Example #1
def getListOfNewSambaFiles(topDir, lastSambaFileDict):

    sambafiles = list()
    metafiles = list()
    sambaLetter = ""

    if os.path.isdir(topDir) == False:
        print topDir, "is not a directory"
        return sambafiles

        for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(topDir):
            for aFileName in files:

                parentdir = os.path.basename(dirpath)
                sambaLetter = parentdir[4]

                # check for data file
                if (
                    and sut.isvalidsambarunname(parentdir)
                    and isFileOldEnough(os.path.join(dirpath, aFileName))

                    add = False

                    if lastSambaFileDict["samba"].has_key(sambaLetter):
                        if aFileName > lastSambaFileDict["samba"][sambaLetter]["lastfile"]:
                            add = True
                        add = True

                    if add:
                        _appendToList(sambafiles, os.path.join(dirpath, aFileName), "samba data file found:")

                # check for meta data file
                if (
                    and sut.isvalidsambarunname(parentdir)
                    and isFileOldEnough(os.path.join(dirpath, aFileName))

                    add = False

                    if lastSambaFileDict["samba"].has_key(sambaLetter):
                        if aFileName > lastSambaFileDict["samba"][sambaLetter]["last_%s" % aFileName.split("_")[1]]:
                            add = True
                        add = True

                    if add:
                        _appendToList(metafiles, os.path.join(dirpath, aFileName), "samba meta data file found:")
    except Exception as e:
        print aFileName, parentdir, sambaLetter, len(sambafiles), len(metafiles)
        raise e

    return sambafiles, metafiles
Example #2
  def setLastSambaDataFile(self, aSambaDataFileName):

    if sut.isvalidsambadatafilename(aSambaDataFileName) is False:
      raise TypeError('%s : Invalid Samba Data File Name' % aSambaDataFileName)

    trackerDoc = self.getTrackerDoc()
    sambakey = os.path.basename(aSambaDataFileName)[4]

    trackerDoc['samba'][sambakey]['lastfile'] = os.path.basename(aSambaDataFileName) 
Example #3
def uploadFile(filename, uri, dbname, overWrite = False):

  if sut.isvalidsambadatafilename(os.path.basename(filename)) is False:
    return False
  theServer = Server(uri)
  db = theServer.get_or_create_db(dbname)
  #print db.info()
  #read the run header
  sambafile = open(filename)
  global _localRunDict
  _localRunDict = {}
  runheader = readrunheader(sambafile)

  _localRunDict['author'] = 'Samba'
  _localRunDict['content'] = 'Samba DAQ document for a particular run. Use this database entry to track the progress of the processing of this data'
  _localRunDict['type'] = 'daqdocument'

  _localRunDict['date_uploaded'] = time.time()
  runname = os.path.basename(sambafile.name)
  runsplit = runname.split('_')
  _localRunDict['file'] = os.path.realpath(filename)
  _localRunDict['file_lastmodified'] = os.path.getctime(filename) 
  _localRunDict['run_name'] = formatvalue(runsplit[0])
  _localRunDict['file_number'] = int(runsplit[1])

  sambafile.close()  #close and then reopen the file, just to make it easy to get to the start
  # of the run.
  #read the samba file header
  sambafile = open(filename)
  sambaheader = readsambafileheader(sambafile)
  #now add the key/values to the _localRunDict document
  for k, v in sambaheader.items():
    if _localRunDict.has_key(k) is False:
      _localRunDict[k] = v
  #now, loop through and read the bolometer header files
  boloArray = list()
  lastline = ''
  while True:
    boloheader = readboloheader(sambafile)
    if isinstance(boloheader,dict):
    elif isinstance(boloheader, str):
      lastline = copy.copy(boloheader)
      print 'Not a Dictionary. We are done reading the bolometer headers.'
      print 'Not a Dictionary. We are done reading the bolometer headers.'
  _localRunDict['Detecteurs'] = boloArray
  #now read through the channel configuration values  
  # the while loop above quits when the the readboloheader doesn't return
  # a dictionary. Instead, it returns the next line in the header, which
  # should be the start of the channel configurations. (assuming that Samba
  # doesn't change its format
  channelArray = list()
  voiepart = lastline[lastline.find('* Voie'):]
  channelName = voiepart[voiepart.find('"'):].strip('":\n')
  while True:
    chanheaderoutput = readchannelheader(sambafile, channelName)
    channelheader = chanheaderoutput[0]
    voiepart = chanheaderoutput[1][chanheaderoutput[1].find('* Voie'):]
    channelName = voiepart[voiepart.find('"'):].strip('":\n')
    if isinstance(channelheader,dict):
      print 'Read Channel Header didn\'t return a dictionary.'
    if chanheaderoutput[2] == False:
      print 'Channel Header output False - Done reading Channel Headers.' # okay, this tells us that we're done
  _localRunDict['Voies'] = channelArray
  _localRunDict['status'] = 'closed'
  _localRunDict['hostipaddress'] = socket.gethostbyname( socket.gethostname() )
  _localRunDict['hostname'] = socket.gethostname()
  #_localRunDict['size_in_bytes'] = os.path.getsize(_localRunDict['file'])

  #don't allow this script to rewrite a doc to the database!
  #if you want to do that, then delete the doc you want to recreate
  #or use the overWrite option
  doc_exist_status = db.doc_exist(_localRunDict['_id'])
  if doc_exist_status and overWrite:    
    print 'doc exists on database, but overWrite was true. so i overwrite it'
    _localRunDict['_rev'] = db.get_rev(_localRunDict['_id'])

  elif doc_exist_status and not overWrite:
    print 'doc exists on database! exiting without uploading to database'
    return False

  res = db.save_doc(_localRunDict)
  return res['ok']