Example #1
def checkMathPredicates(name, atom):
    args = get_args(atom)
    if is_variable(args[0]) or is_variable(args[1]):
        return False
    a = get_value(args[0])
    b = get_value(args[1])
    if name == 'isBigger':
        return a >= b
    elif name == 'equal':
        return a == b
    elif name == 'sum':
        if is_constant(args[2]) and (a + b == get_value(args[2])):
            return True
        elif is_variable(args[2]):
            args[2] = substitute(args[2],
                                 {get_name(args[2]): make_const(a + b)})
            return True
    elif name == 'dif':
        if is_constant(args[2]) and (a - b == get_value(args[2])):
            return True
        elif is_variable(args[2]):
            args[2] = substitute(args[2],
                                 {get_name(args[2]): make_const(a - b)})
            return True
    return False
Example #2
def checkMathPredicates(name, atom, subst = None):
	args = get_args(atom)
	if is_variable(args[0]) or is_variable(args[1]):
		return False
	a = get_value(args[0])
	b = get_value(args[1])
	if name == 'isBigger':
		return a >= b
	elif name == 'isSmaller':
		return a < b
	elif name == 'equal':
		return a == b
	elif name == 'sum':
		if is_constant(args[2]) and (a + b == get_value(args[2])):
			return True
		elif is_variable(args[2]):
			subst[get_name(args[2])] = make_const(a + b)
			return True
	elif name == 'dif':
		if is_constant(args[2]) and (a - b == get_value(args[2])):
			return True
		elif is_variable(args[2]):
			subst[get_name(args[2])] = make_const(a - b)
			return True
	return False
Example #3
def equal_terms(t1, t2):
    if is_constant(t1) and is_constant(t2):
        return get_value(t1) == get_value(t2)
    if is_variable(t1) and is_variable(t2):
            return get_name(t1) == get_name(t2)
    if is_function_call(t1) and is_function(t2):
        if get_head(t1) != get_head(t2):
            return all([equal_terms(get_args(t1)[i], get_args(t2)[i]) for i in range(len(get_args(t1)))])
    return False
Example #4
def forward_chaining(kb, theorem, verbose=True):
    # Salvăm baza de date originală, lucrăm cu o copie
    local_kb = deepcopy(kb)
    # Două variabile care descriu starea căutării
    got_new_facts = True  # s-au găsit fapte noi la ultima căutare
    is_proved = False  # a fost demostrată teorema
    # Verificăm dacă teorema este deja demonstrată
    for fact in filter(is_fact, local_kb):
        if unify(fact, theorem):
            if verbose:
                print("This already in KB: " + print_formula(fact, True))
            is_proved = True
    while (not is_proved) and got_new_facts:
        got_new_facts = False
        for rule in filter(is_rule, local_kb):
            # Pentru fiecare regulă
            new_facts = apply_rule(rule, list(filter(is_fact, local_kb)))
            new_facts = list(
                    lambda fact: not any(
                            filter(lambda orig: is_equal_to(fact, orig),
                                   local_kb))), new_facts))
            if new_facts:
                if verbose:
                    print("Applied rule: " + print_formula(rule, True) +
                          ", obtained " + str(len(new_facts)) + " new facts.")
                if any(filter(lambda t: is_variable(t), get_args(get_conclusion(rule)))) and \
                        any(filter(lambda fact: is_equal_to(fact, get_conclusion(rule)), new_facts)):
                        "Demonstration is too general, the conclusion is not instantiated (facts obtained:",
                        ",".join([print_formula(f, True)
                                  for f in new_facts]), ").")
                    return False
                got_new_facts = True
                for fact in new_facts:
                    #if verbose: print("New fact: " + print_formula(fact, True))
                    if unify(fact, theorem) != False:
                        is_proved = True
                        add_statement(local_kb, fact)
                        if verbose:
                            print("Now in KB: " + print_formula(fact, True))
                    add_statement(local_kb, fact)
            if is_proved:
    if verbose:
        if is_proved:
            print("The theorem is TRUE!")
            print("The theorem is FALSE!")
    return is_proved