Example #1
def init(profile="mpi"):
    """Initialize pyDive.

    :param str profile: The name of the cluster profile of *IPython.parallel*. Has to be an MPI-profile.\
        Defaults to 'mpi'.
    # init direct view
    global view

    client = Client(profile=profile)
    view = client[:]
    view.block = True
        import numpy as np
        from mpi4py import MPI
        import h5py as h5
        import os, sys
        import psutil
        import math
        os.environ["onTarget"] = 'True'
        from pyDive import structured
        from pyDive import algorithm
        from pyDive.distribution import interengine
            import pyDive.arrays.local.h5_ndarray
        except ImportError:
            import pyDive.arrays.local.ad_ndarray
        except ImportError:
            import pyDive.arrays.local.gpu_ndarray
            import pycuda.autoinit
        except ImportError:

    # get number of processes per node (ppn)
    def hostname():
        import socket

        return socket.gethostname()

    hostnames = view.apply(interactive(hostname))
    global ppn
    ppn = max(Counter(hostnames).values())

    # mpi ranks
    get_rank = interactive(lambda: MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank())
    all_ranks = view.apply(get_rank)
    view["target2rank"] = all_ranks
Example #2
def init(profile='mpi'):
    """Initialize pyDive.

    :param str profile: The name of the cluster profile of *IPython.parallel*. Has to be an MPI-profile.\
        Defaults to 'mpi'.
    # init direct view
    global view

    client = Client(profile=profile)
    view = client[:]
    view.block = True
        import numpy as np
        from mpi4py import MPI
        import h5py as h5
        import os, sys
        import psutil
        import math
        os.environ["onTarget"] = 'True'
        from pyDive import structured
        from pyDive import algorithm
        from pyDive.distribution import interengine
            import pyDive.arrays.local.h5_ndarray
        except ImportError:
            import pyDive.arrays.local.ad_ndarray
        except ImportError:
            import pyDive.arrays.local.gpu_ndarray
            import pycuda.autoinit
        except ImportError:

    # get number of processes per node (ppn)
    def hostname():
        import socket
        return socket.gethostname()
    hostnames = view.apply(interactive(hostname))
    global ppn
    ppn = max(Counter(hostnames).values())

    # mpi ranks
    get_rank = interactive(lambda: MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank())
    all_ranks = view.apply(get_rank)
    view['target2rank'] = all_ranks
Example #3
def __mp_mc_setup( generator, kernel, M = 100, **kwargs ) :
## The parallel computing part: use synchronous computations
	cli = mp.Client( )
	clu = cli.direct_view( )
	clu.clear( block = True )
## Make the workers import the necessary dependencies
	clu.execute( 'import numpy as np', block = True )
## The crossing tree toolkit
	clu.execute( 'from crossing_tree import xtree_build', block = True )
## The generators
	clu.execute( 'from Weierstrass import synth_Weier', block = True )
	clu.execute( 'from synthfbmcircul import synth_fbm, synth_fgn', block = True )
	clu.execute( 'from hsssi_processes import synth_Rosenblatt, synth_Hermite3, synth_Hermite4', block = True )
# Distribute the workload evenly among the members of the cluster
	clu.scatter( 'local_replications', range( M ), block = True )
## The main problem is that it is possible that each worker reads
##  its seed from the same source and at the same time, which would
##  produces dangerously correlated results, even meaningless. Therefore
##  before starting the kernels, let the parent process generate
##  some entropy for each child process.
##  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2396209/best-seed-for-parallel-process
## Generate 32bit values uniformly at random.
	seeds = np.random.randint( 0x7FFFFFFF, size = len( cli ) )
## Alternative way for UNIX systems is to read from /dev/random.
##	with open( "/dev/random", "rb" ) as dev :
##		seeds = [ struct.unpack( 'I', dev.read( 4 ) )[ 0 ] for c in cli ]
## Dispatch individual seed values to each worker.
	for c, seed in zip( cli, seeds ) :
		c.push( { 'seed' : seed } )
## Pass the necesary environment to the cluster.
	clu.push({ 'generator' : generator, 'local_kwargs' : kwargs, 'local_M': M,
		'kernel': interactive( kernel ) }, block = True )
	return clu
Example #4
def reduce(array, op):
    """Perform a tree-like reduction over all axes of *array*.

