def changeJointNumber(self, enteredNJoints, *args): """ Edit the number of joints in the guide. """ utils.useDefaultRenderLayer() # get the number of joints entered by user: if enteredNJoints == 0: try: self.enteredNJoints = cmds.intField(self.nJointsIF, query=True, value=True) except: return else: self.enteredNJoints = enteredNJoints # get the number of joints existing: self.currentNJoints = cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp+".nJoints") # start analisys the difference between values: if self.enteredNJoints != self.currentNJoints: # unparent temporarely the Ends: self.cvEndJoint = self.guideName+"_JointEnd" cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, world=True) self.jGuideEnd = (self.guideName+"_JGuideEnd") cmds.parent(self.jGuideEnd, world=True) # verify if the nJoints is greather or less than the current if self.enteredNJoints > self.currentNJoints: for n in range(self.currentNJoints+1, self.enteredNJoints+1): # create another N cvJointLoc: self.cvJointLoc = self.ctrls.cvJointLoc(ctrlName=self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(n), r=0.2, d=1, guide=True) # set its nJoint value as n: cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc+".nJoint", n) # parent it to the lastGuide: cmds.parent(self.cvJointLoc, self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(n-1), relative=True) cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc+".translateZ", 1) cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc+".rotateY", -1) # create a joint to use like an arrowLine: self.jGuide = cmds.joint(name=self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(n), radius=0.001) cmds.setAttr(self.jGuide+".template", 1) cmds.parent(self.jGuide, self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(n-1)) self.ctrls.directConnect(self.cvJointLoc, self.jGuide, ['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz']) elif self.enteredNJoints < self.currentNJoints: # re-define cvEndJoint: self.cvJointLoc = self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(self.enteredNJoints) self.cvEndJoint = self.guideName+"_JointEnd" self.jGuide = self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(self.enteredNJoints) # re-parent the children guides: childrenGuideBellowList = utils.getGuideChildrenList(self.cvJointLoc) if childrenGuideBellowList: for childGuide in childrenGuideBellowList: cmds.parent(childGuide, self.cvJointLoc) # delete difference of nJoints: cmds.delete(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(self.enteredNJoints+1)) cmds.delete(self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(self.enteredNJoints+1)) # re-parent cvEndJoint: cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, self.cvJointLoc) cmds.setAttr(self.cvEndJoint+".tz", 1.3) cmds.parent(self.jGuideEnd, self.jGuide) # actualise the nJoints in the moduleGrp: cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".nJoints", self.enteredNJoints) self.currentNJoints = self.enteredNJoints # re-build the preview mirror: Layout.LayoutClass.createPreviewMirror(self)
def rigModule(self, *args): """ The fun part of the module, just read the values from editModuleLayout and create the rig for this guide. Delete the moduleLayout, guide and namespaces for this module. """ # verify integrity of the guideModule: if self.verifyGuideModuleIntegrity(): try: # clear selected module layout: self.clearSelectedModuleLayout() except: pass # unPinGuides before Rig them: self.ctrls.unPinGuide(self.moduleGrp) # RIG: utils.useDefaultRenderLayer() # get the radius value to controls: if cmds.objExists(self.radiusCtrl): self.ctrlRadius = utils.getCtrlRadius(self.radiusCtrl) else: self.ctrlRadius = 1 # get curve degree: self.curveDegree = cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp+".degree") # unparent all guide modules child: childrenList = cmds.listRelatives(self.moduleGrp, allDescendents=True, type='transform') if childrenList: for child in childrenList: if cmds.objExists(child+".guideBase") and cmds.getAttr(child+".guideBase") == 1: cmds.parent(child, world=True) # just edit customName and prefix: self.customName = cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp+".customName") if self.customName != "" and self.customName != " " and self.customName != "_" and self.customName != None: allTransformList =, type="transform") if allTransformList: for transform in allTransformList: if cmds.objExists(transform+".dpAR_name"): currentName = cmds.getAttr(transform+".dpAR_name") if currentName == self.customName: self.customName = self.customName + "1" self.userGuideName = self.customName prefix = cmds.textField("prefixTextField", query=True, text=True) if prefix != "" and prefix != " " and prefix != "_" and prefix != None: if prefix[len(prefix)-1] != "_": prefix = prefix + "_" self.userGuideName = prefix + self.userGuideName
