def whole_pdb_submit(request): errorDict = {} skipNonXray = request.POST['skipNonXray'] skipAlphaCarbon = request.POST['skipAlphaCarbon'] cullMethod = request.POST['cullMethod'] intraEntryCull = request.POST['intraEntryCull'] email = request.POST['email'] incorrect = [] try: percentIdentity = float(request.POST['pc']) if percentIdentity < 5 or percentIdentity >= 100: errorDict['errorPercent'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the percentage: " + str(percentIdentity) + " is not within the permissible range of values. The percentage must be greater than or equal to 5, and less than 100.") except: errorDict['errorPercent'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the sequence identity threshold must be greater than or equal to 5, and less than 100') try: minResolution = float(request.POST['minRes']) if minResolution < 0: errorDict['errorMinRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the minimum resolution: " + str(minResolution) + " is less than 0.") if minResolution > 100: errorDict['errorMinRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the minimum resolution: " + str(minResolution) + " is greater than 100.") try: maxResolution = float(request.POST['maxRes']) if maxResolution < 0: errorDict['errorMaxRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the maximum resolution: " + str(maxResolution) + " is less than 0.") if maxResolution > 100: errorDict['errorMaxRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the maximum resolution: " + str(maxResolution) + " is greater than 100.") if minResolution > maxResolution: errorDict['errorMinRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the minimum resolution: " + str(minResolution) + " is greater than the value for the maximum resolution: " + str(maxResolution) + ".") except: errorDict['errorMaxRes'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum resolution must be a number.') except: errorDict['errorMinRes'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the minimum resolution must be a number.') try: maxResolution = float(request.POST['maxRes']) if maxResolution < 0: errorDict['errorMaxRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the maximum resolution: " + str(maxResolution) + " is less than 0.") if maxResolution > 100: errorDict['errorMaxRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the maximum resolution: " + str(maxResolution) + " is greater than 100.") except: errorDict['errorMaxRes'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum resolution must be a number.') try: maxRVal = float(request.POST['maxRVal']) if maxRVal < 0 or maxRVal > 1: errorDict['errorRVal'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the maximum R value: " + str(maxRVal) + " is not within the permissible range of values. The range allowed is: 0 to 1.") except: errorDict['errorRVal'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the R value must be a number in the range 0 - 1.') if request.POST['enforceMinLength'] == 'yes': try: minLength = int(request.POST['minLength']) if minLength < 0: errorDict['errorMinLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the minimum length must be greater than or equal to 0') if request.POST['enforceMaxLength'] == 'yes': try: maxLength = int(request.POST['maxLength']) if maxLength < 0: errorDict['errorMaxLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum length must be greater than or equal to 0') if minLength > maxLength: errorDict['errorMinLength'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the minimum length: " + str(minLength) + " is greater than the value for the maximum length: " + str(maxLength) + ".") except: errorDict['errorMaxLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum sequence length must be an integer.') else: maxLength = -1 except: errorDict['errorMinLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the minimum sequence length must be an integer.') if request.POST['enforceMaxLength'] == 'yes': try: maxLength = int(request.POST['maxLength']) if maxLength < 0: errorDict['errorMaxLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum length must be greater than or equal to 0') minLength = -1 except: errorDict['errorMaxLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum sequence length must be an integer.') elif request.POST['enforceMaxLength'] == 'yes': try: maxLength = int(request.POST['maxLength']) if maxLength < 0: errorDict['errorMaxLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum length must be greater than or equal to 0') minLength = -1 except: errorDict['errorMaxLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum sequence length must be an integer.') else: minLength = -1 maxLength = -1 if not re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]+$", email): errorDict['errorEmail'] = True incorrect.append(u"The email address entered does not appear to be a valid email address.") if cullMethod == 'entry' and intraEntryCull == 'yes': try: intraEntryPC = float(request.POST['intraEntryPC']) if intraEntryPC < 5 or intraEntryPC >= 100: errorDict['errorIntraEntry'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the within entry sequence identity threshold: " + str(intraEntryPC) + " is not within the permissible range of values. The value must be a number greater than or equal to 5, and less than 100.") except: errorDict['errorIntraEntry'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the within entry sequence identity threshold must be a number greater than or equal to 5, and less than 100.') elif intraEntryCull == 'yes': incorrect.append(u'Intra entry culling is selected, but cull by entry is not.') if incorrect != []: valueDict = {'errorMessage': incorrect, 'pc' : request.POST['pc'], 'minRes' : request.POST['minRes'], 'maxRes' : request.POST['maxRes'], 'maxRVal' : request.POST['maxRVal'], 'intraEntryPC' : request.POST['intraEntryPC'], 'email' : request.POST['email']} if skipNonXray == 'no': valueDict['skipNonXray'] = request.POST['skipNonXray'] if skipAlphaCarbon == 'no': valueDict['skipAlphaCarbon'] = request.POST['skipAlphaCarbon'] if cullMethod == 'entry': valueDict['cullMethod'] = request.POST['cullMethod'] if intraEntryCull == 'yes': valueDict['intraEntryCull'] = request.POST['intraEntryCull'] if request.POST['enforceMinLength'] == 'yes': valueDict['enforceMinLength'] = 'yes' valueDict['minLength'] = request.POST['minLength'] if request.POST['enforceMaxLength'] == 'yes': valueDict['enforceMaxLength'] = 'yes' valueDict['maxLength'] = request.POST['maxLength'] for i in errorDict.keys(): valueDict[i] = True return render_to_response('whole_pdb_culling.html', valueDict, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) # Setup the database entry if skipNonXray == 'yes': skipNonXray = True else: skipNonXray = False if skipAlphaCarbon == 'yes': skipAlphaCarbon = True else: skipAlphaCarbon = False if cullMethod == 'chain': cullMethod = True else: cullMethod = False if intraEntryCull == 'yes': intraEntryCull = True else: intraEntryCull = False r = PDBCullRequest( wholePDB=True, sequenceIdentity=percentIdentity, minResolution=minResolution, maxResolution=maxResolution, maxRValue=maxRVal, minLength = minLength, maxLength = maxLength, skipNonXray=skipNonXray, skipAlphaCarbon=skipAlphaCarbon, cullByChain=cullMethod, performIntraEntryCulling=intraEntryCull, intraEntrySequenceIdentity=float(request.POST['intraEntryPC']), email=str(email), completed=False, ) cullinput.controlthread.RunCull(r, 'pdb') # return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('Leaf.views.sent')) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('Leaf.views.sent', kwargs={'result_id':, 'cullType' : 'pdb'}))
def handle(self, *args, **options): os.umask(00000) logger = open('/srv/www/vhosts.d/www.bioinf/html/doig/cgi-bin/django_projects/LeafWebApp/ErrorLogs/GENERATION.log', 'a') logger.write('=======================================================\n=======================================================\nStarting generation on ' + time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d/ at %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime()) + '.