Example #1
    def getOutput(self, name=None, block="AUTO", file_link=False):
        """Return a link to a zip file of the working directory.


           name : str
               The name of the zip file.

           block : bool
               Whether to block until the process has finished running.

           file_link : bool
               Whether to return a FileLink when working in Jupyter.


           ouput : str, IPython.display.FileLink
               A path, or file link, to an archive of the process output.

        if name is None:
            name = self._name
            if type(name) is not str:
                raise TypeError("'name' must be of type 'str'")

        # Wait for the process to finish.
        if block is True:
        elif block == "AUTO" and self._is_blocked:

        # Generate the zip file name.
        zipname = "%s.zip" % name

        # Glob all of the output files.
        output = _glob.glob("%s/*" % self._work_dir)

        with _zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, "w") as zip:
            # Loop over all of the file outputs.
            for file in output:
                zip.write(file, arcname=_os.path.basename(file))

        # Return a link to the archive.
        if _is_notebook():
            if file_link:
                return _FileLink(zipname)
                return zipname
        # Return the path to the archive.
            return zipname
Example #2
    def getOutput(self, filename=None, file_link=False):
        """Return a zip file containing the output from the parameterisation process.


           filename : str
               The name to write the output to.

           file_link : bool
               Whether to return a FileLink when working in Jupyter.


           file_link : str, IPython.lib.display.FileLink
               The name of, or link to, a zipfile containing the output.

        if self._zipfile is None or filename is not None:
            if filename is not None:
                zipname = "%s.zip" % filename

                # If the user has passed a directory, make sure that is exists.
                if _os.path.basename(filename) != filename:
                    dirname = _os.path.dirname(filename)
                    # Create the directory if it doesn't already exist.
                    if not _os.path.isdir(dirname):
                        _os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
                zipname = "%s.zip" % self._hash

            # Append the files to the archive.
            with _zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, "w") as zip:
                # Loop over all of the output files.
                for file in _glob.glob("%s/*" % self._work_dir):
                    zip.write(file, arcname=_os.path.basename(file))

            # Store the location of the zip file. Only do so if the
            # parameterisation has finished.
            if not self._is_finished:
                self._zipfile = zipname

        # Return a link to the archive.
        if _is_notebook:
            if file_link:
                return _FileLink(self._zipfile)
                return self._zipfile
            return self._zipfile
Example #3
    def getInput(self, name=None, file_link=False):
        """Return a link to a zip file containing the input files used by
           the process.


           name : str
               The name of the zip file.

           file_link : bool
               Whether to return a FileLink when working in Jupyter.


           ouput : str, IPython.display.FileLink
               A path, or file link, to an archive of the process input.

        if name is None:
            name = self._name + "_input"
            if type(name) is not str:
                raise TypeError("'name' must be of type 'str'")

        # Generate the zip file name.
        zipname = "%s.zip" % name

        with _zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, "w") as zip:
            # Loop over all of the file outputs.
            for file in self.inputFiles():
                zip.write(file, arcname=_os.path.basename(file))

        # Return a link to the archive.
        if _is_notebook:
            if file_link:
                return _FileLink(zipname)
                return zipname
        # Return the path to the archive.
            return zipname
Example #4
    def validate(self, file_prefix="output"):
        """Whether the output requirements are satisfied.


           file_prefix : str
               The prefix of the output file name.


           output : IPython.lib.display.FileLink, str
               If running interatvely: A link to a zipfile containing the
               validated output, else the name of a YAML file containing
               the node output.

        if type(file_prefix) is not str:
            raise TypeError("The 'file_prefix' keyword must be of type 'str'.")

        # Flag that we have validated output.
        self._is_output_validated = True

        # A list of File and FileSet outputs.
        file_outputs = []

        # Check no outputs are None.
        for name, output in self._outputs.items():
            if output.getValue() is None:
                self._errors.append("Missing output for requirement '%s'" %
                if type(output) is _File or type(output) is _FileSet:

        # Node failed.
        if len(self._errors) > 0:
            for error in self._errors:
                print("%s" % error, file=_sys.stderr)

            if self._name is not None:
                raise SystemExit("Node '%s' failed!" % self._name)
                raise SystemExit("Node failed!")

        # Create a compressed archive containing all file output for the node.
        if self._is_notebook:
            # There are files.
            if len(file_outputs) > 0:
                # Create the archive name.
                zipname = "%s.zip" % file_prefix

                # Append the files to the archive.
                with _zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, "w") as zip:
                    # Loop over all of the file outputs.
                    for output in file_outputs:
                        if type(output) is _File:
                            file = output.getValue()
                            zip.write(file, arcname=_os.path.basename(file))
                            for file in output.getValue():

                # Return a link to the archive.
                return _FileLink(zipname)
            # Initialise an empty dictionary to store the output data.
            data = {}

            # Create the YAML file name.
            yamlname = "%s.yaml" % file_prefix

            # Populate the dictionary.
            for name, output in self._outputs.items():
                data[name] = output.getValue()

            # Write the outputs to a YAML file.
            with open(yamlname, "w") as file:
                _yaml.dump(data, file, default_flow_style=False)

            return yamlname