Example #1
def loadPatternSet(filenames, y=False, rotate_xy=True, proj_theta=False):
    """Loads a set of per-frequency patterns. Returns a tuple of E,phi,theta,freq.
  E is an (nphi,ntheta,nfreq) cube of complex gains (Ex if y=False, else Ey), while
  phi, theta and freq are vectors of coordinates."""
    freqs = []
    for ifreq, filename in enumerate(filenames):
        Ex, Ey, phi, theta, freq, gainOffset = _loadPattern(
            filename, grid=True, rotate_xy=rotate_xy, proj_theta=proj_theta)
        # change order of axis, since FITS has first axis last
        beam = Ey if y else Ex
        # check if it matches previous image
        if not ifreq:
            baseshape = beam.shape
            phi0, theta0 = phi, theta
            # setup 3D beam cube
            beamcube = numpy.zeros((len(phi), len(theta), len(filenames)),
            if baseshape != beam.shape:
                raise TypeError, "file %s has different dimensions" % filename
            if not ((phi == phi0).all() and (theta == theta0).all()):
                raise TypeError, "file %s has different grid" % filename
        beamcube[:, :, ifreq] = beam[:, :]
    dprint(2, "beam array has shape", beamcube.shape)
    dprint(2, "frequencies are", freqs)
    return beamcube, phi0, theta0, numpy.array(freqs)
def loadPatternSet (filenames,y=False,rotate_xy=True,proj_theta=False):
  """Loads a set of per-frequency patterns. Returns a tuple of E,phi,theta,freq.
  E is an (nphi,ntheta,nfreq) cube of complex gains (Ex if y=False, else Ey), while
  phi, theta and freq are vectors of coordinates.""";
  freqs = [];
  for ifreq,filename in enumerate(filenames):
    Ex,Ey,phi,theta,freq,gainOffset = _loadPattern(filename,grid=True,rotate_xy=rotate_xy,proj_theta=proj_theta);
    # change order of axis, since FITS has first axis last
    beam = Ey if y else Ex;
    # check if it matches previous image
    if not ifreq:
      baseshape = beam.shape;
      phi0,theta0 = phi,theta;
      # setup 3D beam cube
      beamcube = numpy.zeros((len(phi),len(theta),len(filenames)),complex);
      if baseshape != beam.shape:
        raise TypeError,"file %s has different dimensions"%filename;
      if not((phi==phi0).all() and (theta==theta0).all()):
        raise TypeError,"file %s has different grid"%filename;
    beamcube[:,:,ifreq] = beam[:,:];
  dprint(2,"beam array has shape",beamcube.shape);
  dprint(2,"frequencies are",freqs);
  return beamcube,phi0,theta0,numpy.array(freqs);
 def thetaPhiToBeam (self,theta,phi,rotate=None):
   # apply rotations to phi
   if self._rotate:
     phi = phi + self._rotate;
   if rotate is not None:
     phi = phi + rotate;
   # make sure phi is in 0-360 range
   phi = self._normalizePhi(phi);
   dprint(3,"phi,theta [0]",phi.ravel()[0]/DEG,theta.ravel()[0]/DEG);
   # interpolate
   return self._phimap(phi),self._thetamap(theta);
Example #4
 def thetaPhiToBeam (self,theta,phi,rotate=None):
   # apply rotations to phi
   if self._rotate:
     phi = phi + self._rotate;
   if rotate is not None:
     phi = phi + rotate;
   # make sure phi is in 0-360 range
   phi = self._normalizePhi(phi);
   dprint(3,"phi,theta [0]",phi.ravel()[0]/DEG,theta.ravel()[0]/DEG);
