def plot(self, dir_plot): """ Plotting stats about the spikes. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals data = run_param = self.run_param # String to put before output to the terminal. str_start = str_start += " "*(20 - len( + ":" # Set global matplotlib parameters. LFPy_util.plot.set_rc_param() # Plot spike amps I {{{1 # fname = + '_spike_amps_I' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['r_vec'], data['amps_I_mean'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.fill_between(data['r_vec'], data['amps_I_mean'] - data['amps_I_std'], data['amps_I_mean'] + data['amps_I_std'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel(r"Amplitude \textbf{[\si{\milli\volt}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Distance from Soma \textbf{[\si{\micro\metre}]}") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # # {{{ Plot spike amps I log fname = + '_spike_amps_I_log' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['r_vec'], data['amps_I_mean'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.fill_between(data['r_vec'], data['amps_I_mean'] - data['amps_I_std'], data['amps_I_mean'] + data['amps_I_std'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) # Ugly way to put in some graphs for power laws. # Left side. x0 = data['r_vec'][0] x1 = data['r_vec'][1] y0 = data['amps_I_mean'][0] for p in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]: y1 = np.power( 1.0 / data['r_vec'][1], p) * \ data['amps_I_mean'][ 0] / \ np.power(1.0 / data['r_vec'][0], p) ax.plot([x0, x1], [y0, y1], color='black') ax.annotate( '-'+str(int(p)), xy=(x1,y1), xytext=(x1*1.01, y1*0.95), ) # Right side. x0 = data['r_vec'][-3] x1 = data['r_vec'][-1] y1 = data['amps_I_mean'][-1] for p in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]: y0 = np.power(1.0 / data['r_vec'][-3], p) * \ data['amps_I_mean'][-1] / \ np.power(1.0 / data['r_vec'][-1], p) ax.plot([x0, x1], [y0, y1], color='black') ax.annotate( '-'+str(int(p)), xy=(x0,y0), xytext=(x0*0.99, y0*0.95), horizontalalignment='right', ) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlim([data['r_vec'].min(), data['r_vec'].max()]) ticker = mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=7) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker) ax.xaxis.get_major_formatter().labelOnlyBase = False # ticker = mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=7) # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker) # ax.yaxis.get_major_formatter().labelOnlyBase = False # Set a label formatter to use normal numbers. ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.set_ylabel(r"Amplitude \textbf{[\si{\milli\volt}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Distance from Soma \textbf{[\si{\micro\metre}]}") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # Plot spike amps II {{{1 # fname = + '_spike_amps_II' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['r_vec'], data['amps_II_mean'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.fill_between(data['r_vec'], data['amps_II_mean'] - data['amps_II_std'], data['amps_II_mean'] + data['amps_II_std'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel("Amplitude") ax.set_xlabel("Distance from Soma") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # {{{ Plot spike amps II log fname = + '_spike_amps_II_log' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['r_vec'], data['amps_II_mean'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.fill_between(data['r_vec'], data['amps_II_mean'] - data['amps_II_std'], data['amps_II_mean'] + data['amps_II_std'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) # Ugly way to put in some graphs for power laws. # Left side. x0 = data['r_vec'][0] x1 = data['r_vec'][1] y0 = data['amps_II_mean'][0] for p in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]: y1 = np.power( 1.0 / data['r_vec'][1], p) * \ data['amps_II_mean'][ 0] / \ np.power(1.0 / data['r_vec'][0], p) ax.plot([x0, x1], [y0, y1], color='black') ax.annotate( '-'+str(int(p)), xy=(x1,y1), xytext=(x1*1.01, y1*0.95), ) # Right side. x0 = data['r_vec'][-3] x1 = data['r_vec'][-1] y1 = data['amps_II_mean'][-1] for p in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]: y0 = np.power(1.0 / data['r_vec'][-3], p) * \ data['amps_II_mean'][-1] / \ np.power(1.0 / data['r_vec'][-1], p) ax.plot([x0, x1], [y0, y1], color='black') ax.annotate( '-'+str(int(p)), xy=(x0,y0), xytext=(x0*0.99, y0*0.95), horizontalalignment='right', ) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlim([data['r_vec'].min(), data['r_vec'].max()]) ticker = mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=7) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker) ax.xaxis.get_major_formatter().labelOnlyBase = False # ticker = mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=7) # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker) # ax.yaxis.get_major_formatter().labelOnlyBase = False # Set a label formatter to use normal numbers. ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.set_ylabel(r"Amplitude \textbf{[\si{\milli\volt}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Distance from Soma \textbf{[\si{\micro\metre}]}") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # Plot spike width I {{{1 # fname = + '_spike_width_I' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['r_vec'], data['widths_I_mean'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.fill_between(data['r_vec'], data['widths_I_mean'] - data['widths_I_std'], data['widths_I_mean'] + data['widths_I_std'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel("Spike Width") ax.set_xlabel("Distance from Soma") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot spike widths II {{{1 # fname = + '_spike_width_II' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['r_vec'], data['widths_II_mean'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.fill_between( data['r_vec'], data['widths_II_mean'] - data['widths_II_std'], data['widths_II_mean'] + data['widths_II_std'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel("Spike