Example #1
    def __init__(self, idelta=0):
        #Define the Initial Rectangle P
        left = -1.5
        top = -1.5
        width = 3.0
        height = 3.0
        #L = sup_{x in P}(||grad(phi(x))||)
        self.halfL = self.getCurrentHalfL(Rect(left, top, width, height))

        CoveringTree.__init__(self, Rect(left, top, width, height), idelta)
Example #2
        def hSplitter(iBox):
            newleft1 = iBox.left
            newtop1 = iBox.top
            newwidth1 = iBox.width
            newheight1 = iBox.height/2.0
            Rleft = Rect(newleft1, newtop1, newwidth1, newheight1)

            newleft2 = iBox.left
            newtop2 = iBox.top + iBox.height/2.0
            newwidth2 = iBox.width
            newheight2 = iBox.height/2.0
            Rright = Rect(newleft2, newtop2, newwidth2, newheight2)
            return Rleft, Rright
Example #3
    def getMinVal(self, xbounds, ybounds, diam):

        iBox = Rect(xbounds[0], ybounds[0], xbounds[1] - xbounds[0], ybounds[1] - ybounds[0])
        curBoxes = [iBox]
        lCntrs = [self.getCurrentCntrVal(iBox)]
        tempBoxes = []
        eps = self.getCurrentHalfL(iBox)*self.delta

        while curBoxes:
            for box in curBoxes:
                minorant = self.getCurrentMinVal(box)
                if minorant >= min(lCntrs) - eps:


                box1, box2 = self.splitCurrentBox(box)

            curBoxes = tempBoxes
            tempBoxes = []

        minVal = min(lCntrs)
        lCntrs = []

        return minVal
Example #4
    def __init__(self, idelta=0):
        # The Initial Rectangle P definition
        left = -1.5
        top = -1.5
        width = 3.0
        height = 3.0

        # The algorithm parameters initialization
        self.delta = idelta
        self.eps = self.getCurrentHalfL(Rect(left, top, width,
                                             height)) * idelta
        self.halfL = self.getCurrentHalfL(Rect(left, top, width, height))

        # The CoveringTree class constructor
        CoveringTree.__init__(self, Rect(left, top, width, height), self.delta,
Example #5
    def __init__(self, l0, l1_bounds, l2_bounds, idelta=0):
        # Initialize Base
        self.__l0 = l0
        # Initialize the Bounds
        self.__l1_bounds = l1_bounds
        self.__l2_bounds = l2_bounds
        # Define the Initial Rectangle P
        left = -self.__l1_bounds[1]-idelta
        top = 0-idelta
        width = self.__l1_bounds[1]+self.__l0+self.__l2_bounds[1]+2*idelta
        height = min(self.__l1_bounds[1], self.__l2_bounds[1])+2*idelta

        # Initialize algorithm parameters
        self.delta = idelta
        self.eps = self.getCurrentHalfL(Rect(left, top, width, height))*idelta
        # The CoveringTree class constructor
        CoveringTree.__init__(self, Rect(left, top, width, height), self.delta, self.eps)
Example #6
    def __init__(self, idelta=0):
        #Define the Initial Rectangle P
        left = -1.5
        top = -1.5
        width = 3.0
        height = 3.0

        CoveringTree.__init__(self, Rect(left, top, width, height), idelta)
Example #7
    def __init__(self, l0, l1_bounds, l2_bounds, idelta=0):
        #Initialize Base
        self.__l0 = l0
        #Initialize the Bounds
        self.__l1_bounds = l1_bounds
        self.__l2_bounds = l2_bounds
        #Define the Initial Rectangle P
        left = -self.__l1_bounds[1]
        top = 0
        width = self.__l1_bounds[1]+self.__l0+self.__l2_bounds[1]
        height = min(self.__l1_bounds[1], self.__l2_bounds[1])

        CoveringTree.__init__(self, Rect(left, top, width, height), idelta)