   # interpolate
   return self._phimap(phi),self._thetamap(theta);
  def lmToBeam (self,l,m,rotate=None):  
    # m is direction sine, m1 is cosine
#    dprint(4,"lmToPolar",l/DEG,m/DEG);
    dprint(3,"lmToPolar [0]",l.ravel()[0]/DEG,m.ravel()[0]/DEG);
    l1 = numpy.sqrt(1-l**2);
    m1 = numpy.sqrt(1-m**2);
    phi = -numpy.arctan2(l,m) + self._rotate;  # flip phi, so it goes clockwise from N=0 to W=90
    if rotate is not None:
      phi += rotate;
    phi = self._normalizePhi(phi);
    theta = numpy.arccos(l1*m1);
    dprint(3,"phi,theta [0]",phi.ravel()[0]/DEG,theta.ravel()[0]/DEG);
#    dprint(4,"phi,theta are",phi/DEG,theta/DEG);
    return self._phimap(phi),self._thetamap(theta);
Example #6
  def lmToBeam (self,l,m,rotate=None):  
    # m is direction sine, m1 is cosine
#    dprint(4,"lmToPolar",l/DEG,m/DEG);
    dprint(3,"lmToPolar [0]",l.ravel()[0]/DEG,m.ravel()[0]/DEG);
    l1 = numpy.sqrt(1-l**2);
    m1 = numpy.sqrt(1-m**2);
    phi = -numpy.arctan2(l,m) + self._rotate;  # flip phi, so it goes clockwise from N=0 to W=90
    if rotate is not None:
      phi += rotate;
    phi = self._normalizePhi(phi);
    theta = numpy.arccos(l1*m1);
    dprint(3,"phi,theta [0]",phi.ravel()[0]/DEG,theta.ravel()[0]/DEG);
#    dprint(4,"phi,theta are",phi/DEG,theta/DEG);
    return self._phimap(phi),self._thetamap(theta);
 def grid (self,lgrid,mgrid,freqgrid):
   from matplotlib.mlab import griddata
   l = numpy.sin(lgrid);
   m = numpy.sin(mgrid);
   gridshape = (len(l),len(m),len(self.freq));
   beamgrid = numpy.zeros(gridshape,complex);
   # figure out useful range of l/m coordinates
   lmin,lmax = l.min(),l.max();
   mmin,mmax = m.min(),m.max();
   dl = (lmax - lmin)/10;
   dm = (mmax - mmin)/10;
   lmin,lmax = lmin-dl,lmax+dl;
   mmin,mmax = mmin-dm,mmax+dm;
   dprint(3,"regridding in area from %f,%f to %f,%f deg"%(lmin/DEG,mmin/DEG,lmax/DEG,mmax/DEG));
   # loop over all per-frequency patterns
   for ifreq,(beam,beam_ampl,lcoord,mcoord,freq) in enumerate(self._beams):
     # filter out values outside the range
     select = (lcoord < lmax)&(lcoord > lmin)&(mcoord < mmax)&(mcoord > mmin); 
     dprint(3,"selection reduces beam from %d to %d points"%(len(lcoord),select.sum()));
     # regrid onto each frequency plane
     for ifreq in range(len(self.freq)):
       gbeam = beamgrid[:,:,ifreq];
       gbeam.real = griddata(lcoord[select],mcoord[select],beam.real[select],l,m);
       gbeam.imag = griddata(lcoord[select],mcoord[select],beam.imag[select],l,m);
       if beam_ampl is not None:
         ampl = griddata(lcoord[select],mcoord[select],beam_ampl[select],l,m);
         ampl1 = abs(gbeam);
         wh = ampl1 != 0;
         gbeam[wh] = (gbeam[wh]/ampl1[wh])*ampl[wh];
     # replace nans with zeroes
     beamgrid[numpy.isnan(beamgrid)] = 0;
   # interpolate onto frequency grid
   dprint(4,"interpolated data range",beamgrid.min(),beamgrid.max());
   dprint(3,"interpolating frequencies");
   l1,m1 = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(len(l)),numpy.arange(len(m)));
   if len(self.freq) > 1:
     f1 = interpolate.interp1d(self.freq,range(len(self.freq)),'linear')(freqgrid);
     f1 = numpy.array(0.);