def createGuide(self, *args): """ Create the elements to Guide module in the scene, like controls, etc... """ # GUIDE: utils.useDefaultRenderLayer() # create guide base (moduleGrp): guideBaseList = self.ctrls.cvBaseGuide(self.moduleGrp, r=2) self.moduleGrp = guideBaseList[0] self.radiusCtrl = guideBaseList[1] # add attributes to be read when rigging module: baseBooleanAttrList = ['guideBase', 'mirrorEnable', 'displayAnnotation'] for baseBooleanAttr in baseBooleanAttrList: cmds.addAttr(self.moduleGrp, longName=baseBooleanAttr, attributeType='bool') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+"."+baseBooleanAttr, 1) baseIntegerAttrList = ['guideColor'] for baseIntegerAttr in baseIntegerAttrList: cmds.addAttr(self.moduleGrp, longName=baseIntegerAttr, attributeType='long') baseStringAttrList = ['moduleNamespace', 'customName', 'mirrorAxis', 'mirrorName', 'mirrorNameList', 'hookNode', 'moduleInstanceInfo', 'guideObjectInfo', 'rigType', 'dpARVersion'] for baseStringAttr in baseStringAttrList: cmds.addAttr(self.moduleGrp, longName=baseStringAttr, dataType='string') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".mirrorAxis", "off", type='string') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".mirrorName", self.langDic[self.langName]['p002_left']+' --> '+self.langDic[self.langName]['p003_right'], type='string') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".hookNode", "_Grp", type='string') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".moduleInstanceInfo", self, type='string') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".guideObjectInfo",, type='string') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".rigType", self.rigType, type='string') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".dpARVersion", self.dpUIinst.dpARVersion, type='string') baseFloatAttrList = ['shapeSize'] for baseFloatAttr in baseFloatAttrList: cmds.addAttr(self.moduleGrp, longName=baseFloatAttr, attributeType='float') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".shapeSize", 1) baseIntegerAttrList = ['degree'] for baseIntAttr in baseIntegerAttrList: cmds.addAttr(self.moduleGrp, longName=baseIntAttr, attributeType='short') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".degree", self.dpUIinst.degreeOption) # create annotation to this module: self.annotation = cmds.annotate( self.moduleGrp, tx=self.moduleGrp, point=(0,2,0) ) self.annotation = cmds.listRelatives(self.annotation, parent=True)[0] self.annotation = cmds.rename(self.annotation, self.moduleGrp+"_Ant") cmds.parent(self.annotation, self.moduleGrp) cmds.setAttr(self.annotation+'.text', self.moduleGrp[self.moduleGrp.find("__")+2:self.moduleGrp.rfind(":")], type='string') cmds.setAttr(self.annotation+'.template', 1)
def rigModule(self, *args): """ The fun part of the module, just read the values from editModuleLayout and create the rig for this guide. Delete the moduleLayout, guide and namespaces for this module. """ # verify integrity of the guideModule: if self.verifyGuideModuleIntegrity(): try: # clear selected module layout: self.clearSelectedModuleLayout() except: pass # RIG: utils.useDefaultRenderLayer() # get the radius value to controls: if cmds.objExists(self.radiusCtrl): self.ctrlRadius = utils.getCtrlRadius(self.radiusCtrl) else: self.ctrlRadius = 1 # unparent all guide modules child: childrenList = cmds.listRelatives(self.moduleGrp, allDescendents=True, type='transform') if childrenList: for child in childrenList: if cmds.objExists(child+".guideBase") and cmds.getAttr(child+".guideBase") == 1: cmds.parent(child, world=True) # just edit customName and prefix: self.customName = cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp+".customName") if self.customName != "" and self.customName != " " and self.customName != "_" and self.customName != None: allTransformList =, type="transform") if allTransformList: for transform in allTransformList: if cmds.objExists(transform+".dpAR_name"): currentName = cmds.getAttr(transform+".dpAR_name") if currentName == self.customName: self.customName = self.customName + "1" self.userGuideName = self.customName prefix = cmds.textField("prefixTextField", query=True, text=True) if prefix != "" and prefix != " " and prefix != "_" and prefix != None: if prefix[len(prefix)-1] != "_": prefix = prefix + "_" self.userGuideName = prefix + self.userGuideName
