )
        pp_f0_smooth=None  # Smooth the f0 curve using median and FIR filters of given window duration [s]
        pp_atten1stharminsilences=None  # Typical value is -25

    winnbper = 4  # Number of periods in a synthesis windows. It still contains only one single pulse, but leaves space for the VTF to decay without being cut abruptly.

    # Copy the inputs to avoid modifying them
    f0s = f0s.copy()
    SPEC = SPEC.copy()
    if not NM is None: NM = NM.copy()
    else: NM = np.zeros(SPEC.shape)

    # Check the size of the inputs
    if f0s.shape[0] != SPEC.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError(
            'F0 size {} and spectrogram size {} do not match'.format(
                f0s.shape[0], SPEC.shape[0]))  # pragma: no cover
    if not NM is None:
        if SPEC.shape != NM.shape:
            raise ValueError(
                'spectrogram size {} and NM size {} do not match.'.format(
                    SPEC.shape, NM.shape))  # pragma: no cover

    if wavlen == None: wavlen = int(np.round(f0s[-1, 0] * fs))
    dftlen = (SPEC.shape[1] - 1) * 2
    shift = np.median(np.diff(f0s[:, 0]))
    if verbose > 0:
            'PML Synthesis (dur={}s, fs={}Hz, f0 in [{:.0f},{:.0f}]Hz, shift={}s, dftlen={})'
            .format(wavlen / float(fs), fs, np.min(f0s[:, 1]),
                    np.max(f0s[:, 1]), shift, dftlen))

    # Prepare the features

    # Enforce continuous f0
    f0s[:, 1] = np.interp(f0s[:, 0], f0s[f0s[:, 1] > 0, 0], f0s[f0s[:, 1] > 0,
    # If asked, removes steps in the f0 curve
    if pp_f0_rmsteps:
        f0s = sp.f0s_rmsteps(f0s)
    # If asked, smooth the f0 curve using median and FIR filters
    if not pp_f0_smooth is None:
        print('    Smoothing f0 curve using {}[s] window'.format(pp_f0_smooth))
        import scipy.signal as sig
        lf0 = np.log(f0s[:, 1])
        bcoefslen = int(0.5 * pp_f0_smooth / shift) * 2 + 1
        lf0 = sig.medfilt(lf0, bcoefslen)
        bcoefs = np.hamming(bcoefslen)
        bcoefs = bcoefs / sum(bcoefs)
        lf0 = sig.filtfilt(bcoefs, [1], lf0)
        f0s[:, 1] = np.exp(lf0)

    winlenmax = getwinlen(np.min(f0s[:, 1]), fs, winnbper)
    if winlenmax > dftlen:
            '\n\nWARNING: The maximum window length ({}) is bigger than the DFT length ({}). Please, increase the DFT length of your spectral features (the second dimension) or check if the f0 curve has extremly low values and try to clip them to higher values (at least higher than 50Hz). The f0 curve has been clipped to {}Hz.\n\n'
            .format(winlenmax, dftlen,
                    winnbper * fs / float(dftlen)))  # pragma: no cover
        f0s[:, 1] = np.clip(f0s[:, 1], winnbper * fs / float(dftlen - 2), 1e6)

    if not NM is None:
        # Remove noise below f0, as it is supposed to be already the case
        for n in range(NM.shape[0]):
            NM[n, :int((float(dftlen) / fs) * 2 * f0s[n, 1])] = 0.0

    if not nm_cont:
        print('    Forcing binary noise mask')
        NM[NM <= 0.5] = 0.0  # To be sure that voiced segments are not hoarse
        NM[NM > 0.5] = 1.0  # To be sure the noise segments are fully noisy

    # Generate the pulse positions [1](2) (i.e. the synthesis instants, the GCIs in voiced segments)
    ts = [0.0]
    while ts[-1] < float(wavlen) / fs:
        cf0 = np.interp(ts[-1], f0s[:, 0], f0s[:, 1])
        if cf0 < 50.0: cf0 = 50
        ts.append(ts[-1] + (1.0 / cf0))
    ts = np.array(ts)
    f0s = np.vstack((ts, np.interp(ts, f0s[:, 0], f0s[:, 1]))).T

    # Resample the features to the pulse positions

    # Spectral envelope uses the nearest, to avoid over-smoothing
    SPECR = np.zeros((f0s.shape[0], dftlen / 2 + 1))
    for n, t in enumerate(f0s[:, 0]):  # Nearest: Way better for plosives
        idx = int(np.round(t / shift))
        idx = np.clip(idx, 0, SPEC.shape[0] - 1)
        SPECR[n, :] = SPEC[idx, :]

    # Keep trace of the median energy [dB] over the whole signal
    ener = np.mean(SPECR, axis=1)
    idxacs = np.where(sp.mag2db(ener) > sp.mag2db(np.max(ener)) -
                      30)[0]  # Get approx active frames # TODO Param
    enermed = sp.mag2db(np.median(ener[idxacs]))  # Median energy [dB]
    ener = sp.mag2db(ener)

    # Resample the noise feature to the pulse positions
    # Smooth the frequency response of the mask in order to avoid Gibbs
    # (poor Gibbs nobody want to see him)
    nm_lowpasswin = np.hanning(nm_lowpasswinlen)
    nm_lowpasswin /= np.sum(nm_lowpasswin)
    NMR = np.zeros((f0s.shape[0], dftlen / 2 + 1))
    for n, t in enumerate(f0s[:, 0]):
        idx = int(np.round(t / shift))  # Nearest is better for plosives
        idx = np.clip(idx, 0, NM.shape[0] - 1)
        NMR[n, :] = NM[idx, :]
        if nm_lowpasswinlen > 1:
            NMR[n, :] = scipy.signal.filtfilt(nm_lowpasswin, [1.0], NMR[n, :])