   l1,f1 = unite_shapes(l1,f1);
   m1,f1 = unite_shapes(m1,f1);
   coords = numpy.vstack((l1.ravel(),m1.ravel(),f1.ravel()));
   output_shape = (len(l),len(m),len(freqgrid));
   output = numpy.zeros(output_shape,complex);
   output.real = interpolation.map_coordinates(beamgrid.real,coords,order=self._spline_order).reshape(output_shape);
   output.imag = interpolation.map_coordinates(beamgrid.imag,coords,order=self._spline_order).reshape(output_shape);
   return output;
Example #8
 def grid (self,lgrid,mgrid,freqgrid):
   from matplotlib.mlab import griddata
   l = numpy.sin(lgrid);
   m = numpy.sin(mgrid);
   gridshape = (len(l),len(m),len(self.freq));
   beamgrid = numpy.zeros(gridshape,complex);
   # figure out useful range of l/m coordinates
   lmin,lmax = l.min(),l.max();
   mmin,mmax = m.min(),m.max();
   dl = (lmax - lmin)/10;
   dm = (mmax - mmin)/10;
   lmin,lmax = lmin-dl,lmax+dl;
   mmin,mmax = mmin-dm,mmax+dm;
   dprint(3,"regridding in area from %f,%f to %f,%f deg"%(lmin/DEG,mmin/DEG,lmax/DEG,mmax/DEG));
   # loop over all per-frequency patterns
   for ifreq,(beam,beam_ampl,lcoord,mcoord,freq) in enumerate(self._beams):
     # filter out values outside the range
     select = (lcoord < lmax)&(lcoord > lmin)&(mcoord < mmax)&(mcoord > mmin); 
     dprint(3,"selection reduces beam from %d to %d points"%(len(lcoord),select.sum()));
     # regrid onto each frequency plane
     for ifreq in range(len(self.freq)):
       gbeam = beamgrid[:,:,ifreq];
       gbeam.real = griddata(lcoord[select],mcoord[select],beam.real[select],l,m);
       gbeam.imag = griddata(lcoord[select],mcoord[select],beam.imag[select],l,m);
       if beam_ampl is not None:
         ampl = griddata(lcoord[select],mcoord[select],beam_ampl[select],l,m);
         ampl1 = abs(gbeam);
         wh = ampl1 != 0;
         gbeam[wh] = (gbeam[wh]/ampl1[wh])*ampl[wh];
     # replace nans with zeroes
     beamgrid[numpy.isnan(beamgrid)] = 0;
   # interpolate onto frequency grid
   dprint(4,"interpolated data range",beamgrid.min(),beamgrid.max());
   dprint(3,"interpolating frequencies");
   l1,m1 = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(len(l)),numpy.arange(len(m)));
   if len(self.freq) > 1:
     f1 = interpolate.interp1d(self.freq,range(len(self.freq)),'linear')(freqgrid);
     f1 = numpy.array(0.);
   l1,f1 = unite_shapes(l1,f1);
   m1,f1 = unite_shapes(m1,f1);
   coords = numpy.vstack((l1.ravel(),m1.ravel(),f1.ravel()));
   output_shape = (len(l),len(m),len(freqgrid));
   output = numpy.zeros(output_shape,complex);
   output.real = interpolation.map_coordinates(beamgrid.real,coords,order=self._spline_order).reshape(output_shape);
   output.imag = interpolation.map_coordinates(beamgrid.imag,coords,order=self._spline_order).reshape(output_shape);
   return output;
 def freqToBeam (self,freq):
   if self._freqmap is None:
     raise RuntimeError,"attempting to interpolate in frequency, but frequency axis is not set. This is a bug!";
   # interpolate from grid back to linear 0...n-1 range
   freqcoord = self._freqmap(freq);
   # out-of-bounds values filled by NANs -- get a mask of these, issue warning, and reset to 0 and N-1
   oob = numpy.isnan(freqcoord);
