def __init__(self, imgdir, imgfile): Toplevel.__init__(self) self.title(imgfile) imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile) imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) Label(self, image=imgobj).pack( ) print imgpath, imgobj.width(), imgobj.height( ) # size in pixels self.savephoto = imgobj # keep reference on me
def __init__(self, imgdir, imgfile): Toplevel.__init__(self) self.title(imgfile) imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile) imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) Label(self, image=imgobj).pack() print imgpath, imgobj.width(), imgobj.height() # size in pixels self.savephoto = imgobj # keep reference on me
def get_image(): global img_camera, img_modified i = c.get_photo().get_response().resize((100, 100), Img.ANTIALIAS) reduce_noise(i) img = PhotoImage(i) img_camera.configure(image=img) img_camera.img = img img_m = PhotoImage(filter_red(i)) img_modified.configure(image=img_m) img_modified.img = img_m img_camera.after(100, get_image)
def viewer(imgdir, kind=Toplevel, cols=None): """ make thumb links window for an image directory: one thumb button per image; use kind=Tk to show in main app window, or Frame container (pack); imgfile differs per loop: must save with a default; photoimage objs must be saved: erased if reclaimed; """ win = kind() win.title('Viewer: ' + imgdir) thumbs = makeThumbs(imgdir) if not cols: cols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(thumbs)))) # fixed or N x N savephotos = [] while thumbs: thumbsrow, thumbs = thumbs[:cols], thumbs[cols:] row = Frame(win) row.pack(fill=BOTH) for (imgfile, imgobj) in thumbsrow: photo = PhotoImage(imgobj) link = Button(row, image=photo) handler = lambda savefile=imgfile: ViewOne(imgdir, savefile) link.config(command=handler) link.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES) savephotos.append(photo) Button(win, text='Quit', command=win.quit).pack(fill=X) return win, savephotos
def viewer(imgdir, kind=Toplevel, cols=None): """ custom version that uses gridding """ win = kind() win.title('Viewer: ' + imgdir) thumbs = makeThumbs(imgdir) if not cols: cols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(thumbs)))) # fixed or N x N rownum = 0 savephotos = [] while thumbs: thumbsrow, thumbs = thumbs[:cols], thumbs[cols:] colnum = 0 for (imgfile, imgobj) in thumbsrow: photo = PhotoImage(imgobj) link = Button(win, image=photo) handler = lambda savefile=imgfile: ViewOne(imgdir, savefile) link.config(command=handler) link.grid(row=rownum, column=colnum) savephotos.append(photo) colnum += 1 rownum += 1 Button(win, text='Quit', command=win.quit).grid(columnspan=cols, stick=EW) return win, savephotos
def show_photo(): # Get the photo img = c.get_photo() \ .get_response() \ .resize((300, 300), Img.ANTIALIAS) # Convert the photo for OpenCV cv_img = cv.CreateImageHeader(img.size, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) cv.SetData(cv_img, img.tostring()) # Find any faces in the image storage = cv.CreateMemStorage(0) cv.EqualizeHist(cv_img, cv_img) faces = cv.HaarDetectObjects(cv_img, cascade, storage, 1.2, 2, cv.CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING) if faces: for f in faces: # Draw a border around a found face. draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.setfill(0) draw.rectangle([(f[0][0], f[0][1]), (f[0][0] + f[0][2], f[0][1] + f[0][3])]) image = PhotoImage(img) img_face.config(image=image) img_face.img = image img_face.after(10, show_photo)
def viewer(imgdir, kind=Toplevel, cols=None): """ custom version that lays out with fixed-size buttons """ win = kind() win.title('Viewer: ' + imgdir) thumbs = makeThumbs(imgdir) if not cols: cols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(thumbs)))) # fixed or N x N savephotos = [] while thumbs: thumbsrow, thumbs = thumbs[:cols], thumbs[cols:] row = Frame(win) row.pack(fill=BOTH) for (imgfile, imgobj) in thumbsrow: size = max(imgobj.size) # width, height photo = PhotoImage(imgobj) link = Button(row, image=photo) handler = lambda savefile=imgfile: ViewOne(imgdir, savefile) link.config(command=handler, width=size, height=size) link.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES) savephotos.append(photo) Button(win, text='Quit', command=win.quit, bg='beige').pack(fill=X) return win, savephotos
