def get_tdx_day_to_df_last(code, dayl=1, type=0, dt=None, ptype="low", dl=None): """ :param code:999999 :param dayl:Duration Days :param type:TDX type :param dt: Datetime :param ptype:low or high :return:Series or df """ # dayl=int(dayl) # type=int(type) # print "t:",dayl,"type",type if not type == 0: f = lambda x: str((1000000 - int(x))) if x.startswith("0") else x code = f(code) code_u = cct.code_to_symbol(code) day_path = day_dir % "sh" if code.startswith(("5", "6", "9")) else day_dir % "sz" p_day_dir = day_path.replace("/", path_sep).replace("\\", path_sep) # p_exp_dir=exp_dir.replace('/',path_sep).replace('\\',path_sep) # print p_day_dir,p_exp_dir file_path = p_day_dir + code_u + ".day" if not os.path.exists(file_path): ds = Series( {"code": code, "date": cct.get_today(), "open": 0, "high": 0, "low": 0, "close": 0, "amount": 0, "vol": 0} ) return ds ofile = file(file_path, "rb") b = 0 e = 32 if dayl == 1 and dt == None: log.debug("%s" % (dayl == 1 and dt == None)) fileSize = os.path.getsize(file_path) if fileSize < 32: print "why", code, 2) buf = ofile.close() a = unpack("IIIIIfII", buf[b:e]) tdate = str(a[0])[:4] + "-" + str(a[0])[4:6] + "-" + str(a[0])[6:8] topen = float(a[1] / 100.0) thigh = float(a[2] / 100.0) tlow = float(a[3] / 100.0) tclose = float(a[4] / 100.0) amount = float(a[5] / 10.0) tvol = int(a[6]) # int # tpre = int(a[7]) # back dt_list = Series( { "code": code, "date": tdate, "open": topen, "high": thigh, "low": tlow, "close": tclose, "amount": amount, "vol": tvol, } ) return dt_list elif dayl == 1 and dt is not None and dl is not None: log.debug("dt:%s" % (dt)) dt_list = [] # if len(str(dt)) == 8: # dt = cct.day8_to_day10(dt) # else: # dt=get_duration_price_date(code, ptype=ptype, dt=dt) # print ("dt:%s"%dt) fileSize = os.path.getsize(file_path) if fileSize < 32: print "why", code b = fileSize, 2) no = int(fileSize / e) # if no < newstockdayl: # return Series() # print no,b,day_cout,fileSize buf = ofile.close() # print repr(buf) # df=pd.DataFrame() for i in xrange(no): a = unpack("IIIIIfII", buf[-e:b]) tdate = str(a[0])[:4] + "-" + str(a[0])[4:6] + "-" + str(a[0])[6:8] topen = float(a[1] / 100.0) thigh = float(a[2] / 100.0) tlow = float(a[3] / 100.0) tclose = float(a[4] / 100.0) amount = float(a[5] / 10.0) tvol = int(a[6]) # int # tpre = int(a[7]) # back dt_list.append( { "code": code, "date": tdate, "open": topen, "high": thigh, "low": tlow, "close": tclose, "amount": amount, "vol": tvol, } ) # print series # dSeries.append(series) # dSeries.append(Series({'code':code,'date':tdate,'open':topen,'high':thigh,'low':tlow,'close':tclose,'amount':amount,'vol':tvol,'pre':tpre})) b = b - 32 e = e + 32 # print tdate,dt if tdate < dt: # print "why" break df = pd.DataFrame(dt_list, columns=ct.TDX_Day_columns) # print "len:%s %s"%(len(df),fileSize) df = df.set_index("date") dt = get_duration_price_date(code, ptype=ptype, dt=dt, df=df, dl=dl) log.debug("last_dt:%s" % dt) dd = df[df.index == dt] if len(dd) > 0: dd = dd[:1] dt = dd.index.values[0] dd = dd.T[dt] dd["date"] = dt else: log.warning("no < dt:NULL") dd = Series() # dd = Series( # {'code': code, 'date': cct.get_today(), 'open': 0, 'high': 0, 'low': 0, 'close': 0, 'amount': 0, # 'vol': 0}) return dd else: dt_list = [] fileSize = os.path.getsize(file_path) # print fileSize day_cout = abs(e * int(dayl)) # print day_cout if day_cout > fileSize: b = fileSize, 2) no = int(fileSize / e) else: no = int(dayl) b = day_cout, 2) # print no,b,day_cout,fileSize buf = ofile.close() # print repr(buf) # df=pd.DataFrame() for i in xrange(no): a = unpack("IIIIIfII", buf[-e:b]) tdate = str(a[0])[:4] + "-" + str(a[0])[4:6] + "-" + str(a[0])[6:8] topen = float(a[1] / 100.0) thigh = float(a[2] / 100.0) tlow = float(a[3] / 100.0) tclose = float(a[4] / 100.0) amount = float(a[5] / 10.0) tvol = int(a[6]) # int # tpre = int(a[7]) # back dt_list.append( { "code": code, "date": tdate, "open": topen, "high": thigh, "low": tlow, "close": tclose, "amount": amount, "vol": tvol, } ) # print series # dSeries.append(series) # dSeries.append(Series({'code':code,'date':tdate,'open':topen,'high':thigh,'low':tlow,'close':tclose,'amount':amount,'vol':tvol,'pre':tpre})) b = b - 32 e = e + 32 df = pd.DataFrame(dt_list, columns=ct.TDX_Day_columns) df = df.set_index("date") return df
def get_tdx_day_to_df(code): """ 获取个股历史交易记录 Parameters ------ code:string 股票代码 e.g. 600848 start:string 开始日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 为空时取到API所提供的最早日期数据 end:string 结束日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 为空时取到最近一个交易日数据 ktype:string 数据类型,D=日k线 W=周 M=月 5=5分钟 15=15分钟 30=30分钟 60=60分钟,默认为D retry_count : int, 默认 3 如遇网络等问题重复执行的次数 pause : int, 默认 0 重复请求数据过程中暂停的秒数,防止请求间隔时间太短出现的问题 return ------- DataFrame 属性:日期 ,开盘价, 最高价, 收盘价, 最低价, 成交量, 价格变动 ,涨跌幅,5日均价,10日均价,20日均价,5日均量,10日均量,20日均量,换手率 """ # time_s=time.time() # print code code_u = cct.code_to_symbol(code) day_path = day_dir % "sh" if code[:1] in ["5", "6", "9"] else day_dir % "sz" p_day_dir = day_path.replace("/", path_sep).replace("\\", path_sep) # p_exp_dir = exp_dir.replace('/', path_sep).replace('\\', path_sep) # print p_day_dir,p_exp_dir file_path = p_day_dir + code_u + ".day" if not os.path.exists(file_path): ds = Series( {"code": code, "date": cct.get_today(), "open": 0, "high": 0, "low": 0, "close": 0, "amount": 0, "vol": 0} ) return ds ofile = open(file_path, "rb") buf = ofile.close() num = len(buf) no = int(num / 32) b = 0 e = 32 dt_list = [] for i in xrange(no): a = unpack("IIIIIfII", buf[b:e]) #[0])[:4]),int(str(a[0])[4:6]),int(str(a[0])[6:8])) tdate = str(a[0])[:4] + "-" + str(a[0])[4:6] + "-" + str(a[0])[6:8] # tdate=dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') topen = float(a[1] / 100.0) thigh = float(a[2] / 100.0) tlow = float(a[3] / 100.0) tclose = float(a[4] / 100.0) amount = float(a[5] / 10.0) tvol = int(a[6]) # int tpre = int(a[7]) # back dt_list.append( { "code": code, "date": tdate, "open": topen, "high": thigh, "low": tlow, "close": tclose, "amount": amount, "vol": tvol, "pre": tpre, } ) b = b + 32 e = e + 32 df = pd.DataFrame(dt_list, columns=ct.TDX_Day_columns) df = df.set_index("date") # print "time:",(time.time()-time_s)*1000 return df
def get_tdx_append_now_df_api(code, type="f", start=None, end=None): import sina_data # start=cct.day8_to_day10(start) # end=cct.day8_to_day10(end) df = get_tdx_Exp_day_to_df(code, type, start, end).sort_index(ascending=True) # print df[:1] if not end == None: if end < df.index[-1]: print (end, df.index[-1]) return df today = cct.get_today() if len(df) > 0: tdx_last_day = df.index[-1] duration = cct.get_today_duration(tdx_last_day) log.debug("duration:%s" % duration) else: tdx_last_day = None duration = 1 log.debug("tdx_last_day:%s" % tdx_last_day) index_status = False if code == "999999": code = "sh" index_status = True elif code.startswith("399"): index_status = True for k in INDEX_LIST.keys(): if INDEX_LIST[k].find(code) > 0: code = k log.debug("duration:%s" % duration) if duration >= 1: try: ds = ts.get_hist_data(code, start=tdx_last_day, end=today) # ds = ts.get_h_data('000001', start=tdx_last_day, end=today,index=index_status) # df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) except (IOError, EOFError, Exception) as e: print "Error duration", e if index_status: code_t = INDEX_LIST[code][2:] ds = ts.get_h_data(code_t, start=tdx_last_day, end=today, index=index_status) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) if ds is not None and len(ds) > 1: ds = ds[: len(ds) - 1] if index_status: code_t = INDEX_LIST[code][2:] if code == "sh": code = "999999" else: code = code_t ds["code"] = code else: ds["code"] = code # ds['vol'] = 0 ds = ds.loc[:, ["code", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume", "amount"]] # ds.rename(columns={'volume': 'amount'}, inplace=True) ds.rename(columns={"volume": "vol"}, inplace=True) ds.sort_index(ascending=True, inplace=True) log.debug("ds:%s" % ds[:1]) df = df.append(ds) # pd.concat([df,ds],axis=0, join='outer') # result=pd.concat([df,ds]) if cct.get_work_time(): # dm = rl.get_sina_Market_json('all').set_index('code') if index_status: code = INDEX_LIST[code] dm = sina_data.Sina().get_stock_code_data(code).set_index("code") if dm is not None and not dm.empty: # dm=dm.drop_duplicates() log.debug("dm:%s" % dm[-1:]) dm.rename(columns={"volume": "amount", "turnover": "vol"}, inplace=True) # c_name=dm.loc[code,['name']] dm_code = dm.loc[:, ["open", "high", "low", "close", "amount"]] log.debug("dm_code:%s" % dm_code["amount"]) dm_code["amount"] = round(float(dm_code["amount"]) / 100, 2) dm_code["code"] = code dm_code["vol"] = 0 # dm_code['date']=today = today df = df.append(dm_code) # df['name']=c_name # log.debug("c_name:%s"%(c_name)) log.debug("df[-3:]:%s" % (df[-2:])) # df['name'] = dm.loc[code, 'name'] log.debug("df:%s" % df[-2:]) return df
def get_tdx_append_now_df(code, type="f", start=None, end=None): # start=cct.day8_to_day10(start) # end=cct.day8_to_day10(end) df = get_tdx_Exp_day_to_df(code, type, start, end).sort_index(ascending=True) # print df[:1] if not end == None: if not end == df.index[-1]: print (end, df.index[-1]) return df today = cct.get_today() if len(df) > 0: tdx_last_day = df.index[-1] duration = cct.get_today_duration(tdx_last_day) log.debug("duration:%s" % duration) else: tdx_last_day = None duration = 1 log.debug("tdx_last_day:%s" % tdx_last_day) index_status = False if code == "999999": code = "sh" index_status = True elif code.startswith("399"): index_status = True for k in INDEX_LIST.keys(): if INDEX_LIST[k].find(code) > 0: code = k log.debug("duration:%s" % duration) if duration >= 1: ds = ts.get_hist_data(code, start=tdx_last_day, end=today) if ds is not None and len(ds) > 1: ds = ds[: len(ds) - 1] ds["code"] = code ds["vol"] = 0 ds = ds.loc[:, ["code", "open", "high", "low", "close", "vol", "volume"]] ds.rename(columns={"volume": "amount"}, inplace=True) ds.sort_index(ascending=True, inplace=True) log.debug("ds:%s" % ds[:1]) df = df.append(ds) # pd.concat([df,ds],axis=0, join='outer') # result=pd.concat([df,ds]) if cct.get_work_time() and not index_status: dm = rl.get_sina_Market_json("all", showtime=False).set_index("code") # dm=dm.drop_duplicates() log.debug("dm:%s" % dm[-1:]) dm.rename(columns={"volume": "amount", "trade": "close"}, inplace=True) # c_name=dm.loc[code,['name']] dm_code = dm.loc[code, ["open", "high", "low", "close", "amount"]] log.debug("dm_code:%s" % dm_code["amount"]) dm_code["amount"] = round(float(dm_code["amount"]) / 100, 2) dm_code["code"] = code dm_code["vol"] = 0 # dm_code['date']=today = today df = df.append(dm_code) # df['name']=c_name # log.debug("c_name:%s"%(c_name)) log.debug("df[-3:]:%s" % (df[-2:])) df["name"] = dm.loc[code, "name"] log.debug("df:%s" % df[-2:]) return df