   if oob.any():
     freqgrid = self.freqGrid();
     if not self._freq_warning:
       dprint(0,"WARNING: requested frequencies (%s) are outside the supplied beam frequency range (%f to %f MHz)"%
         (",".join(["%f"%(x*1e-6) for x in freq[oob]]),freqgrid[0]*1e-6,freqgrid[-1]*1e-6));
       dprint(0,"Doing frequency extrapolation instead");
       self._freq_warning = True;
     freqcoord[freq<=freqgrid[0]]  = - freq/freqgrid[0]     # lm multiplied by negative of this 
     freqcoord[freq>=freqgrid[-1]] = - freq/freqgrid[-1]   
   return freqcoord;
Example #10
 def freqToBeam (self,freq):
   if self._freqmap is None:
     raise RuntimeError,"attempting to interpolate in frequency, but frequency axis is not set. This is a bug!";
   # interpolate from grid back to linear 0...n-1 range
   freqcoord = self._freqmap(freq);
   # out-of-bounds values filled by NANs -- get a mask of these, issue warning, and reset to 0 and N-1
   oob = numpy.isnan(freqcoord);
   if oob.any():
     freqgrid = self.freqGrid();
     if not self._freq_warning:
       dprint(0,"WARNING: requested frequencies (%s) are outside the supplied beam frequency range (%f to %f MHz)"%
         (",".join(["%f"%(x*1e-6) for x in freq[oob]]),freqgrid[0]*1e-6,freqgrid[-1]*1e-6));
       dprint(0,"Falling back to nearest-neighbour extrapolation, this is not very accurate");
       self._freq_warning = True;
     freqcoord[freq<=freqgrid[0]] = 0;
     freqcoord[freq>=freqgrid[-1]] = len(freqgrid)-1;
   return freqcoord;
Example #11
 def freqToBeam(self, freq):
     if self._freqmap is None:
         raise RuntimeError, "attempting to interpolate in frequency, but frequency axis is not set. This is a bug!"
     # interpolate from grid back to linear 0...n-1 range
     freqcoord = self._freqmap(freq)
     # out-of-bounds values filled by NANs -- get a mask of these, issue warning, and reset to 0 and N-1
     oob = numpy.isnan(freqcoord)
     if oob.any():
         freqgrid = self.freqGrid()
         if not self._freq_warning:
                 "WARNING: requested frequencies (%s) are outside the supplied beam frequency range (%f to %f MHz)"
                 % (",".join(["%f" % (x * 1e-6) for x in freq[oob]
                              ]), freqgrid[0] * 1e-6, freqgrid[-1] * 1e-6))
             dprint(0, "Doing frequency extrapolation instead")
             self._freq_warning = True
         freqcoord[freq <= freqgrid[0]] = -freq / freqgrid[
             0]  # lm multiplied by negative of this
         freqcoord[freq >= freqgrid[-1]] = -freq / freqgrid[-1]
     return freqcoord
def _loadPattern (filename,grid=True,rotate_xy=True,proj_theta=False):
    """Load EMSS pattern from the specified file.
    returns tuple of Ex,Ey,phi,theta,freq,gainOffset, where Ex/Ey are give the complex amplitudes in the Stokes xy frame.
    The shapes are either:
      grid=true: we have a regular grid in phi/theta space, given by the phi/theta vectors.
                 Ex/Ey have shape (nphi,ntheta).
      grid=False: irregular grid. Ex,Ey,phi,theta are all vectors of the same length
    freq is the frequency at which the beam is defined, and gainOffset is the normalized offset at center.
