def hp_detrend(times, interpolated_data): """ Does a Hodrick-Prescott detrending always using an estimated period of 24h. """ timer = plo.laptimer() print "Detrending data... time: ", detrended_data = np.zeros(interpolated_data.shape) trendlines = np.zeros(interpolated_data.shape) for idx, idata in enumerate(interpolated_data.T): # copy data for editing cell = np.copy(idata) model = blu.Bioluminescence(times, cell, period_guess=24) # all we care about is the HP filter, no need to fit everything model.filter() model.detrend() baseline = model.yvals['mean'] # find where recording starts and there are no nans valid = ~np.isnan(cell) # subtrect baseline from recording cell[valid] = cell[valid] - baseline # put the detrended cell in the detrended_data matrix, # and same for baseline detrended_data[:, idx] = cell trendlines[valid, idx] = baseline print str(np.round(timer(), 1)) + "s" return times, detrended_data, trendlines
def analyze_experiment(path, filename): """ plots the result for a single experiment """ data = load_invivo_data(path + filename, binning=8) phase_results = cwt_phases(data['times'], data['counts']) fig = plt.figure() plo.PlotOptions(ticks='in') ax = plt.subplot() #plot stimulations ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (data['L'][0], -data['L'][2] * 2 * np.pi / 24 + 2 * np.pi - 2), # (x,y) data['L'][1] - data['L'][0], # width 1.0 * 2 * np.pi / 24, # height color='h', label='Lo')) ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (data['H'][0], -data['H'][2] * 2 * np.pi / 24 + 2 * np.pi - 2), # (x,y) data['H'][1] - data['H'][0], # width 1.0 * 2 * np.pi / 24, # height color='j', label='Hi/Lo')) ax.plot(phase_results['days'], phase_results['phis'], 'kx', mew=1, label=filename[:-4]) #ax.set_ylim([0,24]) plo.format_2pi_axis(ax, y0=True, x=False) ax.set_xlabel('Day') ax.set_ylabel('Running Phase (rad)') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(path + filename[:-4] + 'phases.png') plt.clf() plt.close(fig)
def butterworth_lowpass(times, data, cutoff_period=4): """ Does a Butterworth low pass filtering of the data. """ timer = plo.laptimer() print "Butterworth filter... time: ", denoised_data = np.zeros(data.shape) for idx in range(len(data.T)): # copy data for editing idata = np.copy(data[:, idx]) valid = ~np.isnan(idata) _, filtdata = blu.lowpass_filter(times[valid], idata[valid], cutoff_period=cutoff_period) # subtrect baseline from recording denoised_data[valid, idx] = filtdata print str(np.round(timer(), 1)) + "s" return times, denoised_data
def LS_pgram(times, ls_data, circ_low=18, circ_high=30, alpha=0.05): """Calculates a LS periodogram for each data sequence, and returns the p-values for each peak. If the largest significant peak is in the circadian range as specified by the args, it is rhythmic.""" timer = plo.laptimer() print "Lomb-Scargle Periodogram... time: ", rhythmic_or_not = np.zeros(len(ls_data.T)) pgram_data = np.zeros((300, len(ls_data.T))) circadian_peaks = np.zeros(len(ls_data.T)) circadian_peak_periods = np.zeros(len(ls_data.T)) np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') # pgram for data_idx, d1 in enumerate(ls_data.T): # remove nans t1 = np.copy(times[~np.isnan(d1)]) d1 = np.copy(d1[~np.isnan(d1)]) pers, pgram, sig = blu.periodogram(t1, d1, period_low=1, period_high=60, res=300) peak = np.argmax(pgram) if (pers[peak] >= circ_low and pers[peak] <= circ_high and sig[peak] <= alpha): rhythmic_or_not[data_idx] = 1 # circadian_peaks[data_idx] = pgram[peak] circadian_peak_periods[data_idx] = pers[peak] else: minpeak = np.argmax(pers >= circ_low) maxpeak = np.argmin(pers < circ_high) circadian_peaks[data_idx] = np.max(pgram[minpeak:maxpeak]) circadian_peak_periods[data_idx] =\ pers[minpeak:maxpeak][np.argmax(pgram[minpeak:maxpeak])] # return either normed or un-normed data pgram_data[:, data_idx] = pgram print str(np.round(timer(), 1)) + "s" return pers, pgram_data, circadian_peaks, circadian_peak_periods, rhythmic_or_not