Width") ax.set_xlabel("Distance from Soma") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot spike widths III {{{1 # fname = + '_spike_width_III' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['r_vec'], data['widths_III_mean'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.fill_between( data['r_vec'], data['widths_III_mean'] - data['widths_III_std'], data['widths_III_mean'] + data['widths_III_std'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel("Spike Width") ax.set_xlabel("Distance from Soma") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot morphology xz {{{ # LFPy_util.plot.morphology(data['poly_morph_xz'], data['poly_morph_axon_xz'], elec_x=data['elec_x'], elec_y=data['elec_z'], fig_size=lplot.size_square, + "_morph_elec_xz", plot_save_dir=dir_plot, x_label='x', y_label='z', show=False) # }}} # # Spike to plot. elec_index = run_param['n']/2 # title_str = r"Distance from Soma = \SI{{{}}}{{\micro\metre}}" # title_str = title_str.format(round(data['r_vec'][elec_index]),2) c = lcmaps.get_short_color_array(2 + 1) # Plot middle electrode spike {{{1 # fname = + '_middle_elec_spike' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['spikes'][elec_index], color=c[0]) # Trace I plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['widths_I_trace'][elec_index], color=c[1], ) # Trace II plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['widths_II_trace'][elec_index], color=c[1]) # plt.title(title_str) # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot middle electrode spike freq {{{1 # fname = + '_middle_elec_spike_fourier' freq, amp, phase = de.find_freq_and_fft( data['dt'], data['spikes'][elec_index], ) # Remove the first coefficient as we don't care about the baseline. freq = np.delete(freq, 0) amp = np.delete(amp, 0) # Delete frequencies above the option. if self.plot_param['freq_end'] is not None: idx = min( range(len(freq)), key=lambda i: abs(freq[i] - self.plot_param['freq_end']) ) freq = freq[0:idx] amp = amp[0:idx] print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(freq, amp, color=lcmaps.get_color(0)) # plt.title(title_str) ax.set_ylabel(r'Amplitude \textbf[$\mathbf{mV}$\textbf]') ax.set_xlabel(r'Frequency \textbf[$\mathbf{kHz}$\textbf]') lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot middle electrode signal {{{1 # fname = + '_middle_elec' print "plotting :", fname c = lcmaps.get_short_color_array(2 + 1) plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['t_vec'], data['LFP'][elec_index], color=lcmaps.get_color(0)) # plt.title(title_str) # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot middle electrode signal freq {{{1 # fname = + '_middle_elec_fourier' freq, amp, phase = de.find_freq_and_fft( data['dt'], data['LFP'][elec_index], ) # Remove the first coefficient as we don't care about the baseline. freq = np.delete(freq, 0) amp = np.delete(amp, 0) if self.plot_param['freq_end'] is not None: idx = min( range(len(freq)), key=lambda i: abs(freq[i] - self.plot_param['freq_end']) ) freq = freq[0:idx] amp = amp[0:idx] print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(freq, amp, color=lcmaps.get_color(0)) ax.set_ylabel(r'Amplitude \textbf[$\mathbf{mV}$\textbf]') ax.set_xlabel(r'Frequency \textbf[$\mathbf{kHz}$\textbf]') # plt.title(title_str) lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # if self.plot_param['plot_detailed']: # Create the directory if it does not exist. sub_dir = os.path.join(dir_plot, + "_detailed") if not os.path.exists(sub_dir): os.makedirs(sub_dir) # t = len(run_param['theta']) # p = run_param['n_phi'] p = 1 n = run_param['n'] # This title string should be formatted. title_str = r"Distance from Soma = \SI{{{}}}{{\micro\metre}}" cnt = 0 for j in xrange(p): for k in xrange(n): title_str_1 = title_str.format(data['r_vec'][k]) # Plot all elec spikes {{{1 # fname = + '_elec_p_{}_n_{}'.format(j * 360 / p, k) print "plotting :", fname c = lcmaps.get_short_color_array(2 + 1) plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['spikes'][cnt], color=c[0]) # Trace I plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['widths_I_trace'][cnt], color=c[1], ) # Trace II plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['widths_II_trace'][cnt], color=c[1]) # Trace III plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['widths_III_trace'][cnt], color=c[1]) # plt.title(title_str_1) # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, sub_dir) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot all elec spikes freq {{{1 # # Fourier plot. fname = + '_freq_elec_p_{}_n_{}'.format(j * 360 / p, k) freq, amp, phase = de.find_freq_and_fft( data['dt'], data['spikes'][cnt], ) # Remove the first coefficient as we don't care about the baseline. freq = np.delete(freq, 0) amp = np.delete(amp, 0) if self.plot_param['freq_end'] is not None: idx = min( range(len(freq)), key=lambda i: abs(freq[i] - self.plot_param['freq_end']) ) freq = freq[0:idx] amp = amp[0:idx] print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(freq, amp, color=c[0]) ax.set_ylabel(r'Amplitude \textbf[$\mathbf{mV}$\textbf]') ax.set_xlabel(r'Frequency \textbf[$\mathbf{kHz}$\textbf]') # plt.title(title_str_1) lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, sub_dir) plt.close() # 1}}} # cnt += 1
############################################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": # Set global matplotlib parameters. lplot.set_rc_param() ## set parameters p = set_parameters() ## simulate Vm, I = simulate(p) print "plotting original signal" plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) ax.set_ylabel(r"Mem. Pot. \textbf{[\si{\milli\volt}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Time \textbf{[\si{\milli\second}]}") plt.plot(p['time'], Vm, color=lcmaps.get_color(0)) lplot.save_plt(plt, "cs_ap_original_signal", ".") plt.close() # Remove the preparation part of the signal. I = I[int(-p['t_start'] / p['dt']):-1] Vm = Vm[int(-p['t_start'] / p['dt']):-1] p['time'] = p['time'][int(-p['t_start'] / p['dt']):-1] pre_dur = 8.35 post_dur = 8.35 spikes, t_vec, _ = LFPy_util.data_extraction.extract_spikes(
