Example #1
def main():
    """Plot example augmentations for Lena and an image loaded from a file."""

    # try on a lena image
    image = data.lena()
    augmenter = ImageAugmenter(image.shape[0], image.shape[1],
                               hflip=True, vflip=True,
                               scale_to_percent=1.3, scale_axis_equally=False,
                               rotation_deg=25, shear_deg=10,
                               translation_x_px=5, translation_y_px=5)

    augmenter.plot_image(image, 100)

    # check loading of images from file and augmenting them
    image = misc.imread("chameleon.png")
    augmenter = ImageAugmenter(image.shape[1], image.shape[0],
                               hflip=True, vflip=True,
                               scale_to_percent=1.3, scale_axis_equally=False,
                               rotation_deg=25, shear_deg=10,
                               translation_x_px=5, translation_y_px=5)

    augmenter.plot_image(image, 50)

    # move the channel from index 2 (3rd position) to index 0 (1st position)
    # so (y, x, rgb) becomes (rgb, y, x)
    # try if it still works
    image = np.rollaxis(image, 2, 0)
    augmenter = ImageAugmenter(image.shape[2], image.shape[1],
                               hflip=True, vflip=True,
                               scale_to_percent=1.3, scale_axis_equally=False,
                               rotation_deg=25, shear_deg=10,
                               translation_x_px=5, translation_y_px=5,
    augmenter.plot_image(image, 50)
from scipy import misc
import numpy as np

directory = os.getcwd() + "/training/positive_generated/"
files = [f for f in listdir(directory) if isfile(join(directory, f))]

for file in files:
    if "jpg" not in file and "png" not in file:
    image = misc.imread("./training/positive_generated/" + file)
    # image=Image.open("./training/positive/"+file)
    # for i in range(0,21):
    # 	image.save(os.getcwd()+"/training/positive_expanded/"+file.strip(".jpg").strip(".png")+str(i)+".jpg")
    height = image.shape[0]
    width = image.shape[1]

    augmenter = ImageAugmenter(
        height,  # width and height of the image (must be the same for all images in the batch)
        hflip=True,  # flip horizontally with 50% probability
        vflip=True,  # flip vertically with 50% probability
        scale_to_percent=1.3,  # scale the image to 70%-130% of its original size
        False,  # allow the axis to be scaled unequally (e.g. x more than y)
        rotation_deg=25,  # rotate between -25 and +25 degrees
        shear_deg=10,  # shear between -10 and +10 degrees
        translation_x_px=5,  # translate between -5 and +5 px on the x-axis
        translation_y_px=5  # translate between -5 and +5 px on the y-axis
    fig = augmenter.plot_image(image, name=file, nb_repeat=20)