    NMR = np.clip(NMR, 0.0, 1.0)

    # The complete waveform that we will fill with the pulses
    wav = np.zeros(wavlen)
    # Half window on the left of the synthesized segment to avoid pre-echo
    dampinhwin = np.hanning(
        1 +
        2 * int(np.round(antipreechohwindur * fs)))  # 1ms forced dampingwindow
    dampinhwin = dampinhwin[:(len(dampinhwin) - 1) / 2 + 1]

    for n, t in enumerate(f0s[:, 0]):
        f0 = f0s[n, 1]

        if verbose > 1:
            print "\rPM Synthesis (python) t={:4.3f}s f0={:3.3f}Hz               ".format(
                t, f0),

        # Window's length
        # TODO It should be ensured that the beggining and end of the
        #      noise is within the window. Nothing is doing this currently!
        winlen = getwinlen(f0, fs, winnbper)
        # TODO We also assume that the VTF's decay is shorter
        #      than winnbper-1 periods (dangerous with high pitched and tense voice).
        if winlen > dftlen:
            raise ValueError(
                'The window length ({}) is bigger than the DFT length ({}). Please, increase the dftlen of your spectral features or check if the f0 curve has extremly low values and try to clip them to higher values (at least higher than 50[Hz])'
                .format(winlen, dftlen))  # pragma: no cover

        # Set the rough position of the pulse in the window (the closest sample)
        # We keep a third of the window (1 period) on the left because the
        # pulse signal is minimum phase. And 2/3rd (remaining 2 periods)
        # on the right to let the VTF decay.
        pulseposinwin = int((1.0 / winnbper) * winlen)

        # The sample indices of the current pulse wrt. the final waveform
        winidx = int(round(fs * t)) + np.arange(winlen) - pulseposinwin

        # Build the pulse spectrum

        # Let start with a Dirac
        S = np.ones(dftlen / 2 + 1, dtype=np.complex64)

        # Add the delay to place the Dirac at the "GCI": exp(-j*2*pi*t_i)
        delay = -pulseposinwin - fs * (t - int(round(fs * t)) / float(fs))
        S *= np.exp((delay * 2j * np.pi / dftlen) * np.arange(dftlen / 2 + 1))

        # Add the spectral envelope
        # Both amplitude and phase
        E = SPECR[n, :]  # Take the amplitude from the given one
        if hp_f0coef != None:
            # High-pass it to avoid any residual DC component.
            fcut = hp_f0coef * f0
            if not pp_atten1stharminsilences is None and ener[
                    n] - enermed < pp_atten1stharminsilences:
                fcut = 1.5 * f0  # Try to cut between first and second harm
            HP = sp.butter2hspec(fcut, 4, fs, dftlen, high=True)
            E *= HP
            # Not necessarily good as it is non-causal, so make it causal...
            # ... together with the VTF response below.
        # Build the phase of the envelope from the amplitude
        E = sp.hspec2minphasehspec(E, replacezero=True)  # We spend 2 FFT here!
        S *= E  # Add it to the current pulse

        # Add energy correction wrt f0.
        # STRAIGHT and AHOCODER vocoders do it.
        # (why ? to equalize the energy when changing the pulse's duration ?)
        if ener_multT0:
            S *= np.sqrt(fs / f0)

        # Generate the segment of Gaussian noise
        # Use mid-points before/after pulse position
        if n > 0: leftbnd = int(np.round(fs * 0.5 * (f0s[n - 1, 0] + t)))
        else: leftbnd = int(np.round(fs * (t - 0.5 / f0s[n, 1])))  # int(0)
        if n < f0s.shape[0] - 1:
            rightbnd = int(np.round(fs * 0.5 * (t + f0s[n + 1, 0]))) - 1
            rightbnd = int(np.round(
                fs * (t + 0.5 / f0s[n, 1])))  #rightbnd=int(wavlen-1)
        gausswinlen = rightbnd - leftbnd  # The length of the noise segment
        gaussnoise4win = np.random.normal(size=(gausswinlen))  # The noise

        GN = np.fft.rfft(gaussnoise4win,
                         dftlen)  # Move the noise to freq domain
        # Normalize it by its energy (@Yannis, That's your answer at SSW9!)
        GN /= np.sqrt(np.mean(np.abs(GN)**2))
        # Place the noise within the pulse's window
        delay = (pulseposinwin - (leftbnd - winidx[0]))
        GN *= np.exp((delay * 2j * np.pi / dftlen) * np.arange(dftlen / 2 + 1))

        # Add it to the pulse spectrum, under the condition of the mask
        S *= GN**NMR[n, :]

        # That's it! the pulse spectrum is ready!

        # Move it to time domain
        deter = np.fft.irfft(S)[0:winlen]

        # Add half window on the left of the synthesized segment
        # to avoid any possible pre-echo
        deter[:leftbnd - winidx[0] - len(dampinhwin)] = 0.0
        deter[leftbnd - winidx[0] - len(dampinhwin):leftbnd -
              winidx[0]] *= dampinhwin

        # Add half window on the right
        # to avoid cutting the VTF response abruptly
        deter[-len(dampinhwin):] *= dampinhwin[::-1]