    # Read file
    lines = file(filename).readlines()
    # Setup regexp to parse one line of pat file
    floatNum = r'([0-9.+\-E]+)'
    complexNum = r'\(\s*' + floatNum + r',\s*' + floatNum + r'\)'
    row = re.compile(r'^\s*' + r'\s+'.join([floatNum, floatNum, complexNum, complexNum]) + r'\s*$', \
                     flags=(re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE))
    # Parse file data and convert to floating-point
#    for line in lines:
#      if not row.match(line):
#        print line;
    data = numpy.array(re.findall(row, ''.join(lines)), dtype='float64')
    # Find frequency
    freqExp = re.findall(r'frequency = ' + floatNum + ' MHz', ''.join(lines[:20]))
    if len(freqExp) > 0:
        freq = float(freqExp[0])*1e+6;
        freq = None;
    # Find gain expression somewhere in first few lines, if it exists
    gainExp = re.findall(r'Gain = 20 x log_10\(\|E\|\) \+ ' + floatNum, ''.join(lines[:20]))
    if len(gainExp) > 0:
        gainOffset = float(gainExp[0])
        gainOffset = 0.0
    dprint(2,"frequency",freq,"gain offset",gainOffset);

    # Extract variables
    ndata = data.shape[0];
    theta, phi = data[:, 0],data[:, 1];
    E_theta, E_phi = data[:, 2] + 1j * data[:, 3], data[:, 4] + 1j * data[:, 5]
    if grid:
      # Now, figure out how to put this into a cube. For now, assume that theta cycles faster,
      # and phi slower
      # check that phi is sorted
      if (phi[1:]-phi[:-1]).min() < 0:
        raise TypeError,"%s: phi axis not monotonically increasing"%filename;
      nphi = len(numpy.unique(phi));
      ntheta = ndata//nphi;
#      print filename,nphi,ntheta,nphi*ntheta,ndata;
      if nphi*ntheta != ndata:
        raise TypeError,"%s: uneven number of samples"%filename;
      # reshape arrays into nphi x ntheta array
      shape = (nphi,ntheta);
      dprint(2,"data shape is",shape);
      phi = phi.reshape(shape);
      theta = theta.reshape(shape);
      E_theta = E_theta.reshape(shape);
      E_phi   = E_phi.reshape(shape);
      # check that results are sensible: phi had better be constant along the second axis,
      # and theta along the first
      if not (phi.min(1)==phi.max(1)).all():
        raise TypeError,"%s: phi axis malformed"%filename;
      if not (theta.min(0)==theta.max(0)).all():
        raise TypeError,"%s: phi axis malformed"%filename;
      phi = phi[:,0];
      theta = theta[0,:];
      dprint(2,"phi grid is (deg)",phi);
      dprint(2,"theta grid is (deg)",theta);
      # OK, now we have a definite rectangular grid. Check that phi goes from 0 to 360 properly, and
      # if we don't have a copy of the first row (phi==0) at the end (phi==360), then add it,
      # so as to aid interpolation
      if phi[0] == 0 and phi[-1] == 360:
        # average the two rows
        for E in E_theta,E_phi:
          if not (E[0,:] == E[-1,:]).all():
            dprint(0,"warning: conflicting values at phi=0,360 -- replacing with average");
            avg = (E[0,:]+E[-1,:])/2;
            E[0,:] = E[-1,:] = avg;
            #raise ValueError,"%s: conflicting values at phi=0 and phi=360"%filename;
        phi = numpy.array(list(phi) + (phi[0]+360));
        E_theta = numpy.append(E_theta,E_theta[0,:]);
        E_phi = numpy.append(E_phi,E_phi[0,:]);
      # Convert field strengths from antenna (theta, phi) coords to Stokes (x, y) coords
      phi *= DEG;
      theta *= DEG;
      cos_theta = numpy.cos(theta)[numpy.newaxis,:] if proj_theta else 1;
      cos_phi   = numpy.cos(phi)[:,numpy.newaxis] if rotate_xy else 1;
      sin_phi   = numpy.sin(phi)[:,numpy.newaxis] if rotate_xy else 0;
      Ex =  E_theta * cos_theta * cos_phi - E_phi * sin_phi;
      Ey = -E_theta * cos_theta * sin_phi - E_phi * cos_phi;

      # replace the theta=0 point with the average across the entire array (otherwise we have a discontinuity)
      if theta[0] == 0:
        Ex[:,0] = Ex[:,0].mean();
        Ey[:,0] = Ey[:,0].mean();
