Example #1
def dashboard(request): 
    # Get list of users entries
    my_entries = Entry.objects.filter(user=request.user)
    # Get list of open compos, format times
    open_compos = Compo.objects.filter(active=True, adding_end__gte = datetime.now())
    oclist = []
    for compo in open_compos:
        formatted_compo = compo_times_formatter(compo)

    # Check if we got data from vote code assoc form
    if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST['formtype'] == 'votecodeassocform':
        assocform = VoteCodeAssocForm(request.POST)
        if assocform.is_valid():
            code = assocform.cleaned_data['code']
                vc = VoteCode.objects.get(key=code)
                vc.associated_to = request.user
                vc.time = datetime.now()
            except VoteCode.DoesNotExist:
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/kompomaatti/myentries/') 
        assocform = VoteCodeAssocForm()
    # Get last VoteCodeRequest, if it exists
        vcreq = VoteCodeRequest.objects.get(user=request.user)
    except VoteCodeRequest.DoesNotExist:
        vcreq = None
    # Check if we got data from vote code request form
    if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST['formtype'] == 'requestvotecodeform':
        requestform = RequestVoteCodeForm(request.POST)
        if requestform.is_valid():
            if vcreq:
                vcreq.text = requestform.cleaned_data['text']
                req = requestform.save(commit=False)
                req.user = request.user
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/kompomaatti/myentries/') 
        if vcreq:
            requestform = RequestVoteCodeForm(instance=vcreq)
            requestform = RequestVoteCodeForm()
    # Dump the page to the user
    return custom_render(request, 'kompomaatti/myentries.html', {
        'myentries': my_entries,
        'opencompos': oclist,
        'user': request.user,
        'assocform': assocform,
        'requestform': requestform,
Example #2
def compos(request, event_id):
    # Get compos, format times
    compo_list = []
    for compo in Compo.objects.filter(active=True, event_id=int(event_id)):
    # Dump the template
    return render(request, 'kompomaatti/compos.html', {
        'sel_event_id': int(event_id),
        'compos': compo_list,
Example #3
def compos(request, event_id):
    # Get compos, format times
    compo_list = []
    for compo in Compo.objects.filter(active=True, event_id=int(event_id)):
    # Dump the template
    return render(request, 'kompomaatti/compos.html', {
        'sel_event_id': int(event_id),
        'compos': compo_list,
Example #4
def compolist(request):
    # Get compos, format times
    composet = Compo.objects.filter(active=True).order_by('compo_start')
    compos = []
    for compo in composet:

    # Get entries in compos. If compo has been flagged to show voting results,
    # then get those. Otherwise just show entries in alphabetical order (by entry name).
    entries = {}
    for compo in compos:
        if compo.show_voting_results:
            # Get entries
            entries_temp = {}
            for entry in Entry.objects.filter(compo=compo):
                entries_temp[entry.id] = {
                    'id': entry.id,
                    'creator': entry.creator,
                    'name': entry.name,
                    'score': 0.0,
                    'disqualified': entry.disqualified,
                # Want to show disqualified entries dead last.
                if entry.disqualified:
                    entries_temp[entry.id]['score'] = -1.0

            # Get score for each entry. Score should be 0 for all disqualified entries,
            # so just discard those. Also skip votes with rank = 0. (division by zero etc.) :P
            all_votes = Vote.objects.select_related(depth=1).filter(
            for vote in all_votes:
                if not vote.entry.disqualified or vote.rank > 0:
                    entries_temp[vote.entry.id]['score'] += (1.0 / vote.rank)

            # Sort entries by score, highest score first (of course).
            entries[compo.id] = sorted(entries_temp.values(),
            # Just get entries in alphabetical order
            entries[compo.id] = Entry.objects.filter(

