def setAircraft(self, planeTypeId): ''' set new aircraft ''' planeInsignia = input('Plane Insignia: ') planeTypeId = planeTypeId aircraft = Model_Aircrafts(planeInsignia, planeTypeId) LL_Aircrafts().set_aircraft(aircraft)
def listPilots_planetype(self): ''' Returns a dict of pilots with license on each plane type ''' planetypeID_list = LL_Aircrafts().planetypeID_list() planetypeID_set = set(planetypeID_list) planetype_pilot = {} for elem in planetypeID_set: get_License = self.get_License(elem) planetype_pilot[elem] = get_License return planetype_pilot
def listAircraftTypes(self): ''' prints all aircraft types ''' aircraftType_list = LL_Aircrafts().get_aircraftType_list( ) # listi af aircraft Types aircraft_list = LL_Aircrafts().get_aircrafts_list( ) # listi af aircrafts voyage = self.AircraftStatus(aircraft_list) pilot_count = LL_Employee().get_pilot_count() print() for aircraftType in aircraftType_list: print("{:^44}".format(aircraftType.planeTypeId)) print("." * 44) print( "\nName: {} \nManufacturer: {} \nModel: {} \nCapacity: {} \nEmpty weight: {} \nMax takeoff weight: {} \nUnit thrust: {} \nService ceiling: {} \nLength: {} \nHeight: {} \nWingspan: {}" .format(, aircraftType.manufacturer, aircraftType.model, aircraftType.capacity, aircraftType.emptyWeight, aircraftType.maxTakeoffWeight, aircraftType.unitThrust, aircraftType.serviceCeiling, aircraftType.length, aircraftType.height, aircraftType.wingspan)) if aircraftType.planeTypeId in pilot_count.keys(): for planeID, count in pilot_count.items(): if planeID == aircraftType.planeTypeId: print('Pilots with license: {}'.format(count)) else: print('Pilots with license: {}'.format('0')) for line in aircraft_list: #line.planeTypeId.strip() if line.planeTypeId.strip() == aircraftType.planeTypeId: for elem in voyage: if elem.flightOut.aircraftID == line.planeInsignia: print() print("{:^44}".format("Aircraft is active")) print() print("Flight number:", elem.flightOut.flightNumber) print("Destination:", elem.flightOut.arrivingAt) print('Next available time:', elem.flightBack.arrival) print()
def PilotWithLisence(self, pilot_list, aircraftID): ''' Returns a list of pilots with a specific license ''' cap_with_lisence = [] aircraftlist = LL_Aircrafts().get_aircrafts_list() lisence = "" for elem in aircraftlist: if elem.planeInsignia == aircraftID: lisence = elem.planeTypeId.strip() for elem in pilot_list: if elem.license == lisence: cap_with_lisence.append(elem) return cap_with_lisence
def SetPilot(self): ''' set new pilot ''' ssn = input('Social security number: ') valid_ssn = LL_Employee().checkIfValidssn(ssn) if valid_ssn == None: print(":: Not a valid social security number ::") else: ssn = valid_ssn name = input('Full name: ').title() firstname = name.split() role = 'Pilot' print("1: Captain") print("2: Copilot") rank_input = input('Rank: ') if rank_input == 1: rank = "Captain" elif rank_input == 2: rank = "Copilot" planetypeID_list = LL_Aircrafts().planetypeID_list() for num, elem in enumerate(planetypeID_list): print(num+1, ': ', elem) pilotlicense_inp = input('Pilot license: ') if pilotlicense_inp == elem: pilot_license = pilotlicense_inp[pilotlicense_inp-1] address = input('Address: ') try: phone = int(input('Phone: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid phone ::\n") phone = input('Phone: ') email = firstname[0] + "" employee = Model_Employee(ssn, name, role, rank, pilot_license, address, phone, email) LL_Employee().createEmployee(employee) print("\n:: {} has been added as a Pilot ::".format(name))