\n') logger.close() # Turn all the protein chain information into a dictionary. pdbChainsData = ProteinInformation.objects.all() pdbChainsDict = dict([(i.chain, i) for i in pdbChainsData]) del(pdbChainsData) # Turn all the within entry representative information into a dictionary. entryRepData = EntryRepresentative.objects.all() entryRepIgnore = [] entryRepDict = {} for i in entryRepData: entryRepIgnore.append(i.nonreprChain) reprChain = i.reprChain if entryRepDict.has_key(reprChain): entryRepDict[reprChain].append(i.nonreprChain) else: entryRepDict[reprChain] = [i.nonreprChain] del(entryRepData) # Turn all the whole PDB representative information into a dictionary. wholeRepData = Representative.objects.all() wholeRepIgnore = [] wholeRepDict = {} for i in wholeRepData: wholeRepIgnore.append(i.nonreprChain) reprChain = i.reprChain if wholeRepDict.has_key(reprChain): wholeRepDict[reprChain].append(i.nonreprChain) else: wholeRepDict[reprChain] = [i.nonreprChain] del(wholeRepData) # Generate the whole PDB fasta files. pdbaa = StringIO() gzf = GzipFile(fileobj=pdbaa, mode='wb') for i in sorted(pdbChainsDict.keys()): experimentType = str(pdbChainsDict[i].experimentType) resolution = str(pdbChainsDict[i].resolution) rValueObs = str(pdbChainsDict[i].rValueObs) rValueFree = str(pdbChainsDict[i].rValueFree) alphaCarbonOnly = ['no', 'yes'][pdbChainsDict[i].alphaCarbonOnly] # alphaCarbonOnly = 'yes' if pdbChainsDict[i].alphaCarbonOnly else 'no' description = str(pdbChainsDict[i].description) dbName = str(pdbChainsDict[i].dbName) dbCode = str(pdbChainsDict[i].dbCode) organism = str(pdbChainsDict[i].organism) sequence = str(pdbChainsDict[i].sequence) gzf.write('>' + str(i) + '\t' + str(len(sequence)) + '\t' + experimentType + '\t' + resolution + '\t' + rValueObs + '\t' + rValueFree + '\t' + alphaCarbonOnly + '\t' + description + '\t<' + dbName + ' ' + dbCode + '>\t[' + organism + ']\n') gzf.write(sequence + '\n') gzf.close(), 2) pdbaaFile = InMemoryUploadedFile(pdbaa, 'image', 'pdbaa.gz', None, pdbaa.tell(), None) pdbaaEntry = DownloadableFiles(fileName='pdbaa'), pdbaaFile) pdbaa.close() pdbaaent = StringIO() gzf = GzipFile(fileobj=pdbaaent, mode='wb') for i in sorted([j for j in pdbChainsDict.keys() if not j in entryRepIgnore]): experimentType = str(pdbChainsDict[i].experimentType) resolution = str(pdbChainsDict[i].resolution) rValueObs = str(pdbChainsDict[i].rValueObs) rValueFree = str(pdbChainsDict[i].rValueFree) alphaCarbonOnly = ['no', 'yes'][pdbChainsDict[i].alphaCarbonOnly] # alphaCarbonOnly = 'yes' if pdbChainsDict[i].alphaCarbonOnly else 'no' description = str(pdbChainsDict[i].description) dbName = str(pdbChainsDict[i].dbName) dbCode = str(pdbChainsDict[i].dbCode) organism = str(pdbChainsDict[i].organism) sequence = str(pdbChainsDict[i].sequence) if entryRepDict.has_key(i): gzf.write('>' + str(i) + '\t' + str(len(sequence)) + '\t' + experimentType + '\t' + resolution + '\t' + rValueObs + '\t' + rValueFree + '\t' + alphaCarbonOnly + '\t' + description + '\t<' + dbName + ' ' + dbCode + '>\t[' + organism + ']\t||\t' + '\t'.join(entryRepDict[i]) + '\n') else: gzf.write('>' + str(i) + '\t' + str(len(sequence)) + '\t' + experimentType + '\t' + resolution + '\t' + rValueObs + '\t' + rValueFree + '\t' + alphaCarbonOnly + '\t' + description + '\t<' + dbName + ' ' + dbCode + '>\t[' + organism + ']\n') gzf.write(sequence + '\n') gzf.close(), 2) pdbaaentFile = InMemoryUploadedFile(pdbaaent, 'image', 'pdbaaent.gz', None, pdbaaent.tell(), None) pdbaaentEntry = DownloadableFiles(fileName='pdbaaent'), pdbaaentFile) pdbaaent.close() pdbaanr = StringIO() gzf = GzipFile(fileobj=pdbaanr, mode='wb') for i in sorted([j for j in pdbChainsDict.keys() if not j in wholeRepIgnore]): sequence = str(pdbChainsDict[i].sequence) experimentType = str(pdbChainsDict[i].experimentType) resolution = str(pdbChainsDict[i].resolution) rValueObs = str(pdbChainsDict[i].rValueObs) rValueFree = str(pdbChainsDict[i].rValueFree) alphaCarbonOnly = ['no', 'yes'][pdbChainsDict[i].alphaCarbonOnly] # alphaCarbonOnly = 'yes' if pdbChainsDict[i].alphaCarbonOnly else 'no' description = str(pdbChainsDict[i].description) dbName = str(pdbChainsDict[i].dbName) dbCode = str(pdbChainsDict[i].dbCode) organism = str(pdbChainsDict[i].organism) if wholeRepDict.has_key(i): gzf.write('>' + str(i) + '\t' + str(len(sequence)) + '\t' + experimentType + '\t' + resolution + '\t' + rValueObs + '\t' + rValueFree + '\t' + alphaCarbonOnly + '\t' + description + '\t<' + dbName + ' ' + dbCode + '>\t[' + organism + ']\t||\t' + '\t'.join(wholeRepDict[i]) + '\n') else: gzf.write('>' + str(i) + '\t' + str(len(sequence)) + '\t' + experimentType + '\t' + resolution + '\t' + rValueObs + '\t' + rValueFree + '\t' + alphaCarbonOnly + '\t' + description + '\t<' + dbName + ' ' + dbCode + '>\t[' + organism + ']\n') gzf.write(sequence + '\n') gzf.close(), 2) pdbaanrFile = InMemoryUploadedFile(pdbaanr, 'image', 'pdbaanr.gz', None, pdbaanr.tell(), None) pdbaanrEntry = DownloadableFiles(fileName='pdbaanr'), pdbaanrFile) pdbaanr.close() # Generate the files needed to run the culling locally (i.e. make files of the different database tables). proteinData = ProteinInformation.objects.all().values_list() proteinFile = NamedTemporaryFile() # sio = StringIO() # gzf = GzipFile(fileobj=sio, mode='wb') for i in proteinData: # gzf.write('\t'.join([str(j) for j in i]) + '\n') proteinFile.write('\t'.join([str(j) for j in i]) + '\n') # gzf.close() #, 2) # proteinFile = InMemoryUploadedFile(sio, 'image', 'ProteinInformation.gz', None, sio.tell(), None) proteinFileEntry = DownloadableFiles(fileName='ProteinInformation', downloadFile=File(proteinFile)) # proteinFileEntry = DownloadableFiles(fileName='ProteinInformation') #, proteinFile) # sio.close() proteinFile.close() chainData = ChainType.objects.all().values_list() chainFile = NamedTemporaryFile() # sio = StringIO() # gzf = GzipFile(fileobj=sio, mode='wb') for i in chainData: # gzf.write('\t'.join([str(j) for j in i]) + '\n') chainFile.write('\t'.join([str(j) for j in i]) + '\n') # gzf.close() #, 2) # chainFile = InMemoryUploadedFile(sio, 'image', 'ChainType.gz', None, sio.tell(), None) chainFileEntry = DownloadableFiles(fileName='ChainType', downloadFile=File(chainFile)) # chainFileEntry = DownloadableFiles(fileName='ChainType') #, chainFile) # sio.close() chainFile.close() PDBEntriesData = AllPDBEntries.objects.all().values_list() entriesFile = NamedTemporaryFile() # sio = StringIO() # gzf = GzipFile(fileobj=sio, mode='wb') for i in PDBEntriesData: # gzf.write('\t'.join([str(j) for j in i]) + '\n') entriesFile.write('\t'.join([str(j) for j in i]) + '\n') # gzf.close() #, 2) # entriesFile = InMemoryUploadedFile(sio, 'image', 'AllPDBEntries.gz', None, sio.tell(), None) entriesFileEntry = DownloadableFiles(fileName='AllPDBEntries', downloadFile=File(entriesFile)) # entriesFileEntry = DownloadableFiles(fileName='AllPDBEntries') #, entriesFile) # sio.close() entriesFile.close() similarityData = Similarity.objects.all().values_list() similarityFile = NamedTemporaryFile() # sio = StringIO() # gzf = GzipFile(fileobj=sio, mode='wb') for i in similarityData: # gzf.write('\t'.join([str(j) for j in i]) + '\n') similarityFile.write('\t'.join([str(j) for j in i]) + '\n') # gzf.close() #, 2) # similarityFile = InMemoryUploadedFile(sio, 'image', 'Similarity.gz', None, sio.tell(), None) similarityFileEntry = DownloadableFiles(fileName='Similarity', downloadFile=File(similarityFile)) # similarityFileEntry = DownloadableFiles(fileName='Similarity') #, similarityFile) # sio.close() similarityFile.close() representativeData = Representative.objects.all().values_list() representativeFile = NamedTemporaryFile() # sio = StringIO() # gzf = GzipFile(fileobj=sio, mode='wb') for i in representativeData: # gzf.write('\t'.join([str(j) for j in i]) + '\n') representativeFile.write('\t'.join([str(j) for j in i]) + '\n') # gzf.close() #, 2) # representativeFile = InMemoryUploadedFile(sio, 'image', 'Representative.gz', None, sio.tell(), None) representativeFileEntry = DownloadableFiles(fileName='Representative', downloadFile=File(representativeFile)) # representativeFileEntry = DownloadableFiles(fileName='Representative') #, representativeFile) # sio.close() representativeFile.close() destinationDir = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'TarData/PDBData' # tar = + 'TarData/PDBData.tar.gz', mode='w:gz') entriesInfo = DownloadableFiles.objects.filter(fileName__exact='AllPDBEntries')['cp', str(entriesInfo[0].downloadFile.path), destinationDir + '/AllPDBEntries.txt']) # tar.add(entriesInfo[0].downloadFile.path, arcname='AllPDBEntries.txt') chainInfo = DownloadableFiles.objects.filter(fileName__exact='ChainType')['cp', str(chainInfo[0].downloadFile.path), destinationDir + '/ChainType.txt']) # tar.add(chainInfo[0].downloadFile.path, arcname='ChainType.txt') proteinInfo = DownloadableFiles.objects.filter(fileName__exact='ProteinInformation')['cp', str(proteinInfo[0].downloadFile.path), destinationDir + '/ProteinInformation.txt']) # tar.add(proteinInfo[0].downloadFile.path, arcname='ProteinInformation.txt') representativeInfo = DownloadableFiles.objects.filter(fileName__exact='Representative')['cp', str(representativeInfo[0].downloadFile.path), destinationDir + '/Representative.txt']) # tar.add(representativeInfo[0].downloadFile.path, arcname='Representative.txt') similarityInfo = DownloadableFiles.objects.filter(fileName__exact='Similarity')['cp', str(similarityInfo[0].downloadFile.path), destinationDir + '/Similarity.txt']) # tar.add(similarityInfo[0].downloadFile.path, arcname='Similarity.txt') # tar.close() subprocess.Popen(['tar', '-zcvf', 'PDBData.tar.gz', 'PDBData'], cwd=settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'TarData', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) proteinChains = [] readChainTypeData = open(destinationDir + '/ChainType.txt', 'r') for i in readChainTypeData: chunks = (i.strip()).split('\t') if chunks[1] == 'Protein': proteinChains.append(chunks[0]) readChainTypeData.close() proteinChains = '\n'.join(proteinChains) # Generate the culled PDB lists. resolutionsOfInterest = [1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.5, 3.0] rValuesOfInterest = [0.25, 1.0] sequenceIdentities = [20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90] tuplesToDo = [(i, j, k) for i in resolutionsOfInterest for j in rValuesOfInterest for k in sequenceIdentities] tuplesToDo.extend([(100.0, 1.0, i) for i in sequenceIdentities]) updatesPerformed = [] while tuplesToDo != [] or updatesPerformed != []: # Continue looping until both lists are empty. If both are empty then all updates have been performed. updatesDone = [] for i in updatesPerformed: # Determine if any of the culling operations that are currently running have finished. if i.completed: if not i.skipNonXray: if not i.skipAlphaCarbon: xrayCAInfo = '_INCLNONXRAY_INCLCAONLY' else: xrayCAInfo = '_INCLNONXRAY' else: xrayCAInfo = '' sio = StringIO() gzf = GzipFile(fileobj=sio, mode='wb') outputInfo = open(i.nonredSeq.path, 'r') for line in outputInfo: gzf.write(line) outputInfo.close() gzf.close(), 2) culledFile = InMemoryUploadedFile(sio, 'image', ('SeqIden_' + str(i.sequenceIdentity) + '_Res_' + str(i.maxResolution) + '_RVal_' + str(i.maxRValue) + xrayCAInfo + '.gz'), None, sio.tell(), None) newDownload = DownloadableFiles(fileName='SeqIden_' + str(i.sequenceIdentity) + '_Res_' + str(i.maxResolution) + '_RVal_' + str(i.maxRValue) + xrayCAInfo), culledFile) sio.close() updatesDone.append(i) i.delete() for i in updatesDone: updatesPerformed.remove(i) if tuplesToDo == [] or len(updatesPerformed) >= 1: # Only allow 1 culling operation to occur at once, to prevent overloading. # pass time.sleep(30) else: # Fill the buffer of culling operations up. while len(updatesPerformed) < 1 and tuplesToDo != []: newCull = tuplesToDo.pop() resolution = newCull[0] rValue = newCull[1] seqIdentity = newCull[2] if resolution == 100.0: skipNonXray = False skipAlphaCarbon = False else: skipNonXray = True skipAlphaCarbon = True r = PDBCullRequest( wholePDB=False, sequenceIdentity=seqIdentity, minResolution=0.0, maxResolution=resolution, maxRValue=rValue, minLength = -1, maxLength = -1, skipNonXray=skipNonXray, skipAlphaCarbon=skipAlphaCarbon, cullByChain=True, performIntraEntryCulling=False, intraEntrySequenceIdentity=100.0, email='No Email', completed=False, )'', ContentFile(proteinChains)) cullinput.controlthread.RunCull(r, 'pdb') updatesPerformed.append(r) logger = open('/srv/www/vhosts.d/www.bioinf/html/doig/cgi-bin/django_projects/LeafWebApp/ErrorLogs/GENERATION.log', 'a') logger.write('Finished generation on ' + time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d/ at %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime()) + '.\n') logger.close()