        # Write the synthesized segment in the final waveform
        if winidx[0] < 0 or winidx[-1] >= wavlen:
            # The window is partly outside of the waveform ...
            # ... thus copy only the existing part
            itouse = np.logical_and(winidx >= 0, winidx < wavlen)
            wav[winidx[itouse]] += deter[itouse]
            wav[winidx] += deter

    if verbose > 1:
        print '\r                                                               \r',

    if verbose > 2:  # pragma: no cover
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        _, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, sharey=False)
        times = np.arange(len(wav)) / float(fs)
        axs[0].plot(times, wav, 'k')
        axs[1].plot(f0s[:, 0], f0s[:, 1], 'k')
        axs[1].set_ylabel('F0\nFrequency [Hz]')
                      extent=(f0s[0, 0], f0s[-1, 0], 0, 0.5 * fs))
        axs[2].set_ylabel('Amp. Envelope\nFrequency [Hz]')

        from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb

    return wav
Example #5
def set_trace():
def set_trace():
    from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
Example #7
def _init_pdb():
    p = Pdb(def_colors)
    p.rcLines += def_exec_lines
    return p
Example #8
def hook_layer(grad):
    print("grad z latent",grad)
Example #9
def set_trace(frame=None):
    if frame is None:
        frame = sys._getframe().f_back
Example #10
def exportfile(
    srcf,  # Source file to export
    destf,  # Destination path to export to
    resample=None,  # [Hz] Resample the waveform the given frequency (e.g. 44100Hz).
    highpass_fcut=None,  # [Hz] High-pass the waveform according to the given frequency
    normalize=None,  # [dB] Normalise the overall file amplitude to the given amplitude (e.g. -32dB)
    aligndelayref=None,  # [filepath] Align temporally the source waveform to the given waveform file.
    usepcm16=False,  # Save the waveform using PCM16 sample format
    channelid=0  # Use only the first channel (left) if multiple channels are found.

    orifs = None

    if resample == None and normalize == None and usepcm16 == False and aligndelayref == None and highpass_fcut == None:
        # Copy/Paste the original file, without normalization
        shutil.copy2(srcf, destf)
        wav, orifs, enc = wavread(srcf)
        if len(wav.shape) > 1:
            wav = wav[:,
                      channelid]  # Keep only channelid in case multiple tracks are present.
        wavfs = orifs
        ##print("{:10.3f}".format(len(wav)/float(wavfs))+'s '+str(wavfs)+'Hz '+enc)
        if usepcm16:
            enc = 'pcm16'

        if resample != None:
            wav = resampling.resample(wav, wavfs, resample)
            wavfs = resample

        if highpass_fcut != None:
            (b, a) = scipy.signal.butter(4,
                                         highpass_fcut / (0.5 * wavfs),
            wav = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, wav)

        if normalize != None:
            wav_spn = sp.level_normalise(wav,
            # wav_sv56, _ = interfaces.sv56demo(wav, wavfs, level=normalize)

            if 0:
                import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                plt.plot(wav, 'k')
                plt.plot(wav_sv56, 'b')
                plt.plot(wav_spn, 'r')
                from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb

            wav = wav_spn

        if aligndelayref != None:
            # Re-load the first tag as reference
            refwav, refwavfs, refenc = wavread(aligndelayref)
            wav = sp.align_delay(wav, wavfs, refwav, refwavfs)

        wavwrite(destf, wav, fs=wavfs, enc=enc)

        return orifs
Example #11
""" This is an implementation of the backpropagation
    for feed forward network

    Tom Mitchell, Machine Learning, March 1, 1997
import numpy as np
from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb

debugger = Pdb()

def update_weights(W, V, X, T, lr=0.02):

    _, D = X.shape  # D input features
    M, _ = V.shape  # M hidden units
    N, K = T.shape  # N number of examples, K classes

    b = np.ones((N, 1), dtype=np.float32)
    X1 = np.concatenate((b, X), axis=1)
    # stochastic gradient decent
    indexes = np.random.choice(N, N, replace=False)
    for i in indexes:
        Xi = X1[i, :]
        Ti = T[i, :]

        H = forward(W, Xi, sigmoid)
        Z = forward(V, H, softmax)
Example #12
def pointwise_accuracy_stats(query, target_set, count, raw_pred, prefix=''):
    pred = raw_pred.argmax(dim=1).int()
    non_zero_ind = (query > 0)
    copy_accuracy = (query[non_zero_ind]
                     == pred[non_zero_ind]).sum().float() / non_zero_ind.sum()
    copy_point_total = non_zero_ind.sum().item()

    unique_point_ind = (target_set[:, 0, :] == target_set[:, 1, :])
    unique_point_ind = unique_point_ind * (~non_zero_ind)
    unique_point_accuracy = (
        target_set[:, 0, :][unique_point_ind]
        == pred[unique_point_ind]).sum().float() / unique_point_ind.sum()
    unique_point_total = unique_point_ind.sum().item()

    ambiguous_point_ind = ~(target_set[:, 0, :] == target_set[:, 1, :])
    ambiguous_point_accuracy = (target_set[:, 0, :][ambiguous_point_ind] ==
    ambiguous_point_accuracy += (target_set[:, 1, :][ambiguous_point_ind] ==
    ambiguous_point_accuracy = ambiguous_point_accuracy.float() / \
    ambiguous_point_total = ambiguous_point_ind.sum().item()

    total_points = query.numel()
    strict_acc_count = float((target_set[:, 0, :] == pred).all(dim=1).sum() + (
        ((target_set[:, 1, :] == pred).all(dim=1).int()) * (count - 1)).sum())

    strict_accuracy = strict_acc_count / float(pred.size(0))

    lac = ((target_set[:, 0, :] == pred) |
           (target_set[:, 1, :] == pred)).all(dim=1).sum().float().item()
    la = lac / float(pred.size(0))

    lousy_accuracy = (
        target_set[:, 0, :]
        == pred).int() + (target_set[:, 1, :] == pred).int() * (
            count - 1).unsqueeze(1).expand_as(target_set[:, 0, :])
    lousy_accuracy = ((lousy_accuracy > 0).sum(dim=1) == 81)
    lousy_acc_count = lousy_accuracy.sum().float()
    lousy_accuracy = (lousy_acc_count / pred.shape[0]).item()