def plot(self, dir_plot): data = run_param = self.run_param process_param = self.process_param # Set global matplotlib parameters. LFPy_util.plot.set_rc_param(self.plot_param['use_tex']) # Plot Spike Width I hist {{{1 # # New plot. fname = + '_spike_width_I_hist' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot bins = np.arange(0, 2.5, data['dt']) n, _, patches = plt.hist(data['widths_I'], bins) ax.set_xlabel("Width Peak-to-peak") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # # Plot Spike Width II hist {{{1 # # New plot. fname = + '_spike_width_II_hist' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot bins = np.arange(0, 2.5, data['dt']) n, _, patches = plt.hist(data['widths_II'], bins) ax.set_xlabel("Width Peak-to-peak") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # # Plot morphology {{{ # LFPy_util.plot.morphology(data['poly_morph'], data['poly_morph_axon'], elec_x=data['elec_x'], elec_y=data['elec_y'], fig_size=lplot.size_square, + "_morph_elec_xy", plot_save_dir=dir_plot, show=False) # }}} # # Plot 3d points {{{1 # # 3D plot. fname = + "_elec_pos" c = lcmaps.get_short_color_array(5)[2] fig = plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(data['elec_x'], data['elec_y'], data['elec_z'], c=c) ax.set_xlim(-run_param['R'], run_param['R']) ax.set_ylim(-run_param['R'], run_param['R']) ax.set_zlim(-run_param['R'], run_param['R']) # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot spike amps I {{{1 # # New plot. fname = + '_spike_amps_I' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['bins'], data['amps_I_mean'], color=lplot.color_array_long[0], marker='o', markersize=5) ax.fill_between(data['bins'], data['amps_I_mean'] - data['amps_I_std'], data['amps_I_mean'] + data['amps_I_std'], color=lplot.color_array_long[0], alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel(r"Amplitude \textbf{[\si{\micro\volt}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Distance from Soma \textbf{[\si{\micro\metre}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot spike amps II {{{1 # # New plot. fname = + '_spike_amps_II' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['bins'], data['amps_II_mean'], color=lplot.color_array_long[0], marker='o', markersize=5) ax.fill_between(data['bins'], data['amps_II_mean'] - data['amps_II_std'], data['amps_II_mean'] + data['amps_II_std'], color=lplot.color_array_long[0], alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel("Amplitude") ax.set_xlabel("Distance from Soma") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot Spike Width I {{{1 # # New plot. fname = + '_spike_width_I' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['bins'], data['widths_I_mean'], color=lplot.color_array_long[0], marker='o', markersize=5) ax.fill_between(data['bins'], data['widths_I_mean'] - data['widths_I_std'], data['widths_I_mean'] + data['widths_I_std'], color=lplot.color_array_long[0], alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel("Width Type I") ax.set_xlabel("Distance from Soma") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # # Plot Spike Width II {{{1 # # New plot. fname = + '_spike_width_II' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['bins'], data['widths_II_mean'], color=lplot.color_array_long[0], marker='o', markersize=5) ax.fill_between(data['bins'], data['widths_II_mean'] - data['widths_II_std'], data['widths_II_mean'] + data['widths_II_std'], color=lplot.color_array_long[0], alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel("Width Type II") ax.set_xlabel("Distance from Soma") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # # Plot Single Electrodes {{{1 # # Title string that can be formatted. title_str = r"Distance from Soma = \SI{{{}}}{{\micro\metre}}" for i in self.plot_param['elec_to_plot']: title_str_1 = title_str.format(round(data['elec_r'][[i]],2)) fname = + '_elec_{}'.format(i) print "plotting :", fname c = lcmaps.get_short_color_array(2 + 1) plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['spikes'][i], color=c[0]) # Trace I plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['widths_I_trace'][i], color=c[1], ) # Trace II plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['widths_II_trace'][i], color=c[1]) plt.title(title_str_1) # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # # Plot Correlation {{{1 # # Correlation scatter plot of spike widths. fname = + '_correlation' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.scatter(data['widths_II_original'], data['widths_I_original'], color=lplot.color_array_long[0], marker='x') # Add lines to represent the cutoff limits. if process_param['assert_width']: plt.axhline( process_param['assert_width_I_low'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.8), ) plt.axhline( process_param['assert_width_I_high'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.8), ) plt.axvline( process_param['assert_width_II_low'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.8), ) plt.axvline( process_param['assert_width_II_high'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.8), ) ax.set_xlabel("Spike Width Type II") ax.set_ylabel("Spike Width Type I") # ax.set_aspect('equal') # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # # Plot Electrode Histo {{{1 # fname = + '_r_hist' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.hist(data['elec_r_all'], self.process_param['bins'] - 1, range=(0, data['elec_r_all'].max()), facecolor=lplot.color_array_long[0], alpha=0.5) # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close()
