def __init__(self): wx.EvtHandler.__init__(self) SafeInvocation.__init__(self) utility.queue = self utility.actionhandler = ActionHandler() self.ratemanager = RateManager() self.addtorrents = AddTorrents() self.timers = {} self.doneflag = Event() self.totals = { 'up' : 0.0, 'down' : 0.0, 'connections': 0 } self.totals_kb = { 'up': 0.0, 'down': 0.0 } self.volume = {'up': utility.config.Read('uploadvolume', "int"), 'down': utility.config.Read('downloadvolume', "int") } self.whenidle = 0 # 0=Nothing, 1=Close, 2=Shutdown self.lastDirScan = 0 self.lastScrape = 0 self.UpdateRunningTorrentCounters()
def __init__(self, textCtrl): wx.PyLog.__init__(self) wx.EvtHandler.__init__(self) SafeInvocation.__init__(self) self.doneflag = Event() = textCtrl self.enabledFileLogger(utility.config.Read('filelogger', "boolean"))
def __init__(self, parent): # Initialization self.doneflag = Event() SafeInvocation.__init__(self) # Main management self.feeds = [] self.rules = [] self.history = {} # Set up config self.config = ConfigManager(self) # html scanner threads self.htmlscanners = {} # timer self.timer = wx.Timer(self, -1) self.timerCount = -1 self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.onTimer)
def __init__(self, ID, params): """ Initialize the main frame """ utility.frame = self self.doneflag = Event() title = product_name + " " + version_short size, position = self._getWindowSettings() wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, ID, title, position, size, name = "MainFrame") SafeInvocation.__init__(self) #if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__": # if wx.GetApp().GetComCtl32Version() >= 600 and wx.DisplayDepth() >= 32: # wx.SystemOptions.SetOptionInt("msw.remap", 2) #if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__": #wx.SystemOptions.SetOptionInt("mac.listctrl.always_use_generic", 1) #self.SetExtraStyle(wx.FRAME_EX_METAL) # Don't update GUI as often when iconized self.GUIupdate = True # Set Application icon try: self.SetIcon(utility.icon) except: pass ####################################################### # Main GUI stuff ####################################################### # Scheduler ############## utility.queue = Scheduler() # StatusBar ############## self.SetStatusBar(StatusBar(self)) # MenuBar ############## self.SetMenuBar(MenuBar(self)) # TaskBar icon ############## try: self.tbicon = TaskBarIcon(self) except: self.tbicon = None # Main Panel ############## self.window = MainPanel(self) # Pref. Frame ############## self.preferences = None # ToolBar ############## self.tb = MainToolBar(self) self.SetToolBar(self.tb) # Command Scheduler ############## self.commandScheduler = CommandScheduler() # Win Settings ############## self._loadWindowSettings() # Update Menu ############## self.updateMenuChecks() wx.LogMessage('GUI loaded') # Hot Key ############## if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__": self.openwin = [] self.modaldlg = {} utility.hotkey = {"ID": wx.NewId(), "modifiers": utility.config.Read('hotkeymod', "int"), "keys": utility.config.Read('hotkeykeycode', "int"), "wxkeycode": utility.config.Read('hotkeywxkeycode', "int"), "current": {"modifiers": None, "keys": None, "wxkeycode": None}, "active": False, "hiding": False} if utility.config.Read('hotkey', "boolean"): utility.hotkey["current"]["modifiers"] = utility.hotkey["modifiers"] utility.hotkey["current"]["keys"] = utility.hotkey["keys"] utility.hotkey["current"]["wxkeycode"] = utility.hotkey["wxkeycode"] self.RegisterHotKey(utility.hotkey["ID"], utility.hotkey["modifiers"], utility.hotkey["keys"]) utility.hotkey["active"] = True ####################################################### # Events Table ####################################################### self.Bind(wx.EVT_QUERY_END_SESSION, self.OnCloseWindow) self.Bind(wx.EVT_END_SESSION, self.OnCloseWindow) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ICONIZE, self.onIconify) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.onSize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SHOW, self.onShow) if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__": self.Bind(wx.EVT_HOTKEY, self.HotKeyDown, id = utility.hotkey["ID"]) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED, self.OnSysColourChange) if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__": self.Bind(wx.EVT_ACTIVATE, self.OnActivate) # Accelerator Table fsID = wx.NewId() self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onFullScreen, id = fsID) accelTable = wx.AcceleratorTable([(wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_F11, fsID)]) self.SetAcceleratorTable(accelTable) ####################################################### # Set Up Filter Manager ####################################################### utility.ipfilter = FilterManager() if utility.ipfilter: wx.LogMessage('Filter Manager: %d IP ranges loaded' % len(utility.ipfilter)) ####################################################### # Start the controller ####################################################### utility.controller = LaunchMany() utility.controller.start() utility.queue.postInitTasks() wx.LogMessage('Controller loaded and started') ####################################################### # Start DHT ####################################################### if utility.dht: utility.dht.start() wx.LogMessage('DHT loaded') ####################################################### # Set Up Label Manager ####################################################### utility.labelmanager = LabelManager() ####################################################### # Web Service ####################################################### if WEBSERVICE: WebService() else: wx.LogMessage(_("Web Service disabled: Please download wsgiref or update to Python 2.5")) ####################################################### # Startup params ####################################################### for param in params: wx.GetApp().MacOpenFile(param) # Yes, even if the platform isn't Mac ####################################################### # Check For Update ####################################################### if utility.config.Read('checkforupdates', "boolean"): utility.actions[ACTION_UPDATECHECK].action() self.Show(True) # Check to see if ABC is associated with torrents ####################################################### if (sys.platform[:3] == 'win') and \ utility.config.Read('associate', "boolean") and \ not utility.regchecker.testRegistry(): dialog = RegCheckDialog(self) dialog.ShowModal() dialog.Destroy()
def __init__(self, torrent, myid): wx.EvtHandler.__init__(self) SafeInvocation.__init__(self) self.doneflag = Event() self.torrent = torrent self.downsize = { 'old' : self.torrent.files.downsize, 'new' : 0.0, 'prev': 0.0 } self.upsize = { 'old' : self.torrent.files.upsize, 'new' : 0.0, 'prev': 0.0 } self.spewwait = time() self.reannouncelast = 0 self.timers = { 'lastupload': time(), 'lastdownload': time(), 'infrequent': None } self.btstatus = _('waiting') self.progress = self.torrent.files.progress self.sizeDone = self.torrent.files.sizeDone self.eta = None self.elapsed = "" self.rate = { "down" : 0.0, "up" : 0.0 } self.numpeers = 0 self.numseeds = 0 self.numconnections = 0 self.numcopies = None self.peeravg = None self.totalspeed = 0.0 self.curtracker = None self.numerrortracker=0 self.lasterrortracker=0 # What is the current rate set at? self.ratesetting = {} self.ratesetting['up'] = 0.0 self.ratesetting['down'] = 0.0 self.seedingtimelastcheck = None # To compute mean over several last values of uprate/downrate self.pastrate = { "down" : [0.0] * 20, "up" : [0.0] * 20 } self.meanrate = { "down" : 0.0, "up" : 0.0 } # Keep track of if we have any connections self.hasConnections = False # New stuff.... self.controller = utility.controller self.waiting = True self.checking = False self.working = False self.seed = False self.closed = False self.hadextern = False self.start_time = 0 self.status_err = [''] self.status_errtime = 0 self.status_done = 0.0 self.response = self.torrent.metainfo hash = unhexlify(self.torrent.infohash) self.rawserver = self.controller.handler.newRawServer(hash, self.doneflag) btconfig = utility.getBTParams() self.dow = BT1Download(self.display, self.finished, self.unfinished, self.error, self.error, # Use this rather than controller.exchandler, self.doneflag, btconfig, self.response, hash, myid, self.rawserver, self.controller.listen_port, utility.configdir, private = self.torrent.private, dht = utility.dht, ipfilter = utility.ipfilter.filter)
def __init__(self, parent, d, announce, params, filelist): wx.EvtHandler.__init__(self) SafeInvocation.__init__(self) self.doneflag = Event() self.d = d self.a = announce self.filelist = filelist self.params = params self.parent = parent self.separatetorrents = False self.generatedfiles = [] # See if we need to get md5sums for each file if 'gethash' in params: self.gethash = params['gethash'] else: self.gethash = None # Can remove it from params before we pass things on if 'gethash' in params: del params['gethash'] if isdir(d): self.choicemade = Event() frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, _('Make Torrent'), size = (1, 1)) self.frame = frame panel = wx.Panel(frame, -1) gridSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols = 1, vgap = 8, hgap = 8) gridSizer.AddGrowableRow(1) gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, _('Do you want to make a separate .torrent\nfor every item in this directory?')), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, '')) b = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols = 3, hgap = 10) yesbut = wx.Button(panel, -1, _('Yes')) def saidyes(e, self = self): self.frame.Destroy() self.separatetorrents = True self.begin() wx.EVT_BUTTON(frame, yesbut.GetId(), saidyes) b.Add(yesbut, 0) nobut = wx.Button(panel, -1, _('No')) def saidno(e, self = self): self.frame.Destroy() self.begin() wx.EVT_BUTTON(frame, nobut.GetId(), saidno) b.Add(nobut, 0) cancelbut = wx.Button(panel, -1, _('Cancel')) def canceled(e, self = self): self.frame.Destroy() wx.EVT_BUTTON(frame, cancelbut.GetId(), canceled) b.Add(cancelbut, 0) gridSizer.Add(b, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) border = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) border.Add(gridSizer, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 4) panel.SetSizerAndFit(border) panel.SetAutoLayout(True) frame.Show() border.Fit(panel) frame.Fit() else: self.begin()