def createGuide(self, *args): """ Create the elements to Guide module in the scene, like controls, etc... """ # GUIDE: utils.useDefaultRenderLayer() # create guide base (moduleGrp): guideBaseList = ctrls.cvBaseGuide(self.moduleGrp, r=2) self.moduleGrp = guideBaseList[0] self.radiusCtrl = guideBaseList[1] # add attributes to be read when rigging module: baseBooleanAttrList = ['guideBase', 'mirrorEnable', 'displayAnnotation'] for baseBooleanAttr in baseBooleanAttrList: cmds.addAttr(self.moduleGrp, longName=baseBooleanAttr, attributeType='bool') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+"."+baseBooleanAttr, 1) baseIntegerAttrList = ['guideColor'] for baseIntegerAttr in baseIntegerAttrList: cmds.addAttr(self.moduleGrp, longName=baseIntegerAttr, attributeType='long') baseStringAttrList = ['moduleNamespace', 'customName', 'mirrorAxis', 'mirrorName', 'mirrorNameList', 'hookNode', 'moduleInstanceInfo', 'guideObjectInfo', 'rigType'] for baseStringAttr in baseStringAttrList: cmds.addAttr(self.moduleGrp, longName=baseStringAttr, dataType='string') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".mirrorAxis", "off", type='string') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".mirrorName", self.langDic[self.langName]['p002_left']+' --> '+self.langDic[self.langName]['p003_right'], type='string') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".hookNode", "_Grp", type='string') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".moduleInstanceInfo", self, type='string') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".guideObjectInfo",, type='string') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".rigType", self.rigType, type='string') baseFloatAttrList = ['shapeSize'] for baseFloatAttr in baseFloatAttrList: cmds.addAttr(self.moduleGrp, longName=baseFloatAttr, attributeType='float') cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".shapeSize", 1) # create annotation to this module: self.annotation = cmds.annotate( self.moduleGrp, tx=self.moduleGrp, point=(0,2,0) ) self.annotation = cmds.listRelatives(self.annotation, parent=True)[0] self.annotation = cmds.rename(self.annotation, self.moduleGrp+"_Ant") cmds.parent(self.annotation, self.moduleGrp) cmds.setAttr(self.annotation+'.text', self.moduleGrp[self.moduleGrp.find("__")+2:self.moduleGrp.rfind(":")], type='string') cmds.setAttr(self.annotation+'.template', 1)
def changeJointNumber(self, enteredNJoints, *args): """ Edit the number of joints in the guide. """ utils.useDefaultRenderLayer() # get the number of joints entered by user: if enteredNJoints == 0: try: self.enteredNJoints = cmds.intField(self.nJointsIF, query=True, value=True) except: return else: self.enteredNJoints = enteredNJoints # get the number of joints existing: self.currentNJoints = cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp + ".nJoints") # start analisys the difference between values: if self.enteredNJoints != self.currentNJoints: self.cvEndJoint = self.guideName + "_JointEnd" if self.currentNJoints > 1: # delete current point constraints: for n in range(2, self.currentNJoints): cmds.delete(self.guideName + "_ParentConstraint" + str(n)) # verify if the nJoints is greather or less than the current if self.enteredNJoints > self.currentNJoints: # add the new cvLocators: for n in range(self.currentNJoints + 1, self.enteredNJoints + 1): # create another N cvLocator: self.cvLocator, shapeSizeCH = ctrls.cvLocator(ctrlName=self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(n), r=0.3) self.connectShapeSize(shapeSizeCH) # set its nJoint value as n: cmds.setAttr(self.cvLocator + ".nJoint", n) # parent its group to the first cvJointLocator: self.cvLocGrp =, name=self.cvLocator + "_Grp") cmds.parent(self.cvLocGrp, self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(n - 1), relative=True) cmds.setAttr(self.cvLocGrp + ".translateZ", 2) if n > 2: cmds.parent(self.cvLocGrp, self.guideName + "_JointLoc1", absolute=True) elif self.enteredNJoints < self.currentNJoints: # re-parent cvEndJoint: self.cvLocator = self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(self.enteredNJoints) cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, world=True) # delete difference of nJoints: for n in range(self.enteredNJoints, self.currentNJoints): # re-parent the children guides: childrenGuideBellowList = utils.getGuideChildrenList( self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(n + 1) + "_Grp") if childrenGuideBellowList: for childGuide in childrenGuideBellowList: cmds.parent(childGuide, self.cvLocator) cmds.delete(self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(n + 1) + "_Grp") # re-parent cvEndJoint: cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, self.cvLocator) cmds.setAttr(self.cvEndJoint + ".tz", 1.3) cmds.setAttr(self.cvEndJoint + ".visibility", 0) # re-create parentConstraints: if self.enteredNJoints > 1: for n in range(2, self.enteredNJoints): self.parentConst = cmds.parentConstraint(self.guideName + "_JointLoc1", self.cvEndJoint, self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(n) + "_Grp", name=self.guideName + "_ParentConstraint" + str(n), maintainOffset=True)[0] nParentValue = (n - 1) / float(self.enteredNJoints - 1) cmds.setAttr(self.parentConst + ".Guide_JointLoc1W0", 1 - nParentValue) cmds.setAttr(self.parentConst + ".Guide_JointEndW1", nParentValue) ctrls.setLockHide([self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(n)], ['rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz']) # actualise the nJoints in the moduleGrp: cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp + ".nJoints", self.enteredNJoints) self.currentNJoints = self.enteredNJoints # re-build the preview mirror: Layout.LayoutClass.createPreviewMirror(self)
def changeJointNumber(self, enteredNJoints, *args): """ Edit the number of joints in the guide. """ utils.useDefaultRenderLayer() # get the number of joints entered by user: if enteredNJoints == 0: try: self.enteredNJoints = cmds.intField(self.nJointsIF, query=True, value=True) except: return else: self.enteredNJoints = enteredNJoints # get the number of joints existing: self.currentNJoints = cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp + ".nJoints") # start analisys the difference between values: if self.enteredNJoints != self.currentNJoints: # unparent temporarely the Ends: self.cvEndJoint = self.guideName + "_JointEnd" cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, world=True) self.jGuideEnd = (self.guideName + "_JGuideEnd") cmds.parent(self.jGuideEnd, world=True) # verify if the nJoints is greather or less than the current if self.enteredNJoints > self.currentNJoints: for n in range(self.currentNJoints + 1, self.enteredNJoints + 1): # create another N cvJointLoc: self.cvJointLoc, shapeSizeCH = self.ctrls.cvJointLoc( ctrlName=self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(n), r=0.3, d=1, guide=True) self.connectShapeSize(shapeSizeCH) # set its nJoint value as n: cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc + ".nJoint", n) # parent it to the lastGuide: cmds.parent(self.cvJointLoc, self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(n - 1), relative=True) cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc + ".translateZ", 2) # create a joint to use like an arrowLine: self.jGuide = cmds.joint(name=self.guideName + "_JGuide" + str(n), radius=0.001) cmds.setAttr(self.jGuide + ".template", 1) #Prevent a intermidiate node to be added cmds.parent(self.jGuide, self.guideName + "_JGuide" + str(n - 1), relative=True) #Do not maintain offset and ensure cv will be at the same place than the joint cmds.parentConstraint(self.cvJointLoc, self.jGuide, maintainOffset=False, name=self.jGuide + "_ParentConstraint") cmds.scaleConstraint(self.cvJointLoc, self.jGuide, maintainOffset=False, name=self.jGuide + "_ScaleConstraint") elif self.enteredNJoints < self.currentNJoints: # re-define cvEndJoint: self.cvJointLoc = self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str( self.enteredNJoints) self.cvEndJoint = self.guideName + "_JointEnd" self.jGuide = self.guideName + "_JGuide" + str( self.enteredNJoints) # re-parent the children guides: childrenGuideBellowList = utils.getGuideChildrenList( self.cvJointLoc) if childrenGuideBellowList: for childGuide in childrenGuideBellowList: cmds.parent(childGuide, self.cvJointLoc) # delete difference of nJoints: cmds.delete(self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(self.enteredNJoints + 1)) cmds.delete(self.guideName + "_JGuide" + str(self.enteredNJoints + 1)) # re-parent cvEndJoint: pTempParent = cmds.listRelatives(self.cvEndJoint, p=True) cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, self.cvJointLoc) #Ensure to remove temp parent from the unparenting done on the end joint if pTempParent: cmds.delete(pTempParent) cmds.setAttr(self.cvEndJoint + ".tz", 1.3) pTempParent = cmds.listRelatives(self.jGuideEnd, p=True) cmds.parent(self.jGuideEnd, self.jGuide, relative=True) if pTempParent: cmds.delete(pTempParent) cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp + ".nJoints", self.enteredNJoints) self.currentNJoints = self.enteredNJoints # re-build the preview mirror: Layout.LayoutClass.createPreviewMirror(self)
def changeJointNumber(self, enteredNJoints, *args): """ Edit the number of joints in the guide. """ utils.useDefaultRenderLayer() # get the number of joints entered by user: if enteredNJoints == 0: try: self.enteredNJoints = cmds.intField(self.nJointsIF, query=True, value=True) except: return else: self.enteredNJoints = enteredNJoints # get the number of joints existing: self.currentNJoints = cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp+".nJoints") # start analisys the difference between values: if self.enteredNJoints != self.currentNJoints: # unparent temporarely the Ends: self.cvEndJoint = self.guideName+"_JointEnd" cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, world=True) self.jGuideEnd = (self.guideName+"_JGuideEnd") cmds.parent(self.jGuideEnd, world=True) # verify if the nJoints is greather or less than the current if self.enteredNJoints > self.currentNJoints: for n in range(self.currentNJoints+1, self.enteredNJoints+1): # create another N cvJointLoc: self.cvJointLoc, shapeSizeCH = ctrls.cvJointLoc( ctrlName=self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(n), r=0.3 ) self.connectShapeSize(shapeSizeCH) # set its nJoint value as n: cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc+".nJoint", n) # parent it to the lastGuide: cmds.parent(self.cvJointLoc, self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(n-1), relative=True) cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc+".translateZ", 2) # create a joint to use like an arrowLine: self.jGuide = cmds.joint(name=self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(n), radius=0.001) cmds.setAttr(self.jGuide+".template", 1) #Prevent a intermidiate node to be added cmds.parent(self.jGuide, self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(n-1), relative=True) #Do not maintain offset and ensure cv will be at the same place than the joint cmds.parentConstraint(self.cvJointLoc, self.jGuide, maintainOffset=False, name=self.jGuide+"_ParentConstraint") cmds.scaleConstraint(self.cvJointLoc, self.jGuide, maintainOffset=False, name=self.jGuide+"_ScaleConstraint") elif self.enteredNJoints < self.currentNJoints: # re-define cvEndJoint: self.cvJointLoc = self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(self.enteredNJoints) self.cvEndJoint = self.guideName+"_JointEnd" self.jGuide = self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(self.enteredNJoints) # re-parent the children guides: childrenGuideBellowList = utils.getGuideChildrenList(self.cvJointLoc) if childrenGuideBellowList: for childGuide in childrenGuideBellowList: cmds.parent(childGuide, self.cvJointLoc) # delete difference of nJoints: cmds.delete(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(self.enteredNJoints+1)) cmds.delete(self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(self.enteredNJoints+1)) # re-parent cvEndJoint: pTempParent = cmds.listRelatives(self.cvEndJoint, p=True) cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, self.cvJointLoc) #Ensure to remove temp parent from the unparenting done on the end joint if pTempParent: cmds.delete(pTempParent) cmds.setAttr(self.cvEndJoint+".tz", 1.3) pTempParent = cmds.listRelatives(self.jGuideEnd, p=True) cmds.parent(self.jGuideEnd, self.jGuide, relative=True) if pTempParent: cmds.delete(pTempParent) cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".nJoints", self.enteredNJoints) self.currentNJoints = self.enteredNJoints # re-build the preview mirror: Layout.LayoutClass.createPreviewMirror(self)
