Example #1
    def setUpClass(cls):

        # make Java connection
        cls.connection = Java_Connection()

        # create a static/bpr model managers
        this_folder = os.path.dirname(
        configfile = os.path.join(this_folder, os.path.pardir, 'configfiles',
        bpr_coefficients = {
            0L: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            1L: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            2L: [5, 0, 0, 0, 5],
            3L: [2, 0, 0, 0, 2],
            4L: [2, 0, 0, 0, 2],
            5L: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            6L: [5, 0, 0, 0, 5]
        cls.model_manager = Link_Model_Manager_class(configfile, "static",
                                                     cls.connection, None,
                                                     "bpr", bpr_coefficients)

        api = cls.model_manager.beats_api

        time_period = 1  # Only have one time period for static model
        paths_list = list(api.get_path_ids())
        commodity_list = list(api.get_commodity_ids())
        route_list = {}

        for path_id in paths_list:
            route_list[path_id] = api.get_subnetwork_with_id(

        # Test used to validate the Demand_Assignment_Class
        # Creating the demand assignment for initialization
        cls.demand_assignments = Demand_Assignment_class(route_list,
        demands = {}
        demand_value = np.zeros(time_period)
        demand_value1 = np.zeros(time_period)
        demand_value[0] = 2
        demand_value1[0] = 2
        demands[(1L, 1L)] = demand_value
        demands[(2L, 1L)] = demand_value1
        demands[(3L, 1L)] = demand_value

        # create link states
        cls.link_states = cls.model_manager.traffic_model.Run_Model(
Example #2
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.conn = Java_Connection()

        this_folder = os.path.dirname(
        configfile = os.path.join(this_folder, os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir,
                                  'configfiles', 'seven_links.xml')
        sim_dt = 2
        coefficients = {
            0L: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            1L: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            2L: [2, 0, 0, 0, 2],
            3L: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            4L: [2, 0, 0, 0, 2],
            5L: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            6L: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]

        cls.model_manager = Link_Model_Manager_class(configfile, "mn",
                                                     cls.conn.gateway, sim_dt,
                                                     "bpr", coefficients)
    def setUpClass(cls):

        # make Java connection
        cls.connection = Java_Connection()

        # create a static/bpr model manager
        this_folder = os.path.dirname(
        configfile = os.path.join(this_folder, os.path.pardir, 'configfiles',
        bpr_coefficients = {
            0L: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            1L: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            2L: [5, 0, 0, 0, 5],
            3L: [2, 0, 0, 0, 2],
            4L: [2, 0, 0, 0, 2],
            5L: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            6L: [5, 0, 0, 0, 5]
        cls.model_manager = Link_Model_Manager_class(configfile, "static",
                                                     cls.connection, None,
                                                     "bpr", bpr_coefficients)
Example #4
from Solvers.Solver_Class import Solver_class
from Model_Manager.Link_Model_Manager import Link_Model_Manager_class
from Java_Connection import Java_Connection
from copy import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import inspect
from Solvers.Path_Based_Frank_Wolfe_Solver import Path_Based_Frank_Wolfe_Solver
import csv

plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})

# Flag that indicates whether we are doing decomposition or not
decompositio_flag = False

connection = Java_Connection()

if connection.pid is not None:

    # Contains local path to input configfile, for the three_links.xml network
    this_folder = os.path.dirname(
    configfile = os.path.join(this_folder, os.path.pardir, 'configfiles',

    coefficients = {}
    T = 1800  # Time horizon of interest
    sim_dt = 0.0  # Duration of one time_step for the traffic model

    sampling_dt = 300  # Duration of time_step for the solver, in this case it is equal to sim_dt
Example #5
# from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway,GatewayParameters
from Model_Manager.Link_Model_Manager import Link_Model_Manager_class
from Model_Manager.BeATS_Model_Manager import BeATS_Model_Manager_class
from Java_Connection import Java_Connection
from Data_Types.Demand_Assignment_Class import Demand_Assignment_class
from Traffic_Models.MN_Model import MN_Model_Class
from copy import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import inspect
import csv
from Solvers.Path_Based_Frank_Wolfe_Solver import Path_Based_Frank_Wolfe_Solver

plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})

connection = Java_Connection()
if connection.pid is not None:
    this_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
    configfile = os.path.join(this_folder, os.path.pardir, 'configfiles', 'cfg_vi_mn.xml')
    coefficients = {}
    T = 3600  # Time horizon of interest
    sim_dt = 4.0  # Duration of one time_step for the traffic model

    sampling_dt = 4  # Duration of time_step for the solver, in this case it is equal to sim_dt
    model_manager = Link_Model_Manager_class(configfile, connection.gateway, "mn", sim_dt, "bpr", coefficients)