    :param array: *pyDive.ndarray*, *pyDive.h5_ndarray* or *pyDive.cloned_ndarray* to be reduced
    :param numpy-ufunc op: reduce operation, e.g. *numpy.add*.

    If the hdf5 data exceeds the memory limit (currently 25% of the combined main memory of all cluster nodes)\
    the data will be read block-wise so that a block fits into memory.
    def reduce_wrapper(array_name, op_name):
        array = globals()[array_name]
        op =  eval("np." + op_name)
        return algorithm.__tree_reduce(array, axis=None, op=op) # reduction over all axes

    view = com.getView()

    tmp_targets = view.targets # save current target list
    if type(array) == VirtualArrayOfStructs:
        view.targets = array.firstArray.target_ranks
        view.targets = array.target_ranks

    result = None

    if (hasattr(array, "arraytype") and array.arraytype in hdd_arraytypes) or type(array) in hdd_arraytypes:
        for chunk in fragment(array):
            array_name = repr(chunk)

            targets_results = view.apply(interactive(reduce_wrapper), array_name, op.__name__)
            chunk_result = op.reduce(targets_results) # reduce over targets' results

            if result is None:
                result = chunk_result
                result = op(result, chunk_result)
        array_name = repr(array)

        targets_results = view.apply(interactive(reduce_wrapper), array_name, op.__name__)
        result = op.reduce(targets_results) # reduce over targets' results

    view.targets = tmp_targets # restore target list
    return result
Example #5
def init():
    #init direct view
    global view

    view = Client(profile='mpi')[:]
    view.block = True
    view.execute('from numpy import *')
    view.execute('from mpi4py import MPI')
    view.execute('import h5py as h5')
    view.execute('import os')

    get_rank = interactive(lambda: MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank())
    all_ranks = view.apply(get_rank)
    view['target2rank'] = all_ranks
Example #6
def solveBellman_parallel(Para,Vf):
    Solves the bellman equation for the states computed need to run 
    computePosteriors before this.
    cl = Client()
    v = cl[:]#get the view for the client
    v.block = True
    X = getX(Para)
    Vs_old = Vf(X).flatten()
    diff = 100.
    diff_old = diff
    a = 0.05
    n_reset = 10
    #Setup the bellman Map on the engines
    v.execute('from bayesian_log import BellmanMap')
    v.execute('T = BellmanMap(Para)')

    while diff > 1e-4:
        #send the value function to the engines and create new value function        
        v['Vf'] = Vf
        v.execute('Vnew = T(Vf)')
        #Now apply Vnew on engines to each element of Para.domain
        f = interactive(lambda state: Vnew(state)[0])
        Vs = hstack(v.map(f,Para.domain))
        #Now fit the new value function
        c_old = Vf.f.get_c()
        #mix between old coefficients and new ones
        diff = max(abs((Vs-Vs_old)/Vs_old))/a
        if diff > diff_old and n_reset >9:
            a /= 2.
            n_reset = 0
        diff_old = diff
        n_reset += 1
        print diff
        Vs_old = Vs
    return Vf
Example #7
def __bestStepSize(arrays, axis, memory_limit):
    view = com.getView()

    # minimum amount of memory available and memory needed, both per engine
    get_mem_av_node = interactive(lambda: psutil.virtual_memory().available)
    tmp_targets = view.targets
    view.targets = 'all'
    mem_av = min(view.apply(get_mem_av_node)) / com.getPPN()
    mem_needed = sum(a.nbytes for a in arrays) / len(view)
    view.targets = tmp_targets