def changeJointNumber(self, enteredNJoints, *args): """ Edit the number of joints in the guide. """ utils.useDefaultRenderLayer() # get the number of joints entered by user: if enteredNJoints == 0: try: self.enteredNJoints = cmds.intField(self.nJointsIF, query=True, value=True) except: return else: self.enteredNJoints = enteredNJoints # get the number of joints existing: self.currentNJoints = cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp+".nJoints") # start analisys the difference between values: if self.enteredNJoints != self.currentNJoints: # unparent temporarely the Ends: self.cvEndJoint = self.guideName+"_JointEnd" cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, world=True) self.jGuideEnd = (self.guideName+"_JGuideEnd") cmds.parent(self.jGuideEnd, world=True) # verify if the nJoints is greather or less than the current if self.enteredNJoints > self.currentNJoints: for n in range(self.currentNJoints+1, self.enteredNJoints+1): # create another N cvJointLoc: self.cvJointLoc, shapeSizeCH = ctrls.cvJointLoc( ctrlName=self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(n), r=0.2 ) self.connectShapeSize(shapeSizeCH) # set its nJoint value as n: cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc+".nJoint", n) # parent it to the lastGuide: cmds.parent(self.cvJointLoc, self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(n-1), relative=True) cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc+".translateZ", 1) cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc+".rotateY", -1) # create a joint to use like an arrowLine: self.jGuide = cmds.joint(name=self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(n), radius=0.001) cmds.setAttr(self.jGuide+".template", 1) cmds.parent(self.jGuide, self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(n-1)) ctrls.directConnect(self.cvJointLoc, self.jGuide, ['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz']) elif self.enteredNJoints < self.currentNJoints: # re-define cvEndJoint: self.cvJointLoc = self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(self.enteredNJoints) self.cvEndJoint = self.guideName+"_JointEnd" self.jGuide = self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(self.enteredNJoints) # re-parent the children guides: childrenGuideBellowList = utils.getGuideChildrenList(self.cvJointLoc) if childrenGuideBellowList: for childGuide in childrenGuideBellowList: cmds.parent(childGuide, self.cvJointLoc) # delete difference of nJoints: cmds.delete(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(self.enteredNJoints+1)) cmds.delete(self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(self.enteredNJoints+1)) # re-parent cvEndJoint: cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, self.cvJointLoc) cmds.setAttr(self.cvEndJoint+".tz", 1.3) cmds.parent(self.jGuideEnd, self.jGuide) # actualise the nJoints in the moduleGrp: cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".nJoints", self.enteredNJoints) self.currentNJoints = self.enteredNJoints # re-build the preview mirror: Layout.LayoutClass.createPreviewMirror(self)
def changeJointNumber(self, enteredNJoints, *args): """ Edit the number of joints in the guide. """ utils.useDefaultRenderLayer() # get the number of joints entered by user: if enteredNJoints == 0: try: self.enteredNJoints = cmds.intField(self.nJointsIF, query=True, value=True) except: return else: self.enteredNJoints = enteredNJoints # get the number of joints existing: self.currentNJoints = cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp+".nJoints") # start analisys the difference between values: if self.enteredNJoints != self.currentNJoints: # check if the controls have scale changed values in order to avoid the transform groups created from maya without namespace: scaledCtrl = False scaledCtrlDic = {} for j in range(1, self.currentNJoints+1): if