    #Estimating bpr coefficients with beats
    num_links = model_manager.beats_api.get_num_links()
    avg_travel_time = np.zeros(num_links)

    num_coeff = 5
Example #6
def call_solver(args):
    # Flag that indicates whether we are doing decomposition or not
    decomposition_flag = args.decomposition_flag

    conn = Java_Connection(decomposition_flag)

    if conn.pid is not None:
        sim_dt = 2.0
        T = args.T  # Time horizon of interest
        sampling_dt = args.sampling_dt  # Duration of one time_step for the solver

        this_folder = os.path.dirname(
        configfile = os.path.join(this_folder, os.path.pardir, 'configfiles',

        instantaneous = True  # Indicates whether we are doing ctm predictive (True) or instantaneous (False)
        model_manager = OTM_Model_Manager_class(configfile, args.model,
                                                conn.gateway, sim_dt)

        if (model_manager.is_valid()):
            num_steps = int(T / sampling_dt)

            # Get the OD Matrix form Model Manager
            # OD Matrix can also be initialized from another source, as long as it fits the OD_Matrix class format
            OD_Matrix = model_manager.get_OD_Matrix(num_steps, sampling_dt)

            if OD_Matrix is not None:
                # Algorithm to solve the problem
                if args.solver_algorithm == "FW":
                    solver_algorithm = Path_Based_Frank_Wolfe_Solver
                elif args.solver_algorithm == "MSA":
                    solver_algorithm = Method_of_Successive_Averages_Solver
                    solver_algorithm = Extra_Projection_Method_Solver

                scenario_solver = Solver_class(model_manager, solver_algorithm)
                assignment, solver_run_time = scenario_solver.Solver_function(
                    T, sampling_dt, OD_Matrix, decomposition_flag)

                if assignment is None:
                    print "Solver did not run"
                    #Save assignment into a csv file
                    this_folder = os.path.dirname(
                    outputfile = os.path.join(this_folder, os.path.pardir,
                                              args.configfile[:-4] + '.csv')

                    # # We first save in the paramenters of the scenario
                    # csv_file = open(outputfile, 'wb')
                    # writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
                    # # Saving the model type
                    # writer.writerow(['model type:','BeATS'])
                    # od = model_manager.otm_api.get_od_info()
                    # demand_api = [item * 3600 for item in od[0].get_total_demand_vps().getValues()]
                    # od_dt = od[0].get_total_demand_vps().getDt()
                    # if od_dt is None:
                    #     od_dt = sampling_dt
                    # # Saving the demand per od and time horizon value
                    # writer.writerow(['demand dt (s)', 'od demand (vh)','T (s)'])
                    # writer.writerow([od_dt,demand_api,T])
                    # writer.writerow(['(path ID, commodity ID)', 'array of demand (vh) per dt on path'])
                    # # Now we save the assignment values to csv file
                    # for key, value in assignment.get_all_demands().items():
                    #     writer.writerow([key, value])
                    # csv_file.close()

                    #print "\nDemand Assignment:"

                    path_costs = model_manager.evaluate(assignment,

                    #print "\nPath costs in secons:"
                    if decomposition_flag:
                        from mpi4py import MPI

                        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
                        rank = comm.Get_rank()
                        rank = 0

                    #Distance to Nash
                    error_percentage = scenario_solver.distance_to_Nash(
                        assignment, path_costs, sampling_dt, OD_Matrix)
                    if rank == 0:
                        print "\n"
                        print "%.02f" % error_percentage, "% vehicles from equilibrium"
Example #7
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})

# Function to save the output data
def save_ouput_to_picle(outputfile, assignment, path_costs, run_time, error):
    # Write results to picke file
    # The DTA assignment and corresponding path_cost from file
    with open(outputfile, "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(assignment, f)
        pickle.dump(path_costs, f)
        pickle.dump(run_time, f)
        pickle.dump(error, f)

# Flag that indicates whether we are doing decomposition or not
decompositio_flag = True

connection = Java_Connection(decompositio_flag)

if connection.pid is not None:

    # Contains local path to input configfile, for the three_links.xml network
    this_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
    scenario_name = 'seven_links'   #Scenario name
    configfile = os.path.join(this_folder, os.path.pardir, 'configfiles', scenario_name+'.xml')
    coefficients = {}
    T = 3600  # Time horizon of interest
    sim_dt = 0.1  # Duration of one time_step for the traffic model

    sampling_dt = 1200     # Duration of time_step for the solver, in this case it is equal to sim_dt

    model_manager = Link_Model_Manager_class(configfile, "static", connection.gateway, sim_dt, "bpr", coefficients)
Example #8
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.conn = Java_Connection()
Example #9
import sys

from Model_Manager.Link_Model_Manager import Link_Model_Manager_class
from Java_Connection import Java_Connection
from copy import copy
from Solvers.Frank_Wolfe_Solver_Static import construct_igraph
import os
import inspect
import argparse

# Flag that indicates whether we are doing decomposition or not
decompositio_flag = False

# Flag that indicates whether we are doing decomposition or not

connection = Java_Connection(decompositio_flag)

if connection.pid is not None:

    # Contains local path to input configfile, for the three_links.xml network
    this_folder = os.path.dirname(
    scenario_name = 'scenario'  #Scenario name
    configfile = os.path.join(this_folder, os.path.pardir, 'configfiles',
                              scenario_name + '.xml')

    print "Loading data for: ", scenario_name

    # File where to save the pickled objects
    this_folder = os.path.dirname(