    corrected_accuracy = []
    for i, x in enumerate(pred):
        corrected_accuracy.append(is_safe_sudoku(x, query[i], 9))
    corrected_accuracy = torch.tensor(corrected_accuracy).float().mean()

    if lac != lousy_acc_count:

    rv = OrderedDict()
    rv[prefix + 'copy_acc'] = copy_accuracy.item()
    rv[prefix + 'unique_pt_acc'] = unique_point_accuracy.item()
    rv[prefix + 'amb_pt_acc'] = ambiguous_point_accuracy.item()
    rv[prefix + 'lousy_acc'] = lousy_accuracy
    rv[prefix + 'strict_acc'] = strict_accuracy
    rv[prefix + 'total_pts'] = total_points
    rv[prefix + 'copy_pts'] = copy_point_total
    rv[prefix + 'unique_pts'] = unique_point_total
    rv[prefix + 'amb_pts'] = ambiguous_point_total
    rv[prefix + 'strict_count'] = strict_acc_count
    rv[prefix + 'lousy_count'] = lac
    rv[prefix + 'corrected_acc'] = corrected_accuracy.item()
    return rv
Example #13
    def analysisf(self, fwav, ff0, f0_min, f0_max, fspec, faper, fvuv,
        print('Extracting WORLD features from: ' + fwav)

        wav, fs, _ = sp.wavread(fwav)

        if ('preproc_hp' in kwargs):
            if kwargs['preproc_hp'] == 'auto': kwargs['preproc_hp'] = f0_min
            self.preprocwav(wav, fs, highpass=kwargs['preproc_hp'])
            self.preprocwav(wav, fs)

        import pyworld as pw

        if 0:
            # Check direct copy re-synthesis without compression/encoding
            # _f0, ts = pw.dio(wav, fs, f0_floor=f0_min, f0_ceil=f0_max, channels_in_octave=2, frame_period=self.shift*1000.0)
            _f0, ts = pw.dio(wav,
                             frame_period=self.shift * 1000.0)
            # _f0, ts = pw.harvest(wav, fs)
            f0 = pw.stonemask(wav, _f0, ts, fs)
            SPEC = pw.cheaptrick(wav, f0, ts, fs, fft_size=self.dftlen)
            APER = pw.d4c(wav, f0, ts, fs, fft_size=self.dftlen)
            resyn = pw.synthesize(f0.astype('float64'), SPEC.astype('float64'),
                                  APER.astype('float64'), fs,
                                  self.shift * 1000.0)
            from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb

        _f0, ts = pw.dio(wav,
                         frame_period=self.shift * 1000.0)
        f0 = pw.stonemask(wav, _f0, ts, fs)
        SPEC = pw.cheaptrick(wav, f0, ts, fs, fft_size=self.dftlen)
        # SPEC = 10.0*np.sqrt(SPEC) # TODO Best gain correction I could find. Hard to find the good one between PML and WORLD different syntheses
        APER = pw.d4c(wav, f0, ts, fs, fft_size=self.dftlen)

        unvoiced = np.where(f0 < 20)[0]
        f0 = np.interp(ts, ts[f0 > 0], f0[f0 > 0])
        f0 = np.log(f0)

        vuv = np.ones(len(f0))
        vuv[unvoiced] = 0

        SPEC = self.compress_spectrum(SPEC, fs, self.spec_size)

        APER = sp.linbnd2fwbnd(APER, fs, self.dftlen, self.aper_size)
        APER = sp.mag2db(APER)

        # CMP = np.concatenate((f0.reshape((-1,1)), SPEC, APER, vuv.reshape((-1,1))), axis=1) # (This is not a necessity)

        if 0:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            resyn = self.synthesis(CMP)
            from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
Example #14
def trueenv(lA,

    dftlen = (len(lA) - 1) * 2

    if not presmooth_factor is None:
        lPA = trueenv(lA,
                      int(order / presmooth_factor),
        slim = int(0.25 * dftlen / order)
        lA[:slim] = np.real(
        )  # Correct only the bins "around" the DC ("around" defined by the order)

    if usewin:
        order = int(np.round(1.2 * order))  # [1] 1.66
        win = np.hamming(2 * order + 1)
        win = win[(len(win) - 1) / 2:]

    lA = np.real(lA)

    lA0 = lA.copy()

    n = 0  # nb iterations
    maxdiff = np.inf

    lV = lA
    cc = np.zeros(1 + order)
    while n < maxit and maxdiff > maxtol:
        #print('iter: '+str(n))

        ccp = np.fft.irfft(lA)
        ccp = ccp[:dftlen / 2 + 1]
        ccp[1:-1] *= 2

        if usewin:
            ccd = ccp
            ccd[:1 + order] -= cc
            Ei = np.sqrt(np.sum(ccd[:1 + order]**2))
            Eo = np.sqrt(np.sum(ccd[1 + order:]**2))
            #Eo = np.sqrt(np.sum((cca[1+order:])**2))
            lamb = np.sqrt((Ei + Eo) / Ei)
            cc = lamb * ccd[:1 +
                            order] + cc  # Eq. (5) in [1] # TODO Doesn't work !?!?!
            #lamb = (Ei+Eo)/Ei
            #cc = (lamb*win)*ccd[:1+order] + cc # Eq. (5) in [1] # TODO Doesn't work !?!?!
            #print('cc ener='+str(np.sqrt(np.sum(cc**2))))
            #cc = lamb*win*ccp
            cc = ccp

        lV = np.fft.rfft(cc, dftlen)
        lV = np.real(lV)

