Example #1
 def XUrandom(self, p, dis, x0, udir):
     """ return a position and direction (in the global system) 
     after a random MS of a particle with momentum p
     that traverses a distance dis with a direction udir
     U = UMatrix(udir)
     #print ' U ',U
     Q0 = self.Q0Matrix(p, dis)
     #print ' Q0 ',Q0
     x1, x2, t1, t2 = Random.cov(Q0)
     #print ' x1,x2,t1,t2 ',x1,x2,t1,t2
     t1 = tan(t1)
     t2 = tan(t2)
     nor = sqrt(1. + t1 * t1 + t2 * t2)
     xt = KFVector([x1, x2, 0.])
     ut = KFVector([t1 / nor, t2 / nor, 1. / nor])
     #print ' xt ',xt
     #print ' ut ',ut
     xf = x0 + dis * udir
     #print ' xf ',xf
     xf = xf + U * xt
     #print ' xf ',xf
     uf = U * ut
     #print ' uf ',uf
     if (DEBUG):
         print 'msnoise.XUrandom p,dis,x0,udir ', p, dis, x0, udir
         print 'msnoise.XUrandom xt,ut ', xt, ut
         print 'msnoise.XUrandom xf,uf ', xf, uf
     return xf, uf
Example #2
    def execute(self):
        # Generate Track
        #empty this
        nullhits = map(lambda z: KFData(KFVector([0, 0]), self.V, z), self.zs)
        print " null hits ", len(nullhits)

        # create NEXT Kalman Filter
        next = NEXT(self.pgas)
        kf = nextfilter(next)
        #kf = simplefilter(self.radlen)
        map(lambda hit: kf.addnode(hit, H0), nullhits)
        print " null nodes ", len(kf)

        state0 = zstate([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., self.E0])
        # generate hits and states into nodes
        knodes = kf.generate(state0)
        print " generated nodes ", len(knodes)
        print " kf nodes ", len(kf)

        ok = (len(knodes) > 0)
        if (ok):
            self.evt['sim/nodes'] = knodes
        return ok
Example #3
def InitialState():
    x0 = 5.
    y0 = 10.
    ux0 = 0.25
    uy0 = 0.25
    sx0 = 0.1
    sy0 = 0.1
    x0x0 = sx0**2
    y0y0 = sy0**2

    sux0 = 0.1
    suy0 = 0.1
    ux0ux0 = sux0**2
    uy0uy0 = suy0**2

    x0ux0 = sx0 * sux0
    x0uy0 = sx0 * suy0

    y0ux0 = sy0 * sux0
    y0uy0 = sy0 * suy0

    x0y0 = sx0 * sy0
    ux0uy0 = sux0 * suy0

    traj0 = KFVector([x0, y0, ux0, uy0])

    cov0 = KFMatrix([[x0x0, x0y0, x0ux0, x0uy0], [x0y0, y0y0, y0ux0, y0uy0],
                     [x0ux0, y0ux0, ux0ux0, ux0uy0],
                     [x0uy0, y0uy0, ux0uy0, uy0uy0]])

    return (traj0, cov0)
Example #4
    def fitsegment(self, nodes):
        if (len(nodes) <= 2): return
        next = NEXT(self.pgas)
        kf = nextfilter(next)
        if (self.radlen > 0.):
            self.msg.info('KF Simple radlen', self.radlen)
            kf = simplefilter(self.radlen)
        #kf = simplefilter(self.radlen)
        print " fitsegment nodes ", len(kf.nodes)

        # fit!
        x0true = nodes[0].getstate('true').vec
        x0 = KFVector(x0true)
        z0 = nodes[0].zrun
        dz = nodes[1].zrun - z0
        if (dz == 0.):
            print ' Fit failed, not valid input nodes ', z0, dz
            return False, None
        zdir = dz / abs(dz)
        C1 = 1. * KFMatrixUnitary(5)
        state0 = KFData(x0, C1, z0 - 0.1 * zdir, pars={'uz': zdir})
        ok, fchi, schi = kf.fit(state0)
        if (not ok):
            print " Fit Failed! "
            return False, None
        print ' Fit chi2 ', dz, fchi, schi
        return ok, kf
Example #5
 def propagate(self, state, zrun):
     """ propagate this state to a zrun position
     #print ' propagate state ',state
     #print ' propagate at ',zrun
     ok = self.validstep(state, zrun)
     if (not ok):
         warning("kfmodel.propagate not possible ", (zrun, state.vec))
         return ok, None, None, None
     x = KFVector(state.vec)
     C = KFMatrix(state.cov)
     deltaz = self.deltazrun(state, zrun)
     F = self.FMatrix(x, deltaz)
     FT = F.Transpose()
     #print ' F ',F
     #print ' FT ',FT
     Q = self.QMatrix(x, deltaz)
     #print ' Q ',Q
     xp = F * x
     #print ' xp ',xp
     Cp = F * C * FT
     if (Q): Cp = Cp + Q
     #print ' Cp ',Cp
     pstate = KFData(xp, Cp, zrun, state.pars)
     #print ' propagated state ',pstate
     #print " F ",F
     #print " Q ",Q
     debug('kfmodel.propagate state ', pstate)
     return ok, pstate, F, Q
Example #6
 def __init__(self, vec, cov, zrun, pars={}):
     """ create KFData with a vector a cov matrix and the zrun parameter
     self.vec = KFVector(vec)
     self.cov = KFMatrix(cov)
     self.zrun = zrun
     self.pars = dict(pars)
     for key in self.pars.keys():
         setattr(self, key, pars[key])
Example #7
    def __KSystem(self,Hits,hitErrors,radiationLength):
        Returns a KFSystem  
        numberOfHits = len(Hits)
        Zi =[]
        sxk =hitErrors[0]
        syk =hitErrors[1]
        ghits = []

