Example #1
def setup():
    """ Load all resources """
    quote_files = [
    # TODO: Use the Ingestor class to parse all files in the
    # quote_files variable
    """Very similar implementation as meme file code"""
    """Variable for all quotes"""
    """For loop with try except calling Ingestor class parse"""
    """ to add quotes you need array"""
    quote = []
    for i in quote_files:
        except ValueError as error:
            print(f"ValueError: {error}")

    images_path = "./_data/photos/dog/"
    # TODO: Use the pythons standard library os class to find all
    # images within the images images_path directory
    """For all images"""
    image = []
    """For loop similar to meme.py applies format to image file to pull it"""
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(images_path):
        image = [os.path.join(root, name) for name in files]
    return quote, image
Example #2
def generate_meme(path=None, body=None, author=None):
    """ Generate a meme given an path and a quote """
    """Not used error?"""
    """img = None """
    """Not used error?"""
    """quote = None"""
    if path is None:
        images = "./_data/photos/dog/"
        imgs = []
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(images):
            imgs = [os.path.join(root, name) for name in files]

        img = random.choice(imgs)
        img = path[0]

    if body is None:
        quote_files = [
        quotes = []
        for f in quote_files:

        quote = random.choice(quotes)
        if author is None:
            raise Exception('Author Required if Body is Used')
        quote = QuoteModel(body, author)

    meme = MemeEngine('./tmp')
    """Changed meme.make_meme to fit my coded function"""
    path = meme.format_and_make(img, quote.body, quote.author)
    return path
 def test_parse_no_extension(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = Ingestor.parse('fakefile')
 def test_parse_fakefile(self):
     with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
         _ = Ingestor.parse('fakefile.pdf')