        lA = np.maximum(lA, lV)  # Max of log amplitudes

        maxdiff = np.max(lA0 - lV)  # Can create over-shot

        if debug > 0:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            plt.plot(lA0, 'k')
            #plt.plot(np.fft.rfft(ccp, dftlen), 'g')
            plt.plot(lV, 'r')
            plt.plot(lA, 'b')
            #plt.ylim((-55, -48))
            plt.ylim((-0.02, 0.001))
            plt.xlim((0.0, dftlen / 2))
            from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb

        n += 1

    #print('nb iter={}, maxdiff={}'.format(n,maxdiff))

    if debug > 0:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        plt.plot(lA0, 'k')
        plt.plot(lA, 'b')
        plt.ylim((-10.0, 1))
        from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb

    return lV
Example #15
from __future__ import print_function
import copy
import torch.utils.data
from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb

from rlkit.data_management.images import normalize_image
debug = Pdb().set_trace

# Adapted from pytorch examples

import torch
import torch.utils.data
from torch import nn, optim
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torchvision.utils import save_image

from rlkit.misc.eval_util import create_stats_ordered_dict
from rlkit.misc.ml_util import ConstantSchedule
from rlkit.pythonplusplus import identity
from rlkit.torch import pytorch_util as ptu
from rlkit.torch.core import PyTorchModule
from rlkit.core import logger
import os.path as osp
from rlkit.envs.multitask.point2d import MultitaskImagePoint2DEnv
import numpy as np

class ACAI(PyTorchModule):
    def __init__(
Example #16
def run(statement, globals=None, locals=None):
    Pdb(def_colors).run(statement, globals, locals)
Example #17
def result_map(out,
    """ Populate `out` from data queried from saved record model results

        out (np.ndarray): 2D or 3D (nband x nrow x ncol) array to fill result
            data into
        results (iterable): A list of :class:`HDF5ResultsStore` files
        table (str): The table to retrieve the data from
        attr_columns (tuple): Attributes from results table to map. The number
            of attributes given should be the same as the number of bands in
        attr_funcs (iterable): Optionally, provide a function to apply to each
            attribute described in `attr_columns`. Please supply `None`, or an
            iterable of either a `callable` object or `None` for each attribute
            in `attr_columns`.
        query_kwds (dict): Additional search terms to pass to

        np.ndarray: `out`, but with desired result file attributes mapped into
            the image
    columns = (
    ) + attr_columns

    def guard_out(out):
        shape = (1, ) * (3 - out.ndim) + out.shape
        return np.atleast_3d(out).reshape(*shape)

    out = guard_out(out)

    assert out.ndim == 3, '`guard_out` should have worked!'
    if out.shape[0] != len(attr_columns):
        raise ValueError('Provided `out` must have "{0}" bands to store '
                         '"{1!r}" but it has "{2}" number of bands'.format(
                             len(attr_columns), attr_columns, out.shape[0]))

    for _result in results:
            with _result as result:
                if not table:
                    from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
                    Pdb().set_trace()  # NOQA
                segs = result.query(table, columns=columns, **query_kwds)
                y, x = rasterio.transform.rowcol(result.transform, segs['px'],
                for bidx, attr in enumerate(attr_columns):
                    out[bidx, y, x] = segs[attr]
        except tb.exceptions.HDF5ExtError as err:
                'Result file {} is corrupt or unreadable'.format(
                    _result.filename), err)

    return out
Example #18
def runcall(*args, **kwargs):
    return Pdb(def_colors).runcall(*args, **kwargs)
    def train_oneparamset(self, indir, outdir, wdir, fid_lst_tra, fid_lst_val, params_savefile, trialstr='', cont=None):

        print('Loading all validation data at once ...')
        # X_val, Y_val = data.load_inoutset(indir, outdir, wdir, fid_lst_val, verbose=1)
        X_vals = data.load(indir, fid_lst_val, verbose=1, label='Context labels: ')
        Y_vals = data.load(outdir, fid_lst_val, verbose=1, label='Output features: ')
        X_vals, Y_vals = data.croplen([X_vals, Y_vals])
        print('    {} validation files'.format(len(fid_lst_val)))
        print('    number of validation files / train files: {:.2f}%'.format(100.0*float(len(fid_lst_val))/len(fid_lst_tra)))

        print('Model initial status before training')
        worst_val = data.cost_0pred_rmse(Y_vals)
        print("    0-pred validation RMSE = {} (100%)".format(worst_val))
        init_pred_rms = data.prediction_rms(self._model, [X_vals])
        print('    initial RMS of prediction = {}'.format(init_pred_rms))
        init_val = data.cost_model_prediction_rmse(self._model, [X_vals], Y_vals)
        best_val = None
        print("    initial validation RMSE = {} ({:.4f}%)".format(init_val, 100.0*init_val/worst_val))

        nbbatches = int(len(fid_lst_tra)/self.cfg.train_batch_size)
        print('    using {} batches of {} sentences each'.format(nbbatches, self.cfg.train_batch_size))
        print('    model #parameters={}'.format(self._model.count_params()))

        nbtrainframes = 0
        for fid in fid_lst_tra:
            X = data.loadfile(outdir, fid)
            nbtrainframes += X.shape[0]
        print('    Training set: {} sentences, #frames={} ({})'.format(len(fid_lst_tra), nbtrainframes, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime((nbtrainframes*self._model.vocoder.shift)))))
        print('    #parameters/#frames={:.2f}'.format(float(self._model.count_params())/nbtrainframes))
        if self.cfg.train_nbepochs_scalewdata and not self.cfg.train_batch_lengthmax is None:
            # During an epoch, the whole data is _not_ seen by the training since cfg.train_batch_lengthmax is limited and smaller to the sentence size.
            # To compensate for it and make the config below less depedent on the data, the min ans max nbepochs are scaled according to the missing number of frames seen.
            # TODO Should consider only non-silent frames, many recordings have a lot of pre and post silences
            epochcoef = nbtrainframes/float((self.cfg.train_batch_lengthmax*len(fid_lst_tra)))
            print('    scale number of epochs wrt number of frames')
            self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs = int(self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs*epochcoef)
            self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs = int(self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs*epochcoef)
            print('        train_min_nbepochs={}'.format(self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs))
            print('        train_max_nbepochs={}'.format(self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs))