def viewThumbs(imgdir, kind=Toplevel, numcols=None, height=400, width=500): """ make main or popup thumbnail buttons window; uses fixed-size buttons, scrollable canvas; sets scrollable (full) size, and places thumbs at abs x,y coordinates in canvas; no longer assumes all thumbs are same size: gets max of all (x,y), some may be smaller; """ win = kind() helptxt = '(press D to open other)' win.title(appname + imgdir + ' ' + helptxt) quit = Button(win, text='Quit', command=win.quit, bg='beige') quit.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) canvas = ScrolledCanvas(win) canvas.config(height=height, width=width) # init viewable window size # changes if user resizes thumbs = makeThumbs(imgdir) # [(imgfile, imgobj)] numthumbs = len(thumbs) if not numcols: numcols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(numthumbs))) # fixed or N x N numrows = int(math.ceil(numthumbs / float(numcols))) # thumb=(name, obj), thumb.size=(width, height) linksize = max([max(thumb[1].size) for thumb in thumbs]) print linksize fullsize = ( 0, 0, # upper left X,Y (linksize * numcols), (linksize * numrows)) # lower right X,Y canvas.config(scrollregion=fullsize) # scrollable area size rowpos = 0 savephotos = [] while thumbs: thumbsrow, thumbs = thumbs[:numcols], thumbs[numcols:] colpos = 0 for (imgfile, imgobj) in thumbsrow: photo = PhotoImage(imgobj) link = Button(canvas, image=photo) handler = (lambda savefile=imgfile: ViewOne(imgdir, savefile)) link.config(command=handler, width=linksize, height=linksize) link.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES) canvas.create_window(colpos, rowpos, anchor=NW, window=link, width=linksize, height=linksize) colpos += linksize savephotos.append(photo) rowpos += linksize win.bind('<KeyPress-d>', onDirectoryOpen) win.savephotos = savephotos return win
def __init__(self): self.root = root = Tk() root.withdraw() #hide window root.title('Tk Post Tool') screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth() screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight() - 100 #a taskbar may lie under the screen root.resizable(False,False) from ImageTk import PhotoImage icon = PhotoImage(file='1.jpg')'wm', 'iconphoto', root._w, icon) Label(root, text='URL').grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=NW, padx=10, pady=10) self.txtURL = txtURL = Entry(root) txtURL.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=EW) txtURL.focus_set() Label(root, text='Headers').grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=NW, padx=10) headers_bar = Scrollbar() self.txtHeaders = txtHeaders = Text(root, bg='#F5F5DC', yscrollcommand=headers_bar.set) txtHeaders.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W) txtHeaders.config(width=60, height=4) headers_bar.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=NS) headers_bar.config(command=txtHeaders.yview) txtHeaders.insert(END,headers) txtHeaders.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) Label(root, text='Form Data').grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=NW, padx=20, pady=20) data_bar = Scrollbar() self.txtData = txtData = Text(root, bg='#FAEBD7', yscrollcommand=data_bar.set) txtData.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W, pady=15) txtData.config(width=60, height=3) data_bar.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky=NS, pady=15) data_bar.config(command=txtData.yview) self.cmdPost = cmdPost = Button(root, text='Post', bg='#FFDEAD', width=15, command=lambda: self.cmd_click(self)) cmdPost.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=W) Label(root, text='Reponse').grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=NW, padx=10, pady=10) html_bar = Scrollbar() self.txtHTML = txtHTML = Text(root, yscrollcommand=html_bar.set) txtHTML.grid(row=4, column=1, pady=10) txtHTML.config(width=60, height=9) txtHTML.insert('end', copyright) txtHTML.tag_add("title", '1.0', txtHTML.index("1.0 lineend")) #set font weight bold for title txtHTML.tag_configure('title', font='helvetica 12 bold') html_bar.grid(row=4, column=2, sticky=NS, pady=10) html_bar.config(command=txtHTML.yview) root.update_idletasks() root.deiconify() #calculate window size root.withdraw() #hide it #put it on screen center root.geometry('%sx%s+%s+%s' % (root.winfo_width() + 10, root.winfo_height(), (screen_width - root.winfo_width())/2, (screen_height - root.winfo_height())/2) ) root.deiconify()