        #etot = 0.;  # debug
        for k in range(0,numberOfHits-1):
            hitk =Hits[k]
            ghits.append( KalmanMeasurement( Array.Vector( hitk[0], hitk[1], hitk[2], hitk[3] ), Array.Matrix( [sxk**2,0.], [0.,syk**2] ) ) )
            hitkp1 =Hits[k+1]
            zki =hitk[2]
            zkf = hitkp1[2]
            edepk = hitk[3]
            #etot += edepk #debug
            xk = hitk[0]
            yk =hitk[1]

            hit =KFVector([xk,yk])
            measurement = KFMeasurement(hit,cov)
            node = KFNode(measurement,zslice)
        #etot += Hits[numberOfHits-1][3] #debug

        if debug >= Debug.draw.value:
            mpldv = MPLDrawVector(Zi)
        for i,hit in enumerate(ghits):
            self.Track.AddNode( KalmanNode(step = i, hit = hit) )
        #print "Created KSystem with total deposited energy of {0}".format(etot); # debug

        setup = KFSetup(Nodes) 
        system =KFSystem(setup)
        return system  
Example #8
 def step(self, state0):
     x0, y0, z0, ux0, uy0, uz0, ee0 = state0
     de, ds = self.eloss.deltax(ee0, self.deltae)
     ok = self.msnoiser.validstep(ee0, ds)
     if (not ok): return ok, state0
     xv0 = KFVector([x0, y0, z0])
     uv0 = KFVector([ux0, uy0, uz0])
     #print ' x0 ',xv0
     #print ' u0 ',uv0
     #print ' ee0 ',ee0
     #print ' de, ds ',de,ds
     pp = kinmomentum(ee0)
     xvf, uvf = self.msnoiser.XUrandom(pp, ds, xv0, uv0)
     x, y, z = xvf
     ux, uy, uz = uvf
     ee = ee0 - de
     state = [x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, ee]
     debug('kgenerator.step state ', state)
     return ok, state
Example #9
def zstate(ustate):
    """ create a zstate from a ustate (x,y,z,ux,uy,uz,ee)
    into (x,y,tx,ty,ee) and uz in the pars of KFData
    x0, y0, z0, ux, uy, uz, ee = ustate
    assert uz != 0., "zline.zstate uz cos is null!"
    assert ee != 0., "zline.zstate energy is null!"
    x = KFVector([x0, y0, ux / uz, uy / uz, ee])
    C = KFMatrixNull(5)
    zst = KFData(x, C, zrun=z0, pars={'uz': uz})
    debug('zsstate ', (ustate, zst))
    return zst
Example #10
def createhits(digits,xres=0.1):
    """ from the list of digits (x,y,z,delta-ene), return a list of hits.
    Each hit is computed with a given resolution
    A hit is a KFData with a vector (x,y) and a cov-matrix. 
    Hit also has an attribute with the delta-ene (dene)
    hits = []
    for digit in digits:
        x,y,z,dene = digit
        x = x+random.gauss(0.,xres)
        y = y+random.gauss(0.,xres)
        V = (xres*xres)*KFMatrixUnitary(2)
        hit = KFData(KFVector([x,y]),V,zrun=z)
        hit.dene = dene
    # print 'createhits ',hits
    return hits
Example #11
def seedstate(nodes):
    """ from a list of nodes generate the seed state (a KFData (x,y,tx,ty,ene) and cov-matrix)
    where tx,ty are the tangent in the x,y axis
    x0 = nodes[0].hit.vec
    x1 = nodes[1].hit.vec
    z0 = nodes[0].zrun
    dz = nodes[1].zrun-z0
    if (dz==0.): 
        print ' Fit failed, not valid input nodes ',z0,dz
        #print ' node 0 ',nodes[0]
        #print ' node 1 ',nodes[1]
        return False,None
    ene = nodes[0].hit.ene
    tx,ty = (x0[0]-x1[0])/dz,(x0[1]-x1[1])/dz
    xx = KFVector([x0[0],x0[1],tx,ty,ene])
    zdir = dz/abs(dz)
    C1 = 100.*KFMatrixUnitary(5)
    state0 = KFData(xx,C1,z0-0.1*zdir,pars={'uz':zdir})
    #print "seedstate ",state0
    return state0
Example #12
def Setup():
    LrXe = 15300.  # radiation length of xenon in mm
    Pr = 10.  #pressure in bar