def plot(self, dir_plot): """ Plotting stats about the spikes. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals data = run_param = self.run_param # String to put before output to the terminal. str_start = str_start += " "*(20 - len( + ":" # Set global matplotlib parameters. LFPy_util.plot.set_rc_param() # 3D plot {{{1 # fname = + "_elec_pos" c = lplot.get_short_color_array(5)[2] fig = plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') cnt = 0 for i, theta in enumerate(run_param['theta']): for j in xrange(run_param['n_phi']): for k in xrange(run_param['n']): ax.scatter(data['elec_x'][cnt], data['elec_y'][cnt], data['elec_z'][cnt], c=c) cnt += 1 ax.set_xlim(-run_param['R'], run_param['R']) ax.set_ylim(-run_param['R'], run_param['R']) ax.set_zlim(-run_param['R'], run_param['R']) ax.set_xlabel("X axis") ax.set_ylabel("Y axis") ax.set_zlabel("Z axis") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot spike amps I {{{1 # fname = + '_spike_amps_I' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot c = lplot.get_short_color_array(data['amps_I_mean'].shape[0] + 1) for t in xrange(data['amps_I_mean'].shape[0]): label = r'$\theta = {}\degree$'.format(run_param['theta'][t]) plt.plot(data['r_vec'], data['amps_I_mean'][t], color=c[t], marker='o', markersize=5, label=label) ax.fill_between(data['r_vec'], data['amps_I_mean'][t] - data['amps_I_std'][t], data['amps_I_mean'][t] + data['amps_I_std'][t], color=c[t], alpha=0.2) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # Position the legen on the right side of the plot. ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.04), ) ax.set_ylabel(r"Amplitude \textbf{[\si{\milli\volt}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Distance from Soma \textbf{[\si{\micro\metre}]}") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # # {{{ Plot spike amps I log fname = + '_spike_amps_I_log' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot c = lplot.get_short_color_array(data['amps_I_mean'].shape[0] + 1) for t in xrange(data['amps_I_mean'].shape[0]): label = r'$\theta = {}\degree$'.format(run_param['theta'][t]) plt.plot(data['r_vec'], data['amps_I_mean'][t], color=c[t], marker='o', markersize=5, label=label) ax.fill_between(data['r_vec'], data['amps_I_mean'][t] - data['amps_I_std'][t], data['amps_I_mean'][t] + data['amps_I_std'][t], color=c[t], alpha=0.2) # # Ugly way to put in some graphs for power laws. # # Left side. # x0 = data['r_vec'][0] # x1 = data['r_vec'][1] # y0 = data['amps_I_mean'][t, 0] # for p in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]: # y1 = np.power( 1.0 / data['r_vec'][1], p) * \ # data['amps_I_mean'][t, 0] / \ # np.power(1.0 / data['r_vec'][0], p) # ax.plot([x0, x1], [y0, y1], color='black') # # Right side. # x0 = data['r_vec'][-3] # x1 = data['r_vec'][-1] # y1 = data['amps_I_mean'][t,-1] # for p in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]: # y0 = np.power(1.0 / data['r_vec'][-3], p) * \ # data['amps_I_mean'][t, -1] / \ # np.power(1.0 / data['r_vec'][-1], p) # ax.plot([x0, x1], [y0, y1], color='black') handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # Position the legen on the right side of the plot. ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.04), ) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlim([data['r_vec'].min(), data['r_vec'].max()]) ticker = mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=7) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker) ax.xaxis.get_major_formatter().labelOnlyBase = False # ticker = mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=7) # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker) # ax.yaxis.get_major_formatter().labelOnlyBase = False # Set a label formatter to use normal numbers. ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.set_ylabel(r"Amplitude \textbf{[\si{\milli\volt}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Distance from Soma \textbf{[\si{\micro\metre}]}") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # Plot spike amps II {{{1 # fname = + '_spike_amps_II' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot c = lplot.get_short_color_array(data['amps_II_mean'].shape[0] + 1) for t in xrange(data['amps_II_mean'].shape[0]): label = r'$\theta = {}\degree$'.format(run_param['theta'][t]) plt.plot(data['r_vec'], data['amps_II_mean'][t], color=c[t], marker='o', markersize=5, label=label) ax.fill_between(data['r_vec'], data['amps_II_mean'][t] - data['amps_II_std'][t], data['amps_II_mean'][t] + data['amps_II_std'][t], color=c[t], alpha=0.2) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # Position the legen on the right side of the plot. ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.04), ) ax.set_ylabel("Amplitude") ax.set_xlabel("Distance from Soma") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # {{{ Plot spike amps II log fname = + '_spike_amps_II_log' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot c = lplot.get_short_color_array(data['amps_II_mean'].shape[0] + 1) for t in xrange(data['amps_II_mean'].shape[0]): label = r'$\theta = {}\degree$'.format(run_param['theta'][t]) plt.plot(data['r_vec'], data['amps_II_mean'][t], color=c[t], marker='o', markersize=5, label=label) ax.fill_between(data['r_vec'], data['amps_II_mean'][t] - data['amps_II_std'][t], data['amps_II_mean'][t] + data['amps_II_std'][t], color=c[t], alpha=0.2) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # Position the legen on the right side of the plot. ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.04), ) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlim([data['r_vec'].min(), data['r_vec'].max()]) ticker = mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=7) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker) ax.xaxis.get_major_formatter().labelOnlyBase = False # ticker = mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=7) # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker) # ax.yaxis.get_major_formatter().labelOnlyBase = False # Set a label formatter to use normal numbers. ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.set_ylabel(r"Amplitude \textbf{[\si{\milli\volt}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Distance from Soma \textbf{[\si{\micro\metre}]}") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # Plot spike width I {{{1 # fname = + '_spike_width_I' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot c = lplot.get_short_color_array(data['widths_I_mean'].shape[0] + 1) for t in xrange(data['widths_I_mean'].shape[0]): label = r'$\theta = {}\degree$'.format(run_param['theta'][t]) plt.plot(data['r_vec'], data['widths_I_mean'][t], color=c[t], marker='o', markersize=5, label=label) ax.fill_between(data['r_vec'], data['widths_I_mean'][t] - data['widths_I_std'][t], data['widths_I_mean'][t] + data['widths_I_std'][t], color=c[t], alpha=0.2) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # Position the legen on the right side of the plot. ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.04), ) ax.set_ylabel("Spike Width") ax.set_xlabel("Distance from Soma") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot spike widths II {{{1 # fname = + '_spike_width_II' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot c = lplot.get_short_color_array(data['widths_II_mean'].shape[0] + 1) for t in xrange(data['widths_II_mean'].shape[0]): label = r'$\theta = {}\degree$'.format(run_param['theta'][t]) plt.plot(data['r_vec'], data['widths_II_mean'][t], color=c[t], marker='o', markersize=5, label=label) ax.fill_between( data['r_vec'], data['widths_II_mean'][t] - data['widths_II_std'][t], data['widths_II_mean'][t] + data['widths_II_std'][t], color=c[t], alpha=0.2) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # Position the legen on the right side of the plot. ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.04), ) ax.set_ylabel("Spike Width") ax.set_xlabel("Distance from Soma") lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot morphology {{{1 # LFPy_util.plot.morphology(data['poly_morph'], data['poly_morph_axon'], elec_x=data['elec_x'], elec_y=data['elec_y'], fig_size=lplot.size_common, + "_morph_elec_xy", plot_save_dir=dir_plot, show=False) # 1}}} # # Plot morphology xz {{{ # LFPy_util.plot.morphology(data['poly_morph_xz'], data['poly_morph_axon_xz'], elec_x=data['elec_x'], elec_y=data['elec_z'], fig_size=lplot.size_common, + "_morph_elec_xz", plot_save_dir=dir_plot, show=False) # }}} # # Spike to plot. elec_index = run_param['n']/2 # title_str = r"Distance from Soma = \SI{{{}}}{{\micro\metre}}" # title_str = title_str.format(round(data['r_vec'][elec_index]),2) c = lplot.get_short_color_array(2 + 1) # Plot middle electrode spike {{{1 # fname = + '_middle_elec_spike' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['spikes'][elec_index], color=c[0]) # Trace I plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['widths_I_trace'][elec_index], color=c[1], ) # Trace II plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['widths_II_trace'][elec_index], color=c[1]) # plt.title(title_str) # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot middle electrode spike freq {{{1 # fname = + '_middle_elec_spike_fourier' freq, amp, phase = de.find_freq_and_fft( data['dt'], data['spikes'][elec_index], ) # Remove the first coefficient as we don't care about the baseline. freq = np.delete(freq, 0) amp = np.delete(amp, 0) # Delete frequencies above the option. if self.plot_param['freq_end'] is not None: idx = min( range(len(freq)), key=lambda i: abs(freq[i] - self.plot_param['freq_end']) ) freq = freq[0:idx] amp = amp[0:idx] print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(freq, amp, color=c[0]) # plt.title(title_str) ax.set_ylabel(r'Amplitude \textbf[$\mathbf{mV}$\textbf]') ax.set_xlabel(r'Frequency \textbf[$\mathbf{kHz}$\textbf]') lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot middle electrode signal {{{1 # fname = + '_middle_elec' print "plotting :", fname c = lplot.get_short_color_array(2 + 1) plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['t_vec'], data['LFP'][elec_index], color=c[0]) # plt.title(title_str) # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot middle electrode signal freq {{{1 # fname = + '_middle_elec_fourier' freq, amp, phase = de.find_freq_and_fft( data['dt'], data['LFP'][elec_index], ) # Remove the first coefficient as we don't care about the baseline. freq = np.delete(freq, 0) amp = np.delete(amp, 0) if self.plot_param['freq_end'] is not None: idx = min( range(len(freq)), key=lambda i: abs(freq[i] - self.plot_param['freq_end']) ) freq = freq[0:idx] amp = amp[0:idx] print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(freq, amp, color=c[0]) ax.set_ylabel(r'Amplitude \textbf[$\mathbf{mV}$\textbf]') ax.set_xlabel(r'Frequency \textbf[$\mathbf{kHz}$\textbf]') # plt.title(title_str) lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # 1}}} # if self.plot_param['plot_detailed']: # Create the directory if it does not exist. sub_dir = os.path.join(dir_plot, + "_detailed") if not os.path.exists(sub_dir): os.makedirs(sub_dir) t = len(run_param['theta']) # p = run_param['n_phi'] p = 1 n = run_param['n'] # This title string should be formatted. title_str = r"Distance from Soma = \SI{{{}}}{{\micro\metre}}" cnt = 0 for i in xrange(t): for j in xrange(p): for k in xrange(n): title_str_1 = title_str.format(data['r_vec'][k]) # Plot all elec spikes {{{1 # fname = + '_elec_t_{}_p_{}_n_{}'.format( run_param['theta'][i], j * 360 / p, k) print "plotting :", fname c = lplot.get_short_color_array(2 + 1) plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['spikes'][cnt], color=c[0]) # Trace I plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['widths_I_trace'][cnt], color=c[1], ) # Trace II plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['widths_II_trace'][cnt], color=c[1]) # plt.title(title_str_1) # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, sub_dir) plt.close() # 1}}} # # Plot all elec spikes freq {{{1 # # Fourier plot. fname = + '_freq_elec_t_{}_p_{}_n_{}'.format( run_param['theta'][i], j * 360 / p, k) freq, amp, phase = de.find_freq_and_fft( data['dt'], data['spikes'][cnt], ) # Remove the first coefficient as we don't care about the baseline. freq = np.delete(freq, 0) amp = np.delete(amp, 0) if self.plot_param['freq_end'] is not None: idx = min( range(len(freq)), key=lambda i: abs(freq[i] - self.plot_param['freq_end']) ) freq = freq[0:idx] amp = amp[0:idx] print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(freq, amp, color=c[0]) ax.set_ylabel(r'Amplitude \textbf[$\mathbf{mV}$\textbf]') ax.set_xlabel(r'Frequency \textbf[$\mathbf{kHz}$\textbf]') # plt.title(title_str_1) lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, sub_dir) plt.close() # 1}}} # cnt += 1