def plot_bounds(axs, bounds_dicts): ax, bx, cx = axs delta_phi_fs = np.asarray(bounds_dicts[0]['delta_phi_fs']) numcycles = np.asarray(bounds_dicts[0]['numcycles']) directions = np.asarray(bounds_dicts[0]['directions']) dir_switch = delta_phi_fs[np.argmax(np.abs(np.diff(directions)))] ax.plot(delta_phi_fs, numcycles, color='k') ax.axvline(dir_switch, color='k', ls=":") ax.set_ylabel("Number Cycles,\nContinuous Control") ax.set_ylim([0, 3.4]) colors = ['l', 'h', 'f'] labels = ['4h', '2h', '1h'] for idx, bounds_dict in enumerate(bounds_dicts): cyc_to_reachs = np.asarray(bounds_dict['cyc_to_reachs']) regions_missed = np.asarray(bounds_dict['regions_missed']) del_phis = np.asarray(bounds_dict['del_phis']) bx.plot(delta_phi_fs, del_phis, color=colors[idx], label=labels[idx]) bx.set_ylabel("Minimal-time\nphase error (rad)") cx.set_ylabel("Max Additional\nCycles to Reset") cx.plot(delta_phi_fs, cyc_to_reachs - numcycles, color=colors[idx], label=labels[idx]) cx.set_xlabel(r"$\Delta\phi_f$") bx.axvline(dir_switch, color='k', ls=":") cx.axvline(dir_switch, color='k', ls=":") bx.set_ylim([0, 1.5]) cx.set_ylim([0, 8]) plo.format_2pi_axis(ax) plo.format_2pi_axis(bx) plo.format_2pi_axis(cx) ax.set_xticklabels([]) bx.set_xticklabels([])
# load reference optimal t_opts_ref = np.load('Data/t_opts.npy') #get how l-infty norm, how tstar max changes linfty = [0] step_taus = np.arange(0.5, 13, 0.5) max_tstar = [np.max(t_opts_ref)] for step in step_taus: t_opts, delta_phi_fs = t_opts_calc(phi0s, step) linfty.append(np.max(t_opts - t_opts_ref)) max_tstar.append(np.max(t_opts)) step_taus = np.hstack([[0], step_taus]) # plot results plo.PlotOptions(uselatex=True, ticks='in') plt.figure(figsize=(3.5, 4.2)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 2) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, :]) img = ax.pcolormesh(phi0s_plt, delta_phi_fs, t_opts_ref, label='Time (h)', cmap='inferno', vmax=60, vmin=0) cbar = plt.colorbar(img) img.set_zorder(-20) cbar.set_label('$t^{opt}$ (h)') ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta\phi_f$')
def plot_subfig_results(axes, sfr, shift=0, pred_win=2): cx, dx, ex = axes control_inputs, errors, time_steps, mpc_phis, ext_phis_output, mpc_ps, mpc_ts, tphases, contphases = sfr def shift_time(ts, shift_t=1.75 * pmodel.T, shift_val=shift): if np.size(ts) is 1: if ts >= shift_t: return ts + shift_val else: return ts elif np.size(ts) > 1: ts = np.copy(ts) ts[np.where(ts >= shift_t)] += shift_val return np.asarray(ts) else: print "unknown type supplied" def phase_of_time(times): return (times * 2 * np.pi / pmodel.T) % (2 * np.pi) cx.plot( np.asarray(tphases) / 23.7 * 24. - 0.25 * 24., np.sin(contphases), 'l') cx.plot( np.asarray(tphases) / 23.7 * 24. - 0.25 * 24., np.sin(phase_of_time(shift_time(tphases))), 'k--') cx.set_xlim([12, 72]) cx.set_xticks([24, 36, 48, 60]) cx.set_xticklabels([]) cx.set_ylim([-1., 1.45]) cx.set_ylabel('sin($\phi$)') dx.step(control_inputs[1:, 0] / 23.7 * 24 - .25 * 24, -control_inputs[:-1, 1], '0.7', label='Control Input') dx.set_xlim([12, 72]) dx.set_ylim([0, 0.11]) dx.set_xticks([12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72]) dx.set_yticks([0, 0.05, 0.10]) dx.set_xticklabels(['']) dx.set_ylabel('u') for tl in dx.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color('0.7') dx2 = dx.twinx() dx2.plot( np.asarray(tphases) / 23.7 * 24. - 0.25 * 24., -pmodel.pPRC_interp(pmodel._phi_to_t(np.asarray(contphases)))[:, 15], 'f') dx2.set_xticks([12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72]) dx2.set_xlim([12, 72]) plo.format_4pi_axis(dx2, x=False, y=True) for tl in dx2.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color('f') ex.step(time_steps[1:-pred_win + 1] / 23.7 * 24 - .25 * 24, errors[:], 'k', label='Phase Error') ex.set_xlim([12, 72]) ex.set_xticks([12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72]) ex.set_yticks([0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5]) ex.set_ylabel('Error (rad$^2$)') ex.set_xlabel('Time (h)')