    # else generate ungridded data
      # Convert field strengths from antenna (theta, phi) coords to Stokes (x, y) coords
      # (NB: must do this before averaging at theta=0!!)
      cos_theta = numpy.cos(theta*DEG);
      cos_phi   = numpy.cos(phi*DEG);
      sin_phi   = numpy.sin(phi*DEG);
      Ex =  E_theta * cos_theta * cos_phi - E_phi * sin_phi;
      Ey = -E_theta * cos_theta * sin_phi - E_phi * cos_phi;
      # The EMSS pattern contains multiple versions of the beam center, where theta=0
      # but phi differs. Replace them with a single averaged version.
      beamCenter = (theta == 0.0)
      Ex[beamCenter] = Ex[beamCenter].mean()
      Ey[beamCenter] = Ey[beamCenter].mean()
      # select theta>0, phi<360
      select = (theta > 0.0) & (theta <= 90.0) & (phi < 360.0);
      # add a single theta=0 point to the selection
      select[numpy.where(beamCenter)[0][0]] = True
      # apply selection
      phi   = phi[select];
      theta = theta[select];
      Ex    = Ex[select];
      Ey    = Ey[select];
      # Convert field strengths from antenna (theta, phi) coords to Stokes (x, y) coords
      phi *= DEG;
      theta *= DEG;
    return Ex,Ey,phi,theta,freq,gainOffset;
Example #13
def _loadPattern(filename, grid=True, rotate_xy=True, proj_theta=False):
    """Load EMSS pattern from the specified file.
    returns tuple of Ex,Ey,phi,theta,freq,gainOffset, where Ex/Ey are give the complex amplitudes in the Stokes xy frame.
    The shapes are either:
      grid=true: we have a regular grid in phi/theta space, given by the phi/theta vectors.
                 Ex/Ey have shape (nphi,ntheta).
      grid=False: irregular grid. Ex,Ey,phi,theta are all vectors of the same length
    freq is the frequency at which the beam is defined, and gainOffset is the normalized offset at center.
    # Read file
    lines = file(filename).readlines()
    # Setup regexp to parse one line of pat file
    floatNum = r'([0-9.+\-E]+)'
    complexNum = r'\(\s*' + floatNum + r',\s*' + floatNum + r'\)'
    row = re.compile(r'^\s*' + r'\s+'.join([floatNum, floatNum, complexNum, complexNum]) + r'\s*$', \
                     flags=(re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE))
    # Parse file data and convert to floating-point
    #    for line in lines:
    #      if not row.match(line):
    #        print line;
    data = numpy.array(re.findall(row, ''.join(lines)), dtype='float64')
    # Find frequency
    freqExp = re.findall(r'frequency = ' + floatNum + ' MHz',
    if len(freqExp) > 0:
        freq = float(freqExp[0]) * 1e+6
        freq = None
    # Find gain expression somewhere in first few lines, if it exists
    gainExp = re.findall(r'Gain = 20 x log_10\(\|E\|\) \+ ' + floatNum,
    if len(gainExp) > 0:
        gainOffset = float(gainExp[0])
        gainOffset = 0.0
    dprint(2, "frequency", freq, "gain offset", gainOffset)

    # Extract variables
    ndata = data.shape[0]
    theta, phi = data[:, 0], data[:, 1]
    E_theta, E_phi = data[:, 2] + 1j * data[:, 3], data[:, 4] + 1j * data[:, 5]

    if grid:
        # Now, figure out how to put this into a cube. For now, assume that theta cycles faster,
        # and phi slower
        # check that phi is sorted
        if (phi[1:] - phi[:-1]).min() < 0:
            raise TypeError, "%s: phi axis not monotonically increasing" % filename
        nphi = len(numpy.unique(phi))
        ntheta = ndata // nphi
        #      print filename,nphi,ntheta,nphi*ntheta,ndata;
        if nphi * ntheta != ndata:
            raise TypeError, "%s: uneven number of samples" % filename