int_amps_I_std = int_amps_I_std[start_cutoff:] int_amps_II = int_amps_II[start_cutoff:] int_amps_II_mean = int_amps_II_mean[start_cutoff:] int_amps_II_std = int_amps_II_std[start_cutoff:] # }}} lplot.set_rc_param(True) lplot.plot_format = ['pdf', 'png'] # {{{ Plot interneuron and pyramidal amp. coefficient of var. fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=lplot.size_common) lplot.nice_axes(ax[0]) lplot.nice_axes(ax[1]) ax[0].set_title('Base-to-Peak $c_v$') ax[1].set_title('Peak-to-Peak $c_v$') colors = lcmaps.get_short_color_array(3) ax[0].plot( r, pyr_amps_I_std/pyr_amps_I_mean, color=colors[0], marker='o', markersize=5, label=pyram, ) ax[0].plot(
def plot(self, dir_plot): data = run_param = self.run_param # String to put before output to the terminal. str_start = str_start += " "*(20 - len( + ": " if self.only_apply_electrode: if self.verbose: print str_start + "Only apply electrode, nothing to plot." return # Set global matplotlib parameters. LFPy_util.plot.set_rc_param(self.plot_param['use_tex']) # New plot. fname = + '_all_spikes' if run_param['pre_dur'] != 0 and run_param['post_dur'] != 0: print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylabel(r'Membrane Potential \textbf[$\mathbf{mV}$\textbf]') ax.set_xlabel(r'Time \textbf[$\mathbf{ms}$\textbf]') lplot.nice_axes(ax) rows = data['spikes'].shape[0] colors = cmaps.get_short_color_array(rows) for row in xrange(rows): plt.plot( data['t_vec_spike'], data['spikes'][row], color=colors[row], label="Spike {}".format(row) ) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(handles, labels) lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) else: if self.verbose: print str_start + " Missing pre and post dur, not plotting " + fname # New plot. fname = + '_soma_mem' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylabel(r'Membrane Potential \textbf[$\mathbf{mV}$\textbf]') ax.set_xlabel(r'Time \textbf[$\mathbf{ms}$\textbf]') lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(data['soma_t'], data['soma_v'], color=cmaps.get_color(0)) lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # New plot. fname = + '_soma_v_mem_i_mem' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(data['soma_t'], data['soma_v'], color=cmaps.get_color(0)) ax.set_ylabel(r'Membrane Potential \textbf[$\mathbf{mV}$\textbf]') ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(data['soma_t'], data['stimulus_i'], color=cmaps.get_color(0)) ax.set_ylabel(r'Stimulus Current \textbf[$\mathbf{nA}$\textbf]') ax.set_xlabel(r'Time \textbf[$\mathbf{ms}$\textbf]') lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close()
def plot(self, dir_plot): """ Plotting stats about the spikes. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals data = run_param = self.run_param # String to put before output to the terminal. str_start = str_start += " "*(20 - len( + ":" # Set global matplotlib parameters. LFPy_util.plot.set_rc_param() # {{{ Plot Ext. Elec. Overlay fname = + '_ext_all' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) for i in xrange(run_param['N']): # Plot plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['spikes'][i]/np.abs(data['spikes'][i].min()), color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.3, ) ax.set_xlabel(r"Time \textbf{[\si{\milli\second}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot Ext. Elec. Fourier freq = data['freq'] amps = data['amp'] if self.plot_param['freq_end'] is not None: idx = min( range(len(freq)), key=lambda i: abs(freq[i] - self.plot_param['freq_end']) ) freq = freq[0:idx] amps = amps[:,:idx] for i in xrange(run_param['N']): amp = amps[i] fname = + '_ext'+str(i+1) + "_fourier" print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(freq, amp, color=lcmaps.get_color(0)) ax.set_ylabel(r'Amplitude \textbf{[\si{\milli\volt}]}') ax.set_xlabel(r'Frequency \textbf{[\si{\kilo\hertz}]}') # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot soma voltage. fname = + '_soma_mem' print "plotting :", fname fig = plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['spike_soma'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), ) plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['width_I_trace_soma'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.5), ) plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['width_II_trace_soma'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.5), ) # Plot annotations type I. # Get linesegments from the trace. lines_x, lines_y = lplot._get_line_segments( data['spikes_t_vec'], data['width_II_trace_soma'], ) width = round(data['width_II_soma'], 3) plt.hold('on') text = r"\SI{" + str(width) + "}{\milli\second}" ax.annotate(text, xy=(lines_x[0, 0] + 0.5*width, lines_y[0, 0]), xycoords='data', xytext=(20, -20), textcoords='offset points', va="center", ha="left", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round4", fc="w"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-|>", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=-0.2", fc="w"), ) # Plot annotations type II. # Get linesegments from the trace. lines_x, lines_y = lplot._get_line_segments( data['spikes_t_vec'], data['width_I_trace_soma'], ) width = round(data['width_I_soma'], 3) plt.hold('on') text = r"\SI{" + str(width) + r"}{\milli\second}" ax.annotate(text, xy=(lines_x[0, 0] + 0.5*width, lines_y[0, 0]), xycoords='data', xytext=(20, -20), textcoords='offset points', va="center", ha="left", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round4", fc="w"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-|>", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=-0.2", fc="w"), ) ax.set_ylabel(r"Membrane