def get_linear_model_status(code, df=None, dtype='d', type='m', start=None, end=None, days=1, filter='n', dl=None, countall=True, ptype='low', power=True): if start is not None and end is None and filter == 'y': index_d = cct.day8_to_day10(start) start = tdd.get_duration_price_date(code, ptype=ptype, dt=start, df=df, dl=dl, power=power) log.debug("start is not None start: %s index_d:%s" % (start, index_d)) elif end is not None and filter == 'y': df = tdd.get_tdx_append_now_df_api( code, start=start, end=end, df=df, dl=dl, power=power).sort_index(ascending=True) index_d = cct.day8_to_day10(start) start = tdd.get_duration_price_date(code, ptype=ptype, dt=start, df=df, dl=dl, power=power) df = df[df.index >= start] if len(df) > 2 and dl is None: if df.index.values[0] < index_d: df = df[df.index >= index_d] if dl is not None: if power: start, index_d, df = tdd.get_duration_price_date(code, ptype=ptype, dl=dl, filter=False, df=df, power=power) else: start, index_d = tdd.get_duration_price_date(code, ptype=ptype, dl=dl, filter=False, df=df, power=power) log.debug("dl not None code:%s start: %s index_d:%s" % (code, start, index_d)) if len(df) > 0 and df is not None: df = df.sort_index(ascending=True) df = df[df.index >= start] if len(df) == 0 or df is None: if start is not None and len(start) > 8 and int(start[:4]) > 2500: log.warn("code:%s ERROR:%s" % (code, start)) start = '2016-01-01' df = tdd.get_tdx_append_now_df_api(code, start, end).sort_index(ascending=True) if start is None: start = df.index.values[0] if len(df) > 2 and dl is None and start is not None and filter == 'y': if df.index.values[0] < index_d: df = df[df.index >= index_d] if not dtype == 'd': df = tdd.get_tdx_stock_period_to_type(df, dtype).sort_index(ascending=True) df = df.fillna(0) if len(df) > 1 + days: if days != 0: asset = df[:-days] else: asset = df else: asset = df if len(asset) > 1: operationcount = 0 # ratio_l = [] if countall: assetratio = asset nowpratio = df['close'][-days] if len(df) > 1 + days else None # print assetratio op, ratio_l, status, sdl = get_linear_model_rule(code, df=assetratio, nowP=nowpratio, ptype=ptype) # print op,ratio,status,sdl # ratio_l.append(round(ratio, 2)) operationcount += op else: assetratio = asset nowpratio = df['close'][-days] if len(df) > 1 + days else None op, ratio_l, status, sdl = get_linear_model_rule(code, df=assetratio, nowP=nowpratio, ptype=ptype) # ratio_l.append(round(ratio, 2)) operationcount += op return operationcount, (ratio_l), df[:1].index.values[0], [ len(df), df[:1] ] elif len(asset) == 1: ## log.error("powerCompute code:%s"%(code)) if ptype == 'high': if df.close[-1] >= df.high[-1] * 0.99 and df.close[-1] >=[ -1]: return 12, 0, df.index.values[0], [len(df), df[:1]] elif df.close[-1] >[-1]: if df.close[-1] > df.high[-1] * 0.97: if len(df) > 2 and df.close[-1] > df.close[-2]: return 10, 0, df.index.values[0], [len(df), df[:1]] else: return 11, 0, df.index.values[0], [len(df), df[:1]] else: return 9, 0, df.index.values[0], [len(df), df[:1]] else: if len(df) >= 2: if df.close[-1] > df.close[-2] * 1.01: return 9, 0, df.index.values[0], [len(df), df[:1]] elif df.close[-1] > df.close[-2]: return 8, 0, df.index.values[0], [len(df), df[:1]] elif df.low[-1] > df.low[-2]: return 6, 0, df.index.values[0], [len(df), df[:1]] else: return 3, 0, df.index.values[0], [len(df), df[:1]] else: return 1, 0, df.index.values[0], [len(df), df[:1]] else: return -10, 0, df.index.values[0], [len(df), df[:1]] else: if ptype == 'high': return 13, 1, cct.get_today(), [len(df), df[:1]] else: return -10, -10, cct.get_today(), [len(df), df[:1]]