cmds.getAttr(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(j)+".scaleX") != 1 or cmds.getAttr(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(j)+".scaleY") != 1 or cmds.getAttr(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(j)+".scaleZ") != 1: scaledCtrl = True # get scale values: scaledX = cmds.getAttr(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(j)+".scaleX") scaledY = cmds.getAttr(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(j)+".scaleY") scaledZ = cmds.getAttr(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(j)+".scaleZ") # store scale values in the dictionary: scaledCtrlDic[j] = [scaledX, scaledY, scaledZ] # reset scales values to 1,1,1: cmds.setAttr(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(j)+".scaleX", 1) cmds.setAttr(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(j)+".scaleY", 1) cmds.setAttr(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(j)+".scaleZ", 1) # unparent temporarely the Ends: self.cvEndJoint = self.guideName+"_JointEnd" cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, world=True) self.jGuideEnd = (self.guideName+"_JGuideEnd") cmds.parent(self.jGuideEnd, world=True) # verify if the nJoints is greather or less than the current if self.enteredNJoints > self.currentNJoints: for n in range(self.currentNJoints+1, self.enteredNJoints+1): # create another N cvJointLoc: self.cvJointLoc, shapeSizeCH = ctrls.cvJointLoc( ctrlName=self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(n), r=0.3 ) self.connectShapeSize(shapeSizeCH) # set its nJoint value as n: cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc+".nJoint", n) # parent it to the lastGuide: cmds.parent(self.cvJointLoc, self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(n-1), relative=True) cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc+".translateZ", 2) # create a joint to use like an arrowLine: self.jGuide = cmds.joint(name=self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(n), radius=0.001) cmds.setAttr(self.jGuide+".template", 1) cmds.parent(self.jGuide, self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(n-1)) cmds.parentConstraint(self.cvJointLoc, self.jGuide, maintainOffset=True, name=self.jGuide+"_ParentConstraint") cmds.scaleConstraint(self.cvJointLoc, self.jGuide, maintainOffset=True, name=self.jGuide+"_ScaleConstraint") elif self.enteredNJoints < self.currentNJoints: # re-define cvEndJoint: self.cvJointLoc = self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(self.enteredNJoints) self.cvEndJoint = self.guideName+"_JointEnd" self.jGuide = self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(self.enteredNJoints) # re-parent the children guides: childrenGuideBellowList = utils.getGuideChildrenList(self.cvJointLoc) if childrenGuideBellowList: for childGuide in childrenGuideBellowList: cmds.parent(childGuide, self.cvJointLoc) # delete difference of nJoints: cmds.delete(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(self.enteredNJoints+1)) cmds.delete(self.guideName+"_JGuide"+str(self.enteredNJoints+1)) # re-parent cvEndJoint: cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, self.cvJointLoc) cmds.setAttr(self.cvEndJoint+".tz", 1.3) cmds.parent(self.jGuideEnd, self.jGuide) # actualise the nJoints in the moduleGrp: cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".nJoints", self.enteredNJoints) self.currentNJoints = self.enteredNJoints # reset changed scale values again: if scaledCtrl: for j in scaledCtrlDic: if cmds.objExists(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(j)): cmds.setAttr(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(j)+".scaleX", scaledCtrlDic[j][0]) cmds.setAttr(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(j)+".scaleY", scaledCtrlDic[j][1]) cmds.setAttr(self.guideName+"_JointLoc"+str(j)+".scaleZ", scaledCtrlDic[j][2]) # re-build the preview mirror: Layout.LayoutClass.createPreviewMirror(self)