def setAircraftTypes(self): ''' set new aircraft type ''' manufacturer = input('Manufacturer: ') model = input('Model: ') planeTypeId = "NA" + manufacturer + model capacity = input('Capacity: ') emptyWeight = input('Empty Weight: ') maxTakeoffWeight = input('Max Takeoff Weight: ') unitThrust = input('Unit Thrust: ') serviceCeiling = input('Service Ceiling: ') length = input('Length: ') height = input('Height: ') wingspan = input('Wingspan: ') name = input('Name: ') aircraftType = Model_AircraftType(planeTypeId, manufacturer, model, capacity, emptyWeight, maxTakeoffWeight, unitThrust, serviceCeiling, length, height, wingspan, name) LL_Aircrafts().set_aircraftType(aircraftType) self.setAircraft(planeTypeId) print('\n:: {} has been added as a aircraft ::'.format(planeTypeId))
def get_aircraftType_list(self): return LL_Aircrafts().get_aircraftType_list()
def planetypeID_list(self): return LL_Aircrafts().planetypeID_list()
def getAircraftStatus(self, aircraft_list): return LL_Aircrafts().getAircraftStatus(aircraft_list)
def availableAircrafts(self, start_time): return LL_Aircrafts().availableAircrafts(start_time)
def set_aircraft(self, aircraftToCreate): return LL_Aircrafts().set_aircraft(aircraftToCreate)
def set_aircraftType(self, aircraftTypeToCreate): return LL_Aircrafts().set_aircraftType(aircraftTypeToCreate)
def listAircrafts(self): ''' prints all aircrafts ''' result = LL_Aircrafts().get_aircrafts_list() for aircrafts in result: print(aircrafts)
def AircraftStatus(self, aircraft_list): '''Returns a list of status for voyage''' voyage = LL_Aircrafts().getAircraftStatus(aircraft_list) return voyage
def create_voyage(self): '''Gets all necessary input to create a new Voyage''' flightNumber = input('Enter flight number fx "NA0000" : ') update = LL_Voyages().checkIfValidFlightNumber(flightNumber) if update == False: print("\n:: Invalid flight number ::") else: dest_list = LL_Voyages().get_dest_id_list() print("\n{:^44}".format("List of Destiantions")) print("."*44) for num, elem in enumerate(dest_list): print('{}: {}'.format(num+1, elem)) print("_"*44) voyage_destiantion = int(input('Choose Destination: ')) arrivingAt = dest_list[voyage_destiantion-1] try: year = int(input("Enter Year of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid year ::\n") year = int(input("Enter Year of departure: ")) try: month = int(input("Enter Month of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid month ::\n") month = int(input("Enter Month of departure: ")) try: day = int(input("Enter Day of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid day ::\n") day = int(input("Enter Day of departure: ")) try: hour = int(input("Enter Hour of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid hour ::\n") hour = int(input("Enter Hour of departure: ")) try: minute = int(input("Enter Minute of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid minute ::") minute = int(input("Enter Minute of departure: ")) date_time = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0).isoformat() valid_FlightTime = LL_Voyages().checkIfValidFlightTime(date_time) if valid_FlightTime == False: print("\n:: Invalid flight time ::") else: aricraft_plainInsignia = LL_Aircrafts().availableAircrafts(date_time) print("\n{:^44}".format("List of available Aircrafts")) print("."*44) for num, elem in enumerate(aricraft_plainInsignia): print('{}: {}'.format(num+1, elem.planeInsignia)) print("_"*44) voyage_aircraft = int(input('Choose Aircraft: ')) aircraftID = aricraft_plainInsignia[voyage_aircraft-1] date_time_ofDeparture = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0) LL_Voyages().create_flight(flightNumber, arrivingAt, date_time_ofDeparture, aircraftID.planeInsignia) print('\n:: Voyage to {} has been added ::'.format(arrivingAt))