        self.prepare()  # This has to be overwritten by sub-classes

        costs = defaultdict(list)
        epochs_modelssaved = []
        epochs_durs = []
        nbnodecepochs = 0
        generator_updates = 0
        epochstart = 1
        if cont and len(glob.glob(os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-trainingstate-last.h5*'))>0:
            print('    reloading previous training state ...')
            savedcfg, extras, rngstate = self.loadTrainingState(os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-trainingstate-last.h5')
            cost_val = extras['cost_val']
            # Restoring some local variables
            costs = extras['costs']
            epochs_modelssaved = extras['epochs_modelssaved']
            epochs_durs = extras['epochs_durs']
            generator_updates = extras['generator_updates']
            epochstart = extras['epoch']+1
            # Restore the saving criteria if only none of those 3 cfg values changed:
            if (savedcfg.train_min_nbepochs==self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs) and (savedcfg.train_max_nbepochs==self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs) and (savedcfg.train_cancel_nodecepochs==self.cfg.train_cancel_nodecepochs):
                best_val = extras['best_val']
                nbnodecepochs = extras['nbnodecepochs']

        print_log("    start training ...")
        epoch = -1
        for epoch in range(epochstart,1+self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs):
            timeepochstart = time.time()
            rndidx = np.arange(int(nbbatches*self.cfg.train_batch_size))    # Need to restart from ordered state to make the shuffling repeatable after reloading training state, the shuffling will be different anyway
            rndidxb = np.split(rndidx, nbbatches)
            cost_tra = None
            costs_tra_batches = []
            costs_tra_gen_wgan_lse_ratios = []
            load_times = []
            train_times = []
            for batchid in xrange(nbbatches):

                timeloadstart = time.time()
                print_tty('\r    Training batch {}/{}'.format(1+batchid, nbbatches))

                # Load training data online, because data is often too heavy to hold in memory
                fid_lst_trab = [fid_lst_tra[bidx] for bidx in rndidxb[batchid]]
                X_trab, Y_trab, W_trab = data.load_inoutset(indir, outdir, wdir, fid_lst_trab, length=self.cfg.train_batch_length, lengthmax=self.cfg.train_batch_lengthmax, maskpadtype=self.cfg.train_batch_padtype, cropmode=self.cfg.train_batch_cropmode)

                if 0: # Plot batch
                    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                    plt.imshow(Y_trab[0,].T, origin='lower', aspect='auto', interpolation='none', cmap='jet')
                    from IPython.core.debugger import  Pdb; Pdb().set_trace()

                print_tty(' (iter load: {:.6f}s); training '.format(load_times[-1]))

                timetrainstart = time.time()

                cost_tra = self.train_on_batch(batchid, X_trab, Y_trab)  # This has to be overwritten by sub-classes


                if not cost_tra is None:
                    print_tty('err={:.4f} (iter train: {:.4f}s)                  '.format(cost_tra,train_times[-1]))
                    if np.isnan(cost_tra):                      # pragma: no cover
                        print_log('    previous costs: {}'.format(costs_tra_batches))
                        print_log('    E{} Batch {}/{} train cost = {}'.format(epoch, 1+batchid, nbbatches, cost_tra))
                        raise ValueError('ERROR: Training cost is nan!')
            print_tty('\r                                                           \r')

            cost_val = self.update_validation_cost(costs, X_vals, Y_vals)  # This has to be overwritten by sub-classes

            print_log("    E{}/{} {}  cost_tra={:.6f} (load:{}s train:{}s)  cost_val={:.6f} ({:.4f}% RMSE)  {} MiB GPU {} MiB RAM".format(epoch, self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs, trialstr, costs['model_training'][-1], time2str(np.sum(load_times)), time2str(np.sum(train_times)), cost_val, 100*costs['model_rmse_validation'][-1]/worst_val, tf_gpu_memused(), proc_memresident()))

            if np.isnan(cost_val): raise ValueError('ERROR: Validation cost is nan!')
            # if (self._errtype=='LSE') and (cost_val>=self.cfg.train_cancel_validthresh*worst_val): raise ValueError('ERROR: Validation cost blew up! It is higher than {} times the worst possible values'.format(self.cfg.train_cancel_validthresh)) # TODO

            self._model.save(os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-last.h5', printfn=print_log, extras={'cost_val':cost_val})

            # Save model parameters
            if epoch>=self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs: # Assume no model is good enough before self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs
                if ((best_val is None) or (cost_val<best_val)): # Among all trials of hyper-parameter optimisation
                    best_val = cost_val
                    self._model.save(params_savefile, printfn=print_log, extras={'cost_val':cost_val}, infostr='(E{} C{:.4f})'.format(epoch, best_val))
                    nbnodecepochs = 0
                    nbnodecepochs += 1

            if self.cfg.train_log_plot:
                print_log('    saving plots')
                log_plot_costs(costs, worst_val, fname=os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-fig_costs_'+trialstr+'.svg', epochs_modelssaved=epochs_modelssaved)

                nbsamples = 2
                nbsamples = min(nbsamples, len(X_vals))
                Y_preds = []
                for sampli in xrange(nbsamples): Y_preds.append(self._model.predict(np.reshape(X_vals[sampli],[1]+[s for s in X_vals[sampli].shape]))[0,])