def makeObject(self, item, px, py): x, y = px * 50, py * 50 im ="../images/%s.gif" % item.lower()) im = im.resize((48, 48), Image.BILINEAR) image = PhotoImage(im) self.canvas.create_image(x + 2, y + 2, anchor=tk.NW, image=image) for obj in self.env.object_classes: if obj.__name__ == item: self.env.add_object(obj(image), (px, py)) return
def __init__(self): self.root = root = Tk() root.withdraw() #hide window root.title('Tk Post Tool') # 标题内容 screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth() screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight( ) - 100 #a taskbar may lie under the screen root.resizable(False, False) from ImageTk import PhotoImage icon = PhotoImage(file='icon.gif')'wm', 'iconphoto', root._w, icon) Label(root, text='(→_→)').grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=NW, padx=10, pady=10) data_bar = Scrollbar() self.txtData = txtData = Text(root, bg='#FAEBD7', yscrollcommand=data_bar.set) txtData.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W, pady=15) txtData.config(width=60, height=30) data_bar.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky=NS, pady=15) txtData.focus_set() #data_bar.config(command=txtData.yview) self.cmdPost = cmdPost = Button(root, text='GO', bg='#FFDEAD', width=15, command=lambda: self.cmd_click(self)) cmdPost.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=NW) self.cmdShow = cmdShow = Button(root, text='(░)', bg='#FFDEAD', width=2, command=lambda: self.cmd_show(self)) cmdShow.grid( row=3, column=2, ) root.update_idletasks() root.deiconify() #calculate window size root.withdraw() #hide it #put it on screen center root.geometry('%sx%s+%s+%s' % (root.winfo_width() + 10, root.winfo_height(), (screen_width - root.winfo_width()) / 2, (screen_height - root.winfo_height()) / 2)) root.deiconify()
def __init__(self): self.root = root = Tk() root.withdraw() root.title(u'吉敏豆瓣音乐下载工具 4.0') self.screen_width = screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth() self.screen_height = screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight() - 100 root.resizable(False,False) self.icon = icon = PhotoImage(file='icon.gif')'wm', 'iconphoto', root._w, icon) Label(root, text=u'请悉知', foreground='brown' ).grid(row=0, sticky=E, padx=5, pady=10) Label(root, text=u'这是一个收费工具,试用时您可以下载\n红心兆赫前50首, 专辑前3首, 小站前10首.', foreground='brown', justify=LEFT).grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W, pady=10) Label(root, text=u'程序需要访问您的红心歌曲,请登录豆瓣 ...' ).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W, pady=0) Label(root, text=u'用户名').grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=NW, padx=10, pady=10) self.txtUser = Entry(width=30) self.txtUser.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W, pady=10) self.txtUser.focus_set() Label(root, text=u'密 码').grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=NW, padx=10, pady=5) self.txtPass = Entry(width=30, show='*') self.txtPass.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=W, pady=10) Label(root, text=u'验证码').grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=NW, padx=10, pady=5) self.txtCAPTCHA = Entry(width=30) self.txtCAPTCHA.grid(row=4, column=1, sticky=W, pady=5) self.txtCAPTCHA.bind('<Return>', self.cmd_login) self.lbl_CAPTCHA = Label(text=u'正在加载 ...', width=20, height=4, justify=LEFT) self.lbl_CAPTCHA.grid(row=5, column=1, sticky=NW, pady=5) self.cmdLogin = Button(root, text=u'登 录', state=DISABLED, width=5, command=lambda:self.cmd_login(self)) self.cmdLogin.grid(row=6, column=1, sticky=W, pady=5) self.cmdLogin.bind('<Return>', self.cmd_login) self.cmdBuy = Button(root, text=u'购 买', width=5, justify=RIGHT, command=lambda: self.cmd_buy(self)) self.cmdBuy.grid(row=6, column=1, sticky=E, padx=30, pady=10) root.update_idletasks() root.deiconify() root.withdraw() root.geometry('%sx%s+%s+%s' % (root.winfo_width() + 10, root.winfo_height(), (screen_width - root.winfo_width())/2, (screen_height - root.winfo_height())/2) ) root.deiconify() root.wm_protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.on_quit) self.DEAD = False
