Example #1
 def __init__(self, parent):
     # parent is the main_window object
     self.__main_window = parent
     # command line window
     self.__edit_ctrl = CmdLineDock('Command', self.__main_window)
     # dictionary with file action objects
     self.__actions = {}
     # categories in which commands are stored
     self.__category = CmdCategory(self.__main_window)
     # icons search path
     self.__icon_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'icons')
     #add custom event
Example #2
 def __init__(self, parent):
     # parent is the main_window object
     self.__main_window = parent
     # command line window
     self.__edit_ctrl = CmdLineDock('Command', self.__main_window)
     # dictionary with file action objects
     self.__actions = {}
     # categories in which commands are stored
     self.__category = CmdCategory(self.__main_window)
     # icons search path
     self.__icon_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'icons')
     #add custom event
Example #3
class CmdIntf(object):
    Future implementation:
        Dynamic read menu, toolbars and panels from a cui/xml definition file.
    Current implementation:
        Create static menu, toolbars and palettes.
    def __init__(self, parent):
        # parent is the main_window object
        self.__main_window = parent
        # command line window
        self.__edit_ctrl = CmdLineDock('Command', self.__main_window)
        # dictionary with file action objects
        self.__actions = {}
        # categories in which commands are stored
        self.__category = CmdCategory(self.__main_window)
        # icons search path
        self.__icon_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'icons')
        #add custom event

    #-------- properties -----------#
    def commandLine(self):
            Get the command line dock window
        return self.__edit_ctrl

    def FunctionHandler(self):
            Get the function handler object
        return self.__edit_ctrl.FunctionHandler

    def Category(self):
            Get the category enumerator object
        return self.__category

    #-------- properties -----------#
    def _actionHandler(self, expression):
        Callback function for all QAction objects.
        1) Look up command in the dictionary.
        2) Execute command by calling the FunctionHandler.Evaluate member.
        # evaluate command
        if len(expression) > 0:
            # command is found, evaluate it

    def _getIcon(self, cmd):
        Create an QIcon object based on the command name.
        The name of the icon is ':/images/' + cmd + '.png'.
        If the cmd = 'Open', the name of the icon is ':/images/Open.png'.
        icon_name = cmd + '.png'
        icon_path = os.path.join(self.__icon_dir, icon_name)
        # check if icon exist
        if os.path.exists(icon_path):
            icon = QtGui.QIcon(icon_path)
            return icon
        # icon not found, don't use an icon, return None
        return None

    def registerCommand(self, category_enum, cmd, text=None, callback=None):
        Register a command with it's call-back in the command table.
        Commands are executed by a call to the evaluate function.
            category_enum: enumerated attribute value of CmdCategory
            cmd: command name
            text: menu entry text
            callback: call-back function
        # get the menu for this category
        menu = self.__category.getMenu(category_enum)
        # get the tool-bar for this category
        toolbar = self.__category.getToolbar(category_enum)
        # Check for the special separator name: '-'
        # A separator is not a command, it defines an separator in the menu and tool-bar.
        if cmd == '-':
            # add a separator to the menu
            if not menu is None:
#            # add a separator to the tool-bar
            if not toolbar is None:
        elif cmd == '>':
            #add subMenu
            # register the command with the function handler
            self.__edit_ctrl.FunctionHandler.registerCommand(cmd, callback)
            # get an icon for command, needed for tool-bar
            icon = self._getIcon(cmd)
            # create action object for this command
            action = CmdAction(cmd, icon, text, self.__main_window,
            #action.callback = self._actionHandler
            # add it to the action table for fast lookup
            self.__actions[cmd] = action
            # add action to menu
            if not menu is None:
            # add action to tool-bar only if an icon if found
            if (not toolbar is None) and (not icon is None):

    def evaluate(self, expression):
        Looks up the expression from the command table.
        If a command is found, it's callback function is called.
        If it is not a command the expression is evaluated.
        Return: command exit, the evaluated expression or "*error*"

    def evaluateInnerCommand(self, kernelCommand, selectedItems):
            evaluate a kernel command
            kernelCommand, selectedItems)

    def evaluateMouseInput(self, view, event):
            get imput from viewport

    def resetCommand(self):
            reset the active command

    def hideAction(self, name):
            hide the name action
        if self.__actions.has_key(name):

    def showAction(self, name):
            show the name action
        if self.__actions.has_key(name):

    def setVisible(self, name, value):
            set the action name to visible value
        if self.__actions.has_key(name):
            if value:

    def updateText(self, name, text):
            update the label text
        if self.__actions.has_key(name):
Example #4
class CmdIntf(object):
    Future implementation:
        Dynamic read menu, toolbars and panels from a cui/xml definition file.
    Current implementation:
        Create static menu, toolbars and palettes.