                plotsuffix = ''
                if len(epochs_modelssaved)>0 and epochs_modelssaved[-1]==epoch: plotsuffix='_best'
                else:                                                           plotsuffix='_last'
                log_plot_samples(Y_vals, Y_preds, nbsamples=nbsamples, fname=os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-fig_samples_'+trialstr+plotsuffix+'.png', vocoder=self._model.vocoder, title='E{}'.format(epoch))

            print_log('    ET: {}   max TT: {}s   train ~time left: {}'.format(time2str(epochs_durs[-1]), time2str(np.median(epochs_durs[-10:])*self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs), time2str(np.median(epochs_durs[-10:])*(self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs-epoch))))

            self.saveTrainingState(os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-trainingstate-last.h5', printfn=print_log, extras={'cost_val':cost_val, 'best_val':best_val, 'costs':costs, 'epochs_modelssaved':epochs_modelssaved, 'epochs_durs':epochs_durs, 'nbnodecepochs':nbnodecepochs, 'generator_updates':generator_updates, 'epoch':epoch})

            if nbnodecepochs>=self.cfg.train_cancel_nodecepochs: # pragma: no cover
                print_log('WARNING: validation error did not decrease for {} epochs. Early stop!'.format(self.cfg.train_cancel_nodecepochs))

        if best_val is None: raise ValueError('No model has been saved during training!')
        return {'epoch_stopped':epoch, 'worst_val':worst_val, 'best_epoch':epochs_modelssaved[-1] if len(epochs_modelssaved)>0 else -1, 'best_val':best_val}
Example #20
def runeval(expression, globals=None, locals=None):
    return Pdb(def_colors).runeval(expression, globals, locals)
Example #21
    fs = 16000

    syn = np.zeros(4 * fs)
    ts = np.arange(len(syn)) / float(fs)

    # Add some frequencies
    freqs = [0, fs / 16.0, fs / 2 - fs / 16.0, fs / 2]
    amps = -32
    for freq in freqs:
        amp = db2mag(amps)
        print('Synthesise: {:8.2f}Hz at {}dB'.format(freq, amps))
        if freq == 0.0 or freq == fs / 2: amp /= 2
        syn += amp * 2.0 * np.cos((2 * np.pi * freq) * ts)

    # Add some clicks
    clicks = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, (len(syn) - 1) / float(fs)])
    syn[(clicks * fs).astype(np.int)] = 0.5

    pysndfile.sndio.write('synth_grid_fs' + str(fs) + '.wav',

    if 0:
        plt.plot(ts, syn, 'k')
        from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
Example #22
def aperiodicity(wav, fs, f0s, dftlen, ams=None, outresidual=False):
        Computing the overall harm signal first, then estimating the noise from the residual.
        It should be a more accurate way to compute the aperiodicity than the
        original STRAIGHT's implementation
    from sigproc import sinusoidal

    # Computing the overall harm signal first, then estimating the noise from the residual
    #sins = sinusoidal.estimate_sinusoidal_params(wav, fs, f0s)
    #wavlen = len(wav)
    #sinwav = sinusoidal.synthesize_harmonics(f0s, sins, fs, wavlen)
    #res = wav-sinwav

    # Replace 0s by interpolations
    f0s = f0s.copy()
    f0s[:,1] = np.interp(f0s[:,0], f0s[f0s[:,1]>0,0], f0s[f0s[:,1]>0,1])
    if outresidual:
        ress = np.zeros(wav.shape)
        reswins = np.zeros(wav.shape)

    F = (float(fs)/dftlen)*np.arange(dftlen/2+1)
    APER = np.zeros((len(f0s[:,0]),dftlen/2+1))
    for n, t in enumerate(f0s[:,0]):
        f0 = f0s[n,1]
        print "\rt={:0.3f}s({:.0f}%) f0={:0.2f}Hz".format(t, 100*t/f0s[f0s.shape[0]-1,0], f0),

        # Window's length
        winlen = int(0.5+(3*fs/f0)/2)*2+1 # with rounding

        # Extract the signal segment to analyse
        winidx = np.arange(-int((winlen-1)/2),int((winlen-1)/2+1), dtype=np.int64)
        winidx += int(0.5+fs*t)
        if winidx[0]<0 or winidx[-1]>=len(wav):
            # The window is partly outside of the signal ...
            wav4win = np.zeros(winlen)
            # ... copy only the existing part
            itouse = np.logical_and(winidx>=0,winidx<len(wav))
            wav4win[itouse] = wav[winidx[itouse]]
        else :
            wav4win = wav[winidx]

        # The initial frequencies are
        freqs = f0 * np.arange(int(np.floor((fs/2.0-f0/2.0)/f0))+1)

        if np.linalg.norm(wav4win)<sys.float_info.epsilon:
            # The signal is empty: Add "empty" data
            # TODO

        # Window's shape
        win = np.blackman(winlen)                 
        win = win/sum(win) # Normalize for sinusoidal content

        S = sinusoidal.compute_dft(wav4win, fs, win, dftlen, winidx, ams)

        sin = sinusoidal.extract_peaks(S, fs, f0, winlen, dftlen)

        #from IPython.core.debugger import  Pdb; Pdb().set_trace()
        syn = sinusoidal.synthesize_harmonics(np.array([[((winlen-1)/2.0)/float(fs), f0]]), [sin], fs, winlen)

        res = wav4win-syn

        if winidx[0]<0 or winidx[-1]>=len(wav):
            # The window is partly outside of the signal ...
            # ... copy only the existing part
            itouse = np.logical_and(winidx>=0,winidx<len(wav))
            ress[winidx[itouse]] += res[itouse]*win[itouse]
            reswins[winidx[itouse]] += win[itouse]
            ress[winidx] += res*win
            reswins[winidx] += win