def drawImage(self, imgpil, forcesize=( )): imgtk = PhotoImage(image=imgpil) # not file=imgpath scrwide, scrhigh = forcesize or self.maxsize( ) # wm screen size x,y imgwide = imgtk.width( ) # size in pixels imghigh = imgtk.height( ) # same as imgpil.size fullsize = (0, 0, imgwide, imghigh) # scrollable viewwide = min(imgwide, scrwide) # viewable viewhigh = min(imghigh, scrhigh) canvas = self.canvas canvas.delete('all') # clear prior photo canvas.config(height=viewhigh, width=viewwide) # viewable window size canvas.config(scrollregion=fullsize) # scrollable area size canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=imgtk, anchor=NW) if imgwide <= scrwide and imghigh <= scrhigh: # too big for display? self.state('normal') # no: win size per img elif sys.platform[:3] == 'win': # do windows fullscreen self.state('zoomed') # others use geometry( ) self.saveimage = imgpil self.savephoto = imgtk # keep reference on me print (scrwide, scrhigh), imgpil.size
def drawImage(self, imgpil, forcesize=()): imgtk = PhotoImage(image=imgpil) # not file=imgpath scrwide, scrhigh = forcesize or self.maxsize() # wm screen size x,y imgwide = imgtk.width() # size in pixels imghigh = imgtk.height() # same as imgpil.size fullsize = (0, 0, imgwide, imghigh) # scrollable viewwide = min(imgwide, scrwide) # viewable viewhigh = min(imghigh, scrhigh) canvas = self.canvas canvas.delete('all') # clear prior photo canvas.config(height=viewhigh, width=viewwide) # viewable window size canvas.config(scrollregion=fullsize) # scrollable area size canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=imgtk, anchor=NW) if imgwide <= scrwide and imghigh <= scrhigh: # too big for display? self.state('normal') # no: win size per img elif sys.platform[:3] == 'win': # do windows fullscreen self.state('zoomed') # others use geometry() self.saveimage = imgpil self.savephoto = imgtk # keep reference on me print(scrwide, scrhigh), imgpil.size
def set_image(self, current_image): self.orginal_img.image = current_image = PhotoImage(self.orginal_img.image) self.orginal_img.create_image(0, 0,, anchor='nw', tags='img') w, h = self.orginal_img.image.size self.orginal_img.config(width=w, height=h, scrollregion=self.orginal_img.bbox('all'))
def nextImm(self, c, event=None): self.img1.pack_forget() self.ima =[c] + self.flist[c]) self.ima = self.ima.resize((600, 600), Image.ANTIALIAS) self.display_img = PhotoImage(self.ima) self.img1 = Label(self.frame, image=self.display_img, width=600, height=600, anchor=CENTER) self.img1.image = self.display_img self.img1.pack(anchor=CENTER) self.root.update()
class Downloader(ToolGUI): def __init__(self): ToolGUI.__init__(self) self.busy_slaves = 0 self.lock = threading.Lock() def slave_enter(self): # Working self.lock.acquire() self.busy_slaves += 1 self.lock.release() def slave_exit(self): # Done self.lock.acquire() self.busy_slaves -= 1 self.lock.release() def downCAPTCHA(self): self.cookie = cookielib.CookieJar() self.opener = urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookie)) self.opener.addheaders = [ ('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 \ (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.48 Safari/537.36' ) ] urllib2.install_opener(self.opener) while True and not self.DEAD: try: self.CAPTCHA_id = CAPTCHA_id = urllib2.urlopen( '').read().strip('"') break except Exception, e: self.lbl_CAPTCHA.config(text=u'无法获取验证码...\n' + str(e)) time.sleep(1) with open('CAPTCHA.jpg', 'wb') as outFile: outFile.write( urllib2.urlopen( '' + CAPTCHA_id).read()) self.lbl_CAPTCHA.image = CAPTCHA_img = PhotoImage(file='CAPTCHA.jpg') self.lbl_CAPTCHA.config(text='', image=CAPTCHA_img, width=220, height=60) # Pic width: 220px, height:60px self.root.after(10, self.lbl_CAPTCHA.update_idletasks) self.cmdLogin.config(state='normal') return
def show_frame(): global frame2 global c global b ret, frame = yedekframe = frame if a % 2 == 0: frame2 = cv2.flip(frame, 1) if b > c: fname = name + str(b) + tur cv2.imwrite(fname, frame2) c = b cv2image = cv2.cvtColor(frame2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = Image.fromarray(cv2image) imgtk = PhotoImage(image=img) lmain.imgtk = imgtk lmain.configure(image=imgtk) lmain.after(10, show_frame)
def _observer_scrolledlist(self, selection): self.logger.debug("_observer_scrolledlist called with: %s" % selection) p = self.current_files_hash[selection] if os.path.splitext(p)[1] in SUPPORTED_FILES: img = if img.size[0] > 400: img = img.resize((400, 300)) self.img = PhotoImage(image=img) self.image_canvas.delete('all') self.image_canvas.create_image(20, 5, image=self.img, anchor=NW) self.canvaslabel_text.set(_('Picture: %s' % p)) self.text_entry.delete(1.0, END) self.texttitle.delete(0, END) self.current_selection = selection if self.xml_hash.has_key(self.current_selection): self.texttitle.insert( 0, self.xml_hash[self.current_selection]['title']) self.text_entry.insert( 1.0, self.xml_hash[self.current_selection]['text'])