    # Return page
    return custom_render(request, 'kompomaatti/compolist.html', {
        'compolist': compos,
        'entries': entries
Example #5
def compolist(request):
    # Get compos, format times
    composet = Compo.objects.filter(active=True).order_by('compo_start')
    compos = []
    for compo in composet:
    # Get entries in compos. If compo has been flagged to show voting results, 
    # then get those. Otherwise just show entries in alphabetical order (by entry name).
    entries = {}
    for compo in compos:
        if compo.show_voting_results:
            # Get entries
            entries_temp = {}
            for entry in Entry.objects.filter(compo=compo):
                entries_temp[entry.id] = {
                    'id': entry.id,
                    'creator': entry.creator,
                    'name': entry.name,
                    'score': 0.0,
                    'disqualified': entry.disqualified,
                # Want to show disqualified entries dead last.
                if entry.disqualified:
                    entries_temp[entry.id]['score'] = -1.0
            # Get score for each entry. Score should be 0 for all disqualified entries, 
            # so just discard those. Also skip votes with rank = 0. (division by zero etc.) :P
            all_votes = Vote.objects.select_related(depth=1).filter(compo=compo)
            for vote in all_votes:
                if not vote.entry.disqualified or vote.rank > 0:
                    entries_temp[vote.entry.id]['score'] += (1.0 / vote.rank)
            # Sort entries by score, highest score first (of course).
            entries[compo.id] = sorted(entries_temp.values(), key=itemgetter('score'), reverse=True)
            # Just get entries in alphabetical order
            entries[compo.id] = Entry.objects.filter(compo=compo).order_by('name')

    # Return page
    return custom_render(request, 'kompomaatti/compolist.html', {
        'compolist': compos,
        'entries': entries
Example #6
def compo(request, compo_id):
    # Get compo information
        c = Compo.objects.get(id=compo_id, active=True)
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        raise Http404
    # Format times and stuff
    c = compo_times_formatter(c)
    # The following is only relevant, if the user is logged in and valid.
    has_voted = False
    voting_open = False
    votes = {}
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        # Check if user has already voted
        votes = Vote.objects.filter(user=request.user, compo=c).order_by('rank')
        if votes.count() > 0:
            has_voted = True
        # Check if voting is open
        now = datetime.now()
        if c.voting_start <= now and now < c.voting_end:
            voting_open = True
        # Check if we want to do something with forms and stuff.
        if request.method == 'POST':
            if voting_open:
                # Make sure the user has a valid votecode
                    votecode = VoteCode.objects.get(associated_to=request.user)
                    return HttpResponse("Ei äänestysoikeutta!")
                # Get entries in compo that are not disqualified
                compo_entries = Entry.objects.filter(compo=c, disqualified=False)
                # Get the input data, and format it so that we can handle it.
                # HTML mode and JS mode voting systems give out different kind 
                # of data
                order = []
                tmp = {}
                if request.POST['action'] == 'vote_html':
                    for entry in compo_entries:
                        check_for = "ventry_"+str(entry.id)
                        if not request.POST.has_key(check_for):
                            return HttpResponse("Virhe syötteen käsittelyssä!") 
                            tmp[entry.id] = int(request.POST[check_for])
                            return HttpResponse("Virhe syötteen käsittelyssä!")
                    order = sorted(tmp, key=tmp.get)
                    order_raw = request.POST.getlist('order[]')
                    for id in order_raw:
                            return HttpResponse("Virhe syötteen käsittelyssä!")
                # Remove old votes by this user, on this compo
                if has_voted:
                    Vote.objects.filter(user=request.user, compo=c).delete()
                # Check voting input for cheating :P
                # See if all entries have a rank.
                for entry in compo_entries:
                    if entry.id not in order:
                        return HttpResponse("Virhe syötteen käsittelyssä!")
                # See that we have the right amount of entries
                if len(order) != len(compo_entries):
                    return HttpResponse("Virhe syötteen käsittelyssä!")

                # Make sure that no entry is in the list twice
                checked_ids = []
                for entryid in order:
                    if entryid not in checked_ids:
                        return HttpResponse("Virhe syötteen käsittelyssä!")