Potential \textbf{[\si{\milli\volt}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Time \textbf{[\si{\milli\second}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) # Change size and save again. fig.set_size_inches(lplot.size_square) lplot.save_plt(plt, fname+'_small', dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot Ext. Elec. for i in xrange(run_param['N']): fname = + '_ext'+str(i+1) print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['spikes'][i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), ) plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['width_I_trace'][i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.5), ) plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['width_II_trace'][i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.5), ) ax.set_ylabel(r"Potential \textbf{[\si{\micro\volt}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Time \textbf{[\si{\milli\second}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() fname = + '_ext'+str(i+1)+'_full' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) # Plot plt.plot(data['t_vec'], data['LFP'][i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), ) ax.set_ylabel(r"Potential \textbf{[\si{\micro\volt}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Time \textbf{[\si{\milli\second}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Morphology LFPy_util.plot.morphology(data['poly_morph'], data['poly_morph_axon'], elec_x=data['elec_x'], elec_y=data['elec_y'], fig_size=lplot.size_square, + "_morph_elec_xy", plot_save_dir=dir_plot, show=False, numbering=True, ) # }}} # {{{ Morphology xz LFPy_util.plot.morphology(data['poly_morph_xz'], data['poly_morph_axon_xz'], elec_x=data['elec_x'], elec_y=data['elec_z'], x_label='x', y_label='z', fig_size=lplot.size_square, + "_morph_elec_xz", plot_save_dir=dir_plot, show=False, numbering=True, )
def plot(self, dir_plot): data = run_param = self.run_param LFPy_util.plot.set_rc_param(self.plot_param['use_tex']) LFPy_util.plot.plot_format = self.plot_param['formats'] # {{{ Plot elec spikes overlay # Create the directory if it does not exist. for elec in xrange(run_param['n_elec']): sub_dir = os.path.join(dir_plot, 'elec_{}_all_spikes'.format(elec)) if not os.path.exists(sub_dir): os.makedirs(sub_dir) for i in xrange(run_param['sweeps']): fname = + '_elec_all_spikes_sweep_{}'.format(i) print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) for j in xrange(data['spikes_elec'][i][elec].shape[0]): plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['spikes_elec'][i][elec][j], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2, ) # ax.set_xlabel(r"Stimulus Current \textbf{[\si{\nano\ampere}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, sub_dir) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot soma spikes overlay # Create the directory if it does not exist. sub_dir = os.path.join(dir_plot, 'soma_all_spikes') if not os.path.exists(sub_dir): os.makedirs(sub_dir) for i in xrange(run_param['sweeps']): fname = + '_soma_all_spikes_sweep_{}'.format(i) print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) for j in xrange(data['spikes_soma'][i].shape[0]): plt.plot(data['spikes_t_vec'], data['spikes_soma'][i][j], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2, ) # ax.set_xlabel(r"Stimulus Current \textbf{[\si{\nano\ampere}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, sub_dir) plt.close() # }}} # Plotting all sweeps {{{ if run_param['sweeps'] <= 10: fname = + '_soma_mem' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) colors = lcmaps.get_short_color_array(run_param['sweeps']+1) for i in xrange(run_param['sweeps']): plt.plot(data['t_vec'], data['v_vec_soma'][i], color=colors[i], ) ax.set_xlabel(r"Time \textbf{[\si{\milli\second}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # Plotting all sweeps elec {{{ if run_param['sweeps'] <= 10: for i in xrange(run_param['n_elec']): fname = + '_elec_{}'.format(i) print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) colors = lcmaps.get_short_color_array(run_param['sweeps']+1) for j in xrange(run_param['sweeps']): plt.plot(data['t_vec'], data['v_vec_elec'][j, i], color=colors[j], ) ax.set_xlabel(r"Time \textbf{[\si{\milli\second}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot f_i fname = + '_f_i' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(data['amps']*1000, data['freqs'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.set_xlabel(r"Stimulus Current \textbf{[\si{\nano\ampere}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot spike width over frequency I soma fname = + '_soma_width_frequency_I' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(data['freqs'], data['widths_I_soma_mean'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.fill_between(data['freqs'], data['widths_I_soma_mean'] - data['widths_I_soma_std'], data['widths_I_soma_mean'] + data['widths_I_soma_std'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel(r"Peak-to-Peak Width \textbf{[\si{\milli\second}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency \textbf{[\si{\hertz}]}") # ax.set_xlabel(r"Stimulus Current \textbf{[\si{\nano\ampere}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot spike width over frequency II soma fname = + '_soma_width_frequency_II' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(data['freqs'], data['widths_II_soma_mean'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.fill_between(data['freqs'], data['widths_II_soma_mean'] - data['widths_II_soma_std'], data['widths_II_soma_mean'] + data['widths_II_soma_std'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel(r"Half Max Width \textbf{[\si{\milli\second}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency \textbf{[\si{\hertz}]}") # ax.set_xlabel(r"Stimulus Current \textbf{[\si{\nano\ampere}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot spike width over frequency I elec for i in xrange(run_param['n_elec']): fname = + '_elec_{}_width_frequency_I'.format(i) print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(data['freqs'], data['widths_I_elec_mean'][:, i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.fill_between( data['freqs'], data['widths_I_elec_mean'][:,i] - data['widths_I_elec_std'][:,i], data['widths_I_elec_mean'][:,i] + data['widths_I_elec_std'][:,i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel(r"Peak-to-Peak Width \textbf{[\si{\milli\second}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency \textbf{[\si{\hertz}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot spike width over frequency II elec for i in xrange(run_param['n_elec']): fname = + '_elec_{}_width_frequency_II'.format(i) print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(data['freqs'], data['widths_II_elec_mean'][:,i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.fill_between( data['freqs'], data['widths_II_elec_mean'][:,i] - data['widths_II_elec_std'][:,i], data['widths_II_elec_mean'][:,i] + data['widths_II_elec_std'][:,i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel(r"Half Max Width \textbf{[\si{\milli\second}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency \textbf{[\si{\hertz}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot spike width over frequency I elec soma for i in xrange(run_param['n_elec']): fname = + '_elec_{}_soma_width_frequency_I'.format(i) print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(data['freqs'], data['widths_I_soma_mean'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, label='Soma', ) ax.fill_between(data['freqs'], data['widths_I_soma_mean'] - data['widths_I_soma_std'], data['widths_I_soma_mean'] + data['widths_I_soma_std'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) plt.plot(data['freqs'], data['widths_I_elec_mean'][:, i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.5), marker='o', markersize=5, label='Elec.' ) ax.fill_between( data['freqs'], data['widths_I_elec_mean'][:,i] - data['widths_I_elec_std'][:,i], data['widths_I_elec_mean'][:,i] + data['widths_I_elec_std'][:,i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.5), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel(r"Peak-to-Peak Width \textbf{[\si{\milli\second}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency \textbf{[\si{\hertz}]}") # handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # ax.legend(handles, # labels, # loc='upper right', # # bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), # ) # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot spike width over frequency II elec soma for i in xrange(run_param['n_elec']): fname = + '_elec_{}_soma_width_frequency_II'.format(i) print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(data['freqs'], data['widths_II_soma_mean'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, label='Soma', ) ax.fill_between(data['freqs'], data['widths_II_soma_mean'] - data['widths_II_soma_std'], data['widths_II_soma_mean'] + data['widths_II_soma_std'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) plt.plot(data['freqs'], data['widths_II_elec_mean'][:,i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.5), marker='o', markersize=5, label='Elec.', ) ax.fill_between( data['freqs'], data['widths_II_elec_mean'][:,i] - data['widths_II_elec_std'][:,i], data['widths_II_elec_mean'][:,i] + data['widths_II_elec_std'][:,i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.5), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel(r"Half Max Width \textbf{[\si{\milli\second}]}") ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency \textbf{[\si{\hertz}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot spike amplitude over frequency I soma fname = + '_soma_amp_frequency_I' print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(data['freqs'], data['amps_I_soma_mean'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.fill_between(data['freqs'], data['amps_I_soma_mean'] - data['amps_I_soma_std'], data['amps_I_soma_mean'] + data['amps_I_soma_std'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel(r"Base-to-Peak Amp.") ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency \textbf{[\si{\hertz}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot spike amplitude over frequency I elec for i in xrange(run_param['n_elec']): fname = + '_elec_{}_amp_frequency_I'.format(i) print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(data['freqs'], data['amps_I_elec_mean'][:, i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, ) ax.fill_between( data['freqs'], data['amps_I_elec_mean'][:,i] - data['amps_I_elec_std'][:,i], data['amps_I_elec_mean'][:,i] + data['amps_I_elec_std'][:,i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel(r"Base-to-Peak Amp.") ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency \textbf{[\si{\hertz}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close() # }}} # {{{ Plot spike amplitude over frequency I elec soma for i in xrange(run_param['n_elec']): fname = + '_elec_{}_soma_amp_frequency_I'.format(i) print "plotting :", fname plt.figure(figsize=lplot.size_common) ax = plt.gca() lplot.nice_axes(ax) plt.plot(data['freqs'], data['amps_I_soma_mean'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), marker='o', markersize=5, label='Soma', ) ax.fill_between(data['freqs'], data['amps_I_soma_mean'] - data['amps_I_soma_std'], data['amps_I_soma_mean'] + data['amps_I_soma_std'], color=lcmaps.get_color(0), alpha=0.2) plt.plot(data['freqs'], data['amps_I_elec_mean'][:, i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.5), marker='o', markersize=5, label='Elec.' ) ax.fill_between( data['freqs'], data['amps_I_elec_mean'][:,i] - data['amps_I_elec_std'][:,i], data['amps_I_elec_mean'][:,i] + data['amps_I_elec_std'][:,i], color=lcmaps.get_color(0.5), alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylabel(r"Base-to-Peak Amp.") ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency \textbf{[\si{\hertz}]}") # Save plt. lplot.save_plt(plt, fname, dir_plot) plt.close()