result =, inputs, chunksize=1) for idx,res in enumerate(result): subfig_results.append(res)'Data/fig2b.npy',subfig_results[0])'Data/fig2c.npy',subfig_results[1]) ''' #load the results sfr1 = np.load('Data/fig2b.npy') sfr2 = np.load('Data/fig2c.npy') # plotting regions ======================= #first plot: part a and b plo.PlotOptions(ticks='in') plt.figure(figsize=(3.5, 3.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2, height_ratios=(1.5, 1, 1)) axes_set1 = [plt.subplot(gs[i, 0]) for i in range(3)] axes_set2 = [plt.subplot(gs[i, 1]) for i in range(3)] def plot_subfig_results(axes, sfr, shift=0, pred_win=2): cx, dx, ex = axes control_inputs, errors, time_steps, mpc_phis, ext_phis_output, mpc_ps, mpc_ts, tphases, contphases = sfr def shift_time(ts, shift_t=1.75 * pmodel.T, shift_val=shift): if np.size(ts) is 1: if ts >= shift_t: return ts + shift_val
for key in chr2_results.keys(): chr2_results[key] = np.hstack([chr2_results[key], result[key]]) control_results = { 'h_angles': [], 'h_changes': [], 'l_angles': [], 'l_changes': [], 'off_diffs': [] } for filename in control_files: result = breakdown_experiment(control_paths, filename) for key in control_results.keys(): control_results[key] = np.hstack([control_results[key], result[key]]) plo.PlotOptions() # distribution of shifts boxplot_data0 = chr2_results['h_changes'] boxplot_data1 = chr2_results['l_changes'] boxplot_data2 = chr2_results['off_diffs'] boxplot_data3 = control_results['h_changes'] boxplot_data4 = control_results['l_changes'] boxplot_data5 = control_results['off_diffs'] boxplot_data = [ boxplot_data5, boxplot_data3, boxplot_data4, boxplot_data2, boxplot_data0, boxplot_data1 ] names = [
axx.set_xlim([-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi]) axx.set_xticklabels([r'-2$\pi$', r'-$\pi$','0', r'$\pi$', r'2$\pi$']) ax.set_xticklabels([]) bx.set_xticklabels([]) def plot_errors(ax, error_dicts): colors = ['l', 'h', 'f'] for idx, error_dict in enumerate(error_dicts): delta_phi_fs = error_dict['phases'] ax.plot(delta_phi_fs, error_dict['errors'], marker = 'x', color = colors[idx], ls='') plo.PlotOptions(ticks='in') plo.PlotOptions(uselatex=True, ticks='in') plt.figure(figsize=(3.5,3.85)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3,1) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) bx = plt.subplot(gs[1,0]) cx = plt.subplot(gs[2,0]) plot_errors(bx, [errors_4h, errors_2h, errors_1h]) plot_bounds([ax,bx,cx], [res_4h, res_2h, res_1h]) bx.legend()
for delta_phi in delta_phi_fs: direction = int(delta_phi > delta_phi_star) if direction == 0: ncyc = 1 + delta_phi // adv_per_cycle numcycles.append(ncyc) adv_del.append(0) del_phi.append( (ncyc) * (np.abs(slowdown_pos_loss + slowdown_pos_loss) + loss_neg + loss_pos)) elif direction == 1: ncyc = 1 + (2 * np.pi - delta_phi) // -del_per_cycle adv_del.append(1) numcycles.append(ncyc) del_phi.append((ncyc) * (loss_neg + loss_pos)) plo.PlotOptions(ticks='in') plo.PlotOptions(uselatex=True, ticks='in') plt.figure(figsize=(3.5, 2.85)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) bx = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) cx = plt.subplot(gs[2, 0]) ax.plot(delta_phi_fs, numcycles) ax.axvline(delta_phi_star, color='k', ls=":") ax.set_ylabel("Number Cycles") bx.set_ylim([0, 5.2]) bx.plot(delta_phi_fs, np.asarray(del_phi)) bx.set_ylim([0, 1.])