def changeJointNumber(self, enteredNJoints, *args): """ Edit the number of joints in the guide. """ utils.useDefaultRenderLayer() # get the number of joints entered by user: if enteredNJoints == 0: try: self.enteredNJoints = cmds.intField(self.nJointsIF, query=True, value=True) except: return else: self.enteredNJoints = enteredNJoints # get the number of joints existing: self.currentNJoints = cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp + ".nJoints") # start analisys the difference between values: if self.enteredNJoints != self.currentNJoints: # check if the controls have scale changed values in order to avoid the transform groups created from maya without namespace: scaledCtrl = False scaledCtrlDic = {} for j in range(1, self.currentNJoints + 1): if cmds.getAttr(self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(j) + ".scaleX") != 1 or cmds.getAttr( self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(j) + ".scaleY") != 1 or cmds.getAttr( self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(j) + ".scaleZ") != 1: scaledCtrl = True # get scale values: scaledX = cmds.getAttr(self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(j) + ".scaleX") scaledY = cmds.getAttr(self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(j) + ".scaleY") scaledZ = cmds.getAttr(self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(j) + ".scaleZ") # store scale values in the dictionary: scaledCtrlDic[j] = [scaledX, scaledY, scaledZ] # reset scales values to 1,1,1: cmds.setAttr( self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(j) + ".scaleX", 1) cmds.setAttr( self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(j) + ".scaleY", 1) cmds.setAttr( self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(j) + ".scaleZ", 1) # unparent temporarely the Ends: self.cvEndJoint = self.guideName + "_JointEnd" cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, world=True) self.jGuideEnd = (self.guideName + "_JGuideEnd") cmds.parent(self.jGuideEnd, world=True) # verify if the nJoints is greather or less than the current if self.enteredNJoints > self.currentNJoints: for n in range(self.currentNJoints + 1, self.enteredNJoints + 1): # create another N cvJointLoc: self.cvJointLoc, shapeSizeCH = ctrls.cvJointLoc( ctrlName=self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(n), r=0.3) self.connectShapeSize(shapeSizeCH) # set its nJoint value as n: cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc + ".nJoint", n) # parent it to the lastGuide: cmds.parent(self.cvJointLoc, self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(n - 1), relative=True) cmds.setAttr(self.cvJointLoc + ".translateZ", 2) # create a joint to use like an arrowLine: self.jGuide = cmds.joint(name=self.guideName + "_JGuide" + str(n), radius=0.001) cmds.setAttr(self.jGuide + ".template", 1) cmds.parent(self.jGuide, self.guideName + "_JGuide" + str(n - 1)) cmds.parentConstraint(self.cvJointLoc, self.jGuide, maintainOffset=True, name=self.jGuide + "_ParentConstraint") cmds.scaleConstraint(self.cvJointLoc, self.jGuide, maintainOffset=True, name=self.jGuide + "_ScaleConstraint") elif self.enteredNJoints < self.currentNJoints: # re-define cvEndJoint: self.cvJointLoc = self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str( self.enteredNJoints) self.cvEndJoint = self.guideName + "_JointEnd" self.jGuide = self.guideName + "_JGuide" + str( self.enteredNJoints) # re-parent the children guides: childrenGuideBellowList = utils.getGuideChildrenList( self.cvJointLoc) if childrenGuideBellowList: for childGuide in childrenGuideBellowList: cmds.parent(childGuide, self.cvJointLoc) # delete difference of nJoints: cmds.delete(self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(self.enteredNJoints + 1)) cmds.delete(self.guideName + "_JGuide" + str(self.enteredNJoints + 1)) # re-parent cvEndJoint: cmds.parent(self.cvEndJoint, self.cvJointLoc) cmds.setAttr(self.cvEndJoint + ".tz", 1.3) cmds.parent(self.jGuideEnd, self.jGuide) # actualise the nJoints in the moduleGrp: cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp + ".nJoints", self.enteredNJoints) self.currentNJoints = self.enteredNJoints # reset changed scale values again: if scaledCtrl: for j in scaledCtrlDic: if cmds.objExists(self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(j)): cmds.setAttr( self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(j) + ".scaleX", scaledCtrlDic[j][0]) cmds.setAttr( self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(j) + ".scaleY", scaledCtrlDic[j][1]) cmds.setAttr( self.guideName + "_JointLoc" + str(j) + ".scaleZ", scaledCtrlDic[j][2]) # re-build the preview mirror: Layout.LayoutClass.createPreviewMirror(self)