    # edge length of the whole array
    edge_length = arrays[0].shape[axis]
    # maximum edge length on one engine according to the available memory
    step_size = memory_limit * edge_length * mem_av / mem_needed

    if step_size >= edge_length:
        return edge_length

    # round 'step_size' down to nearest power of two
    return pow(2, int(math.log(step_size, 2)))
Example #8
def __bestStepSize(arrays, axis, memory_limit):
    view = com.getView()

    # minimum amount of memory available and memory needed, both per engine
    get_mem_av_node = interactive(lambda: psutil.virtual_memory().available)
    tmp_targets = view.targets
    view.targets = 'all'
    mem_av = min(view.apply(get_mem_av_node)) / com.getPPN()
    mem_needed = sum(a.nbytes for a in arrays) / len(view)
    view.targets = tmp_targets

    # edge length of the whole array
    edge_length = arrays[0].shape[axis]
    # maximum edge length on one engine according to the available memory
    step_size = memory_limit * edge_length * mem_av / mem_needed

    if step_size >= edge_length:
        return edge_length

    # round 'step_size' down to nearest power of two
    return pow(2, int(math.log(step_size, 2)))
Example #9
def map(f, *arrays, **kwargs):
    """Applies *f* on :term:`engine` on local arrays related to *arrays*.
    Example: ::

        cluster_array = pyDive.ones(shape=[100], distaxes=0)

        cluster_array *= 2.0
        # equivalent to
        pyDive.map(lambda a: a *= 2.0, cluster_array) # a is the local numpy-array of *cluster_array*

    Or, as a decorator: ::

        def twice(a):
            a *= 2.0


    :param callable f: function to be called on :term:`engine`. Has to accept *numpy-arrays* and *kwargs*
    :param arrays: list of arrays including *pyDive.ndarrays*, *pyDive.h5_ndarrays* or *pyDive.cloned_ndarrays*
    :param kwargs: user-specified keyword arguments passed to *f*
    :raises AssertionError: if the *shapes* of *pyDive.ndarrays* and *pyDive.h5_ndarrays* do not match
    :raises AssertionError: if the *distaxes* attributes of *pyDive.ndarrays* and *pyDive.h5_ndarrays* do not match

        - If the hdf5 data exceeds the memory limit (currently 25% of the combined main memory of all cluster nodes)\
            the data will be read block-wise so that a block fits into memory.
        - *map* chooses the list of *engines* from the **first** element of *arrays*. On these engines *f* is called.\
            If the first array is a *pyDive.h5_ndarray* all engines will be used.
        - *map* is not writing data back to a *pyDive.h5_ndarray* yet.
        - *map* does not equalize the element distribution of *pyDive.ndarrays* before execution.
    if not arrays:
        # decorator mode
        def map_deco(*arrays, **kwargs):
            map(f, *arrays, **kwargs)
        return map_deco

    def map_wrapper(f, array_names, **kwargs):
        arrays = [globals()[array_name] for array_name in array_names]
        f(*arrays, **kwargs)

    view = com.getView()

    tmp_targets = view.targets # save current target list
    if type(arrays[0]) == VirtualArrayOfStructs:
        view.targets = arrays[0].firstArray.target_ranks
        view.targets = arrays[0].target_ranks

    hdd_arrays = [a for a in arrays if (hasattr(a, "arraytype") and a.arraytype in hdd_arraytypes) or type(a) in hdd_arraytypes]
    if hdd_arrays:
        cloned_arrays = [a for a in arrays if (hasattr(a, "arraytype") and a.arraytype is cloned_ndarray) or type(a) is cloned_ndarray]
        other_arrays = [a for a in arrays if not ((hasattr(a, "arraytype") and a.arraytype is cloned_ndarray) or type(a) is cloned_ndarray)]

        cloned_arrays_ids = [id(a) for a in cloned_arrays]
        other_arrays_ids = [id(a) for a in other_arrays]

        for fragments in fragment(*other_arrays):
            it_other_arrays = iter(other_arrays)
            it_cloned_arrays = iter(cloned_arrays)

            array_names = []
            for a in arrays:
                if id(a) in cloned_arrays_ids:
                if id(a) in other_arrays_ids:

            view.apply(interactive(map_wrapper), interactive(f), array_names, **kwargs)
        array_names = [repr(a) for a in arrays]
        view.apply(interactive(map_wrapper), interactive(f), array_names, **kwargs)

    view.targets = tmp_targets # restore target list
Example #10
def mapReduce(map_func, reduce_op, *arrays, **kwargs):
    """Applies *map_func* on :term:`engine` on local arrays related to *arrays*
    and reduces its result in a tree-like fashion over all axes.
    Example: ::

        cluster_array = pyDive.ones(shape=[100], distaxes=0)

        s = pyDive.mapReduce(lambda a: a**2, np.add, cluster_array) # a is the local numpy-array of *cluster_array*
        assert s == 100

    :param callable f: function to be called on :term:`engine`. Has to accept *numpy-arrays* and *kwargs*
    :param numpy-ufunc reduce_op: reduce operation, e.g. *numpy.add*.
    :param arrays: list of arrays including *pyDive.ndarrays*, *pyDive.h5_ndarrays* or *pyDive.cloned_ndarrays*
    :param kwargs: user-specified keyword arguments passed to *f*
    :raises AssertionError: if the *shapes* of *pyDive.ndarrays* and *pyDive.h5_ndarrays* do not match
    :raises AssertionError: if the *distaxes* attributes of *pyDive.ndarrays* and *pyDive.h5_ndarrays* do not match

        - If the hdf5 data exceeds the memory limit (currently 25% of the combined main memory of all cluster nodes)\
            the data will be read block-wise so that a block fits into memory.
        - *mapReduce* chooses the list of *engines* from the **first** element of *arrays*. On these engines the mapReduce will be executed.\
            If the first array is a *pyDive.h5_ndarray* all engines will be used.
        - *mapReduce* is not writing data back to a *pyDive.h5_ndarray* yet.
        - *mapReduce* does not equalize the element distribution of *pyDive.ndarrays* before execution.
    def mapReduce_wrapper(map_func, reduce_op_name, array_names, **kwargs):
        arrays = [globals()[array_name] for array_name in array_names]
        reduce_op =  eval("np." + reduce_op_name)
        return algorithm.__tree_reduce(map_func(*arrays, **kwargs), axis=None, op=reduce_op)

    view = com.getView()
    tmp_targets = view.targets # save current target list
    if type(arrays[0]) == VirtualArrayOfStructs:
        view.targets = arrays[0].firstArray.target_ranks
        view.targets = arrays[0].target_ranks

    result = None

    hdd_arrays = [a for a in arrays if (hasattr(a, "arraytype") and a.arraytype in hdd_arraytypes) or type(a) in hdd_arraytypes]
    if hdd_arrays:
        cloned_arrays = [a for a in arrays if (hasattr(a, "arraytype") and a.arraytype is cloned_ndarray) or type(a) is cloned_ndarray]
        other_arrays = [a for a in arrays if not ((hasattr(a, "arraytype") and a.arraytype is cloned_ndarray) or type(a) is cloned_ndarray)]

        cloned_arrays_ids = [id(a) for a in cloned_arrays]
        other_arrays_ids = [id(a) for a in other_arrays]

        for fragments in fragment(*other_arrays):
            it_other_arrays = iter(other_arrays)
            it_cloned_arrays = iter(cloned_arrays)

            array_names = []
            for a in arrays:
                if id(a) in cloned_arrays_ids:
                if id(a) in other_arrays_ids:

            targets_results = view.apply(interactive(mapReduce_wrapper),\
                interactive(map_func), reduce_op.__name__, array_names, **kwargs)

            fragment_result = reduce_op.reduce(targets_results) # reduce over targets' results
            if result is None:
                result = fragment_result
                result = reduce_op(result, fragment_result)
        array_names = [repr(a) for a in arrays]
        targets_results = view.apply(interactive(mapReduce_wrapper),\
            interactive(map_func), reduce_op.__name__, array_names, **kwargs)

        result = reduce_op.reduce(targets_results) # reduce over targets' results

    view.targets = tmp_targets # restore target list

    return result