def nextimm(): global c global img1 img1.pack_forget() #print path_list[c] + file_list[c] ima =[c] + file_list[c]) ima = ima.resize((600, 600), Image.ANTIALIAS) display_img = PhotoImage(ima) img1 = Label(mainframe, image=display_img, width=600, height=600, anchor=CENTER) img1.image = display_img img1.pack(anchor=CENTER)
def __init__(self, copydir, files, paths, c=0): Fullscreen_Window.__init__(self) self.plist = paths self.flist = files self.dir = copydir self.ima =[c] + files[c]) self.ima = self.ima.resize((600, 600), Image.ANTIALIAS) self.display_img = PhotoImage(self.ima) self.img1 = Label(self.frame, image=self.display_img, width=600, height=600, anchor=CENTER) self.img1.image = self.display_img self.img1.pack(anchor=CENTER) self.root.bind("<k>", self.keepImm) self.root.bind("<d>", self.delImm) self.root.bind("<z>", self.annulla)
def set_classified_image(self, img): self.classified_img.image = img photo = PhotoImage(self.classified_img.image) self.classified_img.configure(image=photo) = photo
####################################################### # show one image with PIL photo replacement object # install PIL first: placed in Lib\site-packages ####################################################### import os, sys from Tkinter import * from ImageTk import PhotoImage # <== use PIL replacement class # rest of code unchanged imgdir = 'C:\gifs\\' imgfile = 'newmarket-uk-1.jpg' if len(sys.argv) > 1: imgfile = sys.argv[1] imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile) win = Tk( ) win.title(imgfile) imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) # now JPEGs work! Label(win, image=imgobj).pack( ) win.mainloop( ) print imgobj.width(), imgobj.height( ) # show size in pixels on exit
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import sys, os try: import tkinter as tk import tkinter.ttk as ttk except: import Tkinter as tk import ttk from ImageTk import PhotoImage root = tk.Tk() w = tk.Label(root, text="Hello, world!") w.pack() root.title("My Application") root.geometry('800x600') root.wm_title("智能路灯集控 V1.1 扬州天恒出品") img = PhotoImage(file='logo_32x32.ico')'wm', 'iconphoto', root._w, img) root.mainloop()
import os, sys from Tkinter import * from ImageTk import PhotoImage # <== required for JPEGs and others imgdir = 'C:\gifs\\' if len(sys.argv) > 1: imgdir = sys.argv[1] imgfiles = os.listdir(imgdir) # does not include directory prefix main = Tk( ) main.title('Viewer') quit = Button(main, text='Quit all', command=main.quit, font=('courier', 25)) quit.pack( ) savephotos = [] for imgfile in imgfiles: imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile) win = Toplevel( ) win.title(imgfile) try: imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) Label(win, image=imgobj).pack( ) print imgpath, imgobj.width(), imgobj.height( ) # size in pixels savephotos.append(imgobj) # keep a reference except: errmsg = 'skipping %s\n%s' % (imgfile, sys.exc_info( )[1]) Label(win, text=errmsg).pack( ) main.mainloop( )
####################################################### import os, sys from Tkinter import * from ImageTk import PhotoImage # <== required for jpegs and others imgdir = 'images' if len(sys.argv) > 1: imgdir = sys.argv[1] imgfiles = os.listdir(imgdir) # does not include directory prefix main = Tk() main.title('Viewer') quit = Button(main, text='Quit all', command=main.quit, font=('courier', 25)) quit.pack() savephotos = [] for imgfile in imgfiles: imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile) win = Toplevel() win.title(imgfile) try: imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) Label(win, image=imgobj).pack() print imgpath, imgobj.width(), imgobj.height() # size in pixels savephotos.append(imgobj) # keep a reference except: errmsg = 'skipping %s\n%s' % (imgfile, sys.exc_info()[1]) Label(win, text=errmsg).pack() main.mainloop()
def update_img(container, img_stream): img = PhotoImage( container.configure(image = img) container.image = img