def user_pdb_submit(request): errorDict = {} pastedChains = request.POST['pastedInfo'].rstrip() pastedChains = pastedChains.lstrip() pastedChains = pastedChains.split('\n') speciesDropBox = request.POST['speciesDropBox'] speciesTextBox = request.POST['speciesTextBox'] try: uploaded = request.FILES['upload'] except: uploaded = "" skipNonXray = request.POST['skipNonXray'] skipAlphaCarbon = request.POST['skipAlphaCarbon'] cullMethod = request.POST['cullMethod'] intraEntryCull = request.POST['intraEntryCull'] email = request.POST['email'] incorrect = [] try: percentIdentity = float(request.POST['pc']) if percentIdentity < 5 or percentIdentity >= 100: errorDict['errorPercent'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the percentage: " + str(percentIdentity) + " is not within the permissible range of values. The percentage must be greater than or equal to 5, and less than 100.") except: errorDict['errorPercent'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the sequence identity threshold must be greater than or equal to 5, and less than 100.') try: minResolution = float(request.POST['minRes']) if minResolution < 0: errorDict['errorMinRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the minimum resolution: " + str(minResolution) + " is less than 0.") if minResolution > 100: errorDict['errorMinRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the minimum resolution: " + str(minResolution) + " is greater than 100.") try: maxResolution = float(request.POST['maxRes']) if maxResolution < 0: errorDict['errorMaxRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the maximum resolution: " + str(maxResolution) + " is less than 0.") if maxResolution > 100: errorDict['errorMaxRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the maximum resolution: " + str(maxResolution) + " is greater than 100.") if minResolution > maxResolution: errorDict['errorMinRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the minimum resolution: " + str(minResolution) + " is greater than the value for the maximum resolution: " + str(maxResolution) + ".") except: errorDict['errorMaxRes'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum resolution must be a number.') except: errorDict['errorMinRes'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the minimum resolution must be a number.') try: maxResolution = float(request.POST['maxRes']) if maxResolution < 0: errorDict['errorMaxRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the maximum resolution: " + str(maxResolution) + " is less than 0.") if maxResolution > 100: errorDict['errorMaxRes'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the maximum resolution: " + str(maxResolution) + " is greater than 100.") except: errorDict['errorMaxRes'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum resolution must be a number.') try: maxRVal = float(request.POST['maxRVal']) if maxRVal < 0 or maxRVal > 1: errorDict['errorRVal'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the maximum R value: " + str(maxRVal) + " is not within the permissible range of values. The range allowed is: 0 to 1.") except: errorDict['errorRVal'] = True incorrect.append(u'The maximum R value must be a number in the range 0 - 1.') if request.POST['enforceMinLength'] == 'yes': try: minLength = int(request.POST['minLength']) if minLength < 0: errorDict['errorMinLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the minimum length must be greater than or equal to 0') if request.POST['enforceMaxLength'] == 'yes': try: maxLength = int(request.POST['maxLength']) if maxLength < 0: errorDict['errorMaxLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum length must be greater than or equal to 0') if minLength > maxLength: errorDict['errorMinLength'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the minimum length: " + str(minLength) + " is greater than the value for the maximum length: " + str(maxLength) + ".") except: errorDict['errorMaxLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum sequence length must be an integer.') else: maxLength = -1 except: errorDict['errorMinLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the minimum sequence length must be an integer.') if request.POST['enforceMaxLength'] == 'yes': try: maxLength = int(request.POST['maxLength']) if maxLength < 0: errorDict['errorMaxLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum length must be greater than or equal to 0') minLength = -1 except: errorDict['errorMaxLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum sequence length must be an integer.') elif request.POST['enforceMaxLength'] == 'yes': try: maxLength = int(request.POST['maxLength']) if maxLength < 0: errorDict['errorMaxLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum length must be greater than or equal to 0') minLength = -1 except: errorDict['errorMaxLength'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the maximum sequence length must be an integer.') else: minLength = -1 maxLength = -1 if not re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]+$", email): errorDict['errorEmail'] = True incorrect.append(u"The email address entered does not appear to be a valid email address.") # Determine whether the user input is correct. errorList = [pastedChains == [''], uploaded == "", speciesDropBox == 'Nothing', speciesTextBox == ''] if errorList.count(True) == 4: errorDict['errorPasted'] = True errorDict['errorUploaded'] = True errorDict['errorSpeciesDrop'] = True errorDict['errorSpeciesText'] = True incorrect.append(u"You have not provided a source of chains/entries to cull.") elif errorList.count(False) != 1: if errorList[0] == False: errorDict['errorPasted'] = True if errorList[1] == False: errorDict['errorUploaded'] = True if errorList[2] == False: errorDict['errorSpeciesDrop'] = True if errorList[3] == False: errorDict['errorSpeciesText'] = True incorrect.append(u'You have provided more than one source of chains/entries to cull.') else: # Determine if the PDB chains/entries input are acceptable. if errorList[0] == False: fileString = str(request.POST['pastedInfo']) inputList = fileString.split() chainInfo = ChainType.objects.all() if cullMethod == 'chain': # If the user has supplied any entries in the list of input chains, then extract all chains corresponding to # the input entry. processedInputList = set([]) for i in inputList: if len(i) == 4: # Possibly an entry. chainsFromEntry = ProteinInformation.objects.filter(entry__exact=i) if len(chainsFromEntry) == 0: processedInputList.add(i) else: for j in chainsFromEntry: processedInputList.add(str(j.chain)) else: processedInputList.add(i) processedInputList = list(processedInputList) chainDict = {} for i in chainInfo: chainDict[i.chain] = i.chainType retCode, retVal = cullinput.checkPDBinput.main(processedInputList, allChains=chainDict, checkType='chain') else: allEntries = AllPDBEntries.objects.all().values_list('entry', flat=True) allProtEntries = set([i.chain[:4] for i in chainInfo if i.chainType == 'Protein']) retCode, retVal = cullinput.checkPDBinput.main(inputList, allEntries=allEntries, allProtEntries=allProtEntries, checkType='entry') if retCode != 0: errorDict['errorPasted'] = True incorrect.append(retVal) elif uploaded != '': fileString = '' for chunk in uploaded.chunks(): fileString += chunk inputList = fileString.split() inputList = [i.strip() for i in inputList] chainInfo = ChainType.objects.all() if cullMethod == 'chain': # If the user has supplied any entries in the list of input chains, then extract all chains corresponding to # the input entry. processedInputList = set([]) for i in inputList: if len(i) == 4: # Possibly an entry. chainsFromEntry = ProteinInformation.objects.filter(entry__exact=i) if len(chainsFromEntry) == 0: processedInputList.add(i) else: for j in chainsFromEntry: processedInputList.add(str(j.chain)) else: processedInputList.add(i) processedInputList = list(processedInputList) chainDict = {} for i in chainInfo: chainDict[i.chain] = i.chainType retCode, retVal = cullinput.checkPDBinput.main(processedInputList, allChains=chainDict, checkType='chain') else: allEntries = AllPDBEntries.objects.all().values_list('entry', flat=True) allProtEntries = set([i.chain[:4] for i in chainInfo if i.chainType == 'Protein']) retCode, retVal = cullinput.checkPDBinput.main(inputList, allEntries=allEntries, allProtEntries=allProtEntries, checkType='entry') if retCode != 0: errorDict['errorUploaded'] = True incorrect.append(retVal) elif speciesDropBox != 'Nothing': allChains = ProteinInformation.objects.filter(organism__iexact=speciesDropBox) if cullMethod == 'chain': allChains = [str(i.chain) for i in allChains] if len(allChains) < 2: errorDict['errorSpeciesDrop'] = True incorrect.append(u'There are less than 2 chains in the PDB from the organism you selected.') retVal = '\n'.join(allChains) else: allEntries = list(set([str(i.entry) for i in allChains])) if len(allEntries) < 2: errorDict['errorSpeciesDrop'] = True incorrect.append(u'There are less than 2 entries in the PDB from the organism you selected.') retVal = '\n'.join(allEntries) elif speciesTextBox != '': allChains = ProteinInformation.objects.filter(organism__iexact=speciesTextBox) if cullMethod == 'chain': allChains = [i.chain for i in allChains] if len(allChains) < 2: errorDict['errorSpeciesText'] = True incorrect.append(u'There are less than 2 chains in the PDB from the organism you entered.' + ' This is possibly due to the species being spelled incorrectly.') retVal = '\n'.join(allChains) else: allEntries = list(set([i.entry for i in allChains])) if len(allEntries) < 2: errorDict['errorSpeciesText'] = True incorrect.append(u'There are less than 2 entries in the PDB from the organism you entered.' + ' This is possibly due to the species being spelled incorrectly.') retVal = '\n'.join(allEntries) if cullMethod == 'entry' and intraEntryCull == 'yes': try: intraEntryPC = float(request.POST['intraEntryPC']) if intraEntryPC < 5 or intraEntryPC >= 100: errorDict['errorIntraEntry'] = True incorrect.append(u"The value entered for the within entry sequence identity threshold: " + str(intraEntryPC) + " is not within the permissible range of values. The value must be a number greater than or equal to 5, and less than 100.") except: errorDict['errorIntraEntry'] = True incorrect.append(u'The value for the within entry sequence identity threshold must be a number greater than or equal to 5, and less than 100.') elif intraEntryCull == 'yes': incorrect.append(u'Intra entry culling is selected, but cull by entry is not.') if incorrect != []: valueDict = {'errorMessage': incorrect, 'pastedChains' : request.POST['pastedInfo'], 'speciesDropBox' : request.POST['speciesDropBox'], 'speciesTextBox' : request.POST['speciesTextBox'], 'pc' : request.POST['pc'], 'minRes' : request.POST['minRes'], 'maxRes' : request.POST['maxRes'], 'maxRVal' : request.POST['maxRVal'], 'intraEntryPC' : request.POST['intraEntryPC'], 'email' : request.POST['email'] } if skipNonXray == 'no': valueDict['skipNonXray'] = request.POST['skipNonXray'] if skipAlphaCarbon == 'no': valueDict['skipAlphaCarbon'] = request.POST['skipAlphaCarbon'] if cullMethod == 'entry': valueDict['cullMethod'] = request.POST['cullMethod'] if intraEntryCull == 'yes': valueDict['intraEntryCull'] = request.POST['intraEntryCull'] if request.POST['enforceMinLength'] == 'yes': valueDict['enforceMinLength'] = 'yes' valueDict['minLength'] = request.POST['minLength'] if request.POST['enforceMaxLength'] == 'yes': valueDict['enforceMaxLength'] = 'yes' valueDict['maxLength'] = request.POST['maxLength'] for i in errorDict.keys(): valueDict[i] = True return render_to_response('user_pdb_culling.html', valueDict, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) # Setup the database entry if skipNonXray == 'yes': skipNonXray = True else: skipNonXray = False if skipAlphaCarbon == 'yes': skipAlphaCarbon = True else: skipAlphaCarbon = False if cullMethod == 'chain': cullMethod = True else: cullMethod = False if intraEntryCull == 'yes': intraEntryCull = True else: intraEntryCull = False r = PDBCullRequest( wholePDB=False, sequenceIdentity=percentIdentity, minResolution=minResolution, maxResolution=maxResolution, maxRValue=maxRVal, minLength = minLength, maxLength = maxLength, skipNonXray=skipNonXray, skipAlphaCarbon=skipAlphaCarbon, cullByChain=cullMethod, performIntraEntryCulling=intraEntryCull, intraEntrySequenceIdentity=float(request.POST['intraEntryPC']), email=str(email), completed=False, )'', ContentFile(retVal)) cullinput.controlthread.RunCull(r, 'pdb') # return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('Leaf.views.sent')) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('Leaf.views.sent', kwargs={'result_id':, 'cullType' : 'pdb'}))