        # reshape arrays into nphi x ntheta array
        shape = (nphi, ntheta)
        dprint(2, "data shape is", shape)
        phi = phi.reshape(shape)
        theta = theta.reshape(shape)
        E_theta = E_theta.reshape(shape)
        E_phi = E_phi.reshape(shape)
        # check that results are sensible: phi had better be constant along the second axis,
        # and theta along the first
        if not (phi.min(1) == phi.max(1)).all():
            raise TypeError, "%s: phi axis malformed" % filename
        if not (theta.min(0) == theta.max(0)).all():
            raise TypeError, "%s: phi axis malformed" % filename
        phi = phi[:, 0]
        theta = theta[0, :]
        dprint(2, "phi grid is (deg)", phi)
        dprint(2, "theta grid is (deg)", theta)
        # OK, now we have a definite rectangular grid. Check that phi goes from 0 to 360 properly, and
        # if we don't have a copy of the first row (phi==0) at the end (phi==360), then add it,
        # so as to aid interpolation
        if phi[0] == 0 and phi[-1] == 360:
            # average the two rows
            for E in E_theta, E_phi:
                if not (E[0, :] == E[-1, :]).all():
                        "warning: conflicting values at phi=0,360 -- replacing with average"
                    avg = (E[0, :] + E[-1, :]) / 2
                    E[0, :] = E[-1, :] = avg
                    #raise ValueError,"%s: conflicting values at phi=0 and phi=360"%filename;
            phi = numpy.array(list(phi) + (phi[0] + 360))
            E_theta = numpy.append(E_theta, E_theta[0, :])
            E_phi = numpy.append(E_phi, E_phi[0, :])
        # Convert field strengths from antenna (theta, phi) coords to Stokes (x, y) coords
        phi *= DEG
        theta *= DEG
        cos_theta = numpy.cos(theta)[numpy.newaxis, :] if proj_theta else 1
        cos_phi = numpy.cos(phi)[:, numpy.newaxis] if rotate_xy else 1
        sin_phi = numpy.sin(phi)[:, numpy.newaxis] if rotate_xy else 0
        Ex = E_theta * cos_theta * cos_phi - E_phi * sin_phi
        Ey = -E_theta * cos_theta * sin_phi - E_phi * cos_phi

        # replace the theta=0 point with the average across the entire array (otherwise we have a discontinuity)
        if theta[0] == 0:
            Ex[:, 0] = Ex[:, 0].mean()
            Ey[:, 0] = Ey[:, 0].mean()

    # else generate ungridded data
        # Convert field strengths from antenna (theta, phi) coords to Stokes (x, y) coords
        # (NB: must do this before averaging at theta=0!!)
        cos_theta = numpy.cos(theta * DEG)
        cos_phi = numpy.cos(phi * DEG)
        sin_phi = numpy.sin(phi * DEG)
        Ex = E_theta * cos_theta * cos_phi - E_phi * sin_phi
        Ey = -E_theta * cos_theta * sin_phi - E_phi * cos_phi
        # The EMSS pattern contains multiple versions of the beam center, where theta=0
        # but phi differs. Replace them with a single averaged version.
        beamCenter = (theta == 0.0)
        Ex[beamCenter] = Ex[beamCenter].mean()
        Ey[beamCenter] = Ey[beamCenter].mean()
        # select theta>0, phi<360
        select = (theta > 0.0) & (theta <= 90.0) & (phi < 360.0)
        # add a single theta=0 point to the selection
        select[numpy.where(beamCenter)[0][0]] = True
        # apply selection
        phi = phi[select]
        theta = theta[select]
        Ex = Ex[select]
        Ey = Ey[select]
        # Convert field strengths from antenna (theta, phi) coords to Stokes (x, y) coords
        phi *= DEG
        theta *= DEG

    return Ex, Ey, phi, theta, freq, gainOffset