    def __init__(self, parent):
        # parent is the main_window object
        self.__main_window = parent
        # command line window
        self.__edit_ctrl = CmdLineDock('Command', self.__main_window)
        # dictionary with file action objects
        self.__actions = {}
        # categories in which commands are stored
        self.__category = CmdCategory(self.__main_window)
        # icons search path
        self.__icon_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'icons')
        #add custom event

    #-------- properties -----------#
    def commandLine(self):
            Get the command line dock window
        return self.__edit_ctrl

    def FunctionHandler(self):
            Get the function handler object
        return self.__edit_ctrl.FunctionHandler
    def Category(self):
            Get the category enumerator object
        return self.__category

    #-------- properties -----------#
    def _actionHandler(self, expression):
        Callback function for all QAction objects.
        1) Look up command in the dictionary.
        2) Execute command by calling the FunctionHandler.Evaluate member.
        # evaluate command
        if len(expression) > 0:
            # command is found, evaluate it

    def _getIcon(self, cmd):
        Create an QIcon object based on the command name.
        The name of the icon is ':/images/' + cmd + '.png'.
        If the cmd = 'Open', the name of the icon is ':/images/Open.png'.
        icon_name = cmd + '.png'
        icon_path = os.path.join(self.__icon_dir, icon_name)
        # check if icon exist
        if os.path.exists(icon_path):
            icon = QtGui.QIcon(icon_path)
            return icon
        # icon not found, don't use an icon, return None
        return None

    def registerCommand(self, category_enum, cmd, text=None, callback=None):
        Register a command with it's call-back in the command table.
        Commands are executed by a call to the evaluate function.
            category_enum: enumerated attribute value of CmdCategory
            cmd: command name
            text: menu entry text
            callback: call-back function
        # get the menu for this category
        menu = self.__category.getMenu(category_enum)
        # get the tool-bar for this category
        toolbar = self.__category.getToolbar(category_enum)
        # Check for the special separator name: '-'
        # A separator is not a command, it defines an separator in the menu and tool-bar.
        if cmd == '-':
            # add a separator to the menu
            if not menu is None:
#            # add a separator to the tool-bar
            if not toolbar is None:
        elif cmd=='>':
            #add subMenu
            # register the command with the function handler
            self.__edit_ctrl.FunctionHandler.registerCommand(cmd, callback)
            # get an icon for command, needed for tool-bar
            icon = self._getIcon(cmd)
            # create action object for this command
            action = CmdAction(cmd, icon, text, self.__main_window, self.__edit_ctrl.FunctionHandler)
            #action.callback = self._actionHandler
            # add it to the action table for fast lookup
            self.__actions[cmd] = action
            # add action to menu
            if not menu is None:
            # add action to tool-bar only if an icon if found
            if (not toolbar is None) and (not icon is None):

    def evaluate(self, expression):
        Looks up the expression from the command table.
        If a command is found, it's callback function is called.
        If it is not a command the expression is evaluated.
        Return: command exit, the evaluated expression or "*error*"

    def evaluateInnerCommand(self, kernelCommand, selectedItems):
            evaluate a kernel command
        self.__edit_ctrl.FunctionHandler.evaluateInnerCommand(kernelCommand, selectedItems)

    def evaluateMouseInput(self,view,event):
            get imput from viewport

    def resetCommand(self):
            reset the active command

    def hideAction(self, name):
            hide the name action
        if self.__actions.has_key(name):

    def showAction(self, name):
            show the name action
        if self.__actions.has_key(name):

    def setVisible(self, name, value):
            set the action name to visible value
        if self.__actions.has_key(name):
            if value:

    def updateText(self, name, text):
            update the label text
        if self.__actions.has_key(name):