def sinusoidal_fitting(times, data, rhythmic_or_not, fit_times=None, forced_periods=None): """ Takes detrended and denoised data and times, and fits a damped sinusoid to the data. Returns: times, sine_data, phase_data, periods, amplitudes, decay parameters, and pseudo rsq values. If forced_periods are supplied, the sine fit will be within 1h of the forced period. """ timer = plo.laptimer() tot_time = 0 print "\nSinusoidal fitting.\n----------" ncells = len(data.T) if fit_times is None: fit_times = np.copy(times) # these will be the outputs sine_data = np.nan * np.ones((len(fit_times), len(data[0]))) phase_data = np.nan * np.ones((len(fit_times), len(data[0]))) phases = np.nan * np.ones(len(data[0])) meaningful_phases = np.nan * np.ones(len(data[0])) periods = np.nan * np.ones(len(data[0])) amplitudes = np.nan * np.ones(len(data[0])) decays = np.nan * np.ones(len(data[0])) pseudo_r2s = np.nan * np.ones(len(data[0])) for idx, idata in enumerate(data.T): if np.std(idata) > 1E-12: # try a sinusoidal fit but only if data is not perfectly flat if idx % 100 == 0: print str(np.round(100 * idx / ncells, 2)) + " pct complete... time: ", tot_time += timer() print str(np.round(tot_time, 1)) + "s" # copy data for editing cell = np.copy(idata) model = dsin.DecayingSinusoid(times, cell) # fit the data with the polynomial+sinusoid # note we are not using model averaging, we are # just taking the single best model by AICc # if no estimate is given just do the normal fitting # if an estimate is given, bound the period within two params = model.best_model.result.params if forced_periods is not None: # only use force if necessary if np.abs(params['period'].value - forced_periods[idx]) > 1: # force is necessary model._estimate_parameters() model._fit_models(period_force=forced_periods[idx]) model._calculate_averaged_parameters() params = model.best_model.result.params phases[idx] = (fit_times[0] * 2 * np.pi / params['period'] + params['phase']) % (2 * np.pi) if rhythmic_or_not[idx] == 1: phase_data[:, idx] = (fit_times * 2 * np.pi / params['period'] + params['phase']) % (2 * np.pi) sine_data[:, idx] = dsin.sinusoid_component(params, fit_times) # summary stats periods[idx] = model.best_model.result.params['period'] amplitudes[idx] = model.best_model.result.params['amplitude'] decays[idx] = model.best_model.result.params['decay'] pseudo_r2s[idx] = model.best_model._calc_r2() meaningful_phases[idx] = ( fit_times[0] * 2 * np.pi / params['period'] + params['phase']) % (2 * np.pi) sinefit = { 'ts': fit_times, 'cosines': sine_data, 'phase_timeseries': phase_data, 'phi0all': phases, 'periods': periods, 'amplitudes': amplitudes, 'decays': decays, 'r2s': pseudo_r2s, 'phi0r': meaningful_phases } return sinefit
def eigensmooth(times, detrended_data, ev_threshold=0.05, dim=40, min_ev=2): """ Uses an eigendecomposition to keep only elements with >threshold of the data. Then it returns the denoised data. Notes: This should take the covariance matrix of the data using fwd-backward method. Then it eigendecomposes it, then it finds the biggest (2+) eigenvalues and returns only the components associated with them. For an intuitive explanation of how this works: """ timer = plo.laptimer() print "Eigendecomposition... time: ", #set up results - by default set to NaNs denoised_data = np.nan * np.ones(detrended_data.shape) eigenvalues_list = [] # denoise each piece of data for data_idx, d0 in enumerate(detrended_data.T): # remove nans from times, d1. keep nans in d0 t1 = times[~np.isnan(d0)] d1 = np.copy(d0[~np.isnan(d0)]) # using spectrum to get the covariance matrix X = spectrum.linalg.corrmtx(d1, dim - 1, method='autocorrelation') # the embedding matrix X = (1 / np.sqrt(len(X.T))) * np.array(X) XT = np.transpose(X) C = # now eigendecompose evals, Q = np.linalg.eig(C) # find evals that matter, use a minimum of 2 eval_goodness = np.max( [2, np.sum(evals / (1E-12 + np.sum(evals)) >= ev_threshold)]) QT = np.transpose(Q) # and return the reconstruction P = denoised = np.sum(P[:eval_goodness], 0) # find alignment - for some reason the signal can be flipped. # this catches it # truncate the first 24h during alignment align, atype = alignment(d1, denoised, d=dim, dstart=96) # fix alignment if leading nans nanshift = 0 if np.isnan(d0[0]): nanshift = np.argmin(np.isnan(d0)) # get the correctly-shaped denoised data denoised = denoised[align:align + len(d1)] * atype #align denoised data in matrix denoised_data[nanshift:len(denoised) + nanshift, data_idx] = denoised eigenvalues_list.append(evals / np.sum(evals + 1E-12)) print str(np.round(timer(), 1)) + "s" return times, denoised_data, eigenvalues_list