        N = sp.mag2db(np.fft.rfft(res*win, dftlen))

        E = np.interp(F, sin[0,1:], sp.mag2db(sin[1,1:]))

        APER[n,:] = N - E

        if t>0.3 and 0:
            SA = sp.mag2db(S)
            SA[np.isinf(SA)] = np.finfo(SA[0]).min
            plt.plot(F, SA, 'k')
            plt.plot(sin[0,:], sp.mag2db(sin[1,:]), 'xk')
            SYN = sinusoidal.compute_dft(syn, fs, win, dftlen, winidx)
            plt.plot(F, sp.mag2db(SYN), 'b')
            plt.plot(F, E, 'b')
            plt.plot(F, sp.mag2db(np.fft.rfft(res*win, dftlen)), 'r')
            plt.plot(F, APER[n,:], 'g')
            from IPython.core.debugger import  Pdb; Pdb().set_trace()

    print '\r                                                               \r',

    if outresidual:
        idx = reswins>0.0
        ress[idx] /= reswins[idx]
        return APER, ress
        return APER
Example #23
def debug(f, *args, **kwargs):
    from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
    pdb = Pdb(color_scheme='Linux')
    return pdb.runcall(f, *args, **kwargs)
Example #24
def set_trace():
Example #25
def debug(f, *args, **kwargs):
    pdb = Pdb(color_scheme="Linux")
    return pdb.runcall(f, *args, **kwargs)
Example #26
def plot_features(wav=None,
                  NM=None):  # pragma: no cover
    # TODO Could test this by writting in a picture
    tstart = 0.0
    tend = 1.0
    nbview = 0
    if not wav is None: nbview += 1
    if not f0s is None: nbview += 1
    if not SPEC is None: nbview += 1
    if not PDD is None: nbview += 1
    if not NM is None: nbview += 1
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    _, axs = plt.subplots(nbview, 1, sharex=True, sharey=False)
    if not isinstance(axs, np.ndarray): axs = np.array([axs])
    view = 0
    if not wav is None:
        times = np.arange(len(wav)) / float(fs)
        axs[view].plot(times, wav, 'k')
        axs[view].set_xlim((0.0, times[-1]))
        view += 1
    if not f0s is None:
        tstart = f0s[0, 0]
        tend = f0s[-1, 0]
        axs[view].plot(f0s[:, 0], f0s[:, 1], 'k')
        axs[view].set_ylabel('F0\nFrequency [Hz]')
        view += 1
    if not SPEC is None:
                         extent=(tstart, tend, 0, 0.5 * fs),
        axs[view].set_ylabel('Amp. Envelope\nFrequency [Hz]')
        view += 1
    if not PDD is None:
                         extent=(tstart, tend, 0, 0.5 * fs),
        axs[view].set_ylabel('PDD\nFrequency [Hz]')
        view += 1
    if not NM is None:
                         extent=(tstart, tend, 0, 0.5 * fs),
        axs[view].set_ylabel('Noise Mask \nFrequency [Hz]')
        view += 1
    axs[-1].set_xlabel('Time [s]')
    from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
def set_trace():
    """A Poor mans break point"""
    # without this in iPython debugger can generate strange characters.
    from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
Example #28
def trace(code, preparse=True):
    Evaluate Sage code using the interactive tracer and return the
    result. The string ``code`` must be a valid expression
    enclosed in quotes (no assignments - the result of the expression
    is returned). In the Sage notebook this just raises a


    -  ``code`` - str

    -  ``preparse`` - bool (default: True); if True, run
       expression through the Sage preparser.

    REMARKS: This function is extremely powerful! For example, if you
    want to step through each line of execution of, e.g.,
    ``factor(100)``, type


        sage: trace("factor(100)")             # not tested

    then at the (Pdb) prompt type ``s`` (or ``step``), then press return
    over and over to step through every line of Python that is called
    in the course of the above computation. Type ``?`` at any time for
    help on how to use the debugger (e.g., ``l`` lists 11 lines around
    the current line; ``bt`` gives a back trace, etc.).

    Setting a break point: If you have some code in a file and would
    like to drop into the debugger at a given point, put the following
    code at that point in the file:

    ``import pdb; pdb.set_trace()``

    For an article on how to use the Python debugger, see

    TESTS: The only real way to test this is via pexpect spawning a
    sage subprocess that uses IPython.


        sage: import pexpect
        sage: s = pexpect.spawn('sage')
        sage: _ = s.sendline("trace('print factor(10)'); print 3+97")
        sage: _ = s.sendline("s"); _ = s.sendline("c");
        sage: _ = s.expect('100', timeout=90)

    Seeing the ipdb prompt and the 2 \* 5 in the output below is a
    strong indication that the trace command worked correctly.


        sage: print s.before[s.before.find('--'):]
        ipdb> c
        2 * 5

    We test what happens in notebook embedded mode::

        sage: sage.plot.plot.EMBEDDED_MODE = True
        sage: trace('print factor(10)')
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        NotImplementedError: the trace command is not implemented in the Sage notebook; you must use the command line.
    from sage.plot.plot import EMBEDDED_MODE
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "the trace command is not implemented in the Sage notebook; you must use the command line."

    from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
    pdb = Pdb()

        ipython = get_ipython()
    except NameError:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "the trace command can only be run from the Sage command-line")

    import preparser
    code = preparser.preparse(code)
    return pdb.run(code, ipython.user_ns)
Example #29
def set_trace():
	from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
	import sys
Example #30
def debug(f,*args, **kwargs):
    # allows arbitrarily calling debugger for a function. Press "c" to resume
    # the function; press "s" to step through each line of the function
    from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
    pdb = Pdb(color_scheme='Linux')
    return pdb.runcall(f,*args, **kwargs)