    Nodes = []
    for i in range(1, 6):
        zslice = KFZSlice(LrXe / Pr, i, i + 1, 0.1)

        x0 = 5 + i
        y0 = 15 + i
        hit = KFVector([x0, y0])
        sigma_x = 0.1
        sigma_y = 0.2
        cov = KFMatrix([[sigma_x**2, 0], [0, sigma_y**2]])

        measurement = KFMeasurement(hit, cov)

        node = KFNode(measurement, zslice)

    setup = KFSetup(Nodes)
    return setup
Example #13
    def SetupFilter(self, k):
        Constructs a state with momentum equal to the current
        momentum of the Kalman filter and using the directional fit
        from slices k to k+4.

        p0 = self.P
        nodes = self.GetNodes()
        nfpts = 4

        # Set up the lists.
        fpt_x = []
        fpt_y = []
        fpt_z = []
        for tk in range(k, k + nfpts):

            if (tk < len(nodes)):
                fV = nodes[tk].Measurement.V
                fx = fV[0]
                fy = fV[1]
                fzi = nodes[tk].ZSlice.Zi
                fzf = nodes[tk].ZSlice.Zf
                fz = (fzi + fzf) / 2.


        # Set the z0 and z0**2 for (zi of the slice) for calculation of MS.
        z0 = nodes[k].ZSlice.Zi
        z02 = z0**2

        # Fit the points to a line to predict the next direction vector.
        # Direction vector of line is vv[0] returned by np.linalg.svd:
        #   code from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2298390/fitting-a-line-in-3d
        xvals = np.array(fpt_x)
        yvals = np.array(fpt_y)
        zvals = np.array(fpt_z)
        dmatrix = np.concatenate(
            (xvals[:, np.newaxis], yvals[:, np.newaxis], zvals[:, np.newaxis]),
        dmean = np.array([fpt_x[0], fpt_y[0], fpt_z[0]
                          ])  # ensure the line passes through the point k
        uu, dd, vv = np.linalg.svd(dmatrix - dmean)
        uvec = vv[0]

        # Calculate the length of the next step.
        Lr = nodes[k].ZSlice.Lr
        dz = nodes[k].ZSlice.dz
        L = abs(dz) / Lr

        # Set the initial trajectory (get initial tangent angles from first two points).
        x0 = fpt_x[0]
        y0 = fpt_y[0]
        ux = uvec[0]
        uy = uvec[1]
        uz = uvec[2]

        tanX0 = ux / uz
        tanY0 = uy / uz
        p1 = x0 - z0 * tanX0
        p2 = y0 - z0 * tanY0
        p3 = tanX0
        p4 = tanY0
        traj0 = KFVector([p1, p2, p3, p4])

        # Compute the initial MS covariance matrix.
        s2tms = self.SigmaThetaMs(p0, L)
        s2tms = s2tms**2
        p3p3 = s2tms * (1 + p3**2) * (1 + p3**2 + p4**2)
        p4p4 = s2tms * (1 + p4**2) * (1 + p3**2 + p4**2)
        p3p4 = s2tms * p3 * p4 * (1 + p3**2 + p4**2)

        cov0 = KFMatrix([[z02 * p3p3, z02 * p3p4, -z0 * p3p3, -z0 * p3p4],
                         [z02 * p3p4, z02 * p4p4, -z0 * p3p4, -z0 * p4p4],
                         [-z0 * p3p3, -z0 * p3p4, p3p3, p3p4],
                         [-z0 * p3p4, -z0 * p4p4, p3p4, p4p4]])

        # Create the state object.
        state0 = KFState(traj0, cov0)

        return state0
Example #14
        KFHVector.__init__(self, hit, cov)

    def __str__(self):
        s = "<\nHit :"
        s += self.V.__str__() + "\nCov :" + self.Cov.__str__() + "\n>"
        return s

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

if __name__ == '__main__':

    x0 = 5.
    y0 = 15.
    hit = KFVector([x0, y0])
    sigma_x = 0.1
    sigma_y = 0.2
    cov = KFMatrix([[sigma_x**2, 0], [0, sigma_y**2]])

    print "hit is a KFVector", isinstance(hit, KFVector)
    print "hit =", hit

    print "cov is a KFMatrix", isinstance(cov, KFMatrix)
    print "cov =", cov

    m = KFMeasurement(hit, cov)

    print "Measurement=", m
Example #15
 def random(self):
     x0 = KFVector(self.vec)
     sx = Random.cov(self.cov)
     x = x0 + sx
     debug('kfdata.random x', x)
     return x
Example #16
def StraightLineTrajectory(x0, y0, z0, thetax, thetay):
    return KFVector([
        x0 - z0 * tan(thetax), y0 - z0 * tan(thetay),