Example #1
        self.send("Backward", "infomover_commands")
        self.send("Play", "infomover_commands")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from Kamaelia.Chassis.Graphline import Graphline
    from Kamaelia.Util.Console import ConsoleReader
    from Kamaelia.UI.PygameDisplay import PygameDisplay
    from Kamaelia.Community.THF.Kamaelia.UI.OpenGL.OpenGLDisplay import OpenGLDisplay
    from Kamaelia.Community.RJL.Kamaelia.Protocol.HTTP.HTTPClient import SimpleHTTPClient
    from Kamaelia.Community.RJL.Kamaelia.Protocol.Torrent.TorrentPatron import TorrentPatron

    ogl_display = OpenGLDisplay(limit_fps=100).activate()
    # override pygame display service

    Graphline(reader=ConsoleReader(prompt="Enter torrent location:", eol=""),
                  ("gui", "outbox"): ("backend", "inbox"),
                  ("reader", "outbox"): ("gui", "torrent_url"),
                  ("gui", "fetcher"): ("httpclient", "inbox"),
                  ("httpclient", "outbox"): ("gui", "torrent_file"),
                  ("backend", "outbox"): ("gui", "inbox")

# Licensed to the BBC under a Contributor Agreement: THF
Example #2
        split=fanout(["toHTTP-POSTer", "toTorrentPatron"]),

        # fileupload uploads each message it receives to a script on a webserver.
            # convert messages received to HTTP POST requests
            # for the URL trackerpostuploader
            # (with the contents of the message as the payload/request body)

            # SimpleHTTPClient then makes these requests
            # (connecting to the server given in the URL and sending the
            # POST request in an HTTP request format)
            # the result of which is (assuming a suitable upload script on the
            # webserver) .torrent files sent to this pipeline as messages
            # are uploaded to the webserver

        # TorrentPatron is a BitTorrent client which will automatically
        # upload chunks of the stream to users that request them
            ("streamin", "outbox"): ("split", "inbox"),
            ("split", "toHTTP-POSTer"): ("fileupload", "inbox"),
            ("split", "toTorrentPatron"): ("bittorrentpatron", "inbox"),

    #         BASIC TOPOLOGY
    # -------------------------------
    # streamin --->split----> fileupload
    #                 \
Example #3
        self.uploadurl = uploadurl

    def main(self):
        while 1:
            yield 1
            while self.dataReady("inbox"):
                msg = self.recv("inbox")
                msg = {"url": self.uploadurl, "postbody": msg}
                self.send(msg, "outbox")

            while self.dataReady("control"):
                msg = self.recv("control")
                if isinstance(msg, producerFinished) or isinstance(
                        msg, shutdown):
                    self.send(producerFinished(self), "signal")


if __name__ == "__main__":
    from Kamaelia.Util.Console import ConsoleReader, ConsoleEchoer
    from Kamaelia.Chassis.Pipeline import pipeline
    from Kamaelia.Community.RJL.Kamaelia.Protocol.HTTP.HTTPClient import SimpleHTTPClient

    postscript = raw_input(
        "Post Script URL: ")  # e.g. "http://www.example.com/upload.php"

    pipeline(ConsoleReader(eol=""), HTTPMakePostRequest(postscript),
Example #4
def P2PStreamer(torrentsfolder):
    - torrentsfolder, e.g. "http://my.server.example.org/radioFoo/"
    # Create a pipeline of components whose net result is to output the contents of a certain URL
    # (torrentsfolder  + metafilename) every 60 seconds (the contents at the time of output, i.e.
    # it fetches the page every 60 seconds).
    poller = pipeline(
        # This generates a message every 60 seconds to wake TriggeredSource
         # allowing us to poll the meta file without busy-waiting.
         # This sends the string (torrentsfolder  + "meta.txt") every time it receives a message
         # This string will be the URL of the meta file on the torrent hosting website
         # e.g. "http://my.server.example.org/radioFoo/meta.txt"
        TriggeredSource(torrentsfolder + "meta.txt"),
        # SimpleHTTPClient retrieves the resource specified by the message it receives,
        # which will be URL string. 
        # i.e. It fetches the page whose URL is (torrentsfolder + "meta.txt) (the string
        # produced by TriggeredSource) and forwards on the contents of that page.
        # The contents of that particular page will always be a number
        # (in the form of a decimal ASCII string) which represents the number of
        # 'chunks' of the stream that exist
    # As a whole, streamer acts like a normal streaming client, outputting the contents of
    # a stream to its outbox, although in much larger chunks with longer in between chunks
    # than for a typical stream.
    streamer = pipeline(
        # fetch the P2P-stream meta file every 60 seconds and send its contents on
        # PartsFilenameGenerator uses the number retrived by poller
        # i.e. the number of chunks/torrents in the stream
        # to generate the URLs of all the .torrent files
        # (torrent metadata files) that make up the stream.
        # (They will have been named 1.torrent,
        # 2.torrent, 3.torrent ... etc. on the server).
        PartsFilenameGenerator(torrentsfolder, ".torrent"),        
        # Download these .torrent files (each message received by resourcefetcher
        # will be the URL of one .torrent file it should download). The
        # contents of the page downloaded it forwarded on to the next component.
        # NOTE: this downloads the .torrent file (metadata about part of the
        # stream) not the stream itself
        # now use BitTorrent to download the stream itself using the
        # metadata retrieved from .torrent files (each has information about a
        # section of the stream - a section itself is typically a few MB of data)
        # (TorrentPatron is a BitTorrent client component)
        # output the names of the chunks of the stream as soon as they and
        # all previous chunks have been downloaded 
        # read the contents of these chunks (files)
    return streamer
Example #5
        # shutdown the TorrentPatron
        self.send(shutdown(), "signal")
        # and tell the HTTP client that we've finished which should cause
        # it to terminate gracefully, of its own accord 
        self.send(producerFinished(self), "fetchersignal")

__kamaelia_components__  = ( TorrentTkWindow, )

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from Kamaelia.Chassis.Graphline import Graphline
    from Kamaelia.Community.RJL.Kamaelia.Protocol.HTTP.HTTPClient import SimpleHTTPClient
        gui = TorrentTkWindow(), # our GUI
        httpclient = SimpleHTTPClient(), # used to download .torrent files
        backend = TorrentPatron(), # our BitTorrent client backend
        linkages = {
            ("backend", "outbox") : ("gui", "inbox"),
            ("gui", "outbox") : ("backend", "inbox"),
            ("gui", "signal") : ("backend", "control"),
            ("gui", "fetchersignal") : ("httpclient", "control"),
            ("gui", "fetcher") : ("httpclient", "inbox"),
            ("httpclient", "outbox") : ("backend", "inbox"),

    #         BASIC TOPOLOGY
    # -------------------------------