                # Add new votes, if there were no errors
                number = 1
                for entry_id in order:
                    vote = Vote()
                    vote.user = request.user
                    vote.compo = c
                    vote.entry = Entry.objects.get(id=entry_id)
                    vote.rank = number
                    number += 1
                # Select response mode according to input 
                if request.POST['action'] == 'vote_html':
                    return HttpResponseRedirect('/kompomaatti/compo/'+compo_id+'/') 
                    return HttpResponse("0") # 0 = Success.
            else: # If voting is closed, just show 404. This shouldn't really happen ...
                raise Http404
    # Get entries.
    # If voting is open, and user has already voted, get the order of entries by previous voting
    # If voting is open, and user has NOT voted yet, get the entries in random order
    # Otherwise just get entries sorted by name
    # Make sure that no disqualified entries are included if voting is open. No need to vote for those ...
    if voting_open and has_voted:
        e = []
        # First go through the entries that have been voted for and add them to list.
        for vote in votes:
            if not vote.entry.disqualified:
        # Then, make sure to also show entries that have NOT been voted previously by the user 
        # (if entry has been added late)
        entries_tmp = Entry.objects.filter(compo=c,disqualified=False).order_by('?')
        for entry in entries_tmp:
            if entry not in e:
    elif voting_open:
        e = Entry.objects.filter(compo=c,disqualified=False).order_by('?')
        e = Entry.objects.filter(compo=c).order_by('name')
    # Render the page. Ya, rly.
    return custom_render(request, 'kompomaatti/compo.html', {
        'compo': c,
        'entries': e,
        'voting_open': voting_open,
        'has_voted': has_voted
Example #7
def compo_details(request, event_id, compo_id):
    # Get compo
    compo = compo_times_formatter(get_object_or_404(Compo, pk=compo_id, active=True, event=event_id))
    # Check if user may vote (voting open, user has code)
    can_vote = False
    if request.user.is_active and request.user.is_authenticated():
            VoteCode.objects.get(associated_to=request.user, event=event_id)
            can_vote = True
        except VoteCode.DoesNotExist:

        # See if ticket is used as votecode
            TicketVoteCode.objects.get(associated_to=request.user, event=event_id)
            can_vote = True
        except TicketVoteCode.DoesNotExist:
    # Handle entry adding
    if request.method == 'POST' and compo.is_adding_open():
        # Make sure user is authenticated
        if not request.user.is_active or not request.user.is_authenticated():
            raise Http403
        # Handle data
        entryform = EntryForm(request.POST, request.FILES, compo=compo)
        if entryform.is_valid():
            entry = entryform.save(commit=False)
            entry.user = request.user
            entry.compo = compo
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('km:compo', args=(event_id, compo_id,)))
        entryform = EntryForm(compo=compo)
    # Get entries, and only show them if voting has started
    # (only show results if it has been allowed in model)
    all_entries = []
    if compo.has_voting_started:
        if compo.show_voting_results:
            all_entries = entrysort.sort_by_score(Entry.objects.filter(compo=compo))
            all_entries = Entry.objects.filter(compo=compo).order_by('name')
    # Stuff for users that have logged in 
    my_entries = []
    has_voted = False
    if request.user.is_active and request.user.is_authenticated():
        # Get all entries added by the user
        my_entries = Entry.objects.filter(compo=compo, user=request.user)
        # Check if user has already voted
        if Vote.objects.filter(user=request.user, compo=compo).count() > 0:
            has_voted = True
    # Dump template
    return render(request, 'kompomaatti/compo_details.html', {
        'sel_event_id': int(event_id),
        'compo': compo,
        'entryform': entryform,
        'can_vote': can_vote,
        'all_entries': all_entries,
        'my_entries': my_entries,
        'has_voted': has_voted,
Example #8
def compo_details(request, event_id, compo_id):
    # Get compo
    compo = compo_times_formatter(get_object_or_404(Compo, pk=compo_id, active=True, event=event_id))
    # Check if user may vote (voting open, user has code)
    can_vote = False
    if request.user.is_active and request.user.is_authenticated:
        # See if ticket is used as votecode
            TicketVoteCode.objects.get(associated_to=request.user, event=event_id)
            can_vote = True
        except TicketVoteCode.DoesNotExist:

        if not can_vote:
                VoteCodeRequest.objects.get(user=request.user, event=event_id, status=1)
                can_vote = True
            except VoteCodeRequest.DoesNotExist:

    # Handle entry adding
    if request.method == 'POST' and compo.is_adding_open():
        # Make sure user is authenticated
        if not request.user.is_active or not request.user.is_authenticated:
            raise Http403
        # Handle data
        entryform = EntryForm(request.POST, request.FILES, compo=compo)
        if entryform.is_valid():
            entry = entryform.save(commit=False)
            entry.user = request.user
            entry.compo = compo
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('km:compo', args=(event_id, compo_id,)))
        entryform = EntryForm(compo=compo)
    # Get entries, and only show them if voting has started
    # (only show results if it has been allowed in model)
    all_entries = []
    if compo.has_voting_started:
        if compo.show_voting_results:
            all_entries = entrysort.sort_by_score(Entry.objects.filter(compo=compo))
            all_entries = Entry.objects.filter(compo=compo).order_by('name')
    # Stuff for users that have logged in 
    my_entries = []
    has_voted = False
    if request.user.is_active and request.user.is_authenticated:
        # Get all entries added by the user
        my_entries = Entry.objects.filter(compo=compo, user=request.user)
        # Check if user has already voted
        if Vote.objects.filter(user=request.user, compo=compo).count() > 0:
            has_voted = True
    # Dump template
    return render(request, 'kompomaatti/compo_details.html', {
        'sel_event_id': int(event_id),
        'compo': compo,
        'entryform': entryform,
        'can_vote': can_vote,
        'all_entries': all_entries,
        'my_entries': my_entries,
        'has_voted': has_voted,
Example #9
def compo(request, compo_id):
    # Get compo information
        c = Compo.objects.get(id=compo_id, active=True)
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        raise Http404