####################################################### # show one image with PIL photo replacement object # install PIL first: placed in Lib\site-packages ####################################################### import os, sys from Tkinter import * from ImageTk import PhotoImage # <== use PIL replacement class # rest of code unchanged imgdir = 'C:\gifs\\' imgfile = 'newmarket-uk-1.jpg' if len(sys.argv) > 1: imgfile = sys.argv[1] imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile) win = Tk() win.title(imgfile) imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) # now JPEGs work! Label(win, image=imgobj).pack() win.mainloop() print imgobj.width(), imgobj.height() # show size in pixels on exit
def __init__(self,filestr): self.loop_flag = 0 self.delay_value = 0.0 self.delay_msec = 0 # convert filestr into full list of files list = str.split(filestr) self.files = [] for file in list: self.files += glob.glob(file) self.nframes = len(self.files) if self.nframes == 0: raise StandardError, "No files to load" # load all images self.images = [] for i in xrange(self.nframes): self.images.append(PhotoImage(file=self.files[i])) # grab Tk instance from main from __main__ import tkroot self.tkroot = tkroot # GUI control window win1 = Toplevel(tkroot) win1.title(" animate tool") holder1 = Frame(win1) button1 = Button(holder1,text="<<",command=self.first).pack(side=LEFT) button2 = Button(holder1,text="<",command=self.previous).pack(side=LEFT) button3 = Button(holder1,text="Back",command=self.back).pack(side=LEFT) button4 = Button(holder1,text="Stop",command=self.stop).pack(side=LEFT) button5 = Button(holder1,text="Play", button6 = Button(holder1,text=">", button7 = Button(holder1,text=">>",command=self.last).pack(side=LEFT) holder1.pack(side=TOP) holder2 = Frame(win1) self.slider_frame = Scale(holder2,from_=0,to=self.nframes-1, command=self.frame,orient=HORIZONTAL, label=" Frame") self.slider_delay = Scale(holder2,from_=0.0,to=1.0,resolution=0.1, command=self.delay,orient=HORIZONTAL, label=" Delay") self.slider_frame.pack(side=LEFT) self.slider_delay.pack(side=LEFT) holder2.pack(side=TOP) holder3 = Frame(win1) self.label_frame = Label(holder3) self.label_frame.pack(side=LEFT) holder3.pack(side=TOP) # image window win2 = Toplevel(tkroot) self.image_pane = Label(win2,image=self.images[0]) self.image_pane.pack(side=BOTTOM) tkroot.update_idletasks() # force window to appear # display 1st image self.index = 0 self.display(self.index)
def viewer(imgdir, kind=Toplevel, numcols=None, height=300, width=300): """ use fixed-size buttons, scrollable canvas; sets scrollable (full) size, and places thumbs at abs x,y coordinates in canvas; caveat: assumes all thumbs are same size """ win = kind() win.title('Simple viewer: ' + imgdir) quit = Button(win, text='Quit', command=win.quit, bg='beige') quit.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) canvas = Canvas(win, borderwidth=0) vbar = Scrollbar(win) hbar = Scrollbar(win, orient='horizontal') vbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) # pack canvas after bars hbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) # so clipped first canvas.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=YES) vbar.config(command=canvas.yview) # call on scroll move hbar.config(command=canvas.xview) canvas.config(yscrollcommand=vbar.set) # call on canvas move canvas.config(xscrollcommand=hbar.set) canvas.config(height=height, width=width) # init viewable area size # changes if user resizes thumbs = makeThumbs(imgdir) # [(imgfile, imgobj)] numthumbs = len(thumbs) if not numcols: numcols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(numthumbs))) # fixed or N x N numrows = int(math.ceil(numthumbs / float(numcols))) linksize = max(thumbs[0][1].size) # (width, height) fullsize = ( 0, 0, # upper left X,Y (linksize * numcols), (linksize * numrows)) # lower right X,Y canvas.config(scrollregion=fullsize) # scrollable area size rowpos = 0 savephotos = [] while thumbs: thumbsrow, thumbs = thumbs[:numcols], thumbs[numcols:] colpos = 0 for (imgfile, imgobj) in thumbsrow: photo = PhotoImage(imgobj) link = Button(canvas, image=photo) handler = lambda savefile=imgfile: ViewOne(imgdir, savefile) link.config(command=handler, width=linksize, height=linksize) link.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES) canvas.create_window(colpos, rowpos, anchor=NW, window=link, width=linksize, height=linksize) colpos += linksize savephotos.append(photo) rowpos += linksize return win, savephotos