    # Format times and stuff
    c = compo_times_formatter(c)

    # The following is only relevant, if the user is logged in and valid.
    has_voted = False
    voting_open = False
    votes = {}
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        # Check if user has already voted
        votes = Vote.objects.filter(user=request.user,
        if votes.count() > 0:
            has_voted = True

        # Check if voting is open
        now = datetime.now()
        if c.voting_start <= now and now < c.voting_end:
            voting_open = True

        # Check if we want to do something with forms and stuff.
        if request.method == 'POST':
            if voting_open:
                # Make sure the user has a valid votecode
                    votecode = VoteCode.objects.get(associated_to=request.user)
                    return HttpResponse("Ei äänestysoikeutta!")

                # Get entries in compo that are not disqualified
                compo_entries = Entry.objects.filter(compo=c,

                # Get the input data, and format it so that we can handle it.
                # HTML mode and JS mode voting systems give out different kind
                # of data
                order = []
                tmp = {}
                if request.POST['action'] == 'vote_html':
                    for entry in compo_entries:
                        check_for = "ventry_" + str(entry.id)
                        if not request.POST.has_key(check_for):
                            return HttpResponse("Virhe syötteen käsittelyssä!")
                            tmp[entry.id] = int(request.POST[check_for])
                            return HttpResponse("Virhe syötteen käsittelyssä!")
                    order = sorted(tmp, key=tmp.get)
                    order_raw = request.POST.getlist('order[]')
                    for id in order_raw:
                            return HttpResponse("Virhe syötteen käsittelyssä!")

                # Remove old votes by this user, on this compo
                if has_voted:
                    Vote.objects.filter(user=request.user, compo=c).delete()

                # Check voting input for cheating :P
                # See if all entries have a rank.
                for entry in compo_entries:
                    if entry.id not in order:
                        return HttpResponse("Virhe syötteen käsittelyssä!")

                # See that we have the right amount of entries
                if len(order) != len(compo_entries):
                    return HttpResponse("Virhe syötteen käsittelyssä!")

                # Make sure that no entry is in the list twice
                checked_ids = []
                for entryid in order:
                    if entryid not in checked_ids:
                        return HttpResponse("Virhe syötteen käsittelyssä!")

                # Add new votes, if there were no errors
                number = 1
                for entry_id in order:
                    vote = Vote()
                    vote.user = request.user
                    vote.compo = c
                    vote.entry = Entry.objects.get(id=entry_id)
                    vote.rank = number
                    number += 1

                # Select response mode according to input
                if request.POST['action'] == 'vote_html':
                    return HttpResponseRedirect('/kompomaatti/compo/' +
                                                compo_id + '/')
                    return HttpResponse("0")  # 0 = Success.
            else:  # If voting is closed, just show 404. This shouldn't really happen ...
                raise Http404

    # Get entries.
    # If voting is open, and user has already voted, get the order of entries by previous voting
    # If voting is open, and user has NOT voted yet, get the entries in random order
    # Otherwise just get entries sorted by name
    # Make sure that no disqualified entries are included if voting is open. No need to vote for those ...
    if voting_open and has_voted:
        e = []
        # First go through the entries that have been voted for and add them to list.
        for vote in votes:
            if not vote.entry.disqualified:

        # Then, make sure to also show entries that have NOT been voted previously by the user
        # (if entry has been added late)
        entries_tmp = Entry.objects.filter(compo=c,
        for entry in entries_tmp:
            if entry not in e:
    elif voting_open:
        e = Entry.objects.filter(compo=c, disqualified=False).order_by('?')
        e = Entry.objects.filter(compo=c).order_by('name')

    # Render the page. Ya, rly.
    return custom_render(
        request, 'kompomaatti/compo.html', {
            'compo': c,
            'entries': e,
            'voting_